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perspectives on

Land Wood River Land Trust

Looking South at Boxcar Bend

JUNE 2006

This Summer the Big Wood River Will Live Up to Its Name! he Big Wood River got its name from the large pieces of wood that naturally accumulated in its channel. Though well intentioned, past flood control efforts removed this wood, resulting in the loss of important fish habitat without providing true flood control. This summer, Wood River Land Trust will conduct a demonstration project on the river to improve fish habitat and stabilize the stream bank. Using mature cottonwood trees and large machinery, as well as the expertise of local river restoration contractor American Water Resources, Wood River Land Trust will build an engineered log jam and a bank barb at the Howard Preserve in Bellevue. The Large Wood Demonstration Project will create additional fish habitat and lessen impacts of flooding by inserting big wood back into the Big Wood River. Our Healthy Waters, Healthy Future report documents the importance of in-stream wood to the health of the river and its fish. In-stream wood—

cottonwood trees, root wads, log jams, and root clusters—is particularly important for fish habitat. In-stream wood: • Adds food for bugs and fish • Creates pools with cover that allow fish to rest, feed, and hide from predators • Creates deeper pools that provide habitat for larger fish • Creates side channels important for spawning and rearing habitat Through a partnership with the City of Bellevue, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, and private donors, Wood River Land Trust will begin the demonstration project in August. We invite you to contact us and schedule a time to watch the project happen or tour the site after it is completed. Contact Kathryn, at 788-3947 for more information.

A publication of Wood River Land Trust www.woodriverlandtrust.org info@woodriverlandtrust.org

Photo credit: CSR


Protecting and restoring our natural lands and healthy waters since 1994.

WHO WE ARE Act Now: Chance to Guide Growth Only Comes Once

Wood River Sculpin Breaks the Sound Barrier

Scott Boettger, Executive Director I was pleased when Blaine County announced the moratorium a year ago. In the face of development pressure, the moratorium has provided the opportunity to plan for future growth, and it may be our last chance to protect what makes this place great—clean water, healthy wildlife out our back doors, and family farms operated by good stewards of the land. Over the course of Blaine County’s 2025 workshops and public hearings I have been impressed by the emotion and concern expressed by the many people who spoke on a wide range of issues including the importance of wildlife habitat, community housing, our local culture, and property rights. I grew up on a farm in eastern Pennsylvania that was in my family for generations. In my youth,


Scott Boettger and daughter Emily I heard stories about hunting and fishing and how good things used to be. But in the early 70s, in less than a decade, the area’s farms that had survived for centuries were replaced by suburban Philadelphia. It wasn’t that the families wanted to sell their farms, it was that they had no alternative. Rising development pressure and the high prices offered for land that had traditionally been farmed made it difficult not to sell. We in Blaine County have this moment in time—right now—to plan and provide landowners with alternatives to selling their land for development. Incentives such as TDRs and PDRs (transfer and purchase of development rights) keep development off critical habitat

February 26th marked Wood River Land Trust’s second try for glory at the local Snowbox Derby. This year’s entry, the Wood River Sculpin, won the bronze medal for speed in the business category, finishing just a fraction of a second behind the first and second place winners. The Sculpin also earned an Honorable Mention for creativity. Built by an inspired design team, supported by a dedicated pit crew, and piloted by Heather, the Wood River Sculpin was a crowd favorite. Built for speed, the Sculpin also had grit. Thanks to all who contributed to the efforts and cheered us to the finish line!

Meet Our Staff Kate Giese, Director of Conservation We are proud to announce Kate’s promotion to Director of Conservation. Kate’s dedication over the past two years as Stewardship Coordinator and her routine taking on of additional responsibilities such as working with AmeriCorps volunteers and interns, beginning our Adopt-a-Preserve program, and spearheading project and planning efforts such as Blaine County 2025 partnerships make her an integral part of our growing organization. Congratulations Kate, and thank you for your hard work and dedication!

Look for our newest and fastest design yet to be unveiled next winter.

