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Letting the guys play, too: AUGUST WOMENS PLAY RESULTS
It is hard to realize that August is over and we should soon be entering the autumn season. But the heat is still with us, so who knows what season we are in?
The month of August started off with our traditional Sr Men’s Invitational. In spite of the warm weather, we had a great turnout — 13 teams of 4 (12 mixed men and women and one team of women). The event, hosted by Donna Brundy, Ginny Pelton and Laura Reeves, was a great success. Chef Matt served hamburgers grilled on the Patio and one of the best fruit salads ever seen. Food went over well as did the prizes.
Winning closest to the pin on #8 Vineyard for the men:
1: John Hagen – 28’8”
2: Greg Kozlowski – 29’ 6”
Closest for the women:
1: Sandi Small – 6’3”
2: Janis Morehead – 29’5”
Due to the large size of the field 7 places were paid out. The foursomes paid out for Low Net Best Ball:
1: Chris Phelps, Steve Sherbondy, Cynthia Neely, George Roberts 113
2: Beth Grady, Anne Huyett, Michelle Navone, Penny Meyers 114
3: Melissa Krebill, Norman Krebill, Rita Kooyman, Bill Baker 116
4: Erin DeVries, Mike DeVries, Kim D’Angelo, Greg Kozlowski 118
5: Sharon Daegling, Eric Daegling, Laura Reeves, Steve Reeves 118
6: Donna Brundy, Roger Vincelet, Joy Sasaki, Fred Bunch 121
7: Sandi Small, Steve Small, Jean Devine, Richard Maciel 122
Aug 8 had 22 participants in our Low Gross Medallion play:
First Flight winners
Debbie Wall 92
Chris Phelps 92
Joy Sasaki 93
Second Flight Winners
Marlene Weigum 99
Laura Reeves 100
Becky Goehring 101
Aug 15 was our last guest day for the year and was hosted by Kim D’Angelo. Thanks to Kim’s perseverance, we had a full field of 13 foursomes. The game Net 2 Best Ball – Shamble – of the foursome had 4 teams shooting under 110.
Closest to the pin:
Member – Pamela Hughes 11’8”
Guest – Jana Anslinger 8’6”
Lunch was barbecued chicken, potato and macaroni salads and dessert. Thanks Kim for putting on a fun tournament.
Aug 28 will be the last Team Play outing at Northridge. Thanks to Ginny Pelton for organizing the logistics and all who participated by playing — sometimes in marathon rounds.
A few reminders:
Sep 6: 9am Board Meeting – Board members please attend as we have a number of issues to discuss Sep 12, 14 & 19: WWGA Championship Tournament. Let’s sign up to make this a great tournament
Sep 26: General Meeting after lunch — members please plan to attend as there will be a couple of issues to vote on.
Have a great September
Kathie and Beth Co-Captains