organization is now touching women with heart warming campaigns and spirit lead missions dedicated towards the Empowerment of Women and Girls. The Sisterhood has the following Signature Services: SOS- Saving our Sisters- HIV Awareness and Prevention program for Women and Youth
LOVE- Leave Out Violence Everyday- Domestic Violence Program Daughters of Destiny- Mentoring Program for Young Women
Giving Makes the Difference
WE CARE- Outreach Campaign Projects to Support Women and Girls • FREE Monthly Empowerment Workshops • Financial Literacy Campaign • Adopt a Sister in Iraq • Ladies in Waiting • Back Pack Drive • Hope for the Holidays • Annual Undergarment Drive • Thanksgiving Basket Campaign • Employment Training • Daughters of Destiny Mentoring Campaign • Harriet Tubman Homeless Campaign
isters4Sisters, Inc. shares the name with several like organizations in the community however there is one thing clearly distinct about this Sisterhood which is their commitment, dedication and proven results in making a difference in the lives of Women..one Sister at a Time. The founder believes that it's more important to "Walk it Out than Talk it Out" and feels that our world spends too much time chatting and not enough time healing those among us who hurt and are in despair. Since 1999 Sisters4Sisters, Inc. a 501(c)3 organization, has helped thousands of women in our community of Women and Girls in transition with Motivation, Inspiration, Employment Training, New Clothing, Undergarments, Resources for Transportation, Housing and Food and so many more intagibles including Hope ,Faith and Inspiration.
Just in 2009 the organization hosted several special events and meetings including the following/ We invite you to take a peak at our Photo Gallery. If you are interested in joining the Sisterhood you may contact us on 301-552-7470- membership@sisters4sisters. com. We invite helping hearts and hands as a volunteers as well, if interested please contact 301-552-07470 - volunteers@sisters4sisters.com.
The Founder met with 12 women in her family room in 1999 equipped with only an idea and nothing more. The
9 Ways to Give Sister Style ➊
➊ Coats Donated to Kentland Village which provided
warmth for the children in the center allowing them the opportunity to witness the inaguration of President Obama
➋HIV-AIDS Day at Prince Georges Community College ➌ ➌Financial Literacy Workshop at Greenbelt Library ➍I Hope You Dance Healthy Heart Celebration ➎Annual Back Pack Drive ➏ ➏Silent Tears- Domestic Violence Program at Bowie State University
➐Spa Day for Healing and Restoration ➑PossibiliTEAS 2009 ➒Volunteer Luncheon of Appreciation- Carolina Kitchen 2
Publisher Speaks
a Dream Unfulfilled until I remembered Delay is Not Denial. With these words and encouragement from those asking when, when when is WIN coming back to us, I decided to decrease and allow God to increase...Replacing my Fear with Faith in a season where magazines and publications are ending their operations how dare I get back into this business. Well God ALWAYS has a bigger plan for his Daughters if we simply Relax- Release & Renew.
Are you Ready to W
IN (Women Inspired News) welcomes you to our online magazine dedicated to women who are committed to Victorious Living.
First, we want to thank all of you who have supported us from the very first issue of WIN Magazine and have continued to “support” us during this hiatus. We are truly fortunate to have such loyal readers .
Welcome to WIN’s Official Re-Launch! I am excited to share this wonderful and inspiring women’s publication with the world. Now that WIN is on-line I want to encourage you share it and sent it to anyone and every Women you care about across the globe. It is our prayer that whoever reads WIN will feel the encouragement and inspiration to walk in the Winners Circle
Secondly I challenge all of you who attempted yet failed in your first try to revisit your purpose and your calling, your gift and your dream...the time to WIN is NOW.. In this season of Spiritual Shifting and Divine Destiny I dedicate this Re-Launch Issue of WIN to those who have experienced false starts, delays, set-backs, and disappointments. It is your Time to WIN !
Each month the magazine will feature articles and resources designed to propel us to Victory. Filled with Fashion, Finances, Family and Faith WIN is designed to support the Winner in you and your Circle of Influence.
