2019 April Issue

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WomenFitness March/April 2019








4 ways

to Cut Through The FAD DIETS




EXERCISES The Jump Rope Queen


to Get Rihanna’s Curves

Knows How To #Conquer It All!


Grab A Print Copy! Simply drop an email at namita@womenfitness.net and instantly get a print issue of our latest magazine delivered to your doorstep! Cover photo credits:


Photographed by: Sean Turi Hair & Make-up by: Lauren Whitworth Outfit Credit: Allegra Paris

Contents Editor's Note 05 March is officially the month to celebrate women, with International Women’s Day falling on the 8th of March. Therefore, Women Fitness brings to you some inspiring pieces from few of the most followed and loved women in the world.

Main Story 06 Fitness has always been a big part of Janine Delaney, a fitness expert and wellness coach. At the age of 49, Janine started her social media brand a little over one year ago and has successfully spread her words of encouragement and inspiration to nearly 2M followers across the globe. She is a full-time Psychologist, wife of 20 years and mother to two teenage daughters.

Photo CreditsPhotographed by: Sean Turi Hair & Make-up by: Lauren Whitworth

Workout 19 Perhaps you’ve seen kettlebells lined up at your gym. With their unique shape and bright colors, it’s easy to understand how they can peak your curiosity. These bright colored, cannonball looking weights with a handle are intriguing, but to most they remain a bit of a mystery. Well, not anymore!

22 Rihanna’s trainer, Dede Lagree, coowner, Lagree Fitness Studio, tells us how she enjoyed the 25-minute Supra® machine workout and told her that she was OBSESSED with it and it was the most difficult workout she’d ever done!

29 Body weight training and working out with fitness equipments, both offer many benefits. When done correctly, each method can offer a

great workout.

Pregnancy 30 If I had to give one single piece of advice to new parents, I’d say this: “Your kids will do as you say much less than they will do as you do,” says TV Host Rosie Mercado.

32 For me, the best advice was to give myself time to recover. While I felt like I was ready to start running when Ella was only days old, I knew that my body wasn’t ready. Read more about our Guest Contributor Joy Altimare ’s


Healthy Eating 36 What happens when you have a sweet tooth and need a healthy snack before bed so you don’t hit the pillow tossing and turning, thinking about that cookie or ice cream bar you wish you could be eating, well Chef Kathy Fang has some interesting picks for you.

40 One of the objectives in treating endometriosis is to bring balance to your hormones, and reduce the amount of estrogen in your body. Therefore, a diet that helps reduce estrogen and promote an alkaline body, and supports your general health, is going to help those with endometriosis fight back.

02 | WOMEN FITNESS – womenfitness.net

44 Diet…quite frankly is the worst four-letter word. In life we have plenty to feel bad for not executing properly and now we add eating to the list; something we have to do multiple times per day. Dieting can be restrictive, irritating, and let’s face down right confusing. Fashion & Lifestyle 48 Do you ever feel like women with glowing beautiful skin know a secret you don’t? And if you only knew their magic formula your skin would be gorgeous?

51 Always on the go and still want to look great! Now there are no excuses not to. The necessities below are Janine Delaney’s gym bag “must haves”. They make her life super easy and she always feels her best. Let’s see if you love them too! April Exclusive


Vanderpump Rules star Lala Kent is one of the most popular Reality TV stars, thanks to her stunning onscreen presence and her super successful makeup line. Watch out for her exclusive interview where she talks about fitness, how she dreams to take her brand to new heights and

Photo credits: Trainer: Jenna Willis Photographer: Dorrien Schuyler Beauty: Give Them Lala Beauty

resolutions for 2019.

Weight Loss Guide 62 This workout will only take you 30 minutes a day and will help you achieve cardio endurance, overall conditioning, strength and flexibility. These type of exercises are our favourite way to train because they provide an overall workout and can be done from anywhere. Not only will they have you looking good, but feeling good as well!

66 Many women today are busy taking care of their families or advancing in their work careers. They are often fully focused on many other things in their lives and often forget to take care of themselves. Luckily today there are many effective ways in which you can take care of yourself and your health.

Wellness 69 The Pilates method both stretches and lengthens the muscles in your body in a balanced manner. The two most emphasized principles that become a common thread throughout its sessions include breath and mindfulness… which are two of the biggest

stress-fighting tools to keep in your arsenal!

70 While most think exercise are good for muscle gains, “toning” and/or losing weight, the heart needs exercise just as much as any other muscle in the body. Here is a list of 7 exercises to maintain a strong, healthy heart. Shopping 75 Working out with the right gears can actually double-fold your output. Therefore, Women Fitness brings to you the 15 must-have workout gears that are super necessary for a great workout session!

Sun-Sign Fitness 80 Chaos, upheaval, radical change—we know these aren’t your favourite words to hear. But in a way, you’re better equipped than anyone to ride out this transit with ease. After all, no matter what happens, you always seem to keep your feet on the ground and take it in stride.

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Editor's Note "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." Colin Powell This issue is a celebration of women rising high above all odds and bringing about a revolution in the society. Today, Health & Fitness has become a priority with rising incidence of different health conditions like obesity, cancer, arthritis to name a few. Janine Delaney is the star of the month. In her first ever interview on Women Fitness she goes on to talk about health, fitness, motherhood and being a role model to women all over the world.

Namita Nayyar Editor-In-Chief

Don't miss out on 7 Quick Healthy Snacks Before Bed by Chef Kathy Fang, 30 Minutes Fat-Burning HIIT Workout by Janine Delaney and your personal horoscope. In fitness, Namita Nayyar President,

Tanya Nayyar Creative Editor Rohit Nayyar Chief Business Officer

Contributing Editors

Guest Writers

Kathy Fang

Dede Lagree

Anna Williamson

Julian Cardoos

Charlene Bazarian

Rosie Mercado

Megan Davies

Joy Altimare

Taryn T. Francis Shawn Clark

Vanessa Rissetto

Janine Delaney Kelli Schloemer Lisa Malcolm Kathryn Boren Sylvia Nasser

05 | WOMEN FITNESS – womenfitness.net

Cover Story

From Being


Jump Rope Queen To A


Janine Delaney Conquers It


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Photo Credits: Photographed by: Yasmeen Anderson Hair & Make-up by: Melissa Formica

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Photo Credits: Photographed by: Yasmeen Anderson Hair & Make-up by: Lauren Whitworth

08 | WOMEN FITNESS – womenfitness.net

At the age of 49, Janine started her social media brand a little over one year ago and has successfully spread her words of encouragement and inspiration to nearly 2M followers across the globe.


rom dancing professional ballet to teaching exercise and nutrition classes, to competing and placing in figure competitions, fitness has always been a big part of fitness expert and wellness coach, Janine Delaney's life. Whether you are in your 20’s looking to put on some muscle, your 30’s looking to get your figure back after having kids, or even looking to shed those last few pounds as you enter your 40’s, she's been there and knows exactly what it takes to make those changes in your life. She is a full-time Psychologist, wife of 20 years and mother to two teenage daughters. Janine is living proof that age is just a number and we are only as old as we allow ourselves to feel. Women Fitness unveils its April Special Interview with the inspirational woman, Janine Delaney, who can make heads turn with her jump rope stellar performance.

Janine you are a doctorate in psychology, a qualification that must have involved relentless dedication and hard work. What attracted you towards this field of education and what role has it played in your own life? Getting my Doctorate in Psychology is one of the accomplishments in life I am most proud of. It was not always easy and there were times I felt like giving up, but I pushed through. One of the best pieces of advice I received was from my father, who told me my education was an investment in myself and something no one could ever take away from me. His words were what kept me motivated. I choose the field of Psychology because of my fascination with the power of the human mind. To this day I remain a firm believer that our physical and mental well-beings are closely interconnected. We must take care of both in order to be our best. Understanding this connection has helped me get through all life’s challenges and also allowed me to live in the moment and be grateful for my blessings.

