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ated with restoration work along the Big Wood River at Lions Park. In 2002, partnering with the City of Hailey and others, the Land Trust cleaned up and mitigated the steep slope of the riverbank, diversified stream flow, and planted native vegetation. The result was improved fish habitat and safer public access to the river. In July, 2008, the Land Trust again worked with the City of Hailey to restore the Croy Creek Wetlands. With a grant from the Department of Environmental Quality, the Land Trust removed a portion of Hailey’s former landfill to restore wetland and riparian habitat. Land Trust staff and volunteers then replanted the Continued on page 5

Protecting the heart of the and for the future.





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“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” — John Muir




magine this: You are walking on a boardwalk over wetlands and through willows and trees and riparian wildflowers near the Big Wood River. As you visit in the early morning, you might see a moose walking along the river, a beaver swimming in the shallows, or a heron wading in the water. Red-winged blackbirds call from their grass perches. In an exciting project scheduled for this fall, the Land Trust plans to construct a boardwalk at the restored Croy Creek Wetlands at the confluence of Croy Creek and the Big Wood River in Hailey. Located at the south end of Lions Park, the boardwalk will provide lowimpact public access and educational and recreational opportunities close to town. Interpretive signage will be part of the design. The boardwalk will travel along the wetlands continuing to the Draper Wood River Preserve, and will feature a wheelchair-accessible viewing platform and sitting area. The loop will continue back as a trail along the Big Wood River. The Land Trust has long been associ-

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Take A Walk On The Wild Side

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A 15th Anniversary Note From State Representative Wendy Jaquet


he Wood River Land Trust is a respected organization here in Blaine County and across the state. Starting slowly, the Land Trust has now protected over 10,000 acres, has created programs that correspond with our values such as the Trout Friendly Lawn project, has won the confidence of landowners who are happy to work with the Land Trust to create public access to the Wood River, such as the fantastic Howard Preserve. I am so proud of the Board and the staff of the Land Trust.

summer 2009

who we are Summer Interns Congratulations to Robyn (left) and Kathryn (right) for their promotions

Staff News

Robyn Watson, Director of Development We are pleased to announce that Robyn Watson, formerly Major Gifts Officer, has been promoted to Director of Development. Robyn started with the Land Trust in 2006 and has a long background in non-profit fundraising and event coordination. She brings a positive energy to her work and develops strong relationships with our supporters. Her enthusiasm is contagious. “I moved to the Valley full time three years ago to take a position with the Land Trust. Not only do I believe deeply in the work we do but I am also so fortunate to work with a highly educated and experienced staff and wonderfully supportive donors.” m Kathryn Goldman, Senior Project Coordinator Kathryn started with the Land Trust in 2005 after having worked for the Idaho Conservation League. She is primarily focused on projects involving the Big Wood River—from Trout Friendly Lawns to the Croy Creek wetlands restoration to planning for the boardwalk at Lions Park. She was named Senior Project Coordinator in recognition of her hard work and her achievements developing complex partnerships to protect and restore the Big Wood River. “The river changes every year and our project work moves in a similar rhythm. It’s never boring!” m

Kyung Koh is a graduate student at the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at UC Santa Barbara specializing in Conservation Planning and hopes to work in natural resource management. Her many interests include environmental education, and she spent a year teaching English to middle school children in South Korea. As our summer Stewardship Intern, Kyung stays busy monitoring Land Trust preserves and easements. Jesse Steadman joins us as the first Conservation Project and Communications Intern. Once achieving a B.A. degree in English from the University of Connecticut, he made for Alaska to work as a naturalist and eventually a Fisheries Technician with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Jesse moved back to Connecticut to take another fisheries position before relocating to Portland, OR, where he worked and volunteered with local advocacy groups. m

Jesse and Kyung suited up to pull weeds at the Croy Creek wetlands

Meet our Board Megan Stevenson


he Land Trust is pleased to welcome Megan to our Board of Directors. Megan is a life-long resident of the Wood River Valley and is passionate about helping to preserve all the elements of the valley that have kept her here so long. She says that because of her parents’ conservation easement donation to the Wood River Land Trust, “I learned first hand the value of protecting open space and wildlife habitat.” Now, as a Wood River Land Trust board member, she is able to take an even more active role. After graduating from Montana State University in Bozeman she returned home to work for her family’s business, Rocky Mountain Hardware. For the last five years Megan has spent the winters ski patrolling for Sun Valley Company and working for Rocky Mountain Hardware in the summers. In her free time she loves to travel and spend time in the mountains biking and skiing with her husband and two dogs. m

Thank you to our sponsors and donors who made our participation in the Sun Valley Food & Wine Festival last June possible: Leslie and Jack Hanks Dick Hay Seeta Zieger Riccabona’s Baci Lava Lake Lamb

Lazy River Vineyard Snake River Farms Zou 75 Wood River Land Trust Morel Hunters!



