Women Fitness International Magazine January 2024

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Hello 2024!


By Cathy Madeo



Goals For


By Fitness Experts



FIAMING Queen of Swords


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s t n e t on


03 Editor's Note The turning of the calendar is not merely a change in dates; it's an opportunity to redefine ourselves, set new goals, and foster positive habits.


Rossella Fiamingo

04 January 2024 "To be the best you need to arm yourself with patience, another important thing is consistency and believing in yourself even when things don’t go as you hoped." shares an extraordinary athlete whose prowess transcends the boundaries of sport, Rossella Fiamingo who graces the January cover.

17 Inside Story

12 Exercise & Fitness

unfolds her journey as a dancer, wife, mother and

Women Fitness catches up with Taryn T. Francis as she

Success rarely comes on the first try. If you’re tired of

entrepreneur to serve as an inspiration as we enter the New

setting fitness goals in January only to abandon them in

Year. Her message for the new year is "In 2024, be uniquely

February, here are some tips from top fitness experts to help

YOU, in the very best way possible! If you have dreams, set

you achieve desirable results!

them in motion - don't wait."


Healthy Cooking

25 Healthy Cooking Culinary expert, Madhuram Prabhakar shares 5 nutrientpacked and fiber-rich recipes. Each of these recipes is designed to keep you satiated while curbing festive binge eating.


Taryn T. Francis

36 Meditation & Healing People from all over the world turn to yoga, not only for its physical benefits but also as a way to manage mental health and overall well-being. Here are some trends in yoga we are seeing on the rise and we expect to see even more growth throughout 2024 as shared by Cathy Madeo, a yoga expert, entrepreneur, social media influencer and founder of Cathy Madeo Yoga.


Obesity & Weight

30 Obesity & Weight Managing the impact of mental health on body weight involves a holistic approach that addresses both mental well-being and physical health. Remember, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional to develop a personalized


Meditation & Healing

plan that addresses your specific needs and circumstances.

44 Motivation & Beyond Motivation acts as a catalyst for personal and collective growth, helping individuals lead fulfilling lives, pursue their passions, and contribute positively to the world around them. Kick off the new year with the right mindset.


Beauty & Make-Up

41 Beauty & Make-up From glossy cheekbones to bold lips and groomed brows, the 2024 makeup trends forecast has some wearable looks. Let’s explore some of the key makeup trends from the SS24


Motivation & Beyond

catwalks that are expected to dominate the beauty scene.

Follow us on @womenfitnessandhealth



E T O ’S N


“In the new year, never forget to thank your past years because they enabled you to reach today! Without the stairs of the past, you cannot arrive at the future!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan – The turning of the calendar is not merely a change in dates; it's an opportunity to redefine ourselves, set new goals, and foster positive habits. In the spirit of new beginnings, our team at Women Fitness has curated a collection of invigorating content to inspire and guide you through your fitness journey in the coming year. From expert advice on crafting personalized workout routines to nutritious recipes that tantalize your taste buds and fuel your body, we've got you covered. In this special edition, we shine the spotlight on an extraordinary athlete whose prowess transcends the boundaries of sport. Rossella Fiamingo, the Italian left-handed épée fencer, graces our cover with an air of elegance and a fierce determination that has left an indelible mark on the world of fencing. This year, let's not just aim for physical transformation but also prioritize mental well-being. Discover articles on mindfulness practices, stress-busting techniques, and stories of individuals who have triumphed over challenges to emerge stronger and more resilient. As we embark on this journey together, remember that every small step counts. Celebrate your victories, learn from setbacks, and relish the joy of progress. Your commitment to a healthier lifestyle is not just a resolution; it's a gift to yourself that keeps on giving.

Namita Nayyar

Thank you for allowing us to be part of your fitness and wellness journey.

Editor-in-Chief Tanya Nayyar

Creative Editor Rohit Nayyar

Chief Business Officer Rhea Nayyar

Head Social Media

Contributing Writer

Charlene Bazarian

Wishing you a fantastic and fit New Year! Warm regards, Namita Nayyar

Guest Authors

President, Women Fitness

Madhuram Prabhakar Cathy Madeo Jari Love Sean Kanan Gilad Janklowicz Sarah Roberts

03 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Exclusive Interview



Fencing World Champion And Olympic silver medalist


ossella Fiamingo is an Italian left-handed

épée fencer and two-time individual world champion. A three-time

Olympian, Fiamingo is a 2021 team Olympic bronze medalist and 2016 individual Olympic silver medalist. Fiamingo did ballet and rhythmic gymnastics as a child. She took up fencing when she was seven at the instigation of her father, who already drove her brother to a nearby fencing school, AS Methodos Catania. She was taught by Gianni Sperlinga, who remains her personal coach as of today. In 2004, she was selected into the cadet Italian national team. She won the 2007 Cadet European Championships in Novi Sad, then the 2008 Cadet World Championships at home, in Acireale. She earned both the individual and team gold medals in 2009 and 2010 at the Junior European Championships, then she won the 2010 European U23 Championships in Gdańsk.

