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perspectives on


Wood River Land Trust

spring 2008 Antelope Valley Ranch in the spring, photo courtesy of Hall & Hall


rom Craters of the Moon National Monument and north all the way to the Salmon River, there is only one paved road. This vast wild area, comprised primarily of public lands in the Sawtooth and Challis National Forests, encompasses familiar mountain ranges including the Pioneers and White Knobs as well as backcountry destinations such as Copper Basin and Wildhorse Canyon. This unfragmented area supports large carnivores and iconic species including pronghorn, sage-grouse, mule deer, elk, wolves, mountain lions, black bears, mountain goats, and wolverine.

On the eastern edge of this wild and natural landscape lies Antelope Valley Ranch. The 2,667-acre Antelope Valley Ranch is a working cattle ranch and a haven for wildlife located 14 miles south of Mackay, just over the Pioneer Mountains from the Wood River Valley. In December 2007, ranch owners Jon Manetta and Kathryn McQuade forever protected this critical piece of private land by donating a conservation agreement to Wood River Land Trust. This agreement ensures that the land can remain a working cattle operation Continued on page 9

A publication of Wood River Land Trust www.woodriverlandtrust.org info@woodriverlandtrust.org

Photo: Conservation Seeding & Restoration, Inc.

Antelope Valley Ranch: A Haven for Wildlife

Protecting the heart of the valley...now and for the future.

who we are The Best of Times Thoughts from Executive Director, Scott Boettger


Trout Friendly Lawns protect our river, keep water clean for fish, and can save you money!

Trout friendly practices include changing watering schedules and using organic fertilizers.




he other day I was asked what had been my greatest now protected 9,434 acres. accomplishment since becoming Executive Director of 2007 also saw unprecedented successes in our fundWood River Land Trust. I instinctively thought back over raising and membership efforts, ensuring a secure and the last 5 to 10 years to recall some long ago project, but I sustainable effort for protecting and stewarding lands quickly realized that the “greatest” wasn’t something from in perpetuity. I feel this increased support is in direct long ago but actually was just correlation to our continued last year. efforts to educate, inform, and Hands down, 2007 was sometimes just remind everySimba Springs the best year, on all fronts, one in the valley (residents Wood River Land Trust has and visitors alike) about the Mackay ever had. majesty of this valley and how Hi gh Early in the year, with the vital it is to protect the natural wa y generous support of donors, values, often indescribable but 93 we were able to purchase a deeply felt, of the land that home for staff housing. The surrounds us and gives us a Antelope Valley Ranch historic building next door home. to our office currently houses Some of the events and Lower Board Ranch one employee, but plans are programs for the past year Ketchum underfoot to expand, restore, included our Trout Friendly and rehabilitate the old buildLawns program and the Heart ing to house two additional of the Valley Contest, two Draper Wood River Preserve employees (perhaps interns programs that reach different Croesus Hailey year round). audiences throughout the valCreek Colorado Gulch The Draper Wood River ley and show the diversity of Bellevue Preserve was also completed our focus and reach. One of 20 way in 2007, tying together many our greatest strengths is that High past river and riparian projects our efforts are timeless and in the heart of Hailey by proavailable to all. tecting 80 acres and ½ mile And 2008 is starting off 2007 Preserves of Big Wood River frontage. where 2007 ended. Sheep 2007 Conservation Agreements The trade with the State of Bridge Canyon, the purchase Shoshone Idaho, which created the preof which is slated for compleBarbara Farm II serve, also included a 40-acre tion early this spring, will be parcel that became a link for the largest riverfront property further river protection and we have purchased to date and public access downstream when the 103-acre Preserve at will protect wildlife, scenic views, public access, and Colorado Gulch conservation agreement (to be featured in river resources well beyond its 306 acres. our summer newsletter) was donated at the end of the year. These may be the best of times for Wood River That parcel brought to six the number of voluntary conserLand Trust and correspondingly for all residents of the vation agreements received by Wood River Land Trust in valley—both human and wild. Golden opportunities 2007—the most ever in one year. With these six agreements lie ahead! protecting nearly 4,000 acres, Wood River Land Trust has

Meet our Staff

Contact Kathryn Goldman at 788-3947 or kgoldman@woodriverlandtrust.org to learn more about how you can certify your lawn Trout Friendly.

