WOMEN ROCK is a virtual interactive online women's magazine targeted to female audiences ages 30 and up while maintaining the inclusivity of younger and older women of all ages.
We provide inspirational stories and articles that motivate and nurture the mind, body and spirit. We are dedicated to providing fun, knowledgeable and meaningful content to amazing women everywhere.
The Goal of Women Rock Magazine is to empower, inspire, uplift and support all women while encouraging them to be their very best selves.
WomenRockMagazineisveryproudto providetheverybestcontentrelatedto inspiringandempoweringwomenalloverthe world. Itismycommitmentandtheentire WomenRockMagazineteamtoalways providethelatestandmostsubstantive contentoninspiring,empowering,uplifting andsupportingallofourbeautifulladies becausewebelieveourreadersdeservethe best.Wearecommittedtoalwaysbeingthere tohelpinspireyoutoliveyourverybestlife.
Thank you to all of you beautiful ladies (past & present) for being a part of our empowering publication, and for your continued support. YOU ROCK!
AsweenterintoFall,temperatures cooldownandthedaysbecome shorter,hence,thetransitionhasbegun. Wetendtospendmoreofourtime snuggledupandenjoyingcozy momentstogetherwithfriendsand lovedones.Andifyou’relikeme,taking yourlaptoptoyourlocalfavouritecoffee shoptoworkandenjoyaheavenly deliciouswarmlatte. Ialsogetexcited becauseIt’sthattimeofyearwhenIget topulloutmybigcozywarmsweaters andstylishhighboots.
President George W. Bush declared September 11 as Patriot Day. On this day, the world remembers the people killed in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.
Original World Trade Center, North and South Towers
Source: Wikipedia
Assembled on the roof of the Battery Parking Garage south of the 9/11 Memorial, the twin beams reach up to four miles into the sky and are comprised of eighty-eight 7,000-watt xenon lightbulbs positioned into two 48-foot squares, echoing the shape and orientation of the Twin Towers Source: Wikipedia
One World Trade Center
One World Trade Center, also known as One World Trade, One WTC, and formerly called the Freedom Tower during initial planning stages, is the main building of the rebuilt World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan, New York City
Source: Wikipedia
September 21st
The international community today confronts grave challenges, including growing inequalities, proliferating conflicts, worsening climate change, and internal divisions within countries. Nevertheless, by embracing diversity, promoting social cohesion, cooperation, and equal opportunities for all, we can create a more peaceful future
September 10 th
Suicide is a serious public health problem that can have lasting harmful effects on individuals, families, and communities. There are many factors that contribute to suicide. The goal of suicide prevention is to reduce factors that increase risk and increase factors that promote resilience.
Well Summer is over, and as much as I feel a little melancholy about saying goodbye to beautiful warm temps and lazy days at the beach, I will admit that the crisp cool breezes , gorgeous Fall colours, and warm pumpkin lattes do put a smile on my face. I mean after all, who can resist a delicious hot spiced cinnamon Dolce Latte. I, myself do have a bit of an addiction to this mouth watering delight.
ookingforadestinationtoenjoythecoloursofFall?Looknofurther!Fallcolours inOntarioaresospectacularthattheyhavebeeninspiringartistsforyears.Infact, AutumnisalmostsynonymouswithCanada,itevenhasitsownwebsitededicated tofallfoliageandcolourchange.ThecrispcoolCanadianweathercombinedwith brightred,yellowandorangeleavesfallingtothegroundandthesmellofpumpkin spiceintheairmakesOntariooneofthebestplacestoenjoythefallseason.There isjustsomethingaboutputtingonyourwarmestplaidjacket,drinkingapumpkin spicedlatteandenjoyingthesitesofaCanadianFallinOntario’scottagecountry. Looking for the best places to enjoy bright red maple leaves this fall? Check out these11bestplacestoseefallcoloursinOntario!
Source: https://www.walkaboot.ca/north-america/canada/fall-colours-in-ontario/
1. Dundas Peak in Hamilton 2. Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park 3. Algonquin Park 4. Norfolk County 5. Muskoka 6. Ojibway Park Windsor 7. Agawa Canyon 8. Rattlesnake Point, Milton 9. Thousand Islands Tower 10. Tobermory Lookout 11. Ball’s Falls Conservation AreaTEmpowerEachOther:6WaystoSpread Purpose,Resilience,andJoy
he social isolation and suffering brought on by the pandemic have shone a light on just how much we need others and the benefit of strong communities
Empowering ourselves and each other can make people not only more resilient but also happier healthier and more creative Consider what it means to elderly people unable to easily leave their homes when neighbours bring them groceries — or what it means to the neighbours who then get a chance to share meaningful conversations that give them a new perspective on their lives
To empower each other, people need to reflect on how they can spread purpose, resilience, and joy each day to strengthen their communities
Empowerment is the process of becoming stronger more purposeful and capable of achieving more It elevates both individuals and communities When people achieve self-empowerment, they affect those around them; they become models of what’s possible, inspiring others to find their own paths to self-empowerment They also have a greater capacity to contribute to their communities
Build a World That Lifts Us All
Empowering those around us can help manifest humanity’s greatest potential. When we empower each other, we build a world that lifts us all
International Daughters Day is commemorated every year on thefourthSundayinthemonthofSeptember.Thisyeartheday is being observed on September 24th across the globe. On this day,parentsshowtheirloveandappreciationfortheirdaughters byperformingspecialgesturestoshowhowmuchtheycareabout them.Itisworthmentioningthatthedaywasmarkedtocombat the stigma associated with having a girl child and honouring daughters. The day is considered very important for all the girl children across the world. Daughters are known for their unconditional love for their families and friends, as well as their selflessness. People across the globe celebrate it by exchanging greetings and gifts with their daughters to make them feel special.
I am Maggie Maier, CEO (Chief Energy Officer) of MaggieMaier.com. For over two decades, I have been speaking, coaching and consulting entrepreneurs, executives and employees from around the world, on how to Boost their Energy and Mood and Motivationall naturally - without pills or booze. Better known as Canada’s natural healing and detox expert, I have empowered thousands of clients to break free from their constant battle with their bodies - conquering issues like tiredness, chronic exhaustion, moodiness, weight related stress as well as anxiety, depression and addictions.
I see countless entrepreneurs and high achievers struggle in their day to day - with keeping up with their endless tasks, going up and down emotionally, dealing with anxiety and blaming themselves for not being motivated or disciplined enough. What I have found is that that they get stuck in what I call 4 ENERGY TRAPS.
The first Energy Trap is what I call the DRAG TRAP - you have so many things to do in a day and just don’t have the physical energy to complete them - there is very little if any productivity.
The second Energy Trap is what I call the EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER TRAP - one minute you are up and feeling great and productive, the next minute you are feeling low and very unproductive.
The third Energy trap is what I call the NEGATIVE CHATTERTRAP - sometimes referred to this as ants“automatic negative thoughts”... those thoughts that keep you small, telling you all the reasons why you can’t achieve your business, personal and financial goals.
Finally, the 4th trap - the WITHDRAWAL TRAP - start getting really down about yourself and your abilities, start isolating from your family and colleagues - start losing your hope. Maybe that one cookie has turned into a box, or a couple of drinks during the week has turned into a bottle every couple of nights, you start giving up and stop believing in your dream. This can lead to a very dangerous road, substance abuse or addictions and a real loss of hope.
Can you relate to one or even all of these traps? Good news - I have been in all of them. I can assure you from my personal experience that I have gotten out of all of them permanently and so can you! I have had quite the life myself, overcoming an abusive, violent, and traumatic childhood, overcoming mental health challenges - particularly anxiety and OCD - as well as including alcohol abuse and addiction - I am now a proud member of AA and have been sober well over a decade now.
On a really sad note, I have overcome and learned how to live through the painful suicide of my only son, Adam. He was just 27 years young. Even then - I did not pick up a drink of alcohol. What I have learned is that you are so much more mentally resilient than you think. We’ve all been taught that we need to have more will power or push through. I see a famous expression that my son actually used to use, KEEP ON GRINDING! Take a completely different approach in terms of your health and well-being.
I help my clients around the world, take a look at the ROOT cause of their lack of energy and stamina by looking at them biochemically. Together, we address the often ignored and overlooked fact that dealing with toxic chemicals, mineral imbalances and limiting beliefs can result in remarkable improvements in energy levels, mood, focus, motivation and productivity. We do all of this by combining science, scientific testing with natural healing remedies. You get incredible information from a scientific hair and mineral test. Most people don’t know that a copper and zinc imbalance can actually lead to greater emotionalism, moodiness, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive behavior (OCD). Or that an imbalance in your sodium and potassium levels can lead to fatigue, thyroid issues, insomnia, hair loss, constipation, and depression.
Finally, more women in their 60’s are being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s than men in Canada. Not surprisingly, we are finding toxic levels of aluminum through our hair testing. Indeed, there are scientific correlations with aluminum and memory loss. Imagine improving your memory by simply removing toxic aluminum from your body?
I help entrepreneurs and high achievers boost their productivity and output naturally - without the need for stimulants or other short-term fixes. When it comes to natural healing remedies I have travelled extensively around the world - China, Japan, Hong Kong, Africa, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, and North America learning about the best wellness and natural practices to help you! Imagine, being more focused, achieving all of your goals with peace of mind, lots of balanced energy and time left over to spend with family and friends and most importantly, having fun again.
If you are sick of being “sick and tired”, stuck in one or more of those energy traps, then reach out and book a coffee chat with me today. Together, let’s get to the root of your symptoms so you too can supercharge your energy, mood and mindset. Are you ready? I have consulted for the Canadian government including Health Canada and the Department of National Defense (environmental illness and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) as well as for veterans, police officers, first responders, entrepreneurs, executives and employees. I have clients in Canada, the United States and in Australia. I proudly hold certifications in Nutritional Balancing Science, Hair & Mineral Testing, Body Detoxification, and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT PRO), also known as tapping. These qualifications stand in stark contrast to my Honours B.A. degree in Economics and Political Science, showcasing my diverse journey and commitment to holistic wellness.
