Woodhead University Education Experience

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University Education Experience

a leading global design practice

Adelaide Beijing Brisbane Darwin Ho Chi Minh City [AIC] Melbourne Naples [Interplan] New Delhi [RKA] Perth Shanghai Singapore Sydney

Woodhead is a leading architecture, interiors, and planning company with more than 80 years in the industry. Woodhead is based throughout Australia, Asia and Europe with associations and partnerships worldwide Our experience, expertise, technology and business management systems ensure we achieve world’s best practice for our clients. We are committed to design excellence and environmentally sustainable design solutions, delivered with outstanding service. Our design approach creates multi-sensory, engaging and memorable places that are functional at their core. We are focused on investment in social infrastructure, property, and business for greater social and financial rewards. Our people are experts in their various fields, with diverse qualifications outside their main discipline. We link specialists within our studios to develop specific projects, gaining broader perspectives and innovative design outcomes for our clients.

Company Profile


community lifestyle

Commercial Industrial Workplace

Transport Defence Education Health Civic

Hospitality Residential Retail

Woodhead, through its international spread of education projects, recognises the challenging facility demands of the 21st century and the need to develop specialised facilities which meet the curriculum requirements and changing pedagogy.

Portfolio Capability


Woodhead has been serving the Australian education sector for over 30 years. Woodhead, through its international spread of education projects, recognises the challenging facility demands of the 21st century and the need to develop specialised facilities which meet the curriculum requirements and changing pedagogy. The combined value of Woodhead’s tertiary education projects exceeds $200 million and includes TAFE, CAE’s Institutes of Technology, Community Colleges and University buildings. Other challenging projects have included environmental education facilities, training facilities, science laboratories and studio and drama facilities. Our strategy has been to assemble a highly skilled team with proven experience in the design and delivery of education projects, particularly primary and secondary schooling facilities, and a demonstrated track record in the key areas of relevance. Through previous studies our relevant extensive education experience and our involvement in groups such as the Council of Education Facility Planners International and the Society for College and University Planners, we are able to identify and provide innovative learning and creative design solutions which address the key issues. Improving the competitive edge of learning centres by the inclusion of technological advancements and

advanced flexible delivery methodology. The wide range of resources at our disposal allows us the flexibility to take on a variety of roles in addition to that of principle consultant. These include project management, superintendent services and masterplanning. Each project begins with extensive consultation with the client, and evaluation of the requirements of curriculum, enrolment projections and the need for cross sharing of facilities. The innovative design solution that evolves is meticulously tailored to meet the client’s unique requirements. Creatively, we have extensive experience in dealing with critical land shortage, an issue faced by many of Australia’s urban college campuses. Our strategic implementation approach simultaneously installs new works whilst upgrading and enhancing existing buildings and infrastructure. Woodhead continues to provide quality educational facilities which aim to meet ‘world’s best’ standards, lead by company hallmarks of creative, forwardthinking design, cost minimisation and, above all, commitment to client satisfaction. Woodhead is committed to designing facilities that are environmentally responsible. Learning environments are excellent facilities to promote Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD) These processes enable all team members and stakeholders to participate and understand the substantial opportunities of sustainable design.

pharmacy australia centre for excellence


The Pharmacy Australia Centre of Excellence is a world-class research, education, clinical practice and industry precinct on a 1.7ha site in the centre of Brisbane, adjacent to Princess Alexandra Hospital.

PACE comprises state-of-the-art scientific, teaching and business infrastructure within an innovative collaborative zone, liking academia, science and industry, government and community, research and clinical practice. PACE is a partnership between the University of Queensland’s School of Pharmacy, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia and the Queensland Government. The architectural philosophy behind PACE is to create a precinct that not only provides for world class research and education, but invites, engages and encourages interest and enjoyment from the general public. To achieve this goal the building envelope has been developed along the site boundaries, while leaving the heart of it as a public plaza space. The 360-seat lecture theatre sits raised, as a sculptural centrepiece which provides shade and houses the indoor-outdoor cafÊ underneath.

This plaza provides pedestrian access to the building from the street via a gentle ramp, extending the public amenity. Landscaping and islands of green planters are strategically located throughout the site, to provide both a verdant atmosphere and shade. Symbolically, it will provide a large stage for everyday public activity. The streetscape along Cornwall Street is articulated by three different architectural elements in order to make it attractive in scale, order and expression. It also acts to reinforce the urban character of the site and provide an anchor to the street corner. From west to east, sympathetic to the bulk of the residencies opposite, the first architectural element begins with a long, predominantly glazed, threestorey high prism which extends to the solid bookend element housing the core and services. Next to it is the secondary entry and lobby behind.

