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This Woodbury News should arrive with you in time for the Christmas Season. Our editorial team and contributors have been working hard again this year to provide an edition which has a seasonal flavour and summarises the year's activities. You'll find a mouth-watering high calorie seasonal recipe from Stephen Leger, contrasting nicely with a photo of our weight loss group who have year on year more than doubled their combined weight loss with an astonishing 788 lb. Many of the clubs and societies as well as schools have given us a summary of their year to date. Last year's popular and very useful HOLIDAY PERIOD PRACTICAL ARRANGEMENTS summary has once again been collated by Sue Bury. This includes information about surgery times, shops, buses, trains, landfill collections as well as many other services. Very many thanks to Sue for her hard work.
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It has been a busy year for all of us associated with the Woodbury News as the parish embraces rapid change at the same time as retaining its sense of community. Next year we aim to continue to develop the magazine and refurbish the Woodbury News’ presence on the web. More about this in the February edition. The editor's New Year's resolution is an important one: to study the correct use of the apostrophe, which continues to be a challenge. Apologies to any readers offended by my grammatical or punctuation errors, I have promised the deputy editor to try harder in 2014. The Editorial team of Graham, Sue and Karen wish our directors, contributors, advertisers, distributors and readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year. The next edition will be published on or around 1st February. OUR COVER PICTURE Congratulations to Freya Webb from Class 4 of Woodbury Salterton Primary School who has won our Holiday Edition cover picture competition. Freya wins a £10.00 Book Token for her picture. Woodbury News is a Private Company Limited by Guarantee No. 5263356 Secretary: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. Tel: 233299 Registered Office: Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. Tel: 01395 233299 Chairman: Peter Payne, ‘Harsley’, Toby Lane, Woodbury Salterton. Tel: 232394 Editor: Graham Rawlings, 4 Cooks Farm, W.S. Tel: 233739 Deputy Editor: Mrs Sue Bury, Mayflower Cottage, 37 Greenway. Tel: 233753 Subscriptions: Mrs Ann Shell, 6 Summerfield. Tel: 239175 Circulation: Mrs Beverley Simcox, 2 Beeches Close. Tel: 232858
Vicar: Reverend Karen Spray. Tel: 01392 877400 or email: church@revdkaren.org.uk Associate Minister: Reverend Christopher Cant. Tel: 01395 488178 email: chriscant@tiscali.co.uk “HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL PARISHIONERS” SPECIAL SERVICES - DECEMBER Please Note: No Choral Evensong this month. Sunday 15th 6.30pm Festival of Lessons and Carols. Sunday 22nd 6.30pm Youth Service. 7.15pm Carols on the Green. Christmas Eve 11.30pm Midnight Mass. Christmas Day 11.15am Festival Choral Eucharist. Please also note: from January 2014 Choral Evensong moves to third Sunday of the month. SPECIAL SERVICES - JANUARY 2014 Sunday 19th. 6.30pm Choral Evensong. Please Note - Third Sunday of the month. SUNDAY CLUB - ST SWITHUN’S Meet on the first Sunday of the month at the All-Age Service 11.15, and on the third Sunday of every month in the Church Rooms, Woodbury, from 11.00 until 12.00 when we go up to St Swithun’s Church. WINTER LYCH GATE STALLS - monthly. On the first Saturday of the month in Church. Helpers needed. Please note no stall in January 2014. WOODBURY PCC MONTHLY DRAW Winner December:- TBA next month. Draw every third Tuesday at Coffee Morning in Church 10.30-11.30. Every month a prize. Prizes range from £25 - £500. Subscriptions for 2014 due for payment by 6 January. Anyone interested in joining please contact Donoveen Alcock 01395 239363. FLOODLIGHTING St Swithun’s Church. For your special event. Contact Mike Jeans 01395 232544, or see the details and book it online at our website www.whitecrossdevon.org.uk/woodbury-with-exton/floodlighting-form.php Dedications - Gordon Davis – 30 November and l December. St. Andrew’s Day and Advent (the start of the Christian Year). 1 January 2014, John & Pam Rose Casemore – “Our Diamond Wedding Anniversary – 60 years together.” USUAL SUNDAY SERVICES: ROTA OF SERVICES - St Swithun’s Morning Prayers - Every Monday at 9.15. 1st Sunday 11.15 ‘Family All Age’ Choral Eucharist. 2nd Sunday 11.15 Choral Eucharist. 3rd Sunday 11.15 Choral Eucharist with Sunday Club (Vanessa Freeman 222121 or Yvonne Mackey 01395 233383). 6.30pm Choral Evensong (January to November inclusive). 4th Sunday 8.00 Holy Communion. 11.15 Morning Prayer. 5th Sunday Combined Mission Service. More information See the Church Digest (available free in Church) or visit our website: www.whitecrossdevon.org.uk
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Kids Café – Thursdays 3.15pm– 5.00pm for primary school age
Parsonage Way, Woodbury
FoSS (FRIENDS OF ST SWITHUN’S) During 2013 FoSS members have actively supported the aims of the charity in providing ideas and financial support to improve the facilities in St Swithun’s Church and to encourage greater use of the building by the whole community. The committee hosts three events annually: in 2013 the AGM followed by the unveiling of the display cabinet on 25 January, the spring concert on 26 April and a summer tea party in July. Members and supporters are entertained and fed and all proceeds go towards funds which help to maintain the fabric of Church and improve facilities. In the past year FoSS has provided funds for external lighting (path and floodlighting), for the display cabinet (along with the History Society) and the roof burglar alarm to deter lead thieves. As a result of these improvements the Church has become a popular venue for weddings (8 in 2013), concerts and school events. It is hoped that this trend will continue and that all members of the community will participate in at least one activity in the Church. In 2014 FoSS will organise three events: AGM then concert on 25 January, spring concert on 25 April and summer tea party in July. Since its inception FoSS has been fortunate to have as its driving force Jill Whitten (Chair, then Secretary) who has come up with ideas, enabling over £50,000 to be raised, and of course producing an amazing variety of food to eat.
WOODBURY BRIDGE CLUB The Bridge Club has had a successful year. Following our outing to Courtlands in 2012, this year members visited Popplefords Restaurant. We enjoyed drinks and canapés in the evening sunshine on the terrace followed by an evening of bridge. The AGM was held in May with the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer being re-elected. Jean Padmore joined the committee in place of Shirley Stevens. A further outing was held on 31 October when Ann Morris kindly made her house available as a venue and hosted for the evening. We meet every Thursday evening to play duplicate bridge - 7pm for 7.15pm. New members or guests are always welcome and can simply turn up on the night or call Tony on 01395 222063. CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAYRE THE MALTSTERS ARMS SATURDAY 14 DECEMBER, 11.00-4.00 Free entry with all donations supporting The Devon Air Ambulance.
17 Dec. 19 Dec.
Carol Singing around Woodbury. Carol Singing around Woodbury.
2014 6 Jan. 9 Jan. 14 Jan. 14 Jan. 20 Jan. 13 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Feb. 13 March 4 April 17 May
Duplicate Bridge, Exton Village Hall. 7.00pm. (875666) Woodbury WI, Exmouth Mussels, WVH, 7.30. All welcome. Friends & Neighbours - Gardeners’ Question Time. 7.30. Woodbury Twinning Association AGM. White Hart 9.00pm. Duplicate Bridge, Exton Village Hall. 7.00pm. (875666) Woodbury WI Annual Party, WVH, 7.30. Jumble Sale, WVH, 1.30. Bring jumble from 9.00. Barn Dance. WVH (232772). Fundraising for WVH extension. Woodbury WI, Antarctica, The White Continent, WVH, 7.30. Woodbury Village Hall Swishing Event. Devon Big Breakfast (232772).
Oak Road, Aylesbeare, EX5 2DA Tel: 01395 239848 ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
See the same experienced local vet at each visit Late consults available on Mon & Thurs Lots of parking and easy access Small animals and backyard poultry Older animal care a speciality Behaviour help available We’re happy to care & offer a more personal service with empathy and compassion.
Visit our website at archiesvetpractice.com
38 BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS Cont’d/… SCIENCE TUITION Qualified Teacher available for GCSE/A Level science tuition. Tel Karen on 07807474183 or email karentrice36 @yahoo.com (6/6) COMPUTER SALES, HARDWARE REPAIRS AND UPGRADES Based in Woodbury for over 18 years - Broadband and wireless connections. Data recovery and backup. Windows upgrades. Parental control. Free virus/ spyware removal & prevention. No fix no fee – All costs agreed in advance – evening visits to suit you. Mark Doyle Tel: 233694 (8/12) ECZEMA - HOT, ITCHY, SORE. Homeopathy - natural, safe, nonaddictive. Phone Libby Clapham BA, RSHom, Registered Homeopath 01392 412767 / 07986 157854; libbyclaphamnaturalhealth.co.uk (6/12) BED AND BREAKFAST in our 4 Star Silver Award 16th Century Devon Longhouse, on a working dairy farm. Sally Glanvill, Rydon Farm. 232341, www.rydonfarmwoodbury.co.uk (8/12) RUBBISH REMOVALS Domestic and Commercial. Environment Agency licensed. No job too small. Tel: 0800 335 7610 / 07979 841376. www.rubbishremovalsexeter.com (10/12) BED & BREAKFAST APARTMENT with Continental breakfast, or Traditional Farmhouse B&B, twin and double rooms. 01392 877710. Jenny Broom, Courtbrook Farm, Clyst St George. www.courtbrook.co.uk (6/12)
JUMBLE SALE SATURDAY 15 FEBRUARY, 1.30 WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL In Aid of Woodbury Village Hall Please keep your jumble ready for our sale on 15 February. Thanks - Woodbury Village Hall Fund-raising Committee.
7 WOODBURY CAMERA CLUB This Club has now been running for over two years. Its main objective is to use the combined experience of the members, supplemented by outside speakers, to offer the opportunity for members to improve their photographic skills. We also have started to use members’ skills for the local community where appropriate. Our most successful project last year was to produce a calendar of Woodbury views which has sold almost 100 copies. A small number are still on sale at Cyril's shop. We have deliberately kept our Club on a fairly informal basis and limited our membership to 20 people. This may change slightly in the coming year and we now have room for a small number of new members. We have a mixed membership, some being very experienced and others less so; we are all learning, however, and are quite happy to encourage new members who may regard themselves as "beginners". We meet once a month (currently on the third Wednesday in the month in the White Hart). If you are interested in joining, please contact Mike Jeans (currently the Convenor) on 232544 or mike@jeansy.org. WOODBURY CRICKET CLUB Woodbury Cricket Club enjoyed a successful season finishing mid table in the Devon Cricket League Div F. This was thanks to some good performances from James Kavanagh, who won the Club’s player of the year award and from younger players such as Jimmy Jones and Riordan DeehanJackson, who are now coming into their own. The junior section of the Club continues to thrive with 3 junior teams at various age groups taking part in local league cricket and up to 80 youngsters meeting for practice on Friday nights. In addition to the above the Club plays mid week 20/20 matches and Sunday non league matches throughout the season. The Club welcomes new players and strives to ensure that whatever your ability you will be given a chance to play regularly and improve your skills. If you are interested in joining the Club as either a playing or social member, or can help out in any way with administration, work on the ground, coaching juniors, umpiring or scoring, we would be very pleased to hear from you. Please contact either the chairman Ian Hughes tel 01395 233780 hughes7591@hotmail.co.uk or the 1st X1 captain Kevin Miller tel 01395 232995 kevinmiller07@ btinternet.com. Further details about the Club can also be found on the website www.woodburycc.co.uk . WOODBURY TWINNING ASSOCIATION AGM TUESDAY 14 JANUARY 2014 - 9.00pm - THE WHITE HART
WOODBURY GARDEN CLUB The Woodbury Garden Club has enjoyed another successful year; we now have over 50 members, and the average attendance at meetings has been 35/40. We have listened to, learnt from, and laughed with a variety of speakers, covering a range of subjects. The new technology and digital photography certainly helped the presentations. The Plant Sale in May and Flower and Vegetable Show in August give the public an insight to the work and enthusiasm of the members of the Garden Club. We all enjoy an outing and this year our visit to Ford Abbey was appreciated once we had arrived there! The highlight of the year must have been the Open Gardens in June, when ten private gardens in Woodbury were open to the public. Although the weather was a bit damp and dreary, many people visited the gardens and were able to discuss their favourites over tea and cakes in the village hall. The money raised on this occasion has been donated to the Village Hall Improvement Fund. We welcome new members of all ages and gardening experience to our meetings on the second Tuesday of every month.
THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION - WOODBURY & DISTRICT It has been a busy year for Woodbury - including an interesting display featuring the Woodbury Women’s section from the 40s, 50s and 60s at the Fun Day on the Green in June. The Community Fair at the playing fields in September featured displays showing “where the money goes”. The Poppy Appeal is ongoing, not just for Remembrance Day. Serving personnel and their dependants, young and old, will always need the R.B. Legion to be there to help in any way they can. 2014 will make us more visible in the community and encourage new members to our organisation. Look out for forthcoming events in Woodbury News and come and join us. ROYAL BRITISH LEGION COFFEE MORNINGS 10.00 - 11.30 RBL ROOM behind WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL Please note - No Coffee on Boxing Day. 9 AND 23 JANUARY. 6 & 20 FEBRUARY. All are invited to join us on alternate Thursdays.
SMALL ADS.: (3 lines) Private £2.00. (3 lines) Business £5.00 (£50.00 per annum). DISPLAY ADS. £15 quarter page To: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT Tel: 233299 (e-mail karensquires100@gmail.com). The Woodbury News accepts no liability for:- i) Any claims made by the advertiser; ii) Any errors or omissions in the advertisement as submitted by the advertiser; iii) Any legal action as a result of the advertisement.