04 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Fiamingo joined the national senior team in the 2010–11 season. At the 2011 European Championships in Sheffield she reached the quarter-finals, where she was defeated by teammate Nathalie Moellhausen. The next season she climbed her first World Cup podium with a bronze medal in Doha, followed by a gold medal in Rio de Janeiro. In the 2013–14 season Fiamingo won the World Championships, defeating along the way Olympic champions Yana Shemyakina and Britta Heidemann. Rossella Fiamingo (ITA) won again women's individual épée at the 2015 world championships in Moscow to become the first woman to win back-to-back world titles in this event since Laura Flessel-Colovic (FRA) in 1998–1999. Fiamingo joined Flessel-Colovic (1998 and 1999) and Mariann Horvath (HUN, 1991 and 1992) as the only women with multiple world titles in this event. This was the third gold medal for Italy in this event, equaling France and Hungary on most wins. She in the 2014–2015 season also won the world cup. Fiamingo has a degree in pianoforte and studies nutrition at the University of Catania. She won the silver medal in the women's épée event at the 2022 European Fencing Championships held in Antalya, Turkey. She won one of the bronze medals in the women's épée event at the 2022 World Fencing Championships held in Cairo, Egypt.

WF President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with, Rossella Fiamingo, talented Italian Fencer, World Champion and Olympic silver medalist as she unfolds her success story.

Photo Credits: OMEGA

05 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

You were born in Catania, Italy. You began fencing at the age of seven at the instigation of your father, you were taught by Gianni Sperlinga, who remains your personal coach as of today. You won the 2007 Cadet European Championships in Novi Sad. This later propelled your career to the height where in 2016 you won individual Olympic silver medal in the event épée fencing. Tell us more about your professional journey of exceptional hard work, tenacity, and endurance. The career of an athlete is long, steep, sometimes troubled but also full of satisfaction. Since I was a child I have thought in small steps. To dream big, I kept my feet on the ground and started with small goals. My first goal was a provincial competition and after 14 years of training I faced my first Olympics in London. I was the youngest Italian fencer and I was already very ambitious! In London I made a dream come true, taking part in the first Olympics. You did ballet and rhythmic gymnastics as a child, you also have a degree in pianoforte, Music from Vincenzo Bellini Institute of Music, Catania, Italy. Now you are one of the best women fencers in the world. Tell us how these artistic training in dance and music helps in polishing your fencing skills. Gymnastics gave me two very important things that I found from the first day of fencing: Coordination and elasticity. Two important things for fencing that allowed me to start from the first steps without too many difficulties The piano, on the other hand, was fundamental for many other things such as, the sense of time and the speed in seeing first what is about to happen. In fact, the rhythm changes continuously and that's a bit like what happens on the grid with your feet. In a certain sense I play on the grid with my feet! As you play, before moving on to the next measure, take a look to prepare your hands and what comes next. In fencing, advance reading is equally important. The fencer who reads the opponent's movements in advance is stronger.

06 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

You have selected a sport which apart from individual sport is also a team sport and requires a lot of cohesiveness and family feeling between the players of the side to finally succeed, how do you achieve that? Yes, fencing is a complex sport. One day you are alone against everyone, and the next day you're on a team against the rest of the world. Team races are fun if everything works. In a team it is important to give and feel the trust of your teammates. None of us have to point fingers, it takes unity to make the group work. My strong point is listening, supporting and making all the girls feel like they are a fundamental part of the team, each with their own qualities. What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you would like to share? I train from Monday to Saturday for a total of 8 sessions. I do three types of training: athletic preparation, fencing lesson and fencing match. I prefer to separate athletic training from the rest. When I prepare physically I prefer free body workouts or with very light weights. The movements I do most are the counter movements with various changes in rhythm, which are the movements I use on the piste to move. You studied nutrition at the University of Catania. Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit? I follow a healthy and balanced diet. I do a real mess on weekends, otherwise I'm very careful to eat everything in the right quantities I follow the Mediterranean diet that is well-balanced way of eating that prioritizes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, lean proteins (particularly from fish), and good fats from things like extra virgin olive oil and nuts.

07 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

I like the preparation process more than the victory itself. Winning doesn't go to my head, it just makes me more eager to do it again.

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Photo Credits: OMEGA

Advice and motivational words to inspire upcoming women in fencing players who are your fans. To be the best you need to arm yourself with patience, another important thing is consistency and believing in yourself even when things don't go as you hoped. I used the brick method... one at a time... only at the end will you see the result... but from the looks of it I have already built something big! How did you feel after you're memorable winning the Gold medal in the Individual Women's Épée event at the 2014 World Fencing Championships held in Kazan, Russia? Excellent, it was the beginning of my best years! That result gave me the strength to feel the strongest of all for once and encouraged me to continue to be so.

09 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

You won Bronze medal in the Team Women's Épée event at the 2011 World Fencing Championships held in Catania, Italy and later in 2016 you won individual Olympic silver medal in the event épée fencing. How did these successes act as a catalyst in your meteoric rise as a fencing sportsperson? When you're inside you don't even pay much attention to what you're doing, you live it and you don't get tired of winning because winning helps you win. They are those moments where everything you do goes well and everything turns in your favor because you are incredibly in the flow and you let yourself be carried away. They were golden moments very close to each other and even today I am surprised at how I did it.

It is known that you had fought back in matches with sheer determination against all odds and returned to win. How you were able to overcome a mental block when your team was trailing and then reverse the final outcome of the match in your favor and what advice you can give to a fellow sportsperson in a similar situation? I believe that inner strength sometimes makes the difference, in moments when everything seems difficult, almost impossible, if you remain clear and aware of what is happening, you can do it. If you panic you probably lose. My winning tactic is: deep breath and repeat to myself this is a game. I started for fun and I continue to play. Always put yourself out there even in difficulties.

