Women's Business Magazine Winter 2017

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Winter 2017 £2.99

MAXIMISE Conference & Awards

The winners, the news and a sneak peak into next year Recruitment in 2017 Predicted trends & challenges A Woman in a Man’s World Young, female & making it as an architect The Healthy Girl Eat out and stay slim! COOK Cheltenham The drama free business success story Editor’s Choice The 7 Day Detox reviewed

A refresh and rebrand

An insider’s look at the new MAXIMISE BUSINESS MAGAZINE

Justine Greening

POWERFUL PUTNEY POLITICIAN talks education, aspirations and business

General Information Meet The Magazine Team

Editor-In-Chief Angela De Souza

Creative Director Lorah-Kelly Beard

Chief Wordsmith

Victoria Petkovic-Short

Head Copy Editor Eric De Souza

Copy Editor Nikita Tejaa

Advertising Manager Sarah Burch

Letter from the Editor Happy New Year! This year has started with a mahoosive bang! The Women’s Business Club hasn’t just taken one step forward, but rather a giant step and change upwards. In 2017 you will see Maximise grow and develop as a new brand - a sister to the Women’s Business Club. Read all about these exciting changes on page 4. How does this brand new year look for you? Has the Christmas season been a good time, peaceful and relaxing or have you been faced with a tragedy or some form of unpleasant drama? Not every Christmas is always a breeze for some. Now, more then ever, I want to stress how important it is for us to stick together. The country is going to see some major political and economic turbulence but that doesn’t mean it has to be all bad. Change equals opportunity, tragedy can mean new beginnings. No matter what you are facing, be it a personal tragedy or simply the changes in your business or our country, know that the Women’s Business Club is an extended family where you can find the support that you need. Not only do we offer fantastic business support but we also forge authentic relationships with each other so that you can have a chat about your personal life, fears and failures as well as your joys and successes. So raise your glasses and *cling* here’s to a fantastic 2017 no matter what comes our way!




MAXIMISE Business Magazine - Print and Online FOUR EDITIONS EACH YEAR DELIVERED TO: Bath | Bristol | Cardiff | Cheltenham| Gloucester | Kingston | Monmouth | Southampton | Swindon www.maximise.live/magazine (c) 2016 Women’s Business Club All images and text subject to copyright. You may NOT reproduce, in whole or in part, any of the pages from this magazine or quotes of no more than two or three sentences with full credit attached to quote. If you wish to reproduce more than this, please contact the editor-in-chief. While endeavouring to make sure that all published information is accurate, the publishers cannot be held responsible for mistakes or omissions. The Women’s Business Club cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services that appear in this magazine.


A refresh and rebrand - An insider’s look at the new MAXIMISE BUSINESS MAGAZINE |Page 04

Justine Greening - POWERFUL PUTNEY POLITICIAN talks education, aspirations and business |Page 06

MAXIMISE Conference & Awards - The winners, the news and a sneak peak into next year! |Page 14

Editor’s Choice The 7 Day Detox |Page 22

2016 In Review Looking back on an interesting year

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The Woman Behind The Business Dordie Ketley of Middletown Farm

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January Business News A look at 2016’s accomplishments for women in business

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Eden Accounting 3 top tips to help you reduce the tax you pay

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Thomson & Bancks LLP Which Legal Framework Best Suits Your Business?

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Primrose Mortgages Nazira Karim shares five lessons learned

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Strawberry Studios Our first year as Strawberry Studios

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Cheltenham Racecourse Interview with Lucy Wheeler of Cheltenham Racecourse

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Business Office The workspace of Sheryl Andrews

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Ask The Expert Jennifer Hall - The Life Buddy

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April Shipton Music Thirteen – the ‘Safe From Slavery’ Charity Single

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Wellness In Motion Compound Effect

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Recruitment in 2017 - Predicted trends & challenges|Page 40


COOK Cheltenham - Business The Healthy Girl - Eat out and success story |Page 30 stay slim! |Page 28


MAXIMISE Magazine Crossword Puzzle

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Networking News BBWA celebrates 20 years of networking

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Women’s Business Club Members Directory

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MAXIMISE Magazine Crossword Puzzle Solutions

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COMPETITION Woman In A Man’s World - Making it as an architect |Page 44


MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Main Feature | Magazine Rebrand

You’d be hard-pressed not to have spotted that the magazine has undergone a few changes this year! Don’t panic, you’ll still find the same great content on the following pages, but we’ve been busy improving the layout and look & feel, and giving the magazine a much-welcomed refresh.

magazines on the market – after all, it is one, so why shouldn’t it look like one?

The Brand

What else is new?

The magazine started life as a punchy, powerful newsletter tool for the Women’s Business Club members and hence became known as the ‘Women’s Business Club Magazine’. It made sense, and was exactly where the magazine needed to be.

The magazine update doesn’t stop at the new brand name, layouts or design (done by the wonderful Lorah by the way). Nope! This year, we’ll also be spoiling you with even more great content and an increase in the number of pages so there’s space for even more articles.

Since then, it has not stopped organically growing; as the clubs gained more members, so the distribution grew and as word of mouth took on a life of its own, we’ve had more and more offers of content and support for the mag. At the same time, the Women’s Business Club has been growing and suddenly Angela found herself needing a clone, just to fit everything in. As a solution, Angela dedicated some time to finding a trusted, expert resource to support with the magazine, freeing her up to help the members, whom she cares so much about. This in turn prompted a relook at the strategy, and the time felt right to give the magazine a more grownup image, with an impactful identity, helping it to visually compete with the best and the brightest

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From now on, you’ll still be getting the same great content, but there’ll be more of it, and it will appear in lovely ‘Maximise’ branding. We hope you like it!

We’re planning all sorts of additional features, helpful and informative articles and Q&A sessions, so you can get to the heart of what makes female entrepreneurs tick. We’re also planning to launch a new ‘members news’ section, so you can send us your latest and greatest successes, plus there’ll be interviews with each of our group leaders, so you can find out about the people that work so hard to make things happen. Finally, we’re also planning to run a quarterly ‘debate’ theme, where we’ll be asking you for your thoughts and opinions on some of the hottest business topics; the pieces will include opinions, best practice, advice information and much more.

New team members The magazine will still be run and organised by Angela and Lorah, with help and support of Copy Editor Nikita, but there are a couple more people joining the team. These are: • Sarah Burch – Sarah is the new Account Manager for the magazine, who will be looking after all our generous supporters and advertisers. As well as promoting the magazine and selling advertising, Sarah will be making sure copy and adverts are in on time, and that everyone is happy. She is bright, bubbly and outgoing and you may well see her at one of our events, or if you want to chat to her, you can always pick up the phone. • Victoria Short – Victoria is now our Chief Wordsmith for the magazine, and will be playing an active role in planning and delivering content and keeping you all up to date. She will work closely with Angela to make sure each edition is as fabulous as it can be and that you get the very best content we can deliver. Victoria is a vivacious wordsmith and practical thinker and is already embracing the ethos of the Women’s Business Club. Member Opportunities Although it might look fresh and fabulous, not everything has changed and at its heart, Maximise Magazine will always be dedicated to the members of the Women’s Business Club. As such, we want to give you the opportunity to be involved as much as possible and in 2017, here’s some of the ways you can get on board: • Send us your news: In April, we’re launching a

new feature, which will share interesting snippets of member news. Send us information on your successes and good news stories and you might just see your name in magazine lights. Email angela@maximise.live • Ask a question: Our ‘Ask the Expert’ feature remains one of the most popular and there are no plans to send it packing! If you have a question that you need help with, a problem in need of an agony aunt, or a comment that you would like to make, then drop it on an email to angela@maximise.live • Write a note to the Editor: If you like what you’ve read, want to add a comment, or give us some feedback, then why not drop us a line in a good ol’ fashioned ‘Letter to the Editor’. It doesn’t actually need to come via snail mail, as an email to angela@maximise.live will reach us quicker! • Advertise: As it is a magazine for our members, there is always opportunity for you to gain some member-to-member profile. There are a range of packages available and even better, members get a hefty discount too! As well as the magazine, there are opportunities in our newsletter, at the annual conference, in the awards and much more! We can even help with design if you need it. If you want to consider advertising, or can recommend a business that might want to advertise, please email sarah@womensbusiness.club. Now all that remains is to thank you for your loyalty to the magazine and the Women’s Business Club and for your support getting it where it is today. We hope you like the new look and don’t forget, if you have an idea to share or any feedback, you can send it via email to angela@maximise.live

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POWERFUL PUTNEY POLITICIAN talks education, aspirations and business

MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Cover Story | Justine Greening Justine Greening is a British Conservative Party politician who has been listed as one of the 100 most powerful women in the United Kingdom by Woman’s Hour on BBC Radio 4. She has been the Member of Parliament for Putney since 2005, and this year has served as Secretary of State for Education in Theresa May’s first government. Today we are chatting with her about politics, her highs and lows, childhood and her personal ambitions. How did you get into politics and why? I never actually planned to be a Member of Parliament, but I have always believed in democracy and giving people a choice. It was through this that I steadily got involved with my local Conservative party and then went on to become a councillor and then an MP. I was the first person in my family to go to university, so I understand first-hand the Prime Minister’s ambition to make Britain a country that works for everyone, not just the privileged few. I am passionate about using my voice and influence to ensure everyone is heard when it comes to the issues that really matter to them. I really care about making a difference in my community and to my country. This applies to my role as a local MP for Putney and also as the Secretary of State for Education. What did you do before you became involved in politics? I’ve had a number of jobs and they’ve all been quite different. My first ever job, like lots of young people, was working in a supermarket. Then, after graduating, I trained in accounting and went on to become a finance manager and worked for Price Waterhouse Coopers, GlaxoSmithKline and Centrica. I feel very lucky to have had such interesting and demanding roles; they’ve taken me all over the world. As a child, what did you dream of being when you grew up? I always wanted to set up and run my own business. Being my own boss was the biggest driver for me. I was really fond of the idea of being in charge of my own time and trying to make my hobby

my livelihood. For me, going into business after university was about providing me with some of the skills I would need to be able to do that, but in the end my life took a very different direction. I ended up becoming a Member of Parliament and getting the chance to do this amazing job of running the Department for Education. Thanks to the support of my family and teachers, I have always been extremely ambitious and truly believed that I could succeed from a young age. That’s why I take my role as Secretary of State for Education and Minister for Women and Equalities so seriously. What or who has been your greatest influence and why? My parents have been without a doubt the greatest influence in my life. My dad was always very aspirational and taught me to aim high, he also taught me about knuckling down and always persevering with things. I used to do lots of sport when I was a small girl. I would go swimming all the time and training sessions used to be quite tough but through my dad’s guidance, I learnt the benefit of training hard which lead to great swimming results. Growing up in a working class family from Rotherham, I saw my family go through some difficult times. My father and grandfather both worked tirelessly in the steel industry and strived every day to provide the very best for their families. That was really inspiring. But my experience of the steel industry’s decline, and the difficulties this caused my family, are what really compelled me to go on to university to try and make a difference. My parents’ overwhelming support when I became the first member of the family to go to university will remain with me forever. They instilled a fantastic work ethic in me and taught me to never give up on my dreams because anything is possible. What challenges do you face in your day to day life? Along with thousands of people across the country,

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I think the biggest challenge I face is not having enough hours in the day. It is always a perennial challenge trying to juggle my constituency responsibilities with ministerial priorities, as well as making the time to spend time with my friends and family. However, I feel privileged to be a member of our government. Even when I feel overwhelmed or exhausted, I know I would never change the incredible position I am in. We all make mistakes, what was your most memorable mistake and what did you do about it?. I think my most memorable mistake was taking Physics A Level. At the time I carried on regardless and unfortunately came out with a really bad grade.