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How we began

Land Trust Founders

A Letter From Molly Goodyear, First President of the Wood River Land Trust Board of Directors

“Congratulations to the Wood River Land Trust on its 15th Anniversary!”




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hanks to the strongly held ideals, forward thinking, and hard work of Molly and the other founding board members, the Land Trust has grown in 15 years to become a leading and trusted advocate for wildlife and open space conservation with 10,319 acres protected to date. And our special projects, such as the Elkhorn Creek restoration work and removal of the Bullion Bridge abutment in Hailey, continue to have a positive impact on our river and our community. I can promise that for the next 15 years the Land Trust will continue to be a results-oriented organization, uniquely local, striving to protect the places we all value and cherish in this wonderful valley. Please join me in thanking these original visionaries as well as the countless donors and supporters throughout the years who have made the Land Trust the successful organization it is today. Continuing to work together, we will ensure that the future for our valley is indeed bright. m




A Note From Scott Boettger, Executive Director of the Wood River Land Trust:


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The Land Trust’s first Strategic Planning Retreat in February, 1995. Rear: left to right, Henry Whiting, Shelly (Walker) Shoemaker, Mac Whiting, Mike Medberry, Paul Todd. Front: Carol Brown, Kent Pressman, Molly Goodyear, Paul Potters, and Pam Feld.

t’s hard to believe how far the organization has come since its inception. As a founding member and the first board chair, I remember when a group of us began meeting every week in 1993 to explore the idea of starting a land trust – what it is, how it functions. Each of us involved at the beginning brought a different perspective to the table, whether it was experience, scientific knowledge, or just plain passion for the idea. We realized that a land trust was needed in this valley to preserve the local open space that was rapidly disappearing. In addition to our weekly meetings, public sessions were conducted to introduce the idea to our local community. We also held roundtable discussions with employees of Idaho Fish and Game, the Forest Service, and Bureau of Land Management to listen to their suggestions and learn what they thought of our idea. The Jackson Hole Land Trust conservation director came to talk to us about starting a land trust and offered lessons about land conservation in a similar area. After getting input from the public, we agreed that one of the most important things to do was build a strong foundation for the organization. That meant incorporating in 1994 and gaining 501(c) 3 non-profit designation the following year. We knew a solid organizational structure would strengthen our legitimacy with the public and landowners interested in protecting their land. We also had to come up with a name, create a logo, and produce marketing materials that would introduce the new land trust and the work we hoped to achieve. What a thrill it was to receive our first gift of land at Lake Creek from Sally Donart in 1996! I don’t know if our little group could ever have imagined how the Land Trust would grow and become such an important part of our community. Now, thanks to Scott’s leadership, an excellent staff and strong board, and the results they’ve achieved so far, I think we can all understand why a land trust was needed in the Wood River Valley. m

what we do Porcupine Creek Preserve


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Securing Access to Public Lands


n March, the Wood River Land Trust acquired 100 acres of land in the Pioneer Mountains 12 miles from Hailey to protect habitat for a variety of wildlife and maintain access to public lands beyond. Situated along a stretch of Porcupine Creek, a tributary of the Little Wood River, the property is adjacent to land managed by BLM and the Sawtooth National Forest. The Land Trust will take steps to protect and improve riparian and water resources, restrict motorized uses to the main road, and create a designated parking area. Porcupine Creek is part of a migration corridor for elk and mule deer between higher-elevation Forest Service lands and lower-elevation BLM and private properties. The habitat provides year-round habitat for elk and also supports beaver, black bear, migratory songbirds, moose, Wood River sculpin, and seasonal use by greater sage grouse. Neighboring BLM lands have been designated an Area of Critical Environmental Concern to protect sensitive wildlife resources. Because it was zoned for residential development on 40-acre lots, Porcupine Creek’s conservation values were threatened. “We purchased the property to conserve wildlife habitat and maintain public access to surrounding public lands,” noted Nathan Welch, Planning Coordinator for the

Hailey Land Trust. “This has long been an important area for recreational access, especially hiking and hunting….” Little Wood Headwaters Ranch, LLC, which is owned by Beartooth Capital, an investment group specializing in ecologically significant lands, was the previous landowner. “It has been a pleasure to work with the Land Trust to ensure the public will forever have access to the Porcupine Creek trailhead….That part of the Pioneers is remarkably wild and beautiful,” commented Carl Palmer of Beartooth Capital. Since the Land Trust was created in 1994, Porcupine Creek marks the 13th parcel of land acquired for designation as a preserve. The purchase was made possible by generous donations from individuals and foundations to the Land Trust’s Open Space Fund. m