LUCY PIPER PHOTOGRAPHY Portraits / Events / Commercial. Please contact 07541228025 / piperlucy@hotmail.com. www.lucypiperphoto graphy.com WOODBURY HOLIDAY HOME TO RENT in centre of village. Luxury accommodation for 4 people, 2 en-suites, parking, courtyard garden. Weekly holidays & short breaks. www.woodburyholidays.co.uk 01579 350365. (6/12) TWO HOLIDAY COTTAGES TO LET 1 Castle Cottages & Waverley are in the centre of Woodbury Village. 1 Castle Cottages sleeping 7 guests, Waverley 4/5. For bookings please phone Michelle 01395 232917 (11/12) M. K. L. SANSOM LTD, PLUMBER & HEATING ENGINEER GAS safe Register 4325. Installations, Maintenance and Repair. 279341 (3/12) FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER Nail Cutting and Treatment of Corns, Callus and Verrucas - Home Visits. Contact Lindsey Waddell MAFHP 01395 263496. (1/12) ACCOUNTS AND TAX SERVICE Sole Trades, Partnerships, Limited Companies and Personal Tax. Full range of advice. Fixed fee plans and free initial consultation/quotation. Wheelers Accountants Tel: 233184 (**) ROOFING Woodbury based RWI Roofing Specialising in Slating, Tiling, Re-Roof, New Roof, Repairs, Guttering. For a friendly, reliable service call Ray 232926, or 07988 691051 (As recmd in OurLocalExpert.co.uk) (8/12) SQUIRREL COTTAGE Self catering 16th century property full of character, available for weekly holidays and short breaks. Sleeps 5. Graded 5 Star. www.thecottagecompanydevon.co.uk Tel: Kay 0776 997 5557 (11/12) TIME FOR A NEW LOOK? Qualified Hair Stylist. Appointment to suit. Not mobile. Call Heather Anne on 01392 876830 (9/12) MATHS TUITION: Experienced, female Maths teacher available to teach primary to GSCE level maths, 11+ and SATs preparation. Reasonable rates. Telephone: Jane Moffatt on 01395 279952 (3/12)
RSPB AYLESBEARE COMMON NATURE RESERVE 2013 The main event this year for the RSPB as a whole was our rebranding. But as our members told us firmly that we shouldn’t change the familiar avocet logo, this has been a bit subtle for some people. But now we want to talk about the fact that our nature reserves are homes for a lot more than just birds, because, let’s face it, if you are getting it right for the birds you are getting it right for an awful lot of other wildlife as well. And it’s easy to invite that wildlife into your own home patch as well as finding it on our reserves. On Aylesbeare Common this year there has been a very obvious theme: fencing. We got official permission to put a perimeter fence around the common land, then it was all hands to the pumps to get the 9 kilometres of fencing in place, along with all the gates, cattle handling structures and cattle grids required to complete the circuit. Hopefully our Dartmoor and Exmoor ponies will be roaming freely across the commons in the New Year. At least we had a better summer than last year. After the dreadfully cold, late Spring, the breeding season caught up nicely. The Dartford warblers have recovered a little since the run of cold winters knocked their numbers right down. There were seven pairs in Spring 2012 and eight in 2013 – not bad considering the ghastly summer of 2012 which we expected to be another blow to their breeding success. But no silver studded-blue butterflies were recorded at all, and the southern damselfly numbers were down, so we need to look closely at their habitat needs and try some tweaks. Luckily the summer visitors, especially the nightjars, are completely unaffected by our strange weather and turn up in the same numbers every year. Now the snipe are gathering in the wetter areas and the fieldfares and redwings are stripping the berries in the hedgerows and joining the starlings in pulling invertebrates out of the grass. Linnets and finches are flocking where seeds are available to feed on. The tricky birds to spot in the woodland edges are the treecreepers, working their way up the tree trunks, probing the bark for insects with their curved beaks. So pick a sunny and windy day and get out of doors and blow away the winter blues and walk off all that Christmas over-indulgence on the heaths.
FRIENDS OF WOODBURY SURGERY ANNUAL REPORT As many readers will already know, the Friends of Woodbury Surgery is a local charity which aims to provide some practical support to the patients of the Practice, perhaps by providing transport to the surgery, hospitals, dentists or opticians, by visiting and befriending the lonely or housebound, shopping for those no longer able to do it themselves or delivering medication. Additionally, the surgery houses an art exhibition, and 10% of the price of pictures sold is kindly donated by the artists to the Friends. For a small donation, wheelchairs are available for short-term loan The Friends organised a Medical Workshop on the evening of 25 April, entitled ‘Is this Your Life?’, when some 60 people turned up to hear about Depression & Anxiety, Healthy Eating, Budleigh & Exmouth Hospiscare and Skin Awareness. It was an enjoyable and informative evening, thanks to those who gave presentations. The Friends have been fortunate this year in receiving a number of bequests, and are particularly grateful to the late Sue Hanes’ daughters for organising a magnificent old-fashioned tea party in memory of their mother, and donating half the proceeds to the Friends. In view of all these people’s generosity, the Friends have recently donated an electronic self check-in machine to the Practice which enables patients to check themselves in without bothering the receptionists. Whilst Nita Goffron and Lis Neather are the Friends’ co-ordinators and arrange all the journeys, there is a management committee which meets at least every other month to ensure the smooth-running of the organisation, occasionally covering the work of the co-ordinators during holidays or sickness. The Friends welcome subscriptions from people who pay an annual sum in support of the charity, and are most grateful to the many volunteers whose help enables the Friends to keep going. New volunteers are always needed, so if you think you have a little spare time available and would like to help, please contact the co-ordinators on 01395 232509. CAROLS AROUND WOODBURY TUESDAY 17 & THURSDAY 19 DECEMBER Come and join us to sing and/or collect. We are meeting at the Arch at 7.00pm. All proceeds to Save the Children. Refreshments afterwards.
10 WOODBURY CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL A Year in the Life Off to a GOOD Start 2013 has proved to be yet another eventful year for Woodbury School, commencing with a successful Ofsted inspection in February when the school was judged to be ‘GOOD’ with outstanding features. The school’s continuing success is in no small way attributable to the considerable effort and commitment of staff, governors and parents, who work hard to ensure that every pupil is given the best opportunities possible to realise their potential.
Links with Others The school has continued to work with members of both St Swithun’s and Christ Church to further strengthen links within the village community. The school Ethos Group continue to assist with planning and leading school services at St Swithun’s Church, and in November, children throughout the school were keen to support the Shoebox Appeal co-ordinated by Christ Church. Links with partner schools in Tanzania and Bristol have also continued to grow. Children’s fundraising efforts have helped provide computer and IT equipment for children in Africa and cultural exchanges with pupils and staff at Millpond School, Bristol have been valuable for everyone involved. Thank You PTFA Woodbury School PTFA continues to provide invaluable support not only through significant fundraising but also by helping to maintain very positive and productive links between families and the school. One of the year’s highlights, thanks to the PTFA, has been the extension to the Adventure Play Trail installed way back in the heat of ‘Flaming June’. Supporting Others Over the past twelve months, children and staff have successfully raised considerable sums of money to support a number of charities including SeeWay Tanzania, Children in Need and Comic Relief.
14 JANUARY. 11 FEBRUARY. 18 MARCH. 22 APRIL. 13 MAY. 17 JUNE. 15 JULY. 12 AUGUST. 16 SEPTEMBER. 14 OCTOBER. 18 NOVEMBER. 9 DECEMBER. ALL MATERIAL FOR THE MAGAZINE SHOULD BE SENT TO KAREN SQUIRES, WILLOWFIELD, OAKHAYES ROAD by 7.00pm on the Closing Date, with a name and telephone number, or E-Mail to karensquires100@gmail.com
PANFORTE Effortlessly impressive, Panforte is an Italian take on Christmas Cake. It is wickedly indulgent, easy to make and highly addictive. I discovered it last year and I had lots of people ask for the recipe so here it is … Serves 8 - 10 INGREDIENTS ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
150g toasted hazelnuts 150g blanched almonds 175g dried figs, quartered 100g mixed peel 1tsp ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp ground cloves 1/4 tsp grated nutmeg
¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
2tbsp cocoa powder, sifted 50g plain flour 25g butter 150g runny honey 150g soft brown sugar sifted Icing sugar, to serve
METHOD 1. Preheat the oven to 170C/150C fan/gas 3. Grease and line the base of a 20cm (8in) sandwich tin with baking parchment. 2. Place the hazelnuts, almonds, figs and mixed peel in a heatproof bowl. Sift over the cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cocoa and flour and stir to combine. 3. Put the butter, honey and brown sugar in a pan, over a medium heat, and stir until the mixture has melted together and just comes to the boil. 4. Pour on top of the dry ingredients, and mix well with a wooden spoon. Transfer to the sandwich tin and press down with the back of the spoon, making the surface level. 5. Place in the oven for 40 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave until completely cool, before removing from the tin, and dusting with icing sugar. Our thanks once again go to Stephen Leger who can be contacted at: stephenleger55@gmail.com Tel: 01395 233549 / 07977 422164 Secret Gourmet. www.secretgourmet.co.uk PS - there are some new Secret Gourmet evening courses starting in 2014. A Secret Gourmet Gift Voucher could make an ideal Christmas present or why not come along? Please check the website for details: www.secret gourmet.co.uk
ROUND AND ABOUT Cont’d/... NEW ARRIVALS Welcome to Woodbury to Andy and Larraine Price who have moved to Court House Gardens, Globe Hill from their home in Exmouth. Andy writes for Radio 4 and has contributed his first piece for Woodbury News this month Still warm weeks later.
11 Sporting Successes Over the year, pupils have participated in a wide range of sporting events including netball matches, athletics competitions, cross-country races and a recent off-road cycling event held at Bicton.
From Andy Price STILL WARM WEEKS LATER New to the village and new to the Winter Warmer … what a spectacular! Most of you have been to so many that it is a well worn event on your calendar, well, it came as a really inspirational surprise to Larraine and I. We saw the show several times. A joyful happenstance involving Larraine’s colleagues in community nursing meant we were part of the WILT Panto sketch at the end of the show. The best thing about the event was its home grown quality … it was of us, for us, by us. It might not in some cases have met the requirements of Britain’s got Talent … but that is a different planet with very different objectives. “Was the show too long? Yes, of course it was! So, which bits would you cut? Well ah, on second thoughts … don’t mess with it the Warmer is what it is and if it was not ‘fit for purpose’ then it would have been changed long ago”. If I could just mention my favourites Mike Bull and Brown Boots and that super bloke who sang his own songs accompanying himself on the mandolin … both delightful and funny, so too was Charlie Collins monologue though I can’t be sure even now what it was about, I only know it was very clever. The whole thing and the huge logistical effort involving food prep and serve; light and sound make the Royal Tournament look like a “bring and buy.” Anyway, it has just occurred to me that I am telling you stuff you already know so I’ll stop. If ever there was a demonstration of the vivacity of Woodbury … the Winter Warmer was it. Larraine and I feel positively toasted, thanks. Andy Price
Photo above: The Year 5/6 Cycle Team: Tom Garland, Will Cartlidge, Matthew Miller, Matthew Shaw-Smith, Matthew Williams, Holly Hales, Cody Tyrrell and Alfie Pond. Children have enjoyed a number of competition successes including victory for the Year 5 and 6 athletes who took part in an indoor athletics event at Exmouth Community College in November. The team have battled their way through to the next round of the competition and are eager to compete against teams from other East Devon schools in January 2014. The Woodbury News attempts to represent a variety of views within the Community, but does not accept responsibility for anything but Editorial comment. While it may publish unacknowledged material, nothing is included unless the Editor knows the name and address of the author(s).
WOODBURY PRIMARY SCHOOL Cont’d/... Theatrical Endeavours Following in the footsteps of Year 6 pupils in the summer term with their stage production of A Glint of Gold (an amusing re-enactment of Howard Carter’s discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun), children in Maple Class recently performed their version of Charles Dickens’ classic tale, A Christmas Carol. The play provided a timely reminder for audiences to embrace the ‘Christmas Spirit’ and consider the story’s main themes of kindness, generosity, compassion and forgiveness. Photo below: Children of Maple Class preparing to take to the stage.
WEDDING The wedding took place of Joanna Bashforth and Ian Butcher at St Swithun's on Saturday 12 October. The best man was Ben Palmer and the bridesmaids were Rosie Hannaford, niece of the bridegroom, and Claire Backmore, cousin of the bride. The flower girl was Bella Blackmore and the two page boys were Oliver and Jack Bashforth, the bride’s nephews. Thanks to Reverend Karen Spray, organist Nigel Alcock, St Swithun’s choir and the bell ringers. Photo: Joanna and Ian Butcher
Photo above: Right: Bob Cratchett (Henry Sims with a smiling Tiny Tim (Sophie Drysdale)
WOODBURY C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS FAYRE The Christmas spirit was very much alive at the Woodbury Primary School Christmas Fayre held on Saturday 7 December. Draws galore, scrumptious refreshments, craft stalls, games and Christmas crafts. The organisers and helpers should be congratulated on such a well organised and happy event.
Pictured above is Molly Mclellan, Rebecca Squires, Imogen Congrieve, Max Abrehart-Smith and Eva Squires who ran their own stall decorating gingerbread men and a “name the teddy” competition. All the funds they raised on this stall they have donated to the Typhoon Haiyan appeal in the Philippines.
32 DEATH’S Cont’d/... Joyce Elizabeth Kearey. Born 02/08/1930 and died 20/11/2013. Joyce was born and brought up in Exeter attending Ladysmith and Bishop Blackall Schools. On leaving school she worked in the Telephone Exchange in Exeter and then J Wippell and Co, the ecclesiastical outfitters as an admin assistant. In her younger days she started traveling, going to Paris in 1953 with her sister Barbara. In 1958 she sailed to Australia on her own as a ‘Ten Pound Pom’ where she worked on a sheep station for some time. She returned to England in the early 1960s and went on a great adventure with two friends, camping all around Europe in a Morris traveler. She held fond memories of this trip. Joyce returned to Australia for a second time in the late 60s and worked in a home for disadvantaged children. She returned in the mid 70s and went on to work at Manormead for a few years, a home for retired clergy in Surrey - followed by a similar position at Capel Court, Cheltenham. At that time she also purchased her little cottage in Woodbury to which she would return at weekends. Joyce retired in 1990 and came to live in Woodbury full-time, working occasionally at Gracey Court, Broadclyst, another clergy home. Joyce was a great gardener and a keen member of the Garden Club, winning occasional prizes for her roses. Her other great love was dogs; she had several rescue dogs from the Blue Cross, including Lassie, Bonnie and latterly Poppy - each accompanied her on walks around the village. All this walking and love of the countryside kept Joyce remarkably fit considering her favourite foods were clotted cream, fried eggs and scampi - and her aversion to most vegetables. Recently she was described as fiercely independent - a fact of which she was very proud - so she found the limitations of the last few months of her illness very difficult. Joyce died peacefully on the 20th November at Exeter Hospice. Her family, neighbours and friends would like to thank all the staff and volunteers there for the wonderful care she received during the last three weeks of her life. Joyce’s funeral was held at East Devon Crematorium on 28 November. Donations in her memory to Hospiscare. THANKS Woodbury Parish Poppy Appeal 2013 Thank you to everybody who gave to this year’s appeal. The door-to-door collectors, as keen as ever; the children of Woodbury Salterton and Woodbury Schools who filled their pots, aided by the staff; static boxes in all manner of businesses around the Parish, together with Weight Watchers and those who gave for wreaths raised a good sum. Donations by St Swithun's and the RBL Woodbury branch brought the total to £3,771. Thank you all - John Treasaden, Poppy Appeal Organiser.
