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The Market Place

One Amazing Woman

Carry Your Own Bags


Baggage. We all have it. I heard a funny joke that I think most women would appreciate: A mother and daughter are boarding an airplane. The daughter asks her divorced mother, “Are you still dating that guy you met, Mom?” The mother replies, “No, he just had too much baggage.” The daughter says, “Well, Mom, you’re no carry-on yourself!”

Funny? I thought so! We all have baggage, unless we are 17 years old. Of course, we thought we had baggage back then, but we just had drama. If you are older than 30 and don’t have any baggage, I believe you most likely have been living in a cave.

“Accept what is. Let go of what was. Believe in what will be.” —Anonymous

Life experience is something that I treasure. I didn’t always feel that way, but now I know that it is what has made me the person I am. I’m guessing that there are a lot of people who, if they knew my full story, would say that I have lived a challenging life. That’s most likely true, but if I had not gone through what I experienced, I would not be the person I am today…and I like who I am, most of the time. By Janet Van deWalle

“You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.” —Amy Bloom

I believe my most positive trait is my ability to let go of the past. When I reflect on who I am, I feel good when I think of everything that I have gone through. Have I faced challenges? Absolutely. Have I been wronged? You’d better believe it. Do I fully own everything that has happened in my life? Yes, as painful as that can be. My experiences have made me who I am.

I bet you’re not unlike me. You’ve had challenges. You’ve had people in your life—family, friends, employees—who have disrespected you or those you love. I hope that you have learned from your experiences and grown. I know I have.

Most of all, I hope that you have been able to forgive those who have wronged you. I hope that you are at peace with your history—it has made you who you are! My best guess? You are one amazing woman.

“In the process of letting go, you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself. ” —Deepak Chopra

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