5 minute read
Everyday Athena
CAROL SANCHEZ, Professor of Management and Director of Seidman International Business Programs Grand Valley State University
This is the third chapter in a series spotlighting members of our community who epitomize the Athena standards and live by its principles. Readers will come to know these women, the companies they are representing and the forward thinking employers who have a commitment to elevating women and fairly compensating those women for their contributions in their workforce.
Dr. Carol Sanchez is a champion for the power of relationships, both in our professional and personal lives.
“Relationships are so very very important, and I like to think that I take care of my relationships, and treasure them and nurture them and build on them,” she said.
Sanchez is the Professor and Director of International Business Programs at Grand Valley State University Siedman College of Business, a program of which she was instrumental in establishing in the late 1990s. Her expertise in relationships is both formal and empirical: she holds a doctorate in strategic management/organizational theory from Southern Illinois University; and spent the formative years of her career working in South American as the Director of Overseas Programs for Catholic Relief Services. While Sanchez says it was challenging at fi rst to work in a language foreign to her own, persistence, and undoubtedly an innate and gracious curiosity helped her fi nd success.
“I studied Spanish in high school, and a little in college, but it was a good 2 two years before I was really confi dent,” she said. “Language became a big eye-opener for me, the diff erent ways that people understand the world and the way they use language to communicate became really interesting to me. Language turned me on to a whole diff erent way of looking at the world by listening to the way other people use it.”

She also learned how relationships diff er across cultures, in particular how the United States is somewhat of an outlier.
“In the United States, we get to know people by asking, ‘What do you do?’” she said. “Whereas in other cultures, there is more of an emphasis on the personal. Even if you know people from a work point of view, it is important to talk about those things that we all care about: your mom, your kids, your signifi cant other, where you work out, what you like to eat, etc. It can surprise people, but sometimes the best way to make a connection is asking about those things, and saying, ‘I care about those things, too.’ Th at can be really important to those relationships through and being able to call on people and ask them to help you or them asking you to help ... that all circles back.”
Upon returning to the United States, Sanchez sought to transition what she learned about international organizations while working internationally into studying and teaching it.
“At Grand Valley, I started putting together this program which would teach students the fundamentals of how to conduct business oversees from a technical level but also how to conduct themselves in a business environment by learning about crosscultural diff erences and how to manage themselves.”
Th rough the study abroad business program, Sanchez is able to facilitate for business students those same invaluable, lifechanging experiences she had while working abroad.
“All business students, and anyone who does business at all, would benefi t from some international experience,” she said. “Th e world is global and business is global and markets are global, but it’s more that students can understand that there are diff erences between us, but on the other hand there are a lot of similarities.
Sanchez says that taking the time to build relationships and facilitate understanding is key to leveraging business to solve both small and large problems.
“We all want the best for our families. We all want to make our lives better, and the more people that understand that those things are important to everybody around the world, the better. We all have the same problems, in diff erent degrees. And as business people, we are solving problems every day. Only by understanding that are we able to solve big, big problems.”

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