Gender Analysis of the city of Rosario

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About the walk The walk was organized in partnership with

About the 12 walkers:


26-35 Y.O.

TOPIC EVALUATION EVALUATION Participants gaveTOPIC a general evaluation on a scale from 1 to 5 of each topic . More detailed assessments are presented on the following pages.




0% 9%

35-65 Y.O.

- 25 Y.O.

+ 66 Y.O.


Special thanks to our walkers


MarĂ?a, Liza, Lelis, Lourdes, Alejandra , Cecilia, Nadia, Nanu, Marta, Eva, Natalia, Betiana

In the area of the city center The walkers enjoy squares with women, parks, flowers and new transport equipment . But they don’t like to see dirtiness, prostitution, sidewalks in bad state, abandoned places, cars, lack of lights. Dry leaves, a cherished place inside the train station…touching can be nice. But for many, things in bad state like sidewalks and dirtiness are a real issue.

They enjoy the taste of coffee, tea, chocolate, chewing gum, candies, good food in good bars. But they do not like smog and contamination. #WOMENABILITYROSARIO DATA FOR WWW.WOMENABILITY.ORG

They enjoy solidarity, the noise of the river. But they don’t like hearing car noises, street harassment, insults.

They like the smell of humid soil and perfume . But the smog and pollution, the smell of garbage, urine and dirtiness ruins the experience.


Because women and men have different mobility habits, and therefore different needs, we asked the women of our walks how frequently they use the various modes of transportation and why they choose so. We also asked them what their wishes were in terms of mobility, so that officials can focus on improving the infrastructure to women’s benefit.

PHOTO PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS  Improve safety for pedestrians (fix the sidewalks)  Improve security in public spaces  Improve the cleanliness system



Frequency and wish about travel modes Mode

Frequency low/high 58,3%


Wish +/SAFE BUT POLLUTING. 83% are using their car frequently or very frequently. Driving a car is the safest way of transportation, fast and direct, but it’s bad for nerves and contributes to pollution.


CHEAP BUT CROWDED. 58% are using buses frequently or very frequently. Buses are cheap and not polluting, but they are crowded, not frequent enough and people can get harassed in it.


HEALTHY BUT INSECURE. For 58% of the respondents, it is the most frequent travel mode. Walking makes feel free, and allows to see the landscape. But pedestrians are exposed to street harassment and the bad sidewalks are dangerous, so they feel insecure.


FAST BUT EXPENSIVE. 8% of the respondents are using taxis frequently or very frequently. Taxis are fast and direct, but they are expensive and sometimes insecure.


HEALTHY AND CHEAP, BUT DANGEROUS. Biking is seen as healthy and not expensive but the absence of bicycle path, the traffic, and the lack of light make women feel insecure and damage the experience. FAST BUT DANGEROUS. Using a scooter is faster than the bicycle but it’s more expensive and noisy.



There is no tramway in Rosario but 81,8% would like to have one in the city.


About urban signs


of the respondents are not happy with maps in their city. They think that there are not enough maps.

92 %

think street names in the city are visible Statue of Lola Mora

92 % 92%

complained that there were no or not enough bicycle paths.

think that there are enough street signs to get around Rosario


don’t like Ads, which can be for them a form of visual pollution, sometimes promoting violence, consumerism and sexism.


believe they are too few streets lights. Residents want more light to feel safer.


According to the walkers, Olga COSSETTINI, Virginie BOLTON, Alfonsin STORNI & Eva PERON are few streets named after women.


We believe that the more welcoming, attractive and inclusive the public space is to all, the safer women will be in it. This section focuses on women’s everyday life experience in public space.

PHOTO PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS  Create awareness to make people take into account the presence and needs of women, pregnant women and family in the city.  Improve the state of streets.  Change people’s prejudices and make them more opened to diversity, make more prevention campaigns and sexual education in the schools.


With your family

100% of the respondents think the urban environment is not adapted to pregnant women and children. There are very few infrastructures for children and pregnant women in the city.

100% believe that there are no proper spaces for women to change babies and 66,6% no spaces dedicated to breastfeeding. Places to change babies are just a few and not always free, and breastfeeding in public is not well regarded.

50% believe there is a lack of open space for children to play safely in. Insalubrity makes the places insecure, especially in the suburbs.

92% believe that the environment is not well adapted to old people, as the state of the sidewalk is dangerous, it lacks of benches and old people are not well integrated in the city life.


Broken sidewalks are dangerous for old people, it is very difficult to walk, they are afraid to go out‌

Love on the streets


I can't wear short dress and high heels, it’s poorly regarded by men AND women.

of the respondents feel free to hold hands in public space.

