31st Annual Report April 2014 — March 2015
Together we all achieve more
Celebrating 30 years 2014 saw WHAC celebrating 30 years of supporting people in Northumberland. The AGM was held on 1st October at the Hirst Welfare and was well attended by staff, volunteers, centre users, partners and the public.
Displays of WHAC’s history and current services were well received. A number of people shared their personal experiences of how WHAC had helped them develop over the years. These included volunteers past and present, centre users and staff. Entertainment was provided by the Bedlington Choir (20,000 Voices) who sang a selection of African songs as well as traditional numbers including Singing in the Rain and Happy Birthday to WHAC!
. Everyone who attended was given a celebration cake and balloon to take home with them. A good round!!
“Really enjoyed the AGM, took a lot to go there but felt welcome”
Celebrating 30 years WHAC also held an open day as part of the celebrations, this was linked in with World Mental Health day on 10th October. It was a day of fun including a table top sale, tombola and cake stall.
The day was very well attended and everyone who came said they had enjoyed it.
‘Great day – do it more often!’ “Nice atmosphere, very friendly people, very welcoming”. “I liked everything, cakes absolutely delicious” “I just loved it! Looking forward to the next one, have a Christmas one!”
So we did! On 23rd December we held a ‘Mince Pie and Cuppa’ day. Again the day was a huge success and enjoyed by everyone. We had 23 visitors that day including a number of children, so we held a Christmas colouring–in competition. Even the older kids amongst us joined in!
“Nice to see WHAC so busy, could do with a bigger place”
“Had a good time – very friendly”
“WHAC is the best thing since sliced bread!”
Photo Gallery Over the years there are many people who have contributed to WHAC’s success. Far too many to feature on this page but here are a few of them
A Volunteer's Story
Elsie Townley was a valued volunteer for many years, she had to retire a couple of years ago due to ill health but still keeps in touch. She kept us entertained with her wonderful sense of humour which shone through in the regular newsletters she produced. Elsie was also an active member of the Creative Writing Group for many years. Thank you Elsie for sharing your experience at WHAC with us ‌.. “When I retired, I discovered WHAC. This was different from almost anything I had encountered in the isolated areas in which I had lived since being married many years ago. There was little support in those areas for the more trying times in life for women. For instance, although the Health Visitor, superficially a staid Scottish lady, was more than helpful and supportive in teaching me ways to deal with a small child, my walk to the clinic with my baby on the other hand, was a journey of 4 miles in each direction. The sense of being on my own was debilitating on occasions but fed into the delight on finding WHAC when we returned to a more urban environment. Here was and is an organisation wherein women are heard on their own terms, often for the first time, and encouraged to develop personal responsibility where this has previously been undermined by circumstances and other people. There were also classes for writing, alternative therapies, assertiveness, relaxation and others, and personal counselling by trained counsellors. The classes encouraged social mixing and self-confidence while those of us who had previously unresolved emotional problems from years before, learned to deal with these for the first time. All in all it was a place of comfort, comparable with a good family. When I reached the grand age of 80 and arthritis became disabling I retired from classes and volunteering and have been very sorry to stop visiting that comfort zone which is a tribute to Ashington and the women who invented and built WHAC as well the organisations, both public and private, that have helped to fund the valuable work. Their work becomes ever more valuable as society's changes and difficulties impinge on individual lives. These changes are often beyond the strength and ability of those individuals without the support and knowledge of organisations like WHAC whose staff and volunteers are not judgmental but who care for the welfare of fellow humans. Long may WHAC continue to enrich the human situation in these hard times. Thank you, WHACâ€?
