wood river land trust Summer 2013
Protecting the heart of the valley...now and for the future.
From the Executive Director, Scott Boettger t’s been too cold for too long, welcome to summer” the sign at the Stanley coffee shops reads. I feel that way also. As wonderful as the winter months are in the Valley, I really enjoy the vibrant albeit quick summers. Thank goodness the days are long, so we can fill them with as many activities as possible while the weather is warm and the sun shines. In June, the kids and I were in Stanley picking morel mushrooms in the area of the Sawtooth National Forest that burned last year during the Halstead fire. Not much good can be said about forest fires, but the optimist in me at least finds the bounty of delicious morels a silver lining. What a glorious place we get to call home! Where else can you share the joy of discovery with your kids, free of charge and free of crowds where nothing but wilds and beauty around? Please enjoy the article on page 13, by our guest writer Kathy Richardson, about morels and the delicious recipes. We’d love to hear from you as you try out a few of our favorites (Don’t be shy…we’d be happy to taste any samples too). This summer also included weekends and evenings out in nature with friends and family, salmon fishing in Central Idaho, trout fishing at Magic Reservoir and experiencing the yearly occurrence of the prolific Brown Drake hatch at Silver Creek (see photo). Watching the Brown Drakes take flight out of water and fly upstream reminds me of the intricacies of nature. It also makes me appreciate each and every one of our contributors who help to protect and restore our lands and rivers. We’re happy to recognize our donors and volunteers in this issue. Your support of Wood
River Land Trust is helping to leave a legacy for the following generations, giving them the opportunity to experience and connect with our natural surroundings. With your continued support, the Land Trust will watch over our beloved landscape. We also want to make sure that the lands we safeguard today are protected and stewarded after we are gone. To ensure that we leave a meaningful, lasting legacy, we are embarking on a new effort to empower the next generation of conservationists to champion our mission. Thanks to a generous donor, we are sponsoring high school kids throughout the Valley in our Student Conservation Council (SCC). The aim of the SCC is to get young people involved with the details of open space conservation so they too have a vested interest in our conservation projects. See article on page 15 for more detail. We are thrilled with the founding members and look forward to collaborating with them on a variety of issues for the Land Trust and our community. Thank you all for your support of the Land Trust, without you none of this would be possible. I hope you find the time to get outside and enjoy the wonders of the valley with those you love. Summer may be too short, but well worth the wait. Sincerely,
LEFT: Executive Director Scott Boettger fishing Silver Creek during Brown Drake Hatch ©DJMuehle2013 FACING: Big Wood River by Sun Peak ©DJMuehle
River Park at Sun Peak Restoration Efforts “We All Live Downstream.” – David Suzuki The Necessity for Restoration and Long-term Stewardship Since 2006, Wood River Land Trust has been working with the City of Ketchum, the BLM and the community to restore the Big Wood River along the River Park at Sun Peak, an area commonly referred to as Hulen Meadows pond. Our goal is simply to restore the health and function of this altered stretch of river.
The benefits to the community from our work will include: 1. Improving habitat for fish and wildlife; 2. Minimizing damage to homes, businesses, and roads during flooding events; and 3. Reducing sediment and erosion.
HOV Staff Favorite Adult ©Chad Chorney
Hulen Meadows, now a residential area north of Ketchum, was originally Griffin Ranch, settled by Joseph F. Griffin. As one of the first non-indigenous settlers of the area, he set up tent and homesteaded the Griffin Ranch. Griffin helped lay out the streets for the town of Ketchum and was the first foreman of the first local mine, the Elkhorn mine. But change is inevitable. In the mid-1960s the area was developed by Rainie Curtis, who named the area after her father Claus Hulen. Because of residential and highway developments in the flood plain the Big Wood River has been altered and straightened. During high water years when the river surged over its banks, the urgency of emergency stream stabilization efforts to protect homes and infrastructure always takes priority over the cumulative, long-term effects of river alteration. This history of alteration forces us to maintain our river. Ultimately if we continue on this path, we will find that we have stream bank hardening and other more disastrous results. One only needs to look at urban settings, such as the Los Angeles River, to understand the dire consequences. As long as there is development in the flood plain, portions of the Big Wood River will always need to be maintained. Changes Caused by Man and Nature Nature, combined with development of the Wood River Valley has transformed local waterscapes and landscapes over the years. In the early 1990’s, Highway 75 was relocated and the Big Wood River channel was moved to accommodate the new highway. The Hulen Meadows “pond” was created as one of many sediment traps, with the goal of capturing the sediment and bed load carried downstream by the relocated river. Over the years, emergency stream bank hardening has taken place downstream through the city of Ketchum to prevent flooding of homes and businesses. This practice, throughout the Wood river Valley, has led to the straightening of the Big Wood River. Since 1943, the river has
lost approximately 1.7 miles in length as measured from Warm Springs confluence to just south of Bellevue. During the Highway 75 realignment north of Ketchum, the Idaho Department of Transportation added several drop structures to help control water velocity and control head-cutting, allowing the river to naturally meander. Unfortunately, no one has been charged with the continued maintenance of these structures and they have long-surpassed their life expectancy. And finally nature always has her way. Flooding in our area occurs in the spring when snow melt from the mountains happens quickly and after large rain events. The flood of 2006 was a significant event in Ketchum with many properties within the 100-year floodplain submerged by the overflowing Big Wood River. The 2006 flood altered the function of the sediment trap. Sediment carried by the flood has accumulated in the inflow channel from the river to the artificial oxbow that makes up the “pond.” This blockage has prevented the delivery of fresh, oxygenated water into this part of the river and has forced sediment downstream. Algae now grow in the small body of water. As the water becomes more stagnant, it becomes an eyesore. Without proper stewardship, this small body of water has ceased to function as a sediment trap, ultimately exposing those living and working downstream to intensified flooding events. How a River Works Most often we hear about the direct effects rivers have on our well-being, including drinking water, irrigating farmland, and power for homes. In the larger scheme of life, however, the water system is a vital part of our ecosystem and influences weather conditions. River and stream systems carry large quantities of water from land to ocean. There, seawater is constantly evaporating, and the resulting vapor forms clouds. The clouds—carrying the moisture of the vapor—move over land, eventually releasing the moisture as precipitation. We experience it as rain in the spring and snow in the
Black cottonwood grove in fall colors surrounding pine ©MLWin
winter (at least that is what we hope for!). This movement of water from land to sea to air is called the ‘water cycle.’ As the system cycles through, it replenishes Earth’s supply of freshwater, which is essential to almost all living things. The speed of water flowing in a river is the ultimate cause for a continuing changing waterscape. There are many factors which can increase the magnitude and power of water flowing down river, thus causing streambank erosion, headcutting, silting and flooding (see side bar of river terms). Loss of streamside vegetation and river channel realignment are two major factors causing faster flowing rivers. Low gradient rivers, like we have here in the Valley, are naturally meandering. The force of energy and the restrictions of hardened stream banks cause water to move from one side to the other as fast water flows through a channel. As the water travels back and forth it disturbs rocks, branches and soil on the banks, carving out new paths and carrying sediment downstream. In the case of a straightened river such as this section of the Big Wood north of Ketchum, the water is unable to meander from side to side. If the water energy can’t move side to side, the only alternative is down, and in doing so, it incises the river. Although this phenomenon happens in all rivers, straightened rivers incise much more quickly. Importance of Clean, Healthy Waterscapes A flourishing watershed and healthy fish habitat enriches the life of our community. A variety of fish have become staples of our diet and local culture, creating opportunities for recreation and businesses. Although we do not have specific data for the Wood River Valley, we know that roughly 10 million Americans spend an average of 10 days a year angling the nation’s rivers. The estimated value their recreation brings to the economy ranges from $1.5 billion to $14 billion annually. However, the progress of our nation and growth in population has had unexpected consequences on our natural resources, particularly our watersheds. We are
