Directory 2017

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The four churches of Woodbury Parish.



WOODBURY NEWS DIRECTORY CONTENTS LOCAL GOVERNMENT Devon County Council East Devon District Council Woodbury Parish Council Councillors Parish Council Meetings Tree Wardens Allotments LOCAL GOVERNMENT FACILITIES Re-cycling and Refuse Collections Bulky Household Items Garden Waste Public Footpaths, Cycle Path and Bridleways SERVICES AND USEFUL INFORMATION Churches Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB) Community Centre Community Orchard Education (Nursery, Primary, Secondary and Further) Halls for hire Libraries Medical Services Parking Play Areas Political Associations Post Boxes Post Offices Public Conveniences Public Telephones Samaritans Shopmobility Transport Woodbury News BUSINESSES AND SHOPS CLUBS AND SOCIETIES EXERCISE AND SPORTING ACTIVITIES VILLAGE MAPS ADVERTISEMENTS




ADVERTISEMENTS LOCAL GOVERNMENT Devon County Council East Devon District Council Woodbury Parish Council Councillors Parish Council Meetings Tree Wardens Allotments LOCAL GOVERNMENT FACILITIES Re-cycling and Refuse Collections Bulky Household Items Garden Waste Public Footpaths, Cycle Path and Bridleways SERVICES AND USEFUL INFORMATION Churches Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB) Community Centre Community Orchard Education (Nursery, Primary, Secondary and Further) Halls for hire Libraries Medical Services Parking Play Areas Post Boxes Post Offices Public Conveniences Public Telephones Samaritans Shopmobility Transport Woodbury News BUSINESSES AND SHOPS CLUBS AND SOCIETIES EXERCISE AND SPORTING ACTIVITIES VILLAGE MAPS

2, 35-44 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8-10 10 10 10 11-12 12 13 13-14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 17-25 26-30 31-32 34-35


LOCAL GOVERNMENT DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter EX2 4QW 01392 382000, County Councillors Woodbury and Lympstone Richard Scott, 12 Durham Close, Exmouth EX8 5QU 07917 038764; Jeff Trail, 34 Port Mer Close, Exmouth EX8 5RF 07800 978313 or 01395 277311; EAST DEVON DISTRICT COUNCIL The Knowle, Sidmouth EX10 8HL 01395 516551 For enquiries about Planning, Public Health and Refuse Disposal etc. District Councillors Ben Ingham, Runaway, Courtlands Lane, Lympstone EX8 5AB Tel: 07907 965358 Geoff Jung, Rosewood, Village Road, Woodbury Salterton EX5 1PR Tel: 01395 232328 Rob Longhurst, Redcliff, Burgmann’s Hill, Lympstone EX8 5HP Tel: 01395 263495 POSTAL ADDRESS: Woodbury / Woodbury Salterton / Exton, Exeter, Devon. TELEPHONE CODE: All 01395 unless code given. TOTAL AREA OF PARISH: 2930.92438 hectares (1.055 people per hectare) MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT EAST DEVON DIVISION: Hugo Swire, House of Commons, London SW1 0AA. 020 721 98173.


WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL (A member of the Devon Association of Parish Councils) Chairman: Cllr Mrs C McGauley Joint Clerks: Mr Tony Le Riche & Mrs Leigh-Anne Kendall Woodbury PC, Greenside, Greenway, Woodbury, EX5 1LP Tel: 01395 233791. Email: The Council is divided into three Wards represented by thirteen Councillors elected every four years. Agendas, minutes and notices can be viewed on the documents section of Woodbury Councillors Cllr Richard Bartlett

Mulberry House, Pound Lane EX5 1JE

01395 232789

Cllr Mrs Claire Bennett

40 Fulford Way EX5 1PD

01395 233469

Cllr John Burgess

Byways, Bonfire Lane EX5 1HT Cllr Mrs Margaret Edwards The Tynings, 11 Brent Close EX5 1JH

01395 239873 07967 077425 01395 233653

Cllr Roger Mayo

01395 233848

10 Longmeadow, EX5 1JA

Cllr Mrs Cheryl McGauley Brookside, Gilbrook EX5 1LG 01395 232057 Cllr John Pyne

The Rowans, Broadway EX5 1NR Woodbury Salterton Councillors

01395 232454

Cllr Patrick Bricknell

Rossli, White Cross Road, EX5 1EL

01395 232463 07929 134325

Cllr Ben Jones

9 Parkhayes EX5 1QS

01395 232196

Cllr Geoff Jung Exton Councillors

Rosewood, Village Road EX5 1PR (one vacancy)

01395 232328

Cllr Graham Murrin

Exton Barton, EX3 0PP

01392 873017

Cllr David Atkins

Potters, Exmouth Road, Lympstone, EX8 5AF

01395 264003

6 Parish Council Meetings These are usually held at the Church Rooms, Woodbury at 19.30 on the second and fourth Monday of the month (except August). The meeting on the fourth Monday is normally for planning business only. Details of the business to be discussed is placed on the Parish Council's notice boards at least three clear days prior to the meeting. The public and the press may attend. Notice Boards Woodbury – Village Green. Woodbury Salterton – by the School / Church. Exton – St Andrew’s Hall, Station Road. Tree Wardens foster interest in trees and woods and help to protect threatened trees: Exton Mr P King, Milestones, Exmouth Road, EX3 0PZ 01392 873149 Woodbury Mr T Bennett, 40 Fulford Way EX5 1PB 01395 233469 Woodbury Salterton Mr D Rose, Hollywell EX5 1PH Allotments Warden (Woodbury) Mr G Joyce 10 Park Way EX5 1NG

01395 232854/07970 846205

LOCAL GOVERNMENT FACILITIES Re-cycling collections: Every Friday in Exton, Woodbury and Woodbury Salterton. Use Green Box for cardboard, small electrical items, paper, glass, textiles, shoes and batteries. Use Blue caddy for kitchen waste. Use Green Sack for cardboard, plastics, food and drinks cartons, tins, drinks cans, foil and empty aerosols. Re-cycling Depot: Knowle Hill, Salterton Road, Exmouth. Refuse Collections: Exton, Woodbury and Woodbury Salterton - every third Friday. For details contact East Devon Council 01395 571515, NB: After Bank Holidays, the rubbish and re-cycling collections are usually one day later; details are given in EDDC circulars and at

