38 minute read

Janet Blackall: Helping Other Veterans Transition from Warriors to Elite Leaders

It’s a real struggle for transitioning veterans, along with the veteran suicide rate climbing. It was clear if we could do something to help other veterans, that would be a win.” — JANET BLACKALL




Chief Motivational O cer (CMO) is how Janet Blackall, owner and president of Blackall Racing, describes herself.  e titles Team Manager, Military Veteran, Wife, and Mom also apply to the Sand Lake resident who came to West Michigan around 2008 when it was the only place that she could  nd work after her time in the Marine Corps. Blackall’s transition back into the civilian world was one that was tough for both her and her husband, Tony, a rider for Blackall Racing and full-time applications engineer.

“ e lack of brotherhood and sisterhood, comradery and having real faith and trust in your peers was just something not easy to  nd on the civilian side,” Blackall said. “It’s a real struggle for transitioning veterans, along with the veteran suicide rate climbing. It was clear if we could do something to help other veterans, that would be a win.”

In July 2019, in an e ort to make a di erence by helping other veterans, the Blackalls combined their passions to form a professional motorcycling team, Blackall Racing. Today, they have already competed in three professional races. Blackall explained that riding motorcycles was an outlet for her husband that got him out of a dark place. As a result, she wants to connect with sponsors and other organizations that are run by or support veterans who will help make Blackall Racing a long-term, open facility and resource for veterans.

Blackall has been successful “running the show,” usually taking on the most challenging roles. Her ability to excel has been bene cial for her being a  rst-time business owner in a male-dominated world, one where she has learned how to keep pushing forward when being told “no” and being vocal and not afraid to share her thoughts and ideas.

After attending the V-WISE conference for veteran women six years ago, which was aimed at igniting the spirit of entrepreneurship, Blackall was on her way to opening her own manufacturing facility when her last civilian job recruited her. After being faulted for being too honest with her team, a trait that had preiously given her a signi cant amount of success in team building, an idea came to Blackall: Take military veterans with leadership expertise and help them to transition into the civilian world through all of their struggles while teaching them the needed soft skills to succeed.

Having surpassed her 2019 goal of competing in one race, Blackall is now focusing on her 2020 goals for Blackall Racing: competing in the full professional MotoAmerica circuit, which promotes the AMA Superbike Series, and gaining national attention. Another 2020 goal while securing sponsorship and growing the brand of Blackall Racing is gaining more support from spectators at the MotoAmerica races for #patrioticpackages, a project that entails packing 200 small care packages with handwritten notes to send o to deployed military personnel at the end of the season.

When Blackall isn’t putting in time running Blackall Racing, she is working part-time from home in an administrative/customer service role for a previous employer based in Denver, Colorado. Additionally, she is the mother to two girls and a boy, all under the age of 10.

“I missed out on the  rst three years of my oldest child’s life by working too long and hard,” Blackall confessed, but she has learned how to focus on being present in the



moment. “Whenever I start crossing over into putting too much time into work, it’s easy to re ect back to that experience and know I can never change that, but I can change the now and tomorrow.”

Please visit blackallracing.com to learn more about the organization and  nd ways that you can o er your support.

Shanika P. Carter, Principal Consultant of The Write Flow & Vibe, LLC, is an adjunct instructor and author of To Lead or Not to Lead. Learn more atwritefl owandvibe.com.






“There is no reason to be bashful or suffer in silence. We help patients with concerns of the bladder and bowel and pelvic pain for better function and comfort in daily living!”

EILEEN KISHMAN is a Physical Therapist at Advent Physical Therapy – providing quality care since 1996. Advent is one of the of the largest and most comprehensive rehabilitation providers in West Michigan, with 14 convenient locations 7 of which offer pelvic services.

Eileen studied physical therapy at the University of Michigan – Flint with over 34 years of experience. She is a prenatal exercise instructor in her free time and enjoys running, watching her daughter swim, and coaching.

Eileen believes the key to health is empowering women through education and collaboration. Female health is her passion, and she has learned that there are some stigmas that exist:

Did you know: • 1 out of 3 lose control over their bladder. • 1 out of 5 have pain during intercourse. • 1 out of 5 have pelvic pain that could be related to spine, abdomen, and pelvic floor issues. • Pregnancy and postpartum pain and weakness are common but can be treated.