fortunate with a natural and resistant population of trout, but the habitat needs to be cared for otherwise we risk losing an important part of our ecosystem. Trout need cold water, clean water, food to eat, places to hide from predators, and clean gravel in which to lay their eggs. Although many trout live in just a short stretch of river, they are affected by what happens in their whole watershed. Because something that happens on the land can alter what they need to survive in their river habitat. Our native rainbow trout, for example, are well adapted to very cold environments, but they are not very tolerant to warm water or sediment. By improving and maintaining healthy fish habitat, we are keeping the business of fishing alive and ultimately sustaining the economy of our community that relies on tourism and recreation. A Community Based Solution As part of an overall plan for the River Park at Sun Peak, Wood River Land Trust created a strategy for restoration and stewardship of the natural resources found there. Restoring this place includes the following work. 1. Opening the inflow channel from the river to the lagoon: Clearing out the inflow channel will allow the river to cycle fresh water through the lagoon thus alleviating the growth of algae and minimizing the likelihood of stagnant conditions. With these restoration efforts, the artificial oxbow will again function as a sediment collection area for the river as was originally intended. 2. Adding and enhancing drop structures to the Big Wood River: Newly added and enhanced drop structures will help stabilize the streambed and reduce water velocity in the river, slowing the inevitable change to the depth of the river. The structures will also help to control head-cutting and incising of the Big Wood River. Drop structures do create waves and whitewater, which are beloved by kayakers and rafters. Although not the primary intent of our restoration efforts, Wood River Land Trust supports appropriate, collaborative recreation projects on public lands. Many people find peace listening
Woods wild rose
to water flow downstream as well as live for the excitement of whitewater. Enjoyment of nature, whether walking trails along the lagoon or navigating the Big Wood River, is beneficial to our health and well-being. 3. Planting native species along the adjacent banks: Riparian restoration necessitates the planting and seeding of aquatic vegetation for many reasons. Loss of vegetation along rivers and streams happens naturally, especially during flooding events, but the loss can be accelerated in altered sections of waterways. Without vegetation along the stream banks, water encounters less resistance and flows more quickly. River banks also become susceptible to ongoing erosion as the water carries debris downstream. Planting native species along the river and lagoon will help delay the loss of land and soil adjacent to the watercourse. Native species will also improve fish and wildlife habitat. Wood River Land Trust works with volunteers to accomplish much of our plant restoration (see event recap for recent work by our Friends groups and students in Hailey). For the Hulen Meadow area, we intend to plant the following species: Red-twigged dogwood; Black cottonwood; Willows; Wild rose; Baltic rush; and Elk sedge. Plants growing in riparian areas have adapted to survive soil conditions which are poorly drained and retain or are submerged in water. Many hydrophytes grow roots from their stems to absorb oxygen from the air. Trees typically extend very wide, shallow root systems and their trunks may be large and buttressed for more stability and protection from fast flowing waters. Sedges have two root systems: shallow and taproot. The shallow roots help the sedge survive floods and the taproot for long, dry spells. Wetland plants also release oxygen, which protects them
from toxic concentrations of iron and manganese. 4. Creating and improving fish habitat: Using native vegetation and drop structures will enhance the habitat for aquatic species by providing them places to hide from predators, to rest and to lay eggs. Funding Resources WRLT and its partners are currently investigating the extent of the restoration project. We rely on private-individual and public-agency contributions to complete our work and strategically use volunteers to keep costs down. Feedback and comments from the community, neighbors and other stakeholders has been incorporated into the current plan. For more information about the overall plan, please visit the City of Ketchum’s website: http:// www.ketchumidaho.org/DocumentCenter/View/872. “The care of rivers is not a question of rivers, but of the human heart.” Tenako Shozo To find equilibrium between Mother Nature and mankind, we need to strategically manage our resources. We must consider the needs of all current and future stakeholders of our area—those of us here now, as well as, future generations. The Big Wood River is not just mine or yours, it is ours. It is essential to balance the needs of our whole community, while providing a healthy, natural habitat for fish, birds and other wildlife. Wood River Land Trust recognizes the intrinsic value in this area to the overall health of the Valley’s watershed. Working with the community and organizational partners, and having the support of donors will help us reach common ground in which the vitality, restoration and stewardship of our waters come first. If you’d like copies of this article to share with your friends and neighbors, please contact our office. Help us spread the word about the benefits and goals of restoration for the River Park at Sun Peak.
SAY WHAT? Definitions of River Lingo Alluvial: Gravel, sand and other debris deposited by running water CFS: Cubic Foot per Second, the rate of discharge representing a volume of one-cubic foot passing a given point during one second. This rate is equivalent to approximately 7.48 gallons per second Drop Structures: manmade structures to help control the energy and velocity of water as it passes over; there are different types of drop structures and materials used depending upon where they are placed, i.e. stream, river, dam, rural, urban, etc. Erosion: The removal or wearing away of soil or rock by water, wind or other agents Headcutting: The eroding of deep channels in rivers cause by the concentrated flow of water Oxbow: A U-shaped bend in a river or stream that may or may not be cut off from the mainstream Rill: very small channel of water, caused by runoff water that eroded the soil Riparian: The river/stream or other body of water and all the vegetation on its banks Riprap: Rock or other appropriate material with a specific mixture of sizes referred to as a “gradation� used to stabilize stream banks or river banks from erosion or to create habitat for aquatic life Sediment: Small particles of soil or rocks that are transported by water or wind Silt: Very tiny particles of soil that are three to 60 micrometers in diameter Silting: The deposit of finely divided soil and rock particles upon the bottom of stream and river beds Stream Bank Hardening: The result of manmade efforts to stabilize banks from erosion with the use of rocks Watershed: Term given to the land that drains water into a particular stream, lake or river
Going Native
Why Native Plants in your Garden?
Columbine ŠSVStoecklin
While hiking in the Wood River Valley from May to July, you probably noticed the stunning variety of wildflowers blooming‌the royal purples of sugarbowls, the stunning yellows of balsam root and the deep reds of Indian paintbrush. Do you wonder about those native species that are so beautiful, fragile and yet also resilient? Native plants have evolved over thousands of years and have specifically adapted to our high desert ecosystem. They are integral to the largest and smallest of species; from the elk and deer which feed on bitterbrush to the butterflies which pollinate their stunning flowers. Many of these native shrubs and flowers will thrive in our gardens and yards as well. When planning or changing your garden, consider including penstemon, scarlet gilia, geranium, lupine and various native shrubs. Besides adding color, texture and seasonal blooming to your garden, they also act as food for birds, insects and pollinators. Native plants and shrubs in the home landscape support our local ecosystem, use less water, and are naturally disease-resistant. These plants already know how to thrive in this environment—this is home for them! Once established, native plants require very little stewardship, especially when compared to the maintenance needs of fertilizers and pesticides that non-native and ornamental plants require. Most ornamental or non-native trees and shrubs require 24 to 36 inches of water per year just to survive. Here, in the Snake River Basin-High Desert region, we receive 10 to 15 inches of water annually, including snowfall. You can make a positive impact on the environment and enjoy their beauty and ease of care by bringing native plants into your landscapes and properties. Save water, help threatened pollinators and enjoy more birds, bees and butterflies by including native species in your future landscaping plans. Stop by our TFL partner Sawtooth Botanical Garden, which showcases native and cultivated plants that flourish at high altitude.
