Woodbridge Golf & Country Club - JUNE 2023

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JUNE 2023
A Publication of Woodbridge Golf & Country Club

Published by Woodbridge Golf & Country Club 950 E Woodbridge Rd, Woodbridge, CA 95258 Digital version available at www.woodbridgegcc.net


President Cody Diede | VP Mark Berry | Treasurer Nolan Person | Secretary Danny Miladinovich | Past President Nick Salvetti


Stan Demski, Dan Grauman, Greg Kozlowski, Chris Phelps, Laura Reeves, Josh Sturman

Club Contacts

Russ Bond, Interim General Manager 263-0113 | rbond@woodbridgegcc.com

Questions about this publication should be directed to Kristine Roberson, 263-0115 or kroberson@woodbridgegcc.com


THE TAP IN Short, quick news

Here come the TOURNAMENTS

Membership & Marketing Director Kristine Roberson 263-0115 | kroberson@woodbridgegcc.com

Office Manager Evelyn Chinchiolo 263-0116 | elchinchiolo@woodbridgegcc.com

Human Resources Manager Mindy Adolf 263-0114 | madolf@woodbridgegcc.com

Administration Office 334-5454 x 100

Events Manager Jessica Johnstone 263-0121 | jjohnstone@woodbridgegcc.com

Food & Beverage Supervisor Kelley Mori 263-0133 | kmori@woodbridgegcc.com

Cafe 263-0133 | Private Events 263-0121

Head Golf Professional John Hughes, PGA 368-2685 | jhughes@woodbridgegcc.com

Class A Golf Course Super. Kurtis Wolford 368-9040 | kwolford@woodbridgegcc.com

Player Development Professional Ryan Williams 369-2371 | rawilliams@woodbridgegcc.com

Golf Shop/Tee Times 369-2371

Fitness Center Manager Holly Cummings 370-6330 | sports@woodbridgegcc.com

Tennis Professional Mauricio Achondo, USPTA 327-5659 | machondo@woodbridgegcc.com

Tennis Professional Haley Marais, USPTA 275-5158 | hmarais@woodbridgegcc.com

Sports Complex & Reservations 370-6330

The Ladies Invitational is June 14-16. The ladies will start the party Wed, June 14 with an evening cocktail party. On June 15 & 16, the ladies will be taking over the River and Vineyard courses (the Lake course will be open for play).

The Men’s Tokay Invitational is the following week — June 22-24. The men will also have a special Wednesday-night kickoff, but all members ARE able to attend this special buffet dinner through the regular reservation system. The Clubhouse and all golf will be closed to members June 22-24 for the Tokay. The Sports Complex and Oasis Snack Bar will remain open.

June 30 is deadline for last names starting with A-L

If your last name starts with A-L, your food and beverage quarterly minimum ends this month. As a reminder, our events, Cafe food and beverage, beverage cart and wine bottle purchases all count toward your food and beverage minimum.

The Woodbridge Pool — In-Season Hours

The pool is open for Family Swim seven days a week, 11am-7pm. Other times are lap swimmer priority. Lifeguards are now on duty seven days a week as well. Please remember to take all pool toys/floaties home with you. The Oasis Snack Bar hours are Tuesday through Sunday, 11am to 7pm. Please remember, no outside food or glass containers at the pool, please.

Upcoming Member Events

June 3: Round Robin - Summer Kick Off

June 6-9: Jr Golf & Jr Tennis Camps

June 9: Senior Men’s Home & Home (at Spring Creek)

June 14-16: Ladies Invitational

June 18: Father’s Day BBQ at the Pool

June 20-23: Jr Tennis Camp

June 24-26: Tokay Invitational

June 27-30: Jr Golf Camp

Death by Committee (Meetings):

June 1: House & Social Committee

June 6: Centennial Committee

June 20: Finance Committee

2 JUNE 2023


Good day Woodbridge, My name is Russ Bond, and I will serve as interim general manager at your awesome Club to assist with the Troon transition. Most recently, I was the general manager at the Fountaingrove Club, a memberowned Troon Privé Club in Santa Rosa. Currently, the search committee is working its way through the recruitment and selection of a permanent general manager. Stay tuned.