Meet Our Board of Directors Tom and Joanie Swift “The ability to live in close proximity to protected areas, where open space and wildlife habitats are preserved, is a privilege we don’t take for granted,” say the Swifts, who have owned a home in the Wood River Valley for 15 years. Having spent recent years in San Francisco and Washington, D.C., Tom and Joanie moved here full time last summer with their two young sons. Like most residents, they have witnessed changes over time. “Recent growth and development pressures have challenged all of us to think about the most productive ways to preserve open space, wildlife habitats, farmland, scenic vistas, and the health of the Big Wood River. This is where we feel the Wood River Land Trust has played a substantial role and has led successful efforts to preserve and protect these assets.” The Swifts felt that getting involved in Wood River Land Trust in a meaningful way was an opportunity to help ensure that these important efforts would continue. The Swifts enjoy downhill and cross-country skiing in the winter and hiking and biking as soon as the snow melts. Like many parents, Tom and Joanie also participate in their share of spectator sports, watching countless soccer and ice hockey games in the Valley and across southern Idaho. Tom and Joanie joined Wood River Land Trust’s board in December 2005.

continued on page 11

Heather tearing down the hill in the Sculpin

The Sculpin Pit Crew


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Native Landscaping

Spring is finally here, and with it comes projects for the home and yard. Native landscaping is beautiful and attracts an array of birds, insects, and wildlife. Once established, it also uses less water and requires less maintenance. Native landscaping is important both inside and outside the floodplain. The natural processes that make the river such a desirable neighbor—the sound of rushing water, the wildlife it attracts, and the lush plant life it nurtures—may also lead to sheet flooding and bank erosion that can damage private property in the floodplain. Your actions can protect your property while preserving important aspects of the river’s natural functions. One of the best ways to protect your home and the river is to use native landscaping. Native landscaping is landscaping that uses plants that are native to a particular location. This type of landscaping can be used in conjunction with lawn grass, garden plants, and other trees and flowers. Log jams in the river and native vegetation along the banks work together to protect stream banks from flood damage and assist with groundwater recharge. Together, these beautiful natural areas attract fish, birds, wildlife, and insects all while reducing the risk of flooding.


Cottonwood trees are another component of native landscaping for healthy floodplains: they eventually fall into the river and create log jams and pools where fish can rest, feed, and hide, and they slow the erosive action of high flows.

Examples of Native Plants to Use in the Floodplain:

To use as bank stabilizers along the river and up to 20 feet beyond it: • Coyote willow • Bog birch • Redosier dogwood • Chokecherry • Cottonwood To use in the 20-40 feet beyond the streambank: • Booth or Geyers willow • Aspen • Alder-leafed buckthorn • Currants • Elderberry • Lewis’ mockorange

Gerald and Buff Corsi © California Academy of Sciences


To use as ground cover: • Idaho fescue • Bluebunch wheatgrass • Rocky mountain iris • Asters • Bluebells • Yellow monkey flower • Columbine

Examples of Native Plants Adaptable to the Wood River Valley (from the Northern Great Basin and the Rocky Mountain West) This list has been provided by the Sawtooth Botanical Garden.

Herbaceous Perennials: • Yarrows • Blanket flowers • Blue flax • Penstemon species • Wild onion • Lewisia species • Columbine • Pussytoes • Sage • Buckwheats Shrubs: • Bitter cherry • Chokecherry • Golden currant • Ninebark • Shrubby cinquefoil • Syringa (Idaho state flower) • Rabbit brush

(top) Idaho’s red fox (above) Spring at Lions Park in Hailey (above right) Looking North at Howard Preserve in Bellevue

Trees: • Western juniper • Ponderosa pine • Douglas fir While this is not a complete list, most of these perennials are growing at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden. The Sawtooth Botanical Garden also keeps lists of invasive plants, plants for butterfly gardens, and plants for numerous other types of gardens.

Native plants’ deep roots require less water than those of non-native plants and help them stabilize soil to prevent erosion. Benefits of Native Landscaping: y Beautiful y Low-maintenance y Attracts insects, birds, and wildlife y Healthy for water and wildlife y Can reduce level of flooding

Photo credit: CSR

These and other native plants and seeds are available at local nurseries and landscaping companies. For more information, please contact us at (208) 788-3947 or info@woodriverlandtrust.org. 5


After Before


Before Riverside Pond: the site of Hailey’s sewage treatment plant

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Ed and Julie Lawson’s generous new conservation agreement helps Wood River Land Trust protect over 260 feet of Big Wood River frontage. The new agreement restricts subdivision on 14 acres of land along the Big Wood River south of Bellevue and protects fish and wildlife habitat. The Lawson’s generous gift helps us protect the Big Wood River and its fishery by creating a corridor of protected land along the river. The gift also protects the startling abundance of wildlife living on the land. Moose, pileated woodpeckers, bald eagles, and even saw-whet owls enjoy this riverside sanctuary as do dozens of elk that winter there. Wood River Land Trust thanks the Lawsons for their caring stewardship of this beautiful place.