Creating Demonstration Lawns for Our Trout Friendly Program Water conservation seems to be on the tip of everyone’s tongue these days, from the Blaine County Commissioners’ request of Governor Butch Otter for a local emergency drought declaration to the Hailey City Council taking stock of its water rights. Wood River Land Trust (WRLT) adds its voice to the conversation by recommending ways to reduce water consumption through our Trout Friendly Lawn (TFL) program. Our staff has been evaluating ways to reduce its own water consumption and we are excited to announce the impending arrival of a native grass lawn. In mid-June, the Anderson house lawn—used for staff housing and located north of the main office on 2nd Street in Hailey—will be converted from Kentucky Blue Grass to a drought-tolerant, native grass turf. Both the Anderson lawn and the WRLT office lawn will be managed as demonstration Trout Friendly lawns. The Anderson lawn will be managed to meet silver standards of the TFL program and the WRLT lawn will be managed to meet basic standards. Benefits of a native grass lawn include using 50% to 75% less water than its non-native counterpart. This number varies depending on species used, aesthetic features, and land use. Upon the full development of the native habitat, you can also anticipate reducing the amount of mowing by 50% to 67%. Furthermore, because native plants have evolved over thousands of years to suit their soil conditions, fertilizer usage will be reduced. Best of all, native grasses feel good on little bare feet and an environmental conscience. At the Anderson home we will be using two cool-season grasses, Idaho Fescue (Festuca idahoensis) and Prairie Junegrass (Koeleria macrantha), and two warm-season grasses, Blue Grama (Bouteloua gracilis) and Buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides). The first two grasses are native to Blaine County and the latter two are found in northern Nevada and are native to our region. This blend helps cover the microenvironments that surround a home, from a shady north side to a blisteringly-hot south side exposure. Additionally, this grass combination is well suited for our 10
high desert environment which receives 10-15” of rain each year. WRLT has a two-pronged goal in regards to our native grass turf conversion: to monitor and measure changes in water, fertilizer, and maintenance needs, and to gain hands-on experience in the conversion process that we can share. We are anxious to compare future years’ water savings so that we can have first-hand experience in speaking with the community about the mechanics and savings of a turf conversion. There are many items to consider when converting an existing lawn, creating a native buffer or starting a brand new lawn with native or drought tolerant turf. First, you should take account of the existing temperature range, humidity, soil conditions, sun exposure and how the area will be used. Further items to think about include large parties, children, and your desired feel of the grass. Consult with one of our TFL partners or a native seed company to determine the timing, needs, and mechanics specific to your lawn. We will be documenting the process of our own lawn conversion in order to produce a demonstration video to share with the local community. The conversion of an existing lawn can be accomplished in many ways (tarping, layers of newspaper and soil, removing existing lawn with a sod cutter, killing the lawn) which we will cover in the video. We will also discuss the considerations mentioned in the prior paragraph and maintenance strategies for after the seed is planted. Please feel free to walk in our door to talk about our TFL program and be curious! Come ask us how to conserve water, reduce pesticides, or incorporate native plants into your landscape. Based on how you implement various lawn strategies, you can be certified as a Basic, Silver or Gold TFL member and receive a handsome yard sign to show the community your support of this program. This is a free program sponsored by the WRLT and our supporting partners and organizations. Our goal is to educate and elevate our understanding of lawn care
practices so that everyone can make conscious choices to protect our precious Wood River watershed. Stop by this fall and check out our new turf. Now in its seventh year, the Trout Friendly Lawn Program is supported by the following partners: Arborcare Big Chief Organics Big Wood Landscape Blaine County Recreation District Blaine Soil Conservation District Branching Out Nursery City of Ketchum Parks Clearwater Landscaping Conservation Seeding and Restoration Engelmann Inc. Evergreen Landscaping Hemingway Chapter Trout Unlimited Sawtooth Botanical Garden Webb Landscaping Whitehead Landscaping
Rainy day penstemon Š Michael Edminster
Did you know your blooms mean this? Aster: Patience Daisy: Innocence, Hope Daphne: I would not have you otherwise Geranium: Preference, True friendship Honeysuckle: Generosity Hydrangea: Heartlessness Iris: Inspiration, Faith Lavender: Mistrust Phlox: Harmony Primrose: Childhood Poppy: Consolation Sage: Wisdom, Immortality Sunflower: Adoration Thistle: Misanthropy Withered Flowers: Rejected Love Yarrow: Healing 11
Magnificent and Mysterious Morel Mushrooms Black Morel ŠMaslov Dimtry
Special Article by Guest Writer, Kathy Richmond Morels are one of the most sought-after wild mushrooms in the world because they have a magnificent, deep, and earthy flavor. The extraordinary taste they bring to recipes makes them a true favorite of the thousands of mushroom species in the world. These little fungi are cloaked in mystery. Exactly when they appear depends on the conditions of the soil. In order for them to develop a fruiting body which we call a mushroom, it is thought that they need to have temperatures in the 70’s for a week to warm the soil to 55 degrees. Their fruiting time also depends on the elevation where they occur. At most places in the U.S. morels occur from mid-tolate May. I have found them in Boise in mid-April among wood chips at newly-developed apartment buildings. In Idaho around the first of June they are often found at 5000 feet in McCall. I have found them in the woods around my home at 6,500 feet in mid-June. Last year, during the first week of July I found them at 7,000 feet. I have found them as late at the first week of August at 8,000 feet while backpacking. Morels are incredibly expensive to buy (and worth every penny!) because they cannot be cultivated. I must warn you to beware of the springtime phenomenon, ‘morel fever,’ which occurs when people set aside their other interests during the months of May and June just for morel hunting. When you find a morel it is like a big kid’s scavenger hunt and is an exciting experience. However, it is also like hiding your favorite fishing spot because you are reluctant to share your special place with anyone else, for fear they will find your monster fish or in this case all the morels. You can discover morels fruiting in a variety of habitats. I’ve found them along the Salmon River in the sand, in bark chips at newly-built construction sites, and in the forest under Douglas fir, Ponderosa and other conifers, as well as under Aspen trees. Morels seem to fruit in abundance in the spring following a late summer forest fire. The reason for this remains mysterious. It is thought that after a fire destroys many of the plants the fungi has been working with, the fungi are over-stimulated to form fruiting bodies and send their spores far and wide in hopes that some will land in areas with living plant roots. However, they are found only during the first spring in the post-fire area. Recent DNA research has revealed that there are 20 different Morchella species in the United States and ad-
ditional species that occur in Europe. All are edible when cooked. As with most mushrooms, they need to be cooked to render them edible. Many have volatile compounds, that when cooked, dissipate. I mistakenly have marinated morels on a salad for my husband and he was very sick for a time and will now only eat them if they’re sautéed crispy like bacon. People have experienced gastrointestinal upset from eating too many morels at one time combined with a bit too much wine. So enjoy them but don’t pig out too much! Morels are fairly easy to identify because of their peculiar shape. They are hollow inside when cut in half and are composed of rows of ridges and pits. There is a mushroom commonly called a false morel (Gyromitra) that people have eaten for years and now we know that it has cumulative toxins. After eating Gyromitra for 20 years or more, several people have died. The ‘morel’ of the story: It is not clear when the next meal of false morels may be your last, so I recommend avoiding them entirely. You can distinguish Gyromitra from morels because their stipe (stem) is not hollow like a morel but stuffed with tissue. Before eating any wild mushroom you should conGyromitra ©Maslov Dimtry sult someone who knows them or buy a good identification book and compare the habitat and characteristics to make sure it is an edible species. Better yet, join a local mushroom club and learn many of the common species. Adventuring in the woods with other fungiphiles is educational and enjoyable. I am a member of SIMA (Southern Idaho Mycological Association). We meet twice monthly in Boise for mushroomrelated programs. SIMA has two formal forays, usually in McCall, ID., in June and September to search for and identify mushrooms over a long weekend. We have found over 2,500 different species of mushrooms in the last 26 years. Also, we hold classes for beginning mushroomers each spring. For more information, contact our website at www.simykos.org. Kathy is an amateur mycologist and has been studying mushrooms for the last 20 years 13
Mouthwatering Morels Recipes Morel Dip
Morel Tart
by Kathy Richmond
by Kathy Richmond
You’ll need: • 4 oz. Fresh Morels / Drained and chopped if large (or 1 oz. Dried, Reconstituted and Drained) • 4 oz. Regular Chopped Button Mushrooms • Frying Pan (non-stick is good...iron skillet is better) • Butter (2 tbsp’s) • 1 tsp. Dried Thyme • 2 Chopped Shallots • 1 tsp. Minced Garlic • ½ Cup Sour Cream or 4 oz. Cream Cheese • Salt/Pepper to taste.