I have been meeting individually with the management team and as many hourly staff members as possible to get a better handle on the current state of the Club, including its strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, Troon’s corporate departmentspecialty experts will be meeting with each of our department heads and will then author and implement a 30-60-90-day action plan for each department.

We will work swiftly, but diligently, to set our path forward together.

If I can be of service, please let me know.

3 JUNE 2023


How will you measure this Summer?

Last month, my middle child graduated from CSU Long Beach with a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Acting. At the end of the department’s graduation ceremony, about a dozen graduates (my daughter included) got up and sang “Seasons of Love” from the musical Rent.

And now the song is stuck in my head. Don’t you hate that?

Do you know the song? The lyrics send us contemplating every minute in a year. What makes it a good year? What are the most meaningful minutes in a year? The song promotes community, laughter and love as what matters most...

“525,600 minutes, 525,000 moments so dear.

525,600 minutes - how do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee.

In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.

In 525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year in the life?

How about love? How about love? How about love?

Measure in love. Seasons of love.”

With Mother’s Day and graduations past us this year, we are now looking into the Dog Days of Summer, at long last! I wonder how many minutes we will celebrate community, togetherness and laughter at the Club this summer? What will be the measurement for your summer?

Time spent with loved ones at the Father’s Day BBQ, June 18?

The number of rounds of golf played with friends?

The number of smiles given to strangers and new members at the Club?

The number of snow cones and corn dogs ordered with your children and grandchildren at the Woodbridge Pool?

The number of pictures you got of your children and grandchildren at the Jr Summer Camps?

Whatever measurement you choose for this Season, I hope you are able to exceed your target.

Make it a good one.

MEMBERSHIP UPDATE MAY’S Jim Labrecque Sponsor: Membership Committee Category: Twilight Phillip Perez Sponsor: C James Category: Sports Corey Farrell Sponsor: B Wheeler Category: Full Golf Tim Kooyman Reinstatement Category: Full Golf New Members Proprietary Golf 414 Senior 32 Select Golf 87 Sports 221 Dining 62 Total Members 816 MEMBERSHIP AS OF 5/31/23
4 JUNE 2023
5 JUNE 2023


June’s Tip of the Month

This month’s instructional article marks Part 2 in our talk about length of motion in the short game. Last month, we tackled Putting and came to the realization that the best putters of all time have a putting stroke that goes “long-to-short” and the pursuit of acceleration usually does more harm than good. This month, let’s discuss chipping and pitching:

“I flipped my wrists.” “I have to make sure I follow through.” “I scooped it.” “I pulled my head.” To be sure, all of you have heard these phrases from your playing partners (perhaps maybe even said them) at some point in your golfing life. Of all the things I’ve learned from the titans of golf instruction I’ve been lucky enough to work with, listen to speak, or read, perhaps my favorite chipping quote came from Stan Utley, one of the best short game coaches in the history of the game:

“Bad chippers finish with the head on their shoulders down and the clubhead high. Great chippers finish with the clubhead low and the head on their shoulders high.”

Several years ago, I went home to see my dad for Father’s Day and he had been complaining about his chipping, saying that he had gotten “flippy” and that he was “decelling.” Several holes into the round, I finally got to see him play a short game shot and what I saw shocked me. His backswing did not get past his right foot! In some hope of getting any energy on the ball, he would jerk violently at the ball in his downswing, the club finishing above his head. Chunks, tops,

shanks, you name it! Poor fella! Like many of you, he was applying, quite well I might add, advice that he had read or heard from his buddies. The problem was that it was the wrong advice!