10 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

You won two gold, one silver and four bronze medals in World Fencing Championships from 2011 to 2022 and has won numerous other awards. How do you remain so humble and lovable? Success has not made you the least arrogant and proud which is mostly with all the celebrity stars. Fencing for me is pure passion, I like training, I like the preparation process more than the victory itself. Winning doesn't go to my head, it just makes me more eager to do it again. Because the feeling of preparing and succeeding in something is so beautiful! In 2016 you received the Golden Collar for Sporting Merit [Collared'oro al meritosportivo], the highest award given by the Italian Olympic Committee. How do such awards go a long way in motivating you to reach greater heights in the field of sports you specialize i.e. of fencing?

Quote you live by "I am one of those people who, after having

It was a great emotion, I was very proud

won something, wants to win something else immediately. I

of myself... I remember that day as if it

am never satisfied. I always want to give my best and I never

were yesterday!

tire of competing." Elaborate.

Five athletic leisure brands you love to

I am a very stubborn person, I take what I want and I don't get


tired of taking it back!

I have been a Nike woman since before

What do you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net

being testimonial!

and message for its visitors?

I love very fashionable and comfortable

I advise Women Fitness women to have confidence in yourselves,

bras, crop top and cycling trousers outfits.

each of you has something special! Be aware of your skills and

And my favorite shoes are the dunks, I

work hard to improve them!

think I have them in all colors.

Message for your social media followers. Everything Comes To Those Who Know How To Wait. But In The

Five travel destinations on your wish

Meanwhile, Work Hard!

list. Japan, French Polynesia, Vietnam, Australia and Papua guinea.

11 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Exercise & Fitness




Fitness Goals For 2024

By Charlene Bazarian


nscribed on the cover of a journal that sits on my desk, is the quote, “Make a plan, you’ll feel better!” It is true; I do feel better when I have a plan. Looking ahead to a fresh new year, your own plan may include the quintessential resolutions: get in shape, workout and lose weight. Perhaps fitness goals were on your list last year, or the year before, or for as long as you can remember.

12 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

So how can you shift your goals from hopes to reality this year? Having embraced a fit lifestyle and finally losing nearly 100 lbs. myself, I can share that one of the first things to do is to tell yourself that it is okay to take your 100th first step. Success rarely comes on the first try. If you’re tired of setting fitness goals in January only to abandon them in February, here are some tips from top fitness experts to help!

Jari Love, a certified personal trainer and creator of popular and critically acclaimed Get RIPPED!™ full body workout system, and winner of the prestigious award of

Jari Love

one of Canada’s Top Fitness Instructors of 2021 and 2022 by IMPACT Magazine shared her top three tips to improve your fitness level and be intentional with your goal setting in the new year: 1- In 2024, focus on making fitness a lifestyle, not just a resolution. Consistency is the key to success. Set realistic goals, commit to those goals and be mindful to celebrate the small victories along the way. 2- Revitalize your cardiovascular health in 2024 by embracing diverse cardio activities. Mix high-intensity intervals with steady-state cardio, and don't forget the joy of outdoor activities. Make your heart pound and let the rhythm of fitness elevate your well-being.

Photo Courtesy Jari Love

3- Elevate your strength training game in the new year. Progressive overload, proper form, and variety in your workouts will be your allies. Aim to increase your strength gradually and enjoy the empowering journey of building a resilient body.

You can learn more about Jari Love and her workout programs at “www.jarilove.com" 13 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Sean Kanan is an American actor known for his roles in the film Karate Kid III, and for his work on the television series Cobra Kai, General Hospital and The Bold and the

Sean Kanan

Beautiful. Kanan is also the author of several personal development books, including, Way of the Cobra: Unleash Your Inner Badass and Welcome to the Kumite, where Kanan channels his martial arts expertise and serves as your Sensei to help you conquer your goals. 1- Create a bulletproof process. Want results? Ignore them! Getting fit and losing weight are just like achieving any other goal. It requires creating a bulletproof process. Create that process and you don’t need to worry about the results. This applies to

Photo Credit: Jim Warren

everything. Even though we don’t know each other I would bet that we do about 99% the same process when it comes to driving a car. Unlock the car and sit down. Put on the seatbelt and enter an address in the navigation if necessary. Check the mirrors, put the car in gear, drive and obey the traffic lights and signs. We expect to arrive at the destination. We don’t grip the steering wheel in constant fear and anxiety worrying if we will arrive. This is because we have built a bulletproof process. We don’t need to worry about the results. Build a bulletproof process, apply it consistently and effectively. Identify anything that isn’t working and either get rid of it or adjust. This strategy applies to everything, especially fitness and weight loss! Photo Courtesy Sean Kanan

2- Acknowledge and incorporate personal responsibility into working towards your goals. In all my years of martial arts training, I have learned it is much better to aim for consistency over perfection. Examine the role that discipline and self-discipline play for you. You know yourself best, are you someone who needs external support to stay on track? If that’s the case enlist a gym buddy as an accountability partner or, if you are able, consider a personal trainer. You know what the best and most effective fitness routine is? It’s the one you will actually do! Find that and begin from there. Your Peloton shouldn’t serve as a coat rack! During my Way of the Cobra Blueprint to Weight Loss Seminars, I share my strategies for what helped me lose and keep off 50 lbs. and advise my clients to start where they are, if that means just walking 30 minutes three days a week do that! 3- When setting a goal, be specific in defining what you want to accomplish and time oriented on when you plan to reach your goal. Defining your goals with specificity and clarity is what sets apart a goal from merely a wish. Next, clarify your why. Are you moving towards or away from something? What is driving you? Why is this goal important to you? Then ask yourself what steps you are going to take to achieve them. Take the time to examine and define what success looks like to you.