You’ll need: • 1 lb Fresh Morels – do not chop (or 4 oz Dried, Reconstituted and Drained) • 8 oz Shredded Cheddar Cheese • 3 Leeks, Cleaned and Chopped • 1/2 tsp. Salt, • 1/4 tsp. Pepper, • 1 tsp. Dried Thyme • 3 Tbls. Butter • 3 Tbls. Whipping Cream • 1 Partially Cooked Pie Crust
Directions: In medium skillet over med/hi heat, melt butter and saute morels and buttom mushroms 3-4 minutes. Add thyme and shallots and cook until soft. Season with salt and pepper. Cook until mixture is fairly dry and most of liquid has evaporated. Add sour cream or cream cheese and serve with crackers
Morel Pasta by Kathy Richmond
You’ll need: • 1 lb Dry Pasta • Frying Pan (non-stick is good...iron skillet is better) • 1 Cup Heavy Cream • 1/2 Cup Butter • 2 Tbls. Cognac • 1 1/4lb Fresh Morels (or 1/2 lb Dried, Recon- stituted and Drained) • 1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese
Directions: In a skillet melt 2 Tbls. butter over moderate heat. Add cream, cognac and salt and pepper to taste and bring to boil. Add morels and simmer, covered for 10 minutes. Keep mixture warm while boiling pasta. Mix together and enjoy! 14
Directions: Melt butter and cook leeks with salt, about 5-10 minutes on med/hi heat. Turn heat to high, add mushrooms and cook 10 minutes or until all liquid has evaporated. Add other spices and cook 2 minutes. Remove from heat, add cream and let cool. Put 1/2 of cheese in bottom of crust then put leeks and mushroom mixture on thop then add remainder of cheese. Bake 375 degrees for 25 minutes. Let cool 10 minutes and serve with salad or bowl of fruit.
Morels and Asparagus... The Breakfast of Champions You’ll need: • Morels fried in lots of butter, salt & pepper to taste • Fresh Asparagus tips cooked until tender • Crisp Fried Bacon Slices • Poached eggs • Hollandaise Sauce Directions: On plate arrange in order listed below: 1. Fresh cooked asparagus tips 2. Fried morels in butter 3. Crisp bacon slices 4. Two poached eggs 5. Cover with lots of Hollandaise Sauce Morels aren’t just for dinner anymore!
Fun Facts About Morels Every spring the woods are filled with locals searching for edible morels. A tasty delight, morel hunting grounds are a closely guarded secret. But, do you this about the little fungi? •
Fresh morels sell for $20 to $50 per pound;
A Michigan morel festival attracts more than 17,000 people;
Morels are actually the fruiting body of a fungus that lives in the soil;
In our area you can find morels in cottonwood forests along waterways, near Douglas firs after forest fires and even in apple orchards;
The debate about the actual number of morel species still exists but DNA testing suggests that there are about a dozen species in North America (we most commonly see black and blonde morels, but silver morels have been seen in burn areas);
An extract made from the little fungi has significant anti-inflammatory effects;
True morels split off from other fungi species 129 million years ago;
According to Indiatimes.com, morels could relieve us from pain and protect us against tumors (just another reason to support land conservation);
Mushroom soup is the second most popular Campbell’s soup—imagine if it were made of morels, it would surely replace tomato soup as number one.
The Next Generation If conservation groups want to innovate, endure and grow, we need to engage the future leaders of our movement. By organizing a Student Conservation Council (SCC), Wood River Land Trust (WRLT) is leading a local effort in a developing trend to educate and involve the young leaders of tomorrow in conservation and sustainability issues. WRLT aims to help student participants get a sense of their own power and skills while benefiting the Wood River Valley community and WRLT. WRLT and its donors are committed to the preservation and restoration of lands here in the Wood River Valley and surrounding areas. We feel strongly that it is our obligation to educate the next generation of land conservation leaders, so that what we protect today is there for those here tomorrow. Conservation of land is important for our health, it will provide sustaining resources and natural beauty that will last for generations—if it is cared for correctly. The underlying cause for the lack of concern and involvement by younger generations in land protection has to do with the lack of understanding and connection to nature and also the over-use of the words “green” and “environmental” by businesses. Conservation is neither a fad nor a way to make money. By educating and involving people at a young age, it is our hope they will remember fondly their service on the Board, to WRLT and form a life-long connection, understanding and love of nature. We hope they will go on to become the next leaders of the environmental movement, the next Presidents of land trusts and the next champions of saving nature. The work of the SCC will make a difference, and those serving on the Council will know they made our community a better place for those of us here now and future generations. 15
The Next Generation We are pleased to announce the first, eight founding members of the SCC: 1. Alex Harten from the Community School; 2. Chase Hutchinson from Wood River High School; 3. Callie Weber from Wood River High School; 4. Lane Coulthard from Wood River High School; 5. Megan Murphy from Wood River High School; 6. Marcia Smith from Wood River High School; 7. Mariah Stout from Wood River High School; and 8. Timber Kelly also from Wood River High School. To help mentor SCC members, eight giving community members have agreed to volunteer their time and share their expertise. We are truly grateful for the thoughtfulness and contributions the SCC Advisory Committee has made on the formation of our new Council. 1. Ann Christiansen, environmentalist and outdoor educator; 2. Bags Brokaw, Community School College Counselor; 3. Eleanor Jewett, Wood River High School English teacher; 4. Larry Barnes, Wood River High School science teacher; 5. Robin Garwood, USFS and member of WRLT Board of Directors; 6. Scott Schnebly, Lost River Outfitters owner; and 7. Scott Runkle, Community School science teacher. This visionary program would not be possible without our volunteers and the support of our donors. In order to launch the SCC, an anonymous donor has funded the formation of the program. This couple is passionate about conservation and deeply believes in the creativeness and talents of Wood River Valley students and the next 足generations. TOP: Standing: SCC members Mariah Stout, Callie Weber and Megan Murphy; Seated: Advisory Committee members Scott Runkel, Robin Garwood and Ann Christensen. BOTTOM: Left to Right: SCC member Chase Hutchinson, Advisory Committee members Larry Barnes, Eleanor Jewett and Bags Brokaw. Not pictured: SCC members: Alexandra Harten, Lane Coulthard, Marcia Smith, Timber Kelly 16
Student Conservation Council (SCC) Program The underlying tenets on which the program is based, includes: (1) Education; (2) Sustainability; and (3) Teamwork. Education: We hope to educate young students today about the issues surrounding the health of our land in our community and elsewhere through the SCC program. The old adage that “knowledge is power” applies to our overall objective: By understanding land conservation, gaining experience in the business and non-profit world, seeing first-hand how a charitable community can make change happen, it is our belief that these SCC members will begin to own the future of land protection and restoration. Sustainability: The term “sustainable” applies to two facets of the Council. First, we must ensure that the SCC program is maintainable over the long-term through wide-spread and active involvement of all students in Blaine County. Any student, age 16 and above, is welcome to apply for membership. For more information see our website at: http://www.woodriverlandtrust.org/Student_ Conservation_Council.php. In addition to preserving the program through active membership, we plan for the SCC to initiate sustainable conservation and restoration projects. Learning about the importance of healthy river systems and its effect on people and wildlife will provide students with an understanding of the inter-dependence of nature. If we are to conserve our earth and its habitat in a healthy way which will support life, the SCC needs to understand these issues. They are the keepers of tomorrow. Teamwork: It takes teamwork of all kinds to make conservation happen—cooperation and communication among the SCC members and collaboration with outside entities. Every member needs to work cooperatively and help others if we are to succeed. Each student has a role that is dependent upon other members. Out on the land and in nature, it is vital that they look out for one-another and communicate to ensure everyone’s safety. There are endless possibilities to the partnerships that can grow from this initiative. Future endeavors of the SCC program may include such things as river restoration work, organizing outings on the land and rivers and monitoring water quality of the river near our on-going “Hailey
Greenway” project (near Croy Creek Wetlands and Big Wood River confluence in Hailey). Learning to partner with other agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency or other nonprofits, such as Idaho Rivers United, will be important to the long-term success of the students and our new program. The Best Aspect of the Program: Overwhelmingly, the majority of SCC students and Advisory Committee members think that the best aspect of the program is our partnership with Lost River Outfitters and the owners, Scott Schnebly and Susanne Connor. In order to connect the students and volunteers with nature—their heart and emotions first—all participants will learn to fly-fish with Lost River Outfitters. We plan to take up to five fishing trips per year, visiting different WRLT conservation easements and properties. While standing among the gold and green rushes and sedges, listening to the water gurgle past, SCC members will come to understand the circle of life that sustains the health of our ecosystem, watershed and community. From the fascinating life-cycle of brown drakes to the long and distant travels of salmon, we hope that membership on our Council will be fun and informative for all who take part. How to Apply: The more students involved, the better the success of the program will be as we will be creating future conservations through our efforts. Committees and projects on such items as marketing, events, governance, finance and development will be part of the program. Through these committees we hope to reach as many as 60 students, including the up to 20 actual SCC members. If you know someone who would be a good candidate for the SCC, please direct them to our website to fill out and submit an application: http://www.woodriverlandtrust. org/Student_Conservation_Council.php. WRLT is accepting applications until all 20 seats are filled.