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I absolutely loved Geography and should have done that instead! What do you do for fun? First of all I love going out and meeting up with friends and just switching off. I also adore running on Wimbledon Common, I live in Putney and it is always glorious and beautiful on the common. I find it really helps me wind down after a busy day and also helps me to clear my head. At the weekend you will often find me pottering about in my garden. I find gardening really therapeutic. Spending so much of my day inside in Parliament or in the office means I love to get outdoors when I can.

What do you love about your current role?

Go for it!

I love both of my positions as an MP and Secretary of State and the diversity that comes with each means that no two days are the same.

Parliament and politics has space for everyone and we really do need to have a 50:50 Parliament sooner rather than later. In the meantime, this is an exciting time for young women who are interested in a career in politics, as we now have our second female Prime Minister in office and more female MPs than ever before. It takes a lot of hard work and you need plenty of persistence, but it is 100% worth it.

It is a great privilege to represent my community and it’s why it’s really important to me that I stand up for the issues that matter to them. I now have the chance to improve our education system for young people relying on it today, as I did myself. As Secretary of State, I can make a difference to all the young people and children who are coming through the state education system and are like me. I was educated in a state school and I feel honoured to help build and improve the very education system that helped set me on course to where I’ve ended up today. I have been given the most amazing opportunity so I am going to do the best I can for them.

Do you have any dreams for your future that you wouldn’t mind sharing with us?

Do you have any advice for women considering a career in politics?

Justine Greening www.justinegreening.co.uk

I have been very lucky that education opened up such huge opportunities for me that it didn’t actually matter where I started. My dream would be to create a Britain where that is the rule not the exception and that everyone can go as far as their talents can take them.

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Businesses in the UK


classed as SMEs employing 0-249 people each


Of FTSE100 board members are female

Micro businesses (0-9 employees) account for 32% of employment and 19% of GDP

Of SMEs are now majority female led – 1.1million businesses

1 new President of the USA



69% of Women’s Business Club who answered our poll said that 2016 had been ‘really positive’ for their business or workplace.

10 stats that sum up 2016

UK women-led businesses contributed £75billion to the economy

82 Legends died in just four months including Alan Rickman, Prince and David Bowie

MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Main Feature | 2016 In Review

Looking back on an interesting year… If we’d taken a poll or asked you to place a bet on the 1st January last year, predicting the major events of 2016, I doubt anyone would have predicted a Brexit vote, a female UK Prime Minister, Donald Trump as US President-Elect, more than 100 celebrities passing away, ending many an era, or even half of the events that will go down in the history books for last year. Whatever your political, religious, moral or personal views, nobody can deny that the predictions for the year and the reality we lived are far apart, nor that 2016 was a year filled with heavy debate, divisive opinions and an overwhelming sense of uncertainty for many people. Yet how have these momentous moments of media madness translated for our members, and what did 2016 really mean for business? We cannot reflect on 2016 without comment on the first female Prime Minister in more than a quarter of a century, and only the second ever at the helm. Welcoming her to the platform, most international leaders opted for muted and guarded commentary, with Donald Tusk, President of the European Council penning a three sentence welcome in anticipation of a ‘fruitful working relationship’ while a major Swedish broadcaster described her as a ‘British Angela Merkel’. In her opening gambit speech, Theresa May focussed on family and tackling inequality, but not on businesses or Brexit as one might have anticipated.

His emphasis on R&D, housing and local infrastructure will help businesses in all corners of the UK to invest with greater confidence for the long-term, during turbulent times. This will be warmly welcomed.” She continued “These measures must now be translated into action. That means tarmac, tracks and telecoms being laid, and clear, deliverable timetables for major projects – only then will they act as a catalyst for investment, jobs and growth.” Meanwhile, Green Party Co-Leader, Caroline Lucas, who became the first Green Party MP in the Commons back in 2010, criticised the Chancellor for not grasping the opportunity to differentiate the UK and make it a market-leader, commenting “With Trump’s election this could have been a moment for Britain to become a world-leader in the fight against catastrophic climate change but, instead, we see little evidence of a commitment to facing up to the greatest challenge of our times. Indeed, it is shameful that the chancellor failed to even mention climate change in his speech.” On reflection, it is probably fair to say that 2016 will be a history-book maker, but one whose negatives are largely outweighed by positivity and a sense of anticipation.

Most recently, the Autumn Budget revealed by Chancellor Philip Hammond got mixed reviews from businesses, with some praising the investment in infrastructure and the potential commercial benefits of new railway links, superfast connectivity and 5G, while others lamented that relief on business rates did not go far enough to address rising costs and that further increases in National Minimum Wage would increase the burden on businesses. In a statement following the budget, Carolyn Fairburn, Director-General of the CBI commented “The Chancellor has prioritised a pragmatic down payment on future productivity growth.

Speaking with our members, a straw poll on Facebook revealed that unanimously 2016 was ‘mostly’ or ‘extremely’ good for members’ businesses. When asked to expand on her vote, Amy Box, leader of the Bristol Women’s Business Club commented “I’ll always remember 2016 as the year I stopped pretending to be somebody else and fully embraced who I really am, what I’m really passionate about and where I want to go with my life. It was hard and there were lots of shocked reactions, but I’m at a very exciting place now at the start of my new business, making it reflect me completely and having so much fun. You’ll never be truly fulfilled until you stop lying to yourself and get as authentic as you can, even in the business world.”

Images on page 10 designed by Artmonkey or Starline at Freepik.com

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Main Feature | 2016 In Review

The Cheltenham Women’s Business Club 2016

Similarly, Wendy Murphy of WMM silver commented “2016 was the year I stepped out of my comfort zone and started to make a difference - to me, my kids and to others through active strides in pushing my business forward; AND I had immense fun doing it too! I love to learn and be active and for me

in December 2016 I’m in a place I never imagined I could be 12 months ago.” We’re glad our members have had an overall positive experience of 2016. Here’s to a fabulous 2017!

Amy Box, The Singing Coach Most people will know Amy Box from her days running ‘Box Polish’, hand-making and selling a range of high-quality, vegan nail polishes from her base in Bristol. It was a business she worked hard to build and promote, and one which surprisingly she sold in 2016 to become a singing coach. Speaking of 2016 she commented “It’s been such a massive year for me and my business life. From January - September 2016 I was running my business, Box Polish, and feeling determined to press forward with it and go further than I had before. I was getting ready to start pitching my product to big beauty stores and department stores and I’d completely planned out my marketing and my sales strategy for the next year. Then around September time I had a few wobbly weeks where I felt really unsure about what I was doing. Every time I went to work on my business I felt like something wasn’t right, and I knew I wasn’t feeling fulfilled even though business was thriving and I seemed to be doing so well. So a few weeks of quiet and I came back with a massive announcement. I told the social media world I was going to sell Box Polish and go back to my first passion - singing.” Find out more about Amy’s new venture at amyboxsinging.com.

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WMM Silver Wendy Murphy is a true creative; someone with a fabulous passion that is matched by the skill to turn that passion into a business. WMM Silver was voted ‘Creative Business of the Year’ at the 2016 Maximise Awards, a culmination of the business going from strength to strength in the last twelve months. Wendy comes from the glorious Forest of Dean and is a designer of all the gorgeous handmade pieces that you’ll find in her range. What a talent! Speaking of running her business last year, Wendy comments “The biggest challenge is to knuckle down to my marketing and get exposure in the market place and get all that I want to do, done. Looking at the positive though, I’ve met some amazing people through the Women’s Business Network and have learned so much about myself, my business and others.” Looking ahead to 2017 she says “My ambition is to work smarter (and just a little bit harder!) I will continue to grow as a person, in knowledge, in my business, in my friendships and in helping others achieve their goals. I hope also to be able to support the Hollie Gazzard Trust with sales of my Capitvating Kids range through donations per sale.” Find out more about Wendy, her range and her bespoke capabilities at wmmsilver.co.uk

The Cardiff Women’s Business Club 2016

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Main Feature | Maximise Conference & Awards

On a very cold, crisp morning in November 2016, a group of bright, dynamic and inspirational women and men gathered at the Pump Rooms in Cheltenham, eager to get involved in Maximise Conference 2016. It was a jam-packed day that struck the right balance between professional development and glitz & glamour providing opportunities for networking, learning and education, a fashion show, an exhibition, an author hub, a dragoness den and much more besides.

haven’t shared them with us yet, don’t forget to email angela@womensbusiness.club.

More than 250 professionals spent the day understanding how to grow and develop their businesses, at the same time building on established relationships and creating new ones. Attendees included women’s business club members, the suppliers that support them, local business people and a host of industry experts, with a headline lecture from Siobhan Freegard, Founder of Netmums and Owner of online startup Channel Mums. Siobhan gave an inspirational speech talking about how passion and self-belief is enough to build a hugely successful business, how it is never too late to start a business and how you don’t have to consider yourself an entrepreneur and how it is important to consider what is going around you, but more importantly you need to concentrate on your own job and not on doing everyone else’s.