What can a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist help with? • Pregnancy and Postpartum Conditions – Pain and weakness can be addressed during pregnancy and immediately following birth. • Constipation – Pelvic and abdominal muscles can be strengthened or relaxed to assist with constipation. • Endometriosis – Bones, ligaments, muscles, and nerves in the pelvic region can all be affected by the progression of endometriosis. We can help lessen pain and bloating while strengthening pelvic floor muscles. • Urinary Urgency or Leakage - Therapists can help coordinate strengthening and relaxation of your pelvic floor along with behavioral changes to assist with urge and leakage symptoms. • Pain after Abdominal Surgery – We can reduce pain after surgeries. Treatment can help break up scar tissue, regain range of motion, and improve strength. • Relieving or eliminating painful intercourse and infertility concerns.

What is Pelvic Rehabilitation? Pelvic rehabilitation involves lengthening and strengthening the pelvic floor, hip, and abdominal muscles that are causing pain or leakage affecting your daily life. We will provide an evaluation to determine what specific type of treatment you will need.

We use a combination of exercise, manual therapy and relaxation techniques. We may also incorporate technological treatments such as biofeedback and electric stimulation. You might have a home program with a list of therapeutic exercises to follow to aid in the speed of your recovery. We also support proactive and preventative treatments in preparation for childbirth- making delivery and recovery easier.

What Techniques are Used? There are several non-invasive techniques a pelvic health physical therapist may use during a session, things like:

Postural Exercises – To improve posture and muscles affecting posture using large therapy balls or medicine balls in an exercise routine.

Stretching/Strengthening – Exercises targeting the pelvic floor muscles and the connecting fascia as well as stretches, massages, and bouts of light exercise as a part of the treatment plan.

Diaphragmatic Breathing – Deep breathing exercises can help relax muscles in the pelvic area. Deep breaths allow your diaphragm to slowly contract and expand. This, in turn, causes muscles in the pelvic floor to drop and lengthen.

Relaxation Techniques –Guided imagery and biofeedback can help you relax, making it easier for your physical therapist to provide manual therapy and stretch your muscles.

Getting Treatment Our team can help you find relief from pelvic conditions and assist you with treatments to reduce pain, lessen symptoms, and heal – achieving the results you deserve.

Your pelvic floor muscles, tendons, and ligaments are extremely important in supporting the core of your body. Contact us today for more information on how pelvic floor rehab can work for you.



“A majority of people do not have enough room for all of their wisdom teeth to erupt fully and be maintained in a state of health.”

DR. VAN HEUKELOM practices general oral and maxillofacial surgery, with interests in dentoalveolar/ dental implant surgery, full mouth rehabilitation, anesthesia, and hospital-based procedures. She is a graduate of the University of Iowa College of Dentistry, followed by residencies at the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics and Boston University Medical Center.

She is passionate about patient safety and provider wellness. Dr. Van Heukelom publishes articles and has worked as a reviewer for prominent specialty journals, worked on the committee to update national professional practice guidelines for oral surgeons, and lectures to diverse audiences including oral surgeons, dentist anesthesiologists, local dental societies, and resident physicians. In 2020, Dr. Van Heukelom started a West Michigan Chapter of the American Association of Women Dentists.

Dr. Van Heukelom began her professional career in private practice in New Hampshire before relocating with her husband to Grand Rapids in 2015 to be close to family. They are avid cyclists and are busy at home with pre-school age twins.


What are wisdom teeth, and where are they? Most people have 4 wisdom teeth at the back of the mouth. One on each side, top and bottom.

Do everyone’s wisdom teeth need to be removed? Many people wonder about this or wonder if their kids need to undergo a procedure even when there is no pain or symptoms. It is true that some people have room for their wisdom teeth. They do not need to be removed if they grow in completely, chew well, don’t have signs of decay or gum disease, and don’t cause pain. Like other teeth in the mouth, good daily care at home, annual check-ups, and periodic xrays are recommended to keep erupted wisdom teeth healthy.

How common is it that there isn’t enough space for wisdom teeth? A majority of people do not have enough room for all of their wisdom teeth to erupt fully and be maintained in a state of health. Even when wisdom teeth erupt all the way into the mouth, they’re often so far back that it’s hard to clean well, making wisdom teeth more vulnerable to gum disease or tooth decay. For some people, wisdom teeth remain impacted, meaning the teeth can’t break through the gums all the way due to lack of space or poor alignment. Like other medical conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, problems with wisdom teeth can exist for a long time without causing pain. In other words, pain free doesn’t mean problem free.