Chairperson’s Report Our AGM last October was a celebration for WHAC’s 30th Birthday. It is testament to the commitment of staff, volunteers and funders that we have been able to empower people in Northumberland through counselling, support and education at challenging times in their lives. During the year there have been 260 referrals to our counselling service. This includes 9 men which shows that there is a need in our communities for this type of service. Disappointingly our contract with the CCG will end in September 2015 as a result of changes in the commissioning process and a move to using larger providers. We have continued to receive funding from the Big Lottery, the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Community Foundation which has enabled us to continue and also to provide additional services in the area of domestic abuse and sexual violence. During the year 74% of counselling clients presented with domestic abuse and sexual violence. This trend is growing, partly as a result of increased publicity about the issue but also women and men are becoming more confident in seeking support. Our Education programme continues to offer a range of courses and workshops including Tai Chi and Yoga as well as Creative Writing and confidence building courses. All of these complement the counselling and support services that WHAC provides. We have ensured that all our counsellors continue their professional development and have provided training in Child Sexual Exploitation, Domestic Abuse and Managing Suicidal Clients. As well as training our own staff we have been commissioned to train staff in another organisation about young people and self-harm. We are also hoping to develop links with Albermarle Barracks to reduce social isolation for families being relocated from around the world this Autumn. In terms of achievements we have again achieved the Continuing Excellence standard for the North East Better Health at Work Award, Continuous Improvement by the Matrix Standard for internal and external services and we welcomed our first male counsellor. The next year will be particularly challenging as we need to reduce our reliance on grants as the sources and amounts continue to diminish at a time when competition for them continues to grow. The Board, staff and volunteers have been actively involved in looking at our future strategy and how we can continue, improve and increase our services. With this at the forefront of our minds we have decided to rebrand WHAC to meet the changing society we live in. On behalf of the Board I would like to thank all the staff and volunteers for their continued commitment to WHAC as without them we could not provide the valued support to the communities we serve. Jill Scarr
Mission Statement WHAC:Aims to provide women, men & young people in Northumberland with free quality counselling, personal development, education and information on issues contributing to their mental health and well-being. Offers a confidential service in a safe, supportive environment. Is a needs led independent organisation which aims to offer a flexible and comprehensive service.
Aims To encourage everyone to take responsibility for their own physical, emotional and social well-being and to help them develop a positive attitude. To respond to the needs of women, men, girls and boys aged 14+. To be supplementary and complementary to the services provided by the Health and Social Services. To increase knowledge and confidence through information, workshops, courses and self-help groups.
“I cannot praise and be more thankful for the service I have received from WHAC, from entering the building to exiting, I was treated with courtesy and understanding. My counsellor was a godsend and I’m forever grateful to her for everything we worked together to achieve and to be in a much better place in my life.�
Contents Attendance Overview................................................................................. 1 Staff Members................................................................................................ 2 Trustees and Volunteers......................................................................... 3 Meet the Trustees…..……………………………………………………….. 4 Volunteers…................................................................................................... 6 Achievements..................................................................................... 7 Volunteer Training..................................................................................... 8 Awareness Raising Campaigns..................................................... 11 Counselling……………………………………………………………………… 12 Issues dealt with in Counselling.......................................................... 13 Domestic & Sexual Violence Support............................................... 14 Courses and Workshops................................................................. 16 Collaborative Working..................................................................... 19 Client Participation…………………………………................................... 20 Acknowledgements..................................................................................... 22 Financial Report.......................................................................................... 23 Accounts............................................................................................................ 24
Attendance Overview 01/01/2014 – 31/12/2015
No of Clients
Counselling & Assessment Sessions
No of Attendances 1160
(new clients only)
Information & Advice
Support & Relaxation Groups
One to one sessions
Course Enrolments
1113 (hours)
Telephone/email Info & Advice Enquiries
• 25 volunteers did over 1,600 hours of work during the year. This does not include attendance at all meetings and training. • 260 clients were referred into the counselling service throughout the year of which 9 were male. • A total of 89 clients accessed the various courses and workshops throughout the year
“I can’t thank you enough for the support I received during my ‘dark days’. My life is 100% better. I now have a job, confidence has come back; I know without your help I could never have achieved this. I have moved forward from hiding from the world in my bed with locked doors to running a youth project.”
Staff Members
Cath Hale
Linda-Jaine Clair
Counselling Co-ordinator
Judith Pleasance
Finance & Quality Assurance Officer
Amanda Sayers
Education and Training Officer
Lisa Noble
Lucy Greensmith
Sharon Hepplewhite
Health Trainer (employed by Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust)
“Can’t speak highly enough of the staff at WHAC; from my first assessment, through all my counselling. It helped me a great deal through a very difficult part of my life. The staff were always professional, approachable, friendly and understanding.”
“Excellent service; amazing staff.”
“Thank you to all of the ladies at WHAC for always being welcoming and friendly.”
Trustees and Volunteers Board of Trustees Chair Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary
Jill Scarr Sarah Kerrigan Sarah Abernethy Carolanne Coomber x Ruth Chapman (from 23/04/15)
General Board Members Gill Fraser Rachel Logue Hilarie Tucknott
Volunteers Jennifer Anderson Marcia Ash Marie Clark Christine Carruthers x Cathy Crowther* x Ruth Chapman Marie Clark* Sarah Clarke* Rachel Coffey* Alison Donaldson* Lucy Greensmith x Pru Heathcote Jayne Hedley x Deborah Heron x Kim Hopkins* Emma Hunt Marie Jones* Michele Junges-Stainthorpe*
June Kinsley-Smith* Rachel Logue* Nicola Madill* Deborah McLean Sangeeta Murkunde x Paula Parker x Brenda Potts Lynn Scott* Anna Robinson x Marjorie Shipton Ann Smith Anne Sporne x Marie Stirzaker Christine Thompson * Claudia Venosa John Wilson*
Joined since last AGM * Left since last AGM × Still involved with WHAC on a non volunteer basis #
“I found WHAC a lovely place to go to, the atmosphere was always very welcoming and the people there couldn’t do enough for you.”
