Mes Amies Fall 2013

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a publication from Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart

Mes Amies № 06

2013 Fall ISSUE

Woodlands Academy students traveled to Vienna, Austria, this fall for the annual Sacred Heart exchange with Sacré Coeur Wien. Pictured (from left) » ALLIE SILGE ’16, CAROLINA RODRIGUEZ BORJAS ’16, LUCY WALKER ’16, KRISTEN CLAIR ’16, ELLERY TAYLOR ’16, LILIA SWIFT ’16, MIA HAGNELL ’16, EMMA WARD ’16, ELEANORE VAN MARWIJK KOOY ’16, MADDY MORRIS ’16, LUCY BARNHART ’16

Global Education, Exchange Programs Flourish


oodlands Academy

The Sacred Heart network is a huge

Currently, there are Sacred Heart

is on the move with

advantage since there are schools

schools with summer programs in

its expanding global

on six continents and 43 coun-

Chile, Australia, Taiwan and Mexico.

education and exchange programs.

tries. Woodlands has exchange

Students can go on one exchange

Global education is a key focus of

programs in five continents and 12

a year, but can do two if one is

the Strategic Plan, which states,

countries: Taiwan, Australia, Chile,

over the summer.

in part, that Woodlands Academy

Mexico, Spain, Austria, England,

will expand, enhance, and hone its

Ireland, Scotland, France, Japan

understanding of, commitment to,

and Canada, and the list continues

and development of global educa-

to expand.

tion for the 21st Century.


The exchange programs are cost effective in that students pay just for their airfare and spending money. They stay in homes of other Sacred Heart families who host them.

To influence our world, we must understand it. – SAINT MADELEINE SOPHIE BARAT

Another goal of the Woodlands

ELEANORE VAN MARWIJK KOOY ’16 prepares to board the guided boat tour destination Durnstein.

program is to do international service which Perlick hopes to piggyback with other Sacred Heart schools.

Global Education Director Amy

“Every day I have emails from all

Perlick said, “The exchange pro-

over the world, thanks to our net-

Woodlands also is exploring the

gram is the cornerstone of our

work. It’s ideal. We all are part of

possibilities of faculty exchanges

global education program. We not

the same big family and can call on

within the U.S. and international

only want to send our students

the network for anything.”


Students usually go on exchange

Another new project is participa-

during their sophomore year, and

tion in the National Association

all exchanges, with one exception,

of Independent Schools Challenge

abroad to explore different languages and cultures, but vice versa, to expose our students to new friendships and cultures.”

on a beautiful, and seemingly unending,

are individual. The Sacré Coeur

20/20 through which U.S. schools

“Any time you can expand a young

Wien in Vienna exchange is the

partner with an international

person’s world, you are opening all

exception. Started in 2008, this

school to solve a global problem.

sorts of possibilities to her. I think

program consists of sending 10 to

Woodlands will partner with Wold-

with technology, there is so much

12 Woodlands students to Vienna in

ingham School in London, for the

information available to students,

fall, while 12 students from Vienna

2014-15 school year.

but they don’t always know what to

visit Woodlands in spring.

do with it. Once they travel outside their home country, they begin to think very creatively about the process for change and how they can use technology to make those changes.”

Global Exchange Director AMY PERLICK

Perlick is excited about her new

Woodlands is trying to cultivate

role and all of the possibilities.“I

more exchanges in the southern

can’t stop thinking about things I

hemisphere so students have more

want to do – insights I want stu-

opportunities for exchange during

dents to learn and knowledge I’d

our summer months.

like teachers to impart.”

street in Durnstein



ALLIE SILGE '16, and MADDY MORRIS ’16 walk the grounds of Belvedere Palace. ELEANORE VAN MARWIJK KOOY gives a personal account of her visit to Vienna on our WA WORLD page. VISIT


Woodlands Welcomes New Partner for Students' Health


Embracing Technology


hile remaining true to the

potential, Woodlands embarked on a

principles that guided its

two-year rollout plan. Faculty and ad-

founding in 1858, Wood-

ministration had a full year to learn how

lands Academy of the Sacred Heart is

best to integrate the iPad into their cur-

committed to using the latest technol-

riculum and unique instructional style.

ogy available to prepare students for

“This year, the rollout is complete and

the 21st Century challenges they’ll face after high school.