You can learn more about Sean Kanan and his books and programs at “www.seankanan.actor"

14 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Photo By Hank Londoner

Gilad Janklowicz

Gilad Janklowicz is one of the world’s 1- Change how you look at your health and what you think of in terms of fitness. most popular and recognizable fitness personalities and his incredibly successful television show, Bodies in Motion with Gilad, was the longest running fitness show in the United States. He’s also the creator and star of the Total Body Sculpt with Gilad television program, more than 30 workout video programs and was inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame. To discover more about Gilad’s workouts and fitness expertise visit ‘www.fitwithgilad.com’

With all the challenges and uncertainties that seem to face humanity these days, it is more important than ever for us to take good care of our most important and precious possession: our body, our vehicle in this life and our temple where our mind, spirit and soul reside. For 2024, I’m renewing my commitment to this precious birthright gift, and I hope you will too!

2- As I approach the new year, my 70th birthday and my 40th year of hosting my Bodies in Motion fitness show, I remind myself of some of the guiding principles that I have shared with my viewers: for safe long-term results, choose consistency over intensity, always walk away from your workout with energy to spare and the more muscles you have relative to fat, the more energy you can produce. 3- When looking to make fitness resolutions for the upcoming year, remember that 'Magical results' consists of four elements: discipline, motivation, work and patience! Fitness is a journey, not a destination!

About The Author:

As the new year approaches, take some expert advice on how to make it your healthiest year yet and make a plan, you’ll feel better!

Charlene Bazarian is a fitness and weight loss success story after losing 96 pounds. She mixes her no-nonsense style of fitness advice with humor on her blog at Fbjfit.com and on Facebook at FBJ Fit.

15 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Fitness Tip


ocus on recovery as much as you do on workouts. Actively

focusing on post-exercise recovery helps repair and build muscles and reduces the risk of injuries, enabling you to maintain a consistent workout schedule. A proper diet is one of the most important parts of recovery, giving your body the nutrients necessary to make consistent gains. Sufficient sleep is a main contributor to healthy recovery, so remember to get a good night’s sleep. Restorative practices like massage or yoga can also help boost your recovery process.

16 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Inside Story


T.Francis: Navigating Full-Time Parenthood Alongside New Endeavors!


aryn began dancing as a child, expanding into gymnastics, modeling, baton, cheerleading,

martial arts, & vocal. Her talent and hard work made her way to win the Star Search '93 Junior Dance Grand Champion, a hearty career in the entertainment industry, young entrepreneur, & an accomplished top ranking athlete. She became an esteemed Dance & Cheer Adjudicator while also traveling the country as a Guest Choreographer & Master Teacher.

17 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Photo Credit: Ajja DeShayne - Maui, HI

Currently, with a focus on overall Wellness & Family, she has transitioned her efforts into a new chapter of Motherhood, healthy lifestyle goals, & expanding her entrepreneurial efforts into her new highly successful growing seasonal business, SLAY THE SNOW All Natural Shaved Ice- offering healthier & delicious natural alternatives for everyone to enjoy! Women Fitness Team catches up with Taryn T. Francis as she unfolds her journey as a dancer, wife, mother and an entrepreneur to serve as an inspiration as we enter the New Year

You began dancing at the tender age of 2 along with gymnastics at the age of 4. What attracted you towards these sports? I was literally dancing and flipping around the house! When I happened to see dancing on television, I was mesmerized and copied everything I saw. My mom was also an aerobics instructor teaching adult classes at a local gym where she would bring me to work with her. I loyally observed the classes and was in awe from all the movement, high energy, and music! They eventually allowed me to join in & in special snippets, even lead class - I was only around 3 years old at the time. I began doing community events with the featured instructors as the gym's "mini mascot" & loved every second. My parents just knew it was time to nurture all these interests by introducing me into classes.

18 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

How did you end up in the adult-aged dance classes at the age of 7? Please share the series of events that led to the same. What was your daily routine like, food, exercise etc. My early dance classes began at my own age level, but based on my abilities, my teachers quickly advanced me into the older age groups. I found myself training with adults rather quickly & became my norm. That being said, this was not the norm for the time, and usually painted a target on my back where I was more heavily scrutinized by others. For example, when training abroad in Los Angeles, kids were not allowed in adult classes at the top Taryn T. Francis appears at a VIP Red Carpet Event For The Salvation Army Los Angeles, CA

You won the Star Search Junior Dance Grand Champion in 1993, the World's Greatest Talent Competition of its time, before shows like So You Think You Can Dance & America's Got Talent ever existed. Share the memories that you hold close to your heart of those times? This was such a dream come true. I had watched the show

studios back then - my teachers would literally sneak me in under the radar. Though I was quickly noticed, my general nature, work ethic, and talents garnered the respect from others accepting me in to train from a multitude of teachers whenever I was in town. Since I can remember, I always had a "not so ordinary" childhood... while not always easy to navigate along the way, I accepted that early on and it just became who I was - unique in my own way.

at home for as long as I could remember and would pray & dream about being on the show myself someday. I had recently booked an agent in LA and began auditioning. One day, that call did come thru. I landed an audition!! Which was a feat in itself because dance solosists had never been selected prior, and the rest is history. I remember everything from my audition day, to the call of being chosen, my endless hours of training in preparation, to my flight out to Orlando, FL for filming. I was a ball of nerves backstage, but once I took the stage to perform, I beamed like a bright light and performed my little heart out! Finally meeting Ed McMahon in person, working alongside such a wonderful crew & other talent, dancing on the Star Search stage, captivating the judges & audiences around the world, and being so grateful for the entire experience will forever be one of my fondest & most cherished memories. I have recieved numerous messages from people around the world sharing the fact that I inspired them to become a dancer/performer from watching me on the show... to me, that is such a true gift.