Diane Kahm, Development Assistant


n always friendly voice at the Wood River Land Trust office is Development Assistant Diane Kahm. Diane and her husband, John, moved to the Wood River Valley from Seattle in 2001 after visiting the valley for years to hike in the fall and visit nearby family. Having left behind a 25-year career as a corporate travel agent in Seattle, Diane began volunteering regularly at Wood River Land Trust in 2003 and joined the staff part-time in 2004. She has also volunteered with the Animal Shelter, The Nature Conservancy (where John works), and the Hunger Coalition. Diane’s part-time Diane Kahm skiing in the North Valley work allows her plenty of time to enjoy the outdoors. Diane and John began tandem bicycling in 1980 on a custom Davidson that they still have. She describes their jump into the sport as a way for her to keep up with her husband; they have biked through Yellowstone twice and have taken the tandem on a trip through Yorkshire. When not on the tandem, Diane enjoys hiking year-round and classic skiing in the winter. The colorful flowers from her garden are a cheerful addition to the office throughout the summer as are her chocolate chip and melting moments cookies any time of year! While she had the opportunity to travel all over the world during her career as a travel agent, Diane is very happy to call the Wood River Valley home. Clear Water by Joy Koespel, entry in the 2007 Heart of the Valley Contest

connecting to the land

Fourth Annual Heart of the Valley Submissions Define the Elements that Make the Wood River Valley Home


Narrative Writing 1st Place—Eternity by Marly Morgus 2nd Place—The Importance of Having Ernest by Lee Brown 3rd Place—Sage Time by Harry Weekes Staff Favorite (chosen from both narrative and poetry entries) Big Wood River by Amaya Ingram Poetry 1st Place—Ochre Ringlets by Hank Dart 2nd Place—Boulders by La’akea Smith 3rd Place—Tension by Chris McAvoy Photography 1st Place—The Sun Sets on Quigley by Larry Barnes 2nd Place—One Less Car by Beverly Robertson 3rd Place—Riverside Sandals by Cody Boeger


his year’s Heart of the Valley Contest asked writers and photographers to explore the elements that set the Wood River Valley apart from other mountain communities. Entries flowing into our office portrayed the myriad recreational opportunities to be had on the Big Wood River and in our nearby mountain ranges as well as unique aspects of our landscape and local history. The unifying thread weaving through the body of submissions is the idea that the Wood River Valley is a community: an active, engaged, participatory community comprised of individuals who love the land and their neighbors and who are eager to be involved in the many pursuits the area affords. Thank you to everyone who submitted a piece (or pieces) to this year’s contest and to everyone who attended the host of contest-related events throughout the winter! Please visit the Community page of our website— www.woodriverlandtrust.org/community—to view this year’s winning submissions.

Staff Favorite South Valley by Patricia Bolding Honorable Mentions • South Valley by Patricia Bolding • One Fly by Joshua Wells • Snowy Trail by Maria Parkhill • Dollar and Baldy by Beverly Robertson

Prizes generously donated by:

The Sun Sets on Quigley by Larry Barnes, First Place

Heather Kimmel (right) awards Patricia Bolding (left) the Staff Favorite award for her photograph, South Valley, at the awards reception at Images of Nature Gallery

Sponsored by: Special thanks to: One Less Car by Beverly Robertson, Second Place

Riverside Sandals by Cody Boeger, Third Place

South Valley by Patricia Bolding, Staff Favorite

connecting to the land Success in 2007

Protecting Warm Springs Creek

A Second Barbara Farm Conservation Agreement



n 2007, Wood River Land Trust worked with Bing and Debra Gordon to protect nearly 14 acres of land along Warm Springs Creek. The Gordons established a voluntary conservation agreement that prohibits development and protects wildlife habitat in the sensitive areas around the creek and spring-fed pond. The agreement benefits an array of wildlife including elk, deer, rainbow trout, and Wood River sculpin. Protecting the area from development will guard against erosion on the banks of Warm Springs Creek during high water events and keep water clean. The native trees, shrubs, and grasses along the creek also provide food and nesting cover for migratory birds such as yellow warblers and common yellowthroats and year-round residents like song sparrows.

Bing and Debra Gordon

nce again, Judy and Fred Brossy of Barbara Farm have gone beyond simply using organic practices to protect the natural and agricultural landscape. In 2005, they facilitated a conservation agreement with Wood River Land Trust to protect nearly 400 acres of prime farmland and wildlife habitat along the Little Wood River near Shoshone. At the end of 2007, they permanently protected an additional 138 acres of working farmland, rangeland, and open space.