Meet the Trustees The Board of Trustees oversees the strategic business of WHAC, there are currently 8 members from a variety of backgrounds. Here are some of their stories: Jill Scarr Jill has a public sector background with over 25years experience in HR, organisational development and culture change. She is a management consultant and co-owns a company that provides support to the public sector. Jill has been involved in the voluntary/charity sector for a number of years and has experience as a previous Chair of a national charity. She has lived in Northumberland all of her life and is committed to its diverse communities. She is married with two children and two step-children and lives in Ashington.
Sarah Kerrigan
Ruth Chapman
Sarah is a solicitor who practised family law for many years. She now works in commissioning for a local authority. She has been involved with WHAC for 7 years and is passionate about the vital work that we do with families in Northumberland. She lives at the coast with her other half and two young children.
I have been a volunteer for the charity for around 5 years. I originally started as a volunteer trainee counsellor and have continued to volunteer as a qualified psychotherapeutic counsellor. In 2014 I was accepted to become a member of the board of trustees, where I have adopted the role as Board Secretary. I am also a member of the board sub-group for Marketing and Fundraising. Outside of my work for the charity, I also work for the organisation ACAS offering advice on employment law, best practice and employment relations.
Meet the Trustees Gill Fraser I am Gill Fraser and I have lived in Northumberland since 1978. I am a retired GP and first became aware of WHAC and its good work through referring patients who required help and support. I also worked for several years on the commissioning side of health. Although the world has changed in many ways over the past 30 years the need for a caring lifeline for people in distress still remains very necessary. I am proud to be a member of the Board of an organisation that does just this.
Hilarie Tucknott Sarah Abernethy
For over thirty years I worked in education, specialising in Early Years Education. I worked in several schools in Leicestershire before moving to Northumberland in the late 1970’s. I have worked with children having diverse backgrounds and speaking many languages. Since retiring I work as a part time volunteer with ‘MIND’ Active, a local charity that works with people having dementia. I am also a member of Business and Professional Women (BPW UK), which is part of BPW International. The International body holds consultative Status with the United Nations. As part of BPW UK I am a member of the executive committee.
After regularly moving home between Somerset, Honk Kong and Scotland I moved to Northumberland 30years ago and fell in love with the land and the people. I’ve worked as a librarian in public, university & hospital libraries and enjoy helping people find information which will help them in their work study and social life. I’ve been a trustee at WHAC since 2009 and have served as Chair and Treasurer.
Volunteers Our recent recruitment beginning in January 2015 now means we have a healthy team of Counsellors and Psychotherapists who come with a wide range of skills, knowledge and expertise and have various backgrounds. Qualifications brought to the centre include degree level, diploma and CBT (all counselling). During this year’s intake we were fortunate to recruit a male counsellor who will be working on an outreach basis with a selective client base. Due to the complex nature of client work counsellors/psychotherapists are expected to attend induction and issue based training such as domestic abuse/sexual violence, working with suicidal clients, safeguarding/child protection and confidence/self esteem issues. We have continued to work closely with the Northern Guild of Psychotherapy, who provides students on placement. These students compliment the work our counsellors already do. We have one volunteer who supports clients to attend housing appointments, bank appointments and DWP hearings. This has provided a much needed add-on service to clients who would struggle to do this alone. We also have administrative volunteers and one volunteer who has continued over several years to provide a free Friday relaxation class which is an extremely valuable part of WHAC and appreciated by all of the women who attend. Our NCFE Accredited Training Programme was completed in July 2015 with the success of 8 Counsellors recruited to the service. These volunteers are undergoing their 1-2-1 induction which is the last step to enable them to begin their client work. Management of the organisation lies with our Board of Trustees who are also volunteers. Trustees are recruited specifically for the skills and knowledge they bring which provides WHAC with a robust management structure. To date there are 7 Trustees who have knowledge around management, community, finance, family law and personnel. Quote from one of our participants John Wilson (CBT Counsellor) who has just completed our 6 week accredited training. ‘The participants were warmly welcomed onto the course and introduced to each other in a fun based non threatening manner which allowed us to settle into the course. The staff organising our training were very professional, receptive and informative. Each session was carefully organised and prepared by the facilitators and both useful and relevant to working within the organisation. At no time did any of us feel concerned or overwhelmed by the experience. At the end of the course I felt that I had met some very nice people and enjoyed the experience.’ For details about volunteering please contact linda-jaineclair@whac.uk.com or alternatively call the centre on 01670 853977
Achievements Lisa is WHAC’s Health Champion In June 2015 WHAC’s Administrator Lisa attended training which gained her a recognised qualification- RSPH Level 2 understanding health improvement. This training covered many different health factors including, weight management, nutrition, smoking, mental health & alcohol. Lisa will use the knowledge gained from this training to offer advice to service users requesting information on living a healthier lifestyle. Matrix Standard In December 2014 WHAC was awarded Continuous Improvement by the Matrix Standard for both internal and external services
Positive Change We’ve updated our telephone system, which is now much more efficient. We’ve also made improvements to our recording systems to enable us to store files electronically reducing the paper we use and creating a better system to track client appointments etc.