13 School Nativity As a prelude to Christmas, children in Beech, Willow and Oak Classes presented the C h ri st mas St o ry t o d e l i gh te d audiences. Photo right: Pictured with baby Jesus: Joseph (Lucas Richardson) and Mary (Sophie Knighton) attended by angels Arianna Breen and Ella Ryan and sheep (Daisy Reuben). Proposed School Enlargement Over recent years the number of children attending the school has steadily risen to its present roll of 166 pupils. It is anticipated this figure will continue to rise, not least as a result of a number of proposed building developments within the school’s designated catchment. In view of the potential increase in demand for places, governors are consulting with various stakeholders to seek their views and comments in respect of the proposed enlargement. There are clear advantages for increasing the school’s capacity from 168 to 210 pupils. Additional classrooms would allow greater flexibility when organising classes and, in due course as extra staff are employed, there would be opportunities to introduce additional skills and expertise that would complement the school’s existing provision and further enhance educational opportunities and experiences for pupils. Governors and staff are hopeful, if all goes well, that a double classroom block, fully equipped to accommodate the school’s youngest pupils, will be in place and ready for the start of the new school year in September 2014. BARN DANCE with Phoenix Funds - WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL SATURDAY 22 FEBRUARY 2014, 7.30-11.00. Light refreshments/bar/good music. Tickets £10 available from Chris Lear 01395 232772, chrislear@aol.com, Judy Bashforth 01395 233041, Cyril Rowsell - hardware shop. Fundraising for WVH Extension
WOODBURY TENNIS CLUB The year 2013 draws to a close. A reasonable number of Woodbury folk have used the tennis courts at the top of the playing fields; with the help of the Parish Council, Councillor Bernard Hughes and Woodbury Follies the Club was able to resurface the top court, thus there are now two brand new courts for community use. During the summer the courts were well used with some 40 juniors having coaching and practice sessions under the guidance of former Devon player and senior coach Steve Wood. The Club fielded two men’s teams in the Exeter and District League. The A team of Russell Gibbs, Hans Petrovics, Tim Greenslade and Clive Bennett had a good season finishing a comfortable 5th in Division 5, although they were without the injured Clive for much of the season; the evergreen Tim was partnered by B team members but still managed to win the majority of his matches. The B team of Phil Moores, Howard Back, Pat Browne, Peter Payne, Jon Hall, Andy Johnson, Rob Davis and Mike Wallwork also had a good season winning 50% of matches and finishing a creditable 5th in Division 7; Peter and Pat with a combined age of 130 years considered themselves the most senior partnership in the league until they played a Seaton pair with over 140 years!
her. One lives in Australia now and the other in Canada. Ruth ran this busy house while Leonard was on duty in Cyprus. They then moved to Halifax where she worked tirelessly for the WRVS. She had always been a keen member of the WI and the Mothers’ Union. She was very good at needlework and whilst she was is Leighton Buzzard she made a beautiful banner for the MU. They came to Devon to be near their daughter Janet where Ruth joined the tapisers at Exeter Cathedral and also made kneelers for the church in Woodbury. She always had some work in progress and later on, when her fingers weren’t quite so nimble, she took up making greeting cards which were much admired. Ruth and Leonard had two children Janet and Frances, who lives in Lossiemouth. They remember their mother as being great fun and someone who always encouraged them in whatever they did, especially with music and art. Locally friends remember Ruth as a very caring person who visited ill people and was always on hand to do a good deed. She used to say, ‘I’m just going up the road to visit an elderly person who isn’t well’ when they were probably younger than her! There was always someone on her visiting list – friend or acquaintance. Someone remarked that after visiting Ruth you had the impression that you were the one to benefit from the visit. Ruth was a wonderful friend and had a deep faith which was apparent in her conversation and thinking. She was interested in church affairs and an avid reader of The Church Times. She used to go to the Parish Church and later to Christ Church where she was a speaker. She enjoyed the Woodbury Music Group for many years and played the violin with her friend Connie on the piano. Ruth had a long and fulfilling life and was able to remain in her own home with the help of family, carers and friends. She will be greatly missed. God Bless her.
FAMILY NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY 31 DECEMBER, 5.00-10.00pm IN THE FUNCTION ROOM AT THE MALTSTERS ARMS Tickets £2.50 per child (12 & under) £5 per adult to include a light buffet. All money from ticket sales to Woodbury Community Playing Fields. For more info contact Cheryl on 07786 706 546. Tickets available from The Maltsters. Photo above: Tournament winners: Hans, Sylvia, Jan, Phil.
The mixed team of James Brown, Tim Kirk, Jan Cox, Mary Davis, Sylvia Jane and Nikki Anslow struggled in Division 4 and will be more comfortable in Division 5 next season. The Club is also participating in the Winter League and have had some good results. The Club tournament was held in September with no overall winner as the rain prevented the final from being completed at 5 games all, thus Phil, Jan, Sylvia and Hans are all winners! The Club operates throughout the year; the ladies play on Tuesday afternoon, retirees on Friday morning, and a full club session on Sunday morning. During the summer club sessions are also held on Friday evening. Last year the club sessions were not well supported; we do seek committed players, coaching can be arranged. The courts are available to residents or visitors (£4 per court, key from Pat Browne), but membership is good value! The Club welcomes new members, (and is in need of active players), please visit the courts on Sunday morning (from 10.30) during the winter months, weather permitting, when the Club session is in progress, or contact Pat Browne 232805.
It was damp and mild during the first half of November with October’s Atlantic weather still in control. Then high pressure set in with northerly winds and we had our first ground frosts mid-month which was a bit later than usual; our pond froze over on the 23rd and the first serious air frost came on the 29th – so nothing that much out of the ordinary for this time of year. Rainfall was 58.5 mm (2.30 ins and 57 % of average) and max/min temperatures were 16C/-1C. With the late arrival of frost the leaves have stayed up and given us some gorgeous colour displays; I particularly noticed this in Somerset on my trips to fish Chew Reservoir. PJH
DEATHS Mrs Ruth Millatt - A Tribute Ruth Millatt, who died suddenly on 21 October from a fall, was 98 years old. She had lived a full and varied life and settled in Woodbury with her husband in the 1980s. Born in Highbury in 1915, she survived the flu epidemic of 1918 as well as scarlet fever as a child and polio in the early 50s, being only temporarily paralysed. Ruth started training to be a nurse in the early 30s but soon afterwards changed to train as a nanny and went off to Paris with a family in the 30s. On her return she became the nanny of a family in Hampstead, London and had known them ever since that time as she stayed with them until sometime during the war. She then left to work in the Post Office in Littlehampton and to look after her mother. Ruth married Leonard Millatt in 1940, whom she had known since the age of nine, as they were neighbours and used to play together. They married in Littlehampton, Sussex and were married for 60 years, a great team. After VJ day they settled in the Isle of Sheppey whilst Leonard worked in Kidbrooke and commuted. She remembered evacuating during the flood in 1953. Leonard remained in the RAF until the 1970s and they moved ten times during that period living in France and Hong Kong, Rutland and in Leighton Buzzard (where she taught in a Primary School), to name a few of the postings. They finally settled in Croydon where Ruth became a Home Help Supervisor. The family had expanded by then as Ruth and Len brought two Chinese girls back from Hong Kong with them to train as nurses and who were very dear to
WOODBURY TWINNING ASSOCIATION The Woodbury Twinning Association was formed to develop links with Bretteville-sur-Odon, with visits to France every other year and our French counterparts visiting us in the intervening year. This year we hosted a very successful visit from our French friends in May when we arranged an exciting programme of events, culminating in a hugely enjoyable meal and barn dance at Woodbury Park. We hold regular events throughout the year which are open to all members, and non-members are also welcome to take part. As well as regular favourites, such as our spring quiz, summer barbeque and autumn progressive supper, we held a Call My Bluff evening which was great fun and perhaps most exciting of all, a Murder Mystery evening. We are a very active and successful organisation which warmly welcomes new members, particularly families, and there is no need to be able to speak French, just a desire to make new friends. For any further information please contact Jan Owen (Secretary) on 232694 or email jmowenteacher@aol.com DOG TRAINING WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL 18 DECEMBER - 7.15 Doggie Party. 9, 22, 29 JANUARY - 6.45. (15 JANUARY - No Training) All enquiries to 233653
WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL After five years of committed service Chris Wakefield stood down as Chairman. He has seen good improvements to the Hall, a new roof, which now prevents condensation during the winter, plans for extension and refurbishment of toilet and kitchen as phase one of further development. He had the difficult task of keeping the Hall going after the sudden, sad loss of Beryl White. Chris remains involved as Maintenance director. Mike Bull has taken over as Chairman, with Gordon Cameron as Vice Chair and Robin and Marian Lennox as booking secretaries. The hall is becoming a company limited by guarantee, which means it remains a charity but its directors (formerly trustees) no longer have individual financial liability. The plans for improvements, phase 1 and 2 have been drawn up and are on display in the foyer of the hall. Planning permission and building regulations have been approved, tenders for the work have been received for phase 1, and one has been accepted. The work will commence in summer 2014 at a total cost of £80,000 to provide new toilets and kitchen. The hall committee have raised £30,000 and grants and other groups (Garden, Twinning, Follies, Parish Council, WI, Short Mat Bowls, Norman Trust and County Council) have given £10,000. It is hoped that larger funding bodies will give grants of £30,000, leaving £10,000 to be raised by the community in 2014. Pat Browne Treasurer Woodbury Village Hall
COMMUNITY POLICE REPORT PCSO 30028 Donna Baker, Tel 08456 569412 Donna.baker@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk First I would like to wish all readers a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year. 2013 saw an increase in burglaries in the parish, but I am pleased to report that a male was arrested and is on bail pending court appearance in relation to several of these incidents. We also saw a spate of theft from insecure vehicles. These offences appear to have stopped now that residents are remembering to lock their cars at night. There was very little theft from vehicles parked on the common car parks, so keep up the good work and never leave valuables in your vehicle. The individuals responsible for the theft of car aerials in Woodbury have been located and are being dealt with at this time. There were six incidents of criminal damage to vehicles, three of which are still being investigated. Theft of diesel fell this year with only three reported incidents in the parish. Please remember our Christmas security advice – ¨ When shopping do not leave those heavy gift-laden bags on view in your car. Use a well lit car park area, and remember to secure your car properly. ¨ Try not to have large amounts of cash in your wallet/handbag. Be aware of how you carry your handbag/wallet to protect from the thief when in those shopping crowds. Never put your bag down unattended. ¨ At home, remember presents displayed under the Christmas tree are attractive to the thief too. Secure all doors and windows when not at home. ¨ If away from your home visiting friends/family, let a neighbour know. Invite the neighbour to park a car on your driveway to help make your home look occupied. If using timers for lights/TV to come on, try a digital timer so that you can vary the time which the electrical item comes on. Do not leave car keys on view in your home when away. Never leave large amounts of cash in the house. Please do not drink and drive and have a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year. Donna
WOODBURY WEIGHT WATCHERS It has been another successful year for this local group, seven members reaching their goal weight and a staggering total weight loss of 788 lbs or 56 stone or five 10 stone people! We are a small but very committed group of members consisting of five men and about twenty women. As well as losing weight we have been able to support the Royal British Legion by donating 20p for teas and coffees at the meetings , raising approximately £130 this year.
28 WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL CASUAL VACANCY NOTICE TWO VACANCIES EXIST ON THE PARISH COUNCIL FOR COUNCILLORS IN THE EXTON & WOODBURY WARDS If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor and would like to be considered for one of these vacancies please apply to the Chairman, c/o The Clerk at the address below, giving details of your skills, hobbies and interests etc. All applications must arrive by noon on Friday 7 February 2014. Each candidate must be proposed and seconded by a resident of the relevant Ward although candidates themselves are required only to reside, work or own land/property within 3 miles of the entire Parish of Woodbury. For more information please contact the Clerk or any Parish Councillor. (addresses and phone numbers of all Councillors can be found on Parish Council noticeboards) Mrs Belinda Price, Clerk to Woodbury Parish Council Greenacre, Couches Lane, Woodbury EX5 1HL (01395 233791) clerk@woodbury.eastdevon.gov.uk
WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL CHRISTMAS BINGO NIGHT SATURDAY 14 DECEMBER THE VILLAGE HALL, WOODBURY Doors open at 7.00 and ‘Eyes Down’ at 7.30. Cash and other super prizes. Also Room Draw. Refreshments will be available in the interval. * * * We will also draw the GRAND CHRISTMAS DRAW Tickets available from the Post Office or Committee members. All proceeds will go towards the Improvement Fund for the Hall.
17 ANNUAL REPORT FROM WOODBURY WOMEN’S INSTITUTE This has been a most varied and successful year for Woodbury WI. We have an enthusiastic membership who take part in the wide ranging activities that the WI has to offer. Throughout the year we have participated in competitions and been reasonably successful in both the Whist, with members making it through to the final, and the Quiz in which we will try to do better next time! We are through to the third round of the skittles as we have a very dedicated team! Early in the year, on a very wet January day, some members enjoyed being pampered by students at the Exeter College Beauty Day. Our summer outing was to Chudleigh Mechanical Music Museum and we held our annual Garden Party in a member’s delightful garden. A lovely afternoon was spent at Budleigh Salterton Croquet Club, which everyone enjoyed so much that we hope to be able to repeat it in 2014. In September we held a ‘Swishing’ event to raise funds for the Village Hall extension. We have had an interesting selection of speakers at our monthly meetings, enjoyed an Antiques Quiz and a Beetle Drive. We also have a thriving book group that meets once a month and we meet up for coffee and skittles on a Friday morning at the White Hart. We have been delighted with the response to our involvement in the ‘Bras for Africa’ appeal and have been able to send over two hundred to Oxfam; a big ’thank you’ to all in the village who have donated to this worthy cause. Early in the year we decided to hold an ‘Information Day’ for anyone brave enough to come along and find out more about our WI. We were delighted this was so well attended and are very pleased to report that we now have fifty members. Our programme for 2014 is looking very interesting and we already have a visit to Paris organised. If you are undecided as to whether to join the Women’s Institute, why not come along as a visitor to one of our monthly meetings (second Thursday in the month)? We would love to see you and you will be made most welcome. If you would like further information our President, Margaret Edwards would love to hear from you Tel: 01395 233653. We are all so fortunate to live in the area of Woodbury and organisations such as the WI bring many of us together, not only to enjoy one anothers company, but also to be supportive of each other if needed. The January meeting on Exmouth Mussels will be an Open Evening. Anyone, male or female, is most welcome from 8.00pm. A very Happy Christmas and New Year to you all from Woodbury WI. Editor’s Note : In order to maximise submitted copy and photographs into Woodbury News, it may be necessary to reduce the size of some items. The Editorial team will attempt to do this as carefully as possible.