83% feel comfortable kissing in public, but not everywhere, and not if you are homosexual.

67% have access to contraceptive in the public space.


58% of the women respondents do not feel comfortable wearing anything they want. When they do, they risk to be criticized or poorly regarded.

50% think it is not welcome to express your sexual orientation in Rosario, if it is not heterosexuality.


Security is the major issue faced by women in public space. Either out of experience or by feelings, it alters their perception and ownership of public space and their right to the streets. In this section we will see what makes space insecure for women and how we can improve it.

PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS  More awareness: the problem should be made more visible  Better security, through the creation of patrols against gender violence  Teaching thanks to prevention campaigns



Street harassment Some of their worst experiences‌ Frequency legend







A few years ago, I was at a bus stop when a man stopped his motorcycle to steal my bag. I resisted but he was stronger than me and finally he left with my bag. I run after him for a block. After that, I couldn't go out for weeks. That was the first time I was robbed but after than I was robbed five times in a year.


Oral harassment (whistles, shouting, ‌) is part of the weekly life of 42% of the respondents in Rosario. Women are harassed in the street, waiting for the bus or inside public transportation. 17%


67% are being followed on at least an annual basis (more than 17% on a weekly basis). It happens in the street or in the club at night, sometimes to rob women.

16,7% 17%




17% of the women respondents are victims of physical harassment on a weekly basis, and 8,1% on a monthly basis, most of the time for robbery. Women react by running, or try to resist sometimes. 9%



9% have witnessed or experienced violence in the public space on a weekly basis, and 9% on a monthly basis.

A few months ago we were in the Parque Independencia for a campaign to legalize abortion when a violent man came to us with his son. He asked what was the campaign about, and when we answer he started insulting us, calling us murderer and explained to his son that we killed babies. I left the place but I though that's how we create a women murderer.

90% HELP


of the women respondents would report to the police if they were victim of a crime.


How can women enjoy their city to the fullest? Access to sports, nature, socializing spots… How can the city create a more attractive urban public space for women to take their share of their city?

PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS  Create more natural spaces in the city  Improve light and security  Invest in public services


Enjoying your city

83% of the respondents like Rosario’s green spaces. They say there are a lot of nice parks but lacking lighting.

83% 72% agree that they like the socializing spaces in the community.

of respondents believe that there are not enough female public workers and that they suffer sexism and harassment.



believe there are a lot of shopping spots in the city.

believe there is no good access to sport facilities. Some report that there is only few special places and infrastructures to do sport.

82% are satisfied with public services, especially the Hospital, but they report that it really needs investment.

58% state that art facilities are very important in the community, but they lack them in the suburbs.


Rosario is the best city for health access but it lacks of inversion and workers.

For a clean city

100% lament that animals drop on the flour, without anyone cleaning it.


58% like graffiti, even though some of the responders think that it makes the city look dirty.

regret the lack of public bathroom and hygiene standards, so that men pee in public.

92% of the respondent think there are not enough garbage bins and that the streets are very dirty.


People are peeing in the city a lot and everywhere !

Feedback According to the respondents, the walk increased their awareness about the issues of their city. People felt happy to be in a group and share opinions and experiences. They felt empowered to be together, as a team, and more visible. The participants also felt sad about what they realized about Rosario during the march, especially about the security matter. But they also felt hopeful to see the changes that could be made.

I felt emotion and comradeship.

I felt like there were a lot of opportunities to improve our city.


I felt safe for being with other people but also sad to know that I'm usually scared of being alone. Happy to know that we were started an important change for the city.

I really liked the fact that we did the walk in groups, where we were able to share our experience and opinions. Also that we were able to exchange about our solutions according to the area we were.

It was very interesting to look at the city in another way.

What can WE do ? What can women do? Appropriate the public space. Lobby for more budget and better policies. Help each other. Promote and develop socioeconomical programs for equality. Do more exploratory walks in different parts of the city.

What can NGOs do? Raise awareness. Propose projects and alternatives. Work with women collectives in the city. Be more united, strategic and creative. Lobby to pressure the State.


What can men do? Support the cause. Understand that feminism isn’t only positive for women but also for men. Create groups to propose a new masculinity. Talk about sexist stereotypes. Propose an other education.

What can the government do? Create appropriate policies. Give more resources to protect women’s life. Consult specialists about different issues. Take into account the recommendations of the organizations and support them. Control the integrity of public policies.

Special “Gracias” to

Betiana & Alejandra For organizing the walk with us!


*Analysis & editing of the results by Womenability with the precious help of Margaux HERBIN



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