Heart of the Valley
generously sponsored by:
Zions Bank became the major sponsor of our photography event, allowing WRLT the opportunity to move into the digital age. Around the Valley this summer at local establishments, you can see our electronic photo frames displaying the photography entries. Zions’ generosity also allowed us to showcase photos and prose in a fullcolor, four-page newspaper insert that was published in the Idaho Mountain Express on May 22, 2013. The 9th Annual, Heart of the Valley reception was hosted by Velocio on Saturday, May 25th. More than 50 people enjoyed perusing over 47 mounted photographs. And while basking in the sun afforded by a large, openedglass garage door, participants and their friends and families snacked on mini pizzas, goat cheese and brownie bites while indulging in Pinot Noir and other delicious fare. With 1st place, honorable mention and staff favorite awarded in three categories, which included student, adult non-professionals and professional, winners were bestowed gifts from local sponsors for their inspiring work in prose and photography. Prizes were donated by generous, Valley businesses including 5B Photo, CK’s Real Food, The Coffee Grinder, Desperado’s Mexican Food, Lost River Outfitters, Mahoney’s Bar and Grill, Mule Shoe Tavern, Perry’s, Surefoot, and The Wildflower. First place and staff favorite in the Adult Prose Category went to “Sagebrush” by Leslie Thompson, with honorable mention going to Jena Greaser for her original song “Finding My Soul in the Western Mountains”. Jena performed her solo, acoustic-guitar tune for the packed, Heart of the Valley reception crowd. In the Student Prose Category, first place went to “New Beginnings” by Remy Ives, honorable mention to “A Breath of Fresh Air” by Chase Hutchinson, and with staff favorite going to “Forever” by Lisa Hart. At the reception Remy Ives read “New Beginnings”, describing how she was inspired by her new-found home the Wood River Valley, having only moved here a few months prior to the contest announcement. 18
First place in the Adult Photography Division went to “Color Creek” by Laura Speck with honorable mention to “Shadow on the White Clouds” by Cody Haskell. Staff favorite went to “Hoppertunity” by Chad Chorney. Chad’s photo illustrates a favorite Valley pastime: a large rainbow trout hurling towards the water’s surface to retrieve its counterfeit, insect victim while ultimately and mercifully hanging from its capture’s rod only seconds later. In the Student Photography Category, first place went to Hannah Conn for “Hummingbirds” and honorable mention to “Shadow Branches” by Joyce Chan Wing Kay. Blake Beckwith won staff favorite for his photo “On Alert”. And, according to Blake’s dad, Blake’s sister Brook won last year’s student category and Blake wanted to follow in her footsteps. And that he did! For the first time in contest history, the WRLT had professional photographers enter the professional photography category. A local, landscape photographer and avid fisherman, Nick Price won first place for his photo “East Oxbow II”, showing the world-famous Silver Creek snaking across open space with ominous, spring clouds overhead. New to the Heart of the Valley contest, Chase Milleman won honorable mention for his photo “Frozen Labs” and staff favorite for his photo “Perfect Evening on Silver Creek”. As we move into the tenth year, the Heart of the Valley contest is still inspiring our community to express with photography and prose how they feel about this magical place—a place one can only appreciate when immersed in its glory. All photography entries will be displayed through the end of July at Valley establishments on digital photo frames. To see a copy of the special insert published in the Idaho Mountain Express, please contact Jill at jbrown@woodriverlandtrust.org.
First Place, Student Prose New Beginnings by Remy Ives Home is where the heart is Or at least that is what they all say But to me it is much deeper The thought brightens up my day The town is filled with laughter The streets are lit up with lights There is nothing at all to worry about But what event to go to that night “Color Creek” by Laura Speck, first place adult non-professional
Snow festoons the mountains But clouds don’t shade our view The sun shines in our direction Yet everything is new It is nothing less than extraordinary That tourists come and go But to me it is my safe haven The only place I want to know I may be in paradise And I know I’m blessed That my home is a fairytale Much better than all the rest
“Hummingbirds” by Hannah Conn, first place student
The phrase rings true in this little town Maybe this is where it started Home is where I love to be Home is where my heart is
First Place, Adult Prose Sagebrush by Leslie Thompson
“East Oxbow II” by Nick Price, first place adult professional
Standing firmly, Aging beauty. Giving everything. Expecting nothing. Bent by the wind, Rooted in truth. Unsurpassed habitat. Swallowed by desert. History in the making! 19
Friends of the Hailey Greenway gathered to maintain trails and control invasive species in June
Enjoying the Out-of-Doors WRLT hosted several events during the spring and summer, including a sustainable soils workshop, a Boxcar Bend Preserve workday with the local Trout Unlimited, and other opportunities to connect with nature. We hope you can join us on our outings to see first-hand what you are helping to protect. Check out our events page on our website to see what’s coming up next: www.woodriverlandtrust.org/Events.php.
Mushroom walk at Petit Lake
A visit to Carey Lake, Lava Lake and Fish Creek Reservoir turned up a variety of bird species, including this cinnamon teal ©DJ Muehle 20
More than 130 people attended James Balog’s “Chasing Ice” documentary, shown by ICL and WRLT in May ©James Balog
Thank you to all our donors who contributed to WRLT between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013. Your generosity is helping to leave a lasting legacy of protected lands and healthy watersheds for generations to come.
$100,000 and above
Jeanne and Bill Landreth, The
Doris Tunney
Mary Bachman and
Anonymous (2)
Pepper Walker
Landreth Family Fund
William Downing
Ali Long, The Springcreek
The Woods Foundation,
E&H Humbly Bumbly Foundation
$25,000 - $99,999
Sandra and John Flattery
David and Lyn Anderson
Jim and Alison Luckman
The Cabana Fund at the Oregon
Jon Manetta and
$2,500 - 4,999
Richard Barker
Leslie and George Hume
Community Foundation
Kathryn McQuade
Priscilla and Woody Woods
Nancy and John Goldsmith Family Foundation
John and Elaine French Family
Michael Mars
Tsunami Foundation – Anson and
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Jane Mason
Patsy Huntington and John Gove
Sue and Mort Fuller
James O. Moore
Bonni and Peter Curran,
Lana and Dave Latchford
The Kemmerer Family
Bill and Sally Neukom
Norfolk Southern Foundation
Michael and Esther Ochsman,
James Deering Danielson
Page Foundation
Osberg Family Trust
The Watkins Family
Diana and Steve Strandberg
David Perkins and
Nathan and Violet David
Wodecroft Foundation,
Foundation, Barbara and
Mrs. Roger Drackett, and
Paul Dali
Martine and Dan Drackett
$10,000 - $24,999
The Ochsman Foundation Nancy Mackinnon
Tom and Jill Schriber
Debra Beard, Jr. and Family The PECO Foundation Foundation
S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Ed and Susan Cutter Draper Family Foundation HRH Foundation Sarah Kenan Kennedy # Thrasher Koffey Foundation,
Barbara Thrasher and
Rick Koffey
Marie and Jack Kueneman Rebecca Patton and
Tom Goodrich
Feli Funke-Riehle and Wolf Riehle Sirius Fund Zions First National Bank
$5,000 - $9,999 Mark Benjamin Foundation Richard Carr and Jeanne Meyers The Fremont Group Betty and Peter Gray Patricia Duetting and Dick Hare The Richard K. & Shirley S.