Peace & Blessings,
Carolyn Washington
After a 16 month hiatus we are excited and filled with Joy for the Journey ahead. With a shift in the economy and several life changing experiences I found myself looking at this Magazine as
Publisher WIN- Women Inspired News www.womeninspirednews.com
Women Inspired News
Publisher Carolyn Washington
Jewels From The Spirit....... 4
Executive Editorial Assistant Pamela Ouguagha
Bling It On........................... 5
Marketing Director Yvonne Hunte
9 Tips To Save & Manage Your Money.......... 6
Public Relations Glenda Tyson Powell Design and Layout D3 Graphic Design
9 Powerful Changes To Make You Happier..... 7
Advertising Contact info@womeninspirednews.com Submission For writers guidelines please visit our website www.womeninspirednews.com
Butterfly Boutique............... 8 Resource Directory............. 9 3
Nothing that appears in Women Inspired News Magazine may be reprinted without permission
J ewelsFrom The
Talking Out Loud Jewel Diamond Taylor
es, my web site is entitled DO NOT GIVE UP.net and I am branded as the speaker who teaches, “Do not give up.” But sometimes you may choose the wrong project or person. Some people may stay too long on a dead end job or a dead end relationship. They may fear uncertainty of the unknown or fear what the critics would say. Some people don’t listen to their intuition when all the red flags are warning that it is time to escape, let go and quit without guilt. Sometimes you have to quit and get out while out you are ahead. Not being able to discern when it’s time to quit can cost you.
sour. Have you stayed too long or have you been distracted or unfocused causing you to give up too soon on worthy pursuits? The following was sent by an unknown author. These are great reminders to teach about the right times to quit....
Quit arguing with people about the same old foolishness! Respect their position and keep it moving!
Quit telling people your secrets when you know they are not going to keep them! And if you keep telling them, then quit getting mad when they tell your secrets!
Quitting when it’s wise should not be confused with a “do not give up” message. Wisdom will help you to know when it’s time to quit or stick with a person, project, pursuit, your plans or place of employment.
Quit trying to pull people on your journey who don’t want to travel with you! Either they believe in you and value you ...or they don’t!
Don’t confuse persistence with insistence. There are some people and circumstances that you can not control. Wisdom comes as you learn to let go of projects, people or perplexing situations and give them to God. There are some relationships, pursuits, projects and places of employment that can cost you if you stay in it too long. Yes, you should persist with your goals and self-improvement. Yes, you should not be easily be defeated or distracted.
Quit gossiping about other people! Minding our own business should be a full time job!
Quit blaming each other for things that in the big picture aren’t going to matter 3 weeks from now! Talk solutions...and then implement them!
The questions I pose to you today are, “Will you persist on worthy pursuits and people? Do you have the courage to stop insisting and pushing as you keep running into walls or resistance? Can you discern when to know that your efforts and persistence will yield reward in the future? Can you discern when you have reached a limit, a dead end and your pride/ego won’t allow you to let go? During your times of insistence and frustration ... remember the Serenity Prayer.
Quit eating things you know are not good for you! If you can’t quit...eat smaller portions! (I know...this is hard for me too!)
Quit the job you hate! Start pursuing your passion and purpose. HINT: find the job that fuels your passion before you quit!
There is a time to quit and there are times you need to hear “Don’t give up.” Quit smoking, gossiping, wasting time and giving your body, money, power and peace of mind away to people and pursuits that only rob, destroy and drain you. Quit a project, job or relationship that is abusive or not lined up with your values and vision. Milk is good until it’s expiration date. Sometimes people stay way too long after the expiration date and everything becomes
Quit volunteering for things that you aren’t getting any personal fulfillment from anymore!
Quit volunteering for things and then failing to follow through with your commitment! o
or me, pageantry was something I only watched on television and dreamed about as a child. My impression was that I had to be intelligent, thin, tall and beautiful in order to even participate. I believed I was pretty smart, definitely thin weighing 110 pounds and standing 5”10 tall. However, I lacked self-esteem and in no way felt or believed I was beautiful. My self-esteem was robbed from me as a teen when I was sexually abused by my second cousin who is also a pastor. As an adult and
became a representative of my county as Mrs. Owings Mills Galaxy 2008. I spent the year promoting my cause with my new, small crown and sash. I truly noticed a difference in how members of my community responded to me. Many were enamored with the shine of the crown or the fact that I represented the same county they lived in. I felt that I had finally received needed and desired results. My experience in the pageant was phenomenal. During the weekend, pageant contestants and I participated in orientation, a dinner cruise and long rehearsals. In addition, pageant day and all that it entailed was a success! At the end of the pageant, I won the only two awards given. However, out of three contestants, I came in last place. I was still excited—I gained the opportunity to
To my surprise and excitement, I made it past second runner up. Standing in the middle of the stage, holding hands with a beautiful woman, I decided I was already satisfied—this would be my first time as a first runner up. The emcee announced, “The first runner up is…” and then there was a dreaded pause. During this pause, so many thoughts ran through my mind: What pageant will I do next? I hope my pageant coach is proud of my progress. What if I win? Where is my husband? Whoa… is this really happening? When my name was not announced as the first runner up, I felt as if I was melting in place. I immediately hugged the first runner up and for some reason had a hard time letting her go. I almost felt as
Bling It On
Perseverance & Persistance Prevail
effectively get the word out about sexual abuse, I enjoyed a new experience and I won awards!