7 Bulky Household Items: If an item from inside the house is bulky, or cannot be taken to the Recycling Centre at Salterton Road, Exmouth, telephone Customer Services EDDC on 01395 571515. Charges range from £31 for 1-3 items to £66 for 10 items per household. Garden Waste: This should not be included in normal household rubbish. It may be taken to the Recycling Centre where it will be turned into compost. Public Footpaths, Cycle Path and Bridleways Four local circular walks on definitive paths are described in detail in beautifully illustrated leaflets obtainable from the Post Office and from local campsites, or Judy Green 232605 (see below). The walks are: 1. Toby Lane, Walkidon’s Way and Castle Lane. 2. Bonds Lane, Pilehayes and Woodbury Salterton. 3. Gilbrook, Ham Lane and Exton. This path has gates replacing previous stiles, making it accessible to the less agile to enjoy this level pleasant stream-side walk. 4. Cottles Farm, Rushmore Farm, Woodbury Castle and Castle Lane. Other routes include Broadway to Bridgepitt Farm, and Fairfield to Bonds Lane. There are ten more scheduled bridleways on Woodbury Common which are sometimes difficult to distinguish because of numerous other tracks. Under the Commons Act of 1970, the public has right of access for “air and exercise” over all 2,800 acres except MOD enclosed areas and some plantations. Exton - The Exe Trail Cycle and Footpath: Exton to Exmouth and Exton to Topsham. Devon County Council unclassified roads include: Rydon Mill to Exton, parallel to the western end of Footpath 3. The Exton end is under water in all but the driest seasons but the Woodbury end may be entered over a narrow footbridge from the field path. Moor Lane (Bonds Lane to Postlake) is very prone to flooding and wellington boots are advised for much of the year. Walkidon’s Way via Hogsbrook Farm to the Beacon is the oldest remaining Anglo-Saxon track in the area. Good surface, open all year. Joint Hon. Footpath Wardens: Mr T Frampton, 2 Carberry Avenue, Exmouth EX8 3EH 01395 264018 Mrs J Green, Burrow Cottage, Cottles Lane, EX5 1EE 01395 232605


SERVICES AND USEFUL INFORMATION CHURCHES CHRIST CHURCH, WOODBURY An independent evangelical church welcoming everyone. Sunday 10.30-11.45 Sunday Service for all ages. On the 1st Sunday of each month there is an invitation to come to Christ Church to find out what we are about with lunch following the service. Crèche and Sunday clubs run during the morning service for all children up to year 9. Tuesday (held on the first Tuesday in the month) 19.30-21.00 Friends & Neighbours – social evening on subjects of interest. Thursday 15.15-17.00 Kids Café (reception and school years 1-6) Term time. 19.30-21.00 Smoothie Bar (school years 6-10) Term time. Friday 09.30-11.00 Gems Toddler group (for preschool children and parents) Contact: Office 01395 233425. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, WOODBURY SALTERTON Rector (until the end of September 2017): The Reverend Karen Spray 01392 877400; Associate Priest: The Reverend Sid Humphries 01395 274512; PCC Secretary: Mrs Jill Dupain 01395 232953. PCC Treasurer: Nigel Dupain 01395 232953. Friends of Holy Trinity Church: Secretary: Mrs Jill Dupain, Treasurer: Nigel Dupain. Organist and Choir Mistress: Mrs Katharine Wheeler 01395 232009. There is a choir practice in the Church on Tuesday evenings from 18.30 – 19.00 during school term time. All ages are welcome from 5 years. Clyst Valley News for the United Benefice of Woodbury Salterton, Clyst St Mary and Clyst St George, includes details of all services and is delivered monthly, free to all homes in these areas.

9 ST SWITHUN'S CHURCH, WOODBURY The Parish Church is part of the White Cross Mission Community, a group of seven churches which includes the daughter church – St Andrew’s at Exton. Services are held in St Swithun’s every Sunday at 11.15. For times and details see the church notice board or visit Information about church-led events can also be found in the Church Digest (available free in Church). Rector (until the end of September 2017): The Reverend Karen Spray 01392 877400; Associate Priest: The Reverend Sid Humphries 01395 274512; Churchwardens: Mrs Sue Hudson 232203, Mrs Lin Milsom-Ashby 233854. Deputy Churchwarden (Exton): Mrs Janet Atkins 01392 876300. Organist and Choirmaster: Nigel Alcock 01395 239363. Choir Practice, Wednesday 18.45 – 20.00. New members are welcome. Parochial Church Council is elected from Church members of 17 years or over, with names on the Church Electoral Roll. The PCC co-operates with the Priest in Charge in the conduct and development of church work, and the care and maintenance of Church property. Secretary: Mrs Lin Milsom-Ashby 01395 233854. Treasurer: Pat Browne 01395 232805. Junior Church (“Sunday Club”) is in Church on the first Sunday of the month when the children play a part in the main Service. On the third Sunday, Sunday Club meets in the Church Rooms for craft work related to worship before joining the rest of the congregation towards the end of the Service. Contact: Vanessa Freeman 01395 222121. Parish Bell Ringers. Tower Captain: Oliver Coldrick. Administrator and contact: Terry Summersby 01395 232262. New members from 12 years are always welcome. Coffee Mornings take place from 10.30 – 11.30 on the third Tuesday in the month either in someone’s home or in Church. The monthly draw takes place on the third Tuesday of the month. Come for coffee and a chat. The Church Rooms are available for hire for a modest fee. Contact: Mrs Joyce Jeans 01395 232544. Floodlighting the Church for a special occasion. There is a small charge for this. The Church will be lit from dusk to 23.00. Contact: Mike Jeans 01395 232544.

10 ST ANDREW'S, EXTON Daughter Church of St Swithun's, Woodbury. Rector (until the end of September 2017): The Reverend Karen Spray 01392 877400; Associate Priest: The Reverend Sid Humphries 01395 274512; Assistant Church Warden: Mrs Janet Atkins 01392 876300 to 21.00. Treasurer: David Elphick, St Alphege, Exton EX3 0PP 01392 876909. Services: First Sunday at 18.00 Evening Service; second and fourth Sundays at 09.30 Eucharist; third Sunday 09.30 lay-led Service; fifth Sunday Combined Mission Community Service. See church notice board for time and place. HOLY CROSS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Station Road, Topsham EX3 0EE. 01392 920622. CITIZENS’ADVICE BUREAU 36A Rolle Street, Exmouth EX8 2SH. Devon Advice line: 03444 111444. COMMUNITY CENTRE Administered by East Devon District Council. Situated off Town Lane and Parkway comprising 54 bungalows and a flat. There is a large furnished kitchen and spare bedroom which can be rented for visitors by any member. An intercom system connects the residents either with the warden or with Home Safeguard system at Lymbourne, Sidmouth, and gives residents 24 hour emergency cover. There is an active social club to which affiliated members are welcome. Coffee mornings and outings are arranged – anyone may attend these. The mobile support officer visits three times a week and speaks on the intercom every other day. Contact: Sue Bater 01395 516551 ext 2323. WOODBURY COMMUNITY ORCHARD Woodbury Community Orchard is a planted orchard at Town Lane, run by a group of volunteers. They carry out orchard related events throughout the year ranging from picnics, pruning, juicing and wassailing. Contact : Chair, 07515 329829, or secretary Bridget Williams New members and expertise really appreciated, or donations of time/money or trees!