When is the right time to get wisdom teeth checked? If the wisdom teeth are erupted, your dentist can evaluate them at regular cleaning and exam appointments. For younger patients, the professional association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) has conducted studies of wisdom teeth, and strongly recommends that third molars be evaluated by an oral surgeon by the time a patient is a young adult. The goal is to assess the wisdom teeth, potential for issues, and recommend management options specific to the patient. It is important to have this evaluation as the teeth are developing, because if surgery is recommended, the risk of complications and speed of recovery is typically more favorable before the tooth roots are fully developed. Reasons wisdom teeth may need to be removed include:

• Infections and/or periodontal (gum) disease • Cavities that cannot be restored • Pathologies such as cysts, and tumors • Damage to neighboring teeth

If wisdom teeth need to be removed, how can a patient get into your office? Many patients receive a referral from their regular dentist, though some call us directly to set up the first visit. We invite patients to our office to review the medical history, xrays, and evaluate the mouth. Then we discuss the patient’s unique situation and treatment recommendation — there’s no one-size-fitsall. For some people needing one tooth removed, we’re able to use local numbing and they can drive to/from the appointment themselves. In other situations, we talk about additional options to keep our patients comfortable, including medication for anxiety, nitrous oxide “laughing gas,” or sedation anesthesia.



“The healthier we are, the greater our capacity for positive influence on our communities. I desperately want all of you to fulfill God’s purpose admirably and well. So, take advantage of today’s opportunities and implement beneficial lifestyle changes that will bless your bodies.”

JEFFERY WOO, M.D. is the Medical Director at Christian Healthcare Centers and is one of the three founders of the organization. He received his medical degree from University of Kansas School of Medicine and took his Residency at Spectrum Health - GRMERC, Internal Medicine. Jeff has been a wellrespected doctor for over 15 years and has developed a reputation of medical excellence in West Michigan and beyond. As one of his patients quoted:

Dr Woo is “ a compassionate, good listener, who is aggressive and tenacious in figuring out root causes and offering options which are well explained. He treats the whole person, not just your symptoms.”

Jeff’s idea of wellness and health includes body, soul, spirit, and mind. He is committed to integrating wellness services, best practices and standards of care from scientific research, clinical practice, professional experience, biblical teaching, and other sources of knowledge to glorify God and promote a healthy and flourishing community.

Jeff and his amazing wife, Cathy, love partnering in life, raising their 5 beautiful children, being active in their local church, enjoying music, watching hockey, and being life-long learners.


What is quality care? The modern healthcare industry has placed tremendous burdens on physicians and mid-level providers. Politics, special interests, and financial pressures manipulate and influence clinicians’ medical decision-making, values, and ethics. This is not quality care. “Patient Care” focuses on the patient’s needs and concerns in the context of medicine.“Disease Management” focuses on the protocols and algorithms of diagnosis and management of disease. “Quality Care” should be the synergy of both. We all want optimal health, but the manner in which care is delivered is as important as the outcomes. Personal mission determines how much “care” a clinician invests in the patient during disease management.

What defines Christian Healthcare Centers? We are defined by what we affirm: commitment to life, biblical values, community, and stewardship. Our commitment to God dictates that the quality of our stewardship (i.e. disease management) be worthy of His praise. Our purpose as Christians dictates that the manner in which we provide our stewardship (i.e. patient care) be provided with loving compassion. CHC is committed to high-quality, Christian care. We are committed to practicing medicine as God intended: with compassion, integrity, and intelligence. As traditional as our mission seems, modern medicine would benefit from our Christian world-view. We intend to redefine the healthcare experience in our nation through providing exceptional, whole-person, patient-focused care.

What is the ideal healthcare? In an ideal world, everybody would have convenient, timely access and time devoted to his or her care and questions when they visit their doctors. But, this has not been the experience of most individuals in our current healthcare system. In fact, according to a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, patients want timely appointments, time with the doctor, eye contact, a doctor who listens to them and access when care is needed.

People Want Patient-Focused Care. At CHC, our medical model addresses each of these issues and effectively resolves them. Sick appointments are scheduled same-day or next-day … less waiting, appointments are scheduled in 30/60/90-min segments … more time, our physicians talk with patients when they call and they know their story and interact about more than surface medical concerns. In short, our physicians place a priority on knowing each patient and raising the standard of healthcare delivery.

