Women's Business Magazine Spring 2017

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Spring 2017 ÂŁ2.99

Tragedy to Success

Inspirational stories from real business women Eden Chartered Accountants financial considerations when setting up a new business

Charles Russell Speechlys share the best ways to avoid legal disputes

Spring Budget Brings Mixed Reviews This year’s announcement brings mixed news for employees and employers alike

WIN an Airport Lounge Pass for Two People

Jillian Haslam

Misery can consume you or resilience can propel you

General Information Meet The Magazine Team

Editor-In-Chief Angela De Souza

Creative Director Lorah-Kelly Beard

Head Copy Editor Eric De Souza

Copy Editor Nikita Tejaa

Letter from the Editor Is it just me or do the years seem to be flying by faster and faster these days? It’s April already and I am already planning our Maximise Conference & Awards for December! My mission is to slow things right back down to a reasonable pace but the challenge is figuring out how to do so. My first plan this year was to lessen my workload which sounds like a great plan in theory but actually quite tough in practice. It meant saying the dreaded ‘no’ word to many opportunities and to learn to hand over work to my fantastic team. My second great idea was to have a development day where I didn’t turn on any electronic devices but create time and space for me to think. Thinking is so important and nine times out of ten I do it at night between 3am and 4am. Sleeping is good and skipping it is not, so I forced myself to create time to think each week. Included in this development time is reading, chatting to people and writing with a good old fashioned pen and paper. To be perfectly honest I haven’t quite cracked this but am continually working on it so that I can somehow slow down my life before I miss it completely. I hope that your first quarter has been a little less hectic than mine and if not what do you plan to do about it so that you too can slow down and enjoy your life? We would love to hear your thoughts and even feature them in the next issue. Send me an email, I would love to hear from you. Angela x angela@maximise.live



MAXIMISE Business Magazine - Print and Online FOUR EDITIONS EACH YEAR DELIVERED TO: Bath | Bristol | Cardiff | Cheltenham| Gloucester | Kingston | Southampton | Swindon www.maximise.live/magazine (c) 2016 Women’s Business Club All images and text subject to copyright. You may NOT reproduce, in whole or in part, any of the pages from this magazine or quotes of no more than two or three sentences with full credit attached to quote. If you wish to reproduce more than this, please contact the editor-in-chief. While endeavouring to make sure that all published information is accurate, the publishers cannot be held responsible for mistakes or omissions. The Women’s Business Club cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services that appear in this magazine.

Contents Inspirational stories from real business women |Page 05

Jillian Haslam - Misery can consume you or resilience can propel you |Page 06

Financial considerations setting up a new business|Page 22

The best ways to avoid legal disputes |Page 30

Are you ready for Google’s Mobile First Index? |Page 32

Spring Budget Brings Mixed Reviews |Page 40

WIN an Airport Lounge Pass for Two People |Page 51

Verve Rally: Where Luxury Lifestyle Meets Adventure |Page 19

How A Motorbike Accident Saved My Life The Tina Colegate Story

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Everything Happens For A Reason The Chrissie Lowery Story

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BE THE CHANGE! The Samaritans call for volunteers

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Business News No1 Business Centre: The Home For Entrepreneurs

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Montpellier Lodge Unique Dining In A Relaxing, Friendly Setting

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Spice Lodge Delicious Food in an Old Mansion House

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Television Doctor To Host Charity Event With Very Special Guests

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Author Hub Meet Our Featured Author And See Our Recommended Book List

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Mother Duck A Brand New Mummy in Business: What Can I Do?

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Maximise Fashion It’s All In The Sleeve

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Wellness In Motion The Art of Happiness

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Networking News Inspiring and Supporting Female Entrepreneurial Excellence

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Editors Choice Bula Batiki Coconut Oil

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MAXIMISE Magazine Crossword Puzzle Children’s Crossword

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Women’s Business Club Members Directory

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MAXIMISE Magazine Crossword Puzzle Solutions

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Mastermind Boardroom Intimate peer to peer meetings where we get down to the nitty gritty of your business over breakfast. www.mastermind.womensbusiness.club

TRAGEDY To Success

The next few pages contain stories of real business women who against all odds went from a tragic situation to building a successful business.

“There is a saying in Tibetan, 'Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength.' No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that's our real disaster.” - Dalai Lama XIV


Misery can consume you or resilience can propel you

MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Cover Story | Jillian Haslam Meet Jillian Haslam today and you would see a professional and successful business woman. But her life as a child and young adult was far removed from that. Born to parents with British Ancestry, she grew up in India where the family lost four siblings to poverty and malnutrition. Yet she managed to help her family out of desperate circumstances and finally out of the country. Her childhood was spent living under people’s stairs or behind their houses and then in a slum but her inner strength and ability to overcome the worst of situations is something that never ceases to inspire those who learn about her story, captured in her book Indian. English. Jillian is an outstanding speaker who never fails to leave her audience driven to take action in their own lives. As an author she has featured many times in major press, TV and radio in the UK and India. Tell us about your dream job as a child. Since I was a little girl, I wanted nothing more than to be able to reach out to hundreds of people in order to eliminate the sadness and the despair that is caused by abject poverty. I grew up facing it and I lived by the quote that “Poverty is like punishment for a crime that you didn’t commit Eli Khamarov”. I grew up not being able to smile and was asked many a time, even by my bosses if I ever did smile but I had an impossible dream (coming from an extremely deprived background) and not knowing how I was going to accomplish that dream was a worry that never ever left me. It was impossible to smile but today, I do nothing but smile all the time, only because I now have six

teams of people who work to change lives every single day (three huge food-banks for the poor and the disabled, six study centres for street children, a team that work for women in need, the youth, the disabled and for people with serious illnesses. I also speak at very many schools and universities talking to people on the power of developing an “Irrepressible Mind” and asking them not to forget that there are people who need them. I deliver trainings and speeches to corporates as well, sharing the drive and the ambition I had and what it took to get through a 20 odd year career in banking, never losing sight of the goal and the objective I had in mind ever since I was a child. Why did you go into business in the first place? Dreams are not fulfilled through magic and people who have money are certainly not going to be there to fulfil them for you. Luck does not exist as Henry Ford said “the harder you work, the luckier you get”! So, if I was to fulfil my own dreams, I had to become my own creator and work very hard to generate enough income to be able to support my cause and my dreams without having to ask anyone for monetary help. As Oprah Winfrey says “The only way to find true happiness is to find out what you are good at and to then turn that into a service for others.” I didn’t know that she had said this at the time but I certainly believe in it 100% today. It’s exactly what I did!! What or who has been your greatest influence in business and why? Oprah Winfrey and Estee Lauder only because they had the same vision, the same goal and the same objectives in mind, to start a business with one purpose only and that is to give back to humanity!

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What is the best and worst decision you’ve ever made? The best decision I’ve ever made was to empower people with confidence and recognition. I have had people who couldn’t speak a word of English with a desire to succeed but without the ability. Empowering them has been my greatest asset as Jack Welch said “Give them confidence and then they will act”. The worst decision I have ever made was to trust people unconditionally. You can care and you can help but to trust someone needs time and I have paid a very heavy price on many occasions by deciding to trust someone based on sweet talk and face value alone. I have now learnt from my mistakes but the hard way unfortunately. What do you think is the most significant barrier to women in business? Skills. I mentor many women to help them start up their own businesses. I have also delivered a speech titled “A dose of reality” and I did this because many seem to have a dream and believe that they can roll out of bed and start a business without the required skill set. That is one of the reasons why 93% of new businesses fail. They get so involved in social media, trying to make a name for themselves, doing the admin side of things but losing focus of what truly needs to be done i.e. to learn how to deliver or sell their products/ services effectively, marketing a product or service or understanding how to build a brand (and I don’t mean logos, websites & letterheads) it takes much more than that but sadly our “comfort zones” and “Facebook likes” keep us complacent and hence totally in denial sometimes. What’s the best advice you have received in business? To train and to get mentored by well established people in business. To get educated before you venture out and to understand that your talent may get you a step through the front door but it’s only hard work, relentless commitment and knowledge that can keep you there. My next book is titled “The Irrepressible Mind.”(Out in July 2017) It will help many but mainly entrepreneurs to understand these facts and to understand the true meaning of what it takes “Never to give up in business.” What do you do for fun?