EDUCATION NURSERY EDUCATION Gems Toddler Group For preschool children and parents. Fridays 09.30-11.00 at Christ Church. Contact 01395 233425 www.christchurch Holding Hands Community Playgroup is a friendly, informal gathering of parents/carers and children aged 0-5 years. We run every Wednesday 10.00 - 11.30 in the Function Room at the Maltsters Arms, offering a different theme each week with toys and crafts linked to this. We make good use of the large area we have and enclosed garden space when weather permits. Healthy children’s snacks and delicious homemade cake is provided for just £2.00 per family. For more information please call Sam on 01395 232218. Maytree Pre-School, Woodbury Village Hall We are a local preschool who believe that children learn through play. We follow the Early Years Framework and offer a wide range of adult-led and child-initiated activities in a safe, stimulating and fun environment! We are open Mon, Tues and Fri 9.00 – 13.00 and Wed and Thurs 9.00 – 15.00 (term-time only). Contact: Claire Partridge; 01395 233525 (during playgroup sessions only). PRIMARY EDUCATION WOODBURY C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL Castle Lane, Woodbury, EX5 1EA, 01395 232614. Email:, Headteacher: Mrs A Sparks. Deputy Headteacher: Miss G Pyle. Clerk to Governors: Mrs J Doyle. Parents are warmly invited to view the School by arrangement in advance. Woodbury C of E Primary School - PTFA All parents and teachers are welcome to become members of the PTFA. There is no subscription. Funds are raised to provide resources for the School through social and fundraising events; these are fun and enhance the spirit of community within the School, the village and surrounding area. For further details, please see the school website. Woodbury C of E Primary School - Breakfast and After-School Club Qualified staff providing high quality before and after school care for 311 year olds. Contact: Jackie Doyle 07734 349986 or Jenna Walker 07801 509985. Email:

12 WOODBURY SALTERTON C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL Stony Lane, Woodbury Salterton, EX5 1PP, 01395 232649. Headteacher: Mr Duncan Nelmes. Teachers: Mrs E Milford, Mrs J Tweedy, Ms N Weeks, Mrs E Turner, Mrs H Corlett. School Business Manager: Mrs R Evans. Caretaker: Mr Adam Cox. Chair of Governors: Mrs C Rooke. Clerk to Governors: Mrs L Kendall. The School has a Foundation Stage unit. Please contact Mrs J Tweedy for more information. Before School Club from 08.00. Woodbury Salterton School PTA Open to all parents and anyone interested in the school. Meetings are held once a term in school. Contact: or see school website: SECONDARY EDUCATION Exmouth Community College from 11 years. Principal: Andrew Davies 01395 264761, Fax: 01395 225355, admin@exmouthcollege. FURTHER EDUCATION Full-time/part-time courses available in a wide variety of subjects at: Bicton College East Budleigh. 01395 562400. Exeter College Hele Road, Exeter. 01392 400500. Exmouth Adult Community Learning The Kennaway Centre, 10-12 Victoria Road, Exmouth. 01395 223851. HALLS FOR HIRE Woodbury Church Rooms Completely refurbished room with fully equipped separate kitchen. Facilities for the disabled. Contact: Mike or Joyce Jeans 01395 232544. Woodbury Salterton Village Hall Contact: Pat or Gill Bricknell 01395 232463. Woodbury Village Hall Hall and two Meeting Rooms, fully equipped kitchen. Available for: Dances and Parties, Wedding Receptions, Meetings and Classes, Jumble Sales and Craft Fairs, Badminton, Plays, Concerts and Business Lettings. For bookings please contact: Robin or Marian Lennox Tel: 01395 232126 email: www.woodbury Exton, St Andrew’s Hall with fully equipped kitchen. Contact Mrs Sue Mcloughlin 01392 875329;

13 LIBRARIES Devon County Council Mobile Library Exton: Station Car Park. Woodbury: Car Park. Woodbury Salterton: The Digger’s Rest, Ridges Corner, The Kennels. Every 4th Friday monthly. For detailed information and timetable contact 0345 155 1001;; devlibs@devon. Woodbury Reference Library Local History Archive Room in the Village Hall open to all parishioners and members of the History Society. Anyone wishing to use the library please contact Gill Selley 01395 233208 or MEDICAL SERVICES GP SURGERY Woodbury Surgery, Fulford Way, Woodbury EX5 1NZ Appointments, enquiries, emergencies, day or night visits Tel: 01395 232509 GPs: Dr Lizzy Acheson, Dr Liz Crawford, Dr Matt Symonds Opening Hours: all Surgeries are by appointments only except Monday mornings when there is a first-come-first-seen surgery between 08.30 – 10.30. Monday to Friday Doors open: 08.30 – 18.00, closed 13.00 – 13.30. Bank Holidays closed – open surgery the following morning. Nurses can see patients only by appointment, at any time. Also for Exton and Ebford: Topsham GP Surgery, Holman Way. Appointments Monday to Friday 08.45 – 11.30 or 14.00 – 16.00. 01392 874648. CARE DIRECT Health and Social Care for Adults 0345 155 1007. CHEMISTS Woodbury Surgery dispenses for patients who live more than a mile from a chemist. The nearest chemists are in Exmouth and Topsham. EMERGENCY DENTAL TREATMENT (out of hours) 01392 823682.

14 Useful Medical Contact Information Woodbury Surgery 01395 232509 Exmouth Hospital 01395 279684 Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital 01392 411611 NHS Walk-in Centre, 21 Sidwell Street, Exeter 01392 284983 Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages 0845 1557002 Care Direct 0345 155 1007 Travel Health Consultancy, Southernhay West, Exeter 01392 430590 Health advice and information: Call NHS 111 (Dial 111 from landline or mobile free of charge) EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT (out of hours) Devon Doctors 111. FAMILY LIVES (formerly Parent Line Plus) Supporting parents with problems. 0808 800 2222. FRIENDS OF WOODBURY SURGERY provide practical support by driving patients to and from the surgery, hospitals, opticians etc. and by visiting and befriending the sick or lonely. More volunteers always needed. Contact: Co-ordinators at the Surgery 01395 232509 for help or to volunteer. HOME HELP AND MEALS ON WHEELS Care Direct My Devon (0345 155 1007) take all calls for Social Services. For advice about Care and Support in your home, pensions, benefits and keeping well: ROYAL DEVON AND EXETER HOSPITAL All hospital departments 01392 411611. PARKING Free car parking in the Public Car Park, Flower Street, Woodbury. PLAY AREAS Exton: Station Road – equipment for babies and young children – electricity and water facilities available. Woodbury: village green and bottom of the football field off Town Lane. Woodbury Salterton: behind New Way/Sages Lea.