My journey took an unexpected turn when I received a thyroid cancer diagnosis - a moment filled with fear and uncertainty. Determined to take control of my health, I opted for a hair and mineral test, revealing alarmingly high levels of toxic chemicals, including arsenic, antimony, lead, mercury, and aluminum lurking in my body. With unwavering resolve, I embarked on a rigorous protocol. I rebalanced my minerals and committed to weekly body detoxification sessions. Incredibly, just six months later, I received the news that I was cancer-free. Today, I proudly stand cancer-free for over 15 years and counting! During my time in Windsor, I was invited to share my story at Hotel Dieu Hospital. It was a turning point. Inspired by my journey, numerous nurses sought to detoxify their bodies and enhance their energy.
From that moment on, my business has thrived, offering hope and healing to countless individuals. Additionally, I’ve conducted over 50,000 ionic cleanses using an FDA-certified body detoxification machine - a number that includes not only humans but also our beloved four-legged friends, such as dogs, cats, and horses.
I even used these detoxification methods for research purposes, including helping my own dog, Maxx, recover from a severe illness caused by rat poison. This happened years ago when we lived in a different city, where someone in our neighborhood maliciously laced food with rat poison.
On the personal side, my beautiful son Adam, died by suicide, at just 27 years young as a result of the adverse effects of THC. Unfortunately, he chose only prescription medications, which only worsened his symptoms - as well as created even more suicidal ideation and hopelessness. My son refused to do very little in the alternative medical realm. It was heartbreaking for me to sit back and watch him die - slowly - each and every day - powerless to advise or intervene. Adam certainly taught me about the power of letting go. This has been one of my soul themes in this lifetime. (Not an easy one - thats for sure!) With my decades long expertise, experience, international education, and training in neuroscience, brain health, addiction and mindset shifting, I truly believe that Adam could be alive today, had he chosen a different path to healing his brain.
Unfortunately, we will never know. It has taken me 6 long and brutal years to truly heal. As a single mother with no other children, I have never known such heartache, despair and agony. For some time, I wasn’t sure that I would make it! However, I am very strong and resilient. My son’s death has infused in me a passion and dedication to continue to help others, even more now! This drive has propelled me to speak publicly at business events, organizational functions and in the media about addiction, substance abuse and suicide prevention. Since Adam’s passing, my coaching programs for entrepreneurs and high achievers has grown across North America.
A smaller portion of my business is now devoted to working with young adults to help them permanently stop their addiction to marijuana, alcohol, or cigarettes. Drawing from my own journey to recovery, I proudly stand here today as a recovered alcoholic and addict with 13 years of sobriety and counting. I want to emphasize that recovery is not just possible, it’s a reality we can achieve, and I am here to show you how! I like to think, that while Adam has passed over, we are still a formidable team working together to help others, parents and families alike! Remember, the most important thing to respect is your own body. Think of your body as a super precious gift, treat it like a shining jewel, and act like you own something truly priceless. Because you do!
elloLadies,mynameisTinaMeleandIamthe owner/operator of Dolly Diva Spa located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I am thrilled to be featured in Women Rock Magazine because our businesses share the exact same desire; to empower women. I specialize in nonevasive medical aesthetics, including cryotherapy fat freeze and ultrasound neck & face-lift. As a Physicians Assistant, I gained valuable knowledge about how to best treat skinconditionsandinjuries.
I have traveled across Eastern and Northern Ontario, visiting with patients to help treat melasma, pigmentation, sun damage, stretch marks, and scars. It gave me deep insight on the various treatments available, and what works best for different skin types. I also mastered handle placement on body contouring machines to get amazing weight lossandskintighteningresults.
Through all of this, it helped me understandhowmuchpeoplelovetheir skin and body, and how they count on metodeliver.
In 2019, I ventured out on my own and opened Dolly Diva Spa. Initially, I operated as a mobile medical aesthetics clinic. Although I was a singlemomandnervoustostartup my own business, it flourished. My clients told their friends and family about their experience, and the businessgrewrapidly.
In 2020, I started to work out of my home and brought in more machines. I visited trade shows across North America to find the latest and greatest technology.
Today, I run a fully-equipped medical spa and absolutely love seeing my clientsglow!
Pleasevisitdollydivaspa.comtoseethe services available and feel free to text meat:
Until December 31st 2023, mention this ad in Women Rock Magazine and I will deduct15%onyourfirsttreatment!
StaybeautifulLadies! Tina
TINA MELEhen we are little, most of us have dreams of how we want to live, what we want to do and who we want to be As we move through life, sometimes those dreams are set aside for the realities we live with The dream lingers in our mind, soul and consciousness, waiting for the moment to come to life
My own dream, of owning my own store, has been with me my entire life. Over the years, I’d dream about how it would look and how happy my customers (and I) would be Fast forward many years and that dream is coming true! I can’t believe it Pinch me! The universe has spoken in its wonderful way and created a fabulous, unexpected, opportunity for me I’m getting ahead of myself I’m so excited! Let me give you some background.
A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with cervical cancer and thank goodness I braved the journey and am now cancer free Anytime a big event happens, we tend to step back and look at our life and take stock in how we are living I did just that and one of the things that I decided was to select a word each year that would guide me throughout that year The word for this year is “YES”. For me, this was the perfect word as I was moving forward with my life.
I found myself saying “yes” to many things that I normally would not have That one word has changed my life in so many ways One of the biggest ways was, when I received a phone call from a friend, Myrna Beattie, who had an opportunity for me. Would I be interested in partnering with her and Arlene Cochrane to open a store in Downtown Smiths Falls? Absolutely I would! I couldn’t get the words out fast enough! How could this be happening? It seemed too good to be true After the initial shock of my dream actually coming true, I sat back and thanked the universe - and of course I had a huge smile on my face
We sat down and did some brainstorming about the kind of store we wanted, what our customer experience would be and what type of inventory we would like to showcase. It was like everything was coming together. Our vision was clear - A welcoming, fun, inspiring place where we curated pre-loved home decor and showcased female Artisan creations in the community
We had a couple of months to get the store ready, stocked, develop a logo, social media and reach out to the community to let them know we were here Basically we started from nothing The sheer will, determination and our shared dream, made the store a fabulous reality! Our doors opened to an incredible response from the community. The joy we feel when our customers come in and just love their purchases puts a big smile on our faces Each customer has a story and we hear and enjoy their amazing stories each day
The time has flown by and we just celebrated our official Grand Opening Our hearts are full and our dream has come true It can be done Never give up on your dreams Yours may actually come true before you know it!
What will your word of the year be to propel you to greater things?
Myname is Kyla Miranda I am a Realtor® in St John’s, Newfoundland Using a proactive approach, I help professionals move up in the city and surrounding communities.
I recall my own upsizing journey The first house we bought needed a lot of work We tore down walls, changed floors, painted everything, and more! We spent each weekend renovating and going to hardware stores It was looking great, but our house was too crazy to host people in We were missing out on socializing
When the house was almost done we were thinking of how nice it might be to live in a walkable area We were tired of renovations and knew that no matter what we did the house would never be perfect. Yet we had already spent so much energy and time on it. The market was down since purchasing - so there was a good chance that we would have a loss despite the renovations.
But we knew it was time for change. We had realized that lifestyle was more important to us than anything. We wanted a garage for easy snow clearing, and a kitchen island because my husband loves cooking Also, no renos and a walkable neighborhood
When we did the calculations the decision to upsize made so much more financial sense. Over the years we had also purchased houses to use as short-term rentals. I loved real estate investing so I felt excited to get a home with an apartment.
Making the move changed my life in significant ways and helped me reach my potential in other areas. This coincided with me growing my passion for business building and investing I’m now one of the top agents at my brokerage due to my proactive customer service and negotiation skills Having a living space that allowed me to enjoy my lifestyle was a huge part of that I love where I live and I want you to as well, as I know what difference the right place can make to all other aspects of your life
Real estate is a business about the potential of places, but it's also about the potential in people Listening to you and helping you realize your vision is so much fun I use all of my experience to problem-solve with you in a systematic way I realize that real estate runs on emotion more than anything. 'Home' means so many different things to different people. No detail is too small and I pay close attention when listing and buying.
Since then I've bought and sold many times and worked with many clients in your situation. I know what it is to feel overwhelmed or stuck. Sometimes it feels easier to stay where you are rather than to move and make what feels like a huge leap. Yet I know that it's worth it when you get to the other side. I have the tools to help get you there and I am excited to help! Find
Instagram: @kylamiranda.realtor
Adding a few fun and colourful Fall accessories brings this cute yet practical porch to life. This space doesn’t only serve as a space for removing shoes and storing coats, it is a cozy gathering place to chat with our guests as they come and go.
adding fresh sunflowers and a few deep yellow velvet toss cushions bring a Fall feel to this very inviting family room
To achieve a custom built-in look on each side of the fireplace without the huge expense of hiring a professional cabinet maker I purchased 2 small cabinets from Amazon and the white floating shelves are from Home Depot. Accessorize with your favourite treasures and voila!
fireplace before
Replacing this outdated fireplace design with something more rustic with a contemporary twist was one of the first things on my agenda when we purchased this home. We tore out the existing fireplace mantle and surround but left the actual propane insert. I chose a gorgeous whitewash larger multitextured stone design -floor to ceiling and had a gorgeous barnwood mantle custom designed and stained in a medium walnut finish. 2 pot lights were installed above the mantel for a dramatic affect.
Nothing gives your home warmth and character quite like a spectacular stone fireplace.
Whether it’s a rustic floor to ceiling cobblestone fireplace with a reclaimed wood mantle or a stately carved marble surround that‘s the definition of timeless elegance, a stone fireplace has the power to transform a space!
Add warmth, comfort and style to any room with a stunning fireplace focal point A fireplace is the perfect way to make a room feel warm and cozy. There’s nothing like the glow of a roaring fire to usher in comfort on a cold Winter‘s day
Accessorize your home with treasures from the heart. Special items that mean something to you. Your home should be an extended vision of who you are.
Organization in design helps establish a clean and simple look within an interior space. By minimizing clutter and incorporating organized storage areas, open spaces and smooth flow are achieved. Functionality and elegance coexist, providing comfort and serenity in every room.