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Spend time with the people I love (those in desperate need since they need people like us the most). That is what I see as fun and it’s with these people that I really & truly come to love (see www.remediatrust.org). I always use this quote that came from Bill Gates I believe “I was a beggar by the corner whom no one gave a dime but today, I read and write and speak because someone took the time.” I want to be able to show them that I made the time to be there for them, just as someone made the time to be there for me. In my case these people were my parents, my matrons in boarding school, my principal, people who were poorer than poor who came to our aid and mainly a teacher named Mrs. Barbara Raha who taught me that everything on the outside meant nothing i.e. torn shoes, torn uniforms, scruffy hair, no make-up etc., etc. What mattered was what was going on, on the inside and how we could look for ways and means to develop that side of us. It worked like magic for me! What did you most fear in the early days of your business? That I would let thousands of people down and that I wouldn’t be able to find a way to help them. It was more than just a fear, it was heartbreaking to have to think of not being able to reach them. They say when you desire something to an extent where your very being is affected, you accomplish it but you have to start with wanting something more for others than you want for yourself. What accolades or awards have you won so far? In 2012 I won The first runner up award for The Asian Woman of the Year in the Social and Humanitarian category. In April 2015 The Telegraph presented me with The True Legend Award for exceptional contribution to social and humanitarian causes once again. In July of 2015 I was presented with the Star Recognition Award in London for ‘Lifting Lives’ and inspiring hundreds of young people. In September 2015 I was nominated by members of the public for ITV’s 2015 Inspirational Woman of the Year award and on the 8th of December, 2016 I was presented with the award for Excellence in Humanitarianism. What’s next for you and your business? To expand into other parts of the world, to reach

people far and wide in order to demonstrate to them the power behind public speaking and finding your voice, to get the movie made (that is based on my memoir Indian. English.). Hollywood have already picked it up and I have managed to reach thousands of children by way of the story itself. It is now a personal goal to get the movie made and to try and work towards creating a world without poverty. In the words of Muhammad Yunus “We need to strive to eliminate poverty because once it is gone, we’ll need to build museums to display its horrors to future generations. They’ll wonder why poverty continued so long in human society how a few people could live in luxury while billions dwelt in misery, deprivation and despair.” This is my wildest dream and my greatest ambition and it is always the next step in everything I do. Nothing means more to me than giving back in thought, word or deed.

If you could tell your younger you something what would you say? Never forget the past and the future will never forget you! Jillian Haslam www.jillianhaslam.com

“Jillian’s talk not only made the evening very special; more importantly she deeply moved and inspired every single woman in the audience. The following morning my inbox was flooded with praise and gratitude from women that were in attendance! Jillian does not ‘just motivate’, she inspires. She does not ‘just talk’, she lives and breathes her vision of changing the world for the better. Hire Jillian to talk at your event. Seek opportunity to hear her keynote speech. Read her book. Do it now! She will change your life forever.” - Lenka Lutonska , Founder, Advantage Woman

Book Jillian for your event +44 (0) 7741 098723 | contact@jillianhaslam.com www.jillianhaslam.com

Jillian is a member of Professional Speaking Association, Celebrity Speakers Association, National Speakers Association and Global Speakers Federation.

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Main Feature | Tragedy to Success

How A Motorbike Accident Saved My Life 13th August 2016, I will never forget that day. Children with their grandparents and as a single mother and someone who takes pride in also working full time, you take these moments by both hands. Out comes the shiny white, 675r Daytona motorbike that I had treated myself to in April. This is my release; this is where I loose my responsibilities. Been out for an hour and decided it was time to head home that was the last thought I remember. 2 weeks later I woke up in hospital, I don’t remember what I thought at that time. I had been airlifted to Southmead Hospital in Bristol, I spent 2 weeks in intensive care and a further 6 weeks in hospital while they tried to fix two broken arms (both radius and ulna on each side) and a multiple fractured leg. After Southmead I spent a further two weeks in Chepstow hospital receiving more rehabilitation – you have to be able to look after yourself mildly to be allowed to return home. My mother looked after my children, almost by default. When I was allowed home it was decided that I should also live there until I could at least walk and look after the children.

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On a routine appointment four weeks after being home and feeling like this should be the appointment to ask if I could drive again. Horror struck when I was told I had an infection and surgery was to be immediate and in two days. They told me I would be in five days to wash out the infection and put new metal in. Five weeks later I returned home after 3.5 inches of infected bone had been removed and a number of failed skin flaps (six operations in eight days). I now am still at my parents with a Taylor Spatial Frame on my leg to grow the bone back. Supposedly the frame allows for weight bearing but I do know that pain doesn’t! The frame is to be with me a year. The crutches are so painful to walk with because of the broken arms and fractures in my hands but you have to push through don’t you? This Christmas I missed my children’s plays, I was heart broken but if the accident hadn’t happened I would have been moaning about attending as it would be interfering with work and I would have felt torn between not letting work down and not letting the children down. Why am I sharing this? It has been a life changing

experience and for the first time in my life I realise this has also been life changing for the people around me. How often do we wonder about repercussions? I’ve been asked that if I was shown videos of motorbike crashes before I went out would I have still gone? Would you? The fact is I’ve seen the videos and also experiences other people I know being injured but it didn’t stop me and why? Because it will never happen to me. My son asked me a few days ago “did you really want to go on your bike that day” he is five. What should I say? What would you say? Well I guess I have changed as a person because of it, life was passing me by. Not in the sense that I wasn’t doing anything, because I was, I was filling every minute of every day. I was there, I provided for my children financially, but I was wasn’t there. Not emotionally, I didn’t have time to play that game or read that story as I was always too busy, in my eyes making sure food was on the table but it was not the case. Always focused but never on the here

and now, always trying to be the best at everything, work, being a parent, a good daughter, friend and sister, but never waking up in the present, never enjoying the moment. I am on the mend and will able to work and look after my children as normal in the future. I have a lot to be grateful for. It has changed me and I will now play the game, stop the car to watch the rainbow, bake the cake, and smell the flowers. Life will continue but at a very different pace. The work focus is still there and a number of things have gone through my mind in how to proceed with my career. I will however have a balance. I thought I had it before but it’s now obvious I didn’t. Sometimes I wonder if maybe this may also be a male way to think of things and the pressure they have to provide for the family and how they deal with it. Who knows what people think and how they perceive a balance. By Tina Colegate

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Advertiser Article

Everything Happens For A Reason When I fell pregnant with twins nearly 11 years ago it was quite a shock and I remember bursting into tears when the sonographer told me there were 2 heartbeats. There were no twins in my family and for just a few seconds I felt a little scared! I soon began to get excited and started planning for my multiple birth. However at around five and a half months pregnant I became really unwell and was admitted to hospital with liver disease and an enlarged spleen. The doctors thought I had hepatitis A as I had been abroad and this can be contracted through eating and drinking. I was discharged home a few days later after the doctors decided my symptoms were viral. Unfortunately I had contacted Cytomegalovirus (cmv) and my beautiful twins were born 3 months early with congenital CMV which a lot of people aren’t aware of, but it is one of the biggest causes of deafness, blindness and learning difficulties. Three years ago I had a pretty good life, I had a career that I loved as a clinical specialist nurse and a very happy home life. Bringing up five children on my own brought challenges of course but so many happy days too! Back then I didn’t really have the best understanding of chronic illnesses, I specialised in psychiatric disorders in children and I knew my mental health but little knowledge of chronic illnesses and how life altering they can be. So when I was hit off my feet in 2013 it came as a hard shock to my system. I spent days, weeks and months on the sofa which even now is still quite a blur to me. That very same year my eldest son was diagnosed with autism and my youngest son was severely bullied. My world fell apart and the only thing I could do was to remove my three children from school and homeschool them. A few very good friends and my ‘online family’ helped me through those dark months. I lost family and friends because I was not able to explain why I was not showing up to life or being there for them like I used to be.

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Slowly a picture of my health problems was formed and a year later I was diagnosed with a few chronic illnesses. My children settled into a new school and I set up a business to help my son sleep. I taught myself to sew using my mum’s sewing machine sat on my lounge floor. I created a brand new product that’s helped children with special needs like my son, physical disabilities and something that could be used for sleepovers, camping and a general space saver. I got my product protected by the IPO and my business was born. The Cuddle Bed Company (formerly Snugglebedz) became something I could focus on and craft became my friend. I taught myself how to sew in zips, make cushions, blankets, floor mats and beanbags until I had a whole range of products. Over the last few months I have learnt how to juggle my business and my illnesses. I sew whilst my children are at school and I manage my symptoms the best I can. If I didn’t have fibromyalgia, malabsorption syndrome, chronic fatigue and arthritis I would never have my business and I would not have been around for my family when they really needed me. Believe me life can be a struggle but I can save my ‘spoons’ and gather them up when I need too. I am proud to be a spoonie and I love being able to create, design and provide a product that I truly believe can make a difference. By Chrissie Lowery

MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Advertiser Article

BE THE CHANGE! More than 6,000 people take their own lives in the UK and the Republic of Ireland every year. The mission of our organisation is to reduce this number. We try to achieve it with the help of over 21,000 volunteers across the UK and Ireland. Not everyone finds it easy to start a conversation that may be uncomfortable. And not everyone shows signs that they are struggling with difficult thoughts or feelings. But simple human contact -knowing that you’re not alone with your troubles and that someone will listen – can make a big difference, even at really difficult times. We are encouraging anyone worried about a friend, colleague or family member who may be struggling to cope to ask a question ‘Are you OK?’