You have been a professional ballerina, are an exercise and nutrition specialist, a fitness influencer and hold multiple titles in NPC Figure Championships. With these feathers in your cap, share your journey up the hill? I love adventures and my life in fitness has certainly been a rollercoaster ride. It started as a child when I fell in love with ballet pretty much as soon as I was able to walk. From that moment on, I spent every waking moment escaping into my world of dance. I danced professionally for many years and when it came time to give that up to pursue my education, I decided it was time to share my love of fitness with others and started teaching exercise classes. It was a great way to inspire other women and let me still feel connected to my childhood passion. Eventually as I grew a family of my own, I ventured into more individual endeavors and competed and placed in several figure competitions. I even joined an adult soccer team at the age of 45 without ever having played a team sport when I was younger. I am not going to say my foot skills were very good, but I was able to help out my team by being the fastest runner and running anyone off the field. Then, just two years ago, as I was approaching the age of 50, I had the crazy idea to venture into the world of social media. My goal was to show people that age is just a number and you are only as old as you feel. The rest is history.

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“Sometimes we have to work hard, but then we have a chance to play hard”. It’s all about keeping balance. Being a home maker, a mother to two teenage daughters and an entrepreneur how do you balance juggling between these multiple roles? Great question and the answer is with great skill. It is not always an easy task, but I remember to try and live in the here and now and prioritise what is most important. I tell my daughters “Sometimes we have to work hard, but then we have a chance to play hard”. It’s all about keeping balance. Organization and planning are critical components of finding the time to fit everything in.

How would you describe your role as an aerobic instructor back in 80's?

Photo Credits: Photographed by: Sean Turi Hair & Make-up by: Lauren Whitworth

10 | WOMEN FITNESS – womenfitness.net

The 80’s were such a great time to be involved in the fitness community. It was the time where people were finally recognizing the importance of taking care of themselves and diet and nutrition advice were hot commodities. I loved teaching and the energy I was able to pass on to my students. I will admit that I did look sort of funny with my leopard bodysuit, leg warmers and wavy permed hair, but everyone in my class had a great time and always came back for more. It was a memorable and invigorating time in my life.

Photo Credits: Photographed by: Yasmeen Anderson Hair & Make-up by: Lauren Whitworth

Your number one piece of parenting advice is to try and “not” fit in. According to you "The less we worry about what others think, the more we can follow our heart and chase our dreams." Please Elaborate? In today’s society so much pressure is put on young girls to look or act a certain way. Social media with it’s false ideals, can often make these pressures even worse. I have always been proud of myself that as a young girl I never felt the need to follow the crowd and I lived my life and made decisions based on what felt good for me. This has been a wise choice and has served me well. As the mother of teenage daughters, I share this belief with them and encourage them to be uniquely themselves. The more we can explore what we truly value and the less we rely on others to tell us what that is, the happier and more adjusted we are as adults.

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At 49, women think it's unbelievable to have a desirable fit physique. But you did accomplish the same by building your six-packs. Share how did you go about achieving the same? As we get older it is natural for our bodies to change, but that does not mean we can’t still strive to be the best version of ourselves. My number one secret to keeping a youthful figure is “consistency”. I know this sounds like simple advice, but for many people it is not easy to make a plan and stick with it. I don’t believe in radical diets or fads, or self deprivation to keep to a certain weight. I believe in creating and sticking to a manageable and healthy diet and exercise routine that allows for the occasional guilty pleasure. Eat clean, treat yourself well and do everything in moderation. The basics work.

Photo Credits: Photographed by: Yasmeen Anderson Hair & Make-up by: Lauren Whitworth

12 | WOMEN FITNESS – womenfitness.net

According to you Janine “Fitness is more than what we look like– it’s a mind, body, and soul connection. All of these components must work together to create the best version of yourself.” Women and young girls need to be educated about the same to avoid playing around with their body and trying shortcuts to achieve desired goals. Your say about the same? Fitness should not be focused solely on physical appearances. It is so much more than that. Fitness should be about living a healthy lifestyle so you can feel good and have the energy you need to do what you want in life, regardless of your age. “Fit is about Feeling Great”

Squeezing out time from a busy daily routine is not easy for many, besides women tend to drop out on not seeing results on the scale? What would be your advice for the same? It’s easy to set a goal, but it’s hard to stick to it. I always suggest to people when they are looking to stick to any goal, to go out and buy a journal. In that journal, write the answers to these five questions: (1) What is my goal (2) Why is this goal important to me (3) How will I feel once I reach this goal (4) What obstacles do I expect to face and (5) How will I feel if I give up? Then, when you hit a rough patch, which we all do, go back to that journal and read your answers. You will feel a renewed energy. Photo Credits: Photographed by: Sean Turi Hair & Make-up by: Lauren Whitworth Outfit Credit: Allegra Paris

At the age of 48 you decided to do something totally outside the norm from what your female peers were doing. Instead of fighting the aging process, you decided to use your lifetime experiences in fitness, to embrace your maturity and show others that age is just a number and we are only as old as we let ourselves feel. When was the first time you shared your fitness routine on social media and what was the response. Who suggested you this idea? I love this question because I often wonder what the driving factor was to start sharing my fitness lifestyle on social media. I believe it was pure intuition that others needed someone more like themselves to relate to. I felt I was anything BUT the typical fitness influencer and hoped that other moms, career women, even young girls who were looking for imperfect role models, would find value in what I had to say. It turns out I was right and my message now resonates with over 2 million men and women of all ages, from all parts of the world, making them feel like if I can do it, so can they.

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What's your fitness routine especially while travelling?

Photographed by: Yasmeen Anderson Hair & Make-up by: Lauren Whitworth

When I travel for pleasure I try not to be too regimented about my exercise routine. I consider this a break from life and an opportunity to spend quality time with family. Instead of scheduling gym time, we take advantage of outdoor activities we can do together, such as water sports and hiking. When I travel for business, the jump rope is my life saver!

14 | WOMEN FITNESS – womenfitness.net

Diet you swear by? 5 foods that are essentially part of your weekly diet chart? I am creature of habit and my kids make fun of me all the time because I eat the same thing consistently, although when we go out to dinner I definitely vary the menu. My favorites are: (1) Oatmeal with fresh berries and cashews for breakfast (2) Quest Protein Bars as my go to snack or post-workout (3) Almond butter on rice cakes as a mid-day snack, (4) grilled chicken over greens and (5) Sweet potato anything. You have been labelled as "Jump Rope Queen". Skipping rope is an excellent complete body workout, since when have you been doing it? Tips on how one can minimize injury while doing the same and gain maximum cardio & strength benefits? I started jumping rope at the age of 42 (8 years ago only). I am not a fan of running and jumping rope was a fun and challenging way to get my body moving. I quickly learned the benefits, particularly for the aging body, including: cardiovascular endurance, muscle development, increased libido and mental clarity to name a few. Jumping rope actually burns more calories per hour than running, swimming or biking. It is also considered a low-impact activity, which lessens the stress on your joints and reduces the risk of injury. If you are learning to jump, it is important to make sure you have the right size rope for your height and good shock absorbent pair of sneakers. You will be amazed at how quickly it will help you loose belly fat and increase your energy levels.

Photo Credits: Photographer: Dorothy Shi Hair & Make-up: Mia Petrucelli


Jumping rope actually burns more calories per hour than running, swimming or biking. It is also considered a low-impact activity, which lessens the stress on your joints and reduces the risk of injury.

15 | WOMEN FITNESS – womenfitness.net

5 best stretching exercises to overcome sedentary lifestyle stiffness? Stretching is crucial. Make sure to stretch ALL parts of your body. My favorites are: = Touching your toes from a standing position = Standing up quad stretch to loosen those ligaments = Child’s pose for lower back = Take a towel in both hands and raise it over your head slowly rotating as far back as you can. The closer your grip, the more difficult it is. = Bending to each side from the waist

Photo Credits: Photographed by: Sean Turi Hair & Make-up by: Lauren Whitworth Outfit Credit: Allegra Paris

16 | WOMEN FITNESS – womenfitness.net

You have spent hours writing content for your motivational posts. Share your favourite quote you live by everyday? Success is when opportunity meets preparation. My translation: The most successful people are those who work hard and also have a bit of good fortune. If you have a goal in mind, don’t jut sit back, get prepared for when opportunity knocks at your door. Be ready! Describe a day in the life of Janine Delaney? This could turn into a novel because let’s just say right NOW is the busiest time of my life. Not only am I continuing to work in my career as a Psychologist, but I am also juggling my new found passion in the work of social media. On top of that my two daughters are now teenagers, which means I spend a large majority of my day driving around, scouting colleges and teaching my oldest daughter to drive. Fortunately, my husband of 20 years is a wonderful partner in crime and shares the household responsibilities. Oh, and did I mention we also have two adorable little dogs and are in the process of building a new home.