"Theartofinterior designliesincreating harmonybetween
Dee’s Interior Design & Staging
Creating Beautiful Homes to Live in
Fall is one of the best seasons of the year. With it’s gorgeous Fall colours, mouth watering apple cider, yummy apple orchards, cozy bonfires for keeping warm and of course roasting sweet marshmallows on the fire, it is most definitely a festive season for all. Oh and lets not forget our fun favourite holidays ... Halloween and Thanksgiving.
urmostfavouriteplacetohangoutbyfar! Thiscozyoutdoorretreatiscertainlyputto good use, well at least 3 seasons out of the year. We absolutely love to chill outside togetheronacrispFallafternoonandsipon warm apple cider and catch up on the important things going on in each others daily lives. It is a place where we focus on familytimeandreconnect.
A chair worth fighting for!
Thereisafightforthischaireverytimeweallgooutside. ThisbeautifulRattanEggchairissupercomfy!It’sdefinitelya curlupandreadabookchair.Iabsolutelyloveit!ACozycolourful andwhimsicalHalloweenblanketpairedwithasoftyellow/orange ribbedplushtosscushionandIamsetfortheafternoon.
Hello, my name is Lori Chenger and I am a hostage negotiator of the mindset. This summer I found myself in the UK speaking on stage at Cambridge University, speaking on how to shift from poverty consciousness to wealth consciousness.
This experience felt very significant for me as 45 years earlier, I was in England as part of a high school trip, and never did I think that all the challenges in my life that were embedded in poverty, addictions, and abuse were going to become my greatest assets instead of my greatest challenges. I also never imagined myself to have become an international motivational speaker and 3 times international best-selling author in compilation books.
That was because I was living a life from default and not living a life by design. When you know better, you do better! I had used an internal blueprint based on faulty perceptions of who I thought I was, and I had to uncover the layers of poverty consciousness to find my way back to the truth of who I was; that answer was lying hidden in my heart.
When I look back on my life now, I realize poverty was my privilege as I would always have extreme gratefulness that those journeys with the right training and the right people backing you could create such huge mind shifts.
Lori is also an Infinity Coach having developed a program that helps women go from silence to success using a unique blend of modalities that she is trained in.
What’s next for Lori? Watch for a podcast that will inspire and educate as you commute from home to anywhere life takes you as seen on: Role Model Maker, bLU Talks, Apple TV, Roku, YouTube, Spotify, iHeart Radio. She has been honoured with 2023 Educator of The Year winner through the Rise To Greater Heights Foundation. She has also coauthored a book with Marie Diamond (Business Life and The Universe, special edition compiled by Corey Poirier. .
young adults.
Careers that I have been blessed with that provide hope for others are within the fields of mental health and addictions.
Numbers do not define your age; they define your knowledge and knowledge does not always equal understanding. The power of knowledge comes with taking growth action steps. Recently, I was nominated for the 2022 Global Evolutionary Womens Award in the area of education - women who teach, grow, nurture, and develop others’ mindsets. Some of the modalities I trained in are hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Subconscious Release Technique, Spring Forest Qigong, Reiki, and Hakomi..
I am the creator of Black Sheep Academy. Programs to help youth be seen, heard, and understood. Growing through a family narrative of poverty, addictions, and abuse leaves a mental imprint and changes the lens of how you view your world.
I became a heart centered person when I learned to embrace my challenges because they are your gifts and not your barriers. I am often presented at speaking engagements with my tagline; “I am a hostage negotiator of the mindset.” Your path is a spiral, not a straight line because you continually come back to things you thought you understood, only when they come back to you the deeper truths now become more visible.
"What Makes You You?" -- Lori Chenger Episode 22
Phone: 780-218-7831
young adults.lives in Ottawa and is the author of “Tales for adults and children”. Her most recent work is a post-WWII childhood memoir "I Stood Among The Ruins And Died" and "V for Vanished", a murder mystery written during the pandemic. To contact Ingrid visit her website: www.ingridmccarthy.com
In this issue, I’m going to attempt to give you enough guidance/information to put you on the road to start your own novel writing project. I say ‘attempt’ because it’s impossible to address in detail the major rules of novel writing in a few paragraphs when many books of 300+ pages have been written about the subject.
Although W. Somerset Maugham famously said, “There are three rules for writing a novel, unfortunately, no one knows what they are,” writers beg to differ. There are, indeed, more than three rules every writer needs to follow:
MasterClass, an online site for writers, quotes ten rules for writing a good novel:
1. Read voraciously
2. Make checklists of details
3. Develop good writing habits
4. Use your limited time wisely
5. Build a relationship with an editor
6. Don’t stress about your first draft
7. Seek out surprises in the second draft
8. Start with characters
9. Write for art’s sake, and leave the commercial analysis for later
10. Rules are meant to be broken
Each of the above rules is expertly explained in the MasterClass link: https://www.masterclass.com/articles/rules-for-writing-a-good-novel
Of the ten points, I would like you to focus especially on rule #1. It is, in my view, the most valuable one I suggest: Read. Read. And read some more One of the best ways to learn the craft of writing is to read and to be well-read in your chosen genre Reading in that genre will make it easier to pick up the tools of that genre
For writing workshops check out ‘Ignite Your Write’, a support group that offers help and inspiration to get started
https://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/ l=N7pL6&m=K3uI7IUFOhYbK5&b=6j0tysfzk7Hr IwPgIPuwg
However, if you prefer a book to guide you, go to the following Barnes & Noble link:
https://www barnesandnoble com/blog/10-books-to-read-before-writing-your-novel/
You may be able to find some of the recommended titles at your local library And, last but not least, do not forget the universe of the Internet Google any question you may have and you’ll find a plethora of blogs, articles, and comments with valuable information. In the next volume, I will give you tips about how to polish your draft.
Until then, happy writing!
IngridClick to go to site
https://www.amazon.co m/Stood-Among-RuinsCried-Illustrate ebook/dp/B09G5KJZN Z/ref=sr_1_1?
crid=9HSQCWKS68HY &keywords=ingrid+mcc arthy&qid=1674873753 &s=digitaltext&sprefix=i ngrid+mccarthy%2Cdig ital-text%2C84&sr=1-1
Ingrid McCarthy is, at the moment, working on a cozy culinary mystery series. To contact Ingrid visit her website or via Facebook
Click to go to site
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The top areas women in their forties and fifties come to us looking for help with are hormone balancing and weight loss These areas come to the forefront as women enter the hormone-sensitive time of perimenopause and menopause. Generally, they struggle with one or more symptoms, such as weight gain around the middle, increasing fatigue, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, food cravings, general malaise, and digestive issues
As Holistic Nutritionists, we understand these symptoms are completely connected. We know that when we teach women how to support one area, the other areas will naturally fall into balance over time The problem is, most teachings around how to support these symptoms involves specific protocols that are highly restrictive and difficult to sustain over the long term.
This is a problem we previously saw with some of our clients. What we were asking of them was not sustainable so they ended up going back right back to the lifestyle that led to the problems in the first place If a program is not doable and sustainable, it doesn’t matter how good it is. If women were not able to follow through on the suggestions we were giving them, they were not going to be helped. We needed to create something to help women address these issues while also supporting personal choice and lifestyle factors
We developed our new program in 2009, and it has evolved over the last 15 years into The Context Eating Method. We teach women a different way to support their hormones, digestion, and healthy weight without the traditional all-ornothing restrictive approaches to food, nutrition, and weight loss
The Context Eating Method is geared towards women who are done with the hollow promises of the weight loss industry and don’t aspire to fit into the jeans they wore in high school. However, they also acknowledge that they need some kind of nutritional framework that helps them balance their hormones and keeps their weight from climbing to levels that impede their health and quality of life
They are done with weighing, counting, and restricting their food choices, but they also know that “eating whatever they want, whenever they want” is not a solution for them.
With the Context Eating Method we consider everything from food-related triggers, to mindset, to the contexts that drive healthy and unhealthy eating habits No food is off limits as we teach people how to uplevel their food experiences
One of the things we address are all the areas that impact hormone dysregulation and unwanted weight gain.
These include:
Gut Microbiota - Our intestines are home to a diverse range of microorganisms, collectively known as the gut microbiota Research suggests that the balance and types of bacteria present can significantly influence nutrient absorption, fat storage, and blood sugar regulation. Some bacteria may predispose us to gain weight, while others might offer protection against it.
Sleep Quality and Duration - Sleep might seem unrelated to weight, but its quality and duration can profoundly impact weight loss Imbalances in sleep can upset hungerregulating hormones like ghrelin and leptin, leading to increased appetite and a preference for high-calorie foods. Medications - It's crucial to consider any medications one might be on Certain drugs, including some antidepressants, antipsychotics, and even specific antihypertensive and antidiabetic medications, can influence weight If weight loss is proving challenging, it might be worth consulting with a healthcare professional about potential medication effects.
(areas that impact hormone dysregulation and unwanted weight gain cont’d)
Psychological Stress - Persistent stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone linked to fat storage, particularly around the abdomen. Furthermore, stress often drives individuals towards less healthy food choices and we know this was a factor for many during the pandemic
Pollution and Environmental Toxins - Some pollutants and chemicals, termed obesogens, can disrupt our body's metabolism and fat storage processes. These substances can interfere with our endocrine system, potentially promoting weight gain. The Timing of Eating - Circadian rhythms, our body's internal clock, play a role in weight management
Aligning eating patterns with these rhythms, such as eating more during daylight, might aid in weight control Conversely, late-night meals can have the opposite effect. Simply trying the Context Eating Method will get you back on track and help you understand your triggers
Social Networks - Our social circles subtly shape our dietary habits If peers indulge in unhealthy eating, it can be tempting to join in On the flip side, supportive friends and family who value health can significantly boost one's journey to weight loss and being healthy. Intriguingly, some studies suggest weight patterns can "spread" within social groups Pretty interesting eh!
Mindset and Self-Perception - Our beliefs about food and our capabilities can shape our weight loss success Viewing meals through a specific lens, such as "indulgent" versus "healthy," can impact how satisfied we feel. Moreover, cultivating a growth mindset, the belief that we can evolve and change can be instrumental in weight loss perseverance
Understanding your triggers can help you avoid less healthy eating situations.
If you have been struggling with unwanted weight gain or other symptoms of hormonal imbalance, we have a few resources you can use to get started on changing your health outcomes
Pick up a copy of our book, The Context Eating Method How to Lose Weight without Sucking all the Gluten, Chocolate, and Wine Filled Joy from Your Life HERE
https://www amazon ca/dp/1738822710/ref=tmm pap swatch 0? encoding=UTF8&qid=1677505846&sr=8-1
Contact us HERE contact@nutritionallynourished.com) to receive information on our comprehensive hormonal panel testing at home.