Lincoln County, where Barbara Farm is located, has experienced population growth of nearly 40% in the past 25 years, and residents of the region continue to witness the conversion of productive farmland and sagebrush steppe to residential development. The Brossys’ second conservation agreement preserves habitat for native plants and animals and guarantees that farming can continue on their land. Barbara Farm provides seasonal homes for a number of wildlife species that require sagebrush for survival including greater sage-grouse. It also ensures animals can roam freely between the proposed wilderness area on public lands adjacent to Barbara Farm and the Little Wood River. Some of Barbara Farm’s wild denizens include birds of prey, mule deer, songbirds, upland game birds, and a variety of small mammals. Prevention of residential development will permit limited grazing to continue, maintain scenic views, support native pollinators, and avoid potential conflicts between different land uses on the property. Preserving these farmlands also ensures communities in the Wood River Valley and beyond can continue to enjoy delicious local produce.

Time Out To Preen by Larry Barnes, entry in 2007 Heart of the Valley Contest

In 2007, an additional 138 acres of working farmland, rangeland, and open space were protected at Barbara Farm

Autumn harvest at Barbara Farm

thank you for helping us achieve our goals 2007 Business & In-Kind Supporters Alpine Tree Service, Pat Rainey

Sotheby’s International Realty, Gayle Stevenson

The American Legion

Elizabeth and John Stevenson

Lyn and David Anderson

Sturtevant’s Mountain Outfitters

Blue Heron Workshop

Sun Valley Brewing Company

Lee Brown

Sun Valley Magazine

Catering by Ric Lum

Chris Thompson

Clemens Associates

Robyn Watson

Scott Featherstone

Doug Werth

Glacier Graphics, Jennifer Self

Gerald and Maryanne Whitcomb

Susan and Ron Green Leslie and Jack Hanks Mike Howard Iconoclast Books Idaho’s Bounty Images of Nature Gallery Marsha and Kip Ingham Daphne and Pen King Lava Lake Land and Livestock, LLC Marlene and Bill Lehman Mathieu Computer

Patagonia Evelyn Backman Phillips Rasberrys Red Canoe Architecture Riccabona’s, Steve & Victoria Riccabona John Seiller Silver Creek Outfitters Starbucks “Make Your Mark” Volunteer Program

— Kathryn Manetta, conservation agreement donor

Share the Spirit Raises Over $10,000

Cherry Creek snakes through Antelope Valley Ranch


Continued from page 1

his year’s Share the Spirit weekend at Silver Creek Outfitters raised over $10,000 to further Wood River Land Trust’s protection of the land, water, and wildlife habitat that make the Valley home. Next time you’re in Silver Creek Outfitters, please take a moment to thank Terry Ring and his staff for their ongoing support! Thanks too to Steve Riccabona for a beautifully catered reception to kick off the Share the Spirit festivities!

The Nature Conservancy of Idaho Esther and Michael Ochsman

“We are happy to work with Wood River Land Trust and believe that together we will be good stewards of the land.”

Thank you for Helping Us Meet Our Challenge

Your generous year-end support helped us exceed our largest ever Challenge Grant goal. Meeting this challenge helps us continue to protect our local land, water, and wildlife habitat. With your help, we have now permanently protected 9,343 acres in the Wood River Valley and its surrounding areas!

Antelope Valley Ranch: A Haven for Wildlife while also protecting habitat for pronghorn, sagegrouse, mule deer, and elk. The Ranch is bisected by Antelope Creek, a tributary of the Big Lost River, and contains several smaller creeks and springs that are frequented by resident and migrating wildlife. Jon Manetta and Kathryn McQuade purchased Antelope Valley Ranch a few years ago and immediately started getting to know the place. They watch the pronghorn moving from the hills into the valley bottom; they anticipate the sage-grouse congregating on their traditional mating ground in the spring; they keep track of the weasel and her litter of young that have made a home under the front porch of the ranch house. Kathryn recounts the first time she and Jon saw the ranch: “We knew that it was very special. The size and location of the property and its remoteness made it a very unique property, especially for the wildlife. From the beginning, we knew that we wanted to preserve this environment for future generations. We are happy to work with Wood River

Deer hide in brush near the creek

Land Trust and believe that together we will be good stewards of the land.” Protecting private land in lower elevation valleys and river bottoms, such as Antelope Valley Ranch, ensures that wildlife living on our extensive public lands remains viable. Jon and Kathryn’s donation not only preserves their 2,700-acre ranch; it contributes to the thousands of acres of forested hills, alpine peaks, and mountain streams surrounding it. We are grateful for their generous and lasting gift.

