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Wood River Land Trust Winter 2014

Protecting the heart of the valley...now and for the future. 1

What We Do Today Will Determine Our Future A Message from Scott Boettger, Executive Director

Cobb Mountain Š Wolf Riehle


THIS SUMMER I had the opportunity to climb Cobb Peak, located in the Pioneer Mountains of central Idaho, with long-time donor and current Board Member Wolf Riehle. We could see for hundreds of miles that day. And, as we look back over the past 20 years, now is the time to also look forward. Although there are challenges to be faced and issues to tackle, the future is bright—especially with you by our side. In this last issue of the year celebrating our 20-year anniversary, we concentrate on what the future holds for Wood River Land Trust and our Valley. We celebrate the success of Pioneers Alliance and use it as an example of how hard work and public and private partnerships will help us move forward to protect the iconic places here in our Valley and surrounding areas. Collaborations will also play an important role as we tackle serious future issues dealing with water conservation and management through our recently launched Home Rivers Initiative with Trout Unlimited. The overuse of water and lack of precipitation has reduced our aquifer to levels that dried up wells, denuded wetlands and Although we tackle serious and ominous issues at times, I know our future is in good hands. Our Student Conservation Council, led by seven talented, thoughtful and toration project. On page 8, you can read about their partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and community volunteers to re-plant more than 1,500 native species near the trailhead at Greenhorn Gulch. We are proud of their commitment to spread the word of the importance of conservation and stewardship of our lands to their peers and our community. Look for an announcement of their next project soon, which is sure to impress us as much as this one has. As we end this year, I hope you think about the future of your partnership with the Land Trust. We are deeply grateful for your support and dedication to the protection of open space. And, I hope you will seriously consider what a planned gift could do to help the Land Trust’s future. In September, we celebrated our planned same time, we also recognized our long-time donors—donors who have given for 10 years or more. We have more than 300 faithful individuals in this category; individuals who have helped make this organization such a success. Our future is in your hands. I look forward to continuing to work with each of you on saving the special places we hold close to our heart—places where our children


Pioneers Alliance A Big Vision for a Vast Landscape

THIS YEAR, Wood River Land Trust and its Pioneers Alliance partners—a collaboration of conservation groups, public agencies, towns and landowners— received distinguished recognition for exemplary ! " U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary’s Honor Awards, the Pioneers Alliance has been acknowledged for building public-private partnerships to protect nearly 80,000 acres of working ranches and core sage-grouse habitat in the Pioneer Mountains, Craters of the Moon region. We are thrilled to receive this honor along with our partners, without whom our big vision of a vast, protected landscape would not be possible. The Pioneer Mountains-Craters of the Moon region has a rich history and culture. Originally inhabited by the Shoshone and Bannock people, the area was settled in waves by pioneers, miners, sheep

ranchers and farmers beginning in the 1870s. You # $ % ! (a spur of the Oregon Trail) in this area. Settlers used % ! " " south along the Snake River. The Pioneers-Craters landscape ranges from " porting a wide-array of wildlife and habitat. Today, this area supports a mix of uses including a recreation-based economy, productive alfalfa and malt barley farms, extensive cattle ranches and one of the most intact, long-distance sheep ranching cultures in the West. Long-time residents and visitors marvel at the primitive and unspoiled nature of the Pioneer-

Craters of the Moon’s Black Butte Volcano taken from Timbered Dome. ŠTrey Spaulding



% & " ' " ! place home, like many of us, were hit hard by the latest economic downturn. In 2007, common interests brought concerned citizens, partners and local ranchers together in hopes of developing a plan to safeguard the lands and waters of the Pioneer-Craters region—a landscape of approximately 2.4 million acres, roughly the size of Delaware and Rhode Island combined. The Pioneers Alliance continues to grow out of these common interests, and today consists of conservation organizations, federal and state agencies, community members and landowners. “The Pioneers Alliance—and particularly my partnership with Wood River Land Trust—has enabled my family to expand our ranching operation while protecting the land forever,� said Monte McConnell, who now owns Timbered Dome, a Land Trust protected property, and has helped reach out to other families in the area on behalf of conservation. “The region is knit together by public and private lands. Being able to work collaboratively through the Alliance, taking a regional view of stew " * sustainability of the land and the sustenance we get from it.� In the last seven years, Pioneers Alliance has protected nearly 80,000 acres. One of the Alliance’s most " open space is the shared vision and sense of community created through the partnership. This landscape supports numerous wildlife species, including elk, mule deer, pronghorn, wolves, sage grouse, and migratory bird species. In particular, one of the longest documented pronghorn migration corridors occurs through the Pioneer-Craters region. From 2008-2010, pronghorn migration studies were 4

funded through the Pioneers Alliance and other partners. Sage grouse also call this place home. The area contains core sage-grouse habitat and numerous leks (breeding grounds). In order to increase our knowledge about the bird’s habitat and breeding patterns, the Pioneers Alliance has funded sage-grouse lek surveys for the past four years. The people and wildlife living here depend upon the natural resources for their livelihood and their health. Through the Alliance we are leaving a legacy by: • Securing more than $17,500,000 in federal grants for conservation and leveraging your private contributions; • Advancing community development projects with a focus on the City of Carey and the rural southern portion of the region; • Hosting public educational meetings about Sage-Grouse Initiative funds, Grasslands Reserve Program assistance, hunting regula " ments; • Connecting people to the lands through hik ' / • Conducting science and research, including documenting pronghorn and mule deer migration routes and sage grouse leks; and • Leading efforts to defeat proposed regional transmission lines through local communities and along critical wildlife migration corridors. Eighty thousand acres of protected open space is no small feat, and there is still much to be done. We recognize that many of the values we cherish most about the region—working ranches, locally grown food, clean air and water, abundant migratory wildlife, backcountry hunting and recreation, spectacular vistas—require an unspoiled landscape. Our vision is " vationists, to manage and safeguard the millions of acres in the Pioneers-Craters region. The Pioneers Alliance is about protecting these values for you, your family, the community and future generations. Pronghorn sport impressive, backward-curving horns, which then split to form forward-pointing prongs that give the species its name. Š ElementalImaging