Taryn T. Francis With Ed McMahon For Star Search Orlando, FL

19 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

You have worked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood such as Michael Jackson, Paula Abdul, Bob Hope, Mc Hammer, Ed McMahon, Rey Lozano, Wade Robson, Kenny Ortega, and Vince Patterson. Your Film & Television credits include work for Disney, ABC, Pepsi, Panasonic, Hawaiian Punch, Glee, Criminal Minds, Super 8 & Saving Mr Banks to name a few. Congratulations! For that incredible journey! How was your experience working with these stars? Were they instrumental in your growth? According to you what are the key factors to achieve success. Thank you so much... I am forever grateful for the journey in my career spanning from childhood into adulthood. I set goals for myself, worked extremely hard, and set out to achieve them. Each of my successes inspired me to pursue more... I admired the talent of those I was fortunate to work with, and I strived to gain personal growth from each and every experience. Looking back, so much of my life has been a whirlwind. In the moment, you live your life with one thing leading to another & another, but when you

Taryn T. Francis with Michael Jackson For the PEPSI Dreams Tour Shoot Los Angeles, CA

reflect back on a large chunk of your life, it's almost tough to take it all in. With great success, comes great challenges... and I endured a great deal of that as well. It's crucial to note that my highs as well as my lows have shaped my journey & the person I am today. Through my years as a top nationally ranked gymnast and professional dancer, I was taught that my mindset was just as powerful, if not more as the physical. My hard-working parents did their best, yet we struggled. I faced ridicule and bullying amongst my peers growing up because I was different. I routinely felt rejection in my field based on my petite

How did you go about balancing your personal & professional life along with taking good care of your health? Share more input about your diet & fitness routine. Most of my life was devoted to my training & professional career until I grew closer to adulthood. Though still heavily focused on my goals and career, I began to carve out a better balance of my personal & professional life. This meant weaving in time for fun with friends, quality time with family, while taking care of myself.

height, body type, appearance, status, etc. My

By my mid-late twenties, I decided to also create more

industry path was full of discerning judgment,

time to find a quality life partner to share the rest of my

abusive environments, sexism, & criticism, with high

life with. Thankfully, I found the love of my life to enter

pressure & levels of rejection. Despite all of this, I

my next chapter. Together, we share a goal of achieving

gained my motivation & perseverance thru my faith

a healthy balance of life thru wellness, balancing our

in prayer, visualization, and a strong & positive

personal & professional endeavors, valuing quality

mindset while always leading with a grateful heart -

family time, eating wholesome quality foods, getting in

never "expecting" anything.

regular healthy movement, & enjoying nature walks.

20 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Motivational Quote You Live By

Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart

-Roy T. Bennett

Photo Credit: Ajja DeShayne - Maui, HI

21 | WOMEN FITNESS - womenfitness.net

Did marriage and motherhood affect your career in any way, what were the shift in priorities and how did you cope with them. Has motherhood changed your dance routine? My current chapter has been the most life altering yet rewarding phase of life. A few years back, I pushed pause on my career to focus on motherhood. 4 years ago, my life changed forever as we welcomed our son into the world - my greatest accomplishment to date. Though my pregnancy was very smooth, my birthing experience was a bit traumatic, resulting in an unplanned C-section. However, my saving grace is the gratitude I have for our beautiful little boy who keeps us on our toes every single day! 2 years ago, I unfortunately endured a risky failed pregnancy which brought its own set of challenges. Allowing myself additional time and grace to adjust thru these life changes has been a bit tough for me, but accepting that change isn't always "instant" has been the key. The past few years have been devoted to my healing journey, my growth as a person, wife, and mother, while navigating full-time parenthood alongside some exciting new endeavors! FB & IG @SlayTheSnow

Your latest venture being,entrepreneurial efforts with new business, SLAY THE SNOW - All Natural Shaved Ice. A fun new take on the iconic treat offering healthier & delicious natural alternatives for everyone to enjoy! Please throw some light on this new venture of yours. Yes - This is one of those exciting new endeavors... you honestly never know where life can take you! I was pregnant with our son, and I envisioned this entire business concept one day. Almost feeling out of the blue yet too compelling not to go for it, my husband and I decided to set the wheel in motion and just went for it! Since June of 2019, we've been in seasonal operation & on a mission to deliver the best shaved ice experience offering exclusively All-Natural flavors FREE from artificial dyes, flavoring, & high fructose corn syrup. We use eco-friendly cups & spoons, and cutting edge water filtration for our ice blocks. Our growing award-winning business has catered and served thousands of people at various events over the past 4 years and we look forward to more expansion in 2024. It has been so fulfilling to spread so much joy thru this little biz of ours while serving a quality product for everyone to enjoy. We are very excited to see where this dream takes us!

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Share your message for all the females out there for achieving their dreams and aspirations in 2024. How do you plan to celebrate Christmas and New Year? I cannot believe the holidays are among us already! We'll be spending quality time as a family with our son, furbabies, and extended family - We absolutely love creating new memories with our son & it's so fun to relive Christmas thru his precious little eyes. As far as advice in the New Year, I am still a constant work in progress myself, but I would say... In 2024, be uniquely YOU, in the very best way possible! If Photo Credit: Ajja DeShayne - Malibu, CA

you have dreams, set them in motion don't wait. Amidst the heaviness in the world today and all of our daily responsibilities, do your very best to

SLAY THE SNOW All Natural Shaved Ice

prioritize your health & wellness goals, find your "heart" and do things that make your heart happy.