What drives your passion? Stewardship is a major priority for me. God has gifted us with our remarkable bodies. He has commissioned us to care for ourselves, others, and His creation. But, the leading causes of death in the United States—heart disease, cancer, accidents, chronic lung disease, and stroke—all result in large part from poor self-stewardship.

The team at CHC encourages you to intentionally adopt a proactive role in caring for your overall health through education, evaluation and execution. The healthier we are, the greater our capacity for positive influence on our communities. I desperately want all of you to fulfill God’s purpose admirably and well. So, take advantage of today’s opportunities and implement beneficial lifestyle changes that will bless your bodies.




Clients of Gold Coast Doulas have come to expect an exceptional standard of discretion, incomparable care, and ongoing professional support for their growing families.

Meet the Doulas

KRISTIN REVERE, MM, CD Experience: 7 years as a birth doula, 5 years as a postpartum and infant care doula.

“I enjoy supporting clients from conception through the first year. It is amazing to watch them become confident in their choices during pregnancy, birth, and as parents.”

Certifications: • Certified Sacred Doula (Birth Doula) • Certified Elite Labor Doula, ProDoula • Certified Elite Postpartum & Infant Care Doula, ProDoula • Graduate Newborn Care Solutions

ALYSSA VENEKLASE, CD Experience: 5 years as a postpartum and infant care doula, 2 years as a sleep consultant.

“Sleep is my passion. When a family is getting the rest they need they are more productive at work, they are better able to bond with their children, and their physical and mental health improves.”

Certifications: • Certified Elite Postpartum & Infant Care Doula, ProDoula • Certified Sleep Consultant, Baby Sleep Consultants • Graduate Newborn Care Solutions • Graduate Advanced Multiples Training


What is postpartum? Postpartum or postnatal begins immediately after the birth of a child or children. It is a period of time often referred to as the first six weeks of recovery after the birth.

So you don’t have to have postpartum depression to hire a postpartum doula? No, many of our clients hire us to heal after a birth and get much-needed sleep. With that said, some of our clients do suffer from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. At Gold Coast, we know the importance of care for our clients who are struggling with mood disorders and offer them judgment-free support.

What does a postpartum doula do in the home? We help instill confidence in parents and create strong household systems. Every shift and every client is different. Sometimes we help with sibling care and meal preparation. Other times our focus is on caring for the newborn and allowing our clients some much-needed rest (or a shower). We offer emotional support to the family as well. Offering judgement-free support to a family means providing evidence-based resources and encouraging parents to make the best choices for their family.

Is an overnight postpartum doula like a night nanny? No. We have specialized training in feedings, healthy sleep patterns, and in identifying mood disorders. Our primary client is the birthing person and then the baby or babies. Nannies don’t usually have specialized trainings and often follow the instructions given by a family. We try to assess what help is needed before we are even asked.

When is the best time to hire a doula? It is best to hire your birth or postpartum doula early in pregnancy. We suggest this so you have more time to develop a trusting relationship and have access to expert referrals and evidenced-based information from your doula or team of doulas. We have a big team, but many of our doulas get booked out far in advance so it’s best to plan ahead. We will always try to accommodate families who need help today with postpartum support or are nearing their due date and are looking for a birth doula.

Does insurance cover a doula? Insurance does not cover birth or postpartum doula support. Many HSA and FSA accounts do reimburse for our services. We also offer custom baby shower inserts, and all of our Gold Coast services and classes are available at www.ecobunsstore.com both online and at the in-store baby registry.

How do I choose the perfect postpartum doula for my family? Some families work with one doula, others work with multiple doulas depending on the number of hours and days requested. We offer free in-person consultations to make sure you have the perfect fit. We also match team members to clients based on personality, and availability. Some of our doulas have additional knowledge in things like: babywearing, lactation, and food preparation that make them a perfect fit for some of our clients. Our biographies are listed on our website at: www.goldcoastdoulas.com/postpartum-doulas. The bios will give you a great glimpse into each team member’s approach and experience level.



No matter your issue, today’s medical advances offer many options. We are standing by to put all the tools at our disposal to work for you.”

ROSE RAMIREZ was born and raised in Michigan. She graduated from the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine in 1988. Her residency training was done in Jacksonville, Florida while her husband, Dr. John vanSchagen, served in the US Navy.

In 2004, Dr. Ramirez opened her own Practice, Jupiter Family Medicine PC. Later that year, she opened Jupiter Medical Aesthetics.

