WBO Magazine April 2010 Issue

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www.wom enbi zown ers.org

Apr $3.99U SD

WOMEN BUSINESS OWNERS Magazine Magazine Team: Wendy VanHatten, Editor in Chief Ginger Marks, Managing Editor Andrea Okrentowich, Copy Editor Ginger Marks, Production Coordinator Delaine Ulmer, Art Editor Kathy Allen, Author's Corner Coordinator Executive Board: Anna Campbell, Founder Cindy Clark, President Wendy VanHatten, Vice President Treasurer, OPEN POSITION Lisa Wald-Guarino, Secretary Mem ber at Large, OPEN POSITION WBO Direct ors: Andrea Okrentowich, Exec Asst/Grant Writing Leader Agnes Ikotun, Technical Leader Educational Leader, OPEN POSITION JoAnne Barton, Volunteer Leader Cindy Clark, Marketing Leader Rebecca Parr, Event Leader Mem bership Leader, OPEN POSITION Technical Leader, OPEN POSITION WBO Staff: Sherry Sim oes, Mkg Asst & Panel of Experts Leader Donna Crav otta, Marketing Assistant Stacey Virgo, Charity Leader Julie-Marie Christin, Gift Shop Leader

Š Copyri ght 201 0 W omenBi zOw ner s.or g All rights r eserved.

2 | womenbizowners.org

Women Business Owners (WBO) is a 501c3 non profit organization, founded in February 2004, with the mission to empower, educate, and enrich the lives of women business leaders throughout the world.

*Women Business Owners (WBO) announces their newest initiative: Jr. Apprentice US Program. This educational apprentice program is for children 10-18 in age, within the United States that are interested in being business owners.

WBO Podcast, listen to amazing women from around the world covering all areas of business and personal life for women. Available on our group website. www.womenbizowners.org

must read Ask Yak Convert Your Articles To Marketing Magnets

30 16

Creativity vs. Safety Gem Bargains in Idar-Oberstein How to Start a Women’s Only Business Group

8 25

in Your Area Monthly Motivations: Bettering Yourself In


Three Easy Steps Personal Growth is Important in Business The Simple Way to Practice What You Preach

13 20 14

every issue About WBO Authors Corner

37 12

New WBO Members Vice-Presidents Message Quote of the Month

7 4 18

Welcome from our WBO Magazine Staff WBO Staff & Volunteer Members

10 36

WBO Member of the Month WBO Volunteer of the Month

11 22

Apr 2010 | 3

Vice-President’s Message WBO Magazine steps up to the plate with a team dedicated to making our magazine a viable publication. Striving to be more than just another online magazine, this group of women uses their knowledge and skills to put out a quality publication month after month. Who is on our team and what do they do?

Wendy V anHatten Vice –Presi dent

Magazine Editor in Chief: Wendy VanHatten Magazine Production Coordinator: Ginger Marks Magazine Copy Editor: Andrea Okrentow ich Magazine Art Editor: Delaine Ulmer Magazine Advertis ing Coordinator: Sherry Simoes These women already have overflowing lives…they work, they have careers, they are entrepreneurs, they direct worthwhile organizations, they live all over the US and Canada, they take care of families…well you get the idea. That’s one reason our WBO Magazine is so special. It’s a labor of love. As Editor-in-Chief I help coordinate on line meetings, check out artic le submissions, help write and refine our contributor guidelines and work with all our staff. I have expectations of our team and they have the same of me. We want our readers to look forward to this month’s issue. When they are done reading, they should be enlightened, educated, amused, determined to move on and up w ith their liv es, overall impressed and maybe even motivated enough to think about writing an artic le for next month. If so, we’v e done our job. Each and every one of us on the team relies on volunteers to submit artic les, volunteer of the month selections, member of the month department, photos, author and book selections and various other departments that keep a magazine fresh. We truly are a team. Do you have an article you’d like to have others read? Send it our way. How about a book review written by a woman business owner? Shoot us an email to look over. Maybe you would like other women to know about your business. We have advertising space available. Let us take a look at it. We’d love to have you pass on your copy of the WBO Magazine to a friend. Encourage them to read it, submit an article, join WBO or let them know WBO is a great place for women business owners to get some information. As Editor-in-Chief I look forward to each month’s magazine. We have amazing women contributors who take time from their busy lives to send us material. As we transition to a quarterly format let’s see if we can increase our contributors as well as our readers. Think of it as a challenge. Are you up for it? Happy Reading, Wendy VanHatten, WBO VP

Visit our group website for m ore information: www.womenbizowners.org 4 | womenbizowners.org

of special note 2010 Annual Charity Feature Author

31 34

Second Quarter Charity Gift Shop Hot Pick Movie of the Month

27 6 18

Online Article Library Open Staff Volunteer Positions

18 24

Volunteers Needed WBO Monthly Tip

12 23

Apr 2010 | 5

Shop from a wide variety of items created by our members to help you with your business or personal needs. Each item is donating 30% or more back to WBO. Elizabeth T ote ~ Handcrafted by Jennifer Hudson with Mimsi Bags. This t ote is perfect for the Bu siness Wom an-on -the-Go! Originally designed with the W om en Business Owner, Realtor 速, Mortgage Lender or Attorney in m ind, this t ote will carry ev erything y ou need, and make sure y ou arriv e in sty le! At 18 " wide and 12" tall, it is large enough t o carry legal-sized folder s, plus y our pens, palm , calculator, wallet, checkbook... y ou get the idea! We can also add a key fob so y ou don 't lose them in the room iness. Price: $125

Java Jammie ~ Handcrafted by Julie-Marie with Julie-Marie Bags This cute and fun Java Jamm ie has a pink background with white polka dots and white daisies. A m atching daisy button m akes it irresistable! This Jav a Jamm ie is ex tra special because all pr ofit s benefit W om en Business Owners. Price $7 .00 W om en Business Owners prov ides education and support for m ore than 3,000 wom en business owners throughout the world with online and offline resources. W BO's m ission is to help m ore wom en succeed in business.