survivor of an inexcusable crime, I became passionate about spreading awareness of sexual abuse. I began to volunteer as a survivor and found that many members of my community turned a deaf ear on such an important cause. It was suggested to me by a friend that I do volunteer work through pageantry. Pageantry? Me?? I thought it was a ludicrous idea since I am now a married adult. I did research and came across several pageants that highlighted the efforts of married women. After committing to enter the 2008 Maryland Galaxy pageant, I became excited about such a great opportunity that I only dreamed of in my youth. I
I enjoyed the pageant experience so much that I participated in two additional different pageants, winning awards again, without winning the pageant. I again came in second and third runner up in different pageant systems. Overall, I met my goals—I continued to help my community as Mrs. Owings Mills. In 2009, I entered the Maryland Galaxy pageant again. I honestly did not expect to win as I competed against two phenomenal and lovely ladies. However, enjoying the sport of pageantry and keeping my cause as my focus, I did my best. For the first time in my pageantry experience, I did not win an award during the special awards ceremony. I prepared myself to walk away from this experience for a second time with no winnings. This was not such a big deal as I decided I would continue to enter pageants for further promotion of my cause.
if I was undeserving and was unable to face the world as a “queen”. When I finally lifted my head, I heard the emcee state, “Your new Mrs. Maryland Galaxy 2009 is LaQuisha Hall”. I began to cry uncontrollably, now fearing to show my face because I thought my eye makeup would be ruined. Trying again works. I attempted to spread awareness. Trying again through pageantry prevailed. I attempted to win a state title. Being persistent prevailed. I have been so empowered through my experiences these past two years. I will not give up—I will always, try, try and try again. Did I mention that I placed first runner up in the national pageant to Mrs. Galaxy International 2009? Perseverance… o
LaQuisha Tisdal Hall
Mrs. Maryland Galaxy 2009
International Spokesperson & Board Member: Stop the Silence: Stop Child Sexual Abuse
Tips to Save and Manage your Money
t is the month of September and this month represents the ¾ mark for the year. With year-end quickly approaching, I am sure there are many things that you still want to accomplish this year before it comes to a close. Well there is good news! There is still time for you to make progress towards those goals you set for this year. In this article, we will focus on the financial goals you have set for yourself this year and in honor of the 9th month of 2009, we will give you 9 things you can do to make progress in your finances in 9 minutes or less! Enjoy!
Make a grocery list and stick to it when shopping. Experts agree that when you have a list and stick to it, you are less likely to go over-budget at the grocery store. Other grocery shopping tips you can try are eating before you go to reduce impulse buying, and focus on the perimeter of the store because most necessary products are around the perimeter of the store not in the individual aisles.
➋ ➌
Take short, water saving showers.
Obtain copies of your credit reports from www.annualcreditreport.com at least once a year. If you want to increase your credit scores, go to www.FTC.gov for helpful information.
approved non-profit housing counseling agency listed at www.HUD.gov.
Go to the library to check out books and DVD’s for FREE. Make some of these books financial self-help or self –discovery and read for 9 minutes each day.
Empty one dollar bills from your wallet daily and place in a drawer. Use the savings for monthly family outings, holiday shopping, and/or vacation spending money.
Organize bills when received so they are easily accessible when due. Use two stackable trays, or other compartments, and separate bills into those they need to be paid before the 15th and then after the 15th, this way you only have to write checks and pay bills 2x’s for the month.
Contact the creditor for each bill that is past due and talk about payment plan options.
Schedule an appointment with a financial advisor to create your “ Peace of Mind” plan to map out your retirement, education expense planning, end-of-life plans and a written plan to reach other financial goals you may have.
