Montessori Messenger | April 2024

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montessori MESSENGER

Volume 2 | Issue 6 APRIL
Woodland Hill Montessori School

The Voyage of Discovery took place on Saturday, April 13. Our current and incoming parents attended this multi-classroom parent education event to hear from teachers of each level.

Voyage of Discovery

Our Montessori approach to math education emphasizes concrete materials and interactive experiences to help children develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. The Voyages provide a unique opportunity for parents to engage directly with the Montessori materials alongside our experienced teachers, gaining insights into our approach and how to support their child's educational journey at home.

Together, we can foster a love for learning and build a strong foundation for our students.

As a reminder, copies of Math Works is available in Michelle's Office.

May 6 | Teacher Appreciation Lunch

May 8 - 10 | Scholastic Book Fair

All Day

May 10 | Grandparents’ and Special Friend’s Day

1 pm - 3 pm

May 13 - 18 | Middle School Trip

May 14 | Upper El Field Trip to SPAC Classical Kids

May 21 - 23 | Upper Elementary Shakespeare Plays

Time TBD

Upper El Families & WHMS Community

May 22 | Senior Portraits and Parade

May 23 | Muffins with Michelle

8 am - 9 am

WHMS Community

May 23 | LE Field Trip to Dragons Eat Tacos Play

May 27 | No School

May 30 | Sports Banquet @ The Red Barn in EG

5:30 pm - 7 pm

Athletic Families

$30 Adult | $20 Student

May 31 | 8th Grade Trip to NYC

All Day - Meet at Train Station

8th Grade Students

May 31 | Moving Up Visits

9 am - 11 am

K, 3rd & 6th Graders

May 31 | Piano Recital

4 pm and 5 pm

Sue Anthony’s Piano Students

June 2 | Raku Firing Demonstration

10 am - 2 pm - Rain or shine in the pavilion

June 5 | Spring Violin Concert & Student Showcase

6 pm - 8 pm

Performers: Violin, Chamber Ensemble, Musical Theater Elective, Film Elective, School Band, African Drumming Extracurricular

June 6 | Upper Elementary Peebles Island Field Trip

All Day

Upper El Students and Faculty

June 7 | Middle School Peebles Island Field Trip

All Day

Middle School Students and Faculty

June 8 | New Family Playground Meet Up

9 am - 12 pm

New to Woodland Hill Families

June 8 | Community Potluck and Pride Parade Prep

3 - 6 pm Makerspace

WHMS Community

June 9 | Albany Pride Parade

June 10 | Middle School Banquet

6 pm - 8 pm

Graduates of 2024 and their families, 7th Graders, Faculty, Administration

$10 a person

June 11 | Primary and Lower Elementary Field Day

Primary AM - Lower El PM

All Primary and Lower Elementary Students

June 12 | Middle School Coffee House

7:30 am - 8:30 am

June 14 | Primary Moving Up Ceremony

9:30 am - 10:30 am

All Primary students and families

11:30 am dismissal for all students. No Aftercare. No Enrichment.

June 14 | Moving Up Ceremonies and Graduation

2:30 pm @ EMPAC at RPI

All Lower El, Upper El, and Middle School Families

The Friends of WHMS recently hosted two exciting events!

On April 27, we celebrated the WHMS Talent Show, showcasing a diverse range of talents from our students. We are incredibly proud of all our performers! Additionally, on April 14, families and students had a blast at Skate Night at Rollerama, enjoying the venue exclusively for themselves. Thank you to everyone who participated and made these events memorable!

Reminder to our Middle School and Athletic Families about these upcoming special evenings!

Please reach out to Nicholle with any questions. We hope to see you there!

Watch Sara & Hannah's Class Play

Tacky the Penguin

John & Michael's Class Play

The Story of the Red Stone

Watch Olga & Chloё's Class Play

The Tale of Tiddalik the Frog

Class Plays in Lower El Watch Julie and Laura's Class Play

My Fathers Dragon

The Lower Elementary classrooms poured their hearts into practicing, preparing, and crafting costumes for their class plays. Through participating in plays, children enhance their social skills, creativity, self-expression, and confidence. Moreover, plays provide opportunities for collaborative learning, problem-solving, and understanding different perspectives, fostering a well-rounded and versatile skill set in students.

Later in May, we see Shakespeare performances from our Upper Elementary students!

The Middle School hosted another successful Coffee House on April 19 with a Honey Bee theme! They even had a live bee demonstation by Lower El Teacher, John Slater.

Later that evening, the students returned to WHMS for the Middle School Dance. Students enjoyed dancing, snacks, and had such a fun time. Students from Parker School joined in on the fun as well!

Our Primary Students really enjoyed the disco ball on Monday morning PE!


Spring is celebrated in many different forms around the world. Typically, the season is marked by Spring Equinox (March 19), the day when the length of the day and night are the same.

We typically celebrate Ramadan , Easter, and Passover in early spring of every year. These are religiously significant events that are celebrated throughout the world. But there are other colorful and wondrous festivities that occur in the spring to celebrate the end of cold winter and warm sun rays of Spring. Two very colorful festivals are Holi of India and Cherry Blossom Festival (Hanami) of Japan.

Holi, the “Festival of Colors,” has its origin in Hindu faith. The “colors” that are thrown represent the interconnectedness of all people and each color has a significant meaning. Hanami originally celebrated the blossoming of plum blossoms. In modern day Japan cherry blossoms are typically celebrated. The occasion celebrates the transient beauty of flowers. Thanks to the Japanese government who donated so many cherry trees, we can also experience the annual Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C.

Other cultures celebrate the spring for different reasons and different customs. In Thailand Songkran (the Thai New Year) is celebrated with world’s largest water fight. The birthday of Buddha (Vesak Day) is celebrated throughout Asia by practicing good deeds, chanting and mediation, and sharing of foods. Nowruz (Persian word for “new day”, is celebrated widely in Central Asian countries that share the Silk Roads heritage. Each cultural group celebrates the occasion differently, but they typically involve sharing of food.

Spring is celebrated in many different ways: A Bosnian town celebrates it by preparing and sharing giant pots of scrambled eggs; modern day Druids gather at the Stonehenge to celebrate the Equinox sunrise; and Cambodians observes the day when the sunrise passes directly over the 1000 years old temple Angkor Wat. And so, what other special spring celebrations do you know?

Save the Date

WHMS New Family Playground Meet-Up

S a t u r d a y , J u n e 8 , 2 0 2 4

1 0 : 3 0 a . m . - 1 1 : 3 0 a . m .

1 0 : 3 0 - 1 0 : 4 5 A r r i v a l a n d R e g i s t r a t i o n

W e a r e s o e x c i t e d t o w e l c o m e o u r n e w

f a m i l i e s b a c k t o c a m p u s f o r a c h a n c e t o

r e - v i s i t t h e s c h o o l a n d m e e t n e w f r i e n d s .

J o i n u s a s w e w a l k t h r o u g h t h e s c h o o l a n d

p e a k i n t o c l a s s r o o m s o n o u r w a y t o t h e

p l a y g r o u n d . E n j o y m e e t i n g w i t h n e w

f a m i l i e s w h i l e y o u r c h i l d r e n p l a y o n o u r

b e a u t i f u l p l a y g r o u n d !

P l e a s e R S V P b y M a y 1 5 , 2 0 2 4

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