DF News 1999 Winter

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Fun ri,_,,,,i;

T he A p o l o g vI DaarAll, This is just a shon note Aom the Edito. to sayhow solry I am for the latenessof this edition ofDF news.The reasonfor this is that University coursework crept up (It mightalsohavebeensomething to do with being bchindme andtook meby surprise. too.)This sadandpatheticapologygoesout to all but completelyunorgarised particula y lan Sudburythe o.ganiserof 'Wintcr Wond€rland'and Anna Treadwaythe I didn't getmy organiserof 'DF lce Skate'whoseeventsdidn't get advertised because posteriorout ofneutal. Anyway without futthqr ado,theseare the araiclesthat I have beengivernto amalgamat€:


ValentineWeekend {il


FridayI th February the l3r'ofFebruary -- Sunday



for thoseofyou who areunaware['m ths newSouthWestRep.'I herefore,I wouldlike reallygreat.For to makethis year'sValentinehostel,whichis beingheldin Glastonbury, this weekendlet metell you it is superblAn thoseofyou who havenot yet exp€rienced excellenlexcuscto gettogetherin the SOUTHW€ST andhavca madweekendoflush ofthe colourpink (being lbod. lotsofdrinking.dancingandgeneralc€lebrating Valentineweekendandalll!) It isn't a masssnoggingcompetition(uolessyou wish)but I wouldloveto s€esomcnewfaces,asthis yearthehostel simplya really1'unweekend. is opento you all. Ifyou're a loneDF thengiveme a ring, or writeto me,it wiil bo a trueDF spirit.I think I've rambledenough I'm hereifyou g.eatchanceto experienoe ne€dmel placesin Glastonbury hostelarelimitedsoit's reallyfirst comefi(st Unfortunately places thatifyou don't book -nice andcosylI suggest served.Thereareonly around20 soontlrenyou phoneme beforesendingyour form sothatyou know thereis definitelya place. The full priceis tl5 but pleasecouldyou senda t5 depositwith your bookingform.My addressandphonenumberare: Kate Greenland TheOld CoachHouse Rd l58a Pennsylvania Exeter

Tel:(01392) 679519 EX46Dv *Look forwardto seeingyousoon T€ll Vegeta an?YES/NO(Pleasecircl€or crossout)

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t*rstW, ib t\osrq\u{d otd Nght C4" . . . Sousl'6irs, tr! ALL rwtlh4A$t iSg]!nlo isw[\o ttr.c [ontrvl,ri [ontrvl,ritttc b d $tfitlr.nt I b h ilNs$s fcccl+Drinlt,o, PART\ + qr-nNJU.\ bfs. lr i>cr(]{0.,ioirr gfi. O$olctdrg$Slcn o'r()trL brc Dr rnorsntnt, 1s(t^ts't\5$Rxb 1 q$,\et v{qd(htt


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A PfottyStory(youdon'tr€ally needto bcthsrroading)

On€uponalimetherewasacontus€d/worried/bored/lonelv/nic€/tn€ndlv/nothinq-todo-t add"break-ot-Zena dog calledDerek.H€wantedto talkto pebpleand meel'lriendsw-howerealso ons or mor6ot the aboveand he had reada fiap adCfor somethingcal ed tho rainbownetworkin his copyol DF n6ws.Th6prl)blomwaslhat Derekdidn'tknowwhethsrto phonethe numberbecause h€ didn'tnowlh€ p€rsonwhosenumberit was.Thenon€ dayDereklookedat the blueskvand phonsd,he hadb€onscaredthatltr€voic€on thg olh€rendofthe phonelinemiohthaveb6lonoed to a scaryAlsatianor a none-lo.usetull AndrcxPuppy,butwlrenhe phonedhe f,ouidoutthatadiallv il wasa nicemongrelwhowa6friendly,gavehimloadsol orherphononumbersof doqshs mioht' wantto callas wellas invitinghimlo corn€to rarnbow eventswhicnwer€top....and thayall livfo happilyever after




29d'Jaulary 11:(X)onwards (O!erfl ight accommodation a1Jeni's housr il requircul

Jcni's ltouso 18 SwansweliRoad

Oloa,5-0.lrhl$ 892,2!!t.

ii.-'1;l{ ', l \:ii.,.\iJ,) ('r,r.'ti, 'ttjl '

rI tt::]i.r; ,,;:;.i,',:i',

Ph.tne Ol2l2141211 Mobile (t88tt 695 3(d) (Jeni) Uni: Ols04 438 1!t t -mail J,cjri--a&@ltieb!!s!lll