If you are behind in your mortgage or think you may fall behind, contact an
These are just a few baby steps you can take to help kick-off your progression toward achieving your 2009 Financial Goals. Stay focused on the progression not perfection! Taking baby steps frequently will soon create a healthy habit of financial stewardship. To schedule an appointment with a financial advisor or to learn more about the programs we have in place to foster healthy progression towards your goals, visit us on the web at www.mindovermoneyllc.com or www. thelymonfinancialgroup.com For more 9 minute or less tips OR if you have experienced a foreclosure and are seeking help to recover, visit www. postForeclosureHelp.org to learn more about a recovery process to help you to regain your composure emotionally and financially in the aftermath of a Foreclosure. o Tiffany Lymon, MBA President, The Lymon Financial Group Coach, Mind Over Money, LLC 443.322.6123 info@mindovermoneyllc.com Jennifer Matthews MBA President, Creating Financial Literacy, LLC Founder, Post-Foreclosure Help 410.918.0086 support@postforeclosurehelp.org
Powerful Changes to Make You
4 1 5 8 2 6 9 3 7 Savor Everyday Moments
Pause now and then to smell a rose or watch children at play. Study participants who took time to “savor” ordinary events that they normally hurried through, or to think back on pleasant moments from their day, “showed significant increases in happiness and reductions in depression.
Avoid Comparisons
While keeping up with the Joneses is part of American culture, comparing ourselves with others can be damaging to happiness and self-esteem. Instead of comparing ourselves to others, focusing on our own personal achievement leads to greater satisfaction.
Put Money Low on the List
People who put money high on their priority list are more at risk for depression, anxiety, and low selfesteem. Their findings hold true across nations and cultures. “The more we seek satisfactions in material goods, the less we find them there, “The satisfaction has a short half-life—it’s very fleeting.” Money-seekers also score lower on tests of vitality and self-actualization.
Have Meaningful Goals People who strive for something significant, whether it’s learning a new
craft or raising moral children, are far happier than those who don’t have strong dreams or aspirations, “As humans, we actually require a sense of meaning to thrive. “Happiness lies at the intersection between pleasure and meaning. Whether at work or at home, the goal is to engage in activities that are both personally significant and enjoyable.”
Take Initiative at Work
How happy you are at work depends in part on how much initiative you take. When we express creativity, help others, suggest improvements, or do additional tasks on the job, we make our work more rewarding and feel more in control.
Make Friends, Treasure Family
Happier people tend to have good families, friends, and supportive relationships. But it’s not enough to be the life of the party if you’re surrounded by shallow acquaintances. “We don’t just need relationships, we need close ones” that involve understanding and caring.
Smile Even When You Don’t Feel Like It
It sounds simple, but it works. “Happy people…see possibilities, opportunities, and success. When they think of the future, they are optimistic, and when they review the past, they tend to savor the
high points,” Even if you weren’t born looking at the glass as half-full, with practice, a positive outlook can become a habit.
Say Thank You Like You Mean It People who keep gratitude journals on a weekly basis are healthier, more optimistic, and more likely to make progress toward achieving personal goals, according to author Robert Emmons. Research by Martin Seligman, founder of positive psychology, revealed that people who write “gratitude letters” to someone who made a difference in their lives score higher on happiness, and lower on depression—and the effect lasts for weeks.