John Peavey, owner of Flat Top Sheep Company which was

Rancher Ray Baird, who is 90 years old and has been

established in 1925, guides a ďŹ eld tour in the Pioneers.

ranching his entire life, surveys Little Fish Creek.

Pioneers Alliance Partners Partners include area residents, Bureau of Land Management, The Conserva 6 & Economics, Idaho Department of Lands, Idaho Conservation League, Idaho Fish and Game, Lava Lake Institute for Science and Conservation, local ranchers and farmers, National Park Service, The Nature Conservancy, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Wood River Land Trust, U.S. Forest Service, Carey Economic Revitalization Group and Trout Unlimited. 5


First Snow ŠCody Haskell

Leaving a Lasting Legacy Planned Giving Guarantees Gifts for Our Future ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, Wood River Land Trust invited Legacy Society donors and donors of 10 years or more to join us for a garden party. We celebrated their long-term commitment to our organization and to conservation. The evening was perfect and our gardens beautiful; it was the ideal place to honor the dedication of these 250 individuals. Legacy Society donors are those who include Wood River Land Trust in their estate plans. Planned gifts, such as bequests or charitable trusts, can be an advantageous way to provide for future conservation. You can take care of you and your family while giving future generations the gift of protected landscapes through Wood River Land Trust. 6

9 < • Provide for you and your loved ones; • Receive charitable income and/or gift or estate tax deductions; and • Leave a legacy of wide-open lands and free " > do today.

If you include Wood River Land Trust in your estate plans, we would like to show our appreciation by recognizing you as a member of our Legacy Society. Please contact Daphne Muehle, Director of Development for more information: dmuehle@ woodriverlandtrust.org or 208-788-3947.


Images clockwise from top: Scott Boettger thanks Legacy Society members and long-term donors at the WRLT’s office in the historic Fox building.; Wolf Riehle (right), a WRLT Board Member, and his wife Feli Funke-Riehle; Long-term supporters and planned-gift donors Cindy Lambert (left) and King Lambert (seated), chat with long-time donor Marie Kueneman. (all Party images ŠDJMuehle)

Types of Planned Gifts Choosing the right planned gift depends on your 9 lowing are types of gifts WRLT accepts; for more information, please contact us or your estate planning attorney. J BEQUESTS AND ESTATE PLAN GIFTS Include Wood River Land Trust in your will or liv K 9 ment plan, such as a 401K or life insurance policy. The amount left to the WRLT can be expressed as a dollar amount or as a percentage of the assets to be given. We can provide suggested language to include in your plans. LIFE INCOME GIFTS A life income gift allows you to give assets to Wood River Land Trust while providing yourself or others with income for a period of time before the assets turn over to WRLT. You may make a life income gift by transferring securities, cash or other property, which WRLT or a trustee then manages and pays X There are several types of life income gifts available, such as a Charitable Remainder Uni-Trust in which variable annual payments for life or a term of

years is paid out while the remainder goes to WRLT for conservation purposes. Charitable Remainder 9 Z amounts are paid for a set term with the remainder passing to WRLT, and Charitable Lead Trusts(CLT), which basically reverses who receives the income and who receives the asset. In a CLT, the charity receives income during the lifetime of the donor and the heirs receive the remainder in the trust. GIFTS OF REAL ESTATE Making a gift of real estate to Wood River Land Trust can reduce your taxes, ease the demands of owning property and even provide you with lifetime income. We accept the two following types of real estate gifts, both of which support our work to protect the natural lands in the Wood River Valley and surrounding area: conservation lands; and properties intended for sale, such as homes or investment properties. Making an outright gift, providing for a remainder interest or establishing a retained life estate are all ways of providing future resources for conservation. number: 82-0474191 7


Student Conservation Council in Action SCC Members describing to volunteers how to plant sagebrush seedlings. ©DJMuehle

Group Leads Greenhorn Gulch Fire-Restoration Project WOOD RIVER LAND TRUST’S STUDENT CONSERVATION COUNCIL (SCC) recently com-

SCC founding member Alex Harten (left) and

pleted a two-day restoration effort, planting 1,500 bitterbrush and sagebrush seedlings on 20 acres of public lands at Greenhorn Gulch and seeding an additional five acres.

other Community School students collected sagebrush seed last fall to use for fire restoration

This project, Students for Seedlings, required months of planning and coordination with many partners and volunteers. Beginning in March, SCC members reached out to the U.S. Forest Service to offer assistance in restoring lands affected by the Beaver Creek fire. They raised more than $5,100 to purchase native seedlings and seed and then organized 110 students from five schools to help with the planting on Friday, October 17. The next day, October 18, the students recruited more than 35 community volunteers to join in the rehabilitation effort.

efforts. ©DJMuehle

Re-planting with native species helps to decrease erosion and run-off from mudslides, fight invasive weeds and increase forage and shelter for wildlife. SCC member, Callie Weber commented, “Ever since the fire last year, we have been looking for a way to help repair the damage…we’ve worked really hard and are really excited to make a difference in our community.” Sagebrush planting volunteers sprinkle a Greenhorn Gulch hillside. ©DJMuehle

Kindergarteners listen intently while receiving instructions on how to help plant sagebrush seedlings.