She is Board-certified in Family Medicine and practices preventive and general medical care with a focus on women’s health care and dermatology.

Her interest in cosmetic dermatology led her to take additional specialized training in use of cosmetic lasers. She also administers Botox, both for cosmetic purposes and treatment of migraine headaches.


How can I keep my skin looking good as I get older? Control the things you can. Don’t smoke, avoid excess alcohol, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. A daily skin care program is also essential. Genetics can play a big factor in how your skin ages but you can fight back with good care of your skin.

Which products should I use on my face? Use a sunscreen every day and a good moisturizer twice daily. Many companies selling skin care products will advertise their ‘secret patented formulas’, but the truth is that most over-the counter moisturizers will minimize fine lines and wrinkles if used consistently. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF of 15 or higher to all areas of the body exposed to the sun. (The American Academy of Dermatology recommends SPF 30 as a minimum).

What is the best sunscreen? The best sunscreen is one that works well with your skin type and is used consistently.

Sunscreen should be applied daily in the morning. If you will be outside getting sun exposure, you may need to reapply sunscreen every two hours for best protection. If you are swimming or sweating during a workout, a water resistant sunscreen is probably best.

Wearing clothing that has Ultraviolet Photoprotection Factor (UPF) and a wide brimmed hat while in the sun can reduce the amount of sunscreen needed.

There has been increasing concern about sunscreen getting absorbed into the human body and causing neuroendocrine problems, among others. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates sunscreens and is demanding studies to help understand this better.

Can taking collagen supplements orally help my skin look better? Until recently, I would have said that ingesting collagen orally is only giving you more protein in your diet. However, new developments in the area of collagen supplements are showing promise. One recent study showed that specific proteins derived from bovine (cow) skin, when taken orally, are broken down and absorbed into the blood stream. These peptides then accumulate in the skin and are available to form the collagen biomatrix. This is especially exciting because the benefits occur in the dermis, the deeper skin layer that many creams and lotions do not reach. We need more large scale studies to confirm this.

Are there ways to build collagen without taking oral supplements? Yes! We have decades of experience with retinoids and good science that shows these can penetrate the epidermis (outer skin layer) to rebuild collagen.

Retinoids include tretinoin, adapalene, retinaldehyde, retinol and others. Many retinoids are available by prescription only, however adapalene and retinol are readily available over-the counter. Some products claim to contain retinol but some contain only very small amounts and some are totally ineffective because of other ingredients they may contain. Use these products with advice from someone experienced in their application because retinoids can cause skin irritation and increase risk of sunburn.



“Can you imagine waiting months to see a psychiatrist when you’re really struggling because of anxiety, depression or another mental health issue? With psychiatric urgent care, we change that wait time to hours.”

MEGAN AUFFREY-ZAMBIASI, MA, MBA is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Limited Licensed Psychologist in the State of Michigan and has 20 years of behavioral health experience as a clinician and administrator. She is passionate about helping people gain access to behavioral health services, and has worked with the community to find solutions to these issues.

In addition to her work on the Urgent Care Center, she also helped develop Pine Rest’s Mother and Baby Partial Hospitalization Program, one of the first of its kind in the United States.

Megan has been married to her husband Michael for 22 years, and they have two sons currently in college. In her spare time, she enjoys singing, hiking the dunes, and attending Michigan State sporting events.


What is psychiatric urgent care? This level of service is specifically for when people have a serious behavioral health issue that they can’t wait months for a first appointment and assessment with a psychiatrist, but yet they are not in a crisis that needs hospitalization.

When should a person use psychiatric urgent care? Adults having trouble managing daily activities—like going to work, taking care of themselves, etc.—because of psychiatric symptoms of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, disturbing thoughts, substance use, etc., should come to the Psychiatric Urgent Care Center. We can help them start recovering right away. That’s the primary reason we opened the Center… to help people in our communities get better faster.

What happens when a person goes to the center? We assess the level of care they need using a team approach very similar to medical urgent care. Generally, the time for an urgent care visit—from check-in to leaving with an aftercare plan—has been just under two hours. The majority of patients we’ve seen need outpatient therapy and/or medication management. If symptoms are more severe, we can refer to a higher level of care such as an inpatient psychiatric facility, an intensive daily program or a residential detox facility.