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Samaritans CEO Ruth Sutherland says while you can’t take on another person’s troubles, you can let them know you care. “If you simply ask, ‘Are you OK?’ and show you are there to listen, people are far less likely to feel they have to go it alone with their troubles. Often it’s not about looking for someone to fix a problem – sometimes the biggest help can be having someone to share it with.” Gandhi once said “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. (…) We need not wait to see what others do.” Individuals can start a process of a global change which then can be carried on by others. Volunteering for

organisations like Samaritans is one of the ways of helping those who struggle. If you would like to be someone who can help decrease the rate of suicide, you should consider volunteering for us.

Throughout the year our volunteers visit Gloucestershire schools and work regularly with the local prison. Whatever your interests there is a role for you our branch.

We know that not everyone is the same and we can say the same about our volunteers. We look for people from different walks of life and diverse experiences.

Samaritans offers round-the-clock support for anyone who’s struggling, whoever they are, however they are feeling, and whatever life has done to them. People can contact us in confidence by phone, email, text or face to face in one of its 201 branches. Anyone who wants to talk in confidence to Samaritans can call 116 123 (free from most landlines and mobiles) or email jo@samaritans.org.

As well as answering calls, emails, texts and talking to people face to face, Samaritans in Cheltenham promote emotional health and wellbeing through their outreach work.

If you feel that you would like to join our organisation as a listener or as a support volunteer visit www.samaritans.org/branches/samaritans-cheltenham-and-district-branch to find out more.

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Feature Article | Business News

No1 Business Centre: The Home For Entrepreneurs Lawson Willett is a second-generation business owner, having taken over his father’s highlysuccessful printing firm in 2016. But taking on this established company with its roots in the local economy didn’t mean Lawson didn’t himself possess a genuine entrepreneurial spirit. And while the business continues to produce everything from a single business card to million-plus runs of colour literature and magazines, Lawson’s own focus move even further towards the digital. “Today’s technology is quite literally staggering”, he says. “Back in the early days of print, everything was incredibly labour-intensive. It involved sketches and film, bromides, proofs, densitometers and print rooms full of equipment. “Much of that still remains, but not everything - our own work has long been computerised in terms of proofs and communications, and the rise of quality digital printing was a game-changer. But as recently as fifteen years ago we couldn’t have imagined we’d be walking around with the whole of

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Google or Wikipedia in our pockets – smartphones, tablets and the Internet of Things have changed our lives forever. What they can do for business in the future is unbelievably exciting!” Part of the generation brought up on iTunes, TED Talks and TWiT, but still understanding the power of business built on relationships, Lawson turned his attention to the future, tapping into new developments while continuing to make his customers’ businesses work smarter, and more efficiently. His two latest projects combine the rise of digital technology with supporting business. The NewsDesk utilises trend-led newsfeed services for clients to position them as thought leaders in their industries, providing constant social media and e-newsletter contact; and the other is the No1 Business Centre in Gloucester, the new entrepreneurs’ hub for business support for small and new businesses in the centre of town.

“What struck me when I started talking to people about my idea for the No.1 was how many people asked me whether they could rent space, flexibly, having already bought into the idea of a professional and supportive environment surrounded by like-minded business people. If we could find enough complementary businesses to fill the place, bouncing ideas off one another and offering each other’s services to their contacts – even contracting them themselves – we were onto a winner for the local economy.” Today, services on offer range from simple hourly co-working to using the No.1 as a registered address (about half the cost of most other routes), from events to full-on annual office contracts, joining several other established local businesses believing the centre as the right place to be based. Add to that meeting rooms for two people up to 30 seated or more for a function, lunchtime nibbles and outside speakers, all within the converted and renovated Gardiners Leather Factory on Alvin Street (near the Gloucestershire Archives) and you’re getting a picture.

“I half killed myself in the early days, ripping down ceilings, mending windows, painting walls into the night, at least until I ran out of steam and my first child made his appearance,” Lawson continues. “Since then we’ve had teams of professionals bringing the wonderful old place to life. “My long-term dream is to expand the No.1 concept across the country, with a special focus appropriate to each location. In the short-term, we want to help local entrepreneurs tap into the facilities and the skills we’ve got in place. We can offer professional sales and marketing, writing, back office functionality from financial to virtual assistants – there’s even as much coffee and tea as you can drink! “Co-working, hot-desking in a business-like and friendly environment, without punishing long-term financial commitment is surely the way forward for small business. “We look forward to meeting more like-minded entrepreneurs soon!” www.no1businesscentre.co.uk

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Advertiser Article

Verve Rally: Where Luxury Lifestyle Meets Adventure Mixing adventure, like-minded people and luxury lifestyle, Verve Rally is reshaping the boundaries of the 5-star holiday. Carbon neutral, the five or nine-day experience involves participants cruising along some of Europe’s most expressive open roads to the most desirable locations. But this is not a challenge of speed nor endurance. As cofounder Darshana Ubl argues: “A race is a timed event. A rally is two or more cars sharing an adventure.” While some ardent petrolheads might disagree with Darshana’s definition, the etymology of rally comes from the Old French, ralier, essentially “to unite.” On the Verve Rally there are no prizes for speeding across the continent. On the five day, the average driving time is less than three hours a day, with no driving on one day, and on the nine day it’s four hours a day, with no driving on two days. Each will see participants driving in convoy with a bit of

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banter on the walkie talkies along the way. Darshana has enjoyed a successful career as a businesswoman and champions small and medium-sized enterprises as a spokesperson on BBC News, along with various national radio and television channels. After moving to London from Singapore, the longtime luxury car lover grew disillusioned at the lack of opportunities to enjoy driving. Europe’s mainland has the warmer weather and inspiring roads, but she struggled to find a rally that didn’t glue you to the wheel, especially if you’re more Ferrari 458 Italia than vintage 250 coupe. With many years of major events experience, including a Guinness World Record for organising the most people at a business speed networking event, Darshana launched her own rally with cofounder Marcus Ubl. Or as she puts it, “have some fun with great people and cool cars.”

Marcus explains: “The ethos behind Verve Rally is a celebration of life, natural beauty and performance cars. It’s about the enjoyment of driving, the freedom and adventure of a roadtrip with likeminded people.” Beautiful roads are integral to any road trip. Verve Rally blends these and their spirit of adventure and a focus on fine cuisine, relaxation and entertainment. This year has two different routes, a five day “Palaces & Chateaux Rally” in July which explores the Palaces and Chateaux of France. Driving from London to the French countryside and enjoying a holiday in the lap of luxury. Expect elegant dinners, gala fireworks, partying in Paris, a hot air balloon ride and lots more surprises with a group of likeminded people. The second, a 9 day “Six Country European Rally” in September where we traverse mountains, vineyards, the Riviera, rivers, lakes, Autobahn, Black Forest and more. From Champagne tours, boat rides, exclusive parties, Swiss Alps and the Black Forest, this 9 day holiday is a perfect blend of adventure and fun with down-time for relaxation on the 2 days we’re not driving. Ververs cover a much broader spectrum than the average get-together of petrolheads. While

the demographic of most rallies contains less than 20% women, Verve can boast a high female participation rate close to 50%: “We’ve developed the right balance of driving, luxury lifestyle and relaxation that we have found appeals to both singles and couples, and both sexes equally.” A collection of luxury cars cruising across Europe is usually as far from eco friendly as you can be. But not so. Through a partnership with the PATT Foundation and Treedom, Verve Rally offsets its carbon footprint by planting trees across the world. The types of cars that join are ones that stir the passions of driving, whilst also being comfortable for the journey ahead. Think Aston Martin DB11 elegantly traversing the Gotthard Pass through the Swiss Alps, or a Lamborghini Gallardo 560-4 Spyder sweeping along the shores of Lake Como, or opening up a Porsche 997 Turbo on the German autobahn. You can drive your own car, or hire one of the wide range of rides available through Verve. This is not your average holiday. Verve Rally is a new experience on wheels, a different you, new friends, some great photos and a book filled with memories. Marcus Uble (B ENT MGT) Director

marcus@ververally.com +44 203 808 8488 +44 7900 185 692 www.ververally.com

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Finance | Advertiser Article

Financial considerations when setting up a new business Are you thinking of setting up your own business? You might have a great new idea that you want to develop or you may have had enough of working for someone else and you want to try working for yourself. Whatever the reason, there are many things to consider and this article looks at some of the key financial aspects to think about when setting up your own business. Sole trader or limited company? You will need to think about whether to trade through a limited company or as a sole trader. Trading as a sole trader could be the most appropriate in the first few years of trading. Administration, accounts, tax returns and withdrawing money from the business are generally simpler if you are a sole trader but, depending on the level of profits, you may pay more tax and National Insurance as a sole trader. Trading through a limited company can reduce your tax liabilities and can also improve the image of your business to certain customers. Also, your liabilities could be limited if things go wrong. However, the costs for administration and accounting are likely to be higher under this option. It is therefore important to look at all of the implications when deciding how to trade. There is nothing to stop you starting up as a sole trader and then if the business is successful and your profits increase you can transfer the business to a limited company at a later date.