15 POST BOXES Exton: Exton Lane by the Puffing Billy. Collections Mon - Fri 16.15. Sat. 07.00. Upper Exton Lane at junction of Exmouth Road. Collections Mon – Fri 09.00. Sat 07.00. Woodbury Salterton: At entrance to Sages Lea, besides Four Winds at southern end of White Cross Road, and junction Honey Lane/White Cross Road. Woodbury: Broadway (by pedestrian crossing), The Green Spot, Cottles Lane, and junction of Fulford Way and Broadway. POST OFFICES Clyst St Mary: Mon – Sat 08.00 – 20.00. Sun 08.00 – 17.00. 01392 873416. Woodbury: Sub-postmistress: Mrs Anu Chouhan 01395 232269. Mon – Fri 09.00 – 17.30. Sat 09.00 – 12.30. Collections Mon – Fri midday, 15.00 and 17.00. Sat. 11.00. No Sunday collection. Personal banking, payment of utilities bills and Council Tax, Vehicle, Game and Rod licences, car and home insurance, and personal loans. Foreign currency (Sale and Buy back), and ATM free withdrawals for any bank. Mobile Phone Top-ups. PUBLIC CONVENIENCES Flower Street, Woodbury. PUBLIC TELEPHONES Exton – Station Road opposite St Andrew’s Hall. Woodbury – The Arch. SAMARITANS Exeter, Mid and East Devon, 10 Richmond Road Exeter 01392 411711. SHOPMOBILITY Provides manual and powered wheelchairs and scooters to assist in getting around shops, attractions and businesses in Exeter city centre. Sited at 8-10 Paris Street, Exeter. 01392 494001. Leaflets with full details of charges available at Woodbury Post Office.


TRANSPORT STAGECOACH BUS Route 56 & 56A Exeter – Exmouth Via Exeter Airport, Woodbury Salterton and Woodbury. Tel: 01392 427711 or Exmouth Bus Station on 01395 272395. To and from Exeter St David’s Station, no Sunday or Public Holiday services. Timetables are available from Exeter and Exmouth Bus Stations and are displayed at bus stops at Woodbury Arch and Woodbury Salterton Church. Due to regular changes to these services timetables are not published in this Directory. Up-to-date timetables are available from bus stations. STAGECOACH BUS Route 57. To and from Exeter and Exmouth. Various stops on Exmouth Road. Buses every 15 minutes, see timetable at bus stops or phone 01392 427711. Disability Help Line 01392 889749. RAIL ENQUIRIES National Rail enquiries for information on train services, fares and timetables, local and nationwide. 03457 484950. Regular local trains from Exton Station which is a request stop. See station notices for more details. RING AND RIDE Door-to-door transport for anyone with mobility problems or who cannot access public transport. Exmouth branch 01395 266662, WOODBURY NEWS Editor: Sue Bury Tel: 01395 233753. A Private Company limited by guarantee. Publishes a monthly magazine covering all aspects of village, religious and social life. £6.00 per annum, 50p per month. Copy for inclusion in magazine to Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road EX5 1JT 01395 233299, Distributed in Woodbury, Woodbury Salterton and Exton. On sale at the Post Office. WOODBURY NEWS is available online via Facebook and Twitter and


BUSINESSES AND SHOPS ACCOMMODATION Chatfield, Exmouth Road, Exton, Bed and Breakfast. Contact: Lesley Pike 01392 874135. Courtbrook Farm, B&B / Apartment / Caravan Club CL Traditional Farmhouse B&B, 1 twin, 1 double room with en-suite. 1 Apartment sleeps 2-3 persons. Caravan Club CL with electric hook-ups. Jenny Broom, Courtbrook Farm, Clyst St George, Exeter EX3 0NT. 01392 877710 / 07791 651276 Riverdown, Green Lane, Exton Bed and Breakfast with en-suite, 01392 873852. Rydon Farm Bed & Breakfast, Woodbury, EX5 1LB SW Tourism 2016 Gold Award Bed & Breakfast. 16th Century property on a working dairy farm. Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence Winner. Sally Glanvill 01395 232341, Squirrel Cottage Self catering 16th century property full of character, available for weekly holidays and short breaks. Sleeps 5. Graded 5 Star. Kay 0776 9975557. Woodbury Park Hotel 4 star luxury hotel with 54 rooms enjoying fabulous views of the Devon countryside. Plus five luxury suites and Swiss-style self-catering lodges with great views of the golf course. Dine in the atrium restaurant or Terrace Bar. Leisure facilities and Bodyzone Spa with beauty treatments. Venue for weddings and functions. 01395 233382 ACCOUNTANTS Stephen Marlowe Accountants, Woodbury Business Park, Venmore Tax returns, book-keeping etc. Contact: 01395 233178. Wheelers Accountants Accounts and Tax Service. 01395 233184. ANTIQUES Kilve and Debbie Marchant – The Arch. Mon to Sat from 10.00 – 18.00. House clearance specialists – 50 years’ experience. 01395 232146. Rook Pie – Jenny Westman, Church Stile Lane. Interesting selection of vintage and antique furniture and accessories. ART The Creation Station Ltd. Creative art for children. Woodbury Business Park. 01395 239700 or 08448 549100.

18 BOARDING KENNELS Little Coombe, Dog Lane (off Toby Lane), Woodbury Salterton EX5 1PZ. Spacious heated individual kennels and catteries. Special diets. Contact: Duncan and Jenny Sheriff 01395 232545, www.littlecoombe. BUILDERS AND DECORATORS R Miller and Son, Thorn Cottage, Woodbury. 01395 233773. Painters/decorators/tilers (fully insured) Contact: Lyn or Dave 01395 233432. TD Builders extensions, renovations, alterations, maintenance, roofing, plastering, decorating – quality workmanship – free estimates on 01395 233995/07751 738092. RWI Roofing slating, tiling, repairs, guttering. Contact Ray 01395 232926. TRP general building maintenance. Contact Tom 07971 474886. CARAVAN AND CAMPING PARKS Brooklands Farm, White Cross Road, Woodbury Salterton B Turner 01395 239486. Browns Farm, Village Road, Woodbury Salterton J R Dagworthy. 01395 232895. Castle Brake Holiday Park, Castle Lane, Woodbury Luxury Holiday Homes, Touring Caravans and Tents. Restaurant/bar, play park and full amenities. 01395 232431 Courtbrook Farm Caravan Club CL with electric hook-ups. Jenny Broom, Courtbrook Farm, Clyst St George, Exeter EX3 0NT. 01392 877710/07791 651276. Ladram Bay Devon’s award winning 5-star luxury holiday park on the Jurassic Coast. 01395 568398 Pigeons Farm Caravan Club Site, Village Road, Woodbury Salterton Caravan Club members only. Contact: M H Carter 01395 232434. Rydon Farm Camping and Caravanning Club Site Rydon Lane, Woodbury, EX5 1LB. Contact: Paul Glanvill 07929 982868. Webbers Park Caravan and Camping, Castle Lane, Woodbury Family-run park with breathtaking country views. Best of British 5 Stars. Touring and seasonal pitches. 01395 232276, Woodbury House Camping and Caravan Club, Pound Lane, Woodbury. Site with hook-ups. Contact: Anthony Stamp 01395 232367.