If you’re doing your own PR, my advice to you is:

Feedback from the event was brilliant and we’ve already had some exhibitors and attendees book on for the 2017 event. If you have any thoughts about how we can improve the event and you

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In the meantime, for those of you who couldn’t attend, or who didn’t get to see all the speakers, here’s the top tips and advice from our resident experts… Sara Tye of Redhead PR on doing your own PR…

• Do it consistently and for the full life of the brand, organisation or individual • Always produce brilliant content • Engage with people properly Start as you mean to go on. If you develop a presence on social media, keep it there all the time your brand is active, especially if that brand is you. Intervals of silence don’t go down well as they’re not consistent with best practice customer engagement. Worse, you’ll lose your place in the front of people’s minds and, eventually, be forgotten. The same applies to journalists. Once you start sending them information, don’t suddenly stop. Also, make all the information you send excellent in every way. Position yourself by using vivid photographs, producing engaging films and writing compelling copy. In the end, content is everything: it’s you, it’s your business and it’s your brand.

Finally, always, always reply when people engage with you, even if it’s late in the evening. If you start a conversation, be around to keep it going. Be privileged when people show an interest in you and repay it by being courteous and curious with them.

It’s easier than you think to use LinkedIn to boost your sales and business growth, but it’s important to address these shortcomings too. For more on Andy Gwynn and 3 Degrees Social visit 3degreessocial.co.uk.

For more on Sara Tye and Redhead PR visit www. redheadpr.co.uk

Jennifer Hall of Life Buddy on starting 2017 with a bang…

Andy Gwynn of 3 degrees social on using LinkedIn effectively… LinkedIn is the premier social network for business to business prospecting and with over 400 million members it is the first place you should be looking to connect with ideal prospects, form relationships and develop conversations to make sales. It was originally set up around 2003 by four guys who decided to share their personal and business networks with each other. Then they invited their connections to do the same … and so it grew virally. Yet the numbers have only exploded to critical mass levels in the last few years. I tend to separate it from other social media platforms because there is less ‘noise’. People can – and do – push out marketing messages, but 80%-90% of effective networking is about finding, connecting and engaging with your ideal contact. Some use it as a communication tool to get through to people, for example, getting hold of your solicitor or broker directly instead of chasing them on the phone or by email, often eliciting a quicker response. AND IT IS SO SIMPLE... 10 Reasons People aren’t getting business from their use of LinkedIn: #1. Having a bad profile picture #2. Not communicating what you do #3. Using boring buzzwords in your profile #4. Using LinkedIn like Facebook #5. Not utilising recommendations #6. Not adding video #7. Not finding or connecting with your ideal clients #8. Sending generic invitations #9. Not communicating with your connections #10. Not strategically joining groups

Every year Maximise just gets better and better! This year I was privileged to be able to speak and I so I set about putting together the talk that I knew would insanely motivate and get everyone starting off 2017 with a bang! Here are the key points: • Make sure you know where you’re going! Set the internal satnav to where it is you want to be; you can’t get there if you don’t know where you’re heading. Make your goal super specific. • The closer the goal, the harder you’ll work, the farther away the goal, the more time you have to chill! Bring that goal closer to ensure progress is made. • Make sure you have a clear understanding of ‘why’ you want to achieve the goal. Write down why it’s so important for you and then write down why it’s so important for the people you are serving. In order to stay motivated, you must wake each morning with a fire in your belly, a mission to change the world! If you’re not lit up by your goals, change them or tweak them until you are... you are not here to lead a lukewarm life, you’re here for a reason, let’s make that reason worth being in business! • Let go of the emotional attachment to what is holding you back. If what you are doing doesn’t bring you alive you HAVE TO change something! We find it hard to let to let go of the old and change because we think about the investment we’ve made into it so far; the time, the money, the studying, the tears, the struggle etc. But if we’re unhappy we must learn to let go of what is no longer serving us, it’s not a waste, it’s all part of the journey. We will never survive in business if we’re not aligned to our passionate ‘why’! Wishing you all the very best for 2017! For more on Jennifer Hall and her Life Buddy business, visit www.thelifebuddy.guru

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Main Feature | Maximise Conference & Awards

And the award winners are...

Product of 2016

Creative Business of 2016

Excellence in Business 2016

Creative Business of 2016

Zita Alves - Total Body Shape Up Plan

Abi Howell - Truly Tailored Recruitment

Honoured Host Award

Wendy Murphy - WMMsilver

Jennifer Hall - The Life Buddy

Host of 2016

Young Entrepreneur of 2016

Abi Howell - Cheltenham Club

Active Business Woman of 2016

Best New Business Runner Up

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Speaker of 2016

Wendy Murphy - WMMsilver

Sofia Pacifico - Southampton Club

Magdalena Lorynska - Wellness In Motion

Speaker of 2016

Jennifer Hall - The Life Buddy

Makeda Bernard - Halo Meditation

Amy Box - Box Polish

Best New Business of 2016

Amy Louisa - Anorak Cat Web Design

Mature Business Woman of 2016

Sheryl Ann Andrews standing in for Lesley Wareham

Man of 2016 Nick Stroud - Truly Tailored Recruitment

Business Mum Runner Up

Lisa Berry - Cheeky Little Prints and Gifts

Business Woman of 2016 Runner Up Vicki Watson - Callisto Green

Venue of 2016

Abi Howell standing in for Jurys Inn Cheltenham

Interns of 2016

Bethany Jones and Olivia Rose Fox

Business Mum of 2016 Amy Box - Box Polish

Business Woman of 2016

Sallyann Rolfe - House of Robinson

Find out more about the Maxmise Conference & Awards www.maximise.live

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Feature Interview | The Woman Behind The Business

Dordie Ketley of Middletown Farm Luxury Tudor self-catering cottages in Gloucestershire.

dealings with many, many high-profile clients and so you are party to some fascinating aspects of UK business.

“I have never seen such healthy animals before in my life,” was my first response when visiting Middletown Farm. Being an animal lover and cat breeder myself I am very aware of what a healthy and unhealthy animal looks like. The animals at Middletown Farm are different, displaying not only signs of physical health and vitality but also real personality and love for the farmer, Dordie Ketley. Dordie single handedly runs Middletown Farm. She cares for the animals, drives a tractor, carries heavy bales of straw and does all the things you would expect a farmer to do as well as does the shopping and bookkeeping! Dordie did tell us that she draws the line at housework, she doesn’t do the housework.”

I left KPMG in 1990 and moved house almost thirty times with my husband because of his career. Our children – two boys – were born when all the moves started. We lived in Surrey; Yorkshire; Shaker Heights, Ohio and Chicago, America, and also Recklinghausen, Germany. We lived in hotels, flats, huge glamorous houses and small houses. Subsequently, we have a very bizarre collection of furniture from all over the world. It was difficult to work with all the moves and so I pursued my greatest passion in life, which is horses.

Middletown Farm is a 1510-built ‘black and white’ Tudor farmhouse with two cottages on site for rent by the night, week or month. Dordie Ketley & her husband Graham bought the farm in 2012 and opened the farm shop in 2016. Could you tell us about your background? I worked in the Tax Department for KPMG in London. It was a very interesting job and extremely demanding. Working for a firm like that, you have

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In 2004, I bought a young horse, Krogardens Riks, Rikki for short, and trained him up for eventing. He was a seventeen-hand-two Danish Warmblood and he matured into a very serious international athlete. I had to up my game in the saddle. At our peak, we were competing against Olympians from five different countries, eventing in Bielefeld, Germany. When did you move back to England? We moved back to England – for the third time, in 2012 and bought Middletown Farm, Upleadon, Gloucestershire so that I could carry on my eventing. Tragically, that year, Rikki had a leg injury and had to be put down. So I was left with a beautiful farm, a broken heart and funds that would not stretch to a new horse. I had the empty land and some degree

of enthusiasm so I just tried out every business opportunity that came my way and interested me! I raise geese, breed Jacob sheep and produce our own apple juice. How has building up the Middletown Farm B&B and farm shop business been? Interesting along the way and I am learning all the time. There have been scary moments because I am in a new situation with every new idea and it is very much my own solo business. My husband still works away a lot and so Middletown Farm is very much my responsibility. I love the intellectual aspect of building a new venture and I love meeting new people. Most of the visitors who come to stay in the cottages are amazing people with so many stories; I think that is probably my favourite part of the business. You never quite know who is coming to stay next and you learn such a lot about the rest of the world. Newent is definitely a tucked-away corner of England, even within Gloucestershire, and yet I meet people from New York, Hong Kong, Germany, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Australia and so on. For the Cheltenham Races, for example, we are only a half-hour drive via Appleby and Deerhurst; we can also transport our visitors via a six-minute helicopter flight! This little corner of Gloucestershire is rural and not well known but - and I don’t just say this because I live here - it is stunning and many of the old houses and villages just make my jaw drop every time I drive past, even five years’ on. It’s trite to say it and true for many businesses but, in an accommodation business, no day is ever, ever the same. People are on holiday and they all have different expectations of what will give them a perfect stay. The same goes for rearing geese, sheep and running a farm shop with over 5 shop partners. What do you feel your worst business mistake has been? I had an awful, awful situation in Summer 2015. I was due to go to a particularly lovely lunchtime party in Sussex that day. I put the geese out at 4am. As we got to the paddock, they clearly – by their ‘goose’ body language, if you want to say it that way – didn’t want to go in. I was keen to get all the geese and sheep fed and set up happily for the day in the paddocks. I ushered them in, thinking

what a fuss they were making. Geese have very good eyesight, far sharper than ours and, as it turned out, they saw a fox was nearby. Later, when I found thirty-one of them had been killed; I knew it was entirely my fault. I now know to listen to my animals - always. Any farmer or anyone who looks after any type of animal knows how important it is to read the body language of the stock. I learned a very hard way and I still feel very, very sorry to this day. And your hopes and dreams for the business? To continue to share the magic of Middletown, with happy and relaxed visitors and keep the animals thriving in the peace and tranquility. The animals have a wonderful life and are looked after to a very high standard here. Even though some of the sheep and geese go for the table, they are still loved and cared for. I am very proud of the fact that a friend once told me she wouldn’t be vegetarian if all meat was raised like this. Kindness to the animals and a stress-free life leads to soft meat with a wonderful flavour that can be eaten with a clear conscience. This is something I am very keen to continue.

Middletown Farm cottages: ‘The Poppies’ and ‘Orchard Barn Cottage’ both sleep two and cost £100 per night, £500 per week or £1200 per month. Middletown Farmshop is open the final weekend of every month: Saturdays, Sundays and the following Mondays and Tuesdays (9am-6.00pm). Check Facebook ‘Middletown Farmshop’ for exact opening dates and times. For 2017, accommodation & helicopter rides to Cheltenham Races are being booked now. Contact Dordie www.middletownfarm.co.uk cottages@middletownfarm.co.uk tel: 01531 828261 or 07717 742791.

