6 minute read
One Woman’s Opinion: Download Taylor Swift’s New Song for Free
Download T aylor S wift’s N ew S ong for FREE!
The following post appeared on my Facebook feed the other day, posted by an author who unabashedly leans left on the political spectrum…
“Do you want to read The Room
Where it Happened by John Bolton?
Here it is in its entirety. Just don’t buy it and help to line Bolton’s pockets.”
This post contained a PDF attachment of the digital version of the book in its entirety. In the spirit of enforcing copywrite laws, Facebook quickly removed the PDF attachment, leaving anyone who clicked on her post, with a message that the contents had been removed.
While I understand the frustrations of this person, who feels that Bolton has no right to profit from his book due to his refusal to share this information during the Presidential Impeachment trial, I am perplexed with a writer championing the idea of giving away the intellectual property of an artist... even a politician.
The issue of the unpaid artist is not a problem only with writers. This conundrum involves musicians, graphic designers, painters, photographers, and anyone providing a service that can easily be shared digitally. How often have we shared a photo that we retrieved from the World Wide Web, with little thought of where the source originated, and with even less regard to how this artist is losing profit from each click of the download button.
“I can’t afford to pay you, but you will receive so much publicity by donating your (Insert craft here),” is a phrase often echoed by wellmeaning people who think they are providing an opportunity. In fact, they are simply perpetuating the belief that artists should be sharing their craft for free, and that the next person is the one who should be paying for their services.
This challenge for all artists is only getting worse, with the Internet providing so many avenues for the pirating of digital copies of art. While we may justify our actions by telling ourselves that the person we are stealing from is rich and will never miss our lack of contribution for their product, the truth is, it is more challenging today for the writer/ artist/musician to profit from their craft due to the pirating of property that is done without thought or consequences.
Why do we think it is OK to download the Taylor
Swift song we lifted off of a questionable website?
Perhaps, because we can. And is Taylor Swift really going to hurt from the one swipe of a song?
The answer is: Yes. The pirating of property from writers/artists/musicians is theft. It’s time we acknowledge this, and time to step up and pay for their services. As I embark on the publication of my first novel, I hope that literary enthusiasts will not share my property just because they may think that, “It’s just one copy.”
Here’s a thought… Let’s think twice before hitting the download button on the internet when given the opportunity to receive the beauty of art for free. The writer/ artist/musician deserves our respect, and just as importantly, our payment for their services.
Heidi McCrary is a writer and a regular contributor to Women’s LifeStyle. Look for her debut novel, Chasing North Star in the fall of 2020. Follow Heidi at heidimccrary.net and fb.com/HeidiMcCraryAuthor.
Escape Your HOUSE and Head OUTSIDE! No matter the reason, everyone needs out of their house at some point. Whether it be to escape the kids or your significant other, we all need a break sometimes, and this summer, it has been hard to find ways to do that. Most of us enjoy indoor hobbies and social gatherings, but sometimes we forget about outdoor activities. This summer, here are some great ways to get back to nature either in your own company or the socially distanced companionship of others.

With the Kal-Haven trail and the multitude of trails in the Kalamazoo area, there is no shortage of hiking spots. Even if you are not a hiker, there are bikeways and sidewalks on most of the roads for pedestrian walkers. This is the easiest way to get that breath of fresh air we all need and to appreciate the little things we forget.
Did you know that walking is proven to boost your mood and your immune system? Even just walking or hiking for 15 minutes can have positive effects on your mind and body. Plus, just seeing plants and flowers is known to be a mood lifter. If you’re feeling the quarantine funk, this is a great way to take a quick, little refresher.
Kayaking is a great lake activity for everyone, and it’s quite the work-out as well. Rent a kayak, canoe, or paddleboard at Ramona Beach or travel a bit further to the Fort Custer State Park in Augusta or Gun Lake. Watch the sun hit the lake and paddle yourself around the majestic beauty of the outdoors. Although this outdoor activity is a bit more rugged, it is definitely worth the experience. Who knows – maybe you’ll fall in love with the calmness and purchase your own for further adventure!

Pump up those tires and take that old bike out for a spin. This activity is a great way to get places fast and not overheat in the meantime. If you can’t find your tire pump or your tire pressure gets too low during your ride, the majority of parks in the city offer tire pumping commodities at the main entrances – so have no fear!
Not a biker? Long-boarding is another fun activity to enjoy outdoors, and with the asphalt trails, it is easy riding. Just don’t forget to learn how to stop first, especially before riding down that big hill you see that looks so tantalizing.
Purchase a racket and head to the courts for some pickleball. Most parks have pickleball and tennis courts, and it is an approved socially distanced activity. Parks are also equipped with basketball courts (hoops are removed right now for safety), softball, and soccer fields. Pickleball is similar to ping-pong, but the court is the table, and leagues are currently underway if you’d like to search something near you. It is easy to learn and gets that adrenaline pumping.

We are surrounded by five beautiful Great Lakes and an abundance of swimmable lakes in Michigan. This makes it a prime summer activity for all those beach bunnies and those who enjoy lake activities. Ramona Park is an excellent close-by option for those looking for the “beach scene” with its large expanse of beach, and for those willing to go a little further, South Haven is only a 30-minute drive to scenic Lake Michigan. Don’t want the crowds? Head to a state park with open

beaches and thrive in your privacy.
Staying safe doesn’t mean staying inside, so go out and enjoy it!

Many groups and classes have taken their teachings outside! This opens up the door for those looking to join social circles again. If you want to join a yoga class or attend that gardening group, look up the options in your local paper or website.
Hannah Reuter graduated from Western Michigan University in 2015 with a bachelor degree in Economics and currently resides in Portage, MI. In her free time she enjoys strumming the guitar and painting. She is the author of two YA books under the pseudonym, H.B. Catherine. You can find information on her books and writing at hbcatherinewriting.com.