1 minute read

What’s in my Uni Bag?

Don’t know what to pack for your first day of uni? Depending on the courses you are taking, every student’s bag will vary. Don’t worry though, since we will jot down the essentials for you!

Concession Opal Card


An Opal Card is essential if you will be taking public transport to head to and back from university. Make sure that you apply for and have received your grey Concession Opal Card so that you receive a fare discount! Please keep in mind that you must legally carry your student ID with you if you carry this card. Don't risk a fine!

Student ID Card

Your ID card is used for identification, building access and university transactions such as borrowing books from the library. Ensure that you carry it with you at all times!


Laptops or tablets are essential for note taking during lectures and tutorials You can hook it up to UniWide, UNSW’s free wifi for students, if you want to study or get some work done on campus.

Course reading materials + textbooks

In some courses, readings or textbooks may be accessible or highly recommended to consolidate your knowledge of the course content. It may be good to bring these materials with you then during tutorials or study sessions at university.


A phone is essential for you to contact people and also access important apps such as Moodle or Lost on Campus.

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