Pawnut - Apple Biscotti ~ Handmade by The Gourmet Dog Bakery Let y our canine di g hi s teeth into our crisp on the outsi de but soft on the insi de Paw nut Butter - Apple Bi sc otti . Made with: stone ground organic w hole wheat fl our , or ganic peanut butter , milk , unsweetened applesauce and cinnamon. A s alway s, The Gour met Dog Bakery only uses the best i ngredi ents w hen b aking our goods. Our Pawnut Butter - Appl e Bisc otti is sol d i n quantities of 1 /2 dozen. Price: $5.99

http://www.wom enbizowners.org Sh ow Case Your Product in the WBO Gift Sh op: Star and Prem ier m em bers are encouraged to participate in our W BO Gift Sh op by choosing one product or serv ice they will donate 30% or m ore back t o Wom en Business Owners. Contact info@wom enbizowners.org for m ore inform ation about our Dr op Ship Policy .

6 | womenbizowners.org

New WBO Members Sue Henry Sue Henry Talks www.suehenrytalks.com

Need time for You? Order your copy today to get started‌ Contact Wendy VanHatten at wvanhatten@gmail.com www.mylifethesequel.com Apr 2010 | 7

Creativity vs. Safety by Wendy Okkema

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y, oh my, hasn’t exer cis e come a long way! E xer c is e is no lo n ger merely bicep curls and your exercise bike. We have such a large variety of fun ways to fit exercise into our day. You can chose from Zumba classes, boot camps, the wee fit, just to name a few, but let’s not forget that the bicep curl and the exercise bike still work. I see many fitness experts really branching out in their creativity and teaching us new ways to tone and challenge our bodies. As a personal trainer, this is exciting, it makes my job much more interesting. However, YOU must be careful in attempting some of these new moves. YOU must be knowledgeable in what is good for YOUR body and YOUR own personal aches, pains and physical limitations. I caution you to be very careful. Do not follow blindly while exercising at home on your own or in a gym with a fitness instructor. Some exercises out there are only for

advanced levels. You must be aware of that. Some exercises are simply not safe. If you knees or elbows are shaking or unstable, this exercise is not safe for you to do. If you see an instructor performing an exercise with knees or elbows straight, this is incorrect. There are some simple rules to follow when exercising.

1. Focus on the specific muscle group(s) you are attempting to work. (If you are feeling pain rather than a healthy burn from exercising your specific muscle group(s) then you may simply need to reposition yourself). 2. Keep your knees and elbows slightly bent at all times. (In doing this your will avoid putting undo pressure on your joints. Allowing your target area(s) to do the work instead of the joint taking on your weight).

3. If it hurts, don’t do it. (There is a difference between feeling the burn vs. feel the pain). 4. Safety First! If you are interested in working one on one with me or with a group of friends/co-workers in your home or at your place of employment please e-mail ryakattack@aim.com or call 519 484 1120. Wendy is a personal trainer, lifestyle coach and author. Her goal is to set you up for success, not failure. Until next time! Wendy

Wendy is a personal trainer, lifestyle coach and author. Wendy will set you up for success, not failure! If you would like to work one-on-one with Wendy or with a group of friends in your home, at work or via Wendy's live video chat room, e-mail ryakattack@aim.com or call 519 484 1120. W EN DY OKKEMA

Apr 2010 | 9

Welcome from our WBO Magazine Staff Area

All articles must provide useful and high integrity information that is helpful to women in business. We accept topics related to business, marketing, integrating home and family with business, and much more relating to women in business. We ask that you provide unique, well-written, informative articles. We reserve the right to refuse any article for any reason. All written content that you submit to this site must be writing that you have the legal rights to post to our site. By posting your article to our site, you are granting us NonExclusive Copyrights - which means you are giving us the legal right to use it, but you are NOT surrendering your right to use it elsewhere. WBO does not own or retain any rights to the articles written...we are merely privileged to read and grow from them. WBO Magazine reserves the right to edit submitted articles. Each author will be credited by name in publication. The number of articles to be written is decided by each article writer herself. We encourage members of the WBO News Magazine Writers Team to submit at least one (1) article a month, however we do understand the flow of creativity is different for everyone and we do not want this to become a chore. Therefore the final decision will be yours. Each article must be publication ready (edited) and submitted to our WBO Magazine Editor, Andrea Okrentowich at editor@womenbizowners.org for approval. WBO Magazine reserves the right to modify submitted articles. Each author will be credited by name in publication.