What is it like at the Psychiatric Urgent Care Center? It’s really important for us at Pine Rest that people feel calm and cared for when the walk in our doors. Given the stigma around mental health in general, a lot of people have concerns to come in for help. We’ve been very intentional to create a calming, safe place for people to receive care.

When should a person go to the Urgent Care versus an Emergency Room? If it’s a person’s first time ever experiencing severe psychiatric symptoms, we do recommend they visit the emergency room because this flare up might be related to an acute medical issue. Also, we recommend going to the emergency room if the person has any physical injuries that need medical treatment to stabilize (like cuts, gashes, broken bones) or is impaired from substance use.

Do you need to make an appointment? No appointment necessary. Walk-ins are welcome.

Does insurance cover this new service? Most commercial insurance covers psychiatric urgent care including Medicare and Medicaid health plans. If someone has Medicaid, they should definitely call ahead since some plans require pre-authorization.

Why did Pine Rest establish urgent care? Our goal is to get help for people in our communities quickly when depression, anxiety, substance use and other things really impact their daily lives. It’s working! The majority of patients visiting the center have received an assessment and initial treatment within two hours of their arrival.



“I am very passionate about helping seniors receive the correct care that they need, at the right time and in the right place.”

TERESA is the CEO of TANDEM365, a local health and care management program that helps seniors remain independently in their homes for as long and as safely as possible.

Teresa holds a Bachelor of Administration from the University of Phoenix and a BSN from Texarkana College. She previously served on the Grand Rapids Community College Board of Directors for the nursing program.

Teresa has been featured in The Remington Report for her efforts and initiatives with integrated community partners coupled with a paramedic program. She has presented at conferences and notable speaking engagements since 2008 including the Remington Conference, National PACE Association and the National Academics of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Teresa has been featured in news interviews including WGVU, WCUZ, Wood-TV, MLive and the Grand Rapids Business Journal.


What is TANDEM365? TANDEM365 provides customized care coordination and individually tailored services that have a positive impact on the ongoing health and wellness of our program participants. In addition to achieving positive healthcare outcomes, our program shows a measurable reduction in healthcare costs as well as achieving a high-level of satisfaction and enhances the quality of life for participants.

At TANDEM365 we utilize highly skilled Nurses, Social Workers and Integrated Care Paramedics to assist those participants who require frequent hospital visits. Our participants are medically complex and often elderly. Our services help them to remain in their homes and manage their conditions more appropriately. Our model provides intense, high-touch, patient-centered methods of care delivery to assist our participants to better navigate the often fragmented, complex, and costly healthcare system.

How does it work? We help our senior participants improve the quality of life in their home, while teaching them to manage their own health and be as independent as possible. Our focus is to safely treat our participants in their home for non-threatening situations and ultimately reduce the number of emergency room visits.

What is patient centered care? One of our goals in this program is to offer seniors the level of care they desire. Our interdisciplinary team focuses heavily on each individual’s goals, preferences, and priorities through an individualized Life Plan. The Life Plan is created with the help of an RN and MSW Navigators and is then sent to a primary care physician to review. TANDEM365’s team also provides strong guidance and direction on Advanced Care Planning. This process includes evaluating healthcare wishes and goals for end of life treatment, the designation of an advocate to act on behalf of a participant and the creation or collection of documents such as a Durable Power of Attorney, Living Will or Treatment Preferences guide.

What services are available? Through customized care that is coordinated by our team of healthcare professionals, participants in TANDEM365 have access to the best services and support available with a single point of contact. All of our services are based on an initial assessment and evaluation by our health professionals.

Currently, our services include: • Care coordination • Chore services • Integrated Care Paramedic visits • Meals and transportation • Mental health resources • Monitored medication management • Registered Nurse navigators • Social Work navigators • Wellness coaching • 24/7 rapid response team

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Becoming a

Successful Writer

Monday, March 16 7:00 pm Main Library 111 Library St NE

Join us for an evening with award-winning authors from West Michigan featuring Albert Bell, Vic Foerster, D.E. Johnson, Lisa McCallister, Sheila Shotwell, and facilitator Stephen Beckwith. Discover inside information on the many paths to publishing, promoting, and distributing your book. This event is designed for writers at all levels, including anyone who has thought about writing and publishing and wants to know where to start. Co-sponsor: West Michigan Writers’ Workshop

The Great Michigan Read: Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha

Tuesday, March 24 6:00 pm Grand Valley State University 401 Fulton St W Loosemore Auditorium

Hear Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha’s riveting account of her discovery that Flint’s children were being poisoned by lead leaching into the city’s drinking water. Her book, What the Eyes Don’t See, was chosen as the 2019-2020 Great Michigan Read. It is an inspiring story of a shameful disaster that became a tale of hope.