After a few greenside train wrecks and sensing his exasperation, I couldn’t stand by and abide more carnage. I asked Dad to make some swings with only one hand back and forth without a ball in front of him. After a few reps, he began to feel how far away he had strayed from the club’s natural change in direction. While he was still making swings, I sneakily placed a ball where his club had been cutting the grass and, unbelievably, he struck the ball beautifully and it rolled into the hole with dead weight. It’s honestly one of my favorite memories in coaching and that it happed on Father’s Day with my dad made it even sweeter!

So, what exactly had changed in my dad’s chipping motion? First, he had lengthened his backswing appropriately so there was no need for a rushed or overly forceful downswing; the force was already there! Second, more length in his backswing got the club picked up a little faster and created a steeper angle of attack. Thus, his ability to strike the ground in the right place improved dramatically! Many great chippers have described solid shots as “leaving the club in the ground” or that the “energy of the motion is downward.” Luckily for my dad, he began to feel similar sensations!

Jordan Spieth’s short-game prowess is not limited to putting. He is also exceptional around the greens with his wedges. Above, he is demonstrating a textbook pitching motion: his

feet are close together, the ball is back in his stance, and his chest and club are pointed toward the target in his finish. Sticking with our discussion on length of motion, you can clearly see that the clubhead travels a greater distance in his backswing than it does in his follow through. The clubhead finishing low on a chip or a pitch is following through.

Struggling with your chipping and pitching? Take a page out of Jordan’s playbook! Nail your setup and ball position and dial in your length of motion. Below are some helpful drills to get pointed in the right direction:

1. One-Hand-Only Drill: Like putting, using only one hand can be extremely helpful around the greens. I suggest using your dominant hand. Contrary to what you may have heard, the right hand is not death in the short game. In what sport is using your less educated hand ideal? Walk around the green and play shots with your dominant hand to improve your rhythm and feel for what the clubhead is doing!

2. “9-iron into Sand Wedge” Drill: on a greenside shot in which you would normally use sand wedge (ball has to stop relatively quickly to stay by the hole), instead use a 9-iron. If you can make a 9-iron behave like a sand wedge, you will have learned the skills of the great short gamers in golf history. Seve Ballesteros was famous for beating other pros out of a bunker with a 3-iron!

I encourage all of you to give these drills a shot! I’d be happy to show you how to best apply them in your own game!

6 JUNE 2023


Woodbridge Men’s Club Championship

Sign up at Golf Shop! Members can play in gross flight, net flight..or both!

• Individual Match Play.

• All rounds played in June & July, finals weekend July 29 & 30.

• Players schedule their own matches with next opponent at convenient times for both players.

• Gross and Net Flights (brackets); number of flights dependent upon entries, single elimination.

• Flights will be seeded by current indexes.

• All ages eligible.

• Free for those in Men’s Tournament Program, otherwise $30 entry fee.

Course Care

Every shot flying into a green makes some sort of ball mark. Always search for your ball mark and repair it. Also repair ball marks you find that other golfers neglected.

Proper Procedure for Repairing Ball


• Insert repair tool just outside the back of the ball mark and push the turf toward the center of the mark.

• Repeat this same motion on all sides of the mark.

• Gently tap the repaired area with your putter.

• Make sure there is no soil exposed.

The Importance of Repairing Ball


• A fresh ball mark repaired by a player takes only a few seconds.

• A freshly repaired ball mark completely heals in a short time.

• A ball mark left unrepaired requires 2 weeks time for satisfactory healing.

Upcoming Golf Events

During May-June: Men’s Club

Championship Matches

May 20 & 21: Woodbridge Ryder Cup

May 31: Men’s Twilight League (start)

June 22-24: Tokay Invitational (field full, waiting list started)

Fitting Days at Woodbridge

Sat, Jul 1: Callaway

Sun, Jul 9: XXIO

Sat, Sep 9: TaylorMade Fri, Sep 15: XXIO

Golf Rules

Last Month’s QuestionA player may not move a natural object to see if it is loose if in doing so the lie of the player's ball is improved.

True or False?