“Ochre Ringlets” by Hank Dart, 1st Place, Poetry Division, 2007 Heart of the Valley Contest I have run the ridges with Ochre Ringlets Cloistered in their yellow light Traveling from rock to tree And maybe a bit further In light conversation Mostly, hellos and goodbyes. I offer my hand to make it feel more real The way touching a river brings to life its true measure. Then with a gust of wind or change of purpose They flutter off,

The magic remains, tested too often Yet, wildflowers will stretch across the spring-cleared lands Breathing colors onto the reshaped landscape And I will find myself again up on the ridges Looking for the yellow light. We have so much to talk about.

Visit the Building Material Thrift Store at its new location - 3930 S. Woodside (208) 788-0014

And I go on. Now the cooling air lulls the land to sleep. And it is well past their time. So I run alone Among the fallen leaves and patches of snow The charred, ink-black earth of summer’s fire. Long shadows meld with the ash that soften my steps And I breathe. Breathe and look across the new-open spaces that Smell of cinder and dirt and drying grass. I can see the trails continuing on Stitched across the hills and valleys Holding together the green and the black, Living and dead. Snow will soon cloak this all Then we’ll wait For rhizome and root, deep seed and nematode To heal the scars, And consider ourselves lucky.

Help Us Protect Sheep Bridge Canyon! We are 95% of the way there, but need your help to raise the final 5%.


e need your help to protect 306 acres in Sheep Bridge Canyon including over a mile of Big Wood River frontage four miles west of Timmerman junction. Sheep Bridge Canyon is home to bald eagles and other raptors and is an important migration corridor for large numbers of antelope, elk, and mule deer that pass through the area each spring and fall. You’ll also find trout spawning in the canyon’s cold, clear water as they make their way from Magic Reservoir. Wood River Land Trust has been offered Sheep Bridge Canyon at a bargain sale price of $800,000—less than 40% of the appraised value. We are 95% of the way there, but need your help to raise the final 5%. Your donation to the Sheep Bridge Canyon Project by April 1st will ensure this area is protected so large game animals have room to roam and the areas around rivers and streams remain healthy for an array of wildlife, raptors, and songbirds.


Board of Directors Clark Gerhardt, President Ed Cutter, Vice President Joan Swift, Treasurer Robin Garwood, Secretary Jerry Bashaw John Flattery Trent Jones Heather King Jack Kueneman Bill Lehman Liz Mitchell John Fell Stevenson Steve Strandberg Tom Swift Barbara Thrasher Doris Tunney Liz Warrick

WRLT Staff Scott Boettger Executive Director

Morgan Buckert Membership Assistant

Melanie Dahl Executive Assistant

Kate Giese Director of Conservation

Kathryn Goldman Project Coordinator

Diane Kahm Development Assistant

Heather Kimmel Program & Membership Coordinator

Robyn Watson Major Gifts Officer

Nathan Welch Planning Coordinator

Advisory Committee David Anderson Peter Becker Ranney Draper Rebekah Helzel Dave Parrish Larry Schoen John Seiller Bruce Tidwell This newsletter is published by:

Wood River Land Trust 119 East Bullion Street Hailey, Idaho 83333 208-788-3947 (telephone) 208-788-5991 (fax) info@woodriverlandtrust.org www.woodriverlandtrust.org Tax ID# 82-0474191

The Big Wood River running through Sheep Bridge Canyon in late spring

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119 East Bullion Street Hailey, Idaho 83333 www.woodriverlandtrust.org ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

Printed on recycled paper using soy-based inks

spring 2008 In This issue: Antelope Valley Ranch: A Haven for Wildlife, page 1 The Best of Times, page 2 4th Annual Heart of the Valley Submissions Define the Elements that Make the Wood River Valley Home, page 4 Protecting Warm Springs Creek, page 6 A Second Barbara Farm Conservation Agreement, page 7 Help Us Protect Sheep Bridge Canyon, page 11

Acres permanently protected with your support: 9,343 Spring Leaves by Anne Jeffrey, entry in 2007 Heart of the Valley Contest

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