Take A Walk On The Wild Side


Continued from cover




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site with native trees, shrubs, and grasses to increase wildlife habitat and improve water quality by filtering spring runoff from Croy Creek before it enters the Big Wood River. The improved wildlife habitat also provides an ecological buffer to the undisturbed floodplain habitat on the west side of the Draper Wood River Preserve adjacent to Croy Creek. The boardwalk at the Croy Creek Wetlands promises to be an extraordinary Wood River Valley feature providing an opportunity for the public to visit and appreciate this sensitive area while protecting it from human incursion. To learn more, contact Kathryn Goldman, Senior Project Coordinator, at (208) 788-3947 or m



Conceptual design of boardwalk


Give Us an Inch . . . Ro a


Help us build the Croy Creek Wetlands Boardwalk! The Land Trust is raising funds to




complete this amazing project.

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A donation of $25 purchases one inch of boardwalk, $300 a foot, and $1000 a yard.

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Inch by inch, you can help us build this singular valley feature. All donors will be listed on a plaque onsite, a great way to honor a friend or loved one. Use the remittance envelope enclosed in this newsletter and note that the donation is for the Boardwalk, then mail to 119 E. Bullion, Hailey, ID 83333. You can also donate online at






For other naming opportunities or more information, contact Robyn Watson, Director of Development, 788-3947.

Lions Park


Draper Wood River Preserve



Proposed Boardwalk

connections Welcome to the Draper Wood River Preserve


The Draper Wood River Preserve welcomes you!

he east entrance to the Land Trust’s Draper Wood River Preserve, 541 Aspen Drive in Hailey, offers a more welcoming aspect lately. Landscaping work has begun, with trees and shrubs being planted for screening. To delineate the parking area and separate the public and private spaces, a pole fence has been built; road mix has been installed to prevent dust and mud. On July 28, Preserve friends and neighbors helped dedicate the new sign. We want to thank our Aspen Drive neighbors for their patience. As work continues, this gateway to the Draper Wood River Preserve will provide a fitting welcome to all. m

Trout Friendly Lawn Series is Gold


his summer green signs sporting images of trout are sprouting up in lawns throughout the Wood River Valley, as the Land Trust’s Trout Friendly Lawn program enters its third year. A certified Trout Friendly Lawn saves water, reduces or eliminates the use of chemicals, and incorporates native plants. For 2009, the program has three different levels of certification including basic, silver, and gold. At the highest level, a gold standard Trout Friendly lawn completely eliminates the use of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. Over 60 businesses, homeowners, and parks have now joined the program to protect the health of the Big Wood River and the communities relying on it. Our steadily growing partnership illustrates the local support for healthy landscape practices. Community involvement has been key this year with volunteers pulling weeds instead of using herbicides at the Northwood Natural Area Park in Ketchum and Lions Park in Hailey. For more information, contact or visit for upcoming events! m Daralene and John Finnell’s trout friendly backyard

KB’s Recycled Kiosk


he new KB’s kiosk in the Sturto’s parking lot in Ketchum was constructed entirely of salvaged and donated materials from the Building Material Thrift Store. Stop by our store at 3930 S. Woodside Boulevard (across from Power Engineers). m

Building Material Thrift Store 3930 S. Woodside, Hailey Idaho 83333 208.788.0014

After The Anderson House and Historic Hailey

On July 7, Lyn and David Anderson cut the ribbon to dedicate the Anderson House. From left to right, Planning Coordinator Nathan Welch, Director of Development Robyn Watson, Board Chair Ed Cutter, intern Jesse Steadman, David Anderson, Lyn Anderson, and Executive Director Scott Boettger





‘sense of place.’ The remodels of their office building on Bullion and the ‘Anderson House’ have demonstrated that these old buildings can be saved.” Kathy Grotto, Executive Administrator for the Blaine County Housing Authority, noted, “The Wood River Land Trust is setting a great example by providing this home for their own staff, right next door to their offices, while renovating historic dwellings as they did for their beautiful office building. Kudos to the Land Trust for going the extra mile!” Many individuals and companies contributed time, skills, and materials to the renovation work including Erik Nilsen and K&M Construction, Building Material Thrift Store, Eddy Svidgal Architects, Liv Jensen P.E., CAD Drafting Systems Inc., Cliff Iverson and Lei Tile, Legacy Glass Art LLC, and B&G Dirtworks. Furnishings were donated by the amazing Lyn and David Anderson, Michelle and Harry Griffith, Drs. Vicki and Glen Shapiro, the Alternative School, Leslie and Jack Hanks, Brian and Julie Gallagher, and Sara Innes. m dtru .org