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Featured Article | Editor’s Choice

The 7 Day Detox There is no time like January to start focusing on your health and there is no one better to support you in this goal, than Zita Alves from Zest Bootcamp. I have done both her 8 weeks Shape Up Plan and 7 Day Detox and can highly recommend both of them to you. The programmes consist of meal plans and recipes of tasty, healthy gluten-free food that nourishes, cleanses and gives your body exactly what it needs for health and fat loss. What I absolutely love most about Zita’s eating plans are her recipes! They are so tasty and you don’t at all feel like you would if you were dieting. In fact they are so yummy that I cooked the same food for the whole family and continue to do so long after the 8 week plan.

Another great plus is the support that you get in her private Facebook group. It’s easy to slip up or cheat, especially if you are going on holiday or to a party, but the ladies in the Facebook group are honest about their progress and help you feel like you are not alone on your journey. Although Zita offers personal training as an extra she does offer you great fitness tips too as a bonus. These tips are freely available to all through her Facebook page, as well as in her eating plans and Facebook support. So no matter what your current situation is, get in touch with Zita and start 2017 on the right foot with a healthier you. Sign up for your Shape Up or a 7 Day Detox at www.zita.co.uk

Members, if you would like your product reviewed please post it to 67 Humber Road, Cheltenham, GL52 5PF with a cover letter telling us about your product, price, link to buy and your email address. We cannot guarantee that your product will be reviewed. All reviews are published on the Women's Business Club website but not all reviews are guarenteed to become Editor's Choice.

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“HireOnSight” is a new business that aims to disrupt the Recruitment Industry by introducing employers to potential employees in much the same way that dating sites introduce people to one another. Candidates load up their CV together with a short video piece for free so that employers can get a much better feel for the candidate before they actually invite them for a face to face interview. Employers register their business on the website for free, and the website makes it’s money by employers advertising vacancies. However Women’s Business Club members that register their business on the site before 23rd December will be given a free credit for a 30 day advert that they can use anytime during 2017, saving them £99. HireOnSight using video to pre screen applicants is the modern way to streamline and save lots of

time and money in the recruitment process. They will be doing a major marketing drive into Universities and Colleges in the New Year so this is a great opportunity for you to be able to reach out to great candidates for free” The process for receiving the credit is as follows: Register your business on the HireOnSight website at www.hireonsight.com Send an email to sales@hireonsight.com with Women’ Business Club in the subject line and the name of your registered business and a free credit will be allocated to you giving you a free 30 day advertisement to be used anytime upto 31st December 2017.

Find out more at www.hireonsight.com

MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Feature Article | January Business News

UK unemployment falls even further thanks to women in the workplace. According to figures released from the Office of National Statistics, UK unemployment is at an 11-year low of just 4.8%, while weekly earnings excluding bonuses are rising by an average 2.6%. The UK now has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the EU, beaten only by Germany and the Czech Republic, a statistic which is being positively heralded ahead of Brexit Negotiations. This figure has been significantly helped by the number of women in, or returning to work, reaching a record high of nearly 15 million. Women dominate London Mayor’s business advisory board. In an announcement made in November 2016, London Mayor Sadiq Khan launched a new Business Advisory Board, tapping into the capital’s business expertise to help the local economy grow. He hopes the group will contribute their ideas and experience to help boost London in the wake of the Brexit, and has appointed 10 women and six men to the task. The board will meet at least four times per year and will also provide insight on the impact of economic conditions, and policy decisions taken elsewhere, on business in London. Iceland top of Global Gender Gap Index, while UK sits in 20th place.

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The World Economic Forum produces the Global Gender Gap Index, a measure which quantifies the magnitude of gender disparities and tracks their progress over time, with a specific focus on the relative gaps between women and men across four key areas: health, education, economy and politics. The 2016 index placed Iceland at the top, a position which they have held for several years, while the UK is languishing in 20th place. As part of their 100 Women Series, the BBC took a look at how and why Iceland remains so successful in gender equality. Key findings include that 88% of females currently participate in the workforce – the highest rate of all 144 countries indexed, and that for 20 of the last 50 years, the country has had a female head of state, 41% of their MPs are women, and 40% of board members now legally have to be female. Women set to be more entrepreneurial than men in 2017. According to a survey from business broadband provider Hyperoptic, 28% of women dream of starting their own business this year, compared with 24% of men. The research also found that the most entrepreneurial age group is 45-54 year olds, with nearly two thirds of this group keen to start their own business. The South West of England is the most ambitious region, with 28% of people living in the region hoping to start a business in 2017, closely followed by 24% of the population in London.

The biggest barrier to entrepreneurship though? Money. 34% of would-be entrepreneurs are currently held back by not having a steady income, 23% are confused by the prospect of tax and liability and 17% are fearful of the time it will take to successfully launch a business. Business funding future AllBright thanks to new growth platform. 2016 saw the launch of a new funding and support platform for female-led businesses. AllBright is the brainchild of Debbie Wosskow and Anna Jones, two leading female entrepreneurs, and is set to provide female business owners with access to angel and crowdfunding investments as well as business learning through an academy. When asked about their drive for the platform, the dynamic duo cite that just 10% of global venture capital funds are currently directed at female-led businesses, a statistic they want to change, and that if every woman who wanted to run her own business, started a business then it could release a possible £10.1 billion boost to the UK economy. Find out more at www.allbright.co Debbie Wosskow is founder and CEO at Love Home Swap and Anna Jones is CEO at Hearst Magazines UK Female Winner of The Apprentice 2016: Alana Spencer. Whether you are still a lover of the veritable Lord Sugar and his infamous ‘You’re Fired’ catchphrase, or you’d rather ignore the annual TV sensation, the 2016 final of The Apprentice included just one man

in the five strong final; an unprecedented event. The series, which was eventually won by Baker Alana Spencer, did much to expose and inspire strong, female entrepreneurs, but post-finale interviews and lingerie photoshoots from two of the contestants received derisive and disappointed comments from winner Alana. Speaking of the photoshoots of Frances Bishop and Jessica Cunningham, Alana commented “All it should come down to is work ethic and business plans. If women want to look good and feel better by putting on a bit of make-up and wearing nice clothes, then all power to them. But I don’t think looks should have any bearing.” Madonna: Billboard Awards - Woman of the Year. After being named ‘Woman of the Year’ at the Billboard Women in Music 2016 Awards, Madonna gave a heartfelt, brutally honest acceptance speech full of the horrors of sexism and misogyny that she has faced in her career, simultaneously dubbing herself ‘a different kind of feminist; a bad feminist’ highlighting her celebration of female power and sexuality. The most powerful phrases from her speech included her assertion that “the most controversial thing I have ever done is to stick around” and that “as women, we have to start appreciating our own worth and each other’s worth.” Whether you are a lover of Madonna and her music or not, you cannot deny that she has vision, drive and determination and is a lesson to us all in the value of self-belief and belief in the businesses that we run.

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Finance | Advertiser Article

3 top tips to help you reduce the tax you pay As the saying goes, there are only two certainties in life – death and taxes. That may be true, but many people are paying even more than they need to in tax, because they haven’t had good tax advice.

tax paid as a couple by up to £432.

So, given it’s the new year and we imagine many people are looking to save money, we thought we’d share 3 tax saving tips with you which depending on your circumstances will hopefully save you a few pennies on your tax bill.

Please note that it is the lower earner who must apply to transfer the allowance rather than the higher earner who will be receiving the benefit.

1. Take advantage of the Marriage Allowance If you are married or in a civil partnership and one of you earns less than £11,000 whilst the other is a basic rate tax payer, then as a couple you should be able to save up to £220 in tax. In order to do this the lower earner transfers part of their personal allowance (up to £1,100) to the higher earner, who then gets 20% tax relief on that portion of their earnings. So, if they transfer the full £1,100 the saving is £220. Even better, if you were also eligible for Marriage Allowance in the 2015 to 2016 tax year, you can backdate your claim to 6 April 2015 and reduce the

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You can apply via an online form or by calling the HMRC on 0300 200 3300.

2. Ensure you use your £150 per person tax free social function ‘exemption’ If you didn’t have a Christmas party, it’s not too late to take advantage of the option to treat staff and/or guests to a good night out on the company. To be exempt from tax, the party or similar social function must be all the following: • £150 or less per head • Annual, such as a Christmas party or summer barbecue • Open to all your employees It is also possible to hold more than one event as

long as all employees are invited to both and the total spend per head of the events combined is under £150.

By organising Relevant Life Assurance through your company, this is tax efficient for you and the company:

Even micro-businesses can take advantage

• I t is tax efficient for you as you will not be paying either dividend tax or income tax and national insurance on the premium (depending from which portion of your income you would otherwise have paid it).

What many people don’t realise is that there are no rules about the size of the business involved and the exemption also covers members of your household attending as guests. Even if you are a one person company you can benefit – so why not celebrate a good year with a night out with your partner? 3. Arrange your life assurance through your company If you run a Limited Company, the company can pay your life assurance premiums for you, by setting up ‘Relevant Life Assurance’. This does need to be done via a financial advisor to be tax efficient for your beneficiaries too, as it involves setting up a trust - which in the event of your death will pay out to them.

• I t is tax efficient for the company as it can claim tax relief on the amount of the premiums We hope these tax tips give you some ideas how to ensure you keep more of your hard earned money over the coming year. If you would like to discuss how any of them could benefit you, please give us a call here at Eden Chartered Accountants on 0117 977 4478. Kevin Edenborough Eden Chartered Accountants

MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Maximise Taste | Advertiser Article

Eat Out And Stay Slim! Healthy eating is much easier if your kitchen is stocked with foods that will help you achieve your health and weight loss goals. It’s trickier to make great choices when out and about if faced with a myriad of food temptations. I believe long-term weight loss is determined by how well you deal with these challenging situations. Making a strong decision and following a strategy will help you stay on track. You will find you can genuinely enjoy eating clean, healthy foods safe in the knowledge you’re in control. This leads to a sense of achievement that will spur you on and reinforce your behaviour to the point that it becomes natural.

Ask to swap potatoes, rice or pasta for green vegetables or salad. This is the easiest and most effective swap to avoid high glycaemic carbohydrates.

I really want to inspire and empower you with practical tips so you make the right choices and enjoy eating out:

5. Dressings & Sauces Be wary of dressings and sauces as they are often made using unhealthy oils, trans fats, flour and sugars. If in doubt, ask for the dish without the dressing and use olive oil and vinegar as a healthy alternative.

