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Ultimate Study Apps
Here are some hot apps and tools to make your university grind easier.
Keeping Calendars
Don’t miss lectures or social events by keeping all the details in one place.
Google Calendar (free) or Outlook Calendar (free through UNSW) are two great options for keeping track of what’s happening. Both can be automatically synced with your UNSW class timetable, and integrated with Zoom meetings.

Google Calendar

Outlook Calendar
Timeweave is another popular app that lets you compare your schedule with your friends, so you can find group study times easily.

Tracking Tasks
Keeping a diary, journal or to-do list is the easiest way to keep yourself on track.
Trello is a Kanban-style organisational tool by one of Australia’s fastest growing software companies, Atlassian, and is one of the best ways to organise your work, especially when managing a group project. You can assign tasks, upload files, keep track of due dates, and more! Use it here.

Notion is another great note-taking tool, where you can write documents collaboratively, plan tasks and group projects, and make spreadsheets, all in one place. With the added bonuses of quick formatting and easy cross-app integration, you’d definitely want to give it a spin. Check it out here.

Tired of using post it notes? Google Keep is a great place for everything from your work items to your shopping lists. It offers filter search, text transcription from images and seamless integration with Google Docs and Gmail. You can also set reminders and share notes with others through Google Suite.

Google keeps
Tools for Note Taking
Online note-taking and organisation tools such as OneNote and Evernote for organising notes and managing tasks across multiple devices. You can type, handwrite, and annotate your course content, and archive notes that are no longer needed.


If you own an iPad, a popular app to consider is GoodNotes. These programs allow users to gather notes and information in a variety of ways - from traditional writing, audio, and video recordings, to storing complete webpages.

Study Aids
Try Quizlet, a flashcard app that lets you make and revise your own custom sets, or choose one from millions of publicly available sets - probably even some by students who have taken your course before! The perfect strategy for learning terms or memorizing definitions.

Losing focus easily? Forest is a motivation tool where you can grow a tree for each task you complete. Use it to help you stay off your phone and on your assignment. You can even grow trees for breaks and healthy habits to keep you in good health!

While we can delegate our organisation to handy study tools and calendars, your success in studying ultimately comes down to persistence. Set yourself goals, and give yourself rewards. Even if you don’t achieve everything on your checklist, you’ve made progress. As they say, it takes 21 days to build a habit, and 90 days to create a lifestyle.