NE Better Health At Work Continuing Excellence Once again we have achieved the Continuing Excellence standard. The assessor Maureen Shepherd said “WHAC have supported the award for a number of years and are just as enthusiastic now as they were at the beginning. The staff, Trustees and also volunteers are involved at every stage and have lots of ideas on how to take the award forward. WHAC is a great example of how a small organisation can use the award to improve the health and wellbeing of their staff, clients and the wider public. Well done”
First Male Counsellor Appointed WHAC welcomes John Wilson our first male counsellor.
Volunteer Achievements Marie Stirzaker completed her ‘Degree in Counselling’ Paula Parker completed her ‘Diploma in Theraputic Counselling’ Michelle Junges-Stainthorpe completed her ‘Professional Diploma in CBT’. Sarah Clarke completed her Diploma in Psychotherapy (child specialism) with distinction
Fundraising and donations Once again we have benefitted from a number of donations from individuals. This is greatly appreciated. If you are able to make a donation or are taking part in a sponsored event and would like to raise funds for WHAC please visit our website www.whac-online.co.uk and use the ‘Just Giving’ buttons or just call in at the centre. Thank you. 7
Volunteer Training Volunteer Counsellor recruitment in Autumn of 2014 produced a lower than expected response, so we re-grouped and decided to cast our net wider to reflect the potential for service delivery across the whole County. Promotion in other areas and direct to counselling training organisations resulted in an excellent response second time around and after application sifting, candidate interviews were held in February and March and 8 new volunteers were successful to go through to WHAC’s Volunteer Counsellor NCFE accredited training starting in April 2015. Other volunteer training: Volunteer Induction February 2015 Delivered by Amanda Sayers and Lucy Greensmith to newly recruited volunteers, including 3 Trustees of the Board and 2 volunteer psychotherapists. Attended by 5 volunteers. Comments about what was done well included: “Everything was exceptionally well done. Thank you.” “Extremely thorough, well balanced, good mixture of practical and theory, relaxed, friendly approach” Child sexual exploitation workshop January 2015 Delivered by Maggie Martin and Lynn Scott of Children’s Services (Lynn is also a volunteer counsellor with WHAC which demonstrates using the skills of our volunteers to share knowledge) Attended by 8 volunteers “Hard-hitting; straight to the point, brilliant” “The pace was perfect. The environment for learning was safe and holding. Very well controlled by trainers.” Domestic Abuse one-day training 13 September 2014 Delivered by WHAC’s Amanda Sayers and Linda-Jaine Clair Attended by 8 volunteers and 1 professional from Teenage Health Improvement Services “Really good balance of input and discussion. Sharing of everyone’s experiences” “I thought the training was fantastic, very thorough and informative, thanks for letting me participate”
Volunteer Training
Domestic Abuse training September 2014
Induction training 6 September 2014 Delivered by WHAC’s Amanda Sayers and Linda-Jaine Clair Attended by 6 people including 4 counselling volunteers, 1 Trustee, 1 staff member and 1 support volunteer. As part of the training an exercise was generated to enable participants to develop a Code of Conduct for Staff & Volunteers for WHAC, which was circulated after the event and will be used in future induction. “Very thorough and clear explanations. Lots of useful information to take away and read” “A nice, laid back approach to the day. Allowed time to talk and explore and reflect on discussions – sharing of experiences.