The second element is the East Block, housing the laboratories. Being six-storeys in height it has been further removed from the street, and sits behind a huge existing fig tree. This tree was salvaged from another place of the site where building works took place. The third element is the main entry space, which occurs where the previous two collide. Appearing as a narrow street corridor, the entry’s geometry changes from orthogonal to skew, dramatising the view axis and distribution of light. The widening corridor, with both its high and low corridors, windows and bay window arrangements, lighting, colour, materials and scale improves the quality of the space as a ‘meeting place’. Great attention was paid to glass selection to increase the transparency of the building in order to create vision corridors and axis. This also enhances pedestrian access to public space, and creates a context of openness and interactivity through integration with the surrounding built form.

The project had a very extensive and well developed brief. It asked for cutting edge research and development facilities containing office, laboratory and teaching space to house the University Of Queensland School Of Pharmacy and other project partners. Other areas included a 360-seat Lecture Theatre, break out rooms for group learning, case studies and computer assisted peer group learning, seminar rooms, mock pharmacy rooms and additional specialized training rooms, meeting rooms and food service areas. The design fully answered the entire desired outcome and a lot of attention was given to the spaces which were not in the brief, but which with a right approach can enormously improve the building amenity, appeal and functionality. These areas were the entries, lobbies, the plaza, terraces etc. The design response was “flexibility and more flexibility� to allow for growth and retraction of the changing needs of the pharmacy, biotechnology and other industry tenants.

The intensity and complexity of the project existed due to the high serviceability of the laboratory and associated spaces. It required very close and extensive collaboration with specialists in laboratory design, mechanical and electrical engineering, hydraulic, structure, landscape and others. PACE was a product of a unique partnership between the pharmacy industry, the education centre and the Queensland Government with very complex relationships and requirements which constantly needed innovative and creative solutions. PACE multifaceted project, involving costs not only in design and construction, but in the procurement and instalment of highly technical equipment. The 15,800square metre project cost $97million, which was a particularly positive outcome for all parties The floor plate design of the building is such (length to width ratio) that provides good intake of natural light to penetrate the inside even in the laboratory spaces. This makes possible the constant reference to the outside to be a part of the work environment.

typical floor plan Appropriate design of the sun shading made the work spaces glare free and reduces the pressure of the air conditioning system. The number of floors, the position of stairs, access to break out spaces, lobbies, balconies and external spaces encourages healthy work environment reducing the need

The floor plate design of the building is such (length to width ratio) that provides good intake of natural light to penetrate the inside even in the laboratory spaces. This makes possible the constant reference to the outside to be a part of the work environment. Appropriate design of the sun shading made the work spaces glare free and reduces the pressure of the air conditioning system. The number of floors, the position of stairs, access to break out spaces, lobbies, balconies and external spaces encourages healthy work environment reducing the need for usage of lifts, artificial lighting etc. A bike store and associated change rooms are provided as part of the end of the trip facilities. Specialist laboratory design is a complex process. The requirements of the PACE facility are very unusual in that they necessitate co-mingling of a range of functions, but also with distinct physical separation, although there should be no visual impairment between functions such as research facilities and areas occupied by academics, undergraduate students or members of the public. In addition, it should be appreciated that there are activities undertaken within the facility which will be of a highly sensitive commercial nature and which will require very strict protocols to be in place and which will need to be the subject of stringent physical security.

Project Team: Further, the animal house and support facilities also need to be subject to strict security arrangements. Any unauthorised access or inadvertent contamination could result in substantial losses of research effort, with serious consequential commercial outcomes.



Interior design:




Small scale drug production is also envisaged. This will require the storage and management of hazardous and flammable materials.


Scott Burrows

The architectural challenge was to develop a design which provides the necessary level of physical security without impacting on the open feel of the building, and at the same time providing a sense of inclusion and co-operation between the parties. To achieve the desired functional outcome required, a lengthy iterative design process and extensive involvement of stakeholder representatives was required.

Consultants: −− S2F: Laboratory Design −− Cardno Alexander Browne: Structural & Civil −− Basset: Mechanical, Electrical & Fire −− SKM: Hydraulic −− Philip Chun & Associates: BCA Consultant −− Wilson : Landscape Architects For further information contact; www.woodhead.com.au

Southern Cross University Foundation Building


Building A is the ‘foundation’ building for Southern Cross University’s Gold Coast Campus with a contract value of $18 million. The new campus has been master planned to sit within the Gold Coast Airport Development Park with the first stage opening to students in 2010.