Get more information or for do it yourself program on Context Eating at https://contexteatingmethod com/
I am not sleeping well and I am not sure why. Is there something natural I can take that won't make me groggy in the mornings?
There are many reasons why our sleep pattern are disrupted. Finding the root cause is what will help with the right remedies Knowing your hormonal panel is one of the best ways to get the right formulations If interested, reach out - clients all across the globe are sent the kit that they can do at the convenience of their home In the meantime try the following: melatonin, magnesium, valerian, passion flower. I also do online supplement analysis, suggestions and protocol.
You can click the link below to have a one to one https://manoticknaturalmarket.com/products/supplement-analysis
I am feeling constipated quite often and I am drinking alot of water and eating veggies I am not sure what is going on Can stress cause this?
Absolutely stress can cause this, as it imbalances the hormones, Liver and cortisol My Goldenroot 1 tablespoon a day, Vitamin C and probiotics are great remedies to help with constipation.
Link to buy My Goldenroot https://manoticknaturalmarket.com/products/golden-root
Why do I feel so moody at times Do you think I need my blood analyzed Could it be menopause?
Getting the live blood I do, can be highly beneficial to see the imbalances and as I mentioned above the hormone panel kit can be sent to your location In the meantime try taking active b complex
Link for at home hormone panel testing: https://manoticknaturalmarket com/products/hormone-panel
Darpan Ahluwalia
Total Nutrition Diva
Context Eating Method Specialist
Follow for free health info, tips and Giveaways! https://www.facebook.com/DarpanTNDoC?mibextid=2JQ9oc
In 2012 - I decided to help women entrepreneurs through my social network called: WOW (World of Women) Social Network for Empowered Women Entrepreneurs, so they can connect, collaborate, make valuable friendships and promote one another. Here are several reasons why I started WOW!
I had a deep passion for supporting and empowering women in their entrepreneurial journeys. With my vast personal experiences, witnessing gender disparities, and simply a strong belief in creating a place where women could support one another, supporting women was very important to me. Entrepreneurship, like many fields, has historically been maledominated. Seeing this gender gap as an issue, this needed to be addressed. I wanted to create a platform to help bridge that gap.
Creating a social network allowed me to build a community of like-minded and heart centered women who wanted to support each other. This sense of community can be empowering and beneficial for women entrepreneurs, who may face unique challenges in the business world.
Networking is crucial for entrepreneurs. Our WOW platforms’ main mission is to provide a space where women can connect, collaborate, and access valuable resources, mentors, and business opportunities. Women entrepreneurs often lack access to mentors and supporting networks!
Our WOW initiative is focused on promoting and showcasing women-owned businesses, helping them gain visibility and recognition. As a business mentor WOW has given me the opportunity to help and mentor amazing women, contributing to their success and giving me a sense of purpose Empowering women entrepreneurs can have positive economic effects, as it can lead to the creation of more businesses, job opportunities, and economic growth.
Also Inspiring Future Generations: By supporting women entrepreneurs today, you may be inspiring future generations of women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams without hesitation. Ultimately, at WOW our specific goal has always been to Empower, Inspire and Support their entrepreneurial Spirit to flourish!
That’s why I love connecting with other women entrepreneurs and helping them to grow their businesses! I would like to invite all Women Entrepreneurs to join our Social network and reap the benefits of being featured and promoted on our WOW World of Women Social Network within our growing Facebook groups!
Join WOW and start connecting with Amazing Women Entrepreneurs!
https://www.facebook.com/groups/wowcanada https://www.facebook.com/WooInfinity
Mental health has been in our lives forever and so much more during the pandemic. How did you get into it?
This is a 23 year-long story. For over a decade, I was a frontline social worker in various child protective services My husband is fourth generation law enforcement My two beautiful daughters deal daily with mental health, mental illnesses and special needs My professional life became my personal advocacy because mental health lives in my home through CPTSD (complex post-traumatic stress disorder), to various forms of trauma and the aftermath of bullying We all came out on the other side - different and keeping up with resiliency everyday, as mental health never takes a break, or a holiday It’s in our every day
And from that experience, you created Embracing Empowerment Counselling Services?
Yes I did! I felt our community needed me to be there for them, too I had more to offer because my life experience was not like the rest I had introduced free mental health checkups in Ottawa in April 2016 Other mental health industries followed suit Furthermore, I learned that there was no comprehensive intakes at the start of our mental health journey, therefore not allowing a chance for potential clients to process what they truly wanted to heal from So EECS, introduced Clinical Mental Health consultation in 2019 To heal, we cannot go over or under our trauma; we must go through the pain
Who does EECS primarily support?
Mental health does not discriminate I guide first responders, nurses, doctors, NHL players, as well as our corrections, probation and parole officers struggling with unimaginable issues. I also work with tweens, teens, adults and everyone in between.
What’s in store for EECS?
As I am in the dissertation phase of my PhD program, my hope is to continue to grow EECS services as new grad interns take space for their practicums. We are launching our virtual services mid October 2023 in another province and continue to provide a 6 week peer support program in our local community We remain small, yet impactful across our communities
What is your number one takeaway?
Own your story I was told that sharing our story is weakness, however to build competency in the private sector, be vulnerable and connect Sharing my story allows clients to know it's okay to not be okay
I used to be a passionate planner of the future But, the future is unpredictable Now, I state to myself: “Love what I do, do what I love every single day, guiding one person at a time ” If I can do that, I know I did a good job in making sure my clients know they are not alone And that is enough And it’s everything
Embracing Empowerment Counselling Services
T: 613.986.6737 /1-888-323-EECS
E: parul@embracingempowerment.com
“We lend a hand, a listening ear and a compassionate heart "
Denise is intuitive, insightful, knowledgeable and practical.
With over 30 years in the health field, her grounded, no-nonsense approach as a Life Coach – Business Advisor – Psychic Medium – Natural Health Practitioner and Iridologist, provides her clientele with realistic and feasible goals to get them focused on what they love, value and want from life.
As a mother, life partner, entrepreneur, and as someone who has experienced loss and grief, Denise understands how challenging life can be. Her intentions are to instill a sense of hope, clarity and renewed energy.
She will inspire you to set healthy goals while helping you understand the importance of the process of life and the ultimate importance of finding joy and purpose in the present.
recognizingunhealthythoughtpatternsclarifying visionandpurpose establishinghealthyboundaries improvingpersonalrelationships gettingtothecoreofyourchallenges creatingbetterwork/lifebalance breakingbadhabits identifyingobstacles definingpersonalgoals eliminatinglong-heldfearsandself-imposedrules understandingthepersonbehindthebehaviour understandingforgivenessandlettinggoofpast mistakes
Denise is a professional who specializes in coaching individuals seeking changewhether in their personal or professional life.
We are your Ottawa Property Gals, an award-winning real estate team, Sonya and Lori. We want to share with you why we believe that Fall is an absolutely fantastic time to put your home on the market here in our beautiful city.
Sure, we all know that Spring is traditionally considered prime selling seasons, but let us tell you, Autumn has its own unique charm and advantages that can make it a surprisingly great time to sell your home.
Stunning Scenery: Ottawa truly shines in the Fall. The city transforms into a breathtaking palette of red, orange and gold as the leaves change. Buyers touring homes during this time get to experience the natural beauty of our city and neighbourhoods, and it can make a lasting impression.
Comfortable Weather: Fall weather in Ottawa is just right – not too hot, not too cold. It’s perfect for hosting open houses or taking potential buyers on property tours without the discomfort of extreme temperatures.
Motivated Buyers: The fall season often attracts serious buyers. Families want to settle into a new home before the holidays, and others may be relocating for work or personal reasons. You’re likely to encounter motivated buyers looking to make a move. Having the interest rates on pause have helped with this as well.
Less Competition: Since Spring is considered the peak selling season, the market tends to be less crowded in the Fall. With fewer properties available, your home can stand out more easily, potentially leading to a quicker sale.
Indoor Appeal: As the weather cools down, people start to spend more time indoors. This means buyers are more likely to pay attention to your homes interior features, making it easier to showcase the cozy aspects of your property.
Back to School Timing: Ottawa has many excellent schools, and Fall is the time when families are particularly interested in finding homes in desirable school districts. If your home is located near great schools, it can be a significant selling point. We also showcase this with our Neighbourhood book we create for each listing.
Flexible Closing Dates: Buyers in the Fall are often more flexible with their closing dates. This can be a relief for seller’s who may need extra them to find their new home.
Holiday Spirit: Fall ushers in the holiday season, and this warm and festive time can help potential buyers imagine their family celebrations in your home. Staging your home with a small amount of tasteful seasonal décor can create a welcoming atmosphere
In conclusion, while Spring is undeniably popular, there’s something special about Fall that makes it an ideal time to sell your Ottawa Home. With the stunning backdrop of our city’s Autumn colours, comfortable weather, and motivated buyers, it s a season full of opportunity. If you’re thinking about selling your home this Fall, don’t hesitate to reach out to us, the Ottawa Property Gals. We’re here to help make the most of this wonderful selling season, and we can’t wait to assist you in finding the perfect buyer for your Ottawa Home.
www OttawaPropertyGals com
DearFellowEarthling,SinceIcanremember,IhavelovedyouIwasnottaughttoloveyounorwasthis loveacquired,itsimplyandinexplicablyisandalwayshasbeen Ihavemarveledatyourpresence innumerabletimesYourunmitigatedbeautyhasoftenleftmespeechlessandevenreducedmetotears MymosttreasuredmemoriesareonesinwhichIhavebeenabletoconnectwithyou.Wheneventhe mostcertainofmytruthsbecamevariables,youhavebeentheconstantinmylife.Watchingyour peacefulexistencehasalwaysimpelledmetolivebetter.Thewayyoutakeineverymoment,yourentire attentiononthepresent,hasforcedmetoquestionmywayofliving.Yourfreedomfromego,your unshakeablestateofconsciousness,yourcompleteandtotalharmonywithallthatsurroundsyouYour esteemfortheearthbeneathyou,thelifearoundyou
Your impeccable representation of the way in which all life shouldexistItisbothhumblingandinspiringIhavelovedyouso, yetasweoftendotothosedearesttous,IhavefailedyouIhave placed my own wants and desires above your freedom and wellbeing Guilt has plagued me since I was old enough to understandwhatIwasdoing.Iamunsureifthatmakesitbetter orworse.EverytimeIwouldlookintoyoureyes,Ichosetoclose mineinsteadofrespondingtoyouranguishandchangingmy ways.Myfeigningignorancebecameaformofmetaphorical blinders.Ichosetoremaininthedarktoavoidfacingoneoftwo outcomes: either living with a guilty conscience or inconveniencingmyselftosomedegree.