EXTON LADIES Cont’d/... Our theatre outing this year was to Sidmouth where we saw Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward. We had very good seats and the evening was enjoyed by all. In October two teams from our Ladies Group entered the Rotary Club charity quiz in Exmouth. One team was in the top three or four in every round until the final round, when they were fifth out of thirty teams. So well done, we certainly have a lot of talent in Exton. On Thursday 12 December we are all looking forward to our Christmas lunch which will once again be produced by Exe Cuisine. Christmas cards will be distributed. Please keep these to members and their families only. Christmas gifts for the residents of Arthur Roberts home in Exeter will be collected. After wrapping please place a ‘post it’ note on your gift stating either for a lady or gentleman or if for either. This makes it easier for the staff, who can then had your gift directly to the appropriate person. Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas and looking forward to meeting up once again in the New Year of 2014.
HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, WOODBURY SALTERTON CHRISTMAS SERVICES Carol Service - Carols by Candlelight followed by mince pies and mulled wine will be on Sunday 22 December at 6.00pm. The Midnight Christmas Communion starts at 11.30pm and the officiating priest is Revd Janice Cackett. Our church has had a happy and fairly successful year in that we have managed to pay our Parochial share to the Diocese in full (£8,130), despite some of the fund-raising events not receiving as much support as we would have liked. We appreciate that fund-raising should not be a top priority for a church but we do have an obligation to maintain our church building as a centre for worship and for special occasions like weddings, funerals and baptisms. We are pleased to report that baptisms seem to be becoming more popular – we even had one instigated and arranged by a six year old. We are pleased that five school pupils have joined our Church Choir. We are grateful to David Hornblower, who shoulders the responsibility of being sole Churchwarden and to Jenny Kemp and Aran Brown who support him. Thanks to The Friends of The Church, led by chairman Susan Merrick, who organises a cake stall in the School Playground every half term for church funds. They also held a very successful Italian evening and were grateful to Rev Chris Cant for his Desert Island Discs evening and to Kilve and Debbie Marchant for their evening about Kilve’s life in the antiques trade. Weekly coffee mornings in the summer and the winter monthly ones in church with bacon butties cooked by Geoff and Debbie Jung make for social get-togethers. The PCC are grateful to Sheila Gerdes, an excellent Secretary, and to Nigel Dupain for his expertise as Treasurer. We were very sad to lose a former Churchwarden, Iona Bathard and miss her. We maintain close links with the school. Our church organist, Katherine Wheeler, takes a weekly hymn practice in school. We go into 2014 to face the challenge of expensive repairs to the church floor.
SEE WOODBURY ONLINE www.woodburydevon.co.uk
EXTON BRIDGE CLUB EBC is a small friendly club that meets on alternative Mondays in the Village Hall at 7.00pm to play duplicate bridge. For further information please ring Ann on 875666, David on 01395 275928, or just come along you will receive a warm welcome. Exton Bridge Club Dates for 2014: January 6 & 20, February 10 & 24, March 10 & 24, April 7 & 28, May 12 & 19, June 2 & 16, July 14. EXTON VILLAGE CAROLS AROUND THE TREE accompanied by THE EXMOUTH TOWN BAND WEDNESDAY 18 DECEMBER, 7.00 OUTSIDE ST ANDREW’S CHURCH which will be open for those who wish to sit inside. Followed by mulled wine and mince pies in the hall. Donations to the Children’s Society will be gratefully accepted during the carols. Come and enjoy this festive occasion with the whole village and sing your favourite carols. Father Christmas will visit.
EXTON LADIES GROUP SUMMARY OF EVENTS IN THE YEAR 2013 We have had a joyful and companiable year with a variety of interesting speakers on a wide range of subjects. The first memorable one was given by Richard Giles on the history of our avocet railway line from Exeter to Exmouth. Memories of our celebrations in 2011 were still quite clear in our minds. Elsie Wood’s colourful talk on the years that she spent with her husband Brian and their children in Malaysia had us all spell-bound. There were many other guest speakers throughout the year and members are welcome to browse through the file recording each month’s activities. (This book is kept by Audrey Elphick). June saw the Exton ladies organising the cream teas for the village fete. It was a glorious day and enjoyed by the whole village. Our July Garden Party, which was hosted by Lyn Yard in her beautiful garden, was a great success. Although the day was warm and sunny it was a little breezy. We were treated by Eileen Pratt to a skilful display of flower arranging for different occasions. Even the most experienced arrangers learnt something new.
WOODBURY SALTERTON WOMEN’S INSTITUTE 2013 has been a year of fun, friendship, activities and mixed emotions! We had great fun competing at Ten-pin bowling in Exmouth, and had lovely days out at Wells and Gloucester Quays, and interesting Council meetings. Some members have been to Buckingham Palace (but the Queen was out!) and to the ballet in Plymouth. We have taken part in WI Quizzes, and enjoyed weekly walking and monthly coffee mornings. We have learnt about the work done by the Dartmoor Rescue Group which was interesting and became our charity for 2013. We learnt about the Alexander technique, and the work of a Truant officer (who managed to get a couple of members to admit they themselves had bunked off once or twice!). We have taken part in a local Medical Research project, and an interesting day at Kenniford Farm. We have sadly mourned the loss of 3 of our members who have died during the year, one of whom was a founding member. As a fitting tribute, with the help of family, friends and neighbours, we have also knitted 35 cot-blankets for Africa, a big project for us all to get our teeth into! This adds up to 1260 knitted squares, which for only 21 members is quite a feat! Two of our members learnt how to crochet, to help others in finishing the edges, and squares have been flying all around the village and beyond! We appreciated the invitation to Aylesbeare’s WI 70th anniversary celebrations, and look forward to our own 60th anniversary in March 2014. We have undertaken additional informal fund-raising, to help our celebrations go with a swing! We always welcome new members joining (to take us forward for another 60 years!) so do feel free to come along to a meeting on the second Wednesday of the month in Woodbury Salterton Village Hall at 7 30pm.
Photos above: floral arrangements for Church 50th Anniversary. In September many of our ladies were involved with the 50th Anniversary celebrations of St Andrew’s Church’s present building. Some contributed with beautiful floral arrangements, whilst others helped with stewarding and the refreshments.
WOODBURY SALTERTON WHIST DRIVES The monthly Whist Drives, which take place in the Village Hall at 7.30 on the third Tuesday of each month – even August – continue to be well supported. Players join our village enthusiasts from Woodbury and Budleigh Salterton. We miss Pam McDiarmid from Exmouth, whose health now prevents her from joining us. We are a very friendly group who do not take it all too seriously and share lots of laughs. Our year ended on a sad note with the death of Christine Bricknell, who has not only been a skilled player but also arranged all the prizes each month. We will miss her home made mince pies, which were always a feature of our December meeting. Patrick and Gill Bricknell, who have helped and supported her, will carry on organising these popular events. Cont’d/...
WOODBURY SALTERTON WHIST DRIVE Cont’d/... Profits from the Whist Drives are given to the church and we thank Christine and her predecessors for a valued source of income for church funds. In 2012 the sum of £450 went to the church and we will hear soon what the figure is for 2013.
LITTLE ACORNS PRE-SCHOOL Little Acorns provides pre-school education in a small friendly group environment. A wide range of activities are on offer and it was deemed ‘Good’ in its last OFSTED inspection. Children enjoy daily outdoor play times, some in their area behind the Village Hall and some in Woodbury Salterton school playground, the use of ICT equipment, a weekly music session of nursery rhymes and action songs and art. Villagers are very complimentary about the high standard of the art work the children produce as displayed on the hall walls – their work brightens our village hall and is much appreciated. There are very close contacts with Woodbury Salterton C of E School, just across the lane, which makes the transition to full-time school so much easier for the children. A fund-raising Christmas Fayre at the end of November made a profit of around £200 for Pre-School funds.
Photo above: Harriet with Father Christmas at the Christmas Fayre
The summer fete was a great success with a blue sky and sunshine all day long. Amongst the many visitors Liam Tancock, the famous Olympic swimmer, was seen wheeling his bike around the field. The children’s races and adult tug-of-war were greeted with great delight. The many stalls, Thai Barbeque and cream teas were well patronised. The weekend finished with a well attended Songs of Praise in the marquee on the Sunday evening. Andy Murray had won his tennis game just forty minutes before.
WOODBURY SALTERTON VILLAGE HALL The village hall has just been registered with the Land Registry. This was recommended to regularise the situation and establish title as there are no title deeds. The hall was built in 1909 and has a corner stone to record this. It was built for the benefit of the inhabitants of the village of Woodbury Salterton by the honourable Marion Baroness Dunboyne. It was initially called the Church Room and vested in her grandson, Arthur Malcom Peters, and the Vicar, the Rev Charles Chase, in 1910 as Trustees. The grandson in time became Admiral Sir Arthur Malcom Peters and still had a vested interest in the hall. Official ownership of the hall had never been clear as the benefactor Marion Dunboyne had provided the hall for use not ownership. In 1974 Admiral Peters signed a Deed of Indemnity with the then current trustees to indemnify him against all interests in the hall. It was decided recently to register with the Land Registry to formally establish title and ownership for the village. A set of documents has been lodged with the Devon Heritage Centre/ Records Office in Sowton for safekeeping. In 1977 the Hall was registered as a Charity with the Charity Commission and this status is still held today. There are four nominated Trustees of local inhabitants and the hall is managed by a committee of volunteers.
ST ANDREW’S CHURCH, EXTON SERVICES 1st Sunday - Combined Mission Community Advent Carol Service, 6.30 at Farringdon. 2nd Sunday 9.30am Holy Communion with hymns. 3rd Sunday 9.30am Lay-led Service with hymns. 4th Sunday 9.30am Holy Communion with hymns. Christmas Day 9.30am Family communion with carols. Everyone will be made very welcome. 5th Sunday - 29th Combined Mission Holy Communion at St Swithun’s, 11.15. As a member of the seven churches in the White Cross Mission Community, we have hosted some of the joint services during the year. We have already begun planting shrubs and bushes in our newly created memorial garden. The overgrown ground at the side of the church has been cleared and dug through. With the much appreciated help from Exton Garden Club, who laid the bark and surrounding edge together with the memorial plaque, this area has been transformed into a pleasant and peaceful place. The highlight of our year was the 50th anniversary weekend at the end of September, the present building having been consecrated on the 29th September 1963. The stunning floral displays in the church were enjoyed by people in the village as well as by many visitors from further afield. We would like to thank all the people who helped to make the church look so beautiful with their flower arrangements together with those who helped during the festival with the refreshments. The memorable concert, produced by Nigel Alcock with the choir and solo artists, was enjoyed by a packed church. To complete the weekend, the church was once again filled to capacity for the Sunday morning Eucharist service, with friends from all the White Cross churches. THE EXE ESTUARY CYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN PATH The section running from Green Lane Exton to Bowling Green Lane Topsham is now open. With consideration by all users, this make a very pleasant way to either walk or cycle to and from Topsham. WOODBURY NEWS to your door … If you are a new resident to the area, or would like your Woodbury News to be delivered to your door monthly - we can arrange this. Just call Beverley Simcox on 232858 and she will put you in contact with your local deliverer.
WOODBURY SALTERTON – DUMBUTU LINK What an amazing effort by everyone supporting WSDL this year! Since November 2012, when we appealed for money to give the women a solar powered well, we’ve held coffee mornings, garden parties, pub performances, choir concerts in churches and a recital, in total raising over £3k, almost a third of the way. A big thank-you to all concerned. Soon we wish to help the women to start their own co-operative business selling the vegetables they grow in their communal gardens. Alongside this, our 46 sponsors (22 in Woodbury Salterton, 4 in Woodbury, 20 in Exmouth and elsewhere) have raised £1,500 and generous donations have made it up to £2,075 for this year allowing us to sponsor 83 students. No child in The Gambia is likely to get employment unless they have completed Grade 9 which is about the level of early secondary here, so we try to continue support to that level. There are many younger children (116) at Grades 1 to 5 who desperately need sponsorship (at present at £25 still per year for a child). We are proud that all the money donated actually helps the village, with no expenses apart from NatWest transfer charges once a year to send money to Dumbutu. If you wish to sponsor a younger child please contact Leo 01395 268820, wilson.email@tesco.net
PRACTICAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR Woodbury Surgery, including the dispensary, will be closed on Christmas Day Wednesday 25 and Boxing Day Thursday 26 December, and on New Year’s Day Wednesday 1 January. Open Surgeries will be held from 8.45am on Friday 27 December and Thursday 2 January. For urgent healthcare problems when the surgery is closed, call the Devon Doctors Out of Hours Service on 0845 6710270. You may be asked to attend Exmouth Community Hospital or a Treatment Centre. You can call NHS111 free of charge from a landline or mobile for advice about a non-urgent medical query or if you would like other health-related information. Simply dial 111. If you encounter a medical emergency and need an ambulance at any time, dial 999. The Londis Store in Woodbury will be closed on Christmas Day and on Boxing Day. Newspapers will be published on Boxing Day; anyone wanting a newspaper on that day must pre-order, for collection on Friday 27 December (NOT Thursday 26). Londis will be open on New Year’s Day as on a Sunday, i.e. between 8.30am and 2.00pm. The Post Office, Woodbury will be open on Christmas Eve between 9.00am-12.30pm, and then closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Normal PO hours will operate from Friday 27. On New Year’s Eve, opening hours are 9.00am-4.00pm; closed on New Year’s Day. Bus Service: there will be no No. 56 to/from the villages on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. On Friday 27, Saturday 28 and Monday 30 December the service will run as on a normal Saturday. Normal services resume from Thursday 2 January. There will be a limited National Express service.
23 Train Service: no trains will run on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Trains running immediately before or after the Bank Holidays are likely to be withdrawn earlier in evening prior to the Holiday and start later in the morning after. Similarly, trains will finish earlier on New Year’s Eve, and start later on New Year’s Day. Those wanting to travel by train are advised to contact National Rail Enquiries before attempting travel on 08457 48 49 50, to check times, engineering works and other possible disruptions. Fortnightly Landfill Collections: Friday 20 December, as normal; Monday 6 January (NOT Friday 3) then as normal from Friday 17 January). Weekly Green Box Recycling and Blue Food Waste Bins: as above, PLUS Monday 30 December (NOT Friday 27), Saturday 11 January (NOT Friday 10 January). NB Christmas wrapping paper can be recycled, as long as it is not foil-backed. Used batteries should, as usual, be placed in a battery or freezer bag, in the green box. Bad weather conditions may affect proposed collection dates. Mobile Library: the final visit for 2013 will be on Friday 13 December, resuming again fortnightly on 10 January 2014 as follows: Ridges Corner, Woodbury Salterton 12.40-1.00pm Diggers Rest, Woodbury Salterton 2.00-2.20pm Kennels, Woodbury Salterton 2.30-2.50pm Village Car Park, Woodbury 3.05-4.15pm Car Park, Exton 4.35-5.05pm. For more details, contact Outreach & Rural Services Manager on 01392 384040.