If you have a goal in mind, don’t jut sit back, get prepared for when opportunity knocks at your door. Be ready!

What has being an influencer taught you about branding and marketing? Being considered an influencer is an odd word to me, because I am really just being myself. I think that is the number one lesson I have learned, truth and authenticity always come out on top. The most important thing any company or person can do when it comes to marketing, is to be true to their values and beliefs. I have never worked with a partner whose products I didn’t use myself first. There are many temptations out there any many people who will reach out to you. If you don’t believe in the product, don’t support it. It’s as simple as that.

So, in a nutshell, wake up, go, go go, sleep and repeat.

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Sometime back you partnered with a fitness app company to develop your very own training app that could be used by people all over the world for anywhere/anytime workouts. Are you happy with the results and how far has it been successful in fulfilling its purpose? I have a partnership with Fitplan App which allowed me to create my very own 12 Week Total Body Tone program people can follow along with from anywhere In the world. I designed the program based on the workouts I do myself. You don’t need a gym and there is a new workout every day. This has been one of the most rewarding projects I have been involved in so far because each day I get messages from new members telling me how much they enjoy it. I have many moms just like me on the program who are so busy they find it difficult to squeeze a workout into their day. They love my plan because I make everything easy for them and it is geared for all levels. My favorite stories are when I see before and after photos and hear how my workouts have helped someone feel good about themselves again.

Photo Credits:

As your brand continues to grow, it must be challenging to juggle between your career and family. Your favourite holiday destination and tips to relax after a long day?

Photographed by: Yasmeen Anderson Hair & Make-up by: Lauren Whitworth

My family and I enjoy travel immensely. We have travelled with our daughters from when they were babies. As a career mom, it has always been so important for me to take that time away and really enjoy my family. We try and go on one relaxing trip per year to a resort destination and then take a second, more adventurous vacation where we get to experience another culture. This year we went to St. Lucia and Ireland.

Post-workout skin & hair care routine? Good skin and hair doesn’t happen magically, you have to put the time into it and stick to a regular routine. I always make sure to wash my face, neck and shoulders after a workout and cleanse with a cotton ball and astringent. I only wear make-up for special occasions so my skin can breath and I wash my hair twice a week to avoid For last 19 years Women Fitness has been dedicated to serve drying it out. Of course, I women all over the world. Share your view about the website. Also, am huge on sunscreen all do share a message for your followers? year round and moisturizer I absolutely love Women Fitness. It is a magazine of substance with many wellbefore bed. rounded topics. I feel like it has something for everyone. I enjoy the variety of articles and even though I have been involved in the diet and exercise industry for years, even I find novel and interesting content. It is a great read, with engaging visuals and I always recommend it to my followers.

18 | WOMEN FITNESS – womenfitness.net




That Will Tone Your Arms, Keep You


Looking Sexy!

Perhaps you’ve seen kettlebells lined up at your gym. With their unique shape and bright colors, it’s easy to understand how they can peak your curiosity. These bright colored, cannonball looking weights with a handle are intriguing, but to most they remain a bit of a mystery. Perhaps, you’ve walked by them and wondered how to use them or how they differ from dumbbells or barbells. 19 | WOMEN FITNESS – womenfitness.net

“Kettlebells can be intimidating!” Explains Julian Cardoos NS, CPT, RKC and owner and lifestyle coach at Rebirth Body Transformation Center in Wakefield, Massachusetts. “If you watch someone that is an expert, and you see him or her swinging this big ball around, it can surely lead to an inexperienced onlooker passing up the opportunity to feel and look foolish.” Cardoos went on to say. Like most fitness equipment, good instruction and a little practice can make kettlebells the perfect addition to your workout repertoire as well as to help avoid injury! Cardoos stated that

“Kettlebells are considered by many to be the best, and most versatile piece of fitness equipment in the gym.” They are a great tool for building strength, developing power, increasing flexibility, strengthening the core, and some of the best metabolic conditioning that you can do (a.k.a. one of the best ways to burn body fat and tone during and long after the workout).

As a trainer, one of the ways Cardoos said that he helps introduce clients to kettlebells at his studio, Rebirth Body Transformation Center, is to start substituting common weighted exercises that they already feel comfortable with only using kettlebells instead of a dumbbell. Cardoos explained that “This can give you a feeling of confidence holding the kettlebell in your hands before you branch out to do new exercises that you are unfamiliar with.” Then, he’ll introduce the more complex exercises such as swings, snatches, and Turkish getups.

Additionally, when strength training, we always want to prioritize compound movements (or exercises that work multiple muscles at once) before then transitioning to targeting specific muscles. This is important as I asked Cardoos to share a killer these exercises burn more calories upper body workout to help tone and help you more efficiently and define your arms so that they tone. As you will see in this is look and feel fabulous! Here’s what arm workout, you will feel like he had to say: you got a great full body workout, The first thing to remember is while also feeling your arms get that showing arm definition comes firmer. from reducing body fat. Here is an example of a great Unfortunately, science tells us that arm toning workout that will we cannot spot reduce. This means check all of those boxes! that working a muscle cannot reduce the body fat around that Instructions: You will specific muscle. The good news: perform “tri-set” circuits going building more muscle in general from one exercise, to a second, WILL help you burn more calories then a third without pausing and body fat around the clock, helping you to tone that area. That until you complete the third exercise. Once the third exercise is why strength training is the is complete, rest for 60 – 90 foundation of any good program. seconds, then repeat. You will do this circuit three times, then move on to another circuit of three new exercises.

20 | WOMEN FITNESS – womenfitness.net

1A) Kettlebell Upright rows 15 repetitions 1B) Kettlebell 1 arm 3 point rows 15 repetitions each side 1C) Kettlebell goblet squat hold with 15 biceps curls at the bottom 15 reps Rest: 60 – 90 seconds 2A) Kettlebell squat to shoulder press 15 repetitions 2B) Kettlebell overhead triceps extensions 15 Repetitions 2C) V-sit Russian twists 15 repetitions Rest: 60 – 90 seconds 3A) Kettlebell Halos 8 repetitions in each direction 3B) Kettlebell goblet iso-hold reverse lunges 8 repetitions on each leg 3C) Kettlebell triceps kickbacks 15 repetitions each arm (light kettle bell) Rest: 60 – 90 seconds With this workout, you will want to have varying weighted kettlebells, so you can stay strict to the repetition range given. You will want to choose weights that allow you to do the full repetition range to completion with good form, but not so light that you could do 3 more than the recommended amount of repetitions. If you find that as you get into the second and third sets of each circuit and you cannot do as many repetitions as the previous set, you will want to rest longer to let your muscles recover. By-Julian Cardoos & Charlene Bazarian

21 | WOMEN FITNESS – womenfitness.net


At-Home At-Home Exercises Exercises to Get to Get Rihanna’s Rihanna’s Curves, Curves, From FromHer HerTrainer Trainer


hen Rihanna first came to me she had been traveling for the first half of 2017 and admitted her workout routine had taken a backseat to the chaos – which is understandable between her cosmetics line, lingerie debut, recording, partnerships + more. Her goal was to maintain her curves – she actually really enjoyed how her body was looking after taking a few months off from the gym (ahem booty, hips and thighs); but was looking to tighten up and tone a few areas without losing any of her curves. I’d been training Rihanna’s personal chef, Debbie, for about a year at this point and as soon as Rihanna was back in Los Angeles, Debbie dragged her along for what she promised would be the most sculpting 25-minute workout session of her life. I have to admit I died a little inside after

22 | WOMEN FITNESS – womenfitness.net

Rihanna’s first time on the Supra® — she told me she was OBSESSED with it and it was the most difficult workout she’d ever done! So, what is the Supra® you might ask? If you’ve heard of the Lagree Fitness® Method or the Megaformer® machine – loved by celebs like Jen Aniston, Sofia Vergara (has 2 Megaformers in her home), Khloe Kardashian, Michelle Obama + more (my husband created and patented both the machine and workout method) — our own personal studio in Los Angeles, Lagree Fitness Studio, is the exclusive home to my husband’s newest fitness innovation: the 25-minute Supra® machine.