Somehow,Imanagedtocreateadisconnectinmymindbetweenyourlivingvibranceandyouradorned lifelessnessonmyplateIletnegligence,inertiaandmyfearofbigotrygetinthewayofwhatIfelttobe rightIregularlymadeexcusestojustifymyactionsandcontinueddelayingthisultimatelyminuteshift inmywayoflivingIignoredwhatIhavealwaysknowntobemyresponsibilitytoyouIknewIneededto beyourvoicesinceyouareunwillinglysilencedIknewIneededtobeyourstrengthsinceyourpoweris takenfromyou IknewIneededtobeyourshieldsinceyouareroutinelyforcedintosubmissionand abuseIknewIneededtobeyoureyessinceyoucannotseewhyyouaretargetedIknewIneededto makebetterchoicesforyouThatyourpainandsufferingarenolessimportantthanmyown
Thatafterallthejoyyouhavegivenme,Ioweyou That youdeservebetterIhavelovedyou,butIhavefailedyouI am sorry I will no longer harm you I will no longer participateinyourexploitationIamonlyoneperson,butI willdoeverythingIcantoprotectyouThatismypromise toyou,oneIshouldhavemadealongtimeagoThenext timeyoulookintomyeyes,youwillfindmedifferentYou willnolongerfindyourownpainreflectedwithinthemWe willcoexistpeacefullyIwilltreasureyouandprotectyou anddoeverythingIcantogivebackevenatenthofthejoy andrichnessthatyouhavegivenme.
Meet Jas, the culinary extraordinaire (totally hyping that up) with a sprinkle of quirkiness and a taste for adventure As a self-proclaimed foodie with an insatiable appetite, she knows the true path to happiness is through the tantalizing flavours of scrumptious dishes and delectable desserts obviously
She's not just a food enthusiast, she's also a fan of community building When she's not stuffing her face you'll find her bringing people together through her legendary cooking classes Armed with a potato masher and a dash of humour, she loves creating a lively and interactive environment where everyone can laugh and learn But that's not all! She knows the importance of finding harmony amidst the culinary "chaos". She's a teacher in the kitchen and on the mat. Whether it's mastering the downward dog or flipping a paratha, Jas embodies the art of flexibility, both in body and taste buds.
She's the owner of Yoga with Jas, your go-to destination for an inclusive yoga + meditation experience.
Her classes are designed to suit everyone, whether you're new to yoga, or experienced. Join online from the comfort of your home or in our inviting home studio in Ottawa, Canada Whether you want to expand your practice, connect with others, or simply move your body, there's something for everyone
ing up culinary magic or working on her ut and about, embracing an active r it's hiking, cycling, or climbing, she portunity to work up an appetite for the next enture Let's spice it up, one bite at a time!
The Spice is Right: A Collection of Vegetarian Punjabi-Inspired Recipes
Click to got to Links
https://www instagram com/yogawithjas/hl=en
yogawithjas com
I am a twenty-five-year-old woman. A quarter century of my potential lifespan has already passed me by, a mere blink in time. Like many young women, I faced struggles growing up in this modern world. Confidence is what I lacked, like many of us do. Every day I was overwhelmed with doubt so I decided to make a choice. Simply and surely, No More Bad Days. I want to share with you three models of living I’ve put into practice, in hopes of inspiring young women like myself to love life again. I’ll take you through the essential arts of patience, detachment, and solitude and the impact they have on everyday life.
Our world and our bodies are in constant motion. Even in rest, there’s an overwhelming need to keep up, bare bones and all. It’s of utmost importance to be patient with yourself, and the world around you. Things may not go according to plan one day or the next, and you may find yourself stressing over the progress you’re making in life By practicing patience, you will find that wonderful things come to you with ease You will become a receptacle to joy, happiness, and abundance Our lives often revolve around convenience, urgency, and stress You deserve to slow down and observe it all in real time - with patience and clarity So, when a door is closed, you are there to watch another open for you
Practicing detachment is bringing focus to what is within your control, and learning to release the burdens of what is not in your control. Everything is transient, and outcomes are generally unpredictable. It’s easy to be frustrated and broody over the actions of our peers, or sorrowful over the missteps in our own. You can live in those moments; you may find your sense of self woven into the pressure of all these less-than-ideal happenings
Detachment isn’t apathy or ignorance, it’s simply making a choice to find the good and let go of the bad With this knowledge, you will do just that again and again in life but be less encumbered by your emotional responses We all need to hear it: It’s okay to let go of what does not serve you
Solitude is a frightening word, often associated inappropriately with loneliness We are afraid to be alone, or afraid to be together Solitude is neither loneliness or attachment - it is being by one’s self, with one’s self It is a friendship you isolate within your own mind, heart, soul and body An agreement you manifest with the parts of yourself that need to be cradled and protected.
A young woman needs confidence in herself. We ultimately find our way in the world from within, through careful calculations of self. Spending time with yourself is how you stay whole in the midst of distraction. Your body is your temple, the safest place for contemplation and worship. Connecting with yourself in solitude can be a healing remedy, abundant with answers, uplifting to your spirit Sometimes the scariest thing in the world is being yourself, we see this kind of insecurity making it’s mark everywhere we go Yet the beauty we deliver into the world by being ourselves is never-ending It’s essential for a young woman to find balance, enjoy the little things, and revel in her accomplishments Where there is a will, there is a way The practice of patience, detachment, and solitude fortifies the greatest thing about one’s life: living it
September 21st
Gratitude is a positibe emotion that involves being thankful and appreciative
World Gratitude day is celelbrated on September 21 each year It was invented by Sri Chinmoy during a Thanksgiving Dinner at the United Nations Sri Chinmoy is and spiritual leader who established meditation centers in 60 countries
The goal of World Gratitude Day is to show gratitude to everyone you meet on that day Not just family and friends, but co-workers, road crews, trash collectors, Police and Fire personell etc The goal is to appreciate and understand that everyone in this life has a role, and together, we work as a community in harmony.
"I'm grateful to you for all your help"
GRATEFUL... feeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received:
Breast cancer accounts for 12.5% of all new annual cancer cases worldwide, making it the most common cancer in the world. About 13% (about 1 in 8) of U.S. women are going to develop invasive breast cancer in the course of their life.
At Women Rock Magazine, we encourage all of our female readers to have breast exams and monitor their breast health regulary.
When you lose hair from chemo, every time you look in the mirror, glance at a reflective surface such as a shiny surface at home, your mind sends subliminal messages If you see yourself without hair your mind is thinking ‘cancer’ and will generate negative thoughts. If you have a wig on, you receive a subliminal message of “hair" and will think “health" without even knowing it. These messages are important and should not be underestimated. Wig Stories is a mobile service that brings peace of mind to ladies in their homes, providing them with a wide choice of wigs to choose from. I arrive in my unmarked car, to ensure anonymity, and conduct a relaxed event which often includes family or friends for support Of course, the whole purpose of meeting with Wig Stories is to find a wig, however this only fills half of the time The other half is sometimes more important - talking
Going through cancer and the associated physical treatments is as much to do with the mind as it is to do with the body. The whole cancer experience is directly influenced by your outlook.
I have lost count of the number of times that I’ve been asked if I’m a counselor, or mind reader! No, I’m simply someone who has been in the cancer world since 1980 and has played many roles related to cancer As a result of my treatment, I have chemo induced alopecia and have worn a wig for over 12 years. I understand hair loss and how it feels. I GET IT. Many ladies I see are overwhelmed with a recent cancer diagnosis, understandably so. I always give them hope that comes from empathy that they may not have received from their doctors.
I share inspiring stories that let them know they are not alone or isolated in their experience. I am very open about my own story and blessed with an ability to be able to feel and read people’s emotions and body language as they try on each wig
https://www facebook com/WigStories
https://w ww.youtube.com/watch?v=6ltigloZmz0
As we talk and go through the wig party (and yes it often feels like a party!) I quickly see which wig resonates with them For those who are ashamed of their baldness I straightaway whip my wig off so that we are “equals” Since I always laugh at myself, this alleviates any embarrassment that ladies have There are always tears - of sadness and joy, goosebumps, laughter and sometimes dancing too! It’s not uncommon to hear someone shout “It’s a YES to the wig!”.
I absolutely love what I do - the reason I had cancer was so that I can help others go through it. I speak on a volunteer and professional basis to help others and to make changes in the cancer world I’m alive today because of the research done over the past 40 years which needs to continue This is my passion and vocation - and I LOVE IT!
Deana delivered beautiful little Liam, through a c-section at her local hospital in Milton. She remained in hospital for two days to recover and was sent home on Family Day morning. The very next day, Liam suddenly began breathing abnormally fast, so Deana took him to the Doctor for a routine checkup. Liam was also not gaining weight and was quickly losing it, which was very concerning.
Liam underwent a variety of tests, and after 3 weeks in the Oakville Hospital just as they were discharged and on the way home, Deana received a call regarding the results of the newborn screening test. The test indicated that Liam had Cystic Fibrosis. Since this diagnosis, Liam has been a brave testament to what positive thinking can accomplish.
Tell me how you discovered your child has a disability?
If you have recently learned that your child is developmentally delayed or has a disability (which may or may not be completely defined), this message may be for you. It is written from the personal perspective of a mom who has shared this experience and all that goes with it.
When parents learn about any difficultly or problem in their child’s development, this information comes as a tremendous blow, I remember thinking what did I do wrong through the pregnancy. My son was only 3 weeks old when we got that dreadful call, I remember just getting home from the hospital, having a shower and the phone ringing off the hook, it was our pediatrician first, whose call I missed - then within seconds my family doctor. I remember answering and her saying “you should sit down, I have news about Liam”. Of course I didn’t sit and she told me he had Cystic Fibrosis, my phone dropped to the ground with me and I remember crying and she was calling my name. I answered again and she said “its OK we got this” we will send you to specialists and confirm.