Taryn & family ❤ Photo Credit: Whitney Coudray

Photo Credit: Brekka Hartman - Star, ID

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Nutrition Tip


esearchers have identified the main food substances that cause inflammation in the body and may contribute to an increased risk of colorectal cancer: Sugar, animal fats, and red and processed meats. There isn’t one specific vegetable that is a magic cure-all for a healthy colon. It’s more about eating a variety of nutritious foods and focusing on a colorful, plant-based diet.

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Healthy Cooking



RICH RECIPES To Curb Festive Binging

By Madhuram Prabhakar


trategies for healthy eating during festive seasons can be challenging, but it's never impossible.

Culinary expert, Madhuram Prabhakar shares 5 nutrient-packed and fiber-rich recipes. Each of these recipes is designed to keep you satiated while curbing festive binge eating.

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Chickpea Omelette:

Ingredients: ¦ 1 cup chickpea flour ¦ 1 1/2 cups water ¦ 1/2 tsp. turmeric ¦ 1/2 tsp. baking powder ¦ Salt and pepper to taste ¦ 1/2 cup chopped onions ¦ 1/2 cup chopped bell peppers ¦ 1/2 cup chopped tomatoes ¦ 2 tbsp. olive oil

Directions: Whisk together chickpea flour, water, turmeric, baking powder, salt, and pepper until smooth. Stir in onions, bell peppers, and tomatoes. Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Pour the batter to form a pancake-like omelet. Cook for 3-4 minutes on each side until golden and firm. Serve hot!

Nutrition Information (Per Serving): Calories: ~ 200 Protein: 10g Fiber: 6g

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Quinoa Tabbouleh Salad:

Ingredients: ¦ 1 cup cooked quinoa ¦ 1 cup chopped fresh parsley ¦ 1/2 cup chopped fresh mint ¦ 1 cup diced cucumber ¦ 1 cup diced tomatoes ¦ 3 tbsp olive oil ¦ Juice of 1 lemon ¦ Salt and pepper to taste

Directions: Combine cooked quinoa, parsley, mint, cucumber, and tomatoes in a bowl. In a separate bowl, whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Pour the dressing over the quinoa mixture and toss well. Refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.

Nutrition Information (Per Serving): Calories: ~180 Protein: 5g Fiber: 4g


Eggless Banana Bread:

Ingredients: ¦ 2 ripe bananas, mashed ¦ 1 cup whole wheat flour ¦ 1/2 cup oats ¦ 1/3 cup vegetable oil ¦ 1/2 cup brown sugar ¦ 1 tsp baking soda ¦ 1/2 tsp cinnamon ¦ Pinch of salt

Directions: Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). Combine mashed bananas, oil, and brown sugar in a bowl. Mix in whole wheat flour, oats, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt until just combined. Pour into a greased loaf pan. Bake for 45-50 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Let cool before slicing.

Nutrition Information (Per Serving): Calories: ~200 Protein: 3g Fiber: 3g

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Sweet Potato Lentil Soup:

Ingredients: ¦ 1 large sweet potato, diced ¦ 1 cup lentils ¦ 1 onion, chopped ¦ 2 carrots, chopped ¦ 4 cups vegetable broth ¦ 2 tsp cumin ¦ Salt and pepper to taste ¦ 2 tbsp olive oil

Directions: In a large pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onions and carrots, and sauté until soft. Add diced sweet potatoes, lentils, cumin, salt, and pepper. Pour in vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 20-25 minutes until lentils and sweet potatoes are tender. Serve hot.

Nutrition Information (Per Serving): Protein: 12g Fiber: 10g


Blueberry Chia Pudding:

Ingredients: ¦ 1/4 cup chia seeds ¦ 1 cup almond milk ¦ 1/2 cup blueberries ¦ 1 tbsp honey or maple syrup ¦ 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Directions: Mix chia seeds, almond milk, and vanilla extract in a bowl. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight until it achieves a pudding-like consistency. Top with blueberries and sweeten with honey or maple syrup before serving.

Nutrition Information (Per Serving): Calories: ~150, Protein: 4g, Fiber: 7g

About The Author:

“ I'm Madhuram, a proud Indo-Canadian and a simple home cook. I fell in love with baking and taught myself to bake egg-free. I entered

the blogosphere as a novice 15 years ago, but with passion, patience, and perseverance, I carved a niche for eggless baking. I have become one of the pioneers in the space and have created a treasure trove of eggless and vegan recipes on egglesscooking.com.

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Calories: ~250

Weight Loss Tip


reating realistic fitness goals is a vital step toward achieving a healthier lifestyle. These goals, which range from losing weight to building strength, offer a sense of purpose and direction, guiding your fitness journey. It’s also helpful to look back at where you started and how quickly you reached your initial goals. Setting attainable objectives, you maintain motivation and increase the likelihood of long-term commitment to regular exercise.

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Obesity & Weight Loss


BODY Weight


he relationship between body weight and mental health is complex and bidirectional, meaning that each can influence the other. There is an urgent clinical need to develop robust interventions to address overweight and obesity in people with severe mental illness.

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How Mental Health Affects Body Weight: Here are some key aspects of the interaction between body weight and mental health:

Emotional Eating: Stress, anxiety, and depression can lead to emotional eating. People may turn to food as a way to cope with negative emotions, seeking comfort in high-calorie and often unhealthy foods. Emotional eating if continued for a long time can contribute to weight gain.