The skillful use of technology, and the ability to learn how to adapt to new technologies, is an important component of Woodlands’ strategic vision for technology. Kyle Schmitt, coordinator of education technology and integration, oversees the process.

A. TARA GILL ’15 and NATALIE ROBBINS ’15 are among the many students who now use

For example, each student is now required to have an iPad. While many schools are implementing iPad programs, Schmitt believes Woodlands stands out for its forethought and preparation. Envisioning the iPad’s

Citizenship Summer internship that Jennifer first encountered GoodWeave. There began

the latest technology to find the best resources to complete classroom assignments.

her great passion for

B. Coordinator of Education Technology and Integration KYLE SCHMITT C. Educator ELLIOT COFFEY, a new addition to the Math Department, lectures with the aid of his iPad and Smart Board technology.

celebrating the Centenary

Another big issue is understanding the relationship between


social media and well being. Research shows us that excessive oodlands Academy continues to invest in its

time spent on social media negatively impacts one’s sense of

students’ entire well-being with the addition

well-being. Teens imagine that others are having a better time,

of a school psychologist who will help sup-

or have more friends. The social comparison that goes on may

partnerships with community agencies.

may interfere with more direct peer interactions or with having

year’s teaching preparation,” Schmitt

This enhancement is part of a national trend to shift more

"It is better to begin a great work than to finish a small one."

Recent studies indicate that students who use iPads in the classroom score

Janet Erskine Stewart, RSCJ (1857-1914)

better on literacy tests and increase their flexibility of thinking. With the explosion of apps, students can become

resources to student support services. At Woodlands, Chris-

across the world will be celebrating the Centenary of English native Janet

ing app, which gives students access

Erskine Stuart, RSCJ. Mother Stuart was a renowned educator who is

to all instructional materials any time,

remembered both for her spirituality and her contributions to the education of

any place. Haiku also allows students

young women in Sacred Heart schools across the world.

to communicate with their teacher and classmates about their studies – mean-

A gifted child, Stuart was the youngest of the 13 children in the Anglican Rectory at Cottesmore, England. A quest to discover her ultimate purpose took her through teenage years of religious skepticism to becoming a Catholic at age 21. Her father, a Church of England minister, then forced her to leave home,

Schmitt says these changes are creat-

and she continued her search for her true path in life which she found by

ing a “blended classroom” environment

entering the Society of the Sacred Heart at Roehampton, England, in 1882.

in which traditional classroom instruction is blended with online instruction. While Principal Madonna Lee Edmunds enthusiastically embraces these changes, she says one thing remains constant: “Personal interaction between

Mother Stuart translated Saint Madeleine Sophie’s person-centered spirituality rooted in the love of the heart of Jesus into her own early 20th Century idiom.

opportunities to children in weaving communities. Dann-Fenwick now works for GoodWeave and does monitoring and evaluation work, collecting data to substantiate both the real and human impact of GoodWeave and compliance with industry best practices. “Woodlands has a

healthy boundaries around social media usage.

focus on social justice that influences the way you look at the world. I was surrounded by

explained that the Welfare Committee is now the Student

people who helped me want to make a lasting

Support Team and that her role has changed.

need a lot more sleep than they’re getting for their stage of

difference,” she said.

The team is comprised of Schmidt, Principal Madonna Lee Edmunds, School Nurse Marsha Marko, and Dr. Meg Kincaid, a works part time at Woodlands.

assignments using the Haiku Learn-

India, and Nepal as well as offer educational

psychology. We realize now more than ever that adolescents

more collaborative in their thinking.