The hills are turning green, daffodils are in bloom, and meadow larks are singing: long-awaited spring has finally arrived in the Wood River Valley. Spring brings some unwelcome arrivals too, such as knapweed, toadflax, and Canada thistle. These noxious weeds have proven to be a tough problem for native plants, wildlife, and agriculture throughout the West. And it takes everyone’s involvement to contain and control their spread. Learn how to identify the noxious weeds c to in our area, and contact Malia Pho Leonard, Outreach Coordinator for Blaine County Weed Department, at 788-5516 if you discover an infestation of noxious weeds. Spring is the best time to treat invasives on your own property—either by pulling them or spraying them—before they set seed. Help give our native plants, and the wildlife that depend on them, a chance to grow this season!


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Family Protects the River, Fish, and Wildlife

Help Control Noxious Weeds!

No More Icky Green Pond Scum at Riverside Pond!

The lovely lupine and wood’s rose are Idaho natives


The Lawson land—a permanently protected wildlife haven along the Big Wood River

Thanks to generous donations from Wood River Land Trust members and the local community, Riverside Pond will soon be rid of its icky green pond scum. Numerous contributors have donated the $5,000 needed to help us purchase an aerator. The aerator will circulate oxygen throughout the Pond to mix the water’s temperature and create water movement that will prevent algal growth. Riverside Pond was created a few years ago when Wood River Land Trust took Hailey’s old sewage treatment plant along the river and restored it into a productive wetland and pond. Purchasing this aerator to get rid—once and for all—of the pond scum is the final step to completing the Pond. Riverside Pond is now a beautiful place for kids to fish and catch frogs and is a healthy home for wildlife. We could not have made the pond what it is without your generous support. We hope you will join us at Riverside Pond at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 10th for the 4th Annual Kids’ Fishing Day sponsored by Sawtooth Auto.


THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING DONORS WHO GENEROUSLY CONTRIBUTED TO WOOD RIVER LAND TRUST BETWEEN MARCH 1, 2005 AND FEBRUARY 28, 2006. $25,000 and Up Anonymous Anonymous David H. Anderson Fund of the El Adobe Corporation Frederic A. Brossy Draper Family Foundation in the Idaho Community Foundation John and Elaine French Family Foundation James O. Moore The Lennox Foundation Doris Tunney Macauley and Helen Dow Whiting Foundation $10,000-$24,999 Tom Bentley and Becky Follo Edward and Susan Cutter Robert Disbrow and Kim Kawaguchi Wolf, Feli and Fynn Funke-Riehle Clark and Maria Gerhardt Harry and Shirley Hagey Richard and Susan Hare Family Foundation Osberg Family Trust Fred Sprenger Steve and Diana Strandberg Tom and Joan Swift Barbara Thrasher and Rick Koffey Charles and Cynthia Tillinghast $5,000 - $9,999 David and Lyn Anderson Building Material Thrift Store Croul Family Foundation Jan Edelstein John and Sandra Flattery Peter and Ginny Foreman John K. Greene Roy A. Hunt Foundation Jack and Marie Kueneman Scott Lucas Michael and Sarah Mars John and Gloria Osberg Lois Rosen Gordon Russell Fund at the Penninsula Foundation Silver Creek Outfitters Pepper Walker R.B. Woolley $2,500 - $4999 Gerald and Audrey Bashaw Beard Family/Tsunami Foundation Ann Down Millard and Peggy Drexler Wade and Heather King William Landreth