Building A is the ‘foundation’ building for Southern Cross University’s Gold Coast Campus with a contract value of $18 million. The new campus has been master planned to sit within the Gold Coast Airport Development Park with the first stage opening to students in 2010. The building floor area of approximately 4800m2 is spread over four levels. It accommodates a range of general teaching spaces, library, IT labs, lecture theatre, academic offices and support facilities. In order to encourage activities and interaction, the building is ‘permeable’ at ground level with co-location of a café, student interaction areas, student services hub and multi-purpose room. Strong visual and spatial connections are established to the Grand Forecourt, Pedestrian Spine and the future Building B. The main staircase is enclosed in full glass curtain-wall and features prominently to announce the main building entry. It creates a transparent, light-filled space promoting the use of stairs for inter-floor movement. Generous landing spaces provide informal areas for interaction.

On the top floor, the library exploits the views to the north with an upper level terrace capturing sea views to Kirra Beach. The ‘U’ plan-form of the building encloses a central courtyard which acts as a semisheltered outdoor room, opening out towards views of the NSW border and is large enough to host most university functions. The building facades reflect a simple, clean, honest expression of materials and structure with sun-shading to openings providing detail and interest. Due to it’s visibility and the fact that it will be the first building constructed, Building A is treated as a ‘signature’ building. It will set the standard for following buildings and provide an identity for Southern Cross University. This evolution of ideas within a predetermined framework will begin to establish the basis for a unified campus realizing the objectives of the Master Plan. The eventual built form strategy will comprise of seven to eight buildings for the entire four hectare campus site with building heights from four to ten storeys. The emphasis of the Master Plan will be the distribution of building types to ensure maximum site capacity whilst also accommodating future growth.

Fundamental to the Master Plan is the creation of a strong sense of arrival when travelling by vehicle, foot, cycle or light rail (future proposal) along the main approach from Tweed Heads Bypass. This is anticipated to be achieved through a gateway statement at the Grand Forecourt with the iconic architecture of Building A (foundation building) and the future Building B (landmark building). The planning of the Building A establishes the street presence of the Campus along the primary frontage of the site and the building is orientated to benefit from favourable coastal views, the rehabilitated watercourse and biodiversity corridor.

Conceptually, the activities within the building have been grouped into teaching spaces and office spaces. These zones are vertically aligned and are separated by generous circulation areas accommodating stairs, lifts and amenities. The university anticipates student enrolments at 750 EFTSU in 2010, rising to 2000 EFTSU by 2011/2012 and intends to offer initial course options in business, convention and event management, tourism management and legal studies on the new campus to complement their 2 other existing facilities at Tweed Heads. Teaching spaces had to be versatile enough to accommodate a variety of teaching delivery modes, learning styles and information formats, including the extensive use of audio-visual and video-conferencing technologies. The overall plan arrangement had to allow for the flexibility to accommodate changing future needs within an economical structural framework, while providing a clearly legible spatial arrangement and maximising opportunities for student interaction and sharing of ideas.

typical floor plan

The precast concrete structural frame complements the simple honesty of materials used in the building envelope. This adds clarity when reading the way the components of concrete, glazing, aluminium cladding and steel are assembled to form the building fabric. Energy efficient systems for lighting, ventilation and air-conditioning have also been integrated unobtrusively, together with the security and communications systems required to support the extensive information technology networks used in a modern campus environment. The building services are controlled via the building management system to ensure optimum occupant comfort and efficient performance of building services. The landscaping strategy utilises a drought-resistant palette that blends with the existing native flora of Coolangatta Creek with predominant low growing ground covers and shade trees, providing a soft complement to the concrete, glass and steel used in the building exterior whilst also creating sheltered outdoor spaces for informal learning.

In the early stages of design, the client decided to forego the conventional “sandstone” university image in preference for a pragmatic and “realworld” approach to campus design which has been translated into the design expression and choice of materials. Building materials were selected on their durability, ease of maintenance, performance characteristics, environmental impact and aesthetic qualities. Life cycle costing of building components was used to assess the most cost effective material and component selections. The pre-dominant use of naturally-finished precast concrete expressed in the colonnade of blade columns on the exterior imparts the necessary gravitas of an educational institution. In contrast, selective aluminium-clad features in bold colours, splashes of colour and graphics in the interior add an element of fun and vibrancy. The average construction cost achieved in the completed building falls within the lower range of the industry average for tertiary education buildings.