Answer: False. A player may take reasonable actions to remove loose impediments and movable obstructions even though the lie may be improved.

This Month’s Question –

While taking unplayable ball relief, when a ball is dropped in the relief area, must a player accept the outcome if the ball comes to rest in its original location or in a bad lie?

What’s the ruling?

7 JUNE 2023


To improve your Golf & Tennis games

Yoga is a passion of mine. It gives me the time I need each day to fully breathe, stretch my body, work on my balance and strength and offer my mind and body my complete attention just once in the day. I’m a total yogi (a person who practices yoga). Have you tried practicing yoga, yet? The Fitness Center offers three weekly classes — Mondays at 5:15pm with Jodi; Wednesdays at 8:30am with Diane; and Wednesdays at 5:15pm with Liana. If golf or tennis are more your sport, here are five reasons you may want to incorporate yoga into your fitness regime.


Both golf and tennis require a lot of range of motion in the body. Yoga can help increase your flexibility, which can improve your swing and reduce the risk of injury. Practicing yoga regularly can help lengthen and stretch your muscles, increasing your range of motion and enhancing your overall performance on the course or the court.


Not only does yoga increase flexibility, it’s an excellent way to build strength and endurance. Yoga helps you develop core strength, which is essential for maintaining good posture and balance. It can also help you build upper body strength, which can improve your swing in golf and your serve in tennis.


Balance is crucial in both golf and tennis, and practicing yoga can help you improve it. Yoga can help develop a strong foundation by improving your alignment, and it can also help you develop better awareness of your body and your movements. Practicing yoga can help you maintain balance on the court or the course, and can help improve your overall game.

Mental Focus

Both golf and tennis require a lot of mental focus and concentration. Yoga can help you develop better mental clarity and focus by teaching you how to control your breathing and quiet your mind. Practicing yoga regularly can help reduce stress and anxiety, and can help you stay focused on the course or the court. It can also help improve your mental game by teaching you how to stay calm and centered under pressure.

Injury Prevention

Injuries are common in both golf and tennis, but practicing yoga can help reduce the risk of injury. Yoga’s work on your flexibility, strength, and balance can reduce the strain on your joints and muscles. This can help prevent common injuries like strains, sprains, and other overuse injuries.

One of the best things about yoga is you can start where you are at any time. You don’t need a certain amount of flexibility or experience, just a willingness to try new things. Give it a go, and let me know how you like it!

Upcoming Tennis Events

Mark your calendars!

June 3: Summer Kickoff Round Robin 9am-noon

June 16: Beer, Balls & Barbecue 9am-noon


Samantha is 14 years old and will be a freshman at Lodi High next year. She loves baking, traveling, playing tennis and art. Samantha wants to be a doctor when she grows up. JR TENNIS PLAYER OF

Scan QR code for Fitness Class Times!
8 JUNE 2023

49er UpdateDerby Time!

Hi 49ers. Last month, we had a Best Ball twosome competition and a Cha-Cha-Cha competition, but the most fun of all was the Kentucky Derby competition with the beautiful hats and special instructions for each hole. Again, Melissa Krebill went all out to put on the Derby! Such fun and even our guests were able to participate since it was guest day, too. Thank you Melissa and helpers!! We also had Judi Phillips and Lauren Dummer from WNHGA to visit us that day and to give us some rules information with a Q and A after. And our golf might be getting better because several of us had a group lesson with Teresa...We’ll see...

Remember June is the 8am check in times because it’s hotter to beat the heat. Aim for 8:20am tee times. We are finished before the heat comes, sometimes even before lunch is served, so you can socialize then instead of on the hot course.