19 CHIMNEY SWEEP Tooby Sweeps NACs member. Certificates given. 07803 059844. CHINESE TAKEAWAY AND FISH & CHIPS Little China The Arch, Woodbury 01395 233353. Open Tues to Sat 12.00 – 13.45, 17.00 – 22.00. Sun 17.00 – 21.30. CLEANING Spick and Span Domestic Cleaning Services. Holiday lets. Ironing service. 01395 260271 / 07515 505548. CPM Cleaning General house cleaning, office cleaning, end of tenancy, one-off cleans, ironing. External works and repairs, painting and decorating. 01392 256766 / 07746 367939. COMPUTERS Computer repairs and upgrades: Broadband and wireless connections; Data recovery and backup; Windows, iPads and Apple computers. Evening visits - no-fix-no-fee. Contact: Mark Doyle 01395 233694. CONCRETE/STONE/PAVING Barton Block and Stone Ltd. Greendale Barton 01395 233605. Jet-Set ready-mixed concrete and screed: Greendale Barton 01395 233333. CONFERENCE ROOMS Woodbury Park Hotel From conferences and meetings to weddings, private dinners and corporate functions. Wide range of rooms for up to 500 people. 01395 234735 CYCLES iBike motion E-Bike specialists sales and servicing, MTB, road and commuter servicing and repairs. The Arch 01395 233844 DANCE STUDIO Woodbury Dance Studio RAD and IDTA ballet from two-and-a-half years. Principal Mary Griffiths MA (Oxon) MSc BSc ARAD. 07855 485603, 01395 271249,, www.woodbury

20 DECORATORS Lucy Ryan Lady interior and exterior decorator. 07484 272534. DENTISTS Budleigh Salterton Dental Practice Routine dental care, cosmetic dental treatments, crowns. A friendly, caring practice. 01395 442552 DOG TRAINING / GROOMING Exeter Dog Training classes Wednesday evenings in Woodbury Village Hall from 18.45 – 19.45. The obedience class is for dogs of owners from Woodbury and the surrounding area at a cost of £3 plus the annual membership fee (£15 single/£20 family). The class for handlers and dogs competing in Kennel Club obedience shows from 19.45 – 22.00, cost for handler with one dog £2, and for two dogs £3 (plus the annual membership fee). Contact: Margaret Edwards 01395 233653, Wag and Go Dog Groomer. City and Guilds trained and qualified. 07976 568780. DRIVING TUITION DSA Approved Instructor. Professional, structured lessons. Contact: Stuart Dagworthy 01395 239111. ELECTRICIANS James Sliman Electrical Services Reliable, fully qualified local electrician. No job too small. 01395 276323/07866 313812 East Exe Electrical Local, reliable and experienced electrician. 07901 762048 Paul Fully qualified and insured. All work guaranteed. Local reliable service. 01395 744028 / 07740 099195. FANCY DRESS A2Z-Kids Limited. Fancy dress for children and adults. Woodbury Business Park, 01395 233860.

Unit 14,

FURNITURE Cambridge Futons. Futons, beds, mattresses and sofa beds. Unit 15, Woodbury Business Park. 01395 239830,

21 FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONERS Nicky Mattin MAFHP & Itec dip RF (former RGN) providing basic foot and nail care, including treatment of corns, calluses, hard skin removal, nail trimming and thinning, advice and basic treatment of verrucas and fungal nail infections. Also reflexology, a complementary therapy that uses pressure and massage techniques on the feet to help de-stress, relax and re-balance the body. Telephone 07807603690/ 01395233222 Home visits available locally. Lindsey Waddell Nail cutting and treatment of corns, callus and verrucas. Home visits. 01395 263496. GARAGES Broadoak Garage, Servicing and Repairs and MOTs. Unit 13, Greendale Business Park 01395 233760. Exton Service Station, Cornwall Garage Group. Harvest Energy fuel. Also greatly extended shop. Open Mon – Sat from 07.00 – 22.00, and Sun from 08.00 – 22.00. 01392 874882. Local V/Dubs., Mill Park, Woodbury Salterton. Air-cooled VW specialist servicing, lowering, restoring, customising, welding, MOTs. Mon – Sat 08.30 – 17.00. R Lampkin 01395 233303. Tate and Lock Auto Engineers, Mill Park, Woodbury Salterton. Classic and Modern Car Restoring service and repairs. Pre-MOT work. Mon – Fri 09.00 – 18.00. Sat 09.00-17.00. 01395 233639. Woodbury Car Breakers, Gilbrook, Woodbury – guaranteed used spares, vehicles collected. 01395 232959. Woodbury Garage, The Arch, Woodbury Mon – Fri, 08.00–18.00. Servicing, MOTs and repairs. Welding, Valeting Service. Free collection and delivery. 01395 233004/07527 125956. East Budleigh Garage MOT, servicing, exhausts, tune, body repairs, new and used car sales, tyres, batteries, valeting, air conditioning. 01395 445595 GARDENERS / TREE WORK Mike Dickson. All jobs considered 07985 697205. Plantation Gardening Landscape Gardening maintenance. 01395 276647 / 07970 806228.



GREETING CARDS AND PICTURES Silverthorne Designs Unit 2a, Mill Park, Woodbury Salterton, 01395 232369,

22 GROCERS Woodbury Post Office Stores (Londis), Broadway Mon – Sat: 07.30 – 18.30. Sun: 09.00 – 14.00. Newsagents, tobacconist, off-licence. Groceries, confectionery, fresh fruit and vegetables, proprietary medicines, stationery, photocopying, fax services and free cash machine. Mr and Mrs Chouhan 01395 232269. HANDYMAN Tom Petfield TRP Builders 07971 474886. HOMEOPATHIC PRACTITIONER Sandra Joyce LBSH, RSHom provides authentic and effective complementary and alternative health care. Clinics in Exmouth, Sidmouth and Exeter, or home visits by arrangement. Contact her on 07521 384280 or via INTERIORS Panache Interiors Bespoke fitted kitchens, bedrooms, home office, and bathrooms. 01395 239200 MARQUEE AND EVENT ORGANISERS Brooklands Events Ltd. Hiring marquees, furniture and equipment throughout the South West. 01395 233635 MILKMAN Milk is delivered locally on Tues, Thurs and Sat. www.milk&more, 0345 606 3606.