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ith the 2001 restoration of its historic Hailey office under its belt, the Land Trust acquired the house next door and over the past year was busy with its renovation. The house was christened the Anderson House in honor of longtime supporters David and Lyn Anderson whose foresight and generosity made the purchase possible. A stained glass panel over the large front window is emblazoned with an “A” to acknowledge the Land Trust’s appreciation. The Andersons donated a Sun Valley condominium to the Land Trust in October, 2006, with the express intent that the condo be sold and proceeds used for staff housing needs. Just after the condo sold in September, 2007, the house next door came up for sale and was purchased by the Land Trust at a below market price. Speaking of their original gift and intent, Lyn Anderson said, “We wanted to leave a legacy for the Land Trust that would assist current and future staff.” Added David, “It sets an example for others as well—gifts of real estate can help their favorite nonprofits….” Renovation of the house required structural work. It was hoped, too, that elements of historic Hailey could be restored, since the Anderson House hearkens to the city’s early days. The additions of many previous owners have muddied the historical waters, but rooflines and other building details reflect a cobbling together of structures from Hailey’s mining camp days; rough-hewn timbers, plank walls, and wallpapers indicate a style typical of the 1880s. An 1884 Salt Lake City newspaper was found in one of the walls. Commenting on the project, Rob Lonning, Chair of the Hailey Historic Preservation Commission said, “The Wood River Land Trust has been a model of preserving Hailey’s




thank you Thank you to the following donors who generously contributed to Wood River Land Trust between March 1, 2008 and March 31, 2009. $125,000 and Above The Robert Antonioli Trust John and Gloria Osberg $50,000 - $124,999 Anonymous (2) Draper Family Foundation John and Elaine French Family Foundation Hollis Norris Endowed Fund of the Santa Barbara Foundation Kemmerer Family Foundation The Lennox Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 Building Material Thrift Store Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Osberg Family Trust Clyde and Kay Sisson Charitable Remainder Unitrust Diana and Steve Strandberg Macauley & Helen Dow Whiting Foundation Ann and Buzz Woolley $10,000 - $24,999 Lyn and David Anderson Anonymous (2) Richard C. Barker Susan and Edward Cutter Disbrow Developments Flood Control District #9 Maria and Clark Gerhardt HRH Foundation, Harry and Shirley Hagey Richard K. & Shirley S. Hemingway Foundation Marie and Jack Kueneman Sally and Bill Neukom Norfolk Southern Foundation Matching Gifts Program The Page Foundation, Tom and Michael Page Wolf Riehle and Feli Funke-Riehle Nan and Larry Stone Joan and Tom Swift Thrasher Koffey Foundation Doris Tunney Pepper Walker Lisa and Greg Wendt Maryanne and Gerald Whitcomb $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous Jack Bariteau/600 Second Street East Audrey and Gerald Bashaw Beartooth Capital Partners James Deering Danielson Foundation Fran and Bob Davidson


The Ellison Foundation, Tom and Sue Ellison Ginny and Peter Foreman Leslie and Jack Hanks E & H Humbly Bumbly Foundation Leslie and George Hume Roy A. Hunt Foundation, Dan & Jodie Hunt The Landreth Family Foundation, Jeanne and Bill Landreth The Lightfoot Foundation Jon Manetta and Kathryn McQuade Sarah and Michael Mars James O. Moore Rebecca Patton and Tom Goodrich Rod Rinker Lois Rosen Elizabeth and John Stevenson $2,500 - $4,999 Rick Koffey & Babcock & Brown LP, San Francisco Mark Benjamin Peco Foundation, Bonni and Peter Curran The Dozoretz Family Foundation, Beth and Ron Dozoretz Sandra and John Flattery Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer B. Fuller Donna and Jon Gerstenfeld Sue and Daniel Guggenheim Barbara and Tod Hamachek Hare Family Foundation Patsy Huntington Lana and David Latchford Julie and Ed Lawson Esther and Michael Ochsman The Perkins Charitable Foundation David Perkins and Nancy Mackinnon Silver Creek Outfitters, Terry Ring Swig Foundation Tsunami Foundation, Anson & Debra Beard, Jr. and Family $1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous (2) Bank of America Foundation Trish and Brett Bashaw Jill and Steve Beck Tom Bentley and Becky Follo Courtni and Charlie Billow Erik and Wendel Boe Toni and Peter Breck Lindy and Bill Buchanan Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Richard Carr and Jeanne Meyers

Jay Cassell and Gay Weake Christensen Family