Hemingway Foundation
Balsam Root ©VKBhat 2011 21
$1,000 - $2,499
Sandra La Haye
Anonymous (3)
Jack Latrobe and Laura Clarke
Mitchel and Gwynn August
Bob and Debby Law
Bill and Sara Barrett
Sharon Lee
Trish and Brett Bashaw
The Lehman Foundation, John
Jill and Steve Beck, Freshends
Bentley/Follo Family Fund, an
Georgie Lindquist
Advised Fund of Silicon
Jo and Bill Lowe
Valley Community
Margie and Jon Masterson
The Matthias Foundation
and Barbara Lehman
Victor Bernstein and Gail Landis
McMahon Family Trust
Jill and Richard Blanchard
David Meyers, Meyers Charitable
Lindy and Bill Buchanan
Jay Cassell and Gay Weake
Ed Miller and Terri Stein #
Dan and Micki Chapin #
Bruce and Harriet Newell
Francis Cheney Family
Mike and Jane Nicolais
Foundation, Mary and
George Ohrstrom II
Willy Vanbragt
Jane and Tom Oliver
Family Fund
Gene and Elsie Cheston
George and Joan Parker #
Robert Colman
Connie and Tony Price
Charles Conn and
George and Marleen Puskar #
Robert and Betsy Reniers
Beverley Robertson
Jamie Lee Curtis and
Julie and Alan Richardson
Christopher Guest,
Margot Larsen Ritz, Larsen Fund
The SYZYGY Foundation
Robert and Beth Rohe
Lauren and Alan Dachs
Lois Rosen
Scott Boettger
Beverly and Don Jefferson
Wendy and Jim Daverman
Bill Schliiter and Gloria Kimball #
Brezzo Family Foundation
John* and Ann Leonardo
Pat and Peter Dinkelspiel
Sharon and Bill Shubin
Frederic A. Brossy
George and Ann Macomber
Sally and Cecil Drinkward
Megan and Justin Stevenson
Judy and Fred Brossy
The Makepeace Fund
Linda and Bob Edwards
Susan Swig
Sylvia and Barry Bunshoft
Kiki and Wayne Martin
Farese Family Foundation
Kim Taylor and John Milner
The Case Family
Janet and John McCann
Susan and Jerry Flynt
Judy and Dave Threshie
Candace and Tom Dee
Camille McCray
Maria and Clark Gerhardt
Marjorie and Barry Traub
Jan M. Edelstein and
Hal and Sharon* McNee
John and Claire Griffin #
Annie and Bill Vanderbilt
Nicole and William McNichols
Sue and Dan Guggenheim
Fred and Jill Vogel
Michael and Jayne Flinn
Jackie and Andrew McRoberts
Bobby and Fred Haemisegger
Ted Walczack and Carole Lewis
Janine and Alex Florence
Robert and Rebecca Mitchell
Len and Carol Harlig
Thomas and Nancy Wall #
Ted and Linda Fouts #
Steve and Marylyn Pauley
Paula and George Hauer,
Jean L. Walsh #
Robin and Lee Garwood
Rees Family Fund, Thomas and
Julia and Jeffrey Ward
Diane Parish and Paul Gelburd
Mike and Irene Healy
James and Sally Will
The Malcom Gibbs Foundation
Jo and Bill Reynolds
Heart of Gold Fund in the Idaho
Works of Grace Foundation
Lawrence Goelman and
Jeff Lamoureux and
Gordon M. Younger
Bob and Patience Ziebarth
Gary and Jodi Goodheart
Rognlien Family Fund at the East
Gordon and Sara Granston
George’s at the Cove
Community Foundation
Helios Foundation Benjamin Jacobson
Blue Camas with Butterly ŠMichael Edminster
Bruce M. Reed
Virginia Cirica
Mary Rees
Deb Robertson Bay Community Foundation
Judith Jellinek #
$500 - $999
Fred Gray and Linda Parker
Jodi and Sandy Sanders
Trent and Cecile Jones
Betsy and John Ashton
George and Bev Harad
Russell Satake and
Mark Kieckbusch and
Hilton and Butler Ball Charitable
Jen Steele and Jon Hoekstra
Fund in The Community
Charles and Nancy Hogan
Laura and Michael Shannon
Christina Kirk
Foundation in Jacksonville
Christy and Chuck Holloway #
The Shapiro Family Charitable
Laura Kirk
Ruth and Jacob Bloom
Greg and Wendy Hosman
Kathryn Earhardt
Anita Lusebrink
Vicki and Glen Shapiro
Diana Kapp and David Singer
Myron A. Weiss
Ross Dinkelspiel
Ann and Steve Snyder
Martha and Carleton Keck
John and Sharon Wellsandt
Jonathan and Susan Dolgen
Barbara and Allen Spafford
The King Family: Wade, Heather,
Mason and Jaci Wilkins
Sara and Stephen Steppe
Jeremy Wintersteen
Carey and John Dondero
Elizabeth and John Stevenson
Keli and Luke Klaas
Wood River Women’s
Rick and Anne Dressell
Nan and Larry Stone
Lamb Family Foundation
Charitable Foundation in
Marlene and John Durbin
Louise and Trent Stumph
Jack and Andie Laporte
the Idaho Community
Jamie and Jim Dutcher
Joanie and Tom Swift
Carla and Don Lewis #
Kurt Eggers,
Ted and Penny Thomas
Lost River Outfitters
Richard and Esther Wooley
Princeton Area Community
Robert Lynch
Edward Mathews
$100 - $249
Dr. Lucy Tompkins and
Cynthia and Charles Tillinghast
George and Karen McCown
Anonymous (6)
Marlene and Michael Tom
David and Judy McGee #
Marc Abraham and
Earl and Shirley Feiwell
James P. Warmington, Sr.
Arthur T. McIntosh III
Gerry Morrison and
Charline and Charles McNamee
Barb and Mark Acker
Pamela C. Feld
Jane and Steve Mitchell
Barbara and Chip Angle
James Feldbaum
Lynn Whittelsey
Christie Moore
Jeff and Karin Armstrong
Dick and Georgie Fenton
Beth and Paul Willis
Jim and Joan Moore
Joe and Ann Armstrong
Randi and Fred Filoon
Gary and Lark Young
Daphne Muehle
Marty Arvey
Janie Flammer
Linda and Russ Munson
Anne and Henry Atherton
Ed Forman and Jan Swanberg
$250 - $499
Carmen and Ed Northen
Shari and John Behnke
Robbie and Carole Freund
Bob Ordal
Teresa Bergin, Bergin Properties
Terry Friedlander and
Jack* and Sarah Blumenstein
Kaye and Hugh O’Riordan
Peggy and Jim Berman
Rear Admiral Donald Boecker
Bob Kaplan and Susan Passovoy
Robert and Joan Bernhard,
Peter and Susan Gaasland
Michael and Lyndell Louise Paul
Gail and Dennis Galanter
Michael and Chris Boskin
Flat Top Sheep Company, John,
Gayle and Fred Bieker
Brian and Julie Gallagher
Ran and Chris Bracher, WRWCF
Lorna and Thomas Bigsby
Mary Jane and W.G. Godejohn
Nancy and Pete Buck
Karen R. Pederson
Frances and Edward Blair
Susan and Ronald Green Fund
Terence Creighton
Mike and Corinne Pepper
Kathleen and Hugh Blue
Maureen Groper
Roger and Janet DeBard
W. Jeffers Pickard Fund
Lisa and Paul Bodor
Anthony and Beverly Guichard #
John and Lucy Douglas
Thomas and Michelle Praggastis
Gail Boettger
Bill and Anke Hall
Steven and Elizabeth Durels
Sharon and Nick Purdy
Mike Bordenkircher
Elaine and Gordon Harfst
Scott Featherstone, DDS LLC
Bev and Brent Robinson
Frank and Elizabeth Breen
Harold Todd Harmon and
John and Daralene Finnell
Dianne and Calame Sammons
Gwen and Stan Carlson
Kenneth A. Fox
Larry Schoen and
Page Chapman III
Barbara and David Hart
Seth and Anne Garske
Nancy J. Clark
Joseph Haviv and
Erin and Sean Gatfield
Sandy Shaw
Buzz and Penny Coe
Penny and Ed Glassmeyer
John and Nancy Shepherd
Leonard and Linda Cohen
Hope Hayward and
Mary and Jim Goodyear
Linda Sisson
Penny Copley
Linda and Charlie Goodyear
Judith and Richard Smooke
Mike Cortese
Dr. Tom Henderson
John and Jeane Greene
Chris and Caroline Spain
Steve Crosser
Wayne Herman
Cynnie and Wayne Griffin
Doug and Beth Stagg
Joe Crosson
Alex and Pat Higgins
Ed L. Grubb
Al and Gayle Stevenson
Eric and Kathleen Cutter
John Hill
Ellen Harris
Georgia and Todd Stewart
Dan and Sandy Dahl
Harvey and Margaret Hinman
Paula Healzer
Sergio and Denise Tavares
Ted Dale and Crystal Thurston
Donna and Craig Hintze
Jerry and Colleen Higman
Dookie and Bill Tingue
Elaine Daniel and Jim Bailey
Don and Carol Hohl
David Hill
Reva and William Tooley
Robert and Barbara Dargatz
Ben Holmes and
Steven and Janet Houts
Lois Ukropina
John Davenport Family
Wendy and Jim Jaquet
Sharon and Max Walker
Rick Davis
Max, Sam, Beau, and
Martha and Ross Jennings
Marvin and Judith Weber #
Peggy Dean
Julie Weston
and Gay Scott-Boecker
Jacqueline & Hampton
Diane and Tom Peavey
Rebecca Eichorn
Family Foundation
Eggers Associates, P.A.