Hormonal Changes: Prolonged stress can cause the release of certain hormones in the body. For example, it can lead to elevated levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with increased appetite and cravings for sugary and fatty foods.

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Physical Activity Levels: When we talk about mental health, it refers to a person’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being essentially, it involves the state of our minds and how we think, feel, and behave. Issues like these can impact a person’s motivation and energy levels, affecting their ability to engage in regular physical activity. Lack of exercise can contribute to weight gain and overall health issues.

Medication Side Effects: Some medications prescribed for health conditions, such as certain antidepressants or antipsychotics, may have side effects that can lead to weight gain. These effects can include increased appetite or changes in metabolism.

Sleep Disruptions: Conditions like insomnia or anxiety can disrupt sleep patterns. Poor sleep is associated with weight gain as it can affect hormones that regulate hunger and satiety, such as ghrelin and leptin.

Body Image Issues: Health issues like eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorder, or low self-esteem can contribute to unhealthy attitudes toward food, leading to restrictive eating or excessive exercise, which can impact weight.

Social Isolation: Limited interaction with family, friends, or the broader community. Social isolation can have negative effects on both mental and physical health. Social support is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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Tips To Tackle The Body Weight: Measures must be taken from the onset of treatment to prevent weight gain. Here are some tips to help tackle the effects of mental health on body weight:

Seek Professional Help: Consult with a qualified professional such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or counselor to address underlying health issues. Therapy can provide coping mechanisms and strategies for managing stress, anxiety, or depression.

Crack Healthy Eating Habits: Practice mindful eating by paying attention to hunger and fullness cues. Focus on a balanced diet with a variety of nutrient-dense foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Move, Move, Move: Engage in regular physical activity, even if it’s just a short walk each day. Exercise can help improve mood, reduce stress, and contribute to weight management.

Establish a Routine:

Create a daily routine that includes

regular mealtimes, sleep, and exercise. Consistency can help regulate hormones and improve overall well-being.

Stay Connected:

Get Adequate Sleep: Prioritize good sleep hygiene. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night, as lack of sleep can impact mood, stress levels, and eating habits.

Limit Emotional Eating: Identify triggers for emotional eating and develop alternative coping mechanisms. This may include practicing mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in a favorite hobby.

Maintain social connections with friends and family. Social support can provide emotional assistance and reduce feelings of isolation, which can positively impact mental health and, consequently, body weight.

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Monitor Medication Effects: If you’re taking medications that may impact weight, discuss potential side effects with your healthcare provider. They can help find a medication that addresses your mental health needs with minimal impact on weight.

Set Realistic Goals:

Establish achievable goals for both

mental health and weight management. Break them into smaller, manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Recognize that managing mental health and body weight is a journey, and setbacks may occur. Practice self-compassion and focus on progress rather than perfection.

Stay Informed: Educate yourself about the relationship between mental health and weight. Understanding the connection can empower you to make informed choices and seek appropriate support. Remember, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional to develop a personalized plan that addresses your specific needs and circumstances.

Be your own celebrity. Chase your own self. You are worth infinite treasures of this planet. - Hiral Nagda

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Yoga Tip


f meditating with sound is new to you, it is good to start with a practice called Bhramari, also known as humming bee breath. By closing off the other senses using the fingers: the thumbs on the ears, the index fingers, the middle fingers on the eyes, and the remaining fingers on the nostrils and mouth, it will become easier to achieve deep concentration on sound.

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Meditation & Healing


Trends To Expect

IN 2024 By Cathy Madeo


oga is a billion-dollar industry

with a growth rate expected to be over 9.6% in the next few

years. We are bound to see people from all over the world turn to yoga, not only for its physical benefits but also as a way to manage mental health and overall well-being.

Image credit: Irving Martinez www.lookitsirving.com

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Image credit: Irving Martinez www.lookitsirving.com

Here are some trends in yoga we are seeing on the rise and we expect to see even more growth throughout 2024. ¦ Online Yoga. Many people turned to yoga online during the pandemic, not only as a physical practice but as a way to manage stress, anxiety, loneliness, and depression. During this time people from all over the world gained access to expert-level yoga teachers and many yoga students became accustomed to practicing yoga in the comfort of their home. Online yoga is here to stay and continues to grow year after year.

¦ Yoga Retreats. As the appeal of travel and adventure surges post-pandemic, yoga retreats are multiplying, and with good reason. The combination of travel, tourism, wellness, and bringing together like-minded people in exotic settings makes for unforgettable life experiences!

Image credit: Irving Martinez www.lookitsirving.com

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¦ Outdoor yoga classes and events. Outdoor yoga classes and special events like yoga festivals are a great way to spread the benefits of yoga while also bringing the local community together. It’s a win/win for everyone as yoga teachers collaborate with local businesses to offer community yoga classes in a public setting.

Image credit: Irving Martinez www.lookitsirving.com

¦ Fusion Yoga. Movement practices like mobility, flexibility, Pilates, and calisthenics are increasingly finding their way into yoga classes. As more and more people turn to yoga, the appeal of blending other practices that are trending seems like a natural fit. Combining mobility training, for instance, can help increase the range of motion in the joints which allows for pain-free movement and deeper yoga poses. ¦ Slowing down practices like Yin Yoga. While Yin Yoga started in the late 1970s, it’s gaining more and more popularity today as a self-care practice for those seeking stillness and space to go inward. Don’t let the seated and floor poses fool you though, a good yin practice will still provide tension in the joints and can help facilitate an increase in flexibility as it targets the myofascial network in the body. ¦ Face Yoga. While a stretch from the ancient practice of yoga, face yoga, a series of exercises for the muscles of your face, is on the rise. An alternative to injectable, its massage-like movements not only provide better circulation and stronger facial muscles but also feel good doing them helping us achieve a more relaxing state.