VanHatten 10 | womenbizowners.org




WBO Member of the Month


l e t h a

McManama is "The Blog Strategist", her blog and website marketing business that came out of her desire to not only help clients create their own b logs it e s us ing WordPress, but to also assist t he m in marketing their brand through social media and article marketing. Her real passion is to teach others how to

create their own systems for their business AND to also be a mentor and teacher to people on a personal level. Aletha likes to volunteer at her church and to stay in shape by jogging when she's not too busy . Y ou can find Aletha at the following websit es and social m edia networks: http://theblogstrategist.com http://wordpresstowebsite.com http://alethamcm anama.com http://dcv irtualoffice.com Facebook : http://www.facebook.com / AlethaMcManama LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com /in / alethamcm anama Twitter: http://twitter.com /AlethaMcManama Friendfeed: http://friendfeed.com /alethamcmanama

Apr 2010 | 11

WBO Authors Corner This team of publishing companies, authors, writ ers, and market ers; net work, ment or and promot e each other. We believe that by working t ogether, we will succeed in our individual goals. Authors Corner Leader: Kathy Allen with Accents of Home Authors: Diane Tegarden with FireWalker Publications, Inc Ga zelle Simmons with Admin Services Ginger Marks with DocUmeantDesigns.com Li sa A. Fredette with Passionate About Life Coaching Sabrina Schlei cher, Ph.D, ACC with Tap The Potential Sherri Walker with Poems by Daughter of the King

Visit the Authors Corner and learn about the amazing books these members have published and are currently working on. This group is open t o all Members. htt p://www.womenbizowners.org

Writer's: Li sa A. Fredette with Passionate About Life Coaching

(Under Resource Area)

Volunteers needed for the WBO WBO Board Positions:

WBO Staff Positions:

Treasurer Education Leader Member At Large

Teleseminar Organizer Teleseminar Host Department Administrator Assistant to the Volunteer Organizer Assistant to the Volunteer Leader Assistant to the Membership

Visit http://www.womenbizowners.org and submit a volunteer form to JoAnne@womenbizowners.org NOTE: Please be aware that the Treasurers position is one that requires the person to be a CPA and requires us to perform a background check on you.

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Bettering Yourself In Three Easy Steps by Melissa Foster

Personal growth is one of the stepping stones to happiness. Growing mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, are important factors in long-term happiness. Here are three easy steps to help you aspire toward personal growth: It’s Okay To Be Diffe rent Personal growth is not all created equal. Your path to personal growth does not have to, and likely will not, mirror that of your friend’s, your lover’s or your parent’s. Some people are happiest when they are learning academics, while others gain happiness from becoming physically stronger, or learning a new skill. The great thing about personal growth is that it is just that—personal—and that alone makes it an endeavor that you can measure without the help of others. Re cognize Your Weaknesses We cannot grow if we don’t accept our weaknesses. Imagine a world where everyone thought they were perfect; a world where arrogance and stubbornness were the norm. That would not be a very comfortable place to be. Now imagine that that world is your own mind. Be honest with yourself. Accept your weaknesses and work on them, better yourself. You may be surprised at how asking for help, or finding solutions on your own, make you a stronger, more confident person.

something that you’ve always wanted to learn but have been to too shy to do so. Now go do it! You cannot grow if you do not try, and trying doesn’t have to be scary. Think of your personal endeavors as challenges or adventures. If you don’t do well, then you can chalk that up to something you’d rather not pursue rather than something you are afraid to pursue. That alone is personal growth.

Do you have a personal or business issue you need help tackling? Email me and I’ll try to accommodate your request in an upcoming issue: thinkhappy(@)live(dot)com. Come back next month for more Monthly Motivations! Melissa Foster is the author of Megan’s Way, a work of literary fiction (www.megansway.com), and the Founder of The Women’s Nest (www.thewomensnest.com), a free on-line social and support community for women. Connect with other women like yourself - Share a laugh, gain advice, friendship, and fun. Daily at-home exercises and motivations, monthly healthy challenges, book club, scrapbook club, forums, blogs, and free medical, financial, and relationship

Ste p Out Of Your Comfort Zone It’s never easy to step outside of your comfort zone, but it can be fun! Pick an activity that you never thought you’d do, or something that you think you might not be great at, or even

Apr 2010 | 13

The Simple Way to Practice What You Preach by Alicia M Forest, MBA


I'm wrapping up a slew of private retreats with clients this month, it's become clear that it's time for me to get focused on practicing what I've been preaching—or more specifically, to put myself through the same intense process and plan that I take my clients through. This thought popped into my head several times during the retreats, but really came to the forefront of my thinking over the past week or so, as I've been making some very big decisions in my business that's going to majorly shift things going forward. So, here's what I've noticed that's going on with me in my business that I'm hoping will shed some light for you as well.

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Not taking action on a particular task.


If you're finding yourself low on energy around moving forward on a certain project or idea, it pays to take a look inside for the reason why. As I learned from Andrea Lee, my private coach for nearly three years, everything is energy. And when I'm stuck *especially* when I know what

to do next - there's something wrong inside that's blocking forward movement. Because, after all, I am all about taking action.

SOLUTION : Ask yourself...

3. What's one method I teach that I can implement more fully in my own business. In other words, how can I practice what I preach more thoroughly?

1. What's one thing I coach my own clients on that I can apply to myself?

The answers to these simple questions are the key to getting unstuck and moving forward.