See website:

MUSICIANS Robert and Mary Gittings Tuition given on the piano, clarinet and saxophone. Penrose, Exton. 01392 874601. Kevin Hurst BA(Hons) York(Music); ALCM(Dist.) Internationally acclaimed clarinetist. Tuition for beginners or advanced, all standards and age groups. 01395 442867/07815 148445,


23 NEWSAGENTS Exton and Ebford: Topsham Stores, 37 High Street, Topsham. 01392 877558. Delivery daily. Also takes Dry Cleaning in the shop. Woodbury Post Office and Stores – a large selection of newspapers and magazines over the counter. 01395 232269. Woodbury Salterton: daily and weekly newspapers (ordered from Mills & Sons, The Stores, Clyst St Mary 01392 873416) are delivered in bulk to 3 School Cottages for collection. PHARMACY Topsham Pharmacy 01392 873581. PHOTOCOPYING Woodbury Post Office Stores, photocopying and fax services. Woodbury School, Reductions for large or regular orders. (09.00 – 15.15). 01395 232614. PHYSIOTHERAPY Ocean Physio+Rehab, Woodbury Business Park, Venmore: back and neck specialists, sports injury experts etc. Pilates, yoga and fitness classes. 01395 239455, PLANT AND DIGGER HIRE Sam Marles, Greendale Cottages 01395 232094. PLUMBING Michael Clarke Ltd., Plumber and Heating Engineer. Installations, maintenance and repairs. Gas safe, LPG and Oil. 01395 274237. Exe-Gas and Oil Plumbing and Heating. Boiler breakdown and service, new installations, fires and cookers fitted and serviced, LPG systems, plumbing, oil boilers. 01392 877345 / 0787 1621157. Synergi SW For all your plumbing and heating needs. 07557 526167 www.synergiswltd. POTTERY Tim Andrews Studio Individual Raku pieces with a changing display of other studio ceramics. Annual show (in September) of work by some of Britain’s leading makers. Also good garden pots available. Garden show in May/June. Open by appointment during the year; every day (11.00 – 17.00) during exhibitions. Contact: Tim Andrews 01395 233475,

24 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE James Waddell Interior and Exterior, carpentry, flooring, fencing and gates, plumbing, decking, bathrooms and kitchens, general repairs. 01395 263496. PRINTERS Optima Graphics Topsham Ltd Brochures, leaflets and stationery. Labels, invitations, order of service, banners, displays, window graphics and vehicle signs, vinyl stickers and estate agents’ boards. 01392 873822 PUBLIC HOUSES and RESTAURANTS Maltsters Arms, Woodbury. 01395 232218. Matt, Sam and staff offer a warm and friendly welcome. They offer excellent customer service, a wide range of home-cooked food and an excellent selection of well-kept cask ales. The large function room is available for corporate and private functions. Free wifi. Puffing Billy Bar and Restaurant, Exton. 01392 877888. Morning coffee, drinks and snacks. Every day and all day. Walkers and cyclists made very welcome. Restaurant opening hours Mon – Fri 12.00 – 14.15 and 18.00 – 21.00; Sat and Sun from 12.00 – 21.00. The Digger’s Rest free house, Woodbury Salterton. Traditional thatched country inn serving food and drinks with a warm and friendly welcome. Family and dog friendly. Car park, free wifi and beer garden. 01395 232375 The White Hart Woodbury 01395 489259. Refurbished village pub next to the church serving food and real ales. Garden room for functions plus skittle alley, attractive beer garden next to village green and large car park. The White Horse, Sidmouth Road, Woodbury Salterton. Lounge bar, bar meals and snacks; car park and large beer-garden. Contact: Mike and Steven 01395 232244. Toby Carvery, Lympstone Formerly Nutwell Lodge 01392 873279 Open all day 08.00-23.00. Food 08.00-22.00. Woodbury Park Hotel The Atrium Restaurant for evening dining and The Terrace Bar and Grill. Everyone welcome, every day of the year. Bookings 01395 233382 PUBLISHING One Media Devon Ltd: magazine publisher, leaflet design and printing. Unit 8, Woodbury Business Park, 01395 233247

25 ROOFING RWI Roofing Specialising in slating, tiling, re-roof, new roof, repairs, guttering. 01395 232926 / 07988 691051. SECRETARIAL SERVICES Karen Squires Secretarial/Typing Services. Audio/copy typing. CVs. Manuscripts for Writers/Publishers. Confidential Service. 01395 233299, STONEMASONS Woodbury Stone Restoration Ltd Stone repair and restoration of historic and old buildings and monuments such as churches, old houses etc. Contact: David or Belinda Price 01395 233037, 07717 686680, STORAGE Caravan and Boat Store Storage for caravans, boats, cars and motorhomes from £8 per week. Woodbury Business Park EX5 1AY 01395 239403 Castle Brake Caravan Storage or East Devon Caravan Storage, Toby Lane, Woodbury Salterton. Contact: S Stokes 01395 233881. House-it (self storage). Short/long-term storage, domestic and business. Woodbury Business Park, 01395 239400,; TAXI SERVICE WS Taxi 1-8 people. Local and long distance. 01395 233316/07754 857757. TREE SURGEON Dartmoor Tree Surgeons Ltd Venmore Barn, Woodbury, EX5 1LD. All aspects of professional tree and garden care. Fully insured (£5m). Contact: G Joyce 01395 232854,, www.dartmoortree Briscoe Tree Care Tree work and hedge cutting. 01392 668931 / 07825 002362.



(Open to all residents of Woodbury Parish) Art Group (Exton) Meets in St Andrew’s Hall, Exton, every Monday 09.30 –12.00. Contact: Freddie Bolt 01392 362802. Bonsai Society (Exeter) meetings take place on fourth Sunday of each month (except December) in Woodbury Salterton Village Hall at 14.30. New members, experts and beginners are most welcome. Contact: Brian MacKichan 01392 437525. Bridge Club (Exton) - meets twice a month on Mondays in St Andrew’s Hall from 19.00-21.00. All made welcome including beginners. Contact: Ann Morris 01392 875666. Bridge Club (Woodbury) meets on Thursdays at 19.00 in the small meeting room at Woodbury Village Hall. We play duplicate bridge. No partner is necessary and all levels of ability are welcome. Members £1.50 and non-members £2.00 per session. Please check WVH website as there are a couple of weeks a year when we are unable to use the room. Contact: Tony Walker 01395 222063. Camera Club (Woodbury) We are a relatively small group (maximum 30 members) which meets on the third Tuesday in the month in the Church Rooms, but we have other special interest groups as well. Our members vary from experienced to beginners but we always aim to learn from each other and we provide a photographic service to the local community. Contact: Mike Jeans 01395 232544 or Community Choir (Woodbury) meets every Monday evening (except first Monday of the month) from 19.30 to 21.00 in Woodbury School. No auditions and no need to read music. Everyone who enjoys singing is welcome. Contact: Sarah Owen on 07876 524221 or sarahjrowen@ Connections A social group for women – first Monday of the month. Everybody welcome. Contact: Chris Lear 01395 232772. Cornerstones Men’s social group enjoying good company with a monthly meeting/outing, which usually includes or finishes with a meal. Contact: Ernst Gruber 232878.