The SCC program is designed as a way of reaching the next generation of conservationists. We hope that their experience with Wood River Land Trust—learning about river restoration, land conservation, nonprofit governance—will stay with them for a lifetime. After all, it will be their responsibility to pass along the gift of protected landscapes to those who follow them.


Thank you to the many helping hands, the SCC Advisory Committee and the U.S. Forest Service for making Students for Seedlings such a success.



Wetter Springs, Longer Summers? Watching the Future of our Climate MARK YOUR CALENDARS for an upcoming water seminar on March 6, 2015 to discuss results from a study on climate change that looks at our region, stretching from Galena to the Snake River. John Stevenson, an Oregon State University (OSU) Regional Climate Extension Specialist, will present findings from a two year climate modeling project with stakeholders throughout the basin to understand how changes in future climate could affect seasonal and long-term water supplies. Stevenson works out of OSU’s Pacific Northwest Climate Impacts Research Consortium (CIRC). The project was funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to provide water users, policy makers, resource managers, farmers and others with the best available science in making decisions for future planning. The 3,200 square mile study area explores the interactions between land use practices, population growth and water resources in the larger Big Wood Basin and assesses how these may change due to human and natural influences. Illustrating results from multiple climate modeling programs (with a 50-year projection timeline), Stevenson will discuss the projected changes in temperature, precipitation, and snow fall distribution. He will also discuss how the CIRC research team also worked with water users in the basin to model

alternative management scenarios for the future by placing differing priorities on water conservation, infrastructure investments, and land use change. The Land Trust asks these questions and more as we look at how we manage our properties, work with landowners, advocate for resource conservation and steward your investment in land and water protection for future generations. Overall, the adaptations we make to a changing climate will be factors that give us future choices. Will cities be ready for larger spring run-offs? What are the effects to our winter and summer tourism economy? Are crop changes to more drought tolerant species part of the answer? How will our aquifer be affected by changes in water run-off and precipitation changes? What’s the best way to advocate for the protection of fish, wildlife and our valuable water resources while providing for human use as well? Will our traditional native ecosystems change with the appearance of different plant and animal species? Our area is incredibly fortunate to have been selected for this study, allowing us to ponder these results and ask more questions of the research that may help us as responsible stewards of our environment. We encourage you to come to the seminar and stay abreast of water and climate changes. Watch our website and email blasts for more information about March 6, 2015. 9


Leveraging Every Gift A 20-year Financial Snapshot WHEN YOU DONATE* to Wood River Land Trust, you can rest assured that we are conscientious about how ^ _ ! ' for ways to leverage your gifts with other grants and public-agency funding, knowing that we cannot protect every worthwhile conservation property with private funding alone. We are also fortunate to receive bargain-sale prices and property donations, further stretching each dollar we receive. Over the past 20 years WRLT has raised more than $15,000,000 from you, other individuals, and private foundations. We leveraged these funds to protect and restore more than $58,000,000 in land, water, wildlife habitat and community projects. This means that for every dollar you contributed, we almost quadrupled your donation. ` ! " of the Valley, we value your partnership and help to leave a lasting legacy of protected landscapes.


Rock Creek Ranch ŠJohn Finnell


* projects valued at cost, and easements and preserves at assessed value


Wood River Land Trust supporters who give more than $1,000 per year are members of the Big Wood Society. As a Big Wood donor, these generous individuals provide more than 82% of our yearly funds.

Painterly Rise, detail ©Nick Price


Thank you to all of our donors who contributed to WRLT between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014. Your generosity is helping to leave a lasting legacy of protected lands and healthy watersheds for future generations.

$25,000 or more

Ali Long +



Anonymous (2) +

Jane Mason +

Bentley/Follo Family Fund +

Richard Barker +

David and Lyn Anderson +

James O. Moore +

The Cabana Fund of the Oregon

Boswell Family Foundation, Bar-

Building Material Thrift Store +

Bill and Sally Neukom +

John and Elaine French Family

The Ochsman Foundation,

Foundation + Sue and Mort Fuller + Diana and Steve Strandberg +

Michael and Esther Ochsman + Rebecca Patton and Tom Goodrich + Feli Funke-Riehle and Wolf Riehle +

$10,000–$24,999 S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation

Silicon Valley Community Foundation

Community Foundation Draper Family Foundation +

bara Boswell, Lorraine Wilcox and Risa Williams #

Patricia Duetting and Dick Hare +

Peter and Bonni* Curran,

E&H Humbly Bumbly Foundation +

Peco Foundation +

The Fremont Foundation

Farese Family Foundation

Nancy and John Goldsmith Family

Sandra and John Flattery +

Foundation Sam and Peggy Grossman Family Foundation

John Gove and Patsy Huntington + Betty and Peter Gray + Richard Hartnack #

Ed and Susan Cutter +

Sirius Fund +

Land Trust Alliance

Leslie and George Hume +

Richard K. & Shirley S.