Janet and Gregg Falcone
Jane Garnett Abraham
Hycliff Foundation
Dr. Stanley Falkow Philanthropic Fund
Robin Leavitt
Erin Leal
Wendy Moss-Haviv Walter Eisank
Carol Scheifele-Holmes Grace Holmes
Centennial Marsh ŠLarry Barnes
George H. Shapiro
Gloria Carlton #
Nancy and David Sheffner
Dick Carrothers #
Larry Shipley and
John Charney
James A. Charnholm #
Nancy Williams
Charles and Barbara Smith
Chad Chorney #
Don Smith
Marty and Don Coats
Bill and Annette Smith
Carol Comtaruk #
Charles and Barbara Snow
Keith Cornick #
Barbara and David Speer
Lila and Jack Corrock
Helen Stone and Ben Schepps
Jerry A. Costacos
Martial Thirsk
Jill L. Davis
Gloria Thrasher
Kurt E. Eichstaedt
Bruce Tidwell and Char Roth
Suzie and Jack Finney
Bill and Joanne Travers
Joan B. Firman
Dick and Pamela Tucker
Jeanne Flowers
Robert Brian Ullmann
Joyce Fogg
Lois M. Hughes #
John Maine and Kim Baltzell
Ada Van Dooren
Jeff Ford and Denise Jackson Ford
Anne Jeffery and Jack Sept
The Markham Family: Greg, Susu,
Robert and Mary Van Fossan
Dr. Karsten Fostvedt, St. Francis
Alfred and Janice Johnson
George Wade
Sarah Michael and Bob Jonas
Joselin Matkins
Richard and Kelly Wathne
Cecelia Freilich
Mary and Jim Jones
Murray and Mary Sue McClain
Maysie and Wallace Watts #
Margery and Woody Friedlander
Joan and Richard Katz Family
William T. McConnell
Timothy G. Watts #
Ralph Fullerton and
Ryan, & Paige #
Pet Clinic
Wilson and Lisa McElhinny
Steven T. Wayne #
David Kaye and Judith Teller Kaye
Anthony J. McEwan
Judith and Tommy Wells
D.K. and Louise Gallagher
Chris and Don Keirn
McGraw-Hill Companies #
Jon and Sophie Wilkes,
Chris and Pam Gammon #
Sandy Kelly #
Jim and Willa McLaughlin
Chris and Robert Gertschen
Donna Kelsey
Mike and Sally Merz
Kate Giese Wofford and
Jim Keller and Susan Giannettino
Trish Klahr and Lee Melly
Chris Meyer #
Mike and Ann Giese
David and Marian Knutson
Edie Middleton
Richard and Rebecca Worst
Anne and Charles Gifford
Robert and Susie Kopf
Jeannette and Charles Miller
James K. Worthy
Bob and Debbie Gilbert
Ken and Ginna Lagergren
Steve Mitchell and Louisa Moats #
Charles Young
Dan Gilmore
Inge-Lise and John Lane
Sally and John Morbeck
Cheryl and Peter Ziegler
Betty Grant #
Frank Halverson and
Darlene Norton
Peter and Barrie O’Neill
$1 - 99
Pam Hammond
Michael and Stephanie Lempres
David and Lindsay Ormsby
Anonymous (2)
Judy and David Harrison
Kathie Levison
Louis and Beverly Pavlovich
Marcus and Sandra Abadie #
John and Margund Haskell
Carol and Greg Lindstrom
Keith and Paula Perry
Thomas and Jane Acomb
Francie and Mike Hawkey
Beatrice Longley
Kristy Pigeon and John Prudden
Bruce and Janet Augustus
Gerry and Barb Helling #
Robert Lonning and
Phil and Ann Puchner
Larry Barnes
John and Wendy Henning
Leigh and Louise Rabel
Lary Barney and Carla Barney #
David Hertel
Kathryn Lopez
Kathy and David Richmond
Jane Beattie
Shirley Hobbs #
Patti Lousen and Tom Bowman
Katherine and Buffalo Rixon
Regan Berkley and Ed Papenberg
Alan L. Hoffman #
Marta and Ignacio Lozano
Patricia and Donn Roberts
Carl and Gloria Bianchi
Mary Hogan and Dennis Botkin
Elise B. Lufkin
Cheryl and Vern Rollin
Carol Blackburn
Paul Hoyer and Val Stack #
Elise G.B. Lufkin
Robert and Mary Jean Romano
Alice and Bill Boden
Susanne F. Hubbach
John W. Lundin
Kate and Bob Rosso
Rudy and Susan Boesch
Klaus Huschke
Jack MacPherson
Lee D. Rowe, MD
Dick and Bobbie Boyer
Oliver and Sydney Iversen
Jory G. Magidson and
Phyliss and Leonard Schlessinger
Steve Butler
Darold W. Jackson
Caren Frankel
Dr. and Mrs. James Schultz
David Caldwell
Lia Johnson
Sandra and Peter Maier
Natalie and James Service
Steve Carlisle and Kim Mazik
Harriet and Stan Joseph
Marcia Lee Kent
Elizabeth Jeffrey
Branching Out Nursery Jeb Wofford
Myra Friedman
Kathy Grotto
Stanford Joseph
Dr. and Mrs. Don Rau
John and Janice Welsh
Your honorary and
Jean and John Kearney
John Sweek and Bege Reynolds
Ronald and Ann Whyte
memorial gifts to WRLT
Dave Keir and Gadrie Edmunds
Karla and Alain Rinckwald
Melisa and Jeff Williams
create a lasting tribute
Dillion Klepetar #
Mary Ann and Lyle Rivera
Nancy Winton
to friends and loved ones
Robert and Glenda Lask #
Paul Rogers #
Renny Wood
by helping protect the
Jordan Lea
Michael and Juli Roos
Jean F. Woods #
beauty and character of
Thomas and Jeanne Liston
Diana and Allen Russell
* deceased
the Wood River Valley
Karen Little
Lyle and Gloriana Saylor
# new donor
Marty and Mila Lyon
Lou Schoonover #
Carol and John Matkins
Lester and Bonnie Schwartz
Gifts In Honor Of
Mark Mayer and
Jim and Danna Smith #
Mark Caywood
Joan and Hal Anawalt
The Smith Family
Andrew Mayo and
Trey Spaulding
Josh Fields
Richard Carr
Linda Drake and David Stansfield
KB’s Burritos
Ed Cutter
Angenie McCleary and
Judy Stoltzfus
Ketchum on the Fly
Leslie Howa
Marcie and Dave Stone #
Rob King, Clemens
Trent Jones
Jerry and Sheila Mells
Paul and Betsy Sunich
Clay Kirk
Ron and Joan Mendelsohn
Genie and John Swyers
Lost River Outfitters
Jack Kueneman
Nancy and John Mohr
Doug and Ann Taylor
Mahoney’s Bar & Grill
Marie Kueneman
Katherine and Craig Nalen
John and Nancy Thomas
Muleshoe Tavern
Ralph Ochsman
Bruce Norvell
Madgelene and Jerry Thomas #
Erik Nielsen
Kristy Pigeon
Nancy and Jim Osborn
United Way of Northern Utah
The Trook Family
Janet and Harald Oyen
Robert Vestal and Jyl Hoyt
Starbucks Coffee
Barbara Thrasher
Nick Parish and Sandra Bowman
Joel and Jeanne Vilinsky #
Sturtevants Mountain Outfitters
Mallory and Diana Walker
Roxanna and Mark Parker
Patricia Waeghe #
James Perkins
Liz and Wick Warrick
Zane Wenglikowski
Gifts In Memory Of
Mark, Sue and Sean Petersen
Steve and Nancy Wasilewski
Gunner Whitehead
Doug Boettger
Calysta and Matt Phillips #
Parker and Liza Weekes
Frances K. Brossy
Peter Pressley
Nathan Welch
Nancy and John Goldsmith
Melinda Nichols Mayer Christina Gearin Peter Webb
Associates, Inc.