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Business Plan It is important to develop your own business plan. This should be a living document that you can refer back to, update regularly and measure the business’s performance against. The plan should include a marketing and sales strategy as well as a forecast for your business profits and cash flows. You will eventually have to pay some tax on the business profits and the business plan can help you forecast the amount of tax you will need to pay and record the dates that the tax will be payable. There is plenty of help online to help you structure your business plan including templates for you to download and use. Depending on your level of financial understanding, you may want to bring an accountant on board at this stage to help advise you about whether your calculations are accurate and your predications are likely to be realistic. VAT registration Should you register for VAT or not? Well, most trading businesses will need to register for VAT if their turnover in any 12 month period exceeds the registration threshold which is currently £83,000. However certain businesses may benefit from a voluntary registration in order to recover the VAT paid on purchases. The correct strategy for VAT registration can reduce your liabilities and it is therefore important to discuss VAT with your accountant before you start to trade to ensure that you minimise the VAT you have to pay.

Record keeping It is important to keep good accounting records for your business. HMRC legally requires you to maintain all of your records including all of your receipts for business expenditure, copies of your sales invoices and your business bank and credit card statements. These records will need to be maintained for at least 6 years. You may decide to use accounting software to record your business transactions. This may help you to reduce your accountancy fees at the end of each year but also this will enable you to track how well your business is performing by producing profit and loss reports as well as tracking and managing your business’s cash flow. In addition, you can track and compare performance against your business plan. There are a number of options with most software now being cloud based allowing you to update the records from any device and your accountant can also have access to the software to prepare the year end accounts. The legals If you are setting up your business as a limited company or a partnership with a business partner,

it is important to have a shareholder’s agreement in place to protect the business owners in the event of one of the partners wanting to leave the business e.g. what happens if you want to sell the business or if something happens to one of the business owners. In addition, if you are trading with other businesses or individuals you should have Terms and Conditions in place to ensure the business is protected in the event that the customer refuses to pay or if there is any dispute over the services or goods provided. You should consider having a shareholder’s agreement and Terms and Conditions in place before trading commences and should contact a solicitor to help tailor these documents to your business. If you have any queries about the best way to set up your business financially, please give us a call at Eden Chartered Accountants on 0117 977 4478 Kevin Edenborough Eden Chartered Accountants

MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Advertiser Article

How to Set Yourself Up for Success… Without Burning out

Three ways to step up without burning out 1.

Take the Shoulds awaaaay from the steering wheel. You know when you’re all lit up and you’re attracting opportunities like crazy and everything is flowing? Shoulds are the opposite of that. They stop the flow, get you confused, tied in knots and wasting time and they dampen down your passion and your light. Shoulds can be sneaky and show up as ‘good’ thoughts like ‘I don’t want to let people down’... but you’ll recognise them by the way they feel in your body- heavy, dull, draining. And remember - doing what’s in your Highest Good is always (though it might not look, seem or feel like it at the time) for others Highest Good too. When it comes to business, you can have the most fancypants biz model in the world and be following all the rules, but if your energy isn’t aligned with it, it won’t work. What you’ll be putting out in the world, maybe even spending lots of money to put out into the world, is heavy, dull, draining energy. And that’s not attractive. So - what are you planning in your business model or marketing that makes you feel heavy, dull, drained? Either... there’s something in your energy field that’s in the way that you need to clear first to be able to move forward easefully. Or, it’s the wrong tactic for you. Cross it off!


Spend more time not knowing. Like a child be curious. Create space, in your head and in your diary. From that space, you just might find the idea that’s been waiting for you to listen.


Speak your Truth. Self Expression is one of the greatest and more free-ing forms of SelfCare… and it’s a great marketing tool too! Have you noticed how much energy it takes to NOT say what you’re thinking? To hold back your truth, in case you offend? Honestly, how much time a day do you spend worrying about what other people think… and you know you have no control over that right! The thing is, when you put your energy first - after all, you are your best asset - and dare to speak your truth, that’s when everything flows.

When it’s time for an uplevel in your business, it’s also time for an uplevel in your Self-Care. Stronger boundaries. More relaxation. MORE (not less!) time off. Gandhi said: ‘I have so much to accomplish today that I must meditate for two hours instead of one’ That guy was onto something… The world of entrepreneurs at the moment is very full with people talking about stepping up. ‘Take your business to the next level!’ ‘10x your productivity!’ ‘’Be the Best You!’ But behind the scenes (and their laptops) there are a lot of self-employed people reaching critical levels of exhaustion. I wonder… Is trying to be ‘better’ a mountain we’ll never see the top of? Is trying to be the ‘best you’ a competition we’ll never win? A comparison with an imaginary version of ourselves, perfectly positioned to beat ourselves up with? Clever marketing tapping into our ‘not good enough’ beliefs? I speak to selfemployed people every day who are exhausted from trying to keep up with the perfect picture they’ve crafted on social media. Exhausted and knowing they have so much more to share. Are you tired of spending all day pretending to be something you’re not? Tired of feeling like you’ve got to just..keep...going? And, driven by a really honest desire to create change in the world? Before you think about stepping up, consider stepping in… People buy from people they trust, and we can’t trust someone unless we can feel them, connect with them on some level. It’s an energetic and emotional thing. So if you are closed off, trying to prove you know it all, you may actually be turning away your ideal customers.

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Kate is the founder and creator of Message Magic and The Beacons Sisterhood. She has been dubbed the Message-Midwife by grateful clients who benefit from the combination of her fun, insightful and creative approach to exploring their true talents AND her ability to craft vague ideas into messages that sell through her vast understanding of effective communication. She brings 13 years of experience in the theatre and Creative Education - directing, writing, messaging into stories that connect - from both

the performing and teaching - to transform bland page and the stage. If you know your work is about more than just making money - if it’s about starting a movement, lighting a way for a new world, taking a stand for something bigger than yourself - Kate Wolf will support you to own your gifts, free your voice and craft your message - so that those who need you, find you. www.katewolf.global


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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Food & Dining | Advertiser Article

Montpellier Lodge: Unique Dining In A Relaxing, Friendly Setting Montpellier Lodge is the fine dining contemporary restaurant and bar set in the corner of Montpellier pleasure gardens in the heart of Montpellier, Cheltenham. The Lodge itself was the former parkkeepers house and was built on the land originally known as Trafalgar Field. Montpellier Lodge opened on 15 December 2015 following extensive renovation and addition of the glazed conservatory and courtyard.

dressing and poppy seed crutons.

The restaurant offers an extensive A La Carte lunch and A La Carte dinner menu. The dinner menu always carries a ‘Catch of the Day’ dish and each month a Chef’s dish of the month is included in both the lunch and dinner menu. Head Chef is Kevin Harris trained with Raymond Blanc and worked for Marcus Wearing.

M& J Seafood in Cirencester www.mjseafood.com

The Chef creates seasonal set menus and has a Chef’s dish of the month, which for April is smoked salmon mousse, confit lemon, baby basil, caviar

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Barry Chandler is a co-owner of Montpellier Lodge, “Local suppliers are critical to what we do – we aim to offer the freshest ingredients.” Although technically the term should be regional as our catch of the day is clearly from the coast! Our suppliers are:

Ben Creese Country Butchers in Gloucester www.countrybutchers.co.uk Arthur David Vegetables based in Bristol www.arthurdavid.co.uk Waistcoat Wines based in Cheltenham www.waistcoatwines.co.uk

Montpellier Lodge has three private rooms for hire, making it a perfect setting for family celebrations, parties and events, including wedding celebrations. The 3 rooms can be hired out completely too. • • •

Conservatory up to 32 Bar area up to 26 Rotunda front dining room up to 30

History of Montpellier Gardens began in the early 19th Century by Henry Thomson to create Montpellier Spa. The Lodge itself was the former park-keepers house and was built on the land originally known as Trafalgar Field although open to the public on payment of an admission fee the gardens were mainly frequented by those taking the waters. The change in the public ownership in the late 19th Century saw the pleasure gardens become a place of public amusement, recreation and resort.