June Play

• 1--Vineyard--Tee time, stroke

• 8--Lake (River?)--Flag Day Tournament--Merlot Tees. Check in at 8:00 Tee times from 8:20. No shotgun. You plant your flag when you come to the number on your flag...Which is par plus your pops (your handicap)

• 15-- Lake--Tee times, Stroke. (18 holers Invitational)

• 22--No Golf Tokay Invitational

• 29--River--Guest Day--Snack and check in 8:00, 8:30 shotgun, Low Putts, Lunch

Come out to golf, exercise, fresh air...See you on the course. Arleen


May Scores


Group 1 — Linda Fugazi & Eric Daegling 23230

Group 2 — Liza Kanemura & Mary Slate 22820

Group 3 — Linda Van Loben Sels & Nancy Rutherford 20410

9 JUNE 2023

Congratulations, Jean!2023 HANDICAP CHAMP

Well we have gotten our wish for warmer days and, boy, are they warm. I don’t believe we had a spring, but hopefully the cold windy days are gone.

Handicap Championship

During late April, we held our three-day Handicap Championship. A field of 16 participated, with our club Handicap Champion being chosen for the second flight.

JEAN DEVINE earned the title of WWGA 2023 Handicap Champion with a net 218! Here are the final results of the Handicap Championship. Congratulations to all the tournament players, and a great, big Thank You to Laura Reeves and Kim D’Angelo.

Guest Day

Guest Day on May 2 had a good turn out with 38 players finishing. The game was 2 Low Net Best Balls. Congratulations to all players.

Beth Handel, Cheryl Brakel, Linda Fyffe and Donna Brundy

Diane Gardemeyer, Lynn Winchester, Sondra Huff, Anne Huyett

Dianne Wheeler, Jenny Baysinger, Cynthia Neely, Suzanne Goldberg

Medallion Play




May 9 was the third Medallion Play. All members are eligible to participate. At year end, the player with the lowest net score for 3 rounds out of the 7 will be awarded the NCGA Medallion.

Winners from May 9:

Merlot Flight

Helen Swanson Net 69

Anne Huyett Net 70

SB 1st Flight

Linda Fyffe Net 70

Kathie Holtzapple Net 74

Pamela Hughes Net 75

10 JUNE 2023

May 16 (Low Gross) had a good turn out with 38 players:

Merlot Flight

Anne Huyett Gross score 99

Melissa Krebill Gross Score 107

SB 1st Flight

Joy Sasaki Gross score 93

Cheri Firpo Gross Score 96

Jill Thompson Gross Score 97

SB 2nd Flight

Beth Handel Gross Score 103

Laura Reeves Gross Score 105

Donna Brundy Gross Score 110

Mother’s Day was the day of the Drawing for the Raffle Basket Sponsored by Kim D‘Angelo. Proceeds from the drawing were donated to the WWGA Ladies Upcoming Invitational. Winner of the Basket was a Woodbridge member Clyde Baker. Congratulations Clyde. Big Thank you to Kim.

May 24 is our next Team Play date. Good luck to the ladies traveling to El Macero.

Plans for the Invitational are coming along nicely. We are looking forward to a spectacular Wednesday evening Cocktail Party and a great two days of play.

See you on the course.