David and Lana Latchford James and Alison Luckman David and Rebecca Meyers Michael and Esther Ochsman Gerry and Linda O’Connor Trout and Salmon Foundation Bill and Annie Vanderbilt $1,000 - $2,499 Annonymous Anonymous Brett and Trish Bashaw Steve Beevers Robert and Catherine Beyer Bill and Kaye Burnham Richard Carr and Jeanne Meyers Jay Cassell and Gay Weake Charles Conn and Beverley Robertson Henry Dean Peter and Pat Dinkelspiel Cecil and Sally Drinkward Frank Drury Bob and Linda Edwards Kevin and Jennifer Embree Jim and Sandy Figge Timothy and Tracy Flaherty George and Sandra Froley Morley and Deana Golden Bart and Nancy Green Daniel and Sue Guggenheim Scott Hanson Len and Carol Harlig George and Paula Hauer Michael and Irene Healy Hemingway Foundation Jack Holton Hull Family Foundation Patsy Huntington Kip and Marsha Ingham Benjamin Jacobson Glenn Janss Charlie Johnson Gerald and Kathy Kavka Garret and Clay Kirk Margot Larsen Ritz/Larsen Fund Jack Latrobe and Laura Clarke Rebecca Lee John and Ann Leonardo John and Elizabeth Lewis Georgie Lindquist and David Friedenberg Ali Long William and Josephine Lowe The Matthias Foundation, Inc. Ken and Molly McCain George and Karen McCown Camille McCray Hal and Sharon McNee

Dr. Allen Meisel and Dr. Gail Lutz Meisel Larry Monkarsh Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Bill and Sally Neukom Mark and Patsy Nickum Page Foundation Susan Parkinson R. Thomas Goodrich and Rebecca Patton Kent and Karen Pressman Thomas and Mary Rees Alan and Julia Richardson Susan Reinstein and Brian Ross H. Jon and Judy Runstad Sandy and Jodi Sanders Richard and Nan Shupe Greg and Hanna Skjonsby Peter and Becky Smith John and Elizabeth Stevenson Bill and Ginny Swigert Sandor and Terri Szombathy Chris Thompson Barry and Marjorie Traub Valley Paving Willy and Mary Vanbragt Lynn and Frank Whittelsey Fund in the Idaho Community Foundation Frank and Lynn Whittelsey Jared and Cheryl Williams John Marsh and Anne Winton Wodecroft Foundation Benjamin & Theresa Wood & The Works of Grace Foundation Gordon M. Younger Neil Zussman $500 - $999 Bank of America Matching Gifts Richard C. Barker Phil and Shelley Belling Mark Benjamin Jacob and Ruth Bloom Nicole Brown Ann and Doug Christensen Lawrence Goelman and Virginia Cirica Mark and Patrice Cole Cynthia Green Colin/Jaloc Associates Bob Corker and Liz Schwerdtle Jonathan and Susan Dolgen Mary Bachman and William Downing Fund Chris and Holley duPont S.F. Eccles Chuck and Nancy Ferries Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer B. Fuller

Robin and Lee Garwood Mark and Betsy Gates Diane Parish and Paul Gelburd Gordon and Sally Granston Peter and Betty Gray Ed Grubb Fred and Bobbie Haemisegger Bill and Anke Hall Greg and Wendy Hosman Kathleen Hull George and Leslie Hume Don and Beverly Jefferson Mark Kieckbusch and Kathryn Earhart Bill and Marlene Lehman Steven and Kathryn Link Elise Lufkin George and Ann Macomber John Maine and Kim Baltzell Anthony and Audrey Mattos John and Janet McCann Mr. and Mrs. Charles McNamee Andrew and Jackie McRoberts Don and Candy Miller James and Carmen Moore Richard Mull Ed and Carmen Northen George Ohrstrom Alex and Suzanne Orb Ryan Ose Richard Riordan and Nancy Daly Riordan Robert and Beth Rohe Marie and Fred Rohnert Ned Sachs and Pat Aluisi Russell Satake and Anita Lusebrink Sawtooth Board of Realtors Frank and Harriet Shrontz Linda Sisson Starbucks “Make Your Mark” Volunteer Program Mike Stevens and Liz Mitchell Dave Theobald Parry Thomas Dennis Thompson Bruce Tidwell and Char Roth Gary and Linda Vinagre Macauley Whiting James and Sally Will Paul Willis Bob and Patience Ziebarth $250-$499 Thomas and Jeanne Abshire Mark and Barb Acker Graham and Christie Anderson John and Kay Anderson Bill and Sara Barrett Peter and Ruby Becker John and Shari Behnke