During 2013-2014, schools of the Sacred Heart in the United States and

labor in the carpet industry of Afghanistan,

Sleep deprivation is another issue of significance in teen

clinical and school psychologist, who consulted with and now

For example, they can now turn in

time for self exploration. We need to help teens establish

this organization whose mission is to end child

tine Schmidt, former dean, now director of student services,

more organized, more creative and

to the classroom.

with many Web-based tools,” he says.

University’s Active

students have been well-served by last

and tools we use is certainly one of our

age multiple devices, and be familiar

It was through Tufts

not be accurate. Time spent managing their on-line persona

ing such interaction is no longer limited

and careers, students will need to man-

Jennifer Dann-Fenwick ’08

port students’ social and emotional development and further

“The variety of technological devices strengths. In the ‘real world’ of college

We’re looking to further connect with very positive community resources – CROYA, Erika’s Lighthouse, Lake Forest Community Wellness Task Force, Willow House and LEAD.



Personal interaction between student and teacher is still the key.

Profiles in COURAGE and Confidence

What does a school psychologist do?

What groups are we looking to partner with?

Beth directs the MFA Program at Ole Miss,

We’re looking to further connect with very positive

where she was named

community resources – CROYA, Erika’s Lighthouse,

the 2011 Outstanding Liberal Arts Teacher of

and LEAD. We’re asking how we can further help our girls Psychologists support the school community by provid-

connect for their own personal development, as well as for the

ing direct and indirect services: consultation, assess-

opportunity to volunteer and help others if they’re so inclined.

other health professionals.



Beth Ann Fennelly ’89

Lake Forest Community Wellness Task Force, Willow House

ment, crisis intervention, and counseling and are a liaison with


learning, growth, equilibrium, and overall well-being.


Mes Amies sat down with Kincaid.


neurodevelopment. Healthy sleep patterns are essential for

Whare some hot topics in teen psychology nationwide?


the Year. A poet of stunning distinction, she has authored three volumes of poetry, all published by W.W. Norton. Fennelly has won the Nation-

How do you view your role?

al Endowment for the Arts Award for poetry as well as a $50,000 grant from United States

I’m here to help with the psychological development of

Artists. She also writes nonfiction, including

the girls through a variety of means - working with the

essays on the craft of poetry. A Fulbright grant

How do we help adolescents become more resilient?

Student Support Team, collaborating with families, faculty,

in 2009 took her to Brazil to study the work

Teens need support in learning about themselves, their

and outside agencies, providing counseling services, and be-

of Pulitzer Prize winner and poet Elizabeth

Elected in 1911, she was the first Superior General of the Society to use modern

strengths, and when to seek help. It’s vital that they learn

ing involved in instructional opportunities that occur through-

Bishop. Fennelly and her husband, L.A. Times

transportation to respond to the challenge of establishing “Cor Unum” in a

healthy coping skills for managing stress, and for dealing with

out the school year. I love to share my fascination with the

everyday emotions as well as anxiety, depression, and peer

field of psychology.

Book award winner Tom Franklin, recently co-

global organization. She died in Roehampton in 1914.

wrote the novel, The Tilted World, which takes


the couple on a book tour this fall.

student and teacher is still the key.”



SUSAN S AINT JA MES ’63 the WA sc speaks to hool com munity a own exp bout her eriences as a stud woman o ent and f the Sac red Heart .

THE CLASS OF 2014 be gan the scho with an enth ol year usiastic cele bration of se niority.

udly ’14 pro ALSHE W IN M ng the CMENA nd duri OTTE M w Zeala CHARL e N f o . the flag remony carries l flag ce a u n n a s school'


WOODLAN DS ALUMN AE reunite in the Lund a Room at th e Student Union on M arquette’s Campus.




S MEG GRAMIN RUDNIK, AND ent ev ng networki connect at WA ed cr Sa nt of the held at Covena C. Heart, NY

ALUMNA E FROM THE CLA their 50 SS OF 19 th Reun 63 celeb ion at O rating nwentsia Club.

Check out our Reunion 2013 photo gallery! » WOODLANDSACADEMY.ORG




the Woodlands Academy Global Exchange Program


Average number of time zones our exchange students cross to visit WA



Number of continents from which Woodlands welcomes exchange students every year.