What concerns do you have for your childs future?
Does anything tie a parent’s stomach in knots like releasing children with special needs into adulthood? Can they hold a job, live on their own someday, maybe even get married and start a family? More to the point, will our kids be OK without us? And how do we, as parents, empower them to reach their full potential? Isn’t that what every parent wants for their child? When my son was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, I found myself with even worse angst. I could not imagine him even being in school, as it was constantly in the back of my mind that we would always be in and out of the hospital on IV treatments or just too sick. My fear of even letting him even go to JK was overwhelming. Grief fell every time I looked to his future. Would my son die a premature death?
I was so devastated and so confused that I recall little else about that first month other than complete heartbreak. I felt I already failed him as his mother.
The first few months I was met with a ton of emotion - from fear to anger to complete guilt - I always punished myself. I felt powerless all the time. I read online so much scary stuff about CF but then my dad and I had this amazing heart to heart talk one day and he said to me “Deana you’re his Voice you will be his advocate, you need to smarten up and BE HIS MOM”.
So, I armed myself with the best Support System and group of amazing people. They supported me, listened to me when I was feeling upset or didn’t know which way to turn. Take it from me, just take it one day at a time, seek information (and it doesn’t always have to be online either), learn the proper terminology and never be intimated or be afraid to show emotion, it is OK to cry and be upset. I totally get it.
But Thankfully because of this amazing new medication called Trikafta my son is now in Grade 3 now and thriving, this year he’s even tried out for the Cross Country Team and he’s also Skating! My mind is just boggled at how far medication has advanced from 8 years ago when he was first diagnosed. I could never in a million years think that this would happen. Though not all kids with special abilities can achieve independence or get the medication that is needed, we still do what parents do best: cheer them on to achieve their full potential and we will always make sure they are as best equipped for the future as possible.
What has god taught you through your child with their special abilities?
So that question I used to get asked a lot and I never really knew how to answer it, Until now. I was always told that “God only gives special needs children to special people”, or “God only gives you what he thinks you can handle”, but do you believe that? Liam has taught these 7 most important things:
Forgive quickly - move on with life. People may not understand me all the time. That’s OK. I have too many other important things to do than to worry about that. I’ll choose to leave everything in God’s hands
Love unconditionally - This is the real kind of love that shines to all around you. The pure kind of love. The powerful kind of love. People tell me it’s contagious. Don’t judge people by how they look or by what’s on the outside - There could be a wonderful heart inside, and sometimes you may miss it, if you don’t take the time to look a little deeper.
Be a warrior and celebrate all the victories no matter how big or small - Fight hard to achieve, even though it may not seem so important to the world. It’s “big” to me, it took a long time for me to get there. Celebrate every milestone of success. In fact, we celebrate a lot.
Slow down - I may not move as fast as you. Sometimes you’re too busy, sometimes you’re too fast. Take the time to know me. I’m cool. Get on my level. Look in my eyes. Listen to me. I have a lot to say. I speak with my heart.
Be kind with your words - People tell me I’m amazing. People tell me I’m special. God tells me that all that time. I like that. There are other words that aren’t OK. Words that make kids with special abilities feel bad. Words that make parents feel sad. If we all stopped using those words, the world would be a happier place – for all of us.
Just be you - That’s it. It’s simple. It’s OK to just be who you are. Who you were created to be. You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to try to be someone else. Sometimes you’re too hard on yourself. “you are awesome, you are valuable, you are special, you have purpose, you are amazing, you have my blessings, you will do great things.”
I look at this list, and it still seems inadequate, so abbreviated. It could be much longer. There is much to learn from watching kids who know what it is to have constant challenges in life, who understand the struggle to achieve. But what seems to be the common bond in all these things, amidst the reality of obstacles in life? God shines on them. His heart is within them. He has indeed blessed them – to see differently than the world sees. Learn from the special-ability families in your life. Love them. Value them. Cheer for them. Fight for them. Support them. Encourage them. It is guaranteed – your life will be greatly enriched. You will begin to see things differently – through the eyes of a special child.
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In 1992 the Government of Canada designated October as Women’s History Month marking the beginning of an annual monthlong celebration of the outstanding achievements of women throughout Canada’s history Women’s History Month includes International Day of the Girl on October 11 and Persons Day on October 18
In 1992, the Government of Canada designated October as Women’s History Month, marking the beginning of an annual monthlong celebration of the outstanding achievements of women throughout Canada’s history Women’s History Month includes International Day of the Girl on October 11 and Persons Day on October 18
This year’s theme for Women’s History Month is Make an impact in honour of the courageous women and girls who have made a lasting impact as pioneers in their fields Whether as business leaders, politicians, researchers, artists or activists, they have helped shape Canada into a thriving, diverse and prosperous country through their achievements and desire to make a difference International Day of the Girl is a United Nations observance day dedicated to championing girls’ rights around the world, including freedom from violence and abuse, as well as equal opportunities in areas such as law, education, nutrition and health care This year the UN is drawing attention to the role economic empowerment plays in promoting equality for girls specifically through improved access to education increased political participation and leadership and better support and training for girls in STEM
Persons Day marks a pivotal moment in Canadian history: the day in 1929 when the legal definition of “persons” was changed to include women The decision in the Persons Case signaled a turning point in the quest for equal rights in Canada, giving women the right to be appointed to the Senate and paving the way for their increased participation in public and political life
As part of this year’s Women’s History Month celebrations Status of Women Canada is launching the Women of Impact in Canada gallery an online gallery that recognizes the extraordinary lives and achievements of women and girls in Canada
See full list on canada ca
Canada’sHistorydecidedtomarkthecentennialofthe firstwomentowinthevoteinCanada inManitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta in 1916 by celebrating greatwomenfromCanada’spast.
TocreateourlistwerecruitedapanelofprominentCanadians former Governor General Adrienne Clarkson; bestselling author Charlotte Gray; historians Michèle Dagenais (Université de Montreal), Tina Loo (University of British Columbia), and Joan Sangster(TrentUniversity);andauthorandEnglishprofessorAritha vanHerk(UniversityofCalgary).
Theirswasnotaneasytask,forhowdoyoudefinegreatness?The listofthirtynamesthepanelcameupwithisbynomeansdefinitive; someofthenamesarefamiliar,othersareobscure.Butwhatcanbe saidisthateachofthegreatwomenchosenhasinsomewaymade apositiveimpactonCanada.
Magazine editor and women’s movement champion. Doris Anderson was a long-time editor of Chatelaine magazine and a newspaper columnist. Through the 1960s, Doris Anderson pushed for the creation of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women, which paved the way for huge advances in women’s equality. She was responsible for women getting equality rights included in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. She authored a number of books, including three novels and an autobiography — Rebel Daughter — and sat as the president of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women. Anderson became an officer of the Order of Canada in 1974 and was promoted to Companion in 2002. She was also a recipient of a Persons Case Award and several honorary degrees. Photo: Barbara Woodley; courtesy of Library and Archives Canada/1993-234 NPC.
First woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada. Born into a working-class family in Scotland, Bertha Wilson trained in law in Canada. When appointed to the high court in 1982, she already had a track record as a justice with the Ontario Court of Appeal, where she was known for her humane decisions in areas such as human rights and the division of matrimonial property. During her nine years on the Supreme Court, she helped her male colleagues to understand that seemingly neutral laws often operated to the disadvantage of women and minorities. She thus helped usher in groundbreaking changes to Canadian law. Photo: Copyright Cochrane Photography
A West Coast artist who has been described as “Canada’s Van Gogh.” Born in Victoria, Emily Carr began with few advantages. She studied art in San Francisco, London, and Paris while struggling to fund her education. Embracing the new modernist style, she came home in 1911 and applied her new skills to her favourite subjects — West Coast rainforests and the villages and artifacts of indigenous peoples. However, Canadian critics and buyers were not ready for her work and she abandoned painting for fifteen years. It wasn’t until the National Gallery mounted an exhibition of West Coast art in 1927 that she received the attention she deserved. By the time of her death she enjoyed international renown that has outlasted that of her contemporaries.
Quebec painter and stained glass artist. Marcelle Ferron is the only female artist who signed Les Automatistes’ polemical manifesto, Refus Global, in 1948. Her paintings were hung in all the major Automatiste exhibitions. Her painting technique became progressively forceful with vibrant colours and thick paint. Ferron changed her medium to stained glass after 1964. Her most known stained glass pieces are those in Champ-deMars and Vendôme metro stations in Montreal, which were installed in 1968. The Champs-de-Mars window masterpiece is sixty metres long and nine metres high and dapples the station with coloured light. Ferron was also an associate professor at Laval University in Quebec City and became a Grand Officer of the National Order of Quebec in 2000. Photo: Copyright Pierre Longtin
First alderwoman in the British Empire. When Annie Gale and her husband William immigrated to Calgary from England in 1912 she was appalled by the high costs of housing and food. Determined to change things, she helped to establish a local consumers’ league. A strong advocate for workers and women, she helped to organize the Women’s Ratepayers’ Association and it was this group of women who asked her to run for city council in 1917. Gale won a seat to become the first woman elected to municipal office in the British Empire. She also broke new ground when, while in office, she occasionally served as acting mayor. Gale’s non-partisan approach inspired other reformers, including Nellie McClung.