2. What's one way I show others how to operate their business that I can apply to my own?

Take it to the next level... (Continued on page 33)

Apr 2010 | 15

Convert Your Articles To … What have your articles done for you lately? Are you using them merely to get your name out there, or have you discovered the true benefit of article marketing for your business? If you are like the majority of successful online business ow ners, you have been diligent in w riting articles. Maybe you have even gone so far as to hire a VA to submit them to copious article submission sites. Let me ask you a question; are you submitting to only one topic at each site? If so, consider the benefit of multiple topic submission. Think about how your article would fit in other areas besides the obvious. This one small addition to your submission process w ill significantly increase the chance your article w ill be picked up and used. Now for the crème-de-la-crème. How to convert your articles to marketing magnets. What are your putting in your author bio? Is it filled w ith “pat-on-the-back” copy? Does it merely speak about you and your business or does it entice the reader to make that coveted click? You spend all that time w riting and publishing your articles and in the end all you have is the link

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Marketing Magnets back to your site, that probably isn’t even read let alone clicked. Sure you get a little traffic from that and then there is the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) benefit. Consider revising your author bio and make it more “click friendly.” The w ay this is done is to use the author bio area to entice your reader to investigate your w ebsite. Instead of listing all of your accomplishments, w hich the reader probably isn’t interested in anyway, w hy not hook them w ith an offer? Next time you submit an article w hy not try a new technique. The first line should contain an offer. Something like, “Go to this site to get such and such free gift or to learn the “Ten Truths of Business Ow nership©,” or something similar. Get their attention immediately, rather than

boring them w ith details about you right off the bat.

Ginger Marks is the founder of the DocUmeant Family of

Consider revising your author bio and make it more “click friendly.” Then rather than w riting out the http… URL for your site, why not embed it in a keyword or key phrase? For example I might use “digital design” as my anchor text or “book covers.” I am sure you get the idea. This little know n trick w ill help your SEO over time. After that, if you still have room for more copy, you can alw ays add your credentials.

Copyright Marks



Companies, We Make YOU Look GOOD! For more information, visit documeantdesigns.com. Her 2010 annual edition of Holiday Marketing Guide, Your business-marketing calendar of ideas is now available at HolidayMarketingGuide.com. Currently Ginger is the Production Coordinator for Women Business Owners magazines. She also offers a wealth of knowledge through her ezine Words of Wisdom available on her blog gmarks.wordpress.com. GIN GER MA RKS

Apr 2010 | 17

WBO WBO Online Online Article Article Library Library Our Article Library has been created for the use of our mem bers. It is for wom en who would like to learn how to start a business, grow a business, maintain a business, and lead the life they are searching for. You will find a variety of categories below that are filled with articles, recorded classes, and other informational type docum ents just waiting to be opened and explored. We are alway s looking for additional resources t o add t o our directory . Please feel free t o contact us with any articles, business docum ents, and other business related item s that y ou would like to see added to this direct ory . You may contact us v ia em ail articles@wom enbizowners.org.

Visit Today : htt p://www.womenbizowners.org (Under RESOURCE AREA)

Quote of the Month “ Destiny is not a matter of chance, but of choice. Not som ething to wish for, but t o attain.”— William Jennings Bry an


18 | womenbizowners.org

Backup Plan Release Date: Apr 23, 2010 Starring: Jennifer Lopez, Alex O'Loughlin, Er ic Chr istian Olsen, Danneel Harris, Anthony Anderson, Noureen DeWulf Genre: Comedy / Romance Official Site: www.theback-upplan.com/ Rated: PG-13 The Back-Up Plan i s a com edy that expl ores courtship, l ov e, marriage and family in reverse. After y ears of dating, Zoe (Jennifer Lopez) has deci ded wai ting for the right on e is taking too l ong. Determined to becom e a m oth er, sh e commits to a plan, makes an appointm ent an d decides to go it al on e. On th e day of h er arti ficial inseminati on, Zoe m eets Stan (Alex O’Lou ghlin) – a m an wi th real possibiliti es. Trying to nurture a bu dding relati on ship an d hi de the early si gns of pregnancy becom es a comedy of errors for Zoe and creates con fusing signals for Stan . Wh en Zoe n erv ously rev eals th e reason for h er unpredi ctable behavi or, Stan commits fully and says h e’s in. N ev er before has l ove seen a courtshi p wh ere a wild night of sex inv olv es three in a bed – Stan , Zoe an d the ev er-present m assiv e pregnancy pill ow. Or, wh ere date night con sists of being th e focal point at a n ear-stranger’s water birth whi ch does for ki ddi e pool s what Jaws did for swimming in th e ocean . Th e real pregnancy test com es wh en both of th em realize th ey really don ’t kn ow each oth er outside of h orm onal chaos an d birth preparati ons. With th e nin e m on th cl ock ti cking, both begin to experi en ce col d feet. Any on e can fall in l ov e, get marri ed an d hav e a baby but doing it backwards in hy per-driv e could be proof posi tive that th ey were made for each other.

How to Start a Women’s Only Business Group in Your Area tarting a women’s only business group in your area can be very powerful for your business. There is a certain kind of synergy and power that is created when women get together. As women business owners it can be intimidating to network in groups that also include men. So how do you start a woman-only networking group and make it a success? Here are some of the steps you will want to follow.

1. Decide what kind of women’s group you want to start. Do you want to start a group that is strictly a business networking group? What about a social group that meets over lunch or dinner? Or a product sampling group? Or a more formal group similar to BNI only for women? 2. Before you start a group, it is crucial to get very clear about the kind of group you want to start. Develop a unique name and mission for your group as well as a clear agenda of what you will do at each meeting. 3. Once you have decided on the type of group you want to start, decide what time of day you want to hold your meeting, where you want to hold it (Continued on page 26)

Apr 2010 | 19

Personal Growth is Important in Business by Corrie Petersen

Business owners love to see growth. Growth means more customers, more money, and new products. This is what business is all about. You don’t run a business so you will stay the same and never grow. As a business owner, you need to have personal growth in order to see business growth. Personal and business growth goes hand in hand because they go together. If you have one, more than likely you’ll have the other as well. Here are some suggestions that will help you with your personal growth.