Please Note: The above information is correct as at the time of going to press.
PRACTICAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR Woodbury Surgery, including the dispensary, will be closed on Christmas Day Wednesday 25 and Boxing Day Thursday 26 December, and on New Year’s Day Wednesday 1 January. Open Surgeries will be held from 8.45am on Friday 27 December and Thursday 2 January. For urgent healthcare problems when the surgery is closed, call the Devon Doctors Out of Hours Service on 0845 6710270. You may be asked to attend Exmouth Community Hospital or a Treatment Centre. You can call NHS111 free of charge from a landline or mobile for advice about a non-urgent medical query or if you would like other health-related information. Simply dial 111. If you encounter a medical emergency and need an ambulance at any time, dial 999. The Londis Store in Woodbury will be closed on Christmas Day and on Boxing Day. Newspapers will be published on Boxing Day; anyone wanting a newspaper on that day must pre-order, for collection on Friday 27 December (NOT Thursday 26). Londis will be open on New Year’s Day as on a Sunday, i.e. between 8.30am and 2.00pm. The Post Office, Woodbury will be open on Christmas Eve between 9.00am-12.30pm, and then closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Normal PO hours will operate from Friday 27. On New Year’s Eve, opening hours are 9.00am-4.00pm; closed on New Year’s Day. Bus Service: there will be no No. 56 to/from the villages on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. On Friday 27, Saturday 28 and Monday 30 December the service will run as on a normal Saturday. Normal services resume from Thursday 2 January. There will be a limited National Express service.
23 Train Service: no trains will run on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Trains running immediately before or after the Bank Holidays are likely to be withdrawn earlier in evening prior to the Holiday and start later in the morning after. Similarly, trains will finish earlier on New Year’s Eve, and start later on New Year’s Day. Those wanting to travel by train are advised to contact National Rail Enquiries before attempting travel on 08457 48 49 50, to check times, engineering works and other possible disruptions. Fortnightly Landfill Collections: Friday 20 December, as normal; Monday 6 January (NOT Friday 3) then as normal from Friday 17 January). Weekly Green Box Recycling and Blue Food Waste Bins: as above, PLUS Monday 30 December (NOT Friday 27), Saturday 11 January (NOT Friday 10 January). NB Christmas wrapping paper can be recycled, as long as it is not foil-backed. Used batteries should, as usual, be placed in a battery or freezer bag, in the green box. Bad weather conditions may affect proposed collection dates. Mobile Library: the final visit for 2013 will be on Friday 13 December, resuming again fortnightly on 10 January 2014 as follows: Ridges Corner, Woodbury Salterton 12.40-1.00pm Diggers Rest, Woodbury Salterton 2.00-2.20pm Kennels, Woodbury Salterton 2.30-2.50pm Village Car Park, Woodbury 3.05-4.15pm Car Park, Exton 4.35-5.05pm. For more details, contact Outreach & Rural Services Manager on 01392 384040.
Please Note: The above information is correct as at the time of going to press.
WOODBURY SALTERTON VILLAGE HALL The village hall has just been registered with the Land Registry. This was recommended to regularise the situation and establish title as there are no title deeds. The hall was built in 1909 and has a corner stone to record this. It was built for the benefit of the inhabitants of the village of Woodbury Salterton by the honourable Marion Baroness Dunboyne. It was initially called the Church Room and vested in her grandson, Arthur Malcom Peters, and the Vicar, the Rev Charles Chase, in 1910 as Trustees. The grandson in time became Admiral Sir Arthur Malcom Peters and still had a vested interest in the hall. Official ownership of the hall had never been clear as the benefactor Marion Dunboyne had provided the hall for use not ownership. In 1974 Admiral Peters signed a Deed of Indemnity with the then current trustees to indemnify him against all interests in the hall. It was decided recently to register with the Land Registry to formally establish title and ownership for the village. A set of documents has been lodged with the Devon Heritage Centre/ Records Office in Sowton for safekeeping. In 1977 the Hall was registered as a Charity with the Charity Commission and this status is still held today. There are four nominated Trustees of local inhabitants and the hall is managed by a committee of volunteers.
ST ANDREW’S CHURCH, EXTON SERVICES 1st Sunday - Combined Mission Community Advent Carol Service, 6.30 at Farringdon. 2nd Sunday 9.30am Holy Communion with hymns. 3rd Sunday 9.30am Lay-led Service with hymns. 4th Sunday 9.30am Holy Communion with hymns. Christmas Day 9.30am Family communion with carols. Everyone will be made very welcome. 5th Sunday - 29th Combined Mission Holy Communion at St Swithun’s, 11.15. As a member of the seven churches in the White Cross Mission Community, we have hosted some of the joint services during the year. We have already begun planting shrubs and bushes in our newly created memorial garden. The overgrown ground at the side of the church has been cleared and dug through. With the much appreciated help from Exton Garden Club, who laid the bark and surrounding edge together with the memorial plaque, this area has been transformed into a pleasant and peaceful place. The highlight of our year was the 50th anniversary weekend at the end of September, the present building having been consecrated on the 29th September 1963. The stunning floral displays in the church were enjoyed by people in the village as well as by many visitors from further afield. We would like to thank all the people who helped to make the church look so beautiful with their flower arrangements together with those who helped during the festival with the refreshments. The memorable concert, produced by Nigel Alcock with the choir and solo artists, was enjoyed by a packed church. To complete the weekend, the church was once again filled to capacity for the Sunday morning Eucharist service, with friends from all the White Cross churches. THE EXE ESTUARY CYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN PATH The section running from Green Lane Exton to Bowling Green Lane Topsham is now open. With consideration by all users, this make a very pleasant way to either walk or cycle to and from Topsham. WOODBURY NEWS to your door … If you are a new resident to the area, or would like your Woodbury News to be delivered to your door monthly - we can arrange this. Just call Beverley Simcox on 232858 and she will put you in contact with your local deliverer.
WOODBURY SALTERTON – DUMBUTU LINK What an amazing effort by everyone supporting WSDL this year! Since November 2012, when we appealed for money to give the women a solar powered well, we’ve held coffee mornings, garden parties, pub performances, choir concerts in churches and a recital, in total raising over £3k, almost a third of the way. A big thank-you to all concerned. Soon we wish to help the women to start their own co-operative business selling the vegetables they grow in their communal gardens. Alongside this, our 46 sponsors (22 in Woodbury Salterton, 4 in Woodbury, 20 in Exmouth and elsewhere) have raised £1,500 and generous donations have made it up to £2,075 for this year allowing us to sponsor 83 students. No child in The Gambia is likely to get employment unless they have completed Grade 9 which is about the level of early secondary here, so we try to continue support to that level. There are many younger children (116) at Grades 1 to 5 who desperately need sponsorship (at present at £25 still per year for a child). We are proud that all the money donated actually helps the village, with no expenses apart from NatWest transfer charges once a year to send money to Dumbutu. If you wish to sponsor a younger child please contact Leo 01395 268820, wilson.email@tesco.net
WOODBURY SALTERTON WHIST DRIVE Cont’d/... Profits from the Whist Drives are given to the church and we thank Christine and her predecessors for a valued source of income for church funds. In 2012 the sum of £450 went to the church and we will hear soon what the figure is for 2013.
LITTLE ACORNS PRE-SCHOOL Little Acorns provides pre-school education in a small friendly group environment. A wide range of activities are on offer and it was deemed ‘Good’ in its last OFSTED inspection. Children enjoy daily outdoor play times, some in their area behind the Village Hall and some in Woodbury Salterton school playground, the use of ICT equipment, a weekly music session of nursery rhymes and action songs and art. Villagers are very complimentary about the high standard of the art work the children produce as displayed on the hall walls – their work brightens our village hall and is much appreciated. There are very close contacts with Woodbury Salterton C of E School, just across the lane, which makes the transition to full-time school so much easier for the children. A fund-raising Christmas Fayre at the end of November made a profit of around £200 for Pre-School funds.
Photo above: Harriet with Father Christmas at the Christmas Fayre
The summer fete was a great success with a blue sky and sunshine all day long. Amongst the many visitors Liam Tancock, the famous Olympic swimmer, was seen wheeling his bike around the field. The children’s races and adult tug-of-war were greeted with great delight. The many stalls, Thai Barbeque and cream teas were well patronised. The weekend finished with a well attended Songs of Praise in the marquee on the Sunday evening. Andy Murray had won his tennis game just forty minutes before.
EXTON LADIES GROUP SUMMARY OF EVENTS IN THE YEAR 2013 We have had a joyful and companiable year with a variety of interesting speakers on a wide range of subjects. The first memorable one was given by Richard Giles on the history of our avocet railway line from Exeter to Exmouth. Memories of our celebrations in 2011 were still quite clear in our minds. Elsie Wood’s colourful talk on the years that she spent with her husband Brian and their children in Malaysia had us all spell-bound. There were many other guest speakers throughout the year and members are welcome to browse through the file recording each month’s activities. (This book is kept by Audrey Elphick). June saw the Exton ladies organising the cream teas for the village fete. It was a glorious day and enjoyed by the whole village. Our July Garden Party, which was hosted by Lyn Yard in her beautiful garden, was a great success. Although the day was warm and sunny it was a little breezy. We were treated by Eileen Pratt to a skilful display of flower arranging for different occasions. Even the most experienced arrangers learnt something new.
WOODBURY SALTERTON WOMEN’S INSTITUTE 2013 has been a year of fun, friendship, activities and mixed emotions! We had great fun competing at Ten-pin bowling in Exmouth, and had lovely days out at Wells and Gloucester Quays, and interesting Council meetings. Some members have been to Buckingham Palace (but the Queen was out!) and to the ballet in Plymouth. We have taken part in WI Quizzes, and enjoyed weekly walking and monthly coffee mornings. We have learnt about the work done by the Dartmoor Rescue Group which was interesting and became our charity for 2013. We learnt about the Alexander technique, and the work of a Truant officer (who managed to get a couple of members to admit they themselves had bunked off once or twice!). We have taken part in a local Medical Research project, and an interesting day at Kenniford Farm. We have sadly mourned the loss of 3 of our members who have died during the year, one of whom was a founding member. As a fitting tribute, with the help of family, friends and neighbours, we have also knitted 35 cot-blankets for Africa, a big project for us all to get our teeth into! This adds up to 1260 knitted squares, which for only 21 members is quite a feat! Two of our members learnt how to crochet, to help others in finishing the edges, and squares have been flying all around the village and beyond! We appreciated the invitation to Aylesbeare’s WI 70th anniversary celebrations, and look forward to our own 60th anniversary in March 2014. We have undertaken additional informal fund-raising, to help our celebrations go with a swing! We always welcome new members joining (to take us forward for another 60 years!) so do feel free to come along to a meeting on the second Wednesday of the month in Woodbury Salterton Village Hall at 7 30pm.
Photos above: floral arrangements for Church 50th Anniversary. In September many of our ladies were involved with the 50th Anniversary celebrations of St Andrew’s Church’s present building. Some contributed with beautiful floral arrangements, whilst others helped with stewarding and the refreshments.
WOODBURY SALTERTON WHIST DRIVES The monthly Whist Drives, which take place in the Village Hall at 7.30 on the third Tuesday of each month – even August – continue to be well supported. Players join our village enthusiasts from Woodbury and Budleigh Salterton. We miss Pam McDiarmid from Exmouth, whose health now prevents her from joining us. We are a very friendly group who do not take it all too seriously and share lots of laughs. Our year ended on a sad note with the death of Christine Bricknell, who has not only been a skilled player but also arranged all the prizes each month. We will miss her home made mince pies, which were always a feature of our December meeting. Patrick and Gill Bricknell, who have helped and supported her, will carry on organising these popular events. Cont’d/...
EXTON LADIES Cont’d/... Our theatre outing this year was to Sidmouth where we saw Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward. We had very good seats and the evening was enjoyed by all. In October two teams from our Ladies Group entered the Rotary Club charity quiz in Exmouth. One team was in the top three or four in every round until the final round, when they were fifth out of thirty teams. So well done, we certainly have a lot of talent in Exton. On Thursday 12 December we are all looking forward to our Christmas lunch which will once again be produced by Exe Cuisine. Christmas cards will be distributed. Please keep these to members and their families only. Christmas gifts for the residents of Arthur Roberts home in Exeter will be collected. After wrapping please place a ‘post it’ note on your gift stating either for a lady or gentleman or if for either. This makes it easier for the staff, who can then had your gift directly to the appropriate person. Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas and looking forward to meeting up once again in the New Year of 2014.
HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, WOODBURY SALTERTON CHRISTMAS SERVICES Carol Service - Carols by Candlelight followed by mince pies and mulled wine will be on Sunday 22 December at 6.00pm. The Midnight Christmas Communion starts at 11.30pm and the officiating priest is Revd Janice Cackett. Our church has had a happy and fairly successful year in that we have managed to pay our Parochial share to the Diocese in full (£8,130), despite some of the fund-raising events not receiving as much support as we would have liked. We appreciate that fund-raising should not be a top priority for a church but we do have an obligation to maintain our church building as a centre for worship and for special occasions like weddings, funerals and baptisms. We are pleased to report that baptisms seem to be becoming more popular – we even had one instigated and arranged by a six year old. We are pleased that five school pupils have joined our Church Choir. We are grateful to David Hornblower, who shoulders the responsibility of being sole Churchwarden and to Jenny Kemp and Aran Brown who support him. Thanks to The Friends of The Church, led by chairman Susan Merrick, who organises a cake stall in the School Playground every half term for church funds. They also held a very successful Italian evening and were grateful to Rev Chris Cant for his Desert Island Discs evening and to Kilve and Debbie Marchant for their evening about Kilve’s life in the antiques trade. Weekly coffee mornings in the summer and the winter monthly ones in church with bacon butties cooked by Geoff and Debbie Jung make for social get-togethers. The PCC are grateful to Sheila Gerdes, an excellent Secretary, and to Nigel Dupain for his expertise as Treasurer. We were very sad to lose a former Churchwarden, Iona Bathard and miss her. We maintain close links with the school. Our church organist, Katherine Wheeler, takes a weekly hymn practice in school. We go into 2014 to face the challenge of expensive repairs to the church floor.
SEE WOODBURY ONLINE www.woodburydevon.co.uk
EXTON BRIDGE CLUB EBC is a small friendly club that meets on alternative Mondays in the Village Hall at 7.00pm to play duplicate bridge. For further information please ring Ann on 875666, David on 01395 275928, or just come along you will receive a warm welcome. Exton Bridge Club Dates for 2014: January 6 & 20, February 10 & 24, March 10 & 24, April 7 & 28, May 12 & 19, June 2 & 16, July 14. EXTON VILLAGE CAROLS AROUND THE TREE accompanied by THE EXMOUTH TOWN BAND WEDNESDAY 18 DECEMBER, 7.00 OUTSIDE ST ANDREW’S CHURCH which will be open for those who wish to sit inside. Followed by mulled wine and mince pies in the hall. Donations to the Children’s Society will be gratefully accepted during the carols. Come and enjoy this festive occasion with the whole village and sing your favourite carols. Father Christmas will visit.