Rudy and Susan Boesch Doug and Gail Boettger Burns Family Foundation Malcolm and Teresa Campbell Robert Colman Lisa Cortese Joe Crosson Jim and Wendy Daverman Tom and Candace Dee Steve and Mary Kim Deffe’ Eric Dillon Peter and Sara Dudgeon Dana DuGan Pamela Feld Marcus Finkle Ed Forman and Jan Swanberg Kenneth A. Fox Anthony and Carol Frank Terry Friedlander and Robin Leavitt Garth Callaghan Rita and George Golleher Charlie and Linda Goodyear Fred Gray and Linda Parker Linda Hackett Beatrice Ott Haemmerle Hamilton Jewelers, Sun Valley Carl and Patti Harris Mike and Francis Hawkey Tom and Roberta Heinrich Lawrence and Rebekah Helzel Alice and Tom Hennessey Dave Hill Spencer Hosie and Diane Rice Jim and Mary Jones John and Diane Kahm Trish Klahr James and Cynthia Knight Robert and Susie Kopf Robert and Deborah Law Marge Lilley Jan Lowen Ignacio and Marta Lozano Caroline Macomber Robert and Jan Main Jim and Kay Marron Jon and Margie Masterson Marie and Edward Matthews Bill and Jane McConnell Wilson and Lisa McElhinny Mr. and Mrs. Mildren John Milner and Kim Taylor Robert and Becky Mitchell Kingsley and Cynthia Murphy Mike and Jane Nicolais Oliphant Family Donor Fund at the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation John Orb Jim Phillips Tom and Michelle Praggastis Duane Reed and Suzanne Strom-Reed

Robert and Betsy Reniers Nils Ribi and Patti Brolin-Ribi Roger and Kathy Sanger Larry Schoen and Rebecca Eichorn Michael and Laura Shannon John and Nancy Shepherd Mark and Debby Slonim Les and Susie Small Jill Smiekel-George D. William and Annette Smith Stephen and Lee Ann Snyder John Sofro Doug and Beth Stagg Bob and Carol Stevens Todd and Georgia Stewart Louise and Trent Stumph Dave and Maggie Sturdevant Michael and Lynne Sweeney Crispin and Mary Thiessen Michael and Marlene Tom Robert and Mary Van Fossan Fred and Jill Vogel Wick and Liz Warrick Wells Fargo Housing Foundation Doug Werth Wood River Insurance $100 - $249 Anonymous Anonymous Marc Abraham Thomas and Jane Acomb Milt Adam David and Carole Almond Kirk and Hillary Anderson Richard and Barbara Angle Augustus Airlines Dan and Annelle Ballbach George and Julee Barber Bill and Betty Barnes Nyle and Galen Barnes John and Janet Barton Roy and Marjorie Bathum Daniel and Mariann Begovich Donald and Carolyn Benson Jim and Peggy Berman Robert and Joan Bernhard Fred and Gayle Bieker Edward and Susan Bilkey James and Jean Biondi Gary and Heather Black Hugh Blue Jack and Sarah Blumenstein Lisa and Paul Bodor Donald and Gay Boecker Bill Boeger and Lisa Stelck Scott and Sally Boettger Patricia Bolding Brooke E. Bonner Paul and Consuelo Boucek Mr. and Mrs. Greg Brakovich

David Bray Elizabeth and Frank Breen John Brezzo Fred and Judy Brossy Dr. Marvin Brown David F. Brown Doug and Carol Brown Lee and Kathy Brown Amy Browning John and Louise Bryson Brian and Susan Buckley Jack and Elizabeth Bunce Barry and Sylvia Bunshoft Bill Bunting Vern and Connie Buwalda Bill and Eltiena Campbell Elliot and Elaine Caplow Bill and Edie Cary Page Chapman III Maurice and Elaine Charlat Penelop Danz Coe Kenneth and Pamela Collins Drury Cooper Cindy Ward and Clients Frank and Susan Countner Nick Cox Kevin and Polly Cronin Jim and Anne Crumpacker Donald C. Dahlgren Elaine Daniel John and Caroline Davenport Peggy Dean Ross Dinkelspiel Lyman and Debra Drake Buck Drew Dennis Durgan and Debra Bibb Jim and Jamie Dutcher Kirk and Pam Ebertz Kurt and Kelly Eggers R. S. Eggert Laird and Joy Erman Bill and Helen Evans James and Leigh Everitt Dick and LeeAnn Fairfield Gregg and Janet Falcone Richard Fenton Frank and Claudia Fiaschetti Jim and Barbara Figge Fred M. Filoon John and Daralene Finnell Joan Firman Jack and Janie Flammer Michael Flinn Kari Foote Gordon Freshman Woody and Margery Friedlander Julian and Jo Ann Ganz Robert and Deborah Gilbert David Giles Cherry Gillespie Dan Gilmore