The Supra® is a resistance-based platform that uses a system of springs and pulleys much like its predecessor, the Megaformer®, but it’s a completely digital machine and is the first machine in the world to both incline and tilt. So, while you’re doing your Lagree moves like Catfish and Bear, the Supra is moving up and down underneath your feet up to 4 feet in the air, while shifting left to right, so you’re fighting gravity, resistance, AND your body weight while trying to hold a pose. The machine forces you to engage all 600 muscles at once to maintain balance and you can burn up to 400 calories in just 25-minutes! So, here, I give to you: 7 exercises you can do at-home without the Supra machine to get Rihanna’s curves inspired by the in-studio workouts I design for her!

Remember: The Lagree Fitness® Method is unique in that it’s based on the “time under tension” (TUT) concept, which means you aren’t necessarily counting “sets” or “reps” for each exercise. TUT refers to the amount of time the muscle(s) is contracted/fighting resistance. This is how you’ll get those long, lean, sculpted muscles, get your cardio in , and avoid bulking! Try to perform every move described below precisely and slowly using a ‘four-count-out’, ‘fourcount-in’ timing for each exercise for a minimum of 60 seconds on the right side, 60 seconds on the left. Work yourself up to 90 seconds and then 120 seconds on each side as you begin to master them. Enjoy, sweat, hold and embrace the Lagree shakes!

23 | WOMEN FITNESS – womenfitness.net

1. Reverse Saw For this move – which targets your lats, shoulders and abs – you’ll need a set of towels. On a bare floor, get into tabletop position. Place a hand towel under your knees for comfort. Drop down onto your elbows so that they’re aligned under your shoulders. To get into starting position, walk your elbows out so that your “table top” creates a 45-degree angle from your hips to your knees. Now that you’re in position, place the other hand towel under your elbows. Slowly slide your elbows out in front of you for 4 counts and then pull them back in so they’re underneath your shoulders on a 4-count. Hands should be in a prayer position pointing to front of the room. Your knees are static and do not move. Your entire trunk should not move. The exercise is performed by just pushing your elbows out and pulling them in.

2. Standing Inner Thighs Work your inner and outer thighs, pelvic area and transverse abdominals (lower abs) with one of Rihanna’s favorite moves! On a smooth surface, stand with legs hip width apart and toes pointed outwards with a slight bend in your knees. Grab some gliders or paper plates (on carpet) or towels (on hard floor) and slowly push one leg outward (4-count) and then pull inward (4 count). Focus on pulling in and pushing out using your inner thigh. There should be a slight bend in knees, but never total squat position. Repeat this motion for 90120 seconds on one side then switch using the other leg.

3. Wheelbarrow Target your triceps, arms shoulders, chest, back and abs with this all-in-one exercise. Get in a table top position on the floor with gliders or towels under your knees; then slide your knees back so you’re creating a 45-degree angle between your core and thighs. Cross your legs at your ankles and lift slightly so that only your hands and knees are touching the floor. When you inhale, slowly push yourself backwards using your shoulders and arms. On the exhale, pull your body back to starting position – only using your arms – not your legs – your legs should be stationary and your arms should feel like they’re pulling and pushing dead weight.

24 | WOMEN FITNESS – womenfitness.net

5. Carriage Kicks On a smooth surface, get into a lunging position with one leg in front of you and one behind. Squat down and maintain the lunging leg (front leg) static and stationary, making sure your knee does not go beyond your toes. Place your opposite foot (behind leg) on a towel, slide that foot back until the leg is almost straight (do not move to the point where your knee is completely straight — you always want to retain tension with a little bend in your knee). Slide the back foot in until your knee is directly under your hip. Keep this movement going on a 4-count-in, 4-countout basis for 90-120 seconds, always retaining a slight bend of the knee in the back leg. This exercise works legs and core.

6. Donkey Kicks This can be done on any surface. Get down on all fours with knees directly under hips and hands positioned under shoulders, keeping the spine straight. Keeping a 90-degree angle between your hips and the floor, lift one knee off the ground, to the side (as if you were going to do a fire hydrant move) and kick straight back keeping the kicking leg parallel with the spine, the foot flexed and the ankle toward the ceiling, toes pointed out. This exercise works the butt, abs, and arms. As always, perform the kick out and kick in on a 4-count each for 90-120 seconds and switch sides.

4. Catfish Another favorite of Rihanna’s, this move will work your arms, lats, and abs and obliques. Start by selecting a sturdy piece of furniture in your house (a heavier chair is recommended), and a smooth floor surface (ie: tile or hardwood). Facing the chair, place your hands on the sides of the seat, extend your arms so they’re completely straight. Creating a 90-degree angle between your hips and the floor (back straight, booty out!), place your feet on a towel (to allow the feet to move back and forth with ease), go up on the balls of your feet and keep a slight bend in the knees. With slightly bent knees, pull your knees into you toward your elbows on a 4-count-in; and staying on the balls of your feet, push your legs away from your elbows by sliding your feet out on a 4-count. You should feel like you’re dragging the lower half of your body with the power of your core and lower abs.

7. Spoon Get started on a smooth surface. Almost any chair will work for this exercise (except if it has wheels;). Sit in your chair, grip your hands around the sides of the chair and lift yourself off the chair, booty must be elevated and spine must be straight! Keeping your elbows straight, lean forward so your body is creating a 90-degree angle between your top and lower half with your hips. Using a towel under your heels (to allow the feet to move back and forth on the floor), flex your feet and pull the hips up toward the ceiling, keeping your arms static in a slow controlled movement. On your 4-count-out, push the hips down and feet forward. This exercise works the abs and arms. By- Dede Lagree

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Body Weight Training



ody weight training and working out with fitness equipment both offer many benefits. When done correctly, each method can offer a great workout. As someone who is always traveling, I find that having a vocabulary of body weight bearing exercises that requires minimal equipment has really helped me. But I also have seen great improvement from using the machines correctly. Here’s some of the main differences between the two methods and what they can offer you:

Fitness Equipment Workouts

Body weight exercises such as planks, push-ups, lunges, and hip raises, require the body to use more muscle groups. In these exercises, you are not targeting a specific muscle group. Instead, you are challenging the body to work cohesively to execute the exercise.

Unlike body weight exercises, gym machines really focus on isolating a muscle group and forcing that muscle group to exclusively perform the exercise. The body will respond by increasing strength and size of the targeted area.

The use of gym equipment will lead to faster and more visible results. Body weight training, however, will increase functional strength that allows the body’s muscle groups to perform in harmony. The benefits of each are different and finding a workout routine that incorporates both will give you a great comprehensive and thorough workout! By- Katie Boren


Your Fitness & Your Kids’ Fitness: Understanding the



f I had to give one single piece of advice to new parents, I’d say this:

“Your kids will do as you say much less than they will do as you do.”

In my experience, this is especially true for health habits around fitness and nutrition. Our children mirror us. If you want your kids to exercise, then you can’t just tell them (or force them) to do it. You’ve gotta do it yourself.

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5:30AM. That’s a bit too early for my kids, and also what’s right for my own workout with my trainer is not right for my kids–ages 11, 12 and 18. But they’re up by 5:30 and hitting the workout right after me, while I’m still at home and can cheer them on and give them pointers. They do running, cardio workouts, and weightlifting. Despite initial resistance, my kids have come to love getting their exercise for the day knocked out first thing–and the charge of energy that gives them. Plus, it’s some of our best bonding time. Ditto for eating healthy. And getting enough sleep. And not smoking. And on and on. These days, I do my own workout with my trainer between 4:30AM and

Don’t Just Model the Right Workout, Model the Right Attitude Not only do kids mirror your observable actions (such as how often you exercise). They also mirror your attitudes–particularly about why you exercise. If you’re making it clear that you exercise in order to fit into some preconceived and overrestrictive cultural notion of what is supposed to be “beautiful,” it’s likely your kids will pick up that subtle judgment about their own bodies. Everyone’s version of what’s healthy for them is going to look and feel different. Your healthy is different than my healthy.