Anybody inlcres{ed i1r.or who has anything to share on thc mattcr (i intc:.narional work, is invitcd lo comctotr meedng orr rbe 29" of-lanuary. Inrybousc. lfanyorchasany material to contributc brt caonot nlakc it plcase seD(li1 to nrr, via cithcr Fost-or c-mail. II you would likc to comc lo this cvcnl tleuse can you mc, .lcni bcfbro thc 19rdol .'rruary. "lhis js the lirct mectjng so alL infut will tre greally apprccizrtcd. 'l'hc aim will bc li' havc: * Sharing about old + new projects * A diFcussion lcading t(' a decislon on lvhat this group is going lo .bs' 'l hcrc will t|lso hc :r 1'arcand fixxl trx,l orgaoiscdand c()uldcvcryb(xly c(lniing alon!1 pl('asc brjng with thcnr r lixxl dish.


IFM-SEIChildrcn'sworld crmo 2000

Ncxl $mmer the i.tcfralionrl falcoo movcmc i. holding it s camp in Wiesr.r, Austrr8 Wc ne€dcn€rgclicpeoplc to help or ihe ctntral r€snrofihc crntp witl ipec'tic aros ofthe pogramnrc T HI S M E A NS YOU I' I lfyou erc int€rcat.d in comin8 to the camp but h.yc no group lo go wilh. rhen mrybe you can hclp ur 'l her. ,..E a number olarc.s in the €amp itructurc that n.ed holpers

Ertllt ' Opming c.rcnony ' Disc/)s

Otr{oitla Activiri.l t Cirl's t.nt ' lloy s tent ' Children s cale i Carnpradio

Communkrlion ' Villago co-ordin.tds ' Oftice for !!or,p €xchanges

+ Cr8R

+ Csmpn.Espaper ' Kuni ' sporl$ lfvou like thesoundofboingpan oflh€ certralrcrm, jl wouldb€ grearlo herr from yo!. Crle mea cdl if you wouldlik€ io voluoteer or if you d like 10Lnowmorcaboulwharit would.nlail. You canlake oo as n'uchor rr little asyou like,it d$*n'l havelo be 3 fildmoti taskllfyoD dor\ fcelyor wlti to b. prn of q sentml telm but h|ve idcaspl€as€dtso c.ll mr ' }v€'rE d€ternined to mate this r cafip lo renlembe.. comoaloogr.d join the fun1 TamRi^ (0r6011 60 05 12(lefmt(01225rJ125?4(ho.c)

L ET T E R S Dear Editor, I wa$searchi[gthroughthe iDtemelthe other day when I carre acrossttis ralheruseful,ifa littl€ alarming.pisoeof infomation.I thoughtthatit wouldbe bestto b ng it to the attentionof everyonein Woodcrafl, seeingaswe all seemto find olrssives in lar away countdeseverynow and again.So,ta.kenote,this could saveyour life: is froft the Eear€ colps l{a5uaL f,dr ils voLuDtee.s uho worL in fhe foilowinq try ar Lhe ,|j[Ezon dungle. It te]Ls what to do in case you ale attacled anaconda, Now an anaconda is tbe laigest snake ln the sor-Ld. It i6 a f€et l n l enqtl and o i th e b o a c o n s tl l :to r , i t groH s to thi rty-fi ve lelat r le This is ethat welghs beiweer three and fcur hundred pounds at lhe ltaxiturn. ih€ rianual- saidr 1. lt !o u a i p a r.E " c L e r o ! " i .n aconda. y oL arF . 2. Ll€ flat on lhe ground. Put your leqs l i g h t a g a i n s t 5 n e a n o th er 3, t uck y o u r c h i n


4. The snake Hili

corqe and beqin

5. Do not

do nor ' un. ar[$


Ihe snal e


t.o nudge anc c!:I!b

Ls f" s1€r

yorir 3ides,



over yo\rr bady.


6. After the snake has eiantned you. it lernit feet and - always iror 1]he end. Do not panic ank lee , 7. The snake will per r ec ri y i -i l l .

will beq:n lo swatlow you fior! llre snaLe to swa]low !.our. feet

now h,eqan to suck your legs T h i s u j l .l ral (e a Io' o ti ne.




rotr nu6l

lh€ €nd lte

B. l{h6n the snake has reached your knees slorly ,nd rltl as Llitfe $owenre[t leac]l dowr,, tale you! knlf€ and very gently s1icl6 it in!6 the as possible, side of the snakes noul! betvr€en the edge of its {outh ard yolr leg' then su.ide.ly rip up,.{ards, severing tie snate?a lread. 9. B e s u re l o u h a v e y o u ! l D i fe, 10. B e s u re y o J r k ri fe

i s s b drp.