North America’s first First Nations saint. The story of Kateri Tekakwitha is a story of resilience in the face of colonial incursions, and of a woman who tried to revitalize her traditions and values despite her conversion to Catholicism. Born in 1654 near what is now Auriesville, New York, Tekakwitha was orphaned at age four. At age nineteen, she went to the Catholic mission of Kahnawake near Montreal, where she befriended a group of devout women and devoted the rest of her short life to prayer, penitential practices, and caring for the sick and aged. Miracles were attributed to her shortly after her death, and her gravesite soon became a pilgrimage site. Tekakwitha was canonized as a saint on October 21, 2012. Photo: Dorothy M. Speiser
C a n a d i a n W o m e n i n H i s t o r y
Activist, radio host, and politial leader. Despite being brought up in wealth and privilege, Thérèse Casgrain felt that life should be fair to everyone. She helped to found the Provincial Franchise Committee for Women’s Suffrage in 1921 and later hosted a prominent radio program, called Fémina, for Radio-Canada. She became the first female leader of a political party in Canada — the leftleaning Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) — in the 1940s. In the early 1960s, she founded the Quebec branch of the Voice of Women to mobilize women against the Cold War nuclear threat. Later, she became the Quebec president of the Consumers Association of Canada. She did much to better the lives of Canadian women. Photo: Archives nationales du
First black woman newspaper editor in North America. Mary Ann Shadd was a tireless advocate for universal education, black emancipation, and women’s rights. Born in Delaware, Shadd moved to Windsor in Canada West (now Ontario) to teach in 1851. She soon founded the Provincial Freeman, which was dedicated to abolitionism, temperance, and women’s political rights. During the American Civil War, she went back to the United States as a recruiter of African American soldiers for the Union army. After the war, she moved to Washington, D.C., to teach and to study law, becoming, at age sixty, the second black woman in the United States to earn a law degree. In 1994, Shadd Cary was designated a Person of National Historic Significance in Canada.
One of the giants of Canadian literature. Born in Neepawa, Manitoba, Margaret Laurence graduated from United College (now the University of Winnipeg) and lived in Africa with her husband for a time. Her early novels were about her experience in Africa but the novel that made her famous — The Stone Angel — was set in a small Manitoba town very much like the one she grew up in. Her work resonated because it presented a female perspective on contemporary life at a time when women were breaking out of traditional roles. Laurence was also active in promoting world peace through Project Ploughshares and was a recipient of the Order of Canada.
A legendary heroine who held back an Iroquois raid. Around the age of fourteen, Madeleine, in the absence of her parents, defended the family fort from a group of Iroquois There are at least five contemporary accounts of what happened The most plausible, written by her about seven years after the event, suggest she escaped the clutches of an Iroquois warrior by loosening her kerchief, then rushing into the mostly undefended fort and closing the gate She somehow fooled the Iroquois into thinking there were many soldiers defending the fort and fired a round from a cannon The noise alerted other forts in the area and apparently scared off the Iroquois warriors
One of Canada’s first professional social workers and the first head of the Bureau of Social Services in Halifax Jane Wisdom completed her initial training and education in social work in New York because there were no schools of social work in Canada She returned to Halifax in 1916 to lead the newly established Bureau of Social Services She moved to Montreal in 1921 to complete her studies and lectured in social work She continued her work in Montreal for eighteen years before moving back to Nova Scotia In 1941 she accepted a position as the first welfare officer for Glace Bay, which made her the first municipal welfare officer in Nova Scotia. Photo: nsasw.org
Peacemaker, guide and interpreter for the Hudson’s Bay Company. Thanadelthur was a member of the Chipewyan (Dene) nation who, as a young woman, was captured by the Cree in 1713 and enslaved. After a year, she escaped, and eventually came across the HBC York Factory post, governed by James Knight. Thanadelthur stayed to work for Knight, who needed a translator to help make peace between the Cree and the Chipewyan for trading purposes. Accompanied by an HBC servant and a group of friendly Cree, she went on a year-long mission into Chipewyan territory. She brought the two groups together and — alternately encouraging and scolding them brought about a peace agreement. The HBC records refer to her as “Slave woman” or “Slave woman Joan.” Photo: This young Chipewyan woman from Cold Lake, Alberta, photographed by Edward Curtis in 1928, was popularized by historian Sylvia Van Kirk as a well-known representation of Thanadelthur.
C a n a d i a n W o m e n i n H i s t o r y
Ihadal Advisor w and glob opportun northern Business TEMBO years.Ini
secondary school. TEMBO created an academic support program for the girls once they finished primary school andbeforetheyenteredsecondaryschool Thisprogram dramatically improved the girls’ outcomes in secondary school TEMBO English Camp was also created to support the girls as they moved from studying in Swahili inprimaryschooltoEnglishinsecondaryschool.
To date, more than 500 girls have been assisted. TEMBO’s secondary focus was the micro-business program which has served to change the lives of hundreds of women This program provides small loans to women to start their own businesses and has allowed them to create an income and, thereby, support themselves and their families. In addition, literacy programs for traditional Maasai women have allowed the women to communicate more fully at markets, the clinicandinothercommunitysettings
TEMBO built a 10-room learning centre in 2014 and the value of education was reinforced in the community. The building now teems with children of all ages enjoying the computer lab, attending Montessori school, playing in the playground, and studying for exams. Also, more than 1100 children attended after-school programs over the past year. Further, traditional Maasai women visit the learning centre to participate in the tailoring and gardening programs which provide them with valuable income earning skills that support themselves and their families.
When I visited Longido in 2013, I realized that TEMBO, this small, grassroots, volunteer-run organization, was making such a significant change in the community. At that time, I had attended a Sara Juma program in one of the village schools. TEMBO created this program to educate children on the importance of education, health, and hygiene.
Today, the children are eager to tell visitors about everything they have learnt and why they are important. Currently, more than 450 students from seven schools attend Sara Juma after-school programs. With TEMBO’s overwhelming success to support girls attending secondary school, TEMBO decided to help girls pursue postsecondary education. Over the past year, more than 30 girls have attended a vocational training program which provides them with greater possibilities for employment. TEMBO has been able to achieve tremendous success in changing lives in Northern Tanzania without government support or staff in Canada.
Generous support from donors and granting agencies as well as fundraising through TEMBO special events hase created the revenue to support our programs. With extremely low overhead (less than 10%), nearly every donated dollar goes directly to the programs which have empowered the women, girls and community to understand the value of education and affect real change in their lives. But, alas, there is so much more work to be done!
In 2000, abandoning a thirty- year career at the helm of Hamilton Enterprises, my successful
Anne HamiltonThe original plan was to assist with administration duties at the eye/dental clinic for the poor where I was to live. I had no firm plan just “how” I was going to accomplish this so I simply played it by ear!
Itbegan with my first trip there in 1993 on a two week medical brigade to a remote area where we tended thousands of adults and children living in one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere. Although I had travelled extensively worldwide, nothing could have prepared me for what we encountered. I was hooked! From then on I knew with certainty that God’s plan was for me to alter my life’s path And so the journey began
After returning from that first trip with a new attitude, my agency’s recruiting activities continued but interviews focused on the applicant’s needs instead of simply filling the job order It became more about how we could help them reach their potential - not just my firm’s bottom line and all about me! Our company became known in the recruiting world as “the candidate’s choice ” I continued to attend medical brigades each year up until “the move ” Six months in Honduras and six months behaving like a normal retired person languishing on my Haliburton cottage dock, playing golf plus entertaining friends and family. What did I think I was going to accomplish in Honduras?
My former recruitment mentoring activities became key in how I could help not just with the office and clinic staff, but other people associated with the organization And it developed from there Endless possibilities came to light on ways I could make a difference not only to our medical patients but to local students and their families
I developed a program focusing on healthy living practices by utilizing a series of educational puppet skits that we performed in local elementary schools. This project continues to date not only where it started but in schools all over Honduras. The original planned five- year commitment to Honduras became permanent and now in 2023, I still live there half the year
Oh, not at the clinic in El Progreso where for four years I endeavored to improve their efficiency as I hired and mentored many of the staff members, but in the north coast village of El Porvenir where I built a house to house myself and the visiting volunteers I expected to come. You all know the movie Field of Dreams? “If you build it, they will come”!! My mission ultimately became “how can I improve the lives of Honduran children”?
During my 23 years living in Honduras the answer to that question has had multiple answers: establishing the free Porvenir English Program (PEP) for both students and adults, furnishing a dental clinic in our town, providing an annual free dental program for children in Grades 3-6 with our three Canadian dental teams, a program of vision testing in local schools with glasses provided from the clinic in El Progreso, building two school libraries, initiating development of a large international volunteer group.
A program that has evolved from the original whose goal was simply teaching English but now encompasses so much more! Computer instruction, reading comprehension, prevention of bullying, sex education, nutrition, topics current to society. At 82, I have definitely slowed down and now leave the nuts and bolts of running of all these programs to the MANY capable volunteers who have helped to “grow” my original projects. I have often been asked, “Have you ever regretted upending your life to move to Honduras all those years ago?” My answer? “Not for even one minute!”
Here are just two examples demonstrating success stories of inspired students who went through our programs.
Jorge went on to attend university in Honduras, currently attends law school at Tulane University in New Orleans, and after graduation, he will be joining a law firm in the capital city of Tegucigalpa.
Dania attended university in La Ceiba where she received both English and teaching degrees. She is married, living in Porvenir and is program director of our volunteer organization which since its inception fifteen years ago has received over 700 young international volunteers.
Our El Porvenir intern program consists of students, now in university, who work with our international volunteers to lead the PEP project.
Igrewupinaclose-knitfamilyofScottish heritage.Beingoneofthreesisters,Ican’t rememberatimewhenmusicwasn’tapartof ourlives.Wealwayshadmanyfamilyevents filledwithmusic,dance,andimprovs.Everyone alwaysgotaturntoperformsomething.
MycousinJohnwastheinspirationwhobrought singingoutinmeIcherishedfondmemorieson CousinJohn’skneewhileheplayedhisguitarand sanginthefamilyroomOurparentsexposedus toawidegenreofmusicfromclassical,opera, blues,jazz,justanygoodmusic
MusicpulsesthrumybloodtothisdayMy sistersandIwouldoftensingtogether,wewere theSupremestotheAndrewSisters,andIwas alwaystheleadsinger.ManylazySunday afternoonswerefilledwithsongandlaughter thatstillresonateinmyheart.
Ibeganperformingatfamilyfunctionsatthe earlyageoffiveandspenthoursfascinatedby melodiesheardontheairwaves.Throughoutmy teenandschoolyears,Iactivelyparticipatedin musicaltheatreandperformedinanumberof productionsaswellasworkinginbands
ThroughtheyearsIalsoreceivednumerous awardsandaccoladesstemmingfrommy performancesatmanyopensingingcontests andcompetitionsintheearlyyears
Myeuphoniousbloodlineswoundtheirwayback evenfurthertomyancestralhomeinScotland whenImanagedtowinasingingcompetition withtheprizebeingatriptoScotland,Ireland, andEnglandsponsoredbyGuinnessLabatt’s.