Model that view for your kids. It’s not about Here are 3 pointers size. It’s not about vanity. about improving your It’s about what is most kids’ relation to fitness, healthy for their that I’ve come to particular needs and through much trialsituation. Believe it for and-error: yourelf, and they will come to believe it for themselves as well.

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Don’t Force Your Kids to Eat a Particular Diet–Instead, Teach Them to Ask the Right Questions About Food In order to encourage them to be responsible for their own lives, I encourage my kids to make their own choices

about what they eat. However, going into those choices, I encourage them to ask the right questions about what they eat:

= Am I really hungry, or

am I just eating this because I’m bored? = Is this the best

decision I could make for my body?

= Is this going to give

= How is eating this

me more energy, or is this going to make me feel depleted?

going to make me feel afterwards?

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I find that, if I arm them with these questions, they go into their food choices with a more long-term eye. They begin to see the correlations between their food-choices, their mood, and their long-term goals in life.

Make it About Quality Time, Not About Rules and Results The bottom line is: if you develop a habit and routine where you spend quality time with your kids, that happens to involve exercise, you’re going to have a better experience, and ultimately get much better results, than if you “force” your kids with a bunch of rules, and expectations about their results. There are so many ways you can bond with your kids through exercise: walking, hiking, playing sports, dancing. Why not make exercise about bonding, rather than about forcing or judging? That’s ultimately what will get your kids excited about fitness. By- Rosie Mercado

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Loving My


Mom Body Learning To Embrace Changes After Motherhood


very New Year, I try to not set resolutions – but to be more mindful of how to care for my body, mind and spirit. I try to incorporate a more holistic approach to feeling better about myself, moving more and truly loving myself. This approach towards selfcare really initiated when I gave birth to my first child, Ella.

I realized that if I didn’t figure out a way to love myself – to refresh, restore and rejuvenate myself – I couldn’t really be a good, present mother to her. So, I needed to embrace the changes – physically, mentally – and truly love my new mom body.

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Easier said than done, right? Now, in full transparency, I have always been ‘blessed’ when it comes to my physical wellbeing and health. I’m 5’11” and pre-pregnancy, held a healthy weight around 135lb – 140lbs. I am very active and held an active lifestyle while pregnant via a combination of SoulCycle, swimming, yoga, Pilates and mediation. I love yoga and I am an avid bathtaker – it’s my saving grace when I need to distance myself from a long day and it allows me to relax, look at my body and create peace and synergy within. That said, I was very in-tune with the changes each month brought and began to embrace those changes with excitement. Establishing this mindset throughout my pregnancy proved ESSENTIAL to embracing my new body postbirth.

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As I brought Ella home and began to nurture her through every milestone, I began to realize that I needed to create a system that allowed me to nurture myself. True, my body did just create and grow a health human being – not a small feat – and now I needed to navigate the world in the new body that is softer in some places (i.e., my stomach) and a little more sensitive in others (i.e., my chest). For me, the best advice was to give myself time to recover. While I felt like I was ready to start running when Ella was only days old, I knew that my body wasn’t ready. As I paid attention to the inner voice, I realized that it was ok to ‘relax’ and go at a slower pace. I started walking in the park during the day to give both Ella and me some fresh air; and I began to acknowledge that the skin that stretched to accommodate my growing belly was an amazing thing – it allowed for a growing child. And, even though it’ll never be the same – it is a miracle and beautiful result of growing life.

As I was cleared by my doctor and up until today, I look at my new body with affection: My new butt: now that my hips are a little wider, I have more curves. My clothes fit better and I love how my legs looks with a slightly tighter dress. My new arms: breastfeeding/holding my daughter and lifting a toddler gave me the BEST biceps ever. Now I can check off bicep curls when I’m at the gym. My larger feet: what a great excuse to go shopping. And, no matter how my physical body changed, shoes look good at any size My ‘less stressful’ periods: After giving birth, no longer to suffer from painful periods – cramps, migraines…all gone My “natural glow”: my skin, my nails, my teeth, my hair are all on a level 10! At the end of the day, you bounce back…not exactly the same, but definitely better. And when you look at your softer stomach or looser skin …also look at your beautiful baby and lovely family…and smile. By- Joy Altimare

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Fitness Tip

Heartrate training benefits everyone, from the beginning exerciser trying to lose weight, to individuals trying to improve their cardiovascular fitness, to the highly conditioned athlete preparing for the next competition. The key to making progress is to elevate your heart rate into the correct training zone, so your effort matches your goals.

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Healthy Eating

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Flat Bread

For those nights when you are really craving something a bit more substantial, or even junk food, I have the perfect alternative for you. Low carb flat bread toasted with a thin layer of your favorite tomato sauce and a sprinkle of low moisture, low-fat mozzarella is a healthy light “pizza” snack. Sprinkle, chili flakes and oregano to kick up the flavor or top with some thinly sliced mushrooms to amp it up a little.

Yogurt What happens when you have a sweet tooth and need a healthy snack before bed so you don’t hit the pillow tossing and turning, thinking about that cookie or ice cream bar you wish you could be eating. For these craving, have your favorite plain yogurt on hand. I like Siggi’s Icelandic Yogurt as it’s thicker and creamier than other brands. Top your yogurt with blueberries, strawberries, pineapple or apples and add a very light drizzle of agave or sprinkle some nuts and sugar free dark chocolate chips. Create a small parfait or “sundae” with various textures, so you feel like you are indulging. This will satisfy your latenight sweet tooth without the guilt.

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Eat What To

With Endometriosis


ndometriosis is a female health disorder that occurs when cells from the lining of the womb (uterus) grow in other areas of the body. This can lead to pain, irregular bleeding, and problems getting pregnant. While some women with endometriosis remain asymptomatic, others experience dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, noncyclical pelvic pain, and sub-fertility. Now, new research indicates that patients with endometriosis are also more likely to develop inflammatory bowel disease.

Every month, a woman’s ovaries produce hormones that tell the cells lining the uterus (womb) to swell and get thicker. The body removes these extra cells from the womb lining (endometrium) when you get your period. If these cells (called endometrial cells) implant and grow outside the uterus, endometriosis results. The growths are called endometrial tissue implants. Women with endometriosis typically have tissue implants on the ovaries, bowel, rectum, bladder, and on the lining of the pelvic area. They can occur in other areas of the body, too.

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One of the objectives in treating endometriosis is to bring balance to your hormones, and reduce the amount of estrogen in your body (endometriosis is fed by estrogen). Therefore, a diet that helps reduce estrogen and promote an alkaline body, and supports your general health, is going to help those with endometriosis fight back.

Foods that can Help Prevent Endometriosis For those with endometriosis, there are specific foods that you should eat. The Endometriosis Good Foods List includes:

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Whole Grain Foods: An

Fruits & Vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables: Women may be able to lower their risk of endometriosis by eating more fresh fruit and green vegetables. According to a study published in 2004, lead researcher Dr Fabio Parazzini from the Gynaecologic Clinic of the University of Milan, explained, “What we found was that there was a 40% relative reduction in risk of endometriosis in women with higher consumption of green vegetables and fresh fruit. But, for those with a high intake of beef, other red meat and ham, there was an increase of about 80-100 percent in relative risk.” Fruits like apples, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, goji berries, acai berries are good for managing endometriosis. Sage, Celery and Parsley contain flavones that block the enzyme aromatase that converts adrogens to estrogens, thereby decreasing overall estrogen production.