I do hopeall the peopleintendingto go to a far offshore havetakenthis on board. Furfhermore I hopethat every onewho hasvisited the amazon,ot an} other tlopical rainior€sty{ype placesand havelivedto tell the tale,thinks themselvesvery iucky to have pieceofknowledge.Thisis partiallydedicaled suNivedu'itiloulthisessendal to the inXernalionalgroupsettingthemselvesup at the momenl.If anybody hasany otrer informationon wildlife-self del'enceI think the informatior shouldbe pass€don to them asa mattetofsomeurgenov.


'fhree simplestrpsou wriring

tour rerl own tu1iclf tor Dr nr$s:

At the firsl cver DF forum one of the things lhar was decidedwas to gerrid of "lhe clique", srrlo make ileven easierlo w.ite you.own a i.le we haresetupanetnailaddress eFp€ciilyforDFnews. To makeil evenersier lo gcl your a$icle I have wrttten thc Focess up jn thr€€simplc stagcs 1. Thjnk ot somelhing1owdre 2. Type it out in Tinles Ne\{ Ronlanpl12 3. Sendiflia"email" 0o,- df-!ry |@)!tjt)!.!!:ul Remenb€rif you don't haveac.€ssb lhe WWW rheDyou canalwnls useile posiatsyslelntllal so mary of u6 rcly upon eaci da-v.To lil]d oul who is wril.rng€alh copy of DF newsjxst call you rcgional rcp. and lhey wili be morethat happytl] help you any time of lre day or nighl what everyour Fobl€ir nig!tbe.


Calling nll W€lsh $F's, '3Your corntry ncedsJou"


Sotry it *,^\ th. clavst I .:oaldBet to a slepp

If you are a proper WelshDIj or just a DF who ls living in Wales.for exampleat a Wclsh Lhiversro likeme, you mnst c.onlaclne. i]s I am suretha! *rerc are morethansix DIjs in Wales, Thercasonyou must conlacl me is bec{usewe ar€shrring a W€lsh DF group. We afe goinSto IniveI ptrrty(m the I llh De!- IIyou don'rlivc i0 Walesbutwor d like ro comero thepirty you arcreallyquiLewelconr it is going to be somewherciu nurlh Wales(probablymy house!),lusr girc ll1ea ring for somemorc details, my addressis on ahebark of DF rcws. Adan, Welsil rep-

Section 28 'Ihanks to all DFs that signod postcards et DF contbrence/althing io se.d to the local governmerr gowernDent which bamed Locnl tn;nister calling for s*tion 28 [rle law itrlreduccd by tbe'l}raicher fron1 For.t.aying homoseruality Autholities irr a F$itivc lightl to be r€pealed. This was menriancd in the Quedn's sp@ch t\rs weeks idtei, qnd should b€come l<gislarion during the nexl y€tr. Obviously this was rotjusi a resnlt ofour pos.cardli lots ofpcoplo have been campsigni g about this s;rc€ il *?s iltroduced, but olr 30 a. Bo lEstcards will hawe h6rl some impaetr dd it's reatly nice when thinas chaage aftef you do somethi$A to try and ohthse tttem. E'rrma Currin

T6 \ *rom

it may concsrn.

FARE POOL FARE POOL FARE POOL FARE POOL. It is now Oecamber, th.e€ .nontlrs sinca DF CA|vtp 99, On the booking torm tor camp, it wB3 m€d6 ol6ar lt|at ther6 t Dutd b€ a fara poot opeaating. On peopll' elairned to hav6 forgot qnd refue€d to Fray. This has camp, hor\€ver, m€6rtt tlrat lhefa! ete a grorrp of {)Fs vfiom ar6 still o\^,ed mon€y, and a drucfi lsrgsr groqp w'ro have got auray withoart paying. These psopb aBsum€ lhat the DF mov€marrt will cover for thefi. letitng them get a\ /€y witholri cornribrtirlg. Sl.rch bbrsr* disr€gBrd for the systqft will meaa th6t no ane win pay into tfi€ fsre pool, eine€ committ€€ witl. This wil mean either a much higl|6r oost tbr ev€n1s in ordet lo cov€f fare pool, or no fale po.t al ell- rnaking n6lional ev€rls a tflir€ ot th€ past. li may not 6€em important to you \ rito owB a fiver, but ptFaae psy. I c€n't foree j/o(, to p€y, nor c€n I tfrfe€t6; €ny ofy()u, blrt I trope thal | *ho{.tdrfi have ro becauB€ } jolned ttr€ l,taodcraft fotkrqd not Nikhil