The Bandstand was constructed in 1864. Extensive restoration of the gardens took place in 2006 ensuring Montpellier Gardens continues to play an important part in the lives of residents and visitors alike well into the 21st Century.

To reserve a table please call 01242 262 666 or visit the website www.montpellier-lodge.co.uk.

Montpellier Gardens Lodge Montpellier Walk Cheltenham GL50 1SD www.montpellier-lodge.co.uk info@montpellierlodge.co.uk 01242 262 666

Unique dining in a friendly, relaxing setting

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Food & Dining | Advertiser Article

Spice Lodge - Delicious Food in an Old Mansion House Known as the food capital of the Cotswolds, Cheltenham is well known for its range of gastronomic delights. This time we decided to turn this occasion into a transoceanic experience for the whole family. Upon entrance, we were greeted by a joyous, impeccably dressed host who courteously guided us to our table. The dining area was sparkling clean and attention was given to detail. The chairs felt very comfortable and so did we. We were promptly served by overwhelmingly helpful waiting staff and it did not take very long for our choices to arrive. The ambience was appealing and classy but not overwhelmingly formal. Everything seems to have a sense of perfect balance and propriety, including the staff. So far so good. But could the menu match the appeal of our surroundings? We started by ordering king prawn pathia, which had a bold but not over the top sweet and sour taste. The starter definitely had more of a sweeter taste rather than sour and at times a hint of mango would visit my palate. The puffy bread felt light, soft and fresh in my mouth. Had a little more ‘sweet’ been added to the sauce and it would have been too sweet. The experience I was left with was one of a bold taste. What should we venture onto next? A main course of chicken chettinad, a fragrant traditional Indian curry with chicken simmered in coconut, chilli, black pepper and curry leaf flavoured sauce became my main course choice. And what a journey that was. The main course smelled great.

Now, chicken preparation can be tricky. If you don’t know what you are doing the endeavour can easily turn into a total disaster as one might end up with an overcooked slice of rubber instead of a chicken breast. I must say that I sliced several pieces and the chicken breast felt soft and evenly cooked. Our family main menu experience was remarkable. The children were offered off-menu korma and they loved it. My wife also thoroughly enjoyed her venison. For dessert, I tried the chocolate fudge and the exquisite matka kulfi pot. The chocolate fudge tasted so smooth in my mouth that I would not hesitate to recommend it. I managed to convince my son to allow me to try his matka kulfi pot and found the taste fascinating. This traditional refreshing Indian dessert had the texture of a sorbet and tasted of spiced milk with ground almonds and pistachios and a hint of saffron. I cannot fault the desert. Apart from the pathia and korma approaching the level of how sweet a dish should be (at least for my palate) I can say with certitude that you will savour what the Spice Lodge has to offer on its menu. The food is superb. You will not find tenuous tastes there. And yes, this magnificent award winning haven still impress. Look no further for delicious food, impeccable service, and unparagoned ambience when visiting Cheltenham. Review by Eric De Souza

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Advertiser Article

Claudine Morgan and Anna Smart, Litigation and Dispute Resolution lawyers at Charles Russell Speechlys share their expert views on best ways to avoid disputes. Becoming embroiled in a legal dispute can potentially have catastrophic consequences for a business. Disputes are costly, not only in terms of the financial costs and damages but can also cause: • Loss of future business • Disruption to current business • Anxiety for individuals involved • Damage to staff morale • Diversion from the day-to-day operation of the business • Personal liability of senior executives and damage to their personal standing • Damage to other business relationships • Adverse publicity / damage to reputation Without doubt prevention is better than cure. Here are our top 10 tips for the avoidance of legal disputes. 1. A contract is essential. You should ensure that: • The contract is clear, properly drafted and, if appropriate, tailored to individual transactions. • An appropriate person is authorised to negotiate a contract and that pre-contract negotiations are clearly “Subject to Contract”. • Relevant personnel know the contract, note contractual deadlines and important information. Don’t fail to deliver. • The contract stipulates your conscious choices concerning applicable law, contractual remedies, dispute resolution procedure such as court, arbitration or mediation / ADR. • Your terms and conditions of business are validly incorporated. • The contract addresses any potential problem areas presented by the counterparty, eg. shareholder; employee; supplier; customer; partner; purchaser; agent/principal; adviser. 2. Don’t ignore regulatory frameworks such as HMRC, HSE, FCA. Seek advice if necessary.

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3. Don’t ignore a potential dispute; seek to resolve problems before they escalate. 4. Risk management: consider whether a properly drafted risk management policy is appropriate. This should include clearly understandable internal procedures to identify risky transactions. Current risk management procedures should be reviewed and their effectiveness considered. 5. Train and educate staff about risk management procedures; early identification of potential problems and how to react appropriately to risk. Be aware of problems caused by hastily sent electronic communications. The policy should be implemented effectively and updated in the light of lessons learnt. 6. Take early legal advice to assist you to produce a cost / benefit analysis; make an early case assessment and have a clear strategy if a potential dispute arises. 7. Someone with authority needs to take ownership of a problem early on to seek a pragmatic solution; remove anyone emotionally involved. 8. Consider whether you should seek PR advice to manage external communication. 9. Keep good records, they can be the key to successful dispute resolution; consider making notes of important meetings/calls/events. Resolution communications should be “Without Prejudice”. 10. Have effective corporate governance to ensure directors comply with legal responsibilities. For more information in relation to any of the above or should a commercial dispute arise, despite best efforts to avoid it, please contact either Claudine Morgan or Anna Smart on (0)1242 246320 or Claudine.morgan@crsblaw.com Anna.smart@crsblaw.com

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Advertiser Article

Are you ready for Google’s Mobile First Index? If ever there was a time to learn about how Google ranks your business it is now. Google’s new mobile first algorithm will rank websites based on the mobile version of their web page rather than your desktop site. Mobile searches are increasingly on this rise and if businesses aren’t mobile friendly then they will be left behind in the dust of their competitors. Google says: “This can cause issues when the mobile page has less content than the desktop page because our algorithms are not evaluating the actual page that is seen by a mobile searcher.” Up this point, Google has indexed the desktop version of websites first but very soon Google will reverse this process indexing the mobile version first. This will have a significant impact on businesses who rely on light versions of the site for mobile users. FACT: More people are using Google on a mobile

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device than on a desktop at this time and this will only increase in the months and years to come. Prepare for these changes by checking that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Your mobile site is responsive and mobile friendly. Your mobile and desktop sites are not significantly different or your site will be penalised. Both your mobile and desktop sites are verified in the Google Search Console. Your mobile site’s content and markup mirrors your desktop site’s content and markup. Your desktop site contains your canonical links and mobile sites listed as ‘alternate’ if you are running two different websites. Google takes into consideration the rating of sites, favouring those having the highest ratings.

By Angela De Souza

MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Advertiser Article

Television Doctor To Host Charity Event With Very Special Guests An award-winning television doctor is to host an exciting charity gala dinner and concert at Cheltenham Racecourse in aid of Action Medical Research. Dr Dawn Harper is inviting everyone along to her ‘White Summer Party’ which will see some very special musical guests attending. Taking place on Saturday, July 1, The Overtones will be providing the soundtrack for the event and it will be their first visit to the racecourse. Dr Dawn, known to millions for treating an array of interesting conditions on Channel 4’s ‘Embarrassing Bodies’, is staging the party to raise funds for Action Medical Research. Filled with glitz and glamour, there will be a Champagne reception and a three-course meal. This will be followed by The Overtones taking to the stage to entertain the crowds with their talents. The Overtones first took the charts by storm back in 2010 with their hit album ‘Good Ol’ Fashioned Love’ and have followed it up with four more hit albums. The five-piece’s pop/soul/doo-wop style has earned them a legion of fans and has seen them perform original songs that they have written, along with covers of classics such as ‘Saturday Night At The Movies’ and ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You’. Dr Dawn said: “We are really excited that The Overtones have agreed to do their first ever show in Cheltenham to support what we hope will be the most glamorous event in the Cotswold calendar. Join us for a champagne reception, a three-course

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meal with wine, and a very special performance from the band.” Action Medical Research helps to fund research into the complications of pregnancy and prematurity and the charity is very close to Dr Dawn’s heart. Two of Dawn’s three children were born prematurely and she is all too aware that it is previous research that has meant they have been able to grow up as healthy young adults who are now both at university. The work of Action is far reaching and helps funding in many areas – they were integral in the development of the polio vaccine for example. They are also helping to fund research into finding a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a 100 per cent fatal genetic disease which kills boys in their late teens and early 20s. Lee Moulson, Regional Head of Sales at Cheltenham Racecourse, added: “We are so pleased that Cheltenham Racecourse is able to be a part of this event and help generate some much-needed funds for such a good cause. Dr Dawn has planned a fantastic event and The Overtones are going to put on an amazing show for guests. We hope that everyone gets behind the event and helps to raise as much money as possible.” Tickets are on sale now, priced at £135 for shared table tickets or £1,300 for a table of ten. For further information or to book tickets visit www.cheltenham.co.uk or call 01242 539538.


MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Main Feature | Author Hub

Karen Williams I launched my business in 2006, and in 2009, I accidentally wrote my first book. I never set out to become an author. I wrote the book to help others who were starting out in business, so they wouldn’t go through some of the difficulties I faced. I realised that I had an important message to share and a book was a great way to do this. Although I said never again, my fifth book, Book Marketing Made Simple, launches this spring! Writing a book is a great business building tool, although there are certainly challenges in doing it. It’s easy to doubt yourself, wonder if your writing is good enough, and many people get stuck with the process. You also need to be willing to be vulnerable and authentic; as you can’t shy away from the limelight once you’ve published a book.

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Over the last eight years, I’ve moved from being a business coach to a book mentor. A couple of years ago, some of my clients asked for my support to write and publish their books, and I made the transition. I now work with business owners (predominantly coaches, therapists and consultants) to help them to turn their idea to a published book that helps them to build their business. Earlier this year, I set up Librotas Books to support them with the design, distribution and publication of their books. My passion is to help my clients to turn their knowledge into a focused and well planned book that helps them to attract more clients and develop their business, so that they can do more of what they love! Karen Williams, Book Mentor, Librotas www.librotas.com

I Did It In My Pyjamas Angela De Souza

Angela De Souza says there are few rules when it comes to setting up and growing a successful business, and even some of those can be broken if they stifle your creativity or approach to working. In this book she shares her journey of how she built the Women’s Business Club from nothing to the huge national success it is today, nuts, bolts and all. Angela has written a book that is quite unlike other books about starting and growing a business – though packed with tips and advice it is not so much of a ‘how to do it’ book but rather a ‘how I did it’. In a style that is both accessible and refreshing, she covers topics such as facing opposition, raising children, tackling fear and managing depression while building a business. The book is candid, honest and packed with tips on how she did it in her pyjamas! www.angeladesouza.com

Online Business Startup

Your Book is the Hook

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Launching a Fast, Lean and Profitable Online Venture. Everything you need to start an online business without the wasted time, money and effort. ONLINE BUSINESS STARTUP isn’t just a how-to guide in online marketing or SEO... it contains everything an experienced entrepreneur wished he had known when he started in business. We are flooded with so much information in the digital world that it distracts us from the fundamentals of starting up and running a lean business.

Have you thought about writing a book? Don’t know where to start? Writing a book is a great way to educate your clients, raise your profile, and build your credibility. In Your Book is the Hook, discover Karen’s six-step process to plan, write, publish and market your book. Special offer for Maximise readers, go to www.yourbookisthehook.com to get your signed copy. Use the discount code ‘maximise’ and save £5.



Robin Waite

Karen Williams

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A Brand New Mummy in Business: What Can I Do? I have been a mummy to Baby Duck a whole year and three months this April. It has been my first time navigating the world of motherhood and parenting and honestly, I have loved it! Not to say it hasn’t been hard, because it truly has. But the reason for going through these challenges and life altering events is all for the most amazing little person, who I have the joy and privilege to call my own. Before this wonderful adventure began, I ran my own business with my husband. In fact, I have run a few businesses in the past, as it is something I love and something that our family has always encouraged. I took the necessary maternity leave from working in my business but found I never really came back in the same way I had left off. Things were different. I didn’t have the concentration, the time or the headspace to continue doing what I was doing. Although I loved my business, I felt a shift. My priorities had changed, of course they had! I was a mother, responsible for keeping an actual person alive, happy, loved and thriving. I loved my business, but I loved my baby more. I felt a lot of guilt surrounding my business. Guilt that it was taking me away from my baby, and also

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I knew I wasn’t putting the same amount of effort, energy and love into the business that I had in the past. I think before, my business was my baby. Now I have a real baby... now what?! The idea of being a stay-at-home mum and home maker is definitely appealing! And it is something I am lucky enough to be able to consider as my husband has a good job. But I do feel that unless I am building something, using my brain to create ideas and share them, I am missing a part of myself. Cue conflict! I want the best of both worlds! Can I have it? With my current business... no. My current business, my first baby, requires all my attention and will pull me away from what it is I really want, which is to give my real baby all my time and energy! So what can I do? After a whole year of being a mummy and figuring things out, something started happening, completely naturally. I shared my experiences on social media. I created beautiful photos and memories with my little girl, and wanted them to be seen, along with the story behind it all! I started blogging again, something I hadn’t done in a while, because it’s time consuming, but something I love.

I fell completely in love with Instagram. The beautiful imagery and the unique story telling that we don’t find on Facebook. It felt like a community of honest, authentic, creative mothers, and I wanted to be a part of it. So I started following people, reading their stories and became inspired to do the same. I started collecting followers of my own, and I loved that I could share my experiences as a mother in the form of photographs and short paragraphs and have them both appreciated. I started collecting little hearts and cute comments until one day I ran out of characters to tell a story. I didn’t even know Instagram had a limit as I had never reached it!

I love that I have found something that is absolutely no pressure, no stress, is fulfilling and fits in with my life as a mother. I wasn’t happy in my previous business because it was suited to a different lifestyle, and in all honesty, a different person.

People began commenting on my writing, I am sure they were just being kind and encouraging. I started to think about writing and found I do really enjoy it. I find it therapeutic and I felt so good after getting my deepest thoughts into a coherent sentence, paragraph, story. So I blogged more, and shared more openly my experiences as a mother.

By Lorah-Kelly Beard

Being a mother has taught me so much about myself, and I feel that in this stage of my life, I need to be true to myself. Be authentic, honest and unashamedly a mother. And if others would like to join me in this journey, I would love nothing more! Please would you join me on Facebook, Instagram and on my shiny new blog - Mother Duck.

I loved getting responses to that and hearing other peoples stories, their encouragement and again felt such a sense of community. I loved it! I didn’t feel quite so alone or isolated. Most mothers are experiencing, or have experienced the same things as me. It encouraged me to share more and more and in turn heard more and more stories from other mums. Then one day my husband had a brilliant idea. He was going to build me a website (he’s clever like that!). It was to be the start of a new venture, which in theory could be the start of a new business. Our creative brains set to work and thought out all we could do with this website. What products could we create, what services can we offer? We realised there was huge potential in our small idea if everything went in our favour. I became very, very excited! So to start off, I am writing. Our new website is to start off as a blog. Something I am confident in maintaining and something I love. I am just going to share my experiences as a mother in hopes that some may find it helpful. I am going to take beautiful photographs to go with these stories and I am going to let my creativity flow in motherhood.

A hub for all mother ducks looking for inspiration, ideas, support and encouragement (yes, you’re doing a great job mumma!).

Facebook.com/motherduckuk Instagram.com/motherduck_uk motherduck.uk

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Spring Budget 2017 brings mixed news So, what’s really in store for employers and employees?


HERE is much change about this year and businesses need to be prepared to be adaptable and financially savvy, although the news is not all bad. Here are some of the specifics you’ll need to be thinking about: • AUTO-ENROLMENT: 2017 marks the final year for employer pension auto-enrolment and many small businesses in particular are set to join a pension scheme this year. These auto-enrolled pensions are payable to any employee who is over the age of 22 but under State Pension Age and earns more than £10,000 per year; any employee outside of these boundaries must then be enrolled if they request it. 2017 also marks the final year when necessary contributions are 2% of an employee’s wage, with a 1% contribution from the employer and 1% from the employee. These contributions then rise to 5% (2% employer and 3% employee) in April 2018, before rising again to 8% in April 2019 (3% employer, 4% employee, 1% tax relief). Pensions are an unprecedented additional costs for businesses, and although they benefit employees, employers need to be ready and aware of the potential costs.

• NATIONAL LIVING WAGE: in the Spring Budget, Philip Hammond confirmed that the increase in the National Living Wage from April 2017 will be equivalent to £500 per employee, following a rise to £7.50 per hour. • PERSONAL TAX ALLOWANCE INCREASE: for employees, the personal tax allowance is rising again for the seventh year in a row to £11,500. According to the Chancellor, this, combined with the National Living Wage increase will make £29m UK employees better off.

