ELEVATE: Female Rising

Page 18

My Journey Toward Helping Women Entrepreneurs Gain Financial Wellness Written by Annette Bevers, Annette Bevers CPA + WELA Lead

When I started my business 16 years ago, I had just had my first child and I knew that working long hours in public accounting wasn’t going to work with my vision of how I wanted to show up for my kids. I didn’t have a grand plan for my business. For the first few years I don’t think I even really considered it a real business, it was just something I was doing “on the side.” But as the years went by and my kids grew and required less of my time, my side business had grown as well. In the early years, I admit I was not very intentional about the clients I took on. As people came to me, if I had the time to do the work and it was in my skill set then I said yes. As a result of doing that for many years, I found that I had built a business that, although successful, was mentally draining. I was helping too many different kinds of businesses doing too many different things. I realized that I needed to make some changes, which we all know can be hard. The first thing I needed to do was to make a decision about who I wanted to serve and in what capacity. As I reviewed my client list, I found that most of them for one reason or another were not my ideal clients. They didn’t spark the joy that I was wanting more of in my business. I knew I wanted to focus on women entrepreneurs, but I needed to narrow it down further. So I had to dig a bit deeper, and call in some help. I hired a coach to help me do the work necessary to refine the vision for my business moving forward. The more exercises she had me do, and inner work I did as part of the 18

Elevate Magazine

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