Thrasher Koffey Foundation,

Hemingway Foundation + HRH Foundation Marie and Jack Kueneman + Jeanne and Bill Landreth, The Landreth Family Fund +

Jim and Alison Luckman +

Roy A. Hunt Foundation +

Barbara Thrasher and

Jon Manetta and Kathryn McQuade

Idaho Community Foundation

Rick Koffey +

Michael Mars +

Trent and Cecile Jones +

Jeanne Meyers and Richard Carr

Lana and Dave Latchford +

George Ohrstrom II +

Mike and Jane Nicolais +

Tom and Jill Schriber

Bruce Norvell

SYZYGY Foundation,

Jane and Tom Oliver

Zions First National Bank

Jamie Lee Curtis

Page Foundation

and Christopher Guest

Judith and Richard Smooke +

The Tunney Foundation,

Susan Swig

Dr. Doris Tunney

Taylor and Mark Ullman #

and Craig Delagardelle +

Fred and Jill Vogel +

Pepper Walker +

Wood River Foundation

Wodecroft Foundation, Martine and Dan Drackett + The Woods Foundation, Ward and Priscilla Woods +

Board members Jane Mason, Jack Kueneman and Board Secretary Ed Cutter ©DJMuehle



$1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous (3)

and Kathryn Earhart

Lesley Andrus #

Margot Larsen Ritz, Larsen Fund

James and Caroline Barnes #

Jack Latrobe and Laura Clarke +

Bill and Sara Barrett +

Bob and Debby Law +

Jill and Steve Beck, Freshends +

Sharon Lee

Frederic A. Brossy

The Lehman Foundation,

Robert B. Buck Jay Cassell and Gay Weake +

John and Barbara Lehman Kathie Levison +

Dan and Micki Chapin

Jo and Bill Lowe +

Frances Cheney Family

Margie and Jon Masterson +

Bruce Tidwell, founding WRLT board member, advisory committee member, and founder/general manager of Building Material Thrift Store


The Matthias Foundation +

$500 - $999

Jon Hoekstra and Jen Steele

Mary and Willy Vanbragt +

George and Karen McCown +

Anonymous (1)

Christy and Chuck Holloway

Gene and Elsie Cheston +

McMahon Family Trust

Betsy and John Ashton

Greg and Wendy Hosman +

Courtney Cline #

Jackie and Andrew McRoberts +

Mitch and Gwynn August

Mike and Mary Howard,

Robert S. Colman +

Ed Miller

Blaine County

Charles Conn +

John Milner and Kim Taylor +

Jill and Richard Blanchard

Wendy and Jim Jaquet +

Lauren and Alan Dachs +

Bruce and Harriet Newell

Ruth and Jacob Bloom

Mark Jones #

Wendy and Jim Daverman +

Nicholas and Stephanie Osborne

Gail Boettger

Mary and Jim Jones +

Dick and Maryanne Davis #

Andrea Pierceall and Terry O’Reilly

Brezzo Family Foundation +

Kathy and Gerald Kavka +

Pat and Peter Dinkelspiel +

Connie and Tony Price

Judy and Fred Brossy +

Martha and Carleton Keck

Cecil and Sally Drinkward +

Robert and Betsy Reniers +

Jack and Elizabeth Bunce

The Lamoureux Family

Linda and Bob Edwards +

Julie and Al Richardson +

Sylvia and Barry Bunshoft +

John Peter Lee #

Evans Family Fund

Bill Schliiter and Gloria Kimball

Stoney Burke +

Stephanie and Mike Lempres +

Frank and Claudia Fiaschetti +

John A. Seiller +

Teresa and Malcolm Campbell +

Kiki and Wayne Martin

Happy Fitzgerald

Vicki and Glen Shapiro

The Case Family

Ken and Mollie McCain +

Susan and Jerry Flynt +

Sharon and Bill Shubin

Dale and Peter Coxe

Janet and John McCann +

Jeffrey and Jana Foushee

Megan and Justin Stevenson

Terence Creighton

David Meyers, Meyers Charitable

Ted and Linda Fouts

Frann and Carl Stremmel +

Candace and Tom Dee +

Cricket and Tony Frank

Judy and Dave Threshie

Steven and Elizabeth Durels

Ambrose and Lili Monell

Maria and Clark Gerhardt +

Cynthia and Charles Tillinghast +

Alex and Janine Florence

Carmen and Ed Northen

The Malcom Gibbs Foundation +

Marjorie and Barry Traub +

Robin and Lee Garwood +

Bev and Rob O’Neill

Deana and Morley Golden +

Rusty and Mary Lynn Turner

Paul Gelburd and Diane Parish +

Kaye and Hugh O’Riordan +

Rita and George Golleher +

Annie and Bill Vanderbilt +

Lawrence Goelman

The Perlman Family Foundation

Sue and Dan Guggenheim +

Vista Foundation #

Carol and Len Harlig +

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Wall IV

Gary and Jodi Goodheart

Rod Harten and Andrea Nelson +

Julia and Jeffrey Ward

James and Mary Goodyear

Jo and Bill Reynolds

Paula and George Hauer,

The Watkins Family

Gordon and Sara Granston

Nancy and Rich Robbins +

and Virginia Cirica

Inn at Tres Pinos

Family Fund +

Sharon and Nick Purdy, Picabo Livestock Co. +

Jane P. Watkins #

Fred Gray and Linda Parker +

Bob and Beth Rohe +

Michael Healy and Irene Healy +

James and Sally Will

John and Jeane Greene +

Lois Rosen +

Ben Jacobson and Claudia Suan +

Wood River Foundation

Bobby and Fred Haemisegger

Russell Satake and Anita Lusebrink +

Beverly and Don Jefferson

David and Sarah Woodward

Barbara and Tod Hamachek

Timothy Semones and Susan Desko +

Judith Jellinek

Buzz and Ann* Woolley +

George and Bev Harad

Laura and Michael Shannon +

Kemp, Jones, & Coulthard, LLP #

Gary and Lark Young

Ellen Harris +

Shirley and Ralph Shapiro

Kerr Pacific Corp.