/i iif a-)!," l.\.'tl i: t

Firstofall thetime I will be freeasSouthLondonDf. Sundayeveningsdulingholidaysandtermtime,my termendson the 17thof Decemberfrom whichpoint I will bc in Sheffielduntil aboutthe 17'ofJanuary. Sgqondujalenaj counE{ Pleasegetinvolvedin the all-newftiendshipfestivalscomingto an areanealyou very soon. Theseare opendaysheld in many different areasof the country,which areto have fun andpromotethe WoodcraftFolk. If you want to find out whenone is happening nearyou thencontactyour rcgionalWorker. If anyoneis interestedin joining a National council committeewe really want a big youthpresence to be seennationally.The next meetingis on the 8/9 ofJanuary. Theconrnitteesthat voucanioin are: Develooment: This is how to increase newgrcups Inte.national:This is co-ordinatingnew projects,The intemationalFalken movement, andthâ‚Ź intemational camp2000. packsand eDq: This is curricuiumandeducationit involvesworkingon educatiotr developingnew activitieswith Chris Pike the EducationWorker. Publicitv al1dExternalRelations:This is promoting the Woodcmft folk and developingnew merchandise StaffingrThis is discussing the staffingpolicy of the Woodcrafifolk. If you arc interestedthe next meetingwill be held in the midlandsbut I am not sure where.If you are intercstedthen you travel expenseswill be paid but pleaseget in contactwith yourDF repson council,El1enMaftinez,DanHamrnond,Katy Redgrave, TamsinPierce. Yours,ElienMafiinez.

i Gi,1tii1.ry:lil,'tJ ird;lrq11i,{r:lt,/\i,'jfti'

L'ererdlrL.del,ne. rur he Dr.ur(tlello"'h p'nu\â‚ŹT(nr.

by theD.F s in conjunclionwith thewoodcraftFolk national Thjs sctofCuidelineshasbeenproduced guideljnes. D.F'sofgan;sirga.d allendjngthoseDF nclivities.Althoughtheyarea national It is io assistahose guide they havebeâ‚Źndevelopedto serveas a possibiemodelfor anyDF acnvitiesand dreintendedto be ilexiblein adaptingthemto localneeds. Every participdntin advanceof any eventshouldsign the guidelines.If the personattendingis under eighteena parentmust sign a conse.! form. They are thcroforeappliedcqoally andwith consistcncylo all pa$icipants. GeneralBehaviour lnnguage and actionsof a homophobic,sexist,racist, ageressive.ttueateningor olherwiseoppressivc behaviourareunacoeptable. Behaviourof A bull).rng teasingor manipulatingDatue is not acceptable. Partlcipalion


A setof appropriateactivities will be organisedfor the e\rent.All of thoseattendingwill be encouraged Io lake pan in the saidprogram. All areenoouraged to getinvolvedjn aclivilie,s fid takeparl in thegene.alrunningof the event. 'Itey mustkeepthd personal spacetidy. Everybodyshouldbe inlolved in dayto daytasksperhapsin rotagroupstheseincludel Iioodpreparations. washrng up, cleaningtoiletsbut dutiesvarydepending on thetlpe ofactivity. DfuqsLeqalandillesal D.f s arc guidedby lhe ztpproprjate laws, There{ore; It is unacceptablefor anyoneunda l 8 to purchasealcohol All pafiicipantsl!1ll be rcsponsiblelbr their own actjons if over I 8. Everyonemustbe encouragedto respeclthemselves andotherswith regafdto obsessive abuseof alcoholanddrugs The selling or dislnbution of illegal drugswill be unacceptable. llealth advice aDdlealleis will be availablear everyevent-Pcrhapsa peeried advicet)?c drop in s$vicecanalsobe usefull. A rota slstem of soberdriversand sobernon-driverswill be encouraged. Htejcne K.P's andthosepreparingfoodwill follow generalhygienerul.s. Childhotoclion Onlylhosepeoplebetweenlhe agesof 16 andtwenty-one areallowedto attenda DF event.Urless thereafeextenualing circumstances. mlsr askrhepe.mission.lDFcommittee, Itnder sixreen's thry mus!be an adultmemberandhavean over eighteenyear old to takeresponsibilityfor them. Overtlventyoresmustalsoapplyto DF commit&eandmustcondibulesomething towardstheevent.