1. Check the menu Check the restaurant menu online beforehand. You’ll see which dishes suit your food plan and whether you may need to ask for any amendments. This brings you confidence that you have real options available. You will also know you would only be cheating yourself should you decide to change your mind once you get to the restaurant.

6. Ditch Desserts A number of years ago I came to the conclusion that desserts rarely live up to their expectation. They never taste as good as the deliciousness I could conjure up while reading the menu. Treat a coffee or fresh mint tea as your dessert to finish off your meal and take comfort from knowing you stayed on track.

2. Say “No thanks” to bread Move the breadbasket to the other end of the table, or even better, stop the waiter serving any in the first place. Out of sight and out of mind really does work!

7. Enjoy yourself! Do your best to follow these tips, then relax. Avoid giving yourself a hard time if you can’t control everything. Commit to making the best choices you can and enjoy your quality time with friends and family.

3. Avoid eating out when starving Arriving at a restaurant when starving can lead to temptation. Strange as it may sound, I recommend you eat a small snack en route, just enough to take the edge off your hunger. A small apple or a handful of almonds is ideal. It will help you make choices you’re glad of. 4. Ask for what you need Restaurants nowadays are used to diners asking for changes to the menu. By explaining you must avoid specific foods restaurants are accommodating.

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I founded The Healthy Girl to demystify diets and teach people the truth behind weight loss and healthy eating. I’m a qualified Nutritional Therapist and NLP Practitioner. I’ve overcome the pain and upset of Yo-Yo dieting myself and use the same specialised approach to help my clients to do the same. I believe in making things easy and enjoyable for everyone. info@thehealthygirl.co.uk www.thehealthygirl.co.uk

Raw Coconut n’ Raspberry Truffles Recipe. When you fancy something chocolatey and indulgent but want to stay healthy and has a low GI, these truffles tick the box. They’re packed full of energy enhancing, antioxidant rich raw cacao, nuts and coconut. The fresh raspberries and lime make them lighter than many alternatives out there. They freeze well and are perfect to have with you if you’re out and about. Ingredients • 300g fresh raspberries • Zest & juice of 1 lime • 1 x cup of desiccated coconut, plus a little extra to coat the truffles2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder • 1 x cup of ground almonds • ½ x cup of roughly chopped pistachio nuts • 2 x dessert spoons of raw cacao powder • 1 x dessert spoon of almond butter • Stevia to sweeten to your taste

Method Place the raspberries in a bowl and mash with a fork. Add all the remaining ingredients and mix together well. Take small amounts of the mixture and roll into small truffle size balls. Roll in the remaining desiccated coconut to coat. Place in the fridge to chill and firm up and eat within 2-3 days. Alternatively freeze and keep for up to a month.

MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Maximise Taste | Feature Interview

Angela De Souza met with no-nonsense, straight talking, business woman Lizzie Smith at COOK Cheltenham about her incredible drama free business success story. COOK offer remarkable frozen ready meals, prepared by their own chefs and delivered to your door via a nationwide delivery service. COOK shops are located across England, Scotland and Wales and Lizzie was one of the very first people to buy into the COOK franchise. What did you do before you bought COOK? I owned a Workplace Management company based in London which provided Analytics, Strategy and Change Management Services to multinational companies throughout the UK. This was my first business which I built from the ground up, on good old fashion values and principles. I reached a point when I was managing fifty staff members and moving Heathrow over to terminal 5. I had really big named clients and a fast paced, no-nonsense corporate lifestyle. Wow, so very different to what you are doing now, why did you buy COOK? I have a child with special needs and it was becoming impossible for me to continue with the hours and travel required to run my company so I sold it and took a few months out before we set up COOK Cheltenham. I had always wanted to own a business that was part of the community in which I lived and so when COOK started franchising it instantly felt like the perfect fit for us. Tell us about one of your scariest moments in this venture. I do nothing without extensive planning and preparation as businesses fail when they are not thought through in minute detail. I am not a risktaker, and I realise that this sounds arrogant, but I had no scary moments as I had my new business venture planned appropriately.

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You say careful planning has been vital to your ongoing success; what techniques would you suggest others could use to maximise their potential? Research is key. I spent months researching the area, footfall and general feel of the community before I took on the lease for my shop. Location is the other key factor. If I set up my shop in a different location I would not have enjoyed the success that we are enjoying today. Tell us about your greatest success and failure on your journey so far. Without doubt, we could never have envisioned the wonderful relationships we would develop with our customers. We have made the most amazing friends, one of whom even planned our wedding last year and has become a very dear friend of ours now. We take such joy from hearing people say that our cafĂŠ feels like a second home. What is key to your working relationship with Sarah? Sarah is the engine of the business and I steer it. Lizzie says this as Sarah walks past and smiles, then continues to scurry around clearing tables and taking care of the everyday running of the business. We work really well together and have very different roles in the business which makes it work. What are your dreams for the future of your business? My dream for our shop has always been, and will continue to be, for it to be the centre of the community and a place where people know your name, remember your stories, give you first class customer service and make you feel special.

Cook Cheltenham www.cookfood.net/shops/cheltenham

Business Lunch Friendly business networking where you can build genuine, authentic relationships over a healthy lunch. www.connect.womensbusiness.club

“Connecting & celebrating business.” Networking | Exhibiting | Seminars | Shopping | Fashion Show | Dragoness’ Den | Awards 6th December 2017 • 9am-5pm • Pittville Pump Rooms, Cheltenham • Tickets £22.50

Find out more and book your tickets at www.maximise.live

MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Advertiser Article

Which Legal Framework Best Suits Your Business? Sally McFadden is Head of Commercial Property in the Business Services Department of Thomson & Bancks, offering packages to both start-up and established businesses to help them manage their legal affairs more efficiently. Here, Sally provides us with her advice on choosing the legal structure for your start-up. Sole Trader This is a simple structure and its advantages include low costs and overheads, no requirements for company accounts or audits and retention of 100% of profits. However there are disadvantages of going it alone! Growth is restricted as the business is tied to the number of hours you personally can work, only personal loans may be available; there is no-one to cover absences and you have unlimited liability for debts. Partnership Is a problem shared a problem halved? With a partnership the risks and costs are shared and responsibilities and liabilities can be set out in a partnership agreement. You may have more people available to cover absences and maybe more capital for investment. There are pros and cons with every structure, and as partnerships have no separate legal identity, partners have unlimited liability for debts. Partner disagreements may put the whole business at risk.

However there are considerable costs in setting up and running a company and complying with stringent accounting and auditing procedures. In addition directors of new companies are often required to give personal guarantees to secure funds. Limited Liability Partnership An LLP is a hybrid which takes the advantages of a limited company whilst maintaining the flexibility of a partnership. Partner’s liability is limited to the money they have put into the business and the amount of any personal guarantees provided. However at least two partners must be designated as “members” and will have additional responsibilities; LLP’s must be registered at Companies House and file annual returns and there may be complex tax implications. Community Interest Company This is a new type of company suited to community or social enterprises rather than profit based businesses. You must pass a community interest test and profits and assets must be used for the benefit of the community, this should be reflected in the Memorandum and Articles.

Although not a legal requirement, forming a Partnership Agreement may help with how the partnership is operated and how assets are split if worst case the business doesn’t’ succeed.

A CIC may give access to funding for social enterprises but you must have a genuine purpose to provide a community benefit.

Limited Company A Limited company has the benefit of being a separate legal entity with limited liability for debts, an unlimited life span and wider funding options. The business may also be perceived as more professional.

Sally can be contacted at the Cheltenham, Pershore or Tewkesbury offices on 01684 299633 or via email at sallymcf@tbsolicitors.co.uk if you would like to find out more on start-up or established business packages or any other commercial or property legal issues.

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Is doing the ‘legal stuff’ getting in the way of running your business? At Thomson & Bancks we are here to help. Whether you are a new start-up or an established business, we understand that doing the legal stuff can be an unwelcome distraction to you. If you are starting a new venture, moving premises, trying to understand a complex contract, or having problems with collecting debts, our specialist solicitors are here to help.


Visit the website for our full range of services, or give us a call to make an appointment


Tewkesbury 01684 299633

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Five lessons learned Nazira Karim, Primrose Mortgages

1. SME owners do need to consider protecting their business In my experience, a substantial amount of business owners is unaware of the everyday risks they are faced with when it comes to the effects caused by the death or serious illness of a key person or business owner. We don’t like to think of our own mortality or that of our colleagues but it should be a risk you should consider. having a disaster recovery plan in case of a fire, flood or a broke in, and have probably insured against these things, but what about your human capital? One way owners can help the survival of a business is to consider a Business Protection policy, for different eventualities, including the loss of a key person, business owner or the inability to repay debts. 2. Losing a Key Person can seriously affect your business Thankfully every business is different, but each one has members of staff who have a direct impact on the cash flow, profits, creditors and brand. A Key Person could be anyone integral to the business, from the owner to a skilled employee, though characteristically difficult to replace. Research has shown that as much as 40 per cent of businesses would cease trading in under one year if a Key Person died or became critically ill, yet only half of businesses have Key Person cover to protect them when this happens. Additionally, 60 per cent of SMEs said it would take them up to a year to replace a Key Person. 3. Your business borrowing needs to be protected Business loan cover can protect organisations

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when faced with the inability to repay loans, helping to pay back any outstanding loans and safeguarding the business owner’s personal wealth. Research shows that a third of businesses have no insurance in place to repay the borrowing should a Key Person become critically ill or die, implying that they would all face financial difficulties at the loss of a Key Person. 4. Don’t be afraid to ask for external advice It is imperative that business owners do not only take advice from accountants, but advisers who have a good knowledge of business Protection. Don’t be afraid to try new things – This is where I believe I can help and add value to your business, offering expert assistance at all stages of its life cycle. Conclusion Did you know that in the UK today there are an estimated 5.4m private sector businesses and 95% have less than 10 employees? If you are one of these, not only are you the backbone of the UK economy and therefore important to the UK, but you are even more important to your employees. Losing just one person could put terminal pressure on your business, leading to increased workloads and stress, at a time when the business is in shock. The right advice and protection could make sure that your company is prepared should the unthinkable happen.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

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Special circumstances:

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Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.


Thank you to our friends at Two Front Teeth Photography for our beautiful family photo.