1. Set goals Set goals for yourself that will help you to grow in several aspects of your life. These goals can include areas such as knowledge, health, and finances. Set goals that will help you reach out a little and step out to a level that is a little higher than you’re at right now. When you do this, you’ll grow as a person.

2. Try something new If you have something you want to do, but you’re afraid to do it, look at what it will take to make it happen. M aybe you need to take a class to increase your knowledge or (Continued on page 28)

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Apr 2010 | 21

WBO Volunteer Volunteer of of the the Month Month WBO Andrea Okrentowich Okrentowich Andrea Andrea Okrentowich has been a WBO member and volunteer since early 2009. As a professional writer and consultant, Andrea assists with WBO press releases for new members, is the WBO magazine copywriter and is the executive assistant to WBO President, Cindy Clark. Andrea has found WBO to be a rewarding and positive experience, as it allows her to network with successful businesswomen across the country and find new business opportunities.

When not volunteering for WBO, Andrea assists solopreneurs in their businesses through professional writing and business services. Her business, A-OK Business Services offers numerous services for the solopreneur including professional writing, copy writing, editing, administrative support, and social marketing.

Andrea is the mother of two little girls, Haley, 9 and Kylee, 5. The family resides in Watertown, CT. Contact Info

860-417-2539 e-mail: .info@aokbbusinessservices.com • www.aokbusinessservices.com

22 | womenbizowners.org

WBO Monthly Tip 5 Tips for Computer File Mgt File management goes beyond y our manual filing cabinets (or the stacks of papers you have been m eaning to file away). Managing your documents on the com puter is just as im portant as maintaining y our paper files. 1. File by title just like you might do with paper files, file by the title. This will provide y ou with convenience. It doesn't matter what type of file it is (Word, PDF, Excel). Keep it all in the sam e file for easy access. 2. Create folders in “My Documents” for easier retrieval. You will know that ev erything you need will be located in one area of y our com puter. 3. Create folders within folders so everything is still under the “parent” folder. E.g., Parent folder: Monthly Newsletters, Child folder: 2008, 2009, 2 010. 4. File as you save. As soon as you save a docum ent, file it in its correct place. You don’t want to have to search for it later. 5. Back-up on a regular basis. Backing up is priceless! Make a schedule and stick to it, so that when the unexpected happens y ou are prepared.

Michelle Jasper is owner of Adm in Café, a virtual assis tant bus iness. www.Adm inCafe.net.

Apr 2010 | 23

WBO Open Staff Volunteer Positions WBO Board Positions: Treasurer Education Leader Member At Large

WBO Staff Positions: Teleseminar Organizer Work with WBO Members that are interested in providing teleseminars about their area of expertise. Schedule up to two teleseminars/webinars per month, update the teleseminar event listings on the WBO group website and WBO Facebook group, send listings to magazine editor and marketing director. 2-3 hours monthly

Teleseminar Host Attend up to two (2) teleseminars/webinars provided by WBO per month, introduce speakers, submit call recording to WBO itunes account and add itunes recording link inside the WBO Articles area. 1-2 hours monthly

Department Administrator Assistant to the Volunteer Organizer Assistant to the Volunteer Leader Assistant to the Membership

Visit our group site to apply for these positions. www.WomenBizOwners.org Volunteer Coordinator JoAnne Barton JoAnne@wom enbizowners.org 24 | womenbizowners.org

Bargains in Idar-Oberstein by Wendy VanHatten

Gem stone shoppers frequent their favorite shops in Zurich, New York, and Paris. Give me t he s tre ets of Edelsteinstadt or the “gemstone city” and bargains will fill my fingers, wrists, neck, and purse. Never heard of this place? Head to a scenic little valley in the Hunsruck Mountains on the very western edge of Germany, where the town of Idar-Oberstein reigns as the most significant European cutting center for gemstones other than the diamond. Elegant facades of gem houses, lapidaries, importers, and designers discretely reside each in their own districts. Behind those mansionlooking fronts students and professionals are hard at work creating unique designs. Walk through the surrounding hills and if you’re lucky…actually find agates and jaspers. Or do what I do…walk through the streets and find bargains. Shop windows next to more shop windows showcase semipolished chunky rocks next to loose gems and elegant jewelry. Multi faceted pale blue Aquamarines, pale gold Topaz, brilliant Blue Topaz, dark blue Sapphires, royal purple Amethysts, and honey colored Amber…who can just look at these sparkling pieces of work? Designs ranged from deceptively simple to intricately elaborate…all unique. Stunning stones up to nine carats beckoned a closer look. One shop owner explained many of the designs were products of students or apprentices from the gem houses. If a “ big name” jewelry house buys an apprentice’s design, it won’t be seen in the shops in Idar. You (Continued on page 33)

From Frankfurt, head west toward Wiesbaden then southwest toward Bad Kreuznach on highway 41. Shops worth looking at along the Haupstra in Idar-Oberstein include: Meyer at 404, Fetzer at 400, Welt der Edelsteine at 399, and Mineralien-Silber at 407 Apr 2010 | 25

(Continued fro m page 19)

and the maximum number of women you will allow to participate. M any networking groups are in the mid day or evening, so a morning meeting may be your best bet. If you aren’t sure when you want to meet, ask around and get opinions from the business women in your area as to when they would like to meet. As far as locations go, many retirement or assisted living centers offer free meeting rooms that you can use. If this is not suitable for your group you can use private rooms at restaurants, salons, spas or fitness centers. 4. Determine the cost that the women in your group will need to pay in order to participate. Will you charge a monthly fee, an annual fee, a meeting fee or will your group be free? Free groups will attract more people whereas paid groups may increase the caliber of the women who show up at your meetings. 5. Determine what you will require of the women who join your group? Will you have an application procedure? Will you limit your group to only one woman from each company, profession or business type or will you keep your group completely open? 6. Once you have determined the above (Continued on page 29)