• NI CONTRIBUTION CHANGES: Class 4 National Insurance Contributions, specifically affecting self-employed individuals will rise from 9% to 10% this year, rising again to 11% in April 2019, likely affecting 2.5million people. According to Hammond, this represents 60p extra per person per week, following his assertion that previously, lower contributions for the self-employed offset a disparity in pension and benefit entitlement between self-employed people and those in employment, which are no longer as prevalent. Class 2 contributions meanwhile will be abolished from 2018. In other news, a key area of focus for businesses should be on the health and wellbeing of staff. According to figures released from the Office of National Statistics, in 2016, 137.3million working days were lost to sickness or injury, equivalent to 4.3 days per person. Of this, 24.8% of these days were attributed to coughs, colds and minor ailments, while a further 22.4% or 30.8million related to musculoskeletal problems, including back pain, neck and upper limb problems. Businesses who successfully improve their figures when compared to the national average will reap the rewards by reducing costs and increasing productivity.

Abi Howell Director

36 Cheltenham Office Park, Pure Offices, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham. Glos. GL51 6SH


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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Main Feature | Maximise Fashion

to style . to advise . to organise www.natashamusson.co.uk

Natasha Musson is a Wardrobe Consultant & Stylist. She works with real women all over the South West. With a background in television production, she set up her styling business and for eight years she has been dressing real women. “I’m thrilled to be Head of Fashion for Maximise Live TV. For the pilot show I talked Statement Sleeves with Angela.”

It’s All In The Sleeve As a Wardrobe Consultant & Stylist I’m always keen to inspire my clients to try a new trend. Sometimes all it takes is one little garment to update so many items in your wardrobe. The Statement sleeve is having a moment. Frilly, flouncy, drapey, girly the detail is all on the arm. Nailing a trend can be tricky sometimes but I think this one suits all. The great thing is, this trend is all about the garment, not the body wearing it. Often

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we are concerned about whether our body shape will suit a new style but this one fits all. This trend has great coverage but speaks volumes in updating our current wardrobe into something that says fashion. Update your office look in pale blue pin stripe or liven up your weekend with frivolous pink, there is a style to suit everyone’s lifestyle. So, if need to buy one thing this month, buy a blouse or shirt with a statement sleeve. I only have two tips, keep the bottom half simple and don’t offer to wash up!

For The Office

Next £34 Next have reworked the white shirt with large frills on the arm. Great for an evening look with statement trousers or work tucked into a bright pencil skirt for work.

Label Lost Ink at Asos £36 I love these gigantic sleeves. This shirt would update your grey suit.

Marks and Spencer £39.50 The simple cotton blue pinstripe gets an update with these exaggerated sleeves with simple ties. This has a wider fit and could also been worn with denim for a more casual look.

For The Weekend

Zara £29.99 A simple pop of red would update an evening look. A simple style with a flattering V neck, team with statement wide printed trousers this top would look fabulous with skinny jeans.

Maje at Net a Porter £155 Gorgeous green. A beautiful ribbed top with sleeves that go wide but clinched in at the wrist.

Zara £29.99 Baby pink, ruffles in a stretchy cotton. This would look fabulous tucked into bright red trousers or calmed down with pale denim.

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Health & Wellbeing | Member Article

The Art of Happiness In the last issue we talked about consistency and why it matters. Why it is important to keep going with your good habits and slowly but consistently ditch those that are not benefiting your wellbeing. This leads us to another important subject, closely related to consistency of behaviours and happiness. What is happiness? There is a scientific stance to happiness, Katherine Jacobs Bao and Sonja Lyubomirsky in their book on happiness define happiness as the frequent experience of positive emotions, and they use terms such as positive affect, pleasant mood, and high well-being when referring to individuals who often experience positive emotions. What does happiness really mean? In reality, everyone has their own definition of happiness which can vary depending on the day. On a good day happiness for me is a positive feeling experienced over and over again. It is like a warm light in the background of every moment that I experience, a walk in the park and a warm tea in

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my favourite coffee shop. I will add, this does not include me staring at my phone and clicking on endless links on social media. Most of the time happiness includes me just being; being in the moment. On a bad day, happiness is just surviving till the end of the day. It is not losing “it” when my son again doesn’t want to do his homework; it is staying calm when everything around me falls apart. What does happiness mean to you? Happiness is about the journey, not the destination. I believe that happiness is about a happy journey and a happy destination. Did you know that we can choose to be happy at any moment? The fact that we can choose it though, doesn’t mean that it is easy as you and I can make it very hard for ourselves. Today you can say that you will be happy when the children are in bed and the house is clean and your work is done and your husband is not snoring while watching TV and… But is that the case? Would ticking off all the items on your to-do list make you truly happy? How do you achieve happiness? As I mentioned above, the key to happiness is learning how to be happy right now, not tomorrow.

Below you will find list of tips which can support you on your way to achieving happiness. 1.



Practice Gratitude. We all have bad days, bad hair days, and bad work days. But there is always something that you can be grateful for, even if it is something basic for you e.g. a roof over your head, a meal or someone to hug. Start a journal where you will write three good things that happened that particular day. Coming back to this journal on a bad day can be all what you need to feel warmth of happiness. Stay in the Moment. Whatever you are doing make sure you stay fully engaged. We live in times when it is so easy to become antisocial while using SOCIAL media. Make sure that you stay focused, breathing exercises are an amazing way of focusing your mind. Accept Responsibility for Your Life. You are not a victim of terrible circumstances.

We have a right to response to everything that happens to us in the way we choose to. We may not control everything but we definitely can control how we respond to life crises. Dalai Lama XIV said that “a disciplined mind leads to happiness, and an undisciplined mind leads to suffering.” Practice positive things daily. If you would like to find out more about the art of happiness please join me at the Isbourne Holistic Centre (Cheltenham) on the 20th July to listen to my talk “How to… Make Your Body & Mind Happy” Magdalena Lorynska is a Therapist and Owner of Wellness in Motion. She is passionate about helping people feel better physically and mentally. Visit her Facebook page for wellbeing updates. www.facebook.com/wellnessinmotionuk

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Main Feature | Networking News

Inspiring and Supporting Female Entrepreneurial Excellence I’m regularly asked what makes I AM WOMAN so very special and I always feel challenged to mention the one thing, because there are so many things that make it so very unique. We often get confused as just another network, but we are a space where networking naturally happens, but networking in isolation is not what I AM WOMAN is about. I AM WOMAN is so very rich in learning and March 2017 is so very special for us as we launch our online ASPIRE programme that binds together our business club events, mentoring, master classes and publishing activities. We are an ILM approved centre and so when you are a member of I AM WOMAN you can also access free ILM student membership, this means that our members can also access the ILM’s learning zone and partake in a host of associated learning and networking events.

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From as far back as I can remember my mantra has been “if it’s going to be, then it’s up to me!” and entrepreneurs recognise very early on that they are the ones driving their own bus, otherwise their life will just be parked up! I watch so many women start-up in business doing something they love, but haven’t got a clue how to make money out of it and that’s where I AM WOMAN steps in and helps them step-up their lives. My passion is helping women to flourish as a successful, confident and learned entrepreneur. When women are dominating the consumer spend by 87% I am confused why women just won’t take more positive action to support other women in business. If we did this we could change families, communities and the global economy for women. Studying for me did not come naturally and I was a late starter. Why don’t they teach you in school

how to learn? Once I discovered my ‘how’ I thrived, achieving NLP master Practitioner, then graduating in Personnel Management, then an MBA study followed, as did and MA in Entrepreneurship that won me the ‘Dissertation of The Year Award’ in Durham University for breaking into a new field of entrepreneurial personality research. For nearly two decades I worked at the high and fast growth end of the sectors within Welsh Government funded programmes. The work was as challenging as it was rewarding at so many levels. When I reached 49 I felt a wind of change blowing through my life. From the age of seven I was running some business or fundraising initiative or other and so facing the big 50 ahead of me I just knew I wanted a change. I took a year out thinking I was going to climb the biggest mountains, break records, gain even more qualifications, but in fact what my body was screaming out for was rest, inner peace and

to connect with the great joy of the ordinary and simple things in life that I had so overlooked in my constant races to keep achieving. In that year out I started thinking about myself as a business woman and what I was lacking in developing a new idea and taking it to the market. Support if was available was scattered and usually given by people who had little success in what they preached. The networks I visited felt either like Dad’s Army or fluffy and I certainly needed neither approach. At the end of my year out I was ready to birth I AM WOMAN and it just had to be different: And that’s how I AM WOMAN was born! It’s been over 6 years since it was born, but I feel the I AM WOMAN story is just starting and there are so many chapters to write, but I feel sure there will be an I AM WOMAN happy ever after ending. Cheryl Bass, Founder & Managing Director www.iamwoman.biz

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Featured Article | Editors Choice

Bula Batiki Coconut Oil Bula Batiki Coconut Oil is a non-profit Coconut Oil company providing a sustainable income to remote Fijian communities. Their Coconut Oil is raw, virgin, and cold-pressed and is perfect for all types of cooking, and as a natural hair and skin moisturiser! I cannot recommend this product enough for skin care. Coconut oil has always been well stocked in my kitchen cupboard for cooking however I am loving the Bula Batiki Coconut Oil for my skin so much that I daren’t cook with it! The very first time I used it I felt it glide on my hands, neck and arms easily and soak right in leaving my skin feeling silky soft right away.