Our first year as Strawberry Studios It was one year ago, at the Maximise Conference & Awards that we launched our new business, Strawberry Studios. And what a fantastic launch it was! We celebrated with strawberries and bubbly with all who attended the conference, and even walked away with two awards. I was also 8 months pregnant at the time and we were looking forward to the new year with a new business and a new baby. We had high hopes for 2016 and many, many plans. Great plans. But we had never been parents before, which took us on a whole new adventure. Almost as soon as we launched the business, we found we had to dial it back. Not in a negative way, but we had such a great response from the launch at the conference and the ladies at the Women’s Business Club that we soon realised that we had no idea what we had got ourselves into. Around the same time, Sam got offered a job at a marketing agency in Cheltenham. His dream job, that he never really expected he could get! Sam is a

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self-tought web developer. I thought he was amazing, which is why we decided to go into business together. But as I am sure all you self taught entrepreneurs know, sometimes it is hard to believe in yourself. You sometimes can feel a bit of a fake and like you are just blagging your way through. But this proved to Sam that he actually was good, and he had an amazing opportunity to be a part of something big and to be able to learn a lot more than we would by himself. So he took the job. This was 4 months after our daughter, Emily, was born. So I was going through a whole adjustment of my own - being a mummy with a business! I had to be responsible, so I did take some maternity leave. I spent months just feeding, cuddling and changing my brand new baby. I watched tons of TV and slept any moment I could. Work was the furthest thing from my mind! But I did find that it did creep up on me, without me realising I was back at the computer tinkering and doing odd jobs for my regular clients. Most of the

time I enjoyed it, and I missed it. But then there came stress. I wanted to focus on being a mummy for at least the first year, and I felt like work was stealing me away! My baby was growing and changing right before my very eyes, and I didn’t want to miss it! So after months of struggling with guilt and resentment, we decided that I would stop working. At least for most of the time! I couldn’t give up one of my favourite jobs, which is the Women’s Business Magazine (Which is now the brand new MAXIMISE Business Magazine.). So I have decided to work exclusively with Maximise, giving the magazine my all and being able to enjoy my time at work one day a week and the rest of the time I am mummy. That’s not to say that I don’t LOVE my clients. I have adored working with every business and feel proud to have produced three brands and countless photos to help some amazing business women showcase their businesses. And I am proud to share that I was even nominated for Young Entrepreneur of the Year and Mum of the Year at the Maximise Conference & Awards! I didn’t win, but I have plenty of time to earn those awards and feel totally happy and fulfilled at the same time. So with me being a mummy, and Sam learning and growing as a web developer at his new job, there is little time for our pride and joy - Strawberry Studios.

“Lorah-Kelly Beard has worked so hard at being a mumpreneur and does an amazing job. She has helped produce amazing photography and logo design to the highest standards all whilst juggling her role as a mum! Amazing stuff” Jennifer Hall - The Life Buddy

Bring life to your business through beautifully thought out photography & design.

www.strawberrystudios.net | contact@strawberrystudios.net

But I don’t see this as negative, I see it as an opportunity. Right now, we have a season of learning and raising a tiny human. But one day, that will be done and then what will we do with ourselves? Well, we will take all that we have learnt, and we will help YOU make your business great! I am so excited about our business and everything we are doing in this season is in preparation for our season with Strawberry Studios. But don’t worry, we are not going to dissapear. We will still be here, in the Maximise Business Magazine, sharing our tips and stories. We will still be in the Women’s Business Club, happy to answer any questions or share our thoughts on what could help you and your business. And we will be at the Maximise Conference and Awards to celebrate with you all. So if you need us, just give us a shout! Samuel & Lorah-Kelly Beard contact@strawberrystudios.net

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“So what are the likely recruitment trends in 2017?”


will be all about employers being savvy, ensuring that they can survive and thrive in view of the ongoing skills shortage. There are currently more jobs than candidates, and that means leverage for your potential employees, resulting in uplift in salaries and most likely a need for specialist recruitment. It isn’t all doom and gloom however, and companies with responsive, innovative hiring practices have much to gain. We’ll be seeing: • MULTIFACETED WORKPLACES, bringing together full and part time workers, temps, flexible hours and freelancers, alongside external support to maximise efficiencies and resource. Businesses should start to focus on team work and performance rather than the performance of the individual to ensure that this new style of working is unified and efficient. Embracing new talent models will reap copious rewards.

• GENERATION Z are entering the workforce for the first time, bringing with them a new outlook on business, a new expectation of brands and an unprecedented insight into technology. Businesses that observe rigid hierarchies risk creating a ‘them’ and ‘us’ vibe to the workplace, but those who can boast a proactive and flexible working environment which is less about job titles and more about mutual objectives will see output and efficiencies like never before.

• WELLNESS AND WELLBEING will be more important than ever before. Although not strictly a trend affecting talent hiring, wellness and wellbeing should be a top priority for all employers. Businesses who care will tap into current trends and expectations, thereby attracting the best possible talent at the best possible salaries, and securing a healthy, efficient and engaged workforce that is as invested in your business as you are in them. Employers should now be turning to their benefits and perks, looking at affordable methods of rewarding performance and loyalty, that goes beyond bonuses. The only thing which is impossible to predict, are the effects of both the change in US Presidency, and the invoking of Article 50. Both will inevitably effect the jobs market, but what remains to be seen is how the proactive measures will translate into jobs and whether there will be any uncertainty that affects inward investment. 2017 looks to be a positive and dynamic year for employment, benefitting employers and employees alike.

Abi Howell

36 Cheltenham Office Park, Pure Offices, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham. Glos. GL51 6SH



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Mastermind Boardroom Intimate peer to peer meetings where we get down to the nitty gritty of your business over breakfast. www.mastermind.womensbusiness.club

MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Advertiser Article

Interview with Lucy Wheeler of Cheltenham Racecourse Tell us about your role with the Racecourse? What do you do, who for, who with and how does it relate to the rest of the business? My role as part of the Marketing Team at Cheltenham is to help manage the Jockey Club Cheltenham and South West Syndicate. A large part of the role is managing communications with our members and event planning as well as promoting the Syndicate. Members of the syndicate receive full annual member access to Cheltenham, Exeter, Warwick and Wincanton; I work closely with our marketing team to encourage racing across our region. What made you decide to work in racing? What are the best bits of your job and why? Having grown up in the countryside I started riding horses at a young age and always loved going to watch at the races with my parents. Working within the racing industry allows me to combine my passion for racing with a rewarding career. My role at Cheltenham involves lots of visits to different yards and race meetings, I get the chance to share the excitement of racing with our Syndicate members. Horseracing is perceived as a male-dominated industry; mostly male jockeys, owners and trainers. How hard is it to be a woman in the industry? I’ve been fortunate to experience many different sides to the industry; having ridden as an amateur jockey, worked in trainer’s yards and also within racing administration. Whilst it’s perhaps harder to succeed as a female jockey I think the career opportunities for women in the industry as a whole are constantly improving. This is largely helped via initiatives such as ‘Women in Racing’, which has been created to develop the profile of women within industry and to encourage senior appointments across the sport.

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Do you have an all-time favourite horse? Kauto Star was one of my favourites, he was one of the most successful steeplechasers of modern times and won the Cheltenham Gold Cup twice. Racehorse ownership seems like a distant dream for many people. Are there many women owners in the industry? How can our members get involved? Yes there certainly are lots of women owners. A great way to become involved with racehorse ownership is to become part of a syndicate, in which members share the ownership of the horse with others; offering a cost-effective way to experience the thrill of ownership. It also provides a way to meet new friends and experience racing from the inside. Who are the horses and owners to watch for 2017? Are there any top tips you can give us? Champion trainer Paul Nicholls is back on top of the trainers’ table this season as he sets out to win an 11th championship. The pinnacle of jump racing is the Cheltenham Gold Cup, which takes place on the Friday of Cheltenham Festival week, 14th-17thMarch 2017. Irish horse Don Cossack is the defending champion after his famous victory and will be aimed at a repeat in 2017 as long as he recovers from an injury lay-off. The Jockey Club Cheltenham & South West Syndicate is designed as an introduction to racing ownership; members have a share in 3 exciting horses with top trainers and a host of other benefits such as annual racecourse memberships and exclusive stable visits. Memberships are on sale now priced at £2,590 for 2 years, please contact Lucy Wheeler 01242 537675 or email: Lucy.Wheeler@ thejockeyclub.co.uk


14th - 17th MARCH 2017


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15/12/2016 11:29

MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Feature Article | A Woman In A Man’s World

Saira Hussain started Hussain Architectural

Design (HAD) in 2011 at the age of 23 in the midst of the recession when construction had been hit the hardest. She had worked several years in practice and completed her studies at the University of Huddersfield. Working through recommendations, on small residential extensions for family and friends for the first 6-12 months, her business started growing until she was able to rent a small office not far from home. Five years on she has over twenty award nominations and a number of wins, buildings featured on TV shows and an interview for the apprentice. She has five practices and a very strong design team working alongside her. Saira is currently studying for a PhD and looking to expand further into London.

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When did you know that you wanted to be an architect? The deputy head at my high school, Mrs Altham was my peer mentor and I mentioned my interest in Architecture to her. She went on to research the subject in her free time and once turned up after school at my house to drop off information regarding university courses for Architecture. I have always wanted to study Architecture; however, I think she really pushed me. Why do you think most architects are men? The hours a very anti-social, it’s a macho work culture and you have to combine work and family life. You’re working on building sites with 100%

male construction workers, the building officers and the majority of clients are male, I can see why women drop out or never go on to professional practice. What pressures do you face being a woman in this environment? I’ve had clients (in the early stages of my career) who are more than happy for me to take on interior work because that is ‘women’s work’; however, they are reluctant to have you involved in working on structure and exteriors. What is the best lesson you have learned from being a woman in a man’s world? I am not part of the golf club scene and have found it’s sometimes hard to get on with men in the same industry because I was never moving in with their business circles. I found that the building industry does not accept the authority of a female in construction, you can either accept that and quit or you can keep working until you prove them wrong. It’s actually an advantage being a woman when working with homeowners during construction. You can show compassion and understanding when they are going through the upheavals inherent to construction. You find they’re more comfortable confiding in a woman when it comes to these things.

What is the biggest mistake that you have made in being a woman in a man’s world? The biggest mistake I made was in the early stages of my career, rather than standing up to clients and building contractors when it came to things like ‘interior work is a woman’s job’ I took on the work and in some ways accepted this was the case. However things have changed since then. Give us your top tips for women who are in the same situation as you. We need to know our worth and build up confidence in the construction industry, working in the office we do the same amount of work if not more than our male colleagues. You’ll always get funny looks from male colleagues/construction workers when they first see you on site however they will adjust. What dreams do you have for the future? I have started working on community projects, giving back what I’ve learnt, currently I am working with an aid worker from Halifax on one of his projects. This is something I’d like to continue on a larger scale. I would also like to expand to all major areas of the UK and become a well recognised Architectural Practice.