Ed and Penny Glassmeyer Bill and Connie Glynn Stephen and Deborah Goddard Molly Goodyear and Mike Wolter Jim and Mary Goodyear Charles and Elaine Gould Baird and Michelle Gourlay Richard and Anita Green Rob and Esperanza Grundy Bob and Beth Gunton Douglas and Lorelli Hackler Thomas and Sharon Haensly Charles Hall Dennis and Pat Hanggi Paul Hansen John Hardin Gordon and Elaine Harfst Ellen Harris Joseph Haviv and Wendy Moss-Haviv Lois Jean Heagle Thomas and Eve Henderson John and Geri Herbert Wayne Herman Alex Higgins John Hill Harvey and Margaret Hinman Craig and Donna Hintze Jim and Sheri Hodge Tim and Marianne Hogan Don and Carol Hohl J.K. and D.L. Holman Kimberly Hopper Smiegiel Jeri Howland and Jerry Edelbrock Klaus and Ginetta Huschke Denise Jackson Ford Jim and Wendy Jaquet Page and Maureen Jenner Ross and Martha Jennings Dale and Shearson Jones Robert Kahn John and Randi Kanellitsas Richard Katz Family Foundation Bliss Knowles Dick Kolbrener John and Andrea Laporte Michael Lempres Patti Lentz and Tyler Felton Gregory and Carol Lindstrom Dennis and Jo Little Bruce and Kay Lium Elise G.B. Lufkin Robert Lynch C.D. Randolph and Evelyn Lyon David Mackenzie and Patricia Garrett Murray and Mary Sue McClain Mark and Hilary McInerney Arthur McIntosh III Jim and Willa McLaughlin Doug and Thelma McTavish Jerry and Sheila Mells Chuck and Paige Mercer


Charles and Jeannette Miller Peter and Kim Minford Gerry Morrison and Julie Weston Marr and Nancy Mullen Roy W. Murdock Richard and Carol Nelson Drew and Ann Nosworthy Pete O’Neill Hugh and Kaye O’Riordan David and Lindsay Ormsby William and Priscilla Panzer Richard Paris and Kathryn Woods Steve and Marylyn Pauley Jan Peppler Richard and Ellen Perlman Keith and Paula Perry Sheffield and Marda Phelps Kristy Pigeon Priscilla Pittiglio Dick and Connie Porter Arthur and Paulette Posch Hope Hughes-Pressman Phyllis Quinn Leigh and Louise Rabel Greg Rawlings Karen Reinheimer James and Cheryl Rice Elwood and Helen Rich Peggy and Walter Richards Tom and Linda Buffalo and Katherin Rixon Donn and Patricia Roberts Brent and Beverly Robinson Ford and Snaque Rollo Robert Romano Lee and Lisa Rowe Penfield Stroh and Arne Ryason Calame and Dianne Sammons Lyle and Gloriana Saylor Carl F. Schaber John Scherer Norman and Lisa Schlachter James and Julie Schultz Roy and Thelma Schwarz Peter Segal Matt Sell and Peggy Rupp Timothy semones and Susan Desko Irwin and Ann Sentilles George Shapiro Sandy Shaw David and Nancy Sheffner Larry and Nancy Shipley Gary Slette Don Smith Richard and Judy Smooke Charlie and Leslie Snorf Chuck and Barbara Snow David and Barbara Speer Gretchen B. Stengel Clint and Michelle Stennett