Get Out and Exercise
A Duke University study shows that exercise may be just as effective as drugs in treating depression, without all the side effects and expense. Other research shows that in addition to health benefits, regular exercise offers a sense of accomplishment and opportunity for social interaction, releases feel-good endorphins, and boosts self-esteem. o
Butterfly Beauty Style
The Ultimate Look by Sonya 301-240-481-2180 www.sonyafletcher.com Iona Nelson Soul Purpose 410-913-8782 Aleysha R. Proctor www.AleyshaProctor.com (301) 523-7389 www.youravon.com/AProctor
Events And More
Carroll & Company 301-675-0325 www.carrollandcompanyevents. com
Jewelry & Treasures DIVA Style 301-890-1866 Jewelry, Handbags, Body & Bath Products It Looks Good on You 1-804-314-2020 Costume Jewelry & Handbags www.itlooksgoodonyou.com Metamorphosis Jewelry Design 202-829-0835 Costume Jewelry & Hats www.4metamorphosis.com Treasures of Essence 301-794-0367 Sterling Silver Jewelry WashDesign Group Archectural Drawings & Design 240-351-4753 www.washdesigngroup.com Traci Lynn Jewrly Theresa R. Beautiful and Affordable Jewelry 301-502-6580
Boutique Shop Till you Drop
Food for the Soul & Spirit
Nzinga Dolls & Gifts 301-203-5626 Culturally Inspired Handmade Dolls nzingadolls@yahoo.com
Magnolia Blossoms Private Catering 240 505 4131 Maggy, Owner
Creative Memories Unit Leader and Consultant for LIFE Jacqueline Carey 301-617-4933 or cmcjhcarey@ aol.com www.mycmsite.com/ jacquelinecarey
To God Be All the Glory
Relax.Release‌ Renew
Creative Praise International 301-537-6725 Psalmist Lanell Lightfoot 301-237-1447 lanelllightfoot@yahoo.com
Nichole Jefferson, LMT Caressence Therapeutic Massage 202-689-4585 cell www.caressencetm.com
Special Gifts & Treasures
Soft & Silky
Pray and Wait Encouraging T-Shirt, Key Chains and more www.keautum.com
Caressence Massage Nichole Jefferson 202-689-4585 ww.caressencetm.com
Baskets of Hope 301-322-2308 Special Baskets for all Occasions
The Reading Nook Jesus Books 301-735-1100 www.jesusbookstore.com John 3:16 301-459-5999 www.john316.com
Blessed 24:7 www.blesed247.com 1-800-956-7027 Sista Worth Greeting Cards 410-302-1802 www.sistaworth.com
Dress With Style
Sunshine Creations All occasion cards wih Gift Bags & more 301-262-4994 philnash327@msn.com
Forever Treasures The Place for Women's Jackets 703-815-8280 E-Cozi Fashion Handcrafter ear warmers and scarves sets 240-246-0236
Originals by Christina 301-630-7298 Hand Crocheted Afghans and Shawls Jmmyn45@verizon.net
Sherri Amore Gifts & Collectibles Gifts and Collectibles by artist Annie Lee and More 804-313-1536 www.sherriamore.com
Q5 Enterprises 301-356-3105 Trinket Boxes, Wreaths & More
Keima Fludd Shi Myer International 410-903-8004 AnnLewisNewYork.com http://www.AnnLewisNewYork. com Info@AnnLewisNewYork.com Toll Free Phone: 1.888.252.0887 Local: 301.693.9770
Health & Wellness Dr. Marcia B. Levi Optimal Care Chiropractic 301--362-5868 Chiropractic Care
Purple Leo Travel Perrrfect Travel Amenities 301-873-9974 Gemini Excursions 301-856-8144 www.geminaexcursions.com Melanie Cooke MEC Travel and Leisure mectravel@gmail.com 202-636-8093 www.mectravelandleisure.com
Glenda Powell Tyson/Powell Communications tysonpowellcomm@verizon.net (410) 588-6845 QUEENDOM Empowering the Lives of Young Ladies Contact: LaQuisha Hall lhall@queendomtea.com queendomtea.com
Women Connected For Change 2Change, Inc Come GROW with Me! Dianne Suydam, Founder Upper Marlboro, MD phone:(301) 520-1679 Fax: (301) 499-2251
Women’s Resource Directory Domestic Violence Resource Services
Teen Referral
Prince Georges County Family Crisis Center 301 779-2100 301 779-2115
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline 1-866-331-9474 1-866-331-8463 (TTY) WWW.LOVEISRESPECT.ORG
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) WWW.NDVH.ORG
Suicide Prevention Hotline 301-864-7130 Prince George's County Crisis Hotline 301-779-2100 24-Hour Hotline 301-731-1203
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1-303-839-1852 1-303-839-1681 (TTY) WWW.NCADV.ORG
Alexandria Office on Women 703-838-4911
National Network to End Domestic Violence 1-202-543-5566 WWW.NNEDV.ORG
Legal Aid Bureau, Inc. 410-951-7777
Family Violence Prevention Fund 1-415-252-8900 1-800-595-4889 (TTY) WWW.ENDABUSE.ORG
Life Line Services Department of Social Services Prince Georges County - 301-209-5000 Montgomery County - 240-777-4600 Howard County - 410-872-8700 Baltimore County - 410-853-3000
Sexual Violence Resources National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-4673 WWW.NCDSV.ORG
www.womeninspirednews.com 9
Precious Pebbles Boutique " jewels of distinction"
Where Simpliciy Meets Sophistication
Carolyn Reynolds Washington Proprietor
Optimal Care Chiropractic
O-301-362-5 C-301-474-8187 www.DrMarciaBLevi.com 10