11 JUNE 2023


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm 49ers 9am Tennis Drop In 9:30am Charity Bridge Noon Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm House & Social Committee Meeting 4pm Power Hour 5pm High School Tennis Drop In-6:30pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm 2 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-8pm DINNER 5-8pm Fit for Life 9:30am Zumba 11am NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION 3PM 3 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH 11am-3pm APPS 11am-7pm Water Aerobics 9:30am TENNIS ROUND ROBIN Pickleball Drop In9:30am Tennis Drop In9:30am Zumba 9:30am Barre 10:45am 4 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH /APPS 11am-7pm Pickleball Drop In 1pm 5 CLUB CLOSEDPRIVATE GOLF TOURNAMENT Tennis Drop In 9:30am Zumba 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 6 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm Cycle 6am Pilates 8:30am 18-Hole Ladies 8:30am Jr Golf Summer Camp 8:30am Jr Tennis Summer Camp Noon Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Centennial Committee Meeting 4pm Power Hour 5pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm Tennis Drop In 6:30pm 7 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-8pm DINNER BUFFET 5-8PM Yoga 8:30am Jr Golf Summer Camp 8:30am Water Aerobics 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Jr Tennis Summer Camp Noon MEN’S TWILIGHT GOLF Yoga 5:15pm 8 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm Cycle 6am Jr Golf Summer Camp 8:30am 49ers 9am Tennis Drop In 9:30am Jr Tennis Summer Camp Noon Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm THURSDAYS ON THE RANGE 5PM Power Hour 5pm High School Tennis Drop In-6:30pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm 9 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-8pm DINNER 5-8pm SNR MEN HOME & HOME AT SPRING CREEK Jr Golf Summer Camp 8:30am Fit for Life 9:30am Zumba 11am Jr Tennis Summer Camp Noon 10 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH 11am-3pm APPS 11am-7pm Water Aerobics 9:30am Pickleball Drop In9:30am Tennis Drop In9:30am Zumba 9:30am Barre 10:45am 11 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH /APPS 11am-7pm Pickleball Drop In 1pm 12 CLUB CLOSED Tennis Drop In 9:30am Zumba 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 13 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm Pilates 8:30am 18-Hole Ladies 8:30am Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm Tennis Drop In 6:30pm 14 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-8pm DINNER BUFFET 5-8PM Yoga 8:30am Water Aerobics 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm LADIES INVITATIONAL COCKTAIL PARTY 15 LUNCH 911m-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm LADIES INVITATIONAL DAY ONE Tennis Drop In 9:30am High School Tennis Drop In-6:30pm Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm 16 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm LADIES INVITATIONAL DAY TWO Fit for Life 9:30am Zumba 11am 17 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH 11am-3pm APPS 11am-7pm Water Aerobics 9:30am Pickleball Drop In9:30am Tennis Drop In-9:30am Zumba 9:30am Barre 10:45am 18 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH /APPS 11am-7pm Pickleball Drop In 1pm FATHER’S DAY BBQ AT THE POOL 19 CLUB CLOSED Tennis Drop In 9:30am Zumba 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 20 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm Cycle 6am Pilates 8:30am 18-Hole Ladies 8:30am Jr Tennis Summer Camp Noon Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Finance Committee Meeting 5pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm Tennis Drop In 6:30pm 21 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-8pm DINNER BUFFET 5-8PM Yoga 8:30am Water Aerobics 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Jr Tennis Summer Camp Noon Yoga 5:15pm TOKAY INVITATIONALREGISTRATION 22 CAFE CLOSED Cycle 6am TOKAY INVITATIONALDAY ONE Tennis Drop In 9:30am Jr Tennis Summer Camp Noon Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm High School Tennis Drop In-6:30pm 23 CAFE CLOSED TOKAY INVITATIONALDAY TWO Fit for Life 9:30am Zumba 11am Jr Tennis Summer Camp Noon 24 CAFE CLOSED TOKAY INVITATIONALDAY THREE Water Aerobics 9:30am Pickleball Drop In9:30am Tennis Drop In-9:30am Zumba 9:30am Barre 10:45am 25 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH /APPS 11am-7pm Pickleball Drop In 1pm 26 CLUB CLOSED Tennis Drop In 9:30am Zumba 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 27 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm Cycle 6am Pilates 8:30am Jr Golf Summer Camp 8:30am 18-Hole Ladies 8:30amGuest Day Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm Tennis Drop In 6:30pm 28 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-8pm DINNER BUFFET 5-8PM Yoga 8:30am Jr Golf Summer Camp 8:30am Water Aerobics 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am MEN’S TWILIGHT GOLF Yoga 5:15pm 29 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm Cycle 6am Jr Golf Summer Camp 8:30am 49ers-8:30am shotgun Tennis Drop In 9:30am Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm High School Tennis Drop In-6:30pm 30 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-8pm DINNER 5-8pm Jr Golf Summer Camp 8:30am Fit for Life 9:30am Zumba 11am Jr Tennis Summer Camp Noon

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