Induction training 6 September 2014
Volunteer Training Managing a suicidal client 22 November 2014 Delivered by Amanda Sayers and Lucy Greensmith Attended by 9 volunteers Comments: “Pace and the training was great as was the variation of tasks. Great to hear everyone's experience” “Because of the tasks and model used, feel very confident with putting this into my treatment plans”
Managing a suicidal client November 2014
Training delivered to other organisations: Young people and self harm & Young people and bereavement July 2014 WHAC was approached by Northumberland Youth Service to deliver two bespoke workshops on Young people and self-harm and Young people and bereavement. The course was written and delivered by Amanda Sayers (Education and Training Officer) and Linda-Jaine Clair (Counselling Co-ordinator) Delegates included representatives from the Buffalo Centre, Teenage Health Improvement Service, Children North East and Northumberland Youth Service. 9 attended self harm training. When asked what was done well, participants’ comments included: “The whole session, from information given to the role plays” “Feeling more equipped to deal with disclosures of self harm and other issues” 13 attended the Bereavement training. When asked what was done well, participants’ commented: “Made me think about how young people might feel about loss and practical things I can do to support them” “All of the session, was relaxed and interesting. However I did enjoy the ‘Elephant in the room’ and will be using this again”
Awareness Raising Campaigns As part of our health promotion strategy, WHAC has regular displays on health issues to raise awareness and provide information, advice and resources for staff, volunteers and centre users. A number of health issues have been covered including: •
Anxiety and panic attacks- June 2014 This was a display we decided to do as it had been suggested through a previous evaluation. The display gave information on anxiety and panic attacks and how to cope living with this including self help guides available to take away. “Very helpful as there is little information on this subject elsewhere”
World Mental Health day- October 2014 (Open day) A fun packed day with the emphasis on looking after your mental health. Those who attended (41) had the opportunity to obtain information on mental health care and to speak to a counsellor. The Health Trainer was also on hand to take blood pressure and give advice on healthy lifestyle. “Great Opportunity, especially the history”
Dry January- January 2015 This was a health campaign that encourages people to go alcohol free for the duration of January, including information on the effects alcohol has on the body as well as unit measures available to take away. “Very informative, good for those who drink”
No Smoking Day- March 2015 This was information and advice on quitting smoking, including a variety of leaflets to help you when quitting and resources hired from Epsom drive resource centre showing the effects smoking has on the body and what chemicals are in cigarettes. ”Great display, very informative and eye catching”
Counselling WHAC offers a free one to one confidential counselling service, which is delivered by qualified/trainee volunteer counsellors & psychotherapists across Northumberland, at our centre in Ashington and various outreach venues. We have organisational membership to the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy and are bound by its code of ethics. A total of 1160 sessions were carried out this year. The graph below shows how clients attending counselling during 2014 showed improvement in their Mental Health and Well being. A score of around 51 shows good mental health and well being. Counselling Evaluation
Issues We continue to receive a steady stream of crisis clients which has led us to ensure at least one crisis assessment appointment is available each week and that these clients are prioritised and seen as soon as possible. We continue to work closely with partner organisations to support these clients.
The 2015 counselling evaluation was created using data gathered during 2014. We have an ongoing system of counselling evaluation which has successfully measures client progress for a number of years now. Clients who have agreed to be contacted are also asked to complete a client satisfaction form regarding the counselling process. The positive feedback received from clients demonstrates we are continuing to provide a high standard of counselling and support to our clients. The counselling evaluation report can be found on our website and paper copies are available.
Triage We attempt to triage all clients who access the centre by telephone, text or email. This contact allows us to assess a client’s needs earlier and in particular to identify risk and if the client is in crisis which then enables us to provide a priority appointment to them. Triaging has also had a positive impact on client’s attendance at first appointment, reducing the number of clients not turning up for assessment by 20%
Clients WHAC sees women, men and young people aged 14 and over. The Centre remains a woman only space, however men are seen at a number of different venues, including a flat we rent situated near to WHAC
Counselling Issues presented at 1st appointment in 2014 by 174 new clients
ISSUES KEY 1. Physical Health Problems 2. Enduring Mental Health Problems 3. Mental Health Problems e.g. Anxiety Depression. 4. Crisis e.g. safeguarding issues 5. Bereavement/loss 6. Relationship Problems 7. Bullying 8. Caring Responsibilities 9. Rape/Sexual Assault 10. Child Sexual Abuse 11. Domestic Abuse/Stalking/Harrassment 12. Self Harm 13. Confidence/Self Esteem 14. Referral e.g. MARAC 15. Suicidal Intent 16. Financial 17. Housing 18. Life Stages/Choices 19. Criminal Offences Most clients will present with several issues and we frequently work with partner agencies to offer a holistic approach. Mental health, confidence and relationship problems continue to be the most often presented but these go hand in hand with other issues. “My counsellor was friendly and helpful, providing an environment where I could explore my life and rebuild. I would recommend the services of WHAC to anyone. – Thank you.”
Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Support In 2014/2015 74% of our counselling clients presented with a domestic abuse and/or sexual violence issue. We have seen a slight increase in high risk MARAC clients to our service which is possibly due to the closure of alternative, much needed, services. During our initial assessment of a client presenting with Domestic Abuse/Sexual Violence it is imperative to implement safety planning for the client/family which will be unique to the individual. This may include knowing how to leave safely, documentation they may need to take with them and the possibility of securing refuge accommodation temporarily. As part of this, WHAC continues to support clients via email and text who may be at risk and as yet unable to access the service in person so that safe communication remains open for them. There have been many women/men who have passed through our service for whom WHAC has provided a much needed lifeline which leads on to positive change. Partnerships WHAC actively works in collaboration with various partner organisations to ensure the holistic needs of our clients are met. We participate in multidisciplinary meetings including the MARAC and Social Services case conferences to ensure the safeguarding of clients assessed as at risk from perpetrators of domestic abuse, as well as vulnerable adults, young people and children. We also work with the Public Protection Unit at Northumberland County Council as well as the police, and our local community officer will meet with clients if necessary to look at possible options for the client. Working with Northumberland Domestic Abuse Service, Grace and Northumberland Refuge we are part of the Lighthouse Partnership which aims to deliver a seamless domestic/sexual abuse service providing access to consistent, high quality, specialist and confidential services throughout Northumberland. Training It is crucial to our work that all volunteers and staff receive specialist training around domestic abuse/sexual violence which includes Safeguarding/Child Protection and knowledge of CAADA/MARAC. Volunteers this year have also received specialist training in Domestic Abuse awareness to ensure they are up to date with current legislation and protocols. We also access training from partner agencies which this year included Child Sexual Exploitation training.
Domestic Violence Champions WHAC has 2 Domestic Violence Champions, Linda-Jaine Clair and Lucy Greensmith. Both have received training as part of an initiative to act as a point of contact for WHAC and the Domestic Champions Network. It is their job to raise
Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Support
awareness and enhance the overall level of knowledge of this issue and also ensure knowledge is current. Northumbria Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) Having received some funding from the Northumbria PCC WHAC ran its first Domestic Abuse Support Group. Evaluation of the group included completion of the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Health & Well Being Scale, Flower Power as well as specific evaluation question. This showed that within the 6 weeks the group ran, the participants demonstrated improved Mental Health and Well Being scores. The participants found the group beneficial and we look forward to running more groups in the near future. The PCC have provided further funding for the coming year which will enable us to provide targeted work for clients who have experienced domestic abuse to support them and to empower them to make positive changes in their lives. Clients who attended the Support Group said:-
“The support and counselling I have received have helped me turn a corner in my life.”
“Excellent and would recommend to anyone”
“The domestic abuse support group was excellent and I would recommend it to anyone” “Very helpful, lovely, made me want to talk and open up.”
Courses and Workshops This year WHAC has continued to offer a range of courses in different ways to try and appeal to everyone. The tutors have delivered long courses, short courses, demonstrations and workshops, some of which have had more successful take up than others. Our longstanding tutor, Pru Heathcote has decided to scale down her creative writing classes, due to commitments, and started to hand over the reins to a former WHAC creative writing group member, and talented writer, Jill Scarr, who successfully co-delivered the final writing course of the year. WHAC will be sorry to lose Pru, as she is a wonderful tutor, but she has kindly agreed to continue giving her time as a volunteer to deliver the Relaxation drop-in, which is still going strong. You never know, Pru may also drop-in herself as a visiting guest writer! As always, WHAC’s courses in venues around the County are open to both women and men, although the centre itself remains a women only environment. This year we have had men attending the Creative Writing, Dru Yoga, Cook & Taste and Emergency First Aid. Everything educational that WHAC offers aims to improve mental and physical health, and wellbeing in line with our mission statement and ethos. In addition to this we feel it is important to reach people who may be socially isolated and make a difference to their quality of life. Research by Warwick University has shown that to connect, be active and keep learning are three of the 5 steps to mental wellbeing as promoted by the NHS and Mental Health Foundation. Courses offered up to March 2015: • • • • • •
• • • • • • •
Dru Yoga Tai Chi Creative Writing courses Cook & Taste sessions Writing for magazines Descriptive Writing “Telling Stories” • Beauty confidence
Body confidence Fun with words Relaxation drop-in Emergency First Aid Poetry Writing Drama Autobiography and Memoir “Writing our lives”