28 WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL CASUAL VACANCY NOTICE TWO VACANCIES EXIST ON THE PARISH COUNCIL FOR COUNCILLORS IN THE EXTON & WOODBURY WARDS If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor and would like to be considered for one of these vacancies please apply to the Chairman, c/o The Clerk at the address below, giving details of your skills, hobbies and interests etc. All applications must arrive by noon on Friday 7 February 2014. Each candidate must be proposed and seconded by a resident of the relevant Ward although candidates themselves are required only to reside, work or own land/property within 3 miles of the entire Parish of Woodbury. For more information please contact the Clerk or any Parish Councillor. (addresses and phone numbers of all Councillors can be found on Parish Council noticeboards) Mrs Belinda Price, Clerk to Woodbury Parish Council Greenacre, Couches Lane, Woodbury EX5 1HL (01395 233791) clerk@woodbury.eastdevon.gov.uk
WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL CHRISTMAS BINGO NIGHT SATURDAY 14 DECEMBER THE VILLAGE HALL, WOODBURY Doors open at 7.00 and ‘Eyes Down’ at 7.30. Cash and other super prizes. Also Room Draw. Refreshments will be available in the interval. * * * We will also draw the GRAND CHRISTMAS DRAW Tickets available from the Post Office or Committee members. All proceeds will go towards the Improvement Fund for the Hall.
17 ANNUAL REPORT FROM WOODBURY WOMEN’S INSTITUTE This has been a most varied and successful year for Woodbury WI. We have an enthusiastic membership who take part in the wide ranging activities that the WI has to offer. Throughout the year we have participated in competitions and been reasonably successful in both the Whist, with members making it through to the final, and the Quiz in which we will try to do better next time! We are through to the third round of the skittles as we have a very dedicated team! Early in the year, on a very wet January day, some members enjoyed being pampered by students at the Exeter College Beauty Day. Our summer outing was to Chudleigh Mechanical Music Museum and we held our annual Garden Party in a member’s delightful garden. A lovely afternoon was spent at Budleigh Salterton Croquet Club, which everyone enjoyed so much that we hope to be able to repeat it in 2014. In September we held a ‘Swishing’ event to raise funds for the Village Hall extension. We have had an interesting selection of speakers at our monthly meetings, enjoyed an Antiques Quiz and a Beetle Drive. We also have a thriving book group that meets once a month and we meet up for coffee and skittles on a Friday morning at the White Hart. We have been delighted with the response to our involvement in the ‘Bras for Africa’ appeal and have been able to send over two hundred to Oxfam; a big ’thank you’ to all in the village who have donated to this worthy cause. Early in the year we decided to hold an ‘Information Day’ for anyone brave enough to come along and find out more about our WI. We were delighted this was so well attended and are very pleased to report that we now have fifty members. Our programme for 2014 is looking very interesting and we already have a visit to Paris organised. If you are undecided as to whether to join the Women’s Institute, why not come along as a visitor to one of our monthly meetings (second Thursday in the month)? We would love to see you and you will be made most welcome. If you would like further information our President, Margaret Edwards would love to hear from you Tel: 01395 233653. We are all so fortunate to live in the area of Woodbury and organisations such as the WI bring many of us together, not only to enjoy one anothers company, but also to be supportive of each other if needed. The January meeting on Exmouth Mussels will be an Open Evening. Anyone, male or female, is most welcome from 8.00pm. A very Happy Christmas and New Year to you all from Woodbury WI. Editor’s Note : In order to maximise submitted copy and photographs into Woodbury News, it may be necessary to reduce the size of some items. The Editorial team will attempt to do this as carefully as possible.
WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL After five years of committed service Chris Wakefield stood down as Chairman. He has seen good improvements to the Hall, a new roof, which now prevents condensation during the winter, plans for extension and refurbishment of toilet and kitchen as phase one of further development. He had the difficult task of keeping the Hall going after the sudden, sad loss of Beryl White. Chris remains involved as Maintenance director. Mike Bull has taken over as Chairman, with Gordon Cameron as Vice Chair and Robin and Marian Lennox as booking secretaries. The hall is becoming a company limited by guarantee, which means it remains a charity but its directors (formerly trustees) no longer have individual financial liability. The plans for improvements, phase 1 and 2 have been drawn up and are on display in the foyer of the hall. Planning permission and building regulations have been approved, tenders for the work have been received for phase 1, and one has been accepted. The work will commence in summer 2014 at a total cost of £80,000 to provide new toilets and kitchen. The hall committee have raised £30,000 and grants and other groups (Garden, Twinning, Follies, Parish Council, WI, Short Mat Bowls, Norman Trust and County Council) have given £10,000. It is hoped that larger funding bodies will give grants of £30,000, leaving £10,000 to be raised by the community in 2014. Pat Browne Treasurer Woodbury Village Hall
COMMUNITY POLICE REPORT PCSO 30028 Donna Baker, Tel 08456 569412 Donna.baker@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk First I would like to wish all readers a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year. 2013 saw an increase in burglaries in the parish, but I am pleased to report that a male was arrested and is on bail pending court appearance in relation to several of these incidents. We also saw a spate of theft from insecure vehicles. These offences appear to have stopped now that residents are remembering to lock their cars at night. There was very little theft from vehicles parked on the common car parks, so keep up the good work and never leave valuables in your vehicle. The individuals responsible for the theft of car aerials in Woodbury have been located and are being dealt with at this time. There were six incidents of criminal damage to vehicles, three of which are still being investigated. Theft of diesel fell this year with only three reported incidents in the parish. Please remember our Christmas security advice – ¨ When shopping do not leave those heavy gift-laden bags on view in your car. Use a well lit car park area, and remember to secure your car properly. ¨ Try not to have large amounts of cash in your wallet/handbag. Be aware of how you carry your handbag/wallet to protect from the thief when in those shopping crowds. Never put your bag down unattended. ¨ At home, remember presents displayed under the Christmas tree are attractive to the thief too. Secure all doors and windows when not at home. ¨ If away from your home visiting friends/family, let a neighbour know. Invite the neighbour to park a car on your driveway to help make your home look occupied. If using timers for lights/TV to come on, try a digital timer so that you can vary the time which the electrical item comes on. Do not leave car keys on view in your home when away. Never leave large amounts of cash in the house. Please do not drink and drive and have a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year. Donna
WOODBURY WEIGHT WATCHERS It has been another successful year for this local group, seven members reaching their goal weight and a staggering total weight loss of 788 lbs or 56 stone or five 10 stone people! We are a small but very committed group of members consisting of five men and about twenty women. As well as losing weight we have been able to support the Royal British Legion by donating 20p for teas and coffees at the meetings , raising approximately £130 this year.
The mixed team of James Brown, Tim Kirk, Jan Cox, Mary Davis, Sylvia Jane and Nikki Anslow struggled in Division 4 and will be more comfortable in Division 5 next season. The Club is also participating in the Winter League and have had some good results. The Club tournament was held in September with no overall winner as the rain prevented the final from being completed at 5 games all, thus Phil, Jan, Sylvia and Hans are all winners! The Club operates throughout the year; the ladies play on Tuesday afternoon, retirees on Friday morning, and a full club session on Sunday morning. During the summer club sessions are also held on Friday evening. Last year the club sessions were not well supported; we do seek committed players, coaching can be arranged. The courts are available to residents or visitors (£4 per court, key from Pat Browne), but membership is good value! The Club welcomes new members, (and is in need of active players), please visit the courts on Sunday morning (from 10.30) during the winter months, weather permitting, when the Club session is in progress, or contact Pat Browne 232805.
It was damp and mild during the first half of November with October’s Atlantic weather still in control. Then high pressure set in with northerly winds and we had our first ground frosts mid-month which was a bit later than usual; our pond froze over on the 23rd and the first serious air frost came on the 29th – so nothing that much out of the ordinary for this time of year. Rainfall was 58.5 mm (2.30 ins and 57 % of average) and max/min temperatures were 16C/-1C. With the late arrival of frost the leaves have stayed up and given us some gorgeous colour displays; I particularly noticed this in Somerset on my trips to fish Chew Reservoir. PJH
DEATHS Mrs Ruth Millatt - A Tribute Ruth Millatt, who died suddenly on 21 October from a fall, was 98 years old. She had lived a full and varied life and settled in Woodbury with her husband in the 1980s. Born in Highbury in 1915, she survived the flu epidemic of 1918 as well as scarlet fever as a child and polio in the early 50s, being only temporarily paralysed. Ruth started training to be a nurse in the early 30s but soon afterwards changed to train as a nanny and went off to Paris with a family in the 30s. On her return she became the nanny of a family in Hampstead, London and had known them ever since that time as she stayed with them until sometime during the war. She then left to work in the Post Office in Littlehampton and to look after her mother. Ruth married Leonard Millatt in 1940, whom she had known since the age of nine, as they were neighbours and used to play together. They married in Littlehampton, Sussex and were married for 60 years, a great team. After VJ day they settled in the Isle of Sheppey whilst Leonard worked in Kidbrooke and commuted. She remembered evacuating during the flood in 1953. Leonard remained in the RAF until the 1970s and they moved ten times during that period living in France and Hong Kong, Rutland and in Leighton Buzzard (where she taught in a Primary School), to name a few of the postings. They finally settled in Croydon where Ruth became a Home Help Supervisor. The family had expanded by then as Ruth and Len brought two Chinese girls back from Hong Kong with them to train as nurses and who were very dear to
WOODBURY TWINNING ASSOCIATION The Woodbury Twinning Association was formed to develop links with Bretteville-sur-Odon, with visits to France every other year and our French counterparts visiting us in the intervening year. This year we hosted a very successful visit from our French friends in May when we arranged an exciting programme of events, culminating in a hugely enjoyable meal and barn dance at Woodbury Park. We hold regular events throughout the year which are open to all members, and non-members are also welcome to take part. As well as regular favourites, such as our spring quiz, summer barbeque and autumn progressive supper, we held a Call My Bluff evening which was great fun and perhaps most exciting of all, a Murder Mystery evening. We are a very active and successful organisation which warmly welcomes new members, particularly families, and there is no need to be able to speak French, just a desire to make new friends. For any further information please contact Jan Owen (Secretary) on 232694 or email jmowenteacher@aol.com DOG TRAINING WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL 18 DECEMBER - 7.15 Doggie Party. 9, 22, 29 JANUARY - 6.45. (15 JANUARY - No Training) All enquiries to 233653
WOODBURY TENNIS CLUB The year 2013 draws to a close. A reasonable number of Woodbury folk have used the tennis courts at the top of the playing fields; with the help of the Parish Council, Councillor Bernard Hughes and Woodbury Follies the Club was able to resurface the top court, thus there are now two brand new courts for community use. During the summer the courts were well used with some 40 juniors having coaching and practice sessions under the guidance of former Devon player and senior coach Steve Wood. The Club fielded two men’s teams in the Exeter and District League. The A team of Russell Gibbs, Hans Petrovics, Tim Greenslade and Clive Bennett had a good season finishing a comfortable 5th in Division 5, although they were without the injured Clive for much of the season; the evergreen Tim was partnered by B team members but still managed to win the majority of his matches. The B team of Phil Moores, Howard Back, Pat Browne, Peter Payne, Jon Hall, Andy Johnson, Rob Davis and Mike Wallwork also had a good season winning 50% of matches and finishing a creditable 5th in Division 7; Peter and Pat with a combined age of 130 years considered themselves the most senior partnership in the league until they played a Seaton pair with over 140 years!
her. One lives in Australia now and the other in Canada. Ruth ran this busy house while Leonard was on duty in Cyprus. They then moved to Halifax where she worked tirelessly for the WRVS. She had always been a keen member of the WI and the Mothers’ Union. She was very good at needlework and whilst she was is Leighton Buzzard she made a beautiful banner for the MU. They came to Devon to be near their daughter Janet where Ruth joined the tapisers at Exeter Cathedral and also made kneelers for the church in Woodbury. She always had some work in progress and later on, when her fingers weren’t quite so nimble, she took up making greeting cards which were much admired. Ruth and Leonard had two children Janet and Frances, who lives in Lossiemouth. They remember their mother as being great fun and someone who always encouraged them in whatever they did, especially with music and art. Locally friends remember Ruth as a very caring person who visited ill people and was always on hand to do a good deed. She used to say, ‘I’m just going up the road to visit an elderly person who isn’t well’ when they were probably younger than her! There was always someone on her visiting list – friend or acquaintance. Someone remarked that after visiting Ruth you had the impression that you were the one to benefit from the visit. Ruth was a wonderful friend and had a deep faith which was apparent in her conversation and thinking. She was interested in church affairs and an avid reader of The Church Times. She used to go to the Parish Church and later to Christ Church where she was a speaker. She enjoyed the Woodbury Music Group for many years and played the violin with her friend Connie on the piano. Ruth had a long and fulfilling life and was able to remain in her own home with the help of family, carers and friends. She will be greatly missed. God Bless her.
FAMILY NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY 31 DECEMBER, 5.00-10.00pm IN THE FUNCTION ROOM AT THE MALTSTERS ARMS Tickets £2.50 per child (12 & under) £5 per adult to include a light buffet. All money from ticket sales to Woodbury Community Playing Fields. For more info contact Cheryl on 07786 706 546. Tickets available from The Maltsters. Photo above: Tournament winners: Hans, Sylvia, Jan, Phil.