Saira Hussain Architectural Design Ltd | www.hussainarchitecture.co.uk

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Feature Article | Business Office

Take A Peek Into... The workspace of Sheryl Andrews The Strength and Solution Detective – Author of Manage Your Critic – From Overwhelm to clarity in 7 steps.

My role is to ask questions that focus my client’s attention on the solution they want and their existing strengths and strategies. My home provides a safe haven and a space for my clients to retreat for half a day or whole days once a month. Space away from their home and their normal work space giving them the opportunity to take the weight off their shoulders and giving them a new perspective with fewer if any distractions. I only work with five clients at a time and we have different spaces, giving the clients the choice to share space or to be alone. Each space has a different meaning for each client and reflects different emotions and feelings and the clients are encouraged to find a space that knows something about their ideas, thoughts and plans.

connect and give the mind a rest and refuel the body. We have the living room which provides a fresh clear space to stretch your thoughts. We have the stairs – yes some clients work on the stairs as it often represents a sense of being caught between two levels. And upstairs we have the office that also has a bed if our clients want comfort, time to snuggle or simply time to lie down and process information. This also doubles as my office for accounting and writing at which time it is often not as clutter free and tranquil instead, it is the hub of activity.

There is the indoor-outdoor area that provides them with a comfortable space to work outside all year around if they so choose.

I ensure we always have fresh flowers and candles to bring nature into the rooms. We have blankets and fluffy socks for extra comfort and warmth and array of snacks and refreshments on hand at all times.

We have the workshop room where we meet for group discussions. This is also the space where I meet with my collaborative partners and where I spend my time when I want to be creative and map out my plans.

I travel with my clients running an annual writing retreat in Spain with book mentor Karen Williams once a year. And when I am on holiday I take the opportunity to use the new space to inspire my writing .

We have the kitchen for breakouts and time to


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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Feature Article | Ask The Expert Jennifer Hall - The Life Buddy Business Realisation Coach, Mindset Master & Fear Fixer. Jen’s mission is to motivate and enable women to create the life they want, be who they’ve always wanted to be, in a business that is a true reflection of themselves; so that they may share their unique gifts with the world! ‘’Become the coach you’ve always wanted to be!’’

Should your niche be what you’re qualified in? I was a beauty therapist for over 30 years but should I be a coach for that?? I don’t feel comfortable with the profession anymore.

Does “niche” really mean outside the mainstream specialism? Can you have more than one niche in a business (like mine, which is product based)?

One of the biggest issues people create for themselves is that they feel like they ‘should’ do something. Drop the ‘shoulds’! You have to be 100% aligned with your niche. What do I mean by that? I mean your niche should be the mission that you wake up everyday feeling passionate about, a burning desire to make a difference in the world with whatever way you choose to do that. But the key is that there must be a ‘passionate why’ underpinning whatever it is you do. If you’re feeling dispassionate or uncomfortable in anyway about your niche, that should be explored, and it’s highly likely that it needs to change. You should never fear the change, because if you choose to ignore the negativity around it, it will only destroy your business. Your business should be a passion, the love of your life… not a means to make money. If that’s the only reason you’re in business, you may as well head back to a 9-5.

To define simply, a niche, is a particular group of people who share a common problem or desire. As far as I’m concerned there is no ‘mainstream specialism’… if you are delivering varying different outcomes, you are not niched. When you’re in the beginning of starting a business it’s essential that you laser target your niche, no half niche, no small generalisation but really clear cut. By beginning a business, I don’t mean in terms of time in business, but in terms of your income from the business; if your income is low, the magical remedy is to explode onto the scene offering ONE amazing outcome for ONE very specific ideal client. Once you’ve so say, ‘made it’, you can branch out to different areas. But in order to become a business that stands out from the crowd, you MUST find that ONE thing that people will know you for and build a tribe of raving fans! No one likes a jack of all trades, they like to know that you have something very special, ONLY for them.

Jennifer Hall - The Life Buddy

Ask The Expert Page 47

MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Health & Wellbeing | Member Article

Consistency, The Compound Effect I believe we should aim to be better versions of ourselves each and every day. This should apply to all aspects of our life, at home and at work. That’s all great in principle, but how we can be better if the taxman, weather, traffic delays and ‘life’ is against us? Jim Rohn, American author and a motivational speaker often said “Don’t wish it was easier; wish you were better.”. It is simple to blame the circumstances for the situation we are. The truth is, we are where we are because of how we reacted to situations in the past. It is in what we do and not what happens to us that creates our life, our lifestyle. To be better a version of ourselves, we need to be consistent in what we want. January is recognised by many as a time for new beginnings. It is not only a beginning of a new year but a time when we say goodbye to old habits. Many of us will start diets or quit smoking, but will all of us stick to it? Unlikely. The American Psychological Association suggests, if we want change we should start small and be consistent. The Power of consistency creates a compound effect. What is a compound effect?

“Small, Smart Choices + Consistency + Time = RADICAL DIFFERENCE” Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect The Compound Effect can be explained as a series of small, SMART choices repeated over and over to bring lasting rewards and success. I use this principle at my clinic with clients that need to change their health habits to improve quality of life. To achieve the goal of a healthier client, I create a care plan and introduce one small step at a time, e.g. hydration. I would help my client find a way to drink enough water each day. After a month we would have a checkup and if the client is successful

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in achieving the goal, we would introduce an another one e.g. stretching or posture correction. Throughout the year my clients implement many healthy lifestyle habits and start making healthier choices. This happens alongside his/her normal life, no dramatic changes needed. Thanks to the power of the compound effect and consistent, small steps repeated every day my clients appreciate healthier lives. Consistency in business

“Consistency is the key to achieving and maintaining momentum.” Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect The power of consistency is not just about improving your wellbeing, it can be even more powerful if used to improve your business. Businesses that are consistent are more likely to succeed and maintain success. Coca Cola’s consistency marketing as a brand is met with outstanding customer service – consistently! Year after year, Coca-Cola sends out the same message, reminding us of the joys in life, sharing good moments with friends and family (Please note I am not encouraging you to drink the brand but to be encouraged to be more like the brand in its marketing consistency). In a nutshell, consistency is important in your business for three main reasons: Appearance – To the outside world, businesses implementing consistency appear more organised than those where change is constant. When you create a consistent environment you help your workers and customers feel comfortable with you. Higher Levels of Productivity – Less change and

more consistency in task requirements and employee treatment creates a nurturing environment where employees can dedicate their time to the completion of employed duties, leading to an increase in productivity rather than adjusting to multiple changes in procedure.

benefits for your business as well as for them. According to Harvard Review, Johnson & Johnson reported a comprehensive, strategically designed investment in employees’ health pays off. J&J’s estimate that their ROI was $2.71 for every dollar spent on wellness programs.

Taking Care of Your Employees – Consistency in employee care should not start and finish with a Christmas party or annual bonus. Caring for your employees’ wellbeing,

If you have any comments about this article or the power of the compound effect please contact me on magdalena@wellnessinmotion, I would love to hear your view.

TOO MANY SICK DAYS? Let us help you.

Corporate Wellness Programs and On-site Massage Therapy 07545852110 magdalena@wellnessinmotion.co.uk

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Feature Article | Networking News

BBWA Celebrates 20 Years of Networking My name is Julie Cooper, and for the last six years I have been the Chair of Bath Business Women’s Association, something I am passionate about. Professionally, I have worked in the events world for over two decades, including my own events company. However, two years ago I felt the need of a new challenge and am now the Marketing & Media Manager for the Army Parachute Association based at Netheravon on Salisbury Plain. Working with people from all over the country learning to parachute, whether it’s a tandem jump for fun or charity, or solo jumping enabling them to take the sport up seriously, progressing onto competitions and even Wingsuiting! Skydive Netheravon is fortunate to have some of the best military instructors in the country and as a not for profit organization we have charitable status which enables us to help serving military and veterans continue to jump including those disabled in recent combat.

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How would you say that networking has changed over the past 20 years? BBWA has just celebrated its 20th birthday and networking has certainly evolved over that time. We began back in 1996 when one woman, working from home, found herself feeling very isolated and decided to find other women in the same situation just meeting over a coffee. Meetings became regular and detailed until we find ourselves where we are today, with over 300 women on our database, a monthly networking event, a chance to showcase business, exchange ideas and forge relationships. I think more than anything expectations have changed and women really want to get something out of everything they do. People buy people and cementing business relationships or simply new friendships brings massive benefits.

What do you think is key to a great networking event?

As a networking event organiser, what do you find most difficult?

The old adage of ‘you only get out what you put in’ has never been more true and variety is definitely the spice of life. We continually aim to give our members something new, whether it’s a new business or venue to showcase, a workshop or of course the opportunity to simply talk to each other. For example our 20th anniversary year saw us in venues as varied as the cookery school at Lucknam Park to the truly entrepreneurial business at LoveHoney! In return we actively encourage ladies to connect with each other; those in the same profession can often be found discussing business points others exchanging ideas, contacts etc. Networking is the one most important thing we can do for our business.

I think the major problem once an event is set up is getting commitment. Everyone is so busy these days and in particular, women also have family commitments, sometimes I find it difficult to give venues accurate numbers until the last minute and then this may have to be an estimate. Something that venues depend on for catering purposes. One can only hope to estimate it the right way. However, we never want to turn anyone away and therefore, most events see us welcoming ladies who have not booked on, something we will continue to do.

What are your views on the pricing of networking events? Some are free and others can cost up to £65. All networking groups, whether they are profitable or non-profit making have their place, but all need to keep their heads above water. However, I don’t believe we should out-price ourselves. Not everyone works for a salary and if you are a sole trader then extra spending can have a detrimental effect over time. During the 2008 recession many companies stopped paying memberships and this had a keen effect on attendances. The BBWA abolished their membership fee at this time have no intension of reinstating this. We just ask our members to pay for each networking event which is slightly less if they pre-pay than if on the door. This works well and the average attendance per month has increased. Whilst we have to be extra careful with what we spend every penny of profit is reinvested into the BBWA to ensure its continuation.