Total enrolment onto courses from April 2014 to March 2015 numbered 177 with some of the short workshops having to be cancelled due to lack of
Courses and Workshops participant numbers. However, on a more positive note, enrolment for Tai Chi and Dru Yoga has increased and the next year will see additional sessions added due to demand. New venues used included the recently refurbished Susan Kennedy Centre in Ashington, Ashington High School, the YMCA, Storey Park Community Centre in Morpeth, Alnwick Library and Hirst Flower Park. We have also sourced new venues further afield, such as The Spetchell’s Centre in Prudhoe, run by the Community Partnership, to try and engage with people in different areas of the County. This contact came about through the support of the library services, which has also offered venues free of charge, as part of partnership working and community engagement. This year connections have been made with project workers in isolated areas, for example the Community Development Worker for Army Welfare at Albermarle Barracks near Hexham. The barracks will have an influx of service personnel from all around the world in Autumn 2015 and WHAC hopes to be able to offer its services to the families to reduce social isolation and encourage community cohesion. Watch this space! Tai Chi evaluation results (October 2014)
Courses and Workshops
“ Really enjoyed taking part and
“Really good relaxed class with a calming down effect which takes you to another place and awareness”
felt welcomed by the tutor and the other participants. Thank you so much” (Creative Writing)
(Tai Chi)
“Tutor was excellent, it's been a pleasure being on this course” (Dru Yoga)
Tai Chi
Cook & taste demonstration (May2014)
Education Focus Group “I felt I really made a contribution to WHAC” (Focus Group) Dru Yoga Evaluation Results (May 2014)
Collaborative Working WHAC provides representation on a number of steering groups and local initiatives they include: • • • • • • • •
Northumberland Locality Vocational Forum Vision Group Northumberland Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Thematic Group Lighthouse Partnership Safeguarding/Child Protection Designated Persons Network Northumberland Homelessness Forum Northumberland Mental Health Promotion Steering Group North East Women’s Network
Representation at these forums and meetings allows WHAC to maintain networks, provide suggestions and advice on improving services and act as advocates for clients, based on experience of delivering services.
Other Partnerships We continue to work successfully with a number of partners providing clients with an even wider range of services. We also work successfully with housing providers. The services link to a variety of outside partners, some are listed below: •
Northumberland CCG
Job Centre Plus
Northern Guild of Psychotherapists
Northumberland Public Protection Unit
Lighthouse Partnership
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (Health Trainers)
Freelance Tutors
Wansbeck Food Bank
Client Participation Input into the planning and development of WHAC services by the people that use them is vital. It helps us to ensure that we don’t get complacent and they also bring great ideas and energy which help influence the direction the organisations future Education planning group WHAC clients were invited to help plan the education programme by participating in the Education Focus Group, where we look at the budget for courses and how best we can deliver the education programme to meet their needs. Listening to feedback from course participants and workshop attendees is an important part of influencing how WHAC delivers its educational aims and objectives. Anyone who wishes to take part should contact Amanda or Lisa at WHAC. We also welcome contact from tutors who may wish to deliver specialised courses and workshops as part of the education programme
“It has been really interesting to be part of the focus group. I feel my input is valued.”
Education Focus Group meeting Evaluation of courses & counselling Participants on the education programme’s courses and workshops are asked to evaluate their experience through the use of feedback forms, which focus on aspects such as physical health, mental wellbeing, quality of life and social interaction. There is a scale rating for each of these, so that courses delivered over a number of sessions compare a before and after ‘snapshot’ for each participant. This information is fed into WHAC’s Social Impact Tracker to measure how participating in the course has impacted on the client’s health and wellbeing. Any feedback comments are also taken note of and considered when planning the education programme. This has resulted in trying new approaches, such as offering individual writing workshops, having additional sessions, changing course venues, and offering payment options
Client Participation A counselling evaluation is carried out every year; all the information in it is produced from feedback received from clients. A copy of the evaluation is available on our website. Open Day A number of clients were involved in the planning of this successful day. They also helped out serving teas and coffees to our visitors on the day and also helped out on the stalls. Mince Pie & Cuppa Day This came about following the success of the Open Day when a client suggested we ‘do it again at Christmas.’ Again clients were involved in the planning of the day, baked mince pies to sell and helped out on the day. Gardening We are very grateful to have the support of a client who keeps our garden tidy. She calls in regularly to keep the weeds at bay. Thank you Gemma it is much appreciated. Fundraising