Flaxseed: Flaxseed help stabilize a woman’s estrogen-progesterone ratio, due to the presence of the hormone-balancing lignans and plant estrogens (phytoestrogens). They can improve uterine function and help treat fertility problems. The essential fatty acids in flaxseed have been shown to block production of prostaglandins, hormonelike substances that, when released in excess amounts during menstruation, can cause the heavy bleeding associated with endometriosis. Amaranth and other whole seeds: Its seeds are a good source of protein. Compared to other grains, amaranth is unusually rich in the essential amino acid lysine. The seeds of Amaranthus species contain about thirty percent more protein than cereals like rice, sorghum and rye. In cooked and edible forms, amaranth is competitive with wheat germ and oats – higher in some nutrients, lower in others. Amaranth seeds contain lysine, an essential amino acid, limited in other grains or plant sources. Alfalfa sprouts contain phytoestrogens. Use them liberally on salads.

endometriosis-friendly diet should be high in fiber. Estrogen production is decreased when you eat a high-fiber diet and, as an added benefit, your digestion will also improve. Aim for about 25 grams of fiber each day. Whole grains provide us with insoluble fiber, which is not digested by the body. E.g. amaranth, barley, buckwheat, bulgur, cornmeal, farro, hominy, kamut, millet, oats, quinoa, rice, job’s tears, sorghum, spelt, teff, triticale, and wheat berries, excluding wheat and rye. Choose brown rice over white rice, use oats or crushed bran in recipes in place of bread crumbs, add whole grains to meat dishes to add extra body to the dish.

Beans such as Navy Beans, which are high in choline or choline supplements. Bean sprouts supply more genistein (the more active of the two phytoestrogens) than soybeans. As beans germinate, their genistein content increases. If the sprouts have fungi, the genistein content may increase as much as hundred-fold! Pinto beans, yellow split beans, black turtle beans, lima beans, anasazi beans, red kidney beans, red lentils, black eyed peas, mung beans, adzuki beans and fava beans are other sources of these important phytoestrogens. If you have endometriosis, eat as much edible beans as possible as often as possible. Eat salads made of bean sprouts. Take bean soups, baked beans, and Mexican foods rich in beans such as burritos.

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Chicken in moderation: By eating less meat, you’ll not only be reducing your intake of potentially harmful fats, but also of estrogen. What to Eat with Endometriosis? Check it OutFish Oil: Research has shown that fish oil may offer several benefits for women with endometriosis. A study which was done on animals suggests that the Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil can help reduce the pain which is caused by endometriosis. The Omega-3 fatty acid in fish oil helps to reduce inflammation, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. This is the main reason fish oil is believed to help reduce pain that is caused by endometriosis. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil can also help boost a woman’s immunity.

Super Foods for Endo!

= Mustard Greens

= Broccoli = Cabbage

= Turnips = Cauliflower = Kale = Bok Choy

= Brussels Sprouts

Unsaturated fats high in Omegas 3 and 6: The inflammation and cramping of endometriosis are caused primarily by an excess of a certain prostaglandin, a natural fatty acid. Fortunately, you may be able to balance out your prostaglandin levels by getting more omega-3 fatty acids. Animal studies have shown omega-3 beneficial in reducing the symptoms of endometriosis and human studies have proven omega-3 can reduce period pain (Supplementation with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the management of dysmenorrhea in adolescents. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology,1996;174:1335-8.) Consider taking omega-3 supplements as a natural treatment for endometriosis. Rich sources of omega-3 fatty acid are certain types of fish, such as mackerel, salmon, and herring, and oils from olives, flax seeds, evening primrose, safflower, and walnuts.

Eliminate sugar and sugary foods, alcohol, caffeine, dairy products, fried foods, foods that contain additives, all hardened fats, junk foods, fast foods, red meats, poultry (unless organically raised and skinless), refined and processed foods, salt, and shellfish.

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FAD Ways




Cut Through the

iet…quite frankly the worst four-letter word in my honest opinion. I feel like in life we have plenty to feel bad for not executing properly and now we add eating to the list; something we have to do multiple times per day. Dieting can be restrictive, irritating, and let’s face down right confusing.

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Here I’ll help cut the fads so you can actually enjoy a meal every once in a while, and STILL be on your weight loss game

1) Restriction doesn’t work. If there were a magic bullet, then this would be a world of skinny people. What do you think, “Sara” is just more disciplined to follow the PALEO diet and therefore reaps the benefits while the rest of us poor schleps are destined to a life of obesity and yoyo dieting. NO! “Sara” is miserable right now, slave to some book and pouring over recipes. She can’t wait for January to be over so she can introduce alcohol back into her daily routine; she figured she’s been restricting for long enough. Sure restriction might work for a little while, but what happens when you’ve had a bad day and can’t get out of your own way, and there’s “Sara” asking you to have a glass of wine with her? Obviously you go, and that glass turns into a bottle, and McDonald’s and ice cream at 1 am. Had you remembered that you had 35 chances per week to eat well and if you could do that 32 times per week (including the occasional dessert and glass of wine) you would be well on your way to a healthier lifestyle and weight loss.

2) There isn’t just one way to lose weight. Whole 30, Paelo, Keto, Intermittent Fasting, Atkins, and bears, oh my! Seriously, I can find things wrong with every single one of these diets. Whole 30 is way too restrictive – sure it’s a good idea to eliminate sugar and alcohol but you didn’t need to pay $20 on this book to know that. Paleo – a very prominent gastroenterologist that I admire very much once said something to me that I’ve taken with me – we’ve evolved since the days of our caveman ancestors…. all they had were berries and lions to eat; sometimes it’s ok to have a piece of bread. Intermittent Fasting- this so many ways to be executed, people get confused, and end up binging during their eating window. Keto/Atkins – remember Atkins induction stay varied people, so you don’t become bored!

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Food is the joie de vie, and let me tell you if you shift the way you think about dieting – and understand that it doesn’t have to be a struggle things will get better for you. I mean you can always drink water… champagne only happens for special occasions.

3) Speaking of water… DRINK IT! People come to me and tell me they don’t like it. What’s not to like? It quenches your thirst, it hydrates you, it makes your skin look younger – and let me tell you – people are always telling me how young I look and I say it’s because mostly I drink water and mind my business. Seriously though, often times you think you’re hungry and you’re just thirsty. Also helps move the food through the system – so optimal digestion if you’re properly hydrated, WHICH then means the food is moving through your system properly which ultimately means more weight loss.

4) One thing at a time, if after all this you still want to do one of the aforementioned diets, then go ahead and do it, just find the one that is most sustainable so you can do it long term. Make sure you arm yourself with all the information, and remember every meal is a new chance to be successful – so if you fall off a little bit don’t let that derail you; just dust yourself off and try again. Eventually you will be at your goal if you make sure to see it through. By-Vanessa Rissetto

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Diet Tip

When you eat gut healthboosting foods like broccoli, you can lower the risk of mental health issues. Broccoli also provides numerous other benefits including heart health, eye health, cancer prevention, and cholesterol reduction. However, make sure you are cooking and consuming your broccoli the most efficient way to get the full results - meaning you should avoid frying it and opt for boiling, steaming, or eating it raw instead.

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Fashion & Lifestyle


Skin Secrets That No One Told You About


o you ever feel like women with glowing beautiful skin know a secret you don’t? And if you only knew their magic formula your skin would be gorgeous? Check Out 10 Secrets to a Beautiful Skin

Water If there’s one thing that will change the appearance and texture of your skin it’s water. Consider a grape, round, plump, and smooth it’s filled with moisture. What does a grape become when dehydrated? A raisin wrinkled, dry, and old looking. The same applies to our skin when we have enough water on the inside our skin plumps up and is smoother. The fastest quickest way to improving the overall appearance of your skin is to get your 8 glasses a day!

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Read Ingredients Do you know what your putting on skin? The women who glow do. They read the ingredients to make sure the products they are using are benefiting their skin, and not doing the opposite.

DIY Sounds like we are up cycling some furniture when we talk about DIY but we are talking about DIY skincare. The truth is you can make a ton of good for your skin products that are better and cost less when you shop at the grocery store rather than the department store. Try a home spa day with a few DIY masks and moisturizers you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how great your skin looks and how little it cost.

Sunscreen If you take only one of these secrets with you on your journey to better skin it should be sunscreen. The UVA/ UVB rays from the sun do a tremendous amount of damage daily. You may already wear sunscreen, but the real question is do you reapply? It’s the re-application throughout the day that staves off aging. Sunscreen wear it and re-apply, it will make a difference.

Cleansing Using a mild cleanser with warm (not hot water) cleanses your face when you wake up (that includes after naps), after sweating, and before bed.

Double Masking So you tried a DIY mask… but consider the insider trick of Double Masking to get salon quality results. It’s as simple as it sounds choose two masks either store bought or DIY with the benefits you want to achieve and do them both one after the other. Try using a sheet mask followed by a cream mask to see some real hydrating results.