What are your top tips for women who would like to start networking? Research networking groups before you go, the type of networking they do might not be for you. Not everyone is comfortable with standing up and talking to a group of strangers or can attend an early morning event. Many bosses are not happy about losing an employee for a lunchtime event, so make sure the timings suit your day and work times. You will enjoy the event much more if you are not clock watching. The thought of walking into a room with a group of strangers can be daunting and therefore, try and make contact with the organiser or a committee member before you go along and find out how they operate, if someone knows you are a little wary about coming along they will be able to help you through those first few moments. Networking can be the start of something good so never be afraid to start – you’ll always be glad you did!

www.bbwa.biz Julie.cooper@bbwa.biz | 07730 132 330

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | The Music Business | Advertiser Article

As I write this, the charity song I launched at Maximise 2016 has raised £450.

really means and that God loves them wholly as they recover in the Safe From Slavery safe house.

Since I decided to turn my talent into a business in August last year, I’ve released 3 songs, published dozens of press releases and even nabbed an interview on BBC Hereford and Worcester radio. Alongside these amazing highlights, I also performed a live stage drama as 250 businesswomen at the Maximise conference heard ‘Thirteen’ for the first time.

67 supporters all over the world have now helped this essential cause by purchasing the CD or downloading the mp3 at: www.aprilshipton.co.uk/ thirteen. One supporter in Australia said the song “Gave me tingles!”, while another in Saudi Arabia said it was “A fantastic cause and great music, so a double-win”. Other comments from Maximise businesswomen and other supporters have included, “Heart-wrenching”, “A strong message”, “Very powerful”, “It made me cry!”, “Amazing music”, “This song is brilliant”, “A stunning piece of work, what a privilege we get to hear it.”

The song aims to expose the horrific reality of modern slavery in our very communities - and that, tragically, the average age of a sex-trafficking victim in the UK is just 13 years old. The performance - like the song - was powerful. It followed the narrative of the song, telling a story based on true events recalled by Safe From Slavery, who provide intensive support and long term restoration to women rescued from sex-trafficking right here in the UK. Like everyone else involved in the project, the actors who joined me on stage incredibly gave their time and skills for free; amazing co-writer and singing coach Amy Box and professional actor Joel Daffurn. Together we portrayed two naive young girls, who each believe they have finally found a real love they have craved all their life, only to find themselves trapped in a cycle of abuse that leads to sex-slavery. The drama ended in hope to match the song’s uplifting finish; the girls are rescued and the perpetrator arrested. For the first time, they experience what true love

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So, here it is, the request at the bottom of the page. Can you please spare £2.99? I would LOVE it if you joined the amazing businesswomen who have helped make this song so successful, and download your copy of Thirteen right now. 100% of your donation will go to Safe From Slavery, thanks to amazing support from producer David at FFG Audio, Howdens Ross-on-Wye and PromoDiscs who have kindly covered the costs of CD production. I hope I’ll get to add your name to that ever-growing list of awesome people. Thank you. You can find out loads more about the ‘Thirteen’ project and April Shipton’s journey on her website: www.aprilshipton.co.uk or via facebook.com/AprilShiptonUK.


The ‘Safe From Slavery’ Charity Single Your purchase will directly support the work of Safe From Slavery, restoring women rescued from sex-trafficking in the UK.


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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Games & Competitions



2. Winter Holiday 6. Hairpiece to cover partial baldness 7. Drink it to warm up. Made from apples. 8. Used to connect words in a sentence 10. sliding down a hill, usually on a piece of plastic 11. Overall feeling of well-being 13. Tool used to remove snow 14. Fasten something securely in place 15. Frozen precipitation that falls from the sky 16. No charge

1. Frozen water 3. Look or feel better, younger or more vital 4. Kneading of muscles with the hands 5. Projectile that you can throw 7. An instance of deceiving or tricking someone 9. Keeps your hands warm 12. Activity that you strap long boards to your feet. 13. Something you wrap around you to keep warm

Page 54

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MAXIMISE MAGAZINE | Members Directory

Bath EZZA..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................www.ezza.co.uk House of Colour......................................................................................................................................................................................www.houseofcolour.co.uk Moonshine Internet..................................................................................................................................................................................www.moonshinenet.com Zest Bootcamp..........................................................................................................................................................................................www.zestbootcamp.co.uk

Bristol Amy Box - Singing Coach........................................................................................................................................................................www.amyboxsinging.com Anorak Cat Web Design...................................................................................................................................................................................www.anorakcat.co.uk Box of Hats Photography..........................................................................................................................................................................val.shep@hotmail.co.uk Forever Living...........................................................................................................................................................................................vickiejsmith@hotmail.com Karosa Jewellery.....................................................................................................................................................................................www.karosajewellery.co.uk SHC Social Media...................................................................................................................................................................................www.shcsocialmedia.co.uk Tricia Designs.................................................................................................................................................................................................www.triciadesigns.com

Cardiff Be Free Therapies.....................................................................................................................................................................................www.befreehealing.co.uk KLass Beauty Business Coaching.....................................................................................................................................................kristineliane@hotmail.co.uk The Life Buddy..............................................................................................................................................................................................www.thelifebuddy.guru Naomi's House.........................................................................................................................................................................................www.naomishouse.co.uk Wize Vitrual Admin..............................................................................................................................................................................www.wizevirtualadmin.co.uk

Cheltenham Betaris Training Ltd................................................................................................................................................................................. www.betaristraining.com C. Pool-Graham - Wealth Manager...........................................................................................................................................www.charlottepoolegraham.co.uk Halo Meditation........................................................................................................................................................................................www.halomeditation.com House of Robinson............................................................................................................................................................................www.houseofrobinson.co.uk Jurys Inn...................................................................................................................................................................................................................www.jurysinn.com Keith Holland & Associates.......................................................................................................................................................................www.keithholland.co.uk Mary Kay..................................................................................................................................................................................................................www.marykay.com Muffin and Poppy..................................................................................................................................................................................www.muffinandpopy.co.uk Sunago Unique Creations....................................................................................................................................................www.sunagouniquecreations.co.uk Snuggle Bedz..........................................................................................................................................................................................www.mysnugglebedz.co.uk Truly Tailored Recruitment.................................................................................................................................................www.trulytailoredrecruitment.co.uk Wellness in Motion............................................................................................................................................................................www.relaxingmassages.co.uk WMMdesigns.................................................................................................................................................................www.wmmdesigns.co.uk

Gloucester Active Gloucestershire..................................................................................................................................................................www.activegloucestershire.org HotInGlos............................................................................................................................................................................................................www.hotinglos.co.uk Kanzi..........................................................................................................................................................................................................www.kanzihq.co.uk Sirona Therapies...................................................................................................................................................................................www.sironatherapies.co.uk Stella & Dot Stylist.............................................................................................................................................................................................. www.stelladot.co.uk Heather Resource Management Limited.............................................................................................................................................................www.hrml.co.uk

Kingston MentoringMamma.........................................................................................................................................................................www.mentoringmamma.com Neal's Yard...................................................................................................................................................www.uk.nyrorganic.com/shop/rebeccagarnettharis The Kingston Holiday Inn...............................................................................................................................................................................www.hikingston.co.uk

Monmouth Awaken..........................................................................................................................................................................................www.awakenlifecoaching.co.uk Basepoint..........................................................................................................................................................................................................www.basepoint.co.uk Forever Living......................................................................................................................................................................................................kelly.jones@flp.com Haberdashers’ Monmouth School for Girls....................................................................................................................................................www.hmsg.co.uk Karosa Jewellery.....................................................................................................................................................................................www.karosajewellery.co.uk Photography by Valerie...........................................................................................................................................................www.photographybyvalerie.co.uk Simply Easy Clean - Norwex....................................................................................................................................................carolcherepanov@googlemail.com Wye Media..........................................................................................................................................................................................................www.wyemedia.co.uk

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Southampton Increase Your Social Reach.................................................................................................................................................www.increaseyoursocialreach.com Lone Barn Photography..........................................................................................................................................................www.lonebarnphotography.co.uk Nu Skin..................................................................................................................................................................................................bridgetjanelong@gmail.com Platform Social..........................................................................................................................................................................................www.platformsocial.co.uk Solent Events & Leisure.............................................................................................................................................................................www.solentevents.co.uk Step by Step Listening.....................................................................................................................................................................www.stepbysteplistening.com Travel Counsellors...............................................................................................................................................www.travelcounsellors.co.uk/joanne.ioannou Utility Warehouse.........................................................................................................................................................lesleywareham@utilitywarehouse.org.uk

Swindon Bevirs Solicitors........................................................................................................................................................................................................www.bevirs.co.uk Callisto Green................................................................................................................................................................................................www.callistogreen.com Cheeky Little Prints...............................................................................................................................................................................www.cheekylittleprints.co.uk Infinity Financial Solutions Ltd.........................................................................................................................................................................www.infinityfs.co.uk Michelle's Flower Garden................................................................................................................................................................michellepridmore@fsmail.net Millie & Belle Jewellery..............................................................................................................................................................................www.millieandbelle.co.uk Nikki Nocky Noo....................................................................................................................................................................................www.nikki-nocky-noo.co.uk Oscars...................................................................................................................................................................................................................www.oscars.co.uk Pingthing.........................................................................................................................................................................................................www.pingthing.co.uk PPS Chartered Accountants..............................................................................................................................................................................www.ppsacc.co.uk Primrose Mortgages....................................................................................................................................................................www. primrosemortgages.co.uk Strategenic Ltd..................................................................................................................................................................www.strategicplanningforgrowth.co.uk

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Mary Deaville has a passion for painting in acrylic and watercolour, or in fact any medium. She is also an art tutor and a professional associate of the SAA. To celebrate the New Year and the recent opening of her Artist Studio she is offering a reduced tuition rate of £10 ph instead of £15 ph extended until the 31st January 2017. Gift Vouchers are available also and will be honoured after that date. To win a mounted acrylic print of one of Mary Deaville’s original animal paintings worth £100 visit her website to find out what the SAA stands for. Take a photo and share this on social media along with your answer and tag @maximiselive and @ MaryDeavilleArtist to win. Winner will be picked on the 1st April 2017. Good Luck!

Red Rooster Strut by Mary Deaville

Phone: 07828007257 email: marydeaville@hotmail.com Website: www.marydeaville.com Facebook: Mary Deaville Artist.

Crossword Puzzle Answers



2. Christmas 6. Toupé 7. Cider 8. And 10. Sledding 11. Wellness 13. Shovel 14. Fix 15. Snow 16. Free

1. Ice 3. Rejuvenate 4. Massage 5. Snowball 7. Con 9. Mittens 12. Skiing 13. Scarf

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EXCLUSIVE OFFERS AVAILABLE FOR MEMBERS OF WOMEN’S BUSINESS CLUB Contact John Rowe for details Tel: 01242 229987 Email: john.rowe@listers.co.uk

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