¦ Breathe work. Those who practice yoga regularly know that breath work, or pranayama is an integral part of the yoga practice, but it’s often not taught in mainstream yoga classes. However, as more people seek to manage their mental health they search for tools that might not require a full body movement session. With the right breath work, you can tap into your parasympathetic nervous system, the part of our nervous system that makes us feel relaxed, in Image credit: Irving Martinez www.lookitsirving.com

as little as 2 minutes by learning to control your breath.

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Image credit: Irving Martinez www.lookitsirving.com

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Image credit: Irving Martinez www.lookitsirving.com

¦ Meditation. Many people avoid meditation

Image credit: Irving Martinez www.lookitsirving.com

because they think they have to have a quiet mind. But that’s a myth! Instead of trying to quiet the mind, become an observer and watch your thoughts. This practice will train you to detach from your thoughts as you observe them and let them pass by. Sitting for a mindful meditation for as little as 5 minutes is shown to decrease stress and promote overall wellbeing. Because you can meditate anywhere without any equipment, meditation practices will continue to rise

There you have it, our expert’s projections for the 2024 trends in yoga. One thing is for

About The Author

certain yoga’s popularity has not slowed

Cathy Madeo is a yoga expert, entrepreneur, social media

down, and its much iterationcontinues to

influencer and founder of Cathy Madeo Yoga, a global online

evolve the practice and entice more people

yoga school educating and empowering thousands of yoga students and teachers worldwide with her online courses and

into its healing practices.

yoga teacher training. You can learn more at www.cathymadeoyoga.com And follow her on Instagram @cathymadeoyoga

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Beauty & Make-up



rom glossy cheekbones to bold lips and groomed

brows, the 2024 makeup trends forecast has some really wearable looks. Let’s explore some makeup trends from the SS24 catwalks that are expected to dominate the beauty scene.

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Embrace Metallic Eye Shadows

specifically captivating gold or silver—to craft a festive and glamorous makeup look for winter 2024

Enhance Its Allure With a Bold Lip Color: options include rich red, deep burgundy, or daring violet. This combination radiates glamour—it's the ideal complement for parties, events, or celebrations—and effortlessly pairs with any dress style or hue.

For added drama, opt for spiky lashes; alternatively engage in graphic eyeliner techniques to guarantee your standout appearance is imbued with sophistication and style. This year, the makeup looks are leaning towards a lighter version of the smokey eye. We’ve already seen it on red carpets like the VMAs recently, and next I wanna see it on me and you!

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Aim For a Fresh, Natural Look This Winter Target a dewy complexion; accentuate with rosy cheeks and lips; enhance with an elegant subtle cat eye. Such versatility—ideal for daytime events or casual outings to professional settings—appeals across ages and personalities.

Embrace Pastel Shades or Coral Tones They will add that necessary pop of color to elevate your radiance significantly. Effortlessly embodying timeless charm, this makeup style presents a polished, understated allure—perfect for any event or gathering.

Embrace The Vampy or Gothic Aesthetic to Project a Cool, Edgy Vibe: Your arsenal includes dark, smoky eyes; somber lips; and bleached brows—trademarks of an audacious persona.These bold statements suit nighttime escapades perfectly—for adventurous outings or creative occasions alike—it's a celebration of individuality and attitude. Dabble in varied shapes and textures with additions like glitter, matte finishes, or metallic—all these elements contribute to elevating the cutting-edge essence of your makeup.

Embrace Your Distinctive Style or Attend a Bold Event this edgy makeup choice guarantees that each glance you cast will leave an indelible mark; it ensures that your presence is not merely memorable, but truly unforgettable.

About The Author: Sarah Roberts is a licensed makeup, nail and skincare artist and consultant as well as the Founder of the online beauty publication, A Beauty Edit.

I take a science-based approach to my discussion of skincare and beauty products by focusing on product formulations and ingredient benefits. My skincare and beauty advice has been featured on Yahoo, Bustle, and GoBankingRates. - Says Sarah.

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2024 C

hange to It’s time to bid

farewell to the old year and welcome the new! From the

champagne New Year’s toasts to watching the ball drop with friends and family, there are so many ways to usher in the new year.

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Send these quotes to loved ones for an extra chuckle or to lift their spirits on this special night.

— Amit Ray

New year is another opportunity of seeing life with little more caring, compassion, maturity and beauty.

Enter this new year with a gratitude for this new chance to create your dreams.

— Avina Celeste

No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again

— Buddha

In our perfect ways. In the ways we are beautiful. In the ways we are human. We are here. Happy New Year’s. Let’s make it ours.

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— Beyoncé

— Oprah Winfrey

Each day is a new beginning, the chance to do with it what should be done and not to be seen as simply another day to put in time

— Catherine Pulsifer

— Taylor Duvall

Make New Year's goals. Dig within, and discover what you would like to have happen in your life this year. This helps you do your part. It is an affirmation that you're interested in fully living life in the year to come.

Remember that inspiration is a personal and ongoing journey. Stay open to new experiences, be curious, and seek out what resonates with you. It's okay if

Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.

— Helen Keller

This year, be structured enough for success and achievement and flexible enough for creativity and fun.

— Melody Beattie

Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction — Germany Kent

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.

inspiration comes in small doses; the key is to be receptive to the sources that ignite your passion and drive.

Happy New Year!

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