32 DEATH’S Cont’d/... Joyce Elizabeth Kearey. Born 02/08/1930 and died 20/11/2013. Joyce was born and brought up in Exeter attending Ladysmith and Bishop Blackall Schools. On leaving school she worked in the Telephone Exchange in Exeter and then J Wippell and Co, the ecclesiastical outfitters as an admin assistant. In her younger days she started traveling, going to Paris in 1953 with her sister Barbara. In 1958 she sailed to Australia on her own as a ‘Ten Pound Pom’ where she worked on a sheep station for some time. She returned to England in the early 1960s and went on a great adventure with two friends, camping all around Europe in a Morris traveler. She held fond memories of this trip. Joyce returned to Australia for a second time in the late 60s and worked in a home for disadvantaged children. She returned in the mid 70s and went on to work at Manormead for a few years, a home for retired clergy in Surrey - followed by a similar position at Capel Court, Cheltenham. At that time she also purchased her little cottage in Woodbury to which she would return at weekends. Joyce retired in 1990 and came to live in Woodbury full-time, working occasionally at Gracey Court, Broadclyst, another clergy home. Joyce was a great gardener and a keen member of the Garden Club, winning occasional prizes for her roses. Her other great love was dogs; she had several rescue dogs from the Blue Cross, including Lassie, Bonnie and latterly Poppy - each accompanied her on walks around the village. All this walking and love of the countryside kept Joyce remarkably fit considering her favourite foods were clotted cream, fried eggs and scampi - and her aversion to most vegetables. Recently she was described as fiercely independent - a fact of which she was very proud - so she found the limitations of the last few months of her illness very difficult. Joyce died peacefully on the 20th November at Exeter Hospice. Her family, neighbours and friends would like to thank all the staff and volunteers there for the wonderful care she received during the last three weeks of her life. Joyce’s funeral was held at East Devon Crematorium on 28 November. Donations in her memory to Hospiscare. THANKS Woodbury Parish Poppy Appeal 2013 Thank you to everybody who gave to this year’s appeal. The door-to-door collectors, as keen as ever; the children of Woodbury Salterton and Woodbury Schools who filled their pots, aided by the staff; static boxes in all manner of businesses around the Parish, together with Weight Watchers and those who gave for wreaths raised a good sum. Donations by St Swithun's and the RBL Woodbury branch brought the total to £3,771. Thank you all - John Treasaden, Poppy Appeal Organiser.
13 School Nativity As a prelude to Christmas, children in Beech, Willow and Oak Classes presented the C h ri st mas St o ry t o d e l i gh te d audiences. Photo right: Pictured with baby Jesus: Joseph (Lucas Richardson) and Mary (Sophie Knighton) attended by angels Arianna Breen and Ella Ryan and sheep (Daisy Reuben). Proposed School Enlargement Over recent years the number of children attending the school has steadily risen to its present roll of 166 pupils. It is anticipated this figure will continue to rise, not least as a result of a number of proposed building developments within the school’s designated catchment. In view of the potential increase in demand for places, governors are consulting with various stakeholders to seek their views and comments in respect of the proposed enlargement. There are clear advantages for increasing the school’s capacity from 168 to 210 pupils. Additional classrooms would allow greater flexibility when organising classes and, in due course as extra staff are employed, there would be opportunities to introduce additional skills and expertise that would complement the school’s existing provision and further enhance educational opportunities and experiences for pupils. Governors and staff are hopeful, if all goes well, that a double classroom block, fully equipped to accommodate the school’s youngest pupils, will be in place and ready for the start of the new school year in September 2014. BARN DANCE with Phoenix Funds - WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL SATURDAY 22 FEBRUARY 2014, 7.30-11.00. Light refreshments/bar/good music. Tickets £10 available from Chris Lear 01395 232772, chrislear@aol.com, Judy Bashforth 01395 233041, Cyril Rowsell - hardware shop. Fundraising for WVH Extension
WOODBURY PRIMARY SCHOOL Cont’d/... Theatrical Endeavours Following in the footsteps of Year 6 pupils in the summer term with their stage production of A Glint of Gold (an amusing re-enactment of Howard Carter’s discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun), children in Maple Class recently performed their version of Charles Dickens’ classic tale, A Christmas Carol. The play provided a timely reminder for audiences to embrace the ‘Christmas Spirit’ and consider the story’s main themes of kindness, generosity, compassion and forgiveness. Photo below: Children of Maple Class preparing to take to the stage.
WEDDING The wedding took place of Joanna Bashforth and Ian Butcher at St Swithun's on Saturday 12 October. The best man was Ben Palmer and the bridesmaids were Rosie Hannaford, niece of the bridegroom, and Claire Backmore, cousin of the bride. The flower girl was Bella Blackmore and the two page boys were Oliver and Jack Bashforth, the bride’s nephews. Thanks to Reverend Karen Spray, organist Nigel Alcock, St Swithun’s choir and the bell ringers. Photo: Joanna and Ian Butcher
Photo above: Right: Bob Cratchett (Henry Sims with a smiling Tiny Tim (Sophie Drysdale)
WOODBURY C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS FAYRE The Christmas spirit was very much alive at the Woodbury Primary School Christmas Fayre held on Saturday 7 December. Draws galore, scrumptious refreshments, craft stalls, games and Christmas crafts. The organisers and helpers should be congratulated on such a well organised and happy event.
Pictured above is Molly Mclellan, Rebecca Squires, Imogen Congrieve, Max Abrehart-Smith and Eva Squires who ran their own stall decorating gingerbread men and a “name the teddy” competition. All the funds they raised on this stall they have donated to the Typhoon Haiyan appeal in the Philippines.
ROUND AND ABOUT Cont’d/... NEW ARRIVALS Welcome to Woodbury to Andy and Larraine Price who have moved to Court House Gardens, Globe Hill from their home in Exmouth. Andy writes for Radio 4 and has contributed his first piece for Woodbury News this month Still warm weeks later.
11 Sporting Successes Over the year, pupils have participated in a wide range of sporting events including netball matches, athletics competitions, cross-country races and a recent off-road cycling event held at Bicton.
From Andy Price STILL WARM WEEKS LATER New to the village and new to the Winter Warmer … what a spectacular! Most of you have been to so many that it is a well worn event on your calendar, well, it came as a really inspirational surprise to Larraine and I. We saw the show several times. A joyful happenstance involving Larraine’s colleagues in community nursing meant we were part of the WILT Panto sketch at the end of the show. The best thing about the event was its home grown quality … it was of us, for us, by us. It might not in some cases have met the requirements of Britain’s got Talent … but that is a different planet with very different objectives. “Was the show too long? Yes, of course it was! So, which bits would you cut? Well ah, on second thoughts … don’t mess with it the Warmer is what it is and if it was not ‘fit for purpose’ then it would have been changed long ago”. If I could just mention my favourites Mike Bull and Brown Boots and that super bloke who sang his own songs accompanying himself on the mandolin … both delightful and funny, so too was Charlie Collins monologue though I can’t be sure even now what it was about, I only know it was very clever. The whole thing and the huge logistical effort involving food prep and serve; light and sound make the Royal Tournament look like a “bring and buy.” Anyway, it has just occurred to me that I am telling you stuff you already know so I’ll stop. If ever there was a demonstration of the vivacity of Woodbury … the Winter Warmer was it. Larraine and I feel positively toasted, thanks. Andy Price
Photo above: The Year 5/6 Cycle Team: Tom Garland, Will Cartlidge, Matthew Miller, Matthew Shaw-Smith, Matthew Williams, Holly Hales, Cody Tyrrell and Alfie Pond. Children have enjoyed a number of competition successes including victory for the Year 5 and 6 athletes who took part in an indoor athletics event at Exmouth Community College in November. The team have battled their way through to the next round of the competition and are eager to compete against teams from other East Devon schools in January 2014. The Woodbury News attempts to represent a variety of views within the Community, but does not accept responsibility for anything but Editorial comment. While it may publish unacknowledged material, nothing is included unless the Editor knows the name and address of the author(s).
10 WOODBURY CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL A Year in the Life Off to a GOOD Start 2013 has proved to be yet another eventful year for Woodbury School, commencing with a successful Ofsted inspection in February when the school was judged to be ‘GOOD’ with outstanding features. The school’s continuing success is in no small way attributable to the considerable effort and commitment of staff, governors and parents, who work hard to ensure that every pupil is given the best opportunities possible to realise their potential.
Links with Others The school has continued to work with members of both St Swithun’s and Christ Church to further strengthen links within the village community. The school Ethos Group continue to assist with planning and leading school services at St Swithun’s Church, and in November, children throughout the school were keen to support the Shoebox Appeal co-ordinated by Christ Church. Links with partner schools in Tanzania and Bristol have also continued to grow. Children’s fundraising efforts have helped provide computer and IT equipment for children in Africa and cultural exchanges with pupils and staff at Millpond School, Bristol have been valuable for everyone involved. Thank You PTFA Woodbury School PTFA continues to provide invaluable support not only through significant fundraising but also by helping to maintain very positive and productive links between families and the school. One of the year’s highlights, thanks to the PTFA, has been the extension to the Adventure Play Trail installed way back in the heat of ‘Flaming June’. Supporting Others Over the past twelve months, children and staff have successfully raised considerable sums of money to support a number of charities including SeeWay Tanzania, Children in Need and Comic Relief.
14 JANUARY. 11 FEBRUARY. 18 MARCH. 22 APRIL. 13 MAY. 17 JUNE. 15 JULY. 12 AUGUST. 16 SEPTEMBER. 14 OCTOBER. 18 NOVEMBER. 9 DECEMBER. ALL MATERIAL FOR THE MAGAZINE SHOULD BE SENT TO KAREN SQUIRES, WILLOWFIELD, OAKHAYES ROAD by 7.00pm on the Closing Date, with a name and telephone number, or E-Mail to karensquires100@gmail.com
PANFORTE Effortlessly impressive, Panforte is an Italian take on Christmas Cake. It is wickedly indulgent, easy to make and highly addictive. I discovered it last year and I had lots of people ask for the recipe so here it is … Serves 8 - 10 INGREDIENTS ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
150g toasted hazelnuts 150g blanched almonds 175g dried figs, quartered 100g mixed peel 1tsp ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp ground cloves 1/4 tsp grated nutmeg
¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
2tbsp cocoa powder, sifted 50g plain flour 25g butter 150g runny honey 150g soft brown sugar sifted Icing sugar, to serve
METHOD 1. Preheat the oven to 170C/150C fan/gas 3. Grease and line the base of a 20cm (8in) sandwich tin with baking parchment. 2. Place the hazelnuts, almonds, figs and mixed peel in a heatproof bowl. Sift over the cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cocoa and flour and stir to combine. 3. Put the butter, honey and brown sugar in a pan, over a medium heat, and stir until the mixture has melted together and just comes to the boil. 4. Pour on top of the dry ingredients, and mix well with a wooden spoon. Transfer to the sandwich tin and press down with the back of the spoon, making the surface level. 5. Place in the oven for 40 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave until completely cool, before removing from the tin, and dusting with icing sugar. Our thanks once again go to Stephen Leger who can be contacted at: stephenleger55@gmail.com Tel: 01395 233549 / 07977 422164 Secret Gourmet. www.secretgourmet.co.uk PS - there are some new Secret Gourmet evening courses starting in 2014. A Secret Gourmet Gift Voucher could make an ideal Christmas present or why not come along? Please check the website for details: www.secret gourmet.co.uk
RSPB AYLESBEARE COMMON NATURE RESERVE 2013 The main event this year for the RSPB as a whole was our rebranding. But as our members told us firmly that we shouldn’t change the familiar avocet logo, this has been a bit subtle for some people. But now we want to talk about the fact that our nature reserves are homes for a lot more than just birds, because, let’s face it, if you are getting it right for the birds you are getting it right for an awful lot of other wildlife as well. And it’s easy to invite that wildlife into your own home patch as well as finding it on our reserves. On Aylesbeare Common this year there has been a very obvious theme: fencing. We got official permission to put a perimeter fence around the common land, then it was all hands to the pumps to get the 9 kilometres of fencing in place, along with all the gates, cattle handling structures and cattle grids required to complete the circuit. Hopefully our Dartmoor and Exmoor ponies will be roaming freely across the commons in the New Year. At least we had a better summer than last year. After the dreadfully cold, late Spring, the breeding season caught up nicely. The Dartford warblers have recovered a little since the run of cold winters knocked their numbers right down. There were seven pairs in Spring 2012 and eight in 2013 – not bad considering the ghastly summer of 2012 which we expected to be another blow to their breeding success. But no silver studded-blue butterflies were recorded at all, and the southern damselfly numbers were down, so we need to look closely at their habitat needs and try some tweaks. Luckily the summer visitors, especially the nightjars, are completely unaffected by our strange weather and turn up in the same numbers every year. Now the snipe are gathering in the wetter areas and the fieldfares and redwings are stripping the berries in the hedgerows and joining the starlings in pulling invertebrates out of the grass. Linnets and finches are flocking where seeds are available to feed on. The tricky birds to spot in the woodland edges are the treecreepers, working their way up the tree trunks, probing the bark for insects with their curved beaks. So pick a sunny and windy day and get out of doors and blow away the winter blues and walk off all that Christmas over-indulgence on the heaths.
FRIENDS OF WOODBURY SURGERY ANNUAL REPORT As many readers will already know, the Friends of Woodbury Surgery is a local charity which aims to provide some practical support to the patients of the Practice, perhaps by providing transport to the surgery, hospitals, dentists or opticians, by visiting and befriending the lonely or housebound, shopping for those no longer able to do it themselves or delivering medication. Additionally, the surgery houses an art exhibition, and 10% of the price of pictures sold is kindly donated by the artists to the Friends. For a small donation, wheelchairs are available for short-term loan The Friends organised a Medical Workshop on the evening of 25 April, entitled ‘Is this Your Life?’, when some 60 people turned up to hear about Depression & Anxiety, Healthy Eating, Budleigh & Exmouth Hospiscare and Skin Awareness. It was an enjoyable and informative evening, thanks to those who gave presentations. The Friends have been fortunate this year in receiving a number of bequests, and are particularly grateful to the late Sue Hanes’ daughters for organising a magnificent old-fashioned tea party in memory of their mother, and donating half the proceeds to the Friends. In view of all these people’s generosity, the Friends have recently donated an electronic self check-in machine to the Practice which enables patients to check themselves in without bothering the receptionists. Whilst Nita Goffron and Lis Neather are the Friends’ co-ordinators and arrange all the journeys, there is a management committee which meets at least every other month to ensure the smooth-running of the organisation, occasionally covering the work of the co-ordinators during holidays or sickness. The Friends welcome subscriptions from people who pay an annual sum in support of the charity, and are most grateful to the many volunteers whose help enables the Friends to keep going. New volunteers are always needed, so if you think you have a little spare time available and would like to help, please contact the co-ordinators on 01395 232509. CAROLS AROUND WOODBURY TUESDAY 17 & THURSDAY 19 DECEMBER Come and join us to sing and/or collect. We are meeting at the Arch at 7.00pm. All proceeds to Save the Children. Refreshments afterwards.
WOODBURY GARDEN CLUB The Woodbury Garden Club has enjoyed another successful year; we now have over 50 members, and the average attendance at meetings has been 35/40. We have listened to, learnt from, and laughed with a variety of speakers, covering a range of subjects. The new technology and digital photography certainly helped the presentations. The Plant Sale in May and Flower and Vegetable Show in August give the public an insight to the work and enthusiasm of the members of the Garden Club. We all enjoy an outing and this year our visit to Ford Abbey was appreciated once we had arrived there! The highlight of the year must have been the Open Gardens in June, when ten private gardens in Woodbury were open to the public. Although the weather was a bit damp and dreary, many people visited the gardens and were able to discuss their favourites over tea and cakes in the village hall. The money raised on this occasion has been donated to the Village Hall Improvement Fund. We welcome new members of all ages and gardening experience to our meetings on the second Tuesday of every month.
THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION - WOODBURY & DISTRICT It has been a busy year for Woodbury - including an interesting display featuring the Woodbury Women’s section from the 40s, 50s and 60s at the Fun Day on the Green in June. The Community Fair at the playing fields in September featured displays showing “where the money goes”. The Poppy Appeal is ongoing, not just for Remembrance Day. Serving personnel and their dependants, young and old, will always need the R.B. Legion to be there to help in any way they can. 2014 will make us more visible in the community and encourage new members to our organisation. Look out for forthcoming events in Woodbury News and come and join us. ROYAL BRITISH LEGION COFFEE MORNINGS 10.00 - 11.30 RBL ROOM behind WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL Please note - No Coffee on Boxing Day. 9 AND 23 JANUARY. 6 & 20 FEBRUARY. All are invited to join us on alternate Thursdays.
SMALL ADS.: (3 lines) Private £2.00. (3 lines) Business £5.00 (£50.00 per annum). DISPLAY ADS. £15 quarter page To: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT Tel: 233299 (e-mail karensquires100@gmail.com). The Woodbury News accepts no liability for:- i) Any claims made by the advertiser; ii) Any errors or omissions in the advertisement as submitted by the advertiser; iii) Any legal action as a result of the advertisement.
LUCY PIPER PHOTOGRAPHY Portraits / Events / Commercial. Please contact 07541228025 / piperlucy@hotmail.com. www.lucypiperphoto graphy.com WOODBURY HOLIDAY HOME TO RENT in centre of village. Luxury accommodation for 4 people, 2 en-suites, parking, courtyard garden. Weekly holidays & short breaks. www.woodburyholidays.co.uk 01579 350365. (6/12) TWO HOLIDAY COTTAGES TO LET 1 Castle Cottages & Waverley are in the centre of Woodbury Village. 1 Castle Cottages sleeping 7 guests, Waverley 4/5. For bookings please phone Michelle 01395 232917 (11/12) M. K. L. SANSOM LTD, PLUMBER & HEATING ENGINEER GAS safe Register 4325. Installations, Maintenance and Repair. 279341 (3/12) FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER Nail Cutting and Treatment of Corns, Callus and Verrucas - Home Visits. Contact Lindsey Waddell MAFHP 01395 263496. (1/12) ACCOUNTS AND TAX SERVICE Sole Trades, Partnerships, Limited Companies and Personal Tax. Full range of advice. Fixed fee plans and free initial consultation/quotation. Wheelers Accountants Tel: 233184 (**) ROOFING Woodbury based RWI Roofing Specialising in Slating, Tiling, Re-Roof, New Roof, Repairs, Guttering. For a friendly, reliable service call Ray 232926, or 07988 691051 (As recmd in OurLocalExpert.co.uk) (8/12) SQUIRREL COTTAGE Self catering 16th century property full of character, available for weekly holidays and short breaks. Sleeps 5. Graded 5 Star. www.thecottagecompanydevon.co.uk Tel: Kay 0776 997 5557 (11/12) TIME FOR A NEW LOOK? Qualified Hair Stylist. Appointment to suit. Not mobile. Call Heather Anne on 01392 876830 (9/12) MATHS TUITION: Experienced, female Maths teacher available to teach primary to GSCE level maths, 11+ and SATs preparation. Reasonable rates. Telephone: Jane Moffatt on 01395 279952 (3/12)
38 BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS Cont’d/… SCIENCE TUITION Qualified Teacher available for GCSE/A Level science tuition. Tel Karen on 07807474183 or email karentrice36 @yahoo.com (6/6) COMPUTER SALES, HARDWARE REPAIRS AND UPGRADES Based in Woodbury for over 18 years - Broadband and wireless connections. Data recovery and backup. Windows upgrades. Parental control. Free virus/ spyware removal & prevention. No fix no fee – All costs agreed in advance – evening visits to suit you. Mark Doyle Tel: 233694 (8/12) ECZEMA - HOT, ITCHY, SORE. Homeopathy - natural, safe, nonaddictive. Phone Libby Clapham BA, RSHom, Registered Homeopath 01392 412767 / 07986 157854; libbyclaphamnaturalhealth.co.uk (6/12) BED AND BREAKFAST in our 4 Star Silver Award 16th Century Devon Longhouse, on a working dairy farm. Sally Glanvill, Rydon Farm. 232341, www.rydonfarmwoodbury.co.uk (8/12) RUBBISH REMOVALS Domestic and Commercial. Environment Agency licensed. No job too small. Tel: 0800 335 7610 / 07979 841376. www.rubbishremovalsexeter.com (10/12) BED & BREAKFAST APARTMENT with Continental breakfast, or Traditional Farmhouse B&B, twin and double rooms. 01392 877710. Jenny Broom, Courtbrook Farm, Clyst St George. www.courtbrook.co.uk (6/12)
JUMBLE SALE SATURDAY 15 FEBRUARY, 1.30 WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL In Aid of Woodbury Village Hall Please keep your jumble ready for our sale on 15 February. Thanks - Woodbury Village Hall Fund-raising Committee.
7 WOODBURY CAMERA CLUB This Club has now been running for over two years. Its main objective is to use the combined experience of the members, supplemented by outside speakers, to offer the opportunity for members to improve their photographic skills. We also have started to use members’ skills for the local community where appropriate. Our most successful project last year was to produce a calendar of Woodbury views which has sold almost 100 copies. A small number are still on sale at Cyril's shop. We have deliberately kept our Club on a fairly informal basis and limited our membership to 20 people. This may change slightly in the coming year and we now have room for a small number of new members. We have a mixed membership, some being very experienced and others less so; we are all learning, however, and are quite happy to encourage new members who may regard themselves as "beginners". We meet once a month (currently on the third Wednesday in the month in the White Hart). If you are interested in joining, please contact Mike Jeans (currently the Convenor) on 232544 or mike@jeansy.org. WOODBURY CRICKET CLUB Woodbury Cricket Club enjoyed a successful season finishing mid table in the Devon Cricket League Div F. This was thanks to some good performances from James Kavanagh, who won the Club’s player of the year award and from younger players such as Jimmy Jones and Riordan DeehanJackson, who are now coming into their own. The junior section of the Club continues to thrive with 3 junior teams at various age groups taking part in local league cricket and up to 80 youngsters meeting for practice on Friday nights. In addition to the above the Club plays mid week 20/20 matches and Sunday non league matches throughout the season. The Club welcomes new players and strives to ensure that whatever your ability you will be given a chance to play regularly and improve your skills. If you are interested in joining the Club as either a playing or social member, or can help out in any way with administration, work on the ground, coaching juniors, umpiring or scoring, we would be very pleased to hear from you. Please contact either the chairman Ian Hughes tel 01395 233780 hughes7591@hotmail.co.uk or the 1st X1 captain Kevin Miller tel 01395 232995 kevinmiller07@ btinternet.com. Further details about the Club can also be found on the website www.woodburycc.co.uk . WOODBURY TWINNING ASSOCIATION AGM TUESDAY 14 JANUARY 2014 - 9.00pm - THE WHITE HART
FoSS (FRIENDS OF ST SWITHUN’S) During 2013 FoSS members have actively supported the aims of the charity in providing ideas and financial support to improve the facilities in St Swithun’s Church and to encourage greater use of the building by the whole community. The committee hosts three events annually: in 2013 the AGM followed by the unveiling of the display cabinet on 25 January, the spring concert on 26 April and a summer tea party in July. Members and supporters are entertained and fed and all proceeds go towards funds which help to maintain the fabric of Church and improve facilities. In the past year FoSS has provided funds for external lighting (path and floodlighting), for the display cabinet (along with the History Society) and the roof burglar alarm to deter lead thieves. As a result of these improvements the Church has become a popular venue for weddings (8 in 2013), concerts and school events. It is hoped that this trend will continue and that all members of the community will participate in at least one activity in the Church. In 2014 FoSS will organise three events: AGM then concert on 25 January, spring concert on 25 April and summer tea party in July. Since its inception FoSS has been fortunate to have as its driving force Jill Whitten (Chair, then Secretary) who has come up with ideas, enabling over £50,000 to be raised, and of course producing an amazing variety of food to eat.
WOODBURY BRIDGE CLUB The Bridge Club has had a successful year. Following our outing to Courtlands in 2012, this year members visited Popplefords Restaurant. We enjoyed drinks and canapés in the evening sunshine on the terrace followed by an evening of bridge. The AGM was held in May with the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer being re-elected. Jean Padmore joined the committee in place of Shirley Stevens. A further outing was held on 31 October when Ann Morris kindly made her house available as a venue and hosted for the evening. We meet every Thursday evening to play duplicate bridge - 7pm for 7.15pm. New members or guests are always welcome and can simply turn up on the night or call Tony on 01395 222063. CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAYRE THE MALTSTERS ARMS SATURDAY 14 DECEMBER, 11.00-4.00 Free entry with all donations supporting The Devon Air Ambulance.
17 Dec. 19 Dec.
Carol Singing around Woodbury. Carol Singing around Woodbury.
2014 6 Jan. 9 Jan. 14 Jan. 14 Jan. 20 Jan. 13 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Feb. 13 March 4 April 17 May
Duplicate Bridge, Exton Village Hall. 7.00pm. (875666) Woodbury WI, Exmouth Mussels, WVH, 7.30. All welcome. Friends & Neighbours - Gardeners’ Question Time. 7.30. Woodbury Twinning Association AGM. White Hart 9.00pm. Duplicate Bridge, Exton Village Hall. 7.00pm. (875666) Woodbury WI Annual Party, WVH, 7.30. Jumble Sale, WVH, 1.30. Bring jumble from 9.00. Barn Dance. WVH (232772). Fundraising for WVH extension. Woodbury WI, Antarctica, The White Continent, WVH, 7.30. Woodbury Village Hall Swishing Event. Devon Big Breakfast (232772).
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You’re welcome to join us at any time. The first Sunday of every month (except January) is aimed at enabling people to find out what we’re all about – stay for lunch!
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Vicar: Reverend Karen Spray. Tel: 01392 877400 or email: church@revdkaren.org.uk Associate Minister: Reverend Christopher Cant. Tel: 01395 488178 email: chriscant@tiscali.co.uk “HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL PARISHIONERS” SPECIAL SERVICES - DECEMBER Please Note: No Choral Evensong this month. Sunday 15th 6.30pm Festival of Lessons and Carols. Sunday 22nd 6.30pm Youth Service. 7.15pm Carols on the Green. Christmas Eve 11.30pm Midnight Mass. Christmas Day 11.15am Festival Choral Eucharist. Please also note: from January 2014 Choral Evensong moves to third Sunday of the month. SPECIAL SERVICES - JANUARY 2014 Sunday 19th. 6.30pm Choral Evensong. Please Note - Third Sunday of the month. SUNDAY CLUB - ST SWITHUN’S Meet on the first Sunday of the month at the All-Age Service 11.15, and on the third Sunday of every month in the Church Rooms, Woodbury, from 11.00 until 12.00 when we go up to St Swithun’s Church. WINTER LYCH GATE STALLS - monthly. On the first Saturday of the month in Church. Helpers needed. Please note no stall in January 2014. WOODBURY PCC MONTHLY DRAW Winner December:- TBA next month. Draw every third Tuesday at Coffee Morning in Church 10.30-11.30. Every month a prize. Prizes range from £25 - £500. Subscriptions for 2014 due for payment by 6 January. Anyone interested in joining please contact Donoveen Alcock 01395 239363. FLOODLIGHTING St Swithun’s Church. For your special event. Contact Mike Jeans 01395 232544, or see the details and book it online at our website www.whitecrossdevon.org.uk/woodbury-with-exton/floodlighting-form.php Dedications - Gordon Davis – 30 November and l December. St. Andrew’s Day and Advent (the start of the Christian Year). 1 January 2014, John & Pam Rose Casemore – “Our Diamond Wedding Anniversary – 60 years together.” USUAL SUNDAY SERVICES: ROTA OF SERVICES - St Swithun’s Morning Prayers - Every Monday at 9.15. 1st Sunday 11.15 ‘Family All Age’ Choral Eucharist. 2nd Sunday 11.15 Choral Eucharist. 3rd Sunday 11.15 Choral Eucharist with Sunday Club (Vanessa Freeman 222121 or Yvonne Mackey 01395 233383). 6.30pm Choral Evensong (January to November inclusive). 4th Sunday 8.00 Holy Communion. 11.15 Morning Prayer. 5th Sunday Combined Mission Service. More information See the Church Digest (available free in Church) or visit our website: www.whitecrossdevon.org.uk
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This Woodbury News should arrive with you in time for the Christmas Season. Our editorial team and contributors have been working hard again this year to provide an edition which has a seasonal flavour and summarises the year's activities. You'll find a mouth-watering high calorie seasonal recipe from Stephen Leger, contrasting nicely with a photo of our weight loss group who have year on year more than doubled their combined weight loss with an astonishing 788 lb. Many of the clubs and societies as well as schools have given us a summary of their year to date. Last year's popular and very useful HOLIDAY PERIOD PRACTICAL ARRANGEMENTS summary has once again been collated by Sue Bury. This includes information about surgery times, shops, buses, trains, landfill collections as well as many other services. Very many thanks to Sue for her hard work.
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It has been a busy year for all of us associated with the Woodbury News as the parish embraces rapid change at the same time as retaining its sense of community. Next year we aim to continue to develop the magazine and refurbish the Woodbury News’ presence on the web. More about this in the February edition. The editor's New Year's resolution is an important one: to study the correct use of the apostrophe, which continues to be a challenge. Apologies to any readers offended by my grammatical or punctuation errors, I have promised the deputy editor to try harder in 2014. The Editorial team of Graham, Sue and Karen wish our directors, contributors, advertisers, distributors and readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year. The next edition will be published on or around 1st February. OUR COVER PICTURE Congratulations to Freya Webb from Class 4 of Woodbury Salterton Primary School who has won our Holiday Edition cover picture competition. Freya wins a £10.00 Book Token for her picture. Woodbury News is a Private Company Limited by Guarantee No. 5263356 Secretary: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. Tel: 233299 Registered Office: Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. Tel: 01395 233299 Chairman: Peter Payne, ‘Harsley’, Toby Lane, Woodbury Salterton. Tel: 232394 Editor: Graham Rawlings, 4 Cooks Farm, W.S. Tel: 233739 Deputy Editor: Mrs Sue Bury, Mayflower Cottage, 37 Greenway. Tel: 233753 Subscriptions: Mrs Ann Shell, 6 Summerfield. Tel: 239175 Circulation: Mrs Beverley Simcox, 2 Beeches Close. Tel: 232858
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