DianeRaesideremainsactivein CountryMusicaswellaspursuing herloveofothermusicalgenres suchaspop,rhythm&bluesand theatre.Dianeispursuingher dreamasoneofCanada’stop Femalevocalists.
I’vealwaysbeenveryactiveintheartswhile alsoappearinginmoviesandcommercials, butmusichasalwaysbeenintheforeground Sometimeslifecantakeyouoffthepathof yourtruecalling,butInevergaveupIalways stayedwithit,stillpursingmyloveofvarious musicgenresandotherformsoftheartsof whichincludeTV,movies,andtheatre
Currently,I’mveryexcitedaboutmynew albumwhichisreadyforreleasethisfall.It’s beenlongoverdue!Itwasareallyfunand inspirationaltimetoworkwithanotherlocal talentedmusicianandwriterFrankNicoletti. Thenewalbumentitled‘‘LesisMore”isa combinationoforiginalswithasplashhere andthereofsomeclassiccovertunes.Itwas justajoytowriteandproducethisalbumwith suchatalentedfriend
Wearelookingforwardtosomeperformancesinthevery nearfutureIamreallylookingforwardtoperformingin frontofaliveaudienceagain It’sjustnevertoolateto restartyourpassionordreamDon’tletanyone determineyourjourney;youdefineyourowndestiny Dig downdeepandtakethatleapoffaith
Thishasbeenalongjourney,butIsay“Singon,itisn’tover tillIsayit’sover!”I’mjustnotreadytostopthemusic.I’ll uepursuingmydreamasasinger/songwriterand gforwardtowhattheupcomingyearhasin-store sfieryredheadtravellinginthefastlanetowards ngmydreams.
When I was three years old, my parents embarked on a yearl long exodus across eight countries in Asia No itinerary No agenda No Airbnb Just the open road Although I was only 3, and the memories are like black and white reels from an old film, this trip changed the trajectory of my life From as far back as I remember, I have felt like an outsider looking in, with a combination of curiosity and compassion
A decade after my family returned home to Montreal, I met a beautiful-souled boy who told me I would change the world. I didn’t believe him. But it didn’t matter. The seed his faith planted ignited a sense of unquenchable purpose.
At twenty, I set my sights on becoming a professor. I was accepted into Harvard University, and immersed myself in the study of Asian Religion, Anthropology, Compassion, Mysticism and the Goddess Tradition. After graduating school, a fellowship to complete an ethnography in Japan, and an internship with one of America’s finest photojournalists, I switched gears, launching a career in the nonprofit world. My career focused on enriching the lives of vulnerable populations. For the following thirteen years, I encountered countless people who, despite the pain and suffering that surrounds us, confirmed my deepest belief to be true: people are good.
In 2015, I launched a humble social experiment on Facebook. It was called The Empathy Effect. My goal was to show the world that empathy is contagious. I posted a black and white portrait and story 6 days a week for 365 days. Every post reflected the radical power of empathy. On day 5, the project went viral. Today, close to 200,000 people around the world follow The Empathy Effect to explore the value of walking in other people’s shoes.
During the final day of the experiment in 2016, I launched the #empathypledge, a promise to practice one act of deliberate empathy everyday. One hundred percent of sales went to charity. We have since formed The Empathy Effect into a nonprofit organization, and a charitable foundation, Empathy Empire. The goal is to radically enhance empathy in public and private life.
This Fall, I am launching The Empathy Game on Kickstarter, with a goal to train 1 million people to build their empathy muscles. For every game sold, our foundation will donate 1 game to our charitable partners across the world.
When I look back on the last three decades, despite all the radicalism and hatred we have witnessed, I invariably draw the same conclusion: Empathy is the answer. It is the how, the why and the what. It’s also the way. Look around. Violence is everywhere. Despotism is thriving. Our world is dying for empathy. Instead of bemoaning the darkness, we must embrace the light, one act of empathy at a time. Empathy Empire reminds us that although life can be unkind, each of us has the capacity to choose a world in which kindness rather than cruelty reigns.
Kim SmileyIn our last Edition of Women Rock Magazine (Summer 2023) we had a Travel Feature “Travel Destinations - Hawaii The Hana Trail”. The Hana Trail starts in Kahului and ends in Hana, on the Hawaiian Island of Maui.
Trajically, while we were compiling the current Fall Edition of Women Rock Magazine, wild fires struck areas of Lahaina, Kahului and surrounding areas on August 8 2023. Much of the historic infrastructure of this beautiful city was destroyed, and countless lives were lost along with those that were injured.
One can never fathom the heartbreak and sorrow a community encounters in this type of natural disaster. We at Women Rock Magazine keep Maui in our prayers.
source: https://www.pressdemocrat.com/
A historic Banyan Tree in Lahaina is showing signs of regrowth banyan tree has “new life in the roots,”
I know this magazine is all about highlighting and empowering women, and Catherine‘s life did just that. Catherine worked hard at empowering women, some in most dire despair.She brought to them success and happiness by teaching them about gratitude, opportunity, hard work, and most of all that love will prevail.
The organisation that Catherine started, Love is the Answer, is a non-denominational, non-political, non-profit registered charity in Canada, serving orphaned children and caregivers of orphan children in Africa. She focused on areas of poverty relief and reduction, the advancement of education and the support of local community initiatives benefiting the children that are self-directed, sustainable which lead towards self-sufficiency.
When we hit the ground in Uganda in 2015, we were quickly approached by Catherine and she guided us as to how to best help the children that we were there to help, utilizing the many years of experience that she had there on the ground. She helped us understand that simply providing money for small projects helped, but it did not help their futures. Buying a cow helped, but would only disappear in a few months, no doubt for food. Buying medical supplies vanished, no doubt sold.
On September 15th, 2007, Uganda received one of the best gifts that could be received, Catherine Mary Koch. She prepared for a lifetime journey of helping orphaned and vulnerable children in Uganda for over 25 years, and did just that. Unfortunately, in March of 2023, we lost Catherine to illness just before her 65th birthday.
Catherine explained that in order to help in Uganda, you had to have your feet permanently on the ground to make sure your money went exactly where it was supposed to go, and she volunteered to be our feet for us
HShe stepped into a position where she monitored the children closely, paid for monthly supplies of food, spoke to school administrators in an attempt to reduce costs, seeked medical help, and assistance wherever we needed her. She housed and mentored young boys at her home in Kamonkoli, and provided an environment of safety and encouragement to study and succeed.
Some of these young men are now engineers and doctors She travelled to villages in muddy mountains to bring aid and care to grandmothers who are caring for orphaned grandchildren She drove many children to the nearest hospital when neighbouring moms needed desperate help because she had a vehicle Often those children died in her arms
Catherine was truly an angel in Uganda. Her work and dedication to the needy, was as close to Mother Teresa‘s as possible. Her soft, gentle voice to those around her, made everyone feel important, but she was also fierce, quick to question those who attempted to cheat her with high prices or poor workmanship. She was a strong, smart, white woman in the middle of Uganda, trying to teach those around her about being a better person. She cared about our children like they were her own.
Hi All, Dee here. As I write this, I am prepping for my Vacation to Spain and Italy with my Husband and Son next week. Don’t worry, we WILL log our adventures and get back to you in the Women Rock Winter Edition.
But for this article, I was thinking about something different. We all travel to Spain, Italy, England, Mexico…etc…etc….
BUT, as I prepared for my trip across the Atlantic, I decided to plaster a 6 x 4 foot map to my dining room wall (no Interior Design jokes here please LOL) The intent was to put pins in our destinations in Spain and Italy such as Barcelona, Positano, Capri, Malaga, Naples and Rome.
But as I looked at the map, I was fascinated by HOW MANY parts of the world were new to me, and possibly destinations many have not heard of. So, for this Travel Destination piece, Women Rock Magazine researched 5 little known parts of the globe that could possibly end up on our bucket list!
Papua New Guinea, in the southwestern Pacific, encompasses the eastern half of New Guinea and its offshore islands. A country of immense cultural and biological diversity, it’s known for its beaches and coral reefs. Inland are active volcanoes, granite Mt. Wilhelm, dense rainforest and hiking routes like the Kokoda Trail. There are also traditional tribal villages, many with their own languages.
Source GoogleSource : https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/city-view-of-port-moresbygm909408246-250481221
The Faroe Islands is a self-governing archipelago, part of the Kingdom of Denmark. It comprises 18 rocky, volcanic islands between Iceland and Norway in the North Atlantic Ocean, connected by road tunnels, ferries, causeways and bridges. Hikers and bird-watchers are drawn to the islands’ mountains, valleys and grassy heathland, and steep coastal cliffs that harbor thousands of seabirds. Google
City view of Port Moresby, Papua New GuineaJust South of Newfoundland, you will find...France. Okay the Earth has not shifted. This is a fact. St Pierre and Miquelon is a French Colony. It is a 1.5 hour ferry ride from Fortune, NL. When you get there, make sure you have Euro’s. Only certain stores and restaurants will take Canadian dollars! This little island is like a mini trip to France. French food, wine, music, language and decor! So with that, Saint-Pierre is deemed, the most western portion of Europe!
Picture Source: https://www.newfoundlandlabrador.com/trip-ideas/travelstories/top-tips-for-a-visit-to-saint-pierre-and-miquelon
Reykjavik, on the coast of Iceland, is the country's capital and largest city. It's home to the National and Saga museums, tracing Iceland’s Viking history. Beyond it’s majestic beauty of mountains and green pastures, It is also known for its natural hot springs, which are a result of geothermal activity from the Volcanic makeup of this land. One interesting Icelandic tradition during the Holidays is to eat...wait for it...Rotten Fish. Known as “Skata”,. This fermeneted skate is definitely an acquired taste - but if you have a sense of adventure, ENJOY!!!
Aurora Borealis over Hallgrimskirkja Church
Picture Source: https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/auroraborealis-above-hallgrimskirkja-church-in-central-of-reykjavikcity-in-iceland-gm996160826-269598057
Remember the Cartoon “The Tasmanian Devil?”. Well the little creature actually exists!
Tasmania is a small Island state of Australia, just south of Melbourne.,
Tasmania is widely known for having the cleanest air in the world – combined with some of the best scenery and unique wildlife Source
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