We encourage clients to help in fundraising activities we are planning. At the moment we are trying to make a ‘Mile of Coins ’using the stairs at WHAC as a measure.. Progress to date is 32 yards raising £56.99 so if you have any spare change please drop it off at the Centre. Thank you. A number of clients have also participated in sponsored events to raise funds for WHAC, for which we are very grateful
Acknowledgements Thank you to the following for Financial Contributions during 2014-15 Big Lottery Fund Reaching Communities Fund
NHS Northumberland Clinical Commissioning Group Ashington Town Council The Hadrian Trust Fund Northumberland County Council Public Protection Unit
Community Foundation serving Tyne & Wear and Northumberland Survive to Thrive Fund Women’s Fund Henry Smith Fund
Individual Donations
We also thank all other partners and organisations we have worked with during the year for their support
Financial Report 2014-15 has been a successful year thanks mainly to the Big Lottery grant but also the Community Foundation from whom we received a number of small grants to help with our development. Our contract with NHS Northumberland CCG was rolled over into 2015 but only for 6 months to 30th Sept 2015 when it will come to an end. Individual donations and sponsorships continued during the year and we thank everyone who has supported us by raising £3,412. We hope we receive continued support during the coming year. Our Gross Income for 2014/15 was £180,950, £35,000 more than last year. Our costs increased to £160,604 compared to £150,973 in 2013-14 due to increase in staffing levels and general rise in prices. At the Year End £102,781 (£82,435 in 2014) was carried forward, of this £20,808 is already committed to existing and future services and a further £37,000 is ring-fenced as contingency reserves. We continue to explore every opportunity to secure funding for the organisation for development and self-sustainability. We are extremely fortunate to have a team of dedicated volunteers who give their time freely. Without this support WHAC would need to raise considerably more funds to deliver its services.
Counselling Sessions Volunteer Hours
No of Hours Based on Cost for Year full cost recovery 1160 £50 per hour £58,000 1600
£20 per hour
Finally, on behalf of WHAC Ltd Board of Trustees, we would like to thank all those who have provided their time, financial assistance and donations to the Project.
Sarah Abernethy Treasurer
Judith Pleasance Finance Officer
Donation made by cheque/cash I would like to help WHAC to continue their support for women in Northumberland. Please accept my donation of: £250
Other Amount £......................
(in words) .......................................................................
Please make cheques payable to WHAC
If you are a UK tax payer, we can claim tax relief on all your gifts large or small. This means that if you are currently a basic rate tax payer WHAC can reclaim 25p for every pound you give. To make your donation - and our work - go further, please complete the Gift Aid declaration below. I am a UK Tax Payer and pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that can be reclaimed on my donation. I do not pay tax and this statement does not apply to me. Please notify WHAC if you want to cancel this declaration, have changed your name or home address, no longer pay sufficient t ax on your income and/or capital gains. This transitional relief for WHAC does not affect your personal tax position. If you pay income tax at the higher rate, you m ust include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return to receive the additional tax relief due.
Title ..................
Initials(s) .....................
Surname .................................................
Home Address
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................
Post Code
Please return this form, together with your payment to WHAC, 1 Council Road, Ashington, NE63 6RZ Thank You.
Company Number 5987640 Registered Charity Number 1119121
Donation made by standing order I would like to help WHAC to continue their support for women in Northumberland. Please pay HSBC 40-08-40 for the account of WHAC Account No: 01444336 Sort Code the sum of
Amount in words ............................................................ Monthly/Annually
To the Manager of your bank: Bank: Bank branch address:
Name of Account: Account No: Date of first Payment
If you are a UK tax payer, we can claim tax relief on all your gift s large or small. This means that if you are currently a basic rate tax payer WHAC can reclaim 25p for every pound you give. To make your donation - and our work - go further, please complet e the Gift Aid declaration below. I am a UK Tax Payer and pay an am ount of income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that can be reclaimed on my donation. I do not pay tax and this statement does not apply to me. Please notify WHAC if you want to cancel this declaration, have chang ed your name or home address, no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains. This transitional relief for WHAC does not affect your personal tax position. If you pay income tax at the higher rate, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return to receive the additional tax relief due.
Title ..................
Initials(s) .....................
Surname .................................................
Home Address
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................
Post Code .................................
Please give this form to your bank and send a copy to WHAC 1 Council Road Ashington NE63 8RZ
Thank You. Company Number 5987640 Registered Charity Number 1119121
1 Council Road Ashington Northumberland NE63 8RZ Tel: 01670 853977 Fax: 01670 858984 www.whac-online.co.uk E-mail: admin@whac.uk.com Twitter: @whac1984 Opening Hours Monday-Thursday 9.00am-5.00pm Friday 9.00am-4.30pm Evenings and weekends by appointment only
Company No: 5987640
Charity No: 1119121