Bob and Patience Ziebarth

Jerry and Colleen Higman

Frank Shrontz +

George’s at the Cove +


Mark Kieckbusch


Matthew Smith

Chris Bracher, Wood River Women’s

Oliver and Sydney Iversen

Ann and Steve Snyder

Charitable Foundation Fund at

Ken and Judi Keltner #

Elizabeth and John Stevenson +

the Idaho Community Foundation

Bob and Susie Kopf +

Louise and Trent Stumph

Elizabeth and Frank Breen +

Thomas Fund of the Princeton Area

Nancy and Pete Buck

The Lamb Family Foundation, Joan and Julianna Lamb +

Duane Reed and Suzanne Strom-Reed + Thomas and Mary Rees, Rees Family Fund + Patricia and Donn Roberts +

Community Foundation,

Clearwater Landscaping

Jack and Andie Laporte

Bev and Brent Robinson

Ted and Penny Thomas +

Joe Crosson +

Don and Carla Lewis

Rocky Mountain Hardware

Marlene and Michael Tom +

Dan and Sandy Dahl +

Carol and Greg Lindstrom +

Lee D. Rowe, M.D.

Lois Ukropina

Rick Davis

Marta and Ignacio Lozano +

Sandy Shaw

Kathryn Urban #

DeBard Johnson Foundation,

John W. Lundin +

John and Nancy Shepherd +

Ursin-Smith Family #

Janet and Roger DeBard

Robert Lynch +

Linda Sisson

James Vaughn #

Michael E. Dederer

George and Ann Macomber +

Chris and Caroline Spain

James and Victoria Warmington +

John and Lucy Douglas

Edward E. Mathews +

Doug and Beth Stagg +

Lynn Whittelsey

Rick, Anne and Chelsea Dressell

Arthur T. McIntosh III

Al and Gayle Stevenson

Beth and Paul Willis

Buck Drew +

Charline and Charles McNamee

Georgia and Todd Stewart +

William and Joan Feldman

Mike Mead and Jan Lassetter Mead

Tom and Joan Swift +

Chuck and Nancy Ferries +

Jane and Steve Mitchell

Martial Thirsk

$250 - $499

Frank and Claudia Fiaschetti +

Christie and Ed Moore

Dookie and Bill Tingue +

Anonymous (4) ++

John and Daralene Finnell +

Jim and Joan Moore +

Sharon and Max Walker +

John and Susan Andrews

Kenneth A. Fox, M.D. +

Gerry Morrison and Julie Weston +

Geoff Wells #

Barbara and Chip Angle +

William Gess #

Oliphant Family Donor Avised Fund

Jaci and Mason Wilkins

Jeff and Karin Armstrong +

Dan and Summer Gilmore

Shari and John Behnke +

Penny and Ed Glassmeyer +

Phil and Shelley Belling

Susan and Ron Green +

Robert Ordal

Doug and Jennifer Biederbeck #

Cynnie and Wayne Griffin

William and Melinda Pereira,

Jack and Patricia Billhardt

Scott and Yvette Harris

Blaine County Recreation District #

Steve and Lynne Heidel

W. Jeffers Pickard +

Anonymous (6) +

Frances and Edward Blair

David Hill +

Thomas and Michelle Praggastis +

ArborCare Resources #

Ran and Chris Bracher +

Steven and Janet Houts

at the Rancho Santa Fe

Jeremy Wintersteen +


Wendel Wirth and Erik Boe

Big Chief Organics #

$100 - $249

Joe and Ann Armstrong + Winter Willow ©Michael Edminster

Marty Arvey Robert and Joan Bernhard, Hycliff Foundation Big Wood Landscape # Kathleen and Hugh Blue + Lisa and Paul Bodor + Rudy and Susan Boesch + Carl Bontrager and Kathy Lynn Spike and Debbe Booth Michael and Chris Boskin + Christine Brozowski, M.D. Parker S. Bryan # Jill Bryson # Steve Butler Elaine and Elliott Caplow + Page Chapman III + Steve and Paula Child # Conservation Seeding & Restoration, Inc. Richard and Elizabeth Conway



Drury and Jean Cooper + Penny Copley + Patricia and Jim Cross # Steve Crosser Eric and Kathleen Cutter Peter and Kate Daly # Elaine Daniel and Jim Bailey + Everett and Mary Kay Davis # Jerre Coyne-Dawson and Tom Dawson Peggy Dean + Ross Dinkelspiel and Michael Vigil Jonathan and Susan Dolgen Family Foundation Sally Donart Carey and John Dondero Holley and Chris duPont + Marlene and John Durbin Jamie and Jim Dutcher + Pam and Kirk Ebertz + Jerry Edelbrock and Jeri Howland

Volunteer Will Long; Robin Garwood, Deb Taylor and Ann Christensen—SCC Advisory Committee members; and Callie Weber and Mariah Stout, SCC Members, discuss the Greenhorn fire restoration project.