27 Craft Group (Exton) Meets in St Andrew’s Church every third Thursday from 14.00-16.00. Contact Janet Atkins 01392 876300. Drama Club (Exton) meets in St Andrew’s Hall. Pantomime or Christmas Show yearly. Stages one three-act play and one one-act play in Exmouth Festival. Social activities throughout the year. Contact: Hilary Hoar 01392 875042. Friends of St Swithun’s (FoSS) is a local charity (Charity No XR 81438) established in January 2004. Members aim to raise funds for the preservation of the church building. FoSS wants to involve everyone in Woodbury in looking after the beautiful parish church and making it more usable for a wider range of village activities. Contact: Pat Browne 01395 232805, Garden Club (Exton) Meets at 19.30 in St Andrew’s Hall on the last Friday of each month. Excellent speakers and outings during the year. Contact: Eileen Pratt 01392 877917. Garden Club (Woodbury) Meets in Woodbury Village Hall on the second Tuesday of each month at 19.30. Sub £10. Club aims to foster interest in gardens by lectures and demonstrations and to encourage visits to private and public gardens. Speakers from the topmost horticultural establishments of the South West. Contact: Chairman Annette Smith, Ladies Group (Exton) Meets in St Andrew’s Hall at 14.15 on second Thursday each month. Excellent speakers, summer garden meeting and various outings during the year. Contact: Chris Bilyard 01392 873017. Local History Society Meetings, with speakers on a variety of historical topics, are held on the first Thursday of March, May, September and November in Woodbury, Exton or Woodbury Salterton Village Hall at 19.30. The AGM and a Social are held in February and the July Meeting is a visit or walk to a local place of interest. A reference library containing books, photographs and a variety of documents and papers is open to all parishioners. The annual subscription is £8. Chairman: Nick Burgess 01395 232458. Archivist: Gill Selley 01395 233208.

28 Royal British Legion A national charity with membership open to anyone. New members welcome. Coffee mornings, 10.00 – 11.30 on alternate Thursdays at RBL Room, Woodbury Village Hall. Contact: Sandra Huish 01395 232696. Royal Marines Volunteer Cadet Corps Boys and Girls 9½ – 12 years old on joining can stay until 18 years. Aims to develop the qualities of good citizenship by a spirit of discipline, teamwork and comradeship. Parades at CTC Mon 18.45 – 21.00, Thurs 18.50 – 20.30. Contact: 01392 414302 on Mon and Thurs between 19.00 – 20.00. Scouts and Guides meet in the HQ on Woodbury Playing Field during school term. The movement runs an adventurous training programme and camping and outdoor activities. Rainbows (girls 5 and 6), Mon 17.30 – 18.30. Contact Sarah Hales 01395 232631 or 01395 232137. Brownies (girls 7 – 10), Wed 18.00 – 19.30. Contact Alison Hazell 07799 150328 Cub Scouts (boys & girls 8 – 10). Tue 17.30 – 19.30. Donna Gover. Guides (girls 10 – 14). Fri 18.00 – 19.30. Helen Ellis 233665. Scouts (boys & girls 10 – 14). Tue 19.00 – 21.00. Paul Gover. Supper Club (Exton) Contact: Beccy Murrin 01392 873017. Twinning Association (Woodbury) The aim is to foster friendship between the parish of Woodbury and the commune of Bretteville-surOdon (near Caen, France) and to learn more of the French way of life. Visits are arranged in alternate years. The Association has an active diary of social events. Subscription £5. Secretary: Jan Owen 01395 232694, Whist Club (Woodbury Salterton) Whist drives held in the Village Hall monthly on the third Tuesday at 19.30 (in aid of Church funds). Contact: Patrick Bricknell 01395 232463. Women's Institute (Woodbury) Joining the WI is a very good way of making new friends. Meetings cater for varied interests: current affairs, travel, hobbies, crafts, cookery, with interesting talks and time for refreshment. There is also a regular skittles meeting on Friday mornings. Prospective new members are welcome to come as visitors. Monthly meetings on the second Thursday at 19.00 in Woodbury Village Hall, garden party and outing. President: Lin Milson-Ashby (01395 233854).

29 Women’s Institute (Woodbury Salterton) The WI is an organisation for all women of the village and the surrounding area. Monthly meetings are held on the second Wednesday at 19.30 in the Village Hall. Talks are varied and regular social events and outings are organised. Being part of a vigorous national and regional organisation adds an extra dimension for members. Visitors and new members are very welcome and lifts are available. Contact: Gill Bricknell 01395 232463. Woodbury Landscape History Group An informal group investigating the history of our local surroundings, through direct observation, maps, archive, and book-research. Regular discussions and walks explore what such features as lanes, woodland, hedge-banks, field names, agricultural practices and buildings can tell us about the historical development of the parish. Contacts: Diana Wackerbarth 239078 or Gill Selley 233208. Woodbury P’s and Q’s A small group of enthusiastic patchworkers and quilters who meet on alternate Tuesdays from 10.00 – 12.00 in the RBL room of Woodbury Village Hall. Contact: Ann Shell 01395 239175. Woodbury Residents Association This association was set up in January 2015 and its objectives are to protect and enhance the character of the area known as Woodbury for the benefit of the residents, to represent the views of the residents and to encourage the goodwill and involvement of the community. Membership is free, although donations are appreciated. We aim to keep residents in touch with issues affecting our community, particularly regarding planning. Contact the Chairperson, Jan Owen at Woodbury Salterton Dumbutu link Village charity connecting with the Gambian village of Dumbutu, which was first linked in 1987. £25 per year sponsors the education and daily school meal for a named child. Since 2000 over 200 children in Dumbutu have been helped to have more than three years of education. Help with small health and agricultural projects also given. Also fundraising to provide cycles for secondary school children. Contact: Leo 01395 268820,

Editor’s Note : In order to maximise submitted copy and photographs into Woodbury News, it may be necessary to reduce the size of some items. The Editorial team will attempt to do this as carefully as possible.

30 Woodbury Salterton Residents Association The association represents the residents in the village of Woodbury Salterton and the surrounding area. It was set up in 2013 to 1) encourage community spirit in the Woodbury Salterton area and 2) improve the social, economic and environmental well-being of the area. The association communicates through emails and a website to inform the community of any local event and co-operates with other local organisations in promoting and coordinating local events and projects. The association works with local Councils, organisations and other associations on planning and other issues that affect the locality. The website address is, email Contact The Secretary WSRA Rosewood Village Road, Woodbury Salterton EX5 1PR 01395 232328. Woodbury Woodturners Arguably the best woodturning club in the South West. The club aims to encourage and develop enthusiasm for the art and craft of woodturning. Meetings are held in the village hall on the third Thursday of each month at 19.00. Membership is open to all with an interest in woodturning, from beginners to professionals. Contact: Stephen Long 01395 489936.