Al and Gayle Stevenson Carl and Frann Stremmel Eddy and Anna Svidgal Doug and Ann Taylor Ted and Penny Thomas Nancy Thomas Conrad and Jeremy Thomas William and Diane Tingue William and Reva Tooley Frank Tornello Gregory Travelstead and Jenifer Provonsha William and Joanne Travers Pamela Tucker Kathleen Turner Scott and Sue Ulbrich Robert and Susan Vosskuhler Karl and Diana Wadsack Max and Sharon Walker Suzanne Walsh Kenneth and Lynne Weakley Tommy and Judith Wells Wayne and Christine Willich Jeremy Wintersteen Mike Wise and Linda Erdmann Ted and Candace Witt Sue Wolford Richard and Rebecca Worst Bud Yorkin Richard and Diana Young Peter and Cheryl Ziegler Under $100 Peter and Patti Ahrens Dan and Susan Alban Kim Anderson Richard Anderson Josephine Arias Joe and Ann Armstrong Bill and Marty Arvey Alvis and Nancy Auseklis Backwoods Mountain Sports Larry Barnes Craig Barry John Beaupre John and Kay Besteman Carl and Gloria Bianchi JoAnn Boswell Tom Bowman and Patti Lousen Dick and Bobbie Boyer Douglas and Robin Brown Joseph and Barbara Bruffey Mary Burns Jan Burrell Steve Butler David Caldwell Paula Caputo Mary Ellen Card Tim and Calista Carter John Charney Sherri Chessen

David and Lyn Christensen Edward and Nancy Clement Don and Marty Coats David and Mary Jane Conger Geoffrey and Diane Cordes Jerry Costacos Jeff Coupe Roger Crist Arthur and Barbara Dahl Ted and Crystal Robert and Claire Dana Martin and Joan Danzinger Tanner and Jill Davis Jo Murray Demoro Elizabeth Ditz Leonard Docherty A. Scott and Barbara Earle Ms. Lorna Emdy Nan Emerick Lisa Empkey Martin and Joan Erdheim Dale and Jeanne Renoir Lee Finizio James and Maureen Finnegan Jack and Suzie Finney Julie Firestone Ann Francis William and Bev Fraser Scott and Jan Freeman Stef and Corinna Frenzl Jason and Vanessa Fry Ann Fuller Ralph Fullerton and Myra Friedman Dennis and Gail Galanter Joseph and Gail Gallagher Chris Gardner and Anne Marie Gardner Mack and Ann Gasaway James Geier Susan Giannettino Kate Giese and Jeb Wofford Mike and Ann Giese Glenna Glover Bill and Mary Jane Godejohn Kathryn Goldman Maureen Groper Kathy Grotto Martha M. Hale Pam Hammond David and Judy Harrison David and Barbara Hart Ronald and Sylvia Hartman Marjorie Heiss Diane K. Henry Ben Holmes and Carol ScheifeleHolmes Susanne Hubbach Karen Mott and Laura Hubbard Ernst and Barbara Jacobsen Mary Ann Jenkins

Steven Job Lia Johnson Thaddeus and Virginia Johnson Bernie and Michele Johnson Trent and Cecile Jones Stan Joseph Lloyd and Deborah Kadish John and Jean Kearney Michael and Naomi Kennedy Patrick and Cheryl Kennedy James and Linda Kennedy Cindy and Bob Kesting Heather Kimmel David Knutson Kingman and Cindy Lambert Thomas Lea John and Alice Levanger Archie Levitan Ray and Sheila Liermann Matt and Roni Luck Tony and Jean Mabbatt Paul and Jan MacGregor Jack MacPherson Jon and Leslie Maksik John and Carol Matkins Michael and Sharon McCaffrey Anthony J. McEwan Ron and Joan Mendelsohn C. M. Merz Sarah Michael and Bob Jonas Joe Miczulski and Angie Raybom Edith Middleton Brad Miller Helen Miller Steve and Jane Mitchell John and Nancy Mohr Jennifer Montgomery Sally and Jack Morbeck Jim and Rhonda Morris Anonymous Brian Muldoon and Andrea Bloom Janet Kellam and Andy Munter David and Sharron Murray Craig and Katherine Nalen Vida Nicewarner Anita Northwood Francis and Ruthe Norton John and Elaine O’Connor Jerry and Rebecca Olson David Ormsby Bar Beth Orphan James and Nancy Osborn Mary Tess O’Sullivan Karen Oswalt and Barge Levy Gerry O’Toole Janet and Harold Oyen David and Bernice Paige Nick Parish and Sandra Bowman Mark and Roxanna Parker Michael and Lyndell Paul Karen Pederson