Eggers Associates, Kurt Eggers Engelmann Property Management Division #

Virginia and Jeff Holloway

Kelly and James Lee #

Bob and Debbie Gilbert +

J.K. and D.L. Holman

Debra and Jack Levin

Sue Engleman

Mary Jane and W.G. Godejohn +

Ben Holmes and

James and Carole Linhart

Evergreen Landscaping #

Corey Graham and Scott Christensen

Philip and Helga Fast

Maureen Groper +

Steven and Elizabeth Huish

Joseph and Ellen Fastow #

Ed L. Grubb and Joan Espe

Sherry Jackson #

Susan Root Feibleman*

Linda Hackett and Russ Munson

Paul and Ellen James +

Kathryn Lopez

Pamela C. Feld +

Bill and Anke Hall +

Glenn Janss +

Patti Lousen and Tom Bowman +

James Feldbaum

Frank Halverson and Marcia Lee Kent

Martha and Ross Jennings +

Elise B. Lufkin +

Dick and Georgie Fenton +

Nathaniel Hamilton #

Alfred and Janice Johnson

Elise G. Lufkin +

Fred Filoon

Elaine and Gordon Harfst

Bob Jonas and Sarah Michael +

Marty and Mila Lyon

Mitch and Kim Fleischer #

Barbara and David Hart +

Joan and Richard Katz Family

Jean and Frederic Mabbatt +

Shelagh Ford #

Ronald and Sylvia Hartman +

James J. Frehling

John and Margund Haskell

David Kaye and Judith Teller Kaye

Jack MacPherson +

Robbie and Carole Freund,

Joseph Haviv and Wendy Moss-Haviv

Steve and Cynthia Kearns #

Jory Magidson and Caren Frankel

The Creative Edge

Carol Scheifele-Holmes +

Foundation +

Beatrice Longley + Robert Lonning and Elizabeth Jeffrey +

John Macomber +

Francie and Mike Hawkey +

Chris and Don Keirn

Chris and Penny Mazzola +

Terry Friedlander and Robin Leavitt +

Tom Henderson +

Janet Kellam and Andy Munter +

Murray and Mary Sue McClain +

Gay and Bill Fruehling

John and Wendy Henning

Sandy Kelly

Jim and Linda McClatchy #

Robert and Patricia Fulwyler

Michael and Andrea Hess #

Donna Kelsey +

William T. McConnell +

Peter and Susan Gaasland +

Margaret D. Hicks #

City of Ketchum

Camille McCray +

Brian and Julie Gallagher +

Alex and Pat Higgins +

Laura Kirk

John and Sandra McCullough

Gardenspace Design #

John Hill

Trish Klahr and Lee Melly +

Jim and Willa McLaughlin

Kathryn and Robert Gardner

Harvey and Peggy Hinman +

Kneeland Korb Collier & Legg, PLLC #

Michelle Memmott #

Ann and Mack Gasaway +

Donna and Craig Hintze +

David and Marian Knutson +

Joe Miczulski and Angie Rayborn +

Christina Gearin and Andy Mayo

Don and Carol Hohl +

Kyle and Shari Kunz #

Edie Middleton

Colin George and

Endre and Marnie Holen #

Ken and Ginna Lagergren

Jeannette and Charles Miller +

Holland & Hart Law Firm #

Inge-Lise and Jack Lane

Bill and Lisa Mirams #

Jill Smiekel-George +


Barbara and Stephen Gerrish


Steve Mitchell and Louisa Moats

Philip and Ann Puchner

Diana Kapp and David Singer

Patti and Peter Ahrens

Marion and Peder Monsen

Leigh and Louise Rabel +

Debby and Mark Slonim +

Ted and Leila Angle #

Sally and John Morbeck +

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reighley

Bill and Annette Smith +

Larry Barnes +

Mountain Wanderlust

Kathy and David Richmond +

Charles and Barbara Smith

Carolina Barrie

Daphne Muehle

Mary Ann and Lyle Rivera

Don Smith +

Teresa Bergin, Bergin Properties

Nancy and Marr Mullen +

Katherine and Buffalo Rixon +

Jennifer Smith and Heather Johns

Carl and Gloria Bianchi

Drew and Ann Nosworthy

Susan E. Robertson #

Charles and Barbara Snow +

Carol Blackburn

Peter and Barrie O’Neill +

Cheryl and Vern Rollin +

David Stansfield and Linda Drake

Greg Bloomfield and

Lindsay and David Ormsby +

Robert and Mary Jean Romano +

Harriet and Lawrence Stone

Gary and Jeanne* Oyen

Kate and Bob Rosso +

Paul and Betsy Sunich +

Alice and Bill Boden

Janet and Harald Oyen +

Scott and Naomi Runkel #

Tricia Swartling +

Rear Admiral Donald Boecker and

Vicki and Pat Patman

Phyliss and Leonard Schlessinger

Conrad and Jeremy Thomas

Anne Worthington +

Gay Scott-Boecker +

Michael and Lyndell Paul +

Larry Schoen and Rebecca Eichorn +

John and Nancy Thomas

Dick and Bobbie Boyer

Louis and Beverly Pavlovich

Dr. and Mrs. James Schultz +

Thunder Spring Condominium

Bob, Joanne, Sierra and Trevor Brand #

John, Diane and Tom Peavey,

Lester Schwartz

Owners Assocation, Inc. #

Kerry and Bags Brokaw #

Natalie and James Service +

Bruce Tidwell and Char Roth +

John and Minette Broschofsky

Peller Family

Gerri and Mike Shane

Reva and William Tooley +

Gloria Carlton

Keith and Paula Perry +

George H. Shapiro +