WOODBURY NEWS to your door ‌ If you are a new resident to the area, or would like your Woodbury News to be delivered to your door monthly, just call Beverley Simcox on 232858 and she will put you in contact with your local deliverer.

The Woodbury News attempts to represent a variety of views within the Community, but does not accept responsibility for anything but Editorial comment. While it may publish unacknowledged material, nothing is included unless the Editor knows the name and address of the author(s).


EXERCISE AND SPORTING ACTIVITIES Badminton Club Woodbury Village Hall, Monday at 20.00. Sept – May. Contact: Karen Griffin 01395 233555. Badminton (Ladies) Tuesday morning at 10.00. Contact: Margaret 01395 232572.

£2.00 per person.

Badminton (Ladies) Thursday morning in Woodbury Village Hall. 10.00 –12.00. Contact: Ann Hildred 01395 232294. Body Blast Every Monday in Woodbury Village Hall at 18.30. A mix of aerobics, Zumba, body conditioning and body combat. Great workout and great fun. For more details contact Isabelle 07817 163503. Football Club Anyone wishing to play for the club should contact Club Secretary: Will Bennett 01392 201149 / Golf Club (Woodbury Park) Two golf courses: 9-hole Acorns and 18hole Championship Oaks. Pro Shop is open all year. Contact: 01395 233500 to book tee times or for more information. Golf Society (Woodbury village residents) Visits seven south-west golf courses per year and welcomes golfers from Woodbury and district. Contact: Paul Saunders Leisure Centre (Woodbury Park) Fully equipped gym, 20m heated indoor swimming pool, poolside jacuzzi and sauna. Contact: 01395 232998. Pilates (Exton) St Andrew’s Hall, Fridays 09.30-10.00. Contact Nina Lodge 01395 233358. Ramblers (Exton) Meets every other Wednesday in St Andrew’s car park. Contact: Susan Edwards 01392 879855 or David Gardner 01392 873829. Short Mat Bowls Played in Woodbury Village Hall from 19.00 – 22.00 on Tuesdays, except second Tuesday in each month. Friendly, League and County matches played. New members welcome. Contact: Arthur Cuff 01395 274278 or Ken Crundwell 01395 232826.

32 Skittles Skittles are played at The Maltster’s Arms and The White Hart pubs. The alleys can be booked from the respective landlords for both friendly and league games. Men’s and Ladies’ teams are members of the Woodbury and District Skittles Association and compete in league and cup games. Walkie Talkies Walking group meeting every Wednesday morning at 09.15 at Woodbury Village Hall car park. All-comers welcome. Contact: Barbara Fewings 01395 232389 or Nita Goffron 01395 232314. Woodbury Cricket Club runs a team in the Devon Cricket League every Saturday; also Sunday, mid-week and evening friendly matches throughout the season. Licensed bar is open during match days. Club training for adults every Wednesday from 18.30-20.00. New players and supporters of all ages are most welcome. Assistance with umpiring or scoring for the club is welcomed; training is available. Contact: Secretary, Chris Alford 01395 278750, or Fixture Secretary, Doug Barlow 01395 232207, Chairman, Ian Hughes 07968 479521. Woodbury Junior Cricket Club The Junior section of the club has two teams in the Devon Youth League: Under-11s (manager Richard Church (, Colts (manager Kevin Miller 01395 232995). Training sessions for boys and girls for all age groups on Friday evenings. There is currently a waiting list for juniors but check with Kevin Miller to see if there is a vacancy. Winter nets: venue time advertised on the website and in Woodbury News. Woodbury Tennis Club – the club has two hard courts in the playing fields off Orchard Close. The lower court has floodlights. There are club sessions open to all full members on Fridays from 18.30 in the summer (May to September), and on Sundays from 10.30 throughout the year. These are mix-in sessions where everyone is welcome. In addition there is a session for ladies on Tuesday afternoons from 14.00 available to all day-time members and full members. During the summer term there are organised junior sessions with the club coach on Wednesday evenings. The club enters two men’s teams in the Exeter and District League and one mixed team in the East Devon League, giving the competitive player an opportunity for match play. Fees per annum: Adult £65, Family £130, Day £40, Student £20, Junior £15. Contacts: Chair: Helen Ryland 01395 223521; President: Jackie Clarke 01395 232832; Treasurer: Pat Browne 01395 232805; Juniors: Helen Ryland 01395 223521.


The Woodbury News Directory 2017 Thanks go to Roger Stokes for his help with the village maps and cover picture. COMPILERS: Jeremy Boyden, Gill Selley, Peter Payne, Audrey Elphick and Mike Wallwork. EDITORS: Sue Bury 01395 233753 and Val Arndt 01395 233175. Copies for new residents from Beverley Simcox. 01395 232858.

Do email your photos of local people or events for inclusion in the monthly Woodbury News to Karen at karensquires100@ The editorial team still needs a wider spread of news, particularly about our younger people. What are you all up to? Why don’t YOU write an article or send in a photo? Photos taken with a camera, rather than a mobile phone preferred as they reproduce more clearly on paper. Woodbury News is a Private Company Limited by Guarantee No. 5263356 Registered Office: Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. Tel: 233299 Secretary: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. Tel: 233299 Chairman: Jeremy Boyden, Rosemary, Broadway, Woodbury EX5 1NR. Tel: 233072 Editor: Mrs Sue Bury, Mayflower Cottage, 37 Greenway, Woodbury EX5 1LU. Tel: 233753 Deputy Editor: Mrs Val Arndt, Castlehaye, Castle Lane, Woodbury. Tel: 233175 Subscriptions: Mrs Anna Crafer, 15 Haymans Orchard, Woodbury. Tel: 232007 Circulation: Mrs Beverley Simcox, 2 Beeches Close, Woodbury. Tel: 232858


Above - Map of Woodbury village. Below - Map of Exton village


Map of Woodbury Salterton village

ADVERTISING RATES SMALL ADS.: (3 lines) Private £2.00. (3 lines) Business £5.00 (£50.00 per annum). DISPLAY ADS. £17 quarter page To: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT Tel: 233299 (e-mail The Woodbury News accepts no liability for:- i) Any claims made by the advertiser; ii) Any errors or omissions in the advertisement as submitted by the advertiser; iii) Any legal action as a result of the advertisement.


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Woodbury Salterton Village Hall

Woodbury Village Hall

Hall –Tables and Chairs, Well equipped kitchen with cooker and fridge, crockery and cutlery inclusive in hire. Modest Rates.

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