€t/liililiflll;tlNg6i R+ltfoF /,,:il,\y5lijwT

a3\Ti al lle D

Sarclions $rd ssanisatia'n

Bacheverl will havean orgdrkjng conjnittee thai would deal with ary b€haviouralor brakiog of the guidelircs. Thesepersonsshould!e nommaiedin advance.rifithin tlre remit ofthis groupther6mull 6e nat$al juslice to aI parti€sandno1lelierce ffr heaxsayand secondh?nd informatiq). Be awrre of prescdbhg speclfc responx€slo spccifc keaches unless6ere is a cotumitlftnt to appllflg the responsesunivdsaly and equilrbly. Be a6cledr aspossiblgaboutthe relative rights of the individual and the group. Remember0ut lhe Woodcraftfotk stards for co-operationand communityand not for the alrsoluteright$ qfth€ individual in all situadons. Be cleal lhat respanses,suci as expulsion, ae madeon groundsof Mfety and the overall collective purposeof the organisrtion,

pleasewrite to: EllenMartinez. Any comments, They ar€to be reviewedandvoted on at next conference.

Contactibilit Crot dableness of North ttndon Rcp. on the hack of DF Feel free lo oontact me at any time at the addresse$/numbcrs Ns\rvs-ldon't bitc!

llowcve., I will spccificallybe availablefor Wrxrdcrall is$ueson wcdnesdaysfrom spm and all day sunday, in the {irst two weeksof February,precedingthe next DF Forum, askfor Anna in flat 4.1. lf you phonemy flat nurnb€r,0113230 4'134, The tirne I will be Aeeas Souh London Df. Sundayevcningsdufingholidays{nd termtinre.my tcrmcndson t}E l7' of Decembcrfrom whichpoinrI will be in Sheffielduntil aboutthe I ?' of January. Pleafrom theHditor:All theDF Repswho wereat 'DF Allthing' wereaskedto give timesfor when they aremost likely to be at homeandcontactable.I only receiveda couplewhich are inchded here,can all the Repspleasemakethis inforrnatiotrleown to thenextEditorof DF news(whichmaybe me,if thiseditionisn't a completefailure!)

Nattonal DF' Proi€ct Fund ApdieAdqLFsla. Personal informalion or groupconlacl.-........-.........-......... lndividual Narne,.. ,..,..-.,........,... Addrc.... . ..

Phone number.... -.......-. Di.ricL or arc-.. \\,rcd(rctrmcmbcahip n,rmbcr: .... ......... T lleor b; ef d e .d p ri ' n ' rtl k

p ' ' i e .r' .' .n t(tc.

A im r . i r hcp ro j c c l e t€ fl c l c : ..... r



Wrat does rhlr project/event involve?, (1.e.Plo8ram of activj lies) . . - . . . . . .

Na es anddistrics/ sr-ea!of people(Il applJirg asa Croup.). . . .. . . . . . . .

Brealdowt of the,rrls:

Otlrersourcesyou havelooke.d Toral a$ourt you are applying Are )ou lnply,ngfor a loan? CondifionB/criterla of fundingi * *

the projectmust closelylollow the aimsand principlosol the Woodclatt Fblk. Al the endof the pmlect a reportn1uslbe submittedro DF Comrniltee. including an ariicle for DF

* * * *

This applicationm sl be sentto your rcgional representativeln advanceof a commitleemeehne lndivi{:ll}alsmay apply for up to f-50. eroup6of 10 or moreup 10nndinclnding €2cr0 All receiptsandany bills musl be sholvnbelon linding is re.eived. If rhe prcject doesdol go alcad for any rea.ionany molre! thtt hasmt beeirsp'enLon non-relunubl€ mustb€ retumed. deposits

l/We" the undersigncd,d€€Lueth4t the pruJecisatisfiesthe crileria oudinedandl/wc ngrceio the cnnditions irf funding. SiEflrJ........ . . . . .

Sendthis applicabonto,vonr regionalppr€nentadreon DF comDrifiee.whcxeaddrcssis on ihe backof dtis issueof DF News.

r '1.,

w*ltxwvt $retr,rd-.j , ; l-', t :

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[cniruo\zTBnb i r3q \ Fwqv$cn closs-,BrrcalnFeq B{\\ ttB



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