William and Joanne Travers +

John Charney

Chris and Phoebe Pilaro

Nancy and David J. Sheffner +

Dick and Pamela Tucker +

Lucy Chubb

Robert and Mary Van Fossan

Nancy J. Clark

George Wade

Marti and Don Coats +

Diana and Karl Wadsack +

Dennis and Leah Conyers #

Steve and Nancy Wasilewski

Dick Corrothers

Richard and Kelly Wathne

Jerry A. Costacos +

Maysie and Wallace Watts

Colleen Coyne #

Timothy G. Watts

Robert and Claire Dana +

Marvin and Judith Weber

John and Karin Davies

Nelson Weller

Jill L. Davis +

Judith and Tommy Wells

Kirsten Dehart #

John and Sharon Wellsandt

Ada Van Dooren

Whitehead’s Landscaping

Edward and Deborah Dudley #

Peter and Anne Marie Wick

Eagle High School Forensics #

Michael and Barbara Wilkinson

Kurt E. Eichstaedt

Jeff and Shelley Williams #

Lisa Ferguson #

Russell and Sharon Williams

Joan B. Firman +

Kate Giese Wofford and Jeb Wofford

Jeanne Flowers

Richard and Rebecca Worst +

Joyce Fogg

James K. Worthey

St. Francis Pet Clinic,

Flat Top Sheep Company

Jeremy Poynter # John Prudden and Kristy Pigeon +

Giving It’s All © Bob Griffith

Andrea and Richard Youngblood #

Dr. Karsten Fostvedt Ralph Fullerton and Myra Friedman + D.K. and Louise Gallagher

Up to $99

Mike and Ann Giese

Anonymous (1) +

Anne and Charles Gifford

Marc Abraham and

Glenna Glover +

Jane Garnett Abraham +

Kathy Grotto +

Janet Abromeit +

Kathy Guinn #

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ackerman

Pam Hammond +

Thomas and Jane Acomb +

John and Helen Hansen

Milt Adam +

John Hardin +



Donations are often made to the Land Trust in recognition of individuals who have on the lives of others. These gifts create a lasting tribute to friends and loved-ones by helping to protect and restore the beauty and character of the Wood River Valley and surrounding areas.

Judy and David Harrison +

Rose Rumball-Petre and Ted Stout


Patricia Healey

Arlene Schieven #

Anonymous (1)


Gale and Barbara Simons

5B Photo

Wayne Herman +

The Smith Family

David and Lyn Anderson

David Hertel, AIA, LLC

David and Renae Spaulding

Blue Heron Workshop

Alan L. Hoffman

Laura Speck

Building Material Thrift Store

Mary Hogan and Dennis Botkin +

Brian and Debbie* Sturgess #

Lisa Chambers

Lois and Billy Hughes

Genie and John Swyers +

CK’s Real Food

Klaus Huschke

Sergio and Denise Tavares +

The Coffee Grinder & Gallery

Lisa Huttinger

Robert Vestal and Jyl Hoyt

Ed and Susan Cutter

Idaho Nonprofit Center

Joel and Jeanne Vilinsky


Mary Ann Jenkins +

Brian and Mary Ann Ward #

East Fork Preservation Association

The Jenner Family +

Liz and Wick Warrick +

John and Sandra Flattery

Stanford Joseph

Deon and Plyllis Wells

John and Elaine French

Jean and John Kearney +

Bonnie Wetmore

Rob King, Clemens Associates

Kim Laragan-Uranga #

Ronald and Ann Whyte

Jack and Marie Kueneman


Bart Lassman and Evan Stelma +

Melisa and Jeff Williams

Lost River Outfitters

Hal and Joan Anawalt

Karen Little

Floyd and Carolyn Willis

Mahoney’s Bar & Grill

Sandy Baker

Lance and Amy Long

Nancy Winton

Andy Moore

Richard Carr

Jan and Paul MacGregor

Wirth Company, Mike Wirth

Wesley Moore

Mr. and Mrs. John Davenport

Mike and Anita McCann +

Sue Woodyard

Muleshoe Tavern

Michael E. Dederer

Perry’s Restaurant, LLC

John Flattery

Gerald and Sheila Mells +

* deceased

Wolf Riehle and Feli Funke-Riehle

Jack Kueneman

Ron and Joan Mendelsohn +

+ long-term donors of 10-yrs or more

Silver Fox Catering

Gloria Osberg

Charles and Page Mercer

# new donor

Trey and Lauren Spaulding

Rebecca’s Private Idaho

Jason Miller

Megan and Justin Stevenson

Alan and Julie Richardson

Nancy and John Mohr +


Wolf Riehle

Jennifer and Chadd Montgomery +


Alexis Ruth Shapiro

Kimberly Morgan #

Fred and Jill Vogel +

Barbara Thrasher and Rick Koffey

Darlene Norton

The Wildflower

Nancy and Jim Osborn +

Windy City Arts

Olga and David Melin Foundation

Priscilla Panzer


Roxanna and Mark Parker +

Doug Boettger

Karen R. Pederson +

Lane Coulthard

James Perkins +


Mark and Sue Petersen

Whit Henry

Calysta and Matt Phillips

Lorraine Klumpp

Kristin Poole

Deborah Reich

Brenda Powell #

Lenier Smith

Judith Powell #

Robert J. Ulrich

Peter Pressley

Bruce Alan Weber

Jake and Patty Provonsha Don and Barbara Rau David Richardson # Karla and Alain Rinckwald + Michael and Juli Roos + Miriam and Jack Rose + Patricia Rothwell and Steve Knaup Andrea and Tom Rule