Sue Petersen Robert Podolsky Sherman and Gordon Poling Charles Pomeroy and Jude Hawkes Peter Pressley Jake and Patty Provonsha William Pryor Nick and Sharon Purdy Sara Ratekin Don and Barbara Rau Lori Redding Carol Rees Theresa Richards David and Kathy Richmond Alain and Karla Rinckwald Scott and Kelly Robbins Vern and Cheryl Rollin Michael and Julianne roos Jack and Miriam Rose Bob and Kate Rosso Jonathon and Karen Roth Patricia G. Rothwell Tom Rule Maggie Schilling Len and Phyllis Schlessinger Andrew and Neelam Sell Michael and Geraldine Shane Gerry Soule Allen and Barbara Spafford Craig Spiller Jeffrey Steinberg and Sherry Warner-Steinberg Brett Stevenson Mark and Margaret Stewart Frank and Nancy Streeter Paul Sunich John and Genie Swyers Edward Tapper William and Patricia Targett Sergio and Denise Tavares Peter Taylor Maria Terrazas Martial Thirsk Herb and Julie Thomas United Way of King County Virginia C. Van Doren Chris Verrill Robert E. Vestal Anne K. Wallerich Bob and Dee Wilkins Renny Wood Charles Wood Kathy Wygle Michelle Zimmerman

Act Now: Chance to Guide Growth Only Comes Once Scott Boettger, Executive Director, continued from page 2

areas—areas such as elk and deer migration corridors and sage grouse booming grounds—and create buffers for floodplains and wetlands. These incentives will help balance the need for growth that is affordable and near city services while protecting property rights. The key is to create planning tools that are fair to all and to create alternatives that allow landowners to conserve the lands we all treasure. The development pressure we see in the valley today is not unlike that which occurred in eastern Pennsylvania 30 years ago, and I would like to leave more than just stories to my children about how wonderful this place used to be. I hope you will join me in letting County leaders know what you value about this beautiful area and in sharing your vision for the future of Blaine County.

We facilitate the reuse or recycling of homes, building materials, and larger household items. Proceeds from the sale of materials are dedicated to Wood River Land Trust’s preservation of natural areas and healthy waters throughout the Wood River Valley.

208-788-0014 Board of Directors John Flattery, President Clark Gerhardt, Vice President Ed Cutter, Treasurer Robin Garwood, Secretary Jerry Bashaw Tom Bentley William Burnham Heather King Patricia Klahr Jack Kueneman Bill Lehman Liz Mitchell Steve Strandberg Joan Swift Tom Swift Chris Thompson Barbara Thrasher Bruce Tidwell Doris Tunney Liz Warrick

www.buildingmaterialthriftstore.org WRLT Staff Scott Boettger Executive Director

Morgan Buckert Membership Assistant

Melanie Dahl Executive Assistant

Kate Giese

Advisory Committee David Anderson Peter Becker Julie Gallagher Larry Schoen John Seiller This newsletter is published by:

Director of Conservation

Kathryn Goldman Project Coordinator

Diane Kahm Development Assistant

Allison Kennedy Planning Coordinator

Heather Kimmel Program & Membership Coordinator

Jan Peppler Major Gifts Officer

Wood River Land Trust 119 East Bullion Street Hailey, Idaho 83333 208-788-3947 (telephone) 208-788-5991 (fax) info@woodriverlandtrust.org (email) www.woodriverlandtrust.org (web) Tax ID# 82-0474191

Fly Fishing Film Festival THURSDAY, JUNE 22nd, 2006 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the nexStage Theatre in Ketchum Ticket Sales: $12 in Advance • Limited Seating For ticket information call 208.726.5282 Presented by Silver Creek Outfitters 11


119 East Bullion Street Hailey, Idaho 83333 www.woodriverlandtrust.org ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

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Acres Permanently Protected With Your Support: 4,635

Don’t miss our summer 2006 events!

see inside for details

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