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Mid-Year Review: How is membership going?

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The Tap In


With 2023 halfway behind us (wow!) and the remaining half in front of us, I thought it would be good to take a look at how membership sales is trending for the year thus far.

As of June 30, I’ve recorded 168 membership adds, upgrades, downgrades and resignations.

That’s a lot of transactions — and doesn’t include all of the billing I do as well. This number is about static with the last couple of years (thank you for your patience in my returning all of your phone calls while I work hard on all of these member movements!).

The Sports Membership wins in the most

transactions. Between the closed Sports category and the open Sports category, we have had a total of 54 transactions, most of this being members moving from the closed Sports category to the new Sports category to save in monthly dues. All of this movement has actually moved the needle very little in Sports growth. We started 2023 with 221 total Sports members and now have 223.

The Full Golf Membership wins in the most growth so far.

We started the year with 202 Full Golf members and are now at 214, for a net positive of 12 members in this category. Not bad! That’s an average of two new Full Golf members per month!

Our Young Professional Membership is also growing — but only during the Legacy Program.

The Young Pros have grown in numbers by 4 (8 new members, and 4 resigned or downgraded). One hundred percent of our new Young Pros this year have come in under our annual Legacy Program. If you remember, the Legacy Program waives the Initiation Fee for relatives of current members and is only offered two months out of the year.

Single Golf is... static.

Our Single Golf category has lost as many members as it has gained, for a net zero. Interestingly, this was our biggest growing membership the last couple of years. Perhaps more spouses are golfing now, as seen in the growth of the Full Golf membership.

Weekday, Twilight and Dining have all lost memberships.

Both Weekday and Dining categories have a net loss of 3 members each, and Twilight has shown the most losses this year at a net 6.

As for the 2023 Sales Plan...

We are falling below sales plan numbers. Plan for mid-year is 833, and our actuals are at 820. Plan for dues totals for June is $372,358 and actuals is at $368,446.

So the news is mixed... some good and some bad. Please do your part as a Woodbridge member and make sure you promote your Club to your friends, family, colleagues and community for the remainder of the year so we can finish strong.

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