The Great Michigan Read is presented by the Michigan Humanities Council and supported by national, statewide, and local partners, including the National Endowment for the Humanities and The Meijer Foundation. This program is a partnership with the Kutsche Office of Local History at GVSU.








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(616) 366-7712

I’m proud to be a Peak Selling ™ Realtor for Midwest Properties of Michigan.

Peak Selling™ is designed to generate multiple offers after only a few days on the market, a smoother transaction and closing. It’s proven to be a great way to do business for my sellers!

This program also works well for buyers who are trying to buy a home in this crazy market. I utilize a deep understanding of how to write winning offers using aspects of the Peak Selling ™ program and all of the other tools at my disposal.

2355 Belmont Center Dr., Suite 104 • Belmont, MI 49306

Roxanne O’Neil - REALTOR® Call or email me today. (616) 822-0234 / roneil@grar.com

Wednesday, March 4, 2020 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

DeVos Place Convention Center 303 Monroe Ave NW Grand Rapids, MI 49503

For more information and to register visit: iwdgrandrapids.com

Hosted by:

FOOD, BEVERAGES & RESTAURANTS ■ Lindo Mexico Restaurante Mexicano ■ Aperitivo ■ Bistro Bella Vita ■ Brewery Vivant ■ Byron Center Meats ■ Essence Group ■ Ferris Coffee & Nut ■ Field & Fire ■ Grand Rapids Cheesecake Company ■ Grove ■ Malamiah Juice Bar ■ Railside Golf Club ■ Reserve Wine & Food ■ Terra GR ■ The B.O.B. ■ The Cheese Lady Grand Rapids - CHZ Enterprise ■ The Green Well

HOME PRODUCTS & SERVICES ■ A-1 Locksmith ■ EPS Security ■ Gerritʼs Appliance ■ Gordon Water ■ Morris Builders ■ Nawara Brothers Home Store ■ Rockford Construction ■ Tazzia Lawn Care ■ Verhey Carpets

BUSINESS SERVICES ■ Innereactive ■ The Image Shoppe ■ Womenʼs LifeStyle Magazine

TRAVEL & LODGING ■ Breton Travel ■ Countryside Tours ■ Witte Travel

AUTOMOTIVE ■ Arie Nol Auto Center ■ Community Automotive Repair ■ Harvey Automotive, Cadillac, Lexus, Auto Outlet ■ Pfeiffer Lincoln

SHOPPING & RETAIL ■ Art of the Table ■ Bill & Paulʼs Sporthaus ■ Frames Unlimited ■ Schuler Books ■ Spirit Dreams ■ Stonesthrow ■ Supermercado Mexico ■ Switchback Gear Exchange ■ The Shade Shop ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ■ Celebration Cinema ■ Community Circle Theatre ■ Frames Unlimited ■ Glitter Booth Photo Booth ■ Grand Rapids Art Museum ■ Grand Rapids Civic Theatre ■ Grand Rapids Public Museum ■ LaFontsee Galleries ■ LowellArts ■ River City Improv ■ ShowSpan, Inc. ■ The Ruse Escape Room ■ Triumph Music Academy

FLORAL & GARDEN ■ Ball Park Floral & Gifts ■ Eastern Floral ■ Romence Gardens

COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS ■ Grand Rapids Community Media Center (GRCMC) ■ Grand Rapids Opportunities for Women (GROW) ■ Grand Rapids Public Library ■ Neighbors Development ■ Slow Food West Michigan ■ The Rapid ■ West Michigan Environmental Action Council (WMEAC)

PET PRODUCTS & SERVICES ■ Chow Hound Pet Supplies

HEALTH, BEAUTY & WELLNESS ■ AgeWise Eldercare Solutions ■ Design 1 Salon Spa ■ Grand Rapids Center for Mindfulness ■ Grand Rapids Wellness ■ Grand Ridge Orthodontics ■ Mommas Home ■ The hairport ■ The Village Doula GR

FINANCIAL & LEGAL ■ Lucy Shair Financial ■ United Bank

When you support a locally owned business, more resources stay in the community and get reinvested in the economy.

LOCAL FIRST means PEOPLE FIRST Communities thrive when the economy puts people first.

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