Average number of miles WA students travel to reach their study abroad destinations.

Number of waltz steps a Woodlands Academy student takes during her introductory waltz lesson in Vienna, Austria.

Hours a Woodlands Academy student travels to study abroad at the Sacred Heart school in Melbourne, Australia..




Number of countries with which Woodlands has exchange programs through the international network of Sacred Heart schools.



WA students who have studied at the Sacred Heart school in Vienna, Austria, since the exchange program with Sacré Coeur Wien

started in 2008

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New countries (Ireland, Scotland, France) we’ve added exchanges with this year

School Selects Resilient Sacred Heart Woman as Theme of Year


s graduating women of

added. “Our conversations with our

been featured on The New York Times

courage, confidence and

students and among ourselves in the

best-selling list. She has been my idol

compassion is a four-year

adult community will seek the truth of

since I was 10 and embodies all of the

goal for Woodlands Academy, the

resilience by entering into the ques-

characteristics of a resilient and inde-

theme selected for emphasis this year –

tions themselves. Conversations with

pendent woman.

as well as a for a speaker series - is the

our parents and guardians also will

Resilient Sacred Heart Woman. “We believe that if a young woman has a clear sense of herself, she will make wise choices in her life and will understand what she must do if those choices are not wise,” Head of School

help us collaborate to ensure that our young women develop ‘a guiding light within, and a power to climb a difficult path, and pick a way through unknown country by that light.’” (Janet Erskine Stuart, RSCJ)

Selene Serkland ’16 When I think of a resilient woman, Anne Frank immediately

Gerald J. Grossman said. “The Sacred

We asked our new special-interest

don’t think of all the misery, but of the

Heart is very much about educating

group, Woodlands Academy Media,

beauty that still remains.” This ability

young women (and in some schools,

WAM for short, to interview their peers

to stay positive during even the darkest

young men) to be resilient.”

about resilient women they admire.

times is a mark of resiliency.

The words of Saint Madeleine Sophie

WAM* members Laura Bartusiak ‘15

Barat, Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne,

interviewed her peers while Zara An-

and Mother Janet Erskine Stuart, and

derson ‘15 captured their photographs.

the continual discernment of the Reli-

Below please see a condensed version.

Malala Yousafzai em-

gious of the Sacred Heart, inform how

For more student input about resil-

bodies the resilience

we remain nimble to an ever-changing

ient women, and all of the latest news,

that Woodlands so

world yet faithful to our 153-year

check out WAWorld on our website.

213 years of Sacred Heart around the

Megan Howe ’15

wonderfully instills in all of its students and serves as a wonderful role model


Marisa Perino ’16

“Because this education to resilience

When I think of a

also is a process, we offer time to learn,

resilient woman, I

to reflect, and to probe this theme

think of Jodi Picoult,

together in ‘the Sacred Heart way,’ of

an internationally famous author who

both action and reflection,” Grossman

has written 20 books, and each one has

RESILIENT Sacred Heart Woman Speaker Series

24 JAN

comes to mind. She put it simply, “I

tradition as Woodlands and part of



20 FEB


11 April


Jan Dunn, RSCJ Life at the Sacred Heart: The Resilient Sacred Heart Woman

Connie Duckworth Hope, Resilience, and Rugs: Innovative Social Entrepreneurship and Afghan Women

Connie Solari Saint Madeleine Sophie: Resilience in Service to Love


Christmas Concert Dec. 5: 7 p.m.

Winter Wonderwalk Dec. 10: 6 – 9 p.m. preview Dec. 11: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

for young Sacred Heart girls such as us.

Career Day

One can only hope to possess as much

Jan. 31 Keynote speaker: Jenny Sullivan Sanford ‘80 Author of memoir Staying True

courage and resilience.

WAM is comprised of students who are working with Marketing and IT to do writing, photography, video, social media and special campaign work.

Day of Reflection March 8 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Spirituality and the Resilient Woman Facilitator: Susan Maxwell, RSCJ

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