Within four days of using it I noticed my skin looking more radiant although it did cause a few spots. I researched this and found out it was normal and would pass with continued use once my skin adapted. So I continued and my skin settled down after a week leaving it silky soft and glowing. I plan to try this on my hair and even in the kitchen soon but couldn’t wait to share this with you so that you can get your own jar to try out. Everything about Bula Batiki Coconut Oil screams quality from the packaging and little hand written label from the family who produced it, to their overall online presence and marketing. Being a non-profit has not stopped this product from being top quality. www.bulabatiki.co.uk

If you are a member of the Women’s Business Club, you are eligible to have your product reviewed in the Maximise Magazine, on the maximise.live website and the Maximise News monthly newsletter. Please post your product to 67 Humber Road, Cheltenham, GL52 5PF with a cover letter telling us about your product, price, link to buy and your email address. We cannot guarantee that your product will be reviewed. All reviews are published on the Maximise website but not all reviews are guaranteed to become Editor’s Choice.

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Sunago Unique Creations Unique jewellery to treasure

One off pieces are available or commissions can be taken, such as wedding jewellery.

Sunago specializes in precious and semi precious gemstones in jewellery and gifts, giving #giftsoflove to others or yourself.

Jewellery Parties Creativity has no age limit!

With Sunago you will stand out from the crowd in pieces lovingly created by Fiona Jones, with jewellery as seen on TV.

Facebook.com/sunagouniquecreations @fionasunago

Learn from Fiona in a party or workshop at your house, a venue of your choice or at Hobbycraft in Cheltenham. Contact Fiona or visit the website for more details.

Tel 07947 101045 contact@sunagouniquecreations.co.uk www.sunagouniquecreations.co.uk

MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Games & Competitions




1. ice and snow _____ 3. temperature that is not too cold and not too hot 4. a person whose job it is to plant crops 8. rain gathers in one spot on the ground and makes a _____ 9. birds make a _____ to lay eggs 11. hold this to stay dry when it rains 12. open the ____ and let fresh air into the house 14. a caterpillar turns into a _____ 16. a place to plant flowers or plants 17. plant a _____ and wait for a flower to grow

1. spring starts during this month 2. grass grows and turns the color _____ 5. colorful arc in the sky after the rain 6. a yellow flower that faces the sun 7. fly a _____ on a windy day 10. water falling from the sky 13. April showers bring May _____ 15. children go to the _____ and play

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Solution on page 55

WIN an Airport Lounge Pass for Two People Are you planning a holiday this Summer? Start your holiday in style with an airport lounge pass for two people. Relax away from the crowds with wifi, coffee and snacks and some lounges even include complimentary prosecco too! To enter, simply share this competition with a photo of the Maximise Magazine on social media tagging @maximiselive and tell us about your holiday! The winner will be announced and contacted on the 1st July 2017.

If you’ve not yet booked your trip, Madeleine would love to help you! “I’m a Travel Counsellor; an independent travel agent who will take the time to get to know you and tailor your perfect holiday. I’d love to help with everything from city breaks, country cottages, beach holidays or around the world itineraries. Let me find the best flights for your business trip or to visits to family and friends. Let’s talk travel!” Madeleine Corley

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Members Directory Bath EZZA..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................www.ezza.co.uk House of Colour......................................................................................................................................................................................www.houseofcolour.co.uk Moonshine Internet..................................................................................................................................................................................www.moonshinenet.com Natasha Musson Wardrobe Consultant & Stylist........................................................................................................................www.natashamusson.co.uk Zest Bootcamp..........................................................................................................................................................................................www.zestbootcamp.co.uk

Bristol Amy Box - Singing Coach........................................................................................................................................................................www.amyboxsinging.com Anorak Cat Web Design...................................................................................................................................................................................www.anorakcat.co.uk Forever Living...........................................................................................................................................................................................vickiejsmith@hotmail.com Karosa Jewellery.....................................................................................................................................................................................www.karosajewellery.co.uk

Cardiff Be Free Therapies.....................................................................................................................................................................................www.befreehealing.co.uk Business Clarity Coach..........................................................................................................................................................................................www.jen-hall.com Kelly Jones Forever Living................................................................................................................................................................................kelly.jones@flp.com KLass Beauty Business Coaching.....................................................................................................................................................kristineliane@hotmail.co.uk Naomi's House.........................................................................................................................................................................................www.naomishouse.co.uk Wize Vitrual Admin..............................................................................................................................................................................www.wizevirtualadmin.co.uk

Cheltenham A-Plan Insurance.......................................................................................................................................................................................................www.aplan.co.uk Betaris Training Ltd................................................................................................................................................................................. www.betaristraining.com C. Pool-Graham - Wealth Manager...........................................................................................................................................www.charlottepoolegraham.co.uk House of Robinson............................................................................................................................................................................www.houseofrobinson.co.uk Jurys Inn...................................................................................................................................................................................................................www.jurysinn.com Keith Holland & Associates.......................................................................................................................................................................www.keithholland.co.uk Lexus Cheltenham............................................................................................................................................................................www.cheltenham.lexus.co.uk Makeup and Hair Artist & Beauty Consultant......................................................................................................................www.marykay.co.uk/nhardiman Muffin and Poppy..................................................................................................................................................................................www.muffinandpopy.co.uk Sunago Unique Creations....................................................................................................................................................www.sunagouniquecreations.co.uk Squashed Robot Films.........................................................................................................................................................................www.squashedrobot.co.uk Truly Tailored Recruitment.................................................................................................................................................www.trulytailoredrecruitment.co.uk Wellness in Motion............................................................................................................................................................................www.relaxingmassages.co.uk WMM Designs..................................................................................................................................................................................................www.wmmsilver.co.uk

Gloucester Kanzi......................................................................................................................................................................................................................www.kanzihq.co.uk Sirona Therapies...................................................................................................................................................................................www.sironatherapies.co.uk Stella & Dot Stylist.......................................................................................................................................................................www.stelladot.co.uk/francescacl Utility Warehouse..............................................................................................................................................................................yvonne.denman@uwclub.net Travel Counsellor...............................................................................................................................................www.travelcounsellors.co.uk/madeleine.corley

Kingston MentoringMamma.........................................................................................................................................................................www.mentoringmamma.com Neal's Yard...................................................................................................................................................www.uk.nyrorganic.com/shop/rebeccagarnettharis The Kingston Holiday Inn...............................................................................................................................................................................www.hikingston.co.uk

Southampton Increase Your Social Reach.................................................................................................................................................www.increaseyoursocialreach.com Lone Barn Photography..........................................................................................................................................................www.lonebarnphotography.co.uk Nu Skin..................................................................................................................................................................................................bridgetjanelong@gmail.com Platform Social..........................................................................................................................................................................................www.platformsocial.co.uk Solent Events & Leisure.............................................................................................................................................................................www.solentevents.co.uk Step by Step Listening.....................................................................................................................................................................www.stepbysteplistening.com Travel Counsellors...............................................................................................................................................www.travelcounsellors.co.uk/joanne.ioannou Utility Warehouse.......................................................................................................................................................................................www.huge-savings.co.uk Ideal Body UK.................................................................................................................................................................................................www.idealbody.uk.com

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Swindon Bevirs Solicitors........................................................................................................................................................................................................www.bevirs.co.uk Callisto Green................................................................................................................................................................................................www.callistogreen.com Michelle's Flower Garden................................................................................................................................................................michellepridmore@fsmail.net Millie & Belle Jewellery..............................................................................................................................................................................www.millieandbelle.co.uk Nikki Nocky Noo....................................................................................................................................................................................www.nikki-nocky-noo.co.uk Oscars...................................................................................................................................................................................................................www.oscars.co.uk PPS Chartered Accountants..............................................................................................................................................................................www.ppsacc.co.uk Primrose Mortgages....................................................................................................................................................................www. primrosemortgages.co.uk Strategenic Ltd..................................................................................................................................................................www.strategicplanningforgrowth.co.uk

Join The Club

www.membership.womensbusiness.club Connecting, supporting and empowering business women.

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Games & Competitions


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