Steam your skin Perhaps you’ve had a facial and have experienced the relaxation and hydration that comes from steaming. Do an at home steam and reap the benefits of cleaner pores, added hydration, and a little relaxation all while getting the glow that comes with steam.

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Smoking Yes, it’s terrible for your lungs, and just as terrible for your skin. If smoking is a regular habit talk with your physician about safe ways to stop. You’ll see improvements in your overall health and your skin!

Stress Management Stress is a regular part of everyday life and you may not know that it can affect your skin. Skin diseases like eczema, and psoriasis are often linked to stress.

Massage Another amazing service that happens during a facial is massage. Massage has a myriad of benefits that include increased blood flow, and muscle stimulation. Add a mini massage to your skincare routine while your applying your night cream or a moisturizer and enjoy the benefits and relaxation that come with it.

Finding healthy ways to manage your stress can improve your overall health as well your skin. Consider meditating for 10 minutes daily to gain some balance and approach stress management in a new way for the new year. Your skin will be glowing in no time! By- Lisa Malcolm

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Beauty Tip

The right pair of shades can help protect your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. Too much UV exposure boosts your chances of cataract and macular degeneration. Opt for a pair that blocks 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB rays. Wraparound lenses help protect your eyes from the side. Polarized lenses reduce glare while you drive.

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April Exclusive

Lala Kent Aspires

To Take Her

Makeup Line

To New

Heights This Year


GiveThem Lala Lala's ambitious, fun and talented personality has led her to a following of over 1 million worldwide.

Photo credits: Photographer: Logan Noh Beauty: Give Them Lala Beauty

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anderpump Rules star Lala Kent is one of the most popular Reality TV stars, thanks to her stunning on-screen presence and her super successful makeup line. Actress, singer and entrepreneur Lala, has not left any stone unturned, with her brand, LALA. Lala Kent rose to fame on Bravo’s “Vanderpump Rules” and has since become a wildly popular media personality who ultimately coined the phrase, “Give Them Lala.” Lala's ambitious, fun and talented personality has led her to a following of over 1 million worldwide. With so much more lined up in front of her, Women Fitness President, Namita Nayyar, welcomed Lala Kent for an exclusive interview where she talks about fitness, how she dreams to take her brand to new heights and resolutions for 2019.


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You are one of the most popular cast members on the widely loved series Vanderpump Rules. What made you participate in Reality TV? I feel like I fell into it. The universe works in odd ways. I came to LA to be an actress and only an actress. The universe had a different agenda for me, which ultimately led me to my dream. If you had define your experience on Vanderpump Rules, how would you define it? Epic. I’ve enjoyed being apart of something so raw and honest, which has brought amazing opportunities to my front door.

Photo credits: Trainer: Jenna Willis Photographer: Dorrien Schuyler Beauty: Give Them Lala Beauty

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Share with our viewers what comprises your breakfast & supper? My breakfast is usually a smoothie that consists of spinach, avocado, banana, apple, carrot, and strawberry. Dinnertime I always crave rice & beans with pico de Gallo, avocado, and hot sauce.

Photo credits: Trainer: Jenna Willis Photographer: Dorrien Schuyler Beauty: Give Them Lala Beauty

5 exercises that are a must in your workout regime? I love everything my trainer has me do on the TRX, Deadlifts, sumo squats, gravity holds, & ball slams. We usually target one area each day but these are some of my top picks that keep me sore. What do you like to begin your workout routine with? Is meditation a part of your routine to combat stress? I usually start with cardio or a little boxing routine. Meditation isn’t something I do- the punching bag acts as my meditation, haha. We are soon going to catch you on Vault and 10 Minutes Gone. How excited are you for the same? Also, tell us what is in store for your fans in them? I’m over the moon about this. Getting to act along side phenomenal actors like Bruce Willis and Samira Wiley is a dream come true. I’m excited for fans of mine to see versatility.

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I usually start with cardio or a little boxing routine. Meditation isn’t something I dothe punching bag acts as my meditation.

An all new season of Vanderpump Rules has returned. How was the preparation for this one? I’m just starting to strap myself in for a wild season. It’s hard to prep for something like this. You kind of go over everything you said and did during the season and completely overthink every detail!

You are also currently in the process of expanding your cruelty-free makeup line Give Them Lala. What are the key components that you have kept in mind while creating this line? I always keep the ladies in mind. What will a woman feel beautiful in when she goes to work, when she is being a mama, going out to the club, or on a date with her hubby. I love women and I want to provide a collection that all women can feel beautiful and confident in.

Since you are working so incredibly hard in multiple fields, how are you able to relax and rejuvenate? Honestly, I have to say going to the gym and getting my workout in the morning. I struggle with anxiety— staying active starts my day in the right way and gets my mental state feeling strong. That, and crawling into bed and watching Family Guy. Family Guy is oddly relaxing and therapeutic for me. Define Women Fitness for our viewers. In my eyes it means staying healthy. We all have different body types. I don't think you need to be a body builder to be considered fit. So to me it just means keeping up on your health. What is your skincare and hair care routine like, After a sweaty workout: I like my hair a little gritty. I’d be lying to you if I said the hair gets washed after every workout. If I have nowhere to be I’m keeping it up or in a hat. Before a red carpet appearance: I make a call to my hair care squad for them to handle it. Doing my own hair has never been my strongest point haha.

You have been so open and honest about using Botox. Why do you think it is important for females to know and understand that nobody is perfect and that they must embrace themselves for who they are? I think social media has created such a false illusion of what beauty is. I don't want anyone to think I was born a certain way when really I’m getting help from Dr. Diamond & FaceTune, haha. I also think it’s important to share that I have insecurities just like everyone else on this planet— some I embrace, but others I’ve “fixed”. With social media taking a toll on our lives, how do you manage to balance out time for your family and loved ones? We have a rule in our house then when we sit down for dinner there are no phones. We talk about real life— what we did today, what we are thankful for, what made us upset. It’s helps me to find balance in a media crazed world. There have been times where I retreat and delete the certain apps when I start to get affected.

My goal in the New Year is always the same: Be happy & be thankful. I’m looking forward to so much.

Your idea of the perfect Valentine’s Day looks like? I want to be with my honey and my family during this day. It’s a day of love and it’s my little brothers birthday, which that’s the most important to me. 3 Top Resolutions for 2019? 3 things that you’re looking forward to in 2019? My goal in the New Year is always the same: Be happy & be thankful. I’m looking forward to so much. We are starting to film The Row 2 in the New Year, which I’m the lead in, I’m releasing new music, and of course I can’t wait to see Give Them Lala Beauty grow even more.

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Photo credits: Photographer: Logan Noh Beauty: Give Them Lala Beauty

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Weight Loss Guide




HIIT t u o k r o W


i Readers! My name is Janine Delaney and I am often referred to as the Jump Rope Queen of social media because of my passion for jumping rope to stay lean and fit! As the age of 49, I started my social wellness brand to help others see that age is only a number and we are only as old as we let ourselves feel!

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Jump Rope

As a full-time Psychologist, I understand how important the mind-body connection is. My love of fitness stems from my childhood when I danced professional ballet, extended to teaching exercise and nutrition classes in my twenties, and eventually competing and placing in figure competitions over the age of 40. Now my teenage daughters and I enjoy training together. It's a great way to stay healthy, fit in a workout and make quality time for one another. Aside from jump rope, I also practice a series of conditioning exercises called “Dynamic Cardio Workouts” that are designed to be fun, energizing and amazing for overall fat burn and building lean muscle. I want to share one of my favorite circuits with you as the holidays approach because it is an excellent way to get in an efficient workout that will help keep you lean, despite the temptations of holiday parties and treats. The workout below will only take you 30 minutes a day and will help you achieve (a) cardio endurance (b) overall conditioning (c) strength, and (d) flexibility. These exercises are my favorite way to train because they provide an overall workout and can be done from anywhere. Not only will they have you looking good but feeling good as well!