Waxwing ©Michael Edminster


TROUT FRIENDLY PARTNERS The following businesses and organizations supported the Land Trust’s Trout Friendly program April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014. Trout Friendly partnerships

water conservation, pesticide reduction and native plant use in the Wood River Valley.

Sage School students helping construct Trout Friendly signs.

Advanced Irrigation Solutions Alpine Tree Service Arborcare BigHorn Landscaping Big Wood Landscape Blaine County Recreation District Blaine Soil Conservation District Blue Ribbon Landscaping Branching Out Nursery City of Hailey City of Ketchum, Parks C-U next Storm Clearwater Landscaping Conservation Seeding and Restoration Engelmann Partners LLC Evergreen Landscaping Garden Space Design Hemingway Chapter Trout Unlimited Mountain High Landscapes Native Landscapes Organic Solutions Sawtooth Botanical Garden Sun Valley Water and Sewer The Turf Company Thunder Spring Webb Landscaping Whitehead Landscaping Wirth and Co.



Volunteers The Land Trust is fortunate to have so many supporters who are committed to being good stewards of the land. Our volunteers spend countless hours from leading the organization to pulling weeds and maintaining trails. The following individuals are enthusiastic supporters of the WRLT’s mission and goals, and we thank them for images clockwise from left:

2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Trent Jones, President David Anderson, Vice President John French, Treasurer Ed Cutter, Secretary Richard Carr Rick Davis John Flattery Robin Garwood Jack Kueneman Jane Mason Rebecca Patton Wolf Riehle Megan Stevenson Steven Strandberg Barbara Thrasher

SCC members ©DJMuehle; Box Car Bend Workday; SCC members ©DJMuehle; WRLT volunteer John Finnell monitoring the oxygen levels below magic dam.; Dirty Feet Dance Company performing the annual Big Wood Society celebration at Draper Wood River Preserve, Summer 2013. ©Laura Speck;


ADVISORY COMMITTEE Fred Brossy Ranney Draper Lawrence Schoen John Seiller Tom Swift Bruce Tidwell

STUDENT CONSERVATION COUNCIL Ransom Bleyer Lane Coulthard* • Alex Harten • Chase Hutchinson • Tiber Kelly • Will Long Megan Murphy • Claire Sauerbrey Mariah Stout • Callie Weber • founding member * deceased

STUDENT CONSERVATION COUNCIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Larry Barnes Bags Brokaw Ann Christensen Robin Garwood Erika Greenberg Eleanor Jewett Lisa Huttinger Scott Runkel


This newsletter is published by WOOD RIVER LAND TRUST 119 E. Bullion Street, Hailey, ID 83333 Tel: 208-788-3947 Fax: 208-788-5991 www.WoodRiverLandTrust.org WRLT is a public benefit Idaho company and is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to WRLT are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Public financial information is available on our website or by contacting our office. Editors: Daphne Muehle and Jill Wenglikowski Writers: WRLT staff Designed by Penfield Stroh Printed by OPTIONS Cover photo: Over the River and Through the Woods ©Cody Haskell Back cover photo: Shot of a Lifetime ©Poo Wright-Pulliam

SPECIAL THANKS David and Lyn Anderson John Ashton Larry Barnes Carol Blackburn Florence and Tom Blanchard Rudy Boesch Steve Carlisle Mark Caywood Shannon Connauton Ed Cutter Dirty Feet Dance Company Tim East Pat Etheridge John Finnell Woody Friedlander Friends of the Howard Preserve Friends of the Hailey Greenway Hemingway Chapter of Trout Unlimited Jeanne Liston Chad Matteson Lori McNee Aaron Miller Logan Miller Ed and Carmen Northen Frank Smith Laura Speck Jim and Mary Speck Vieve Stoesz

BOARD OF DIRECTORS David Anderson, President Richard Carr, Vice President John French, Treasurer Ed Cutter, Secretary Rick Davis Trent Jones Jack Kueneman Kathie Levison Rebecca Patton Wolf Riehle Dan Smith Megan Stevenson Steve Strandberg David Woodward

Bruce Tidwell Peggy and Tom Tierney Mike Treshow Mark and Taylor Ullman Zane Wenglikowski Poo Wright-Pullium

STAFF Scott Boettger, Executive Director Patti Lousen, Project Coordinator Daphne Muehle, Director of Development Trey Spaulding, Director of Operations Chad Stoesz, Stewardship Coordinator Jill Wenglikowski, Development Associate Keri York, Director of Conservation


Wood River Land Trust protects and restores land, water, and wildlife habitat in the Wood River Valley and its surrounding areas. We work cooperatively with private landowners and local communities to ensure these areas are protected now and for future generations.



119 East Bullion Street Hailey, Idaho 83333 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

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