Project Team: ESD principles are integrated into all aspects of the design with the building being eligible for a minimum rating equivalent to 4-star Greenstar, although the client has elected not to proceed with the full certification process. The basic ‘U’ plan-form creates opportunities to maximise natural day-lighting cross ventilation of spaces and external views while the semi-covered atrium courtyard aids the cooling of the building envelope with induced convectional air movements through heat vents located in the soffit. Generous roof eaves shade the external walls from direct solar heat gain, in conjunction with various sunshading devices incorporated into the design of the building envelope. Other sustainability initiatives that are incorporated into the building also include energy efficient building systems, transport design / planning, rainwater collection, xeriscape planting, utilisation of sustainable materials/ technologies, provision of cyclist and end-of-trip facilities. The design of the foundation building was an outcome of input from a range of stakeholders including academic staff, Teaching and Learning Centre, Learning Assistance, Information Technology and Technical Support, Library and Facilities Management. It aims to establish the main principles for future buildings that will collectively form an on-campus environment which actively engages students in the process of learning and exchange of information through the creation of dynamic spaces and facilities that encourage open collaborative interaction.



Interior design:







Simon Wood

For further information contact; www.woodhead.com.au

Faculty of Professions University of Adelaide

Faculty of Professions The University of Adelaide Partnering with DCM, Woodhead designed a successful concept which effectively transformed the existing building into a vibrant buzzing student centre.

The building located at 10 Pulteney Street, Adelaide is a late-1970’s structure. The University of Adelaide acquired the building in the late 1990’s due to its geographical proximity to the University campus and its frontage to North Terrace. The building has to date, been used as overspill space for a range of University functions. However, with increased pressure on campus space, the University has undertaken to refurbish and reposition the building to house the School of Professions. The Woodhead/DCM team were chosen to provide a design concept that would successfully transform the building and give it a new life. The design concept proposed a new atrium at a ground level that would link the podium space to the tower and provide a common area for students and staff to mingle and circulate through the buildings. The facade to the north was revamped with a glass veil to allow greater light penetration into the spaces and demonstrated a number of ESD initiatives from solar collection, rain water harvesting and natural ventilation.

A number of options were considered from full renewal, to new facade design, to reuse. The agreed design concept proposes a new atrium at a ground level that would link the podium space to the tower and provide a common area for students and staff to mingle and circulate through the buildings. A stair and level 1 bridge further enhance the foyer and the link between the existing buildings . The second stage of this project, aiming for a completion date to suit the start of semester 2009, is currently in the development and documentation phases. the result will offer visible expression for the future direction of Adelaide University.

Undergraduate and Post Graduate Student Centre New student dedicated spaces at lower levels to both of the existing buildings feature in the design . The Ground floor refurbishment includes the Undergraduate Centre reception, the Student Counselling Staff Office and a large and current style of Informal learning Centres. Level 1 houses the Post Gradate Centre front of house, Student Counselling Staff Office with adjacent teaching functions including a discursive theatre and flat floor teaching. The new link between the two existing buildings becomes the new foyer. This new natural light filled glazed link provides an enlarged Foyer to the buildings and becomes the heart and centrepiece of the faculty of professions. It is designed to enhance a feeling of belonging for staff and particularly students. It is the pivot point for all circulation and the location for social contact and interaction. It also provided the prime location for whole of school and faculty functions. The reception areas are front of house spaces for undergraduate and Post graduate students capturing a professional, yet friendly interface where students can feel comfortable, welcome and respected. In response to the NetGen trends the design is responsive to the need for third space or informal learning spaces on campus. Theses areas will be fun, comfortable and cafe style, grouped into Interactive, Creative, and reflective zones. The seating will flexible yet functional to these different requirements, including comfortable collaborative booths with LCD screens for group discussions and informal and low height seating near AV and teaching facilities for impromptu and informal teaching.

Workplace Standards and Office Prototype Woodhead was also part of the consultation team commissioned to plan and consolidate the tower workspaces for the School of Professions within 10 Pulteney Street. This interior refurbishment presented an opportunity for a ‘back to basics’ rethink of staff and student accommodation with a vision to progress these workplace solutions into future university projects. The University plans to proceed with refurbishment changes across the campus as part of a big picture philosophy which involves consistent, fit for purpose, flexible, efficient and high quality environments which will continue to function and contribute to the University in the long term. To assist with this process, Woodhead became consultants for the exploration of the academic workspace for the University of Adelaide. Through this process Woodhead confirmed the preferred solutions required to proceed with detailed design within each school. The workplace concepts were discussed, workshopped, detailed, and subsequently fully contracted as a part office prototype for full review. The conclusion of the project saw the workplace standards approved and fully documented to introduce consistency across the campus.


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