Edith Beatrice Moore Frank Moore Bob Mickelson Blanton McGee Mr. William G. Tennille III Tully Bruce Alan Weber
Sheep Bridge Preserve ©Michael Edminster 25
helping promote water
conservation, pesticide
WRLT is fortunate
Student Conservation
Burbank Design
reduction and native
to have dedicated
Advisory Council
Tim East
plant use.
volunteers who lend their
Larry Barnes
Troy England
expertise, leadership and
Bags Brokaw
Pat Etheridge
Trout Friendly Lawn
time, playing an essential
Ann Christensen
Deb Gelet
role in the protection and
Robin Garwood
Galena Engineering, Inc.
restoration of our natural
Erika Greenberg
Caitlin Hartley
Big Chief Organics
Eleanor Jewett
Hemingway Chapter of Trout
The following businesses and organizations support our Trout Friendly Lawn program. Their partnership is key,
Big Wood Landscape
Scott Runkel
Blaine County Recreation
2012 Board of Directors
Scott Schnebly, Lost River
Leslie Howa, Designer of the
Trent Jones, President
Bow Bridge
Blaine Soil Conservation District
David Anderson, Vice President
Branching Out Nusery
John French, Treasurer
Student Conservation
Mike Howard
City of Ketchum Parks Dept.
Robin Garwood, Secretary
Linda Johnston
Clearwater Landscaping
Richard Carr
Lane Coulthard
K&M Construction, Inc.
Conservation Seeding &
Ed Cutter
Alex Harten
Jim Keating
Restoration, Inc.
Kim Howard
Rick Davis
Chase Hutchinson
Dave Kier
Eggers Associates, P.A.
John Flattery
Timbur Kelly
Jeanne Liston
Engelmann, Inc.
Heather King
Megan Murphy
Frances MacDonald
Evergreen Landscaping
Jack Kueneman
Marcia Smith
Chad Matteson
Hemingway Chapter Trout
Jane Mason
Mariah Stout
Paige McAllister
Elizabeth Mitchell
Callie Weber
Liz Mitchell
Idaho Rivers United
Rebecca Patton
Native Landscapes
Wolf Riehle
Special Thanks
Rachael Pace
Organic Solutions
John Fell Stevenson
Joy Allen
Cameron Packer
Sawtooth Botanical Garden
Megan Stevenson
Alpine Landscaping
Jim Paisley
Webb Landscape, Inc.
Steven Strandberg
Alpine Tree Service
Rocky Mountain Hardware
Whitehead’s Landscaping, Inc.
Barbara Thrasher
Janet Barton
Stephy Smith
Kelly Baxandall
Dan Smith
Advisory Committee
Carol Blackburn
Laura Speck
Fred Brossy
Florence Blanchard
Mary Speck
Ranney Draper
Tom Blanchard
Vieve Stoesz
Lawrence Schoen
Blue Canyon Corporation
Taylor Made Woodworks
John Seiller
Rudy Boesch
Rosalie Tornello
Tom Swift
Bouiss and Associates
Mike Treshow
Bruce Tidwell
Cynthia Carr
Western Wood Structures, Inc.
Liz Warrick
The City of Hailey
Whitehead’s Landscaping, Inc.
Jeni Cook
Sophie Wilkes
Steve Crosser
Crystal Wold
Karrin McCall
Hadley DeBree
HOV Professional Staff Favorite ©Chase Milleman 26
Stock Gifts Make “CENTS”
This newsletter is published by Wood River Land Trust
With the end of the year quickly approaching, a gift of stock to Wood River Land Trust might be a tax-wise contribution. If you have appreciated stocks, it is simple to make a gift that can have favorable tax benefits. For example, a donor who gives a gift of common stock, held longer than one year, can avoid capital gains taxation on the transfer so the full value of the contribution goes to the Land Trust. The donor is able to take a charitable deduction using the full value of the gift and can claim up to 30 percent of adjusted gross income (AGI) in the year the gift is made, with up to five years to absorb the full deduction under the AGI ceiling. Your broker can help you make the transfer, but if you have any questions, be sure to contact us. Below are the instructions to share with him about making a gift of stock to Wood River Land Trust:
119 E. Bullion Street
1. Contact your stockbroker.
Editors: Deb Gelet, Daphne Muehle
Your stockbroker can make a direct electronic transfer of your stock certificates to WRLT’s account with the following information: ClearRock Capital / Charles Schwab: DTC #0164 Code 40 Account Registration: Wood River Land Trust Account Number: 7811-0294 Charles Schwab Contact for Contra/DTC Hotline: 602-355-9003 Clear Rock Capital Contact: 877-726-8858
2. Give your stockbroker Wood River Land Trust’s taxpayer identification number: 82-0474191
Hailey, ID 83333 Tel: 208-788-3947 Fax: 208-788-5991 www.woodriverlandtrust.org WRLT is a public benefit Idaho company and is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to WRLT are t ax-deductible as allowed by law. Public financial information is available on our website or by contacting our office.
Writers: WRLT staff Designed by Penfield Stroh Printed by Northwest Printing
3. Notify WRLT of the transfer so that we can properly credit you, as your name will not be with the wire of securities: Daphne Muehle, Director of Development, 208-788-3947 or dmuehle@woodriverlandtrust.org. Please provide WRLT with the following information: • Name of the security; • Number of shares to be donated; and • Name and phone number of your stockbroker.
Cover photo: Wild Sunflowers
©Michael Edminster
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Trent Jones, President David Anderson, Vice-President John French, Treasurer Robin Garwood, Secretary Richard Carr Ed Cutter Rick Davis John Flattery Jack Kueneman Jane Mason Rebecca Patton Wolf Riehle Megan Stevenson Steve Strandberg Barbara Thrasher STAFF Scott Boettger, Executive Director Jill Brown, Development Assistant Patti Lousen, Project Coordinator Daphne Muehle, Director of
Trey Spaulding, Director of Operations Chad Stoesz, Stewardship Coordinator Keri York, Senior Conservation
Wood River Land Trust protects and restores land, water, and wildlife habitat in the Wood River Valley and its surrounding areas. We work cooperatively with private landowners and local communities to ensure these areas are protected now and for future generations.
119 East Bullion Street Hailey, Idaho 83333 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
ŠMichael Edminster