Workout Tip: Start with the first exercise for one minute, then rest for 30 seconds before continuing to the next. Repeat the circuit until you get to the top, then start again. Circuit should be performed three times. Total time 30 minutes

Butt Jump Kick

Exercises: 1. Butt Jump Kick The butt jump kick is a form of dynamic cardio which is great for building endurance and strength. I will warn you it's a tough one, but you will quickly get addicted. This move will get your glutes, hamstrings and quads fired up while increasing your overall stamina. Make sure to go into a deep squat when you do this exercise and fire up as high as you can with the jump. Think of a string pulling your body up into the air and then give it a burst of energy and kick your heels to your booty!

2. Jumping Jack Jumping jacks are a classic exercise, but they should always be a staple in any training program. Jumping jacks get your body moving in all directions and help with fat burn, as well as developing shoulder strength. Plus, they are a lot of fun. When you perform a jumping jack, make sure your posture is on point and you are not slouching or giving half of an effort. The jumping jack should be a “purposeful” move with lots of energy and hand-clapping. You can intensify the jumping jack by adding small resistance bands around your lower calves. This will create tension on the glutes and you will feel an amazing burn.

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3. Straight Leg Kick The straight leg kick is great for flexibility and range of motion. It allows you to increase your flexibility and focus on quad strength. Make sure you are not cheating and bending your knee. Flex your heel and kick your leg as high as you can, then touch your toe. You may notice one leg is more flexible than the other. That is normal. Keep practicing and eventually your flexibility should increase on both sides. Don't forget to keep your core engaged for the extra tummy flattening benefits.

4. Ab Twists (ball optional for added challenge) AB twists are a perfect core exercise to engage all parts of your abdomen, including lower, mid and obliques. Make sure to hold your tummy tight while moving side to side. The slower the better. Point your toes and remember to breath. You may find using a mat more comfortable for this one. Adding a small medicine ball and passing it between hands as you alternate sides provides added challenge. You may get sore the next day from these, but it's worth it.

5. Plank Hold Plank holds are a great way to develop core and back strength. Holding this movement increases muscle endurance. When doing a plank, form is critical. Sometimes it's a good idea to take a video of yourself to make sure everything is in position. You may be surprised at what you see and this will allow you to more easily correct your position. When doing a plank, your head should be down, your elbows in line with your shoulders and your booty towards the floor, not sticking up. Hold the position and squeeze everything. I know you will love this workout as much as I do because it does not require you to spend hours at the gym, but still has the perfect balance of exercises to hit each body part. It will increase your heart rate and help boost your metabolism to burn off all of those holiday goodies. Try and wake up a little early every morning to get this workout in and then enjoy the rest of the day guilt free! By- Janine Delaney

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Yoga Tip

It is very important to wear clothing that is comfortable while you perform yoga. A relaxed track pant with a loose-fitting tee is a great option for many. You can also choose from the numerous attires that are available in the market these days. The key is to opt for designs that let you breathe and for materials that absorb sweat along the way.

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Pilates Can Help Relieve Stress

Effective Breathing


ello 2019! Whatever your New Year goals and resolutions may be, I bet we can all agree that relieving unwanted stress ranks at the top of the list. In our super charged and fast paced lifestyles these days, chronic stress spawns numerous mental and physical health problems such as anxiety, depression, weight gain, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and can increase your risk for heart attacks and stroke.

Who wants that?! Thankfully, there are things we can do on a regular basis that can help reduce our stress levels… Pilates is an excellent way to do just that! I first got introduced to the practice of Pilates in college and quickly began to realize its many life changing benefits. The Pilates method both stretches and lengthens the muscles in your body in a balance manner while improving your overall flexibility, strength, core support, and alignment. The two most emphasized principles that became a common thread throughout our sessions included breath and mindfulness… which are two of the biggest stress-fighting tools to keep in your arsenal!

Learning to breathe deeply and intentionally creates a relaxation response throughout your body and can become a very powerful tool in relieving stress and anxiety. It slows your heart rate, relaxes your muscles, and lowers blood pressure. Mastering your breathing also increases the amount of oxygen flow to your brain, which triggers the release of feel-good hormones into your body.

Mindfulness The Pilates method is a very mindful form of exercise. It requires you to focus on each movement with intention and awareness. Learning to stay mindful encourages you to focus, stay present, and helps you manage stressful situations with more ease. Wishing you all a wonderful and stress-free new year! Catch my monthly columns featured in WF and stay in touch with me. @taryntfrancis By- Taryn T. Francis

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Sun Sign

Fitness Pisces March is the perfect time to focus on your mental fitness rather than your physical fitness. Open your mind to new possibilities and drink from your emotional inner well. This is the month to practice meditation, try music or light therapy, or sign up for a Reiki session. You want to use this time to rebalance and rest. This is an excellent time to sign up for a dance class and really let your creative energy out.

Aries Channel all your frustrations into your workout routine. Adding kickboxing or other cardio to your workout can release some of that tension. Try to do some group activities with your friends, like a hike, yoga, or exercise class. You won’t believe how much calmer you feel afterward. Get a deep tissue massage or set up an acupuncture appointment to get rid of the remaining tension. You need to slow down and take a break.

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Taurus Do some yoga, meditate, or go for a long hike to clear your head and reduce your stress. You are the sign that loves luxury, and when you get stressed you tend to overindulge in every type of vice. It might be beneficial to talk to a dietitian to make sure you’re getting the nutrition you need to stay healthy. If you’re feeling the need for sexual gratification, channel that energy at the gym instead of the bedroom.


Cancer Join a sports team, take a fitness class, or plan a fun outdoor day with your friends and get your social and fitness fix at the same time. Look into improving your mental wellness with aromatherapy, music therapy, or meditation. You may be feeling fine now, but the next seven years will bring up unexpected changes and surprises, so be prepared.

Focus on stress-relieving exercises, such as yoga or meditation, or physical activities, such as jogging or kickboxing. And if all else fails, a trip to the spa will do the trick. You are the king of the jungle, and now you are the king of the gym. You’ll easily make friends with everyone there. Develop these connections and deepen these relationships. It’s easier to get healthy when you’re doing it with your friends - and more fun.



Gemini If there’s a new workout or fitness trend you’ve wanted to try, this is the time to give it a shot. Have the confidence that it will all work out. Spring is in the air, so take advantage of it by finding more outdoor activities. You’ll be amazed at what a little fresh air will do for you.

When things get too disorganized, focus on doing something soothing like yoga or meditation. You’ve always been a health nut, but it’s okay to take a break from your rigorous fitness routine for some self-care. Find health and strength in the great outdoors. This is the perfect time to get back into your regular workout routine and get plenty of sleep. You’ll need it.

Try hot yoga, go swimming, or sit in a sauna until you feel rebalanced again. You may crave some energy this month, but don’t reach for the coffee or energy drinks. Sometimes the best energy boost is a good nap. This is the perfect time to take a dance class and get moving again. This will elevate not just your mood but also your energy and creativity. Just go with the flow of the music and have fun!

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Scorpio Talk to your doctor and do some research on different exercises and dietary plans. This is also a great time to spend more time outdoors and get moving. Fitness isn’t always about exercise and movement. It’s also knowing when to rest and recharge. This is also the time for weight lifting, increasing the speed on the exercise machine, and really going that extra mile. Start building yourself up again.

Sagittarius Every time you try to go to the gym, you either forget something, get stuck in traffic, or find out your class is canceled at the last minute. The longer you procrastinate, the harder it will be to get it done. Just keep pushing forward. It will be worth it in the end. Swimming or other water sports will lift your mood and decrease your stress.

Capricorn Who’s up for some cardio? Focus on your goals, stick with them, and good vibes will follow. You might be tempted to overindulge in order to cope with the stress, but don’t give in to cravings. That will only cause future tension and worsen your mood. Instead, channel your frustration into your workout and you’ll feel much better. Endorphins are the perfect cure for any stress you feel.

Aquarius You may have spent the winter keeping to yourself, but it’s time to come out of hibernation and explore. This is the perfect time to join a sports team, take a yoga class, or plan a trip outdoors with your friends. Whatever you end up doing will bring you tons of joy. Sports like basketball, roller skating, or rugby not only take the physical edge off but also create a sense of camaraderie that can improve your spirits.

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Women Fitness Digital One Year/6 Issues Photo Credits: Photographed by: Sean Turi Hair & Make-up by: Lauren Whitworth

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