26 | womenbizowners.org

WBO Second Quarter Charity Founded in 1977, Interval House has made a positive difference in the lives of more than 150,000 women and children who experienced psychological and physical abuse at the hand of a domestic or intimate partner‌and we continue to do so. Interval House offers options, support and connections to victims of domestic violence. Standing with abused women and children in their struggle for safety and justice, Interval House provides a safe place to live, concrete information and education to understand and deal with their individual situations. Women and children are given direction and tools to utilize other community resources, and to empower themselves.

Interval House P. O. Box 340207 Hartford, CT 06134 P 860-246-9149 ext. 338 F 860-247-2042 www.intervalhousect.org 24-Hour Hotline: 860-527-0550

Allow our independent WBO Design Team to create your business’ Ad. See our WBO designer discounted prices below. Member Price

Non-Member Price

Business Card Ad:

$2 5

Business Card Ad:

$4 5

1/2 Page Ad:


1/2 Page Ad:


Full Page Ad:


Full Page Ad:


(All WBO designers are paid independently from WBO and direc tly from the cus tomer. Ass igned des igners are s olely respons ible for the referred WBO ad cus tomer and w ill w ork with c lients on an indiv idual and c ontrac t bas is .)

Apr 2010 | 27

(Continued from page 20)

you need to investigate a business opportunity, consider doing this so you can grow.

3. Increase your business Growth in your business will help you grow yourself. M aybe you want to see an increase in your income each month. This means you’ll need to take your business to the next level so this can happen. Personal growth will happen when you do what you need to do to make your business grow. You may need to make calls to increase your sells, create a new product to offer, or increase your marketing and networking so you can increase your customers.

4. Increase your knowledge Knowledge is power when it comes to life and business. Consider taking a college class, listen to a teleseminar on something your want to learn, or hire a personal coach to help you plan your growth and put it into a plan that will be easy for you to work. When you grow as a person and a business owner you will feel great. You be living higher than you were before and you’ll feel good about yourself. When you feel this way you’ll want to continue to grow. Don’t be afraid of growth. It’s not a bad thing at all and when you consider these tips you’ll see growth almost every time. CORRIE PETERSEN

Corrie Petersen runs a successful Virtual Assistant business. She enjoys helping others reach their goals and dreams. Check o u t her web site a t www.virtualfreedom4you.com.

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Author’s Corner Leader Kathy Allen kathy@wom enbizowners.org

WBO Assistant Marketing Director Sherry Lynn Simoes sherry @wom enbizowners.org

(Continued from page 26)

factors, make some flyers announcing your first meeting and get busy advertising your group. You will need to invite a large number of women in order to get a reasonable number of women to show up. Consider using Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites to also promote your group. 7. Make changes and be flexible as you go. When establishing anything new and this includes women’s networking meetings you will need to make adjustments so be prepared and go with the flow. M ost of all relax and have fun networking and growing with other women business owners.

AnnaLaura Brown is the vice president of the Women’s Business Club in Utah. This group was recently started in January and already has over 100 members. We were featured in the Salt Lake Tribune this past week and we expect our group to continue to grow. Learn more about her and her business and contact her at www.internetworkmarketingwealth.com

Apr 2010 | 29

Q&A Ask Yak by Wendy Okkema Ask Yak is made up of questions asked by my clients and subscribers of my newsletters. If you have a question that you would like answered in an up and coming issue of Ask Yak simply e-mail ryakattack@aim.com

Question: What is the difference between an isometric and an isotonic exercise?

Ans wer: Great question. An isometric exercise is muscular contraction through exercise which develops tension but does not change the length of the muscle. These are exercise that target specific muscle groups, the bicep curl etc. They are your typical strength training and rehabilitation exercises. An isotonic exercise requires movement to contract muscles. The muscle shortens as it develops tension. For example, holding a weight at arm’s length, attempting to life an immoveable object, even some wrestling move are considered to be isotonic.

Question: Is it unreasonable for students in my class to ask me to walk around to see if each individual is performing exercises properly.

Ans wer: Absolutely not. In all of the classes I do keep an eye on each student as best I can while we’re exercising. Often I’ll say things like, “keep your knees soft” or “don’t (Continued on page 35)

30 | womenbizowners.org

WBO Annual Charity

Apr 2010 | 31

Napa Valley see back cover for details http://www.womenbizowners.org/conference

WBO Annual Awards Nominations

econ omic struggles an d has deni ed defeat through tim es of real trials. Share wi th us h er story of determinati on an d h er triumph. 2009 Awa rd Recipient : Kathy Allen 2010 N ominati ons:

N ominati on Gui delin es: Th e reci pi ents of th ese awards are required to be presen t at th e WBO Nati onal Busin ess Con ference in October 2010 in Napa, CA to receiv e their award. All n ominated wom en will receiv e a $50 v ouch er that may be u sed Networking Woman of the Year: towards th eir 2010 WBO Nati on al Conference ticket. All WBO N ominate a wom an wi thin y our l ocal or online community Award Recipi en ts will receiv e on e (1) complim entary 2010 that kn ows h ow to get aroun d an d m eet oth er peopl e within WBO Nati onal Conference ticket. h er community an d build lasting busin ess relati on ships wi th N ominati on s will be accepted un til August 15, 2010. th ose she m eets. Share wi th us h ow she networks and h ow sh e Volunteering Heart : is abl e to m aintain the busin ess relati onships. N ominate a wom an y ou kn ow that has v olunteered within 2009 Awa rd Recipient : Ma ry B. Rel ott o y our l ocal or online community and has im pacted th ose sh e 2010 N ominati ons: has worked wi th through h er v olunteering h eart. Share with us Woman of Courage: h er story and wh ere she has v olun teered. N ominate a wom an wi thin y our l ocal or online community 2009 Awa rd Recipient : Pat ri cia Boes that has truly sh own courage through ou t h er life or at a spe2010 N ominati ons: ci fic tim e in h er life. Share with us h ow sh e maintain ed h er Leading Business Woman of the Year: courage an d the results it brou ght to h er life. N ominate a wom an wi thin y our l ocal or online community 2009 Awa rd Recipient : Leyla Hu r that has prov en to be a leading busin ess woman by growing 2010 N ominati ons: h er busin ess, m entoring th ose she surroun ds h ersel f wi th an d Em powering Woman of the Year: h elping h er community grow through h er own business sucN ominate a wom an wi thin y our l ocal or online community cess. Share wi th us in formati on about h er and her business. that has em powered th e peopl e wi thin h er life an d th ose 2009 Awa rd Recipient : Regina Ba ker wi thin her community. Share with us h ow sh e has impacted 2010 N ominati ons: th ose around h er by em powering them . Persevering Business Woman of the Year: 2009 Awa rd Recipient : Stephanie Brehm N ominate a wom an wi thin y our l ocal or online community 2010 N ominati ons: that has continued to buil d h er busin ess through personal or

WBO Chosen Charities Each year WBO selects 501c3 groups to be their one (1) annual charity, and four (4) quarterly charities to receive phy sical and m onetary donations from m embers and the general public. ● 2010 Annual charity is Girls For A Change http://www.girlsforachange.org/ ● 2010 First quarter charity is True Vine Community Organization www.truevinecommunityoutreach.org ● 2010 Second quarter charity is Interval House in Hartford, CT intervalhousect.org/ 32 | womenbizowners.org

(Continued from page 15)

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may then see it in New York, Zurich or Paris.

"The results my clients get from w o r k i n g w it h m e are_______________.

Fine workmanship was evident in each piece I inspected. Silver and gold enhanced these sparkling gems. How could I possibly make up my mind? What a dilemma to have. Each and every piece was reasonably priced. Quality and size of the gems or minerals combined with the amount of silver and gold would have cost a great deal more in other parts of the world.

And don't skimp - come up with 30 answers. If you have trouble getting more specific, ask your current and past clients to help you fill in the blank.

Set in sterling silver a ½ carat deep lavender amethyst ring came home with me for just under 68 euro ($50). Cushion cut and set at an angle, I know I won’t find this one everywhere I go. A brushed white gold cross holding a pale blue T opaz was another must have. At around 80 euro ($100) this piece looks like I paid much more.

What are the benefits to doing this exercise?

Reluctantly it was time to leave with my bargains safely tucked away. Next time I’m coming for the International Trade Fair for Precious Stones and Jewelry.

Complete the following sentence 30 times:

M any, but for the purposes of this conversation, the value is in bringing forth the things that are the most beneficial for you to make sure you're focusing on in moving your business forward - both for yourself and for your clients.

©2010 Wendy VanHatten Wendy V anHatten l eft the c orpor ate w orl d to bec ome a pr ofessi onal freelanc e tr avel writer , author and photographer . Sev eral year s and many publi shed articles later she added pr ofessi onal editi ng services to her business. She c ontinues to write sever al ti mes a week on her bl og www .travel sandesc apes.blogspot.c om .

So take your answers and turn them around to apply them to your own business! About the author: Alicia M Forest, M BA, 6-Figure Business Breakthrough M entor, teaches s elfemployed professionals how to attract more clients, create profitmaking products and services, make more sales, and ultimately live the life they desire and deserve. For FREE tips on how to create wild abundance in your business, visit www.ClientAbundance.com. A LICIA M FOREST, MBA


Apr 2010 | 33

Featured Author Sherry Lynn Simoes

Networking FOR WOMEN made easy! ARE YOU READY TO NETWORK LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER NETWORKED BEFORE? Whether you are new to networking or just want to polish your skills this book holds the basic skills, do's and don'ts of professional networking. It is an essential book for women new to networking! Sherry Simoes, President of Women of Today shows you how to network and get results. Years of watching and assessing women network have taught her what works and what doesn't. Why learn by trial and error when there is a system that works! Large print & Easy to Read! E-book $12.95 Hard Copy $14.95 Hard Copy Plus Workbook $19.95 Available at www.networkingforwom enmadeeasy.com

34 | womenbizowners.org

(Continued from page 30)

straighten those elbows”. I say those things why it is so important that YOU know the because of what I am seeing out there on the how tos of exercise. It doesn’t hurt to have floor. even one, one on one session that will allow you and your personal trainer to go over the It is unfortunate however, very often in a gym do’s and don’ts of exercise. It truly is money setting, the instructor will not do that. I well invested. believe it the reason for this is because most instructors are not personal trainers. That is Wendy is a personal trainer, lifestyle coach and author. Wendy will set you up for success, not failure! If you would like to work one-onone with Wendy or with a group of friends in your home, at work or via Wendy's live video chat room, e-mail ryakattack@aim.com or call 519 484 1120.

Advertising Options Our Women Business Owners (WBO) 501(c)(3) organization currently works with more than 41,000 women entrepreneurs worldwide. We also work with youth, young adults, and seniors. Our visitors are from every walk of life and from all over the world. The people we are reaching are primarily women from 1878 years of age, are interested in owning a business, currently own a business, are affiliated with non-profit organizations, corporations, and are in a position of power for local or national decision making. Current Advertising Opportunities: http://www.womenbizowners.org/adrate

Apr 2010 | 35

We are honored to introduce our esteemed Premier Members, Volunteers and Staff Members. Agnes Ikotun with AI Virtual Solutions www.aivirtualsolutions.com

Rebecca Parr with Parr Communications, LLC parrcommunications.com

Anna Campbell with My Business Journals www.mybusinessjournals.com

Sherry Lynn Sim oes with Creative Concepts Design www.creativeconceptsonline.net/

Andrea Okrentowich with Creative Nonprofit Solutions www.creativenonprofitsolutions.org

Stacey Virgo with ShagoUSA www.shargo.us

Cindy Clark with Cindy Clark Business Coaching Services www.CindyClarkBizCoaching.com Diane Tegarden with Firewalker Publications FirewalkerPublications.com Donna Crav otta with Virtual Managem ent Concepts, LLC www.virtualmanagem entconceptsllc.com Delaine Ulmer with Ultimate Design VA www.UltimateDesignVA.com Ginger Marks with DocUmeant Designs DocUmeantDesigns.com JoAnne Barton with Self Care Essential http://www.selfcareessentials.com Julie-Marie Christin with Julie-Marie Julie-Marie.com Kathy Allen with Accents of Home Accents ofHome.com Lisa Wald-Guarino with Lisa's Art & Horses LisasArt.com Patricia Garrison with Gifts N’ More ryze.com / go/GiftsNMore

36 | womenbizowners.org

Wendy VanHatten with Vanhatten Writing Services www.vanhattenwritingservices.com


Become a WBO Member Today! This membership is for our ladies who are focus ed on their primary business and are looking for educational support, networking opportunities, promotional advantages, and real time business success. Memberships starting at only $10 a month or $100 for a whole year! Premier Level I Membership: Thi s member ship i s f or our l adies who are focused on products or services they are selling. $1 0 monthly . Benefits: - N ew Memb ers announced in W BO Magazine - Compli mentary i nvitation to attend all of our W BO pr oduced classes, w ork shops and teleseminar s - Receive Monthly W BO Magazi ne - Di sc ounted adverti sing r ates f or W BO Magazine and W BO Web site - N ew Memb ers Welc ome E-Book - A nnual Member Directory with your single business listing - Li sted in online Business Directory - A uthors Cor ner - A cc ess to entire or ganizati on w eb site Premier Level II Membership: Thi s member ship i s f or our l adies who are focused on r eciprocati on f or business gr owth and b eing featur ed speak ers in W BO r elated semi nar s, c onventions, and other non-W BO rel ated events. $30 monthly . Benefits: Includes Level I Benefits - One (1 ) Seat on Panel of Experts - Invited to speak at a mi ni mum of two (2) w b o pr oduced teleseminar s, rec eive c omplimentary rec or ding f or your busi ness marketing use. - Half (1 /2) Page ad i n eac h i ssue of the W BO Magazine f or length of active member ship - W BO National Conf erence attendee di sc ount and ability to regi ster early Premier Level III Membership: Thi s member ship i s f or our l adies who are focused on empowering other w omen thr ough health and wealth philosophies. $50 monthly. Benefits: - Includes Lev el I & II Benefits - One (1 ) Seat on N ational A dvi sory Boar d - Private Level III bi -annual retr eats - Full Page ad i n eac h issue of the W BO Magazine f or length of active member ship - W BO National Conf erence speaker invitati on

Join Us Next Month… Thank y ou f or allowing us to be apart of the journey you are on with y our b usiness. This i s an amazing jour ney with ups and downs. Remember that we are here to help you l ear n about all areas of y our business and we are cheering y ou on f or success! We l ook f orwar d to w orking with each and every one of you over the next year to buil d your business. Having a gr oup that believes in y ou and supports you i s an opportunity that y ou can share with friends and f amily. Sharing inf or mation i s an amazi ng fr eedom and we are thankful to share this fr eedom with you. We believe in y ou and we believe in y our success!

Join us online: Women Business Owners htt p://www.womenbizowners.org

©201 0 W omenBi zOwner s All rights reserved. www .W omenBizOwner s.or g

2010 Conference Theme: Renewing Your Business and Your Spirit September 30 – October 2, 2010 Napa, California Women from around the United States and world are invited to embrace this opportunity to renew their business and their spirit through hands on workshops with guest speakers, call to action events with keynote speakers, network napa style, and really renew themselves and their business. This years business conference is located at the Marriott Napa Valley Hotel and Spa in Napa, California. Our attendees will benefit from an amazing hotel group rate of only $159 per night per room. Attendees will enjoy a personalized schedule filled with multiple networking opportunities, hands on workshop speakers, expert keynote speakers, wine tastings from local vineyards, and rejuvenating spa treatments depending on their attendance level. Our early bird conference attendee special for members is $275 and $375 for nonmembers. The early bird special will end on June 1, 2010 and the prices will go up $100! Don’t delay, register today! Reserve your space at this year business conference early, as our limited number of spaces will fill up quickly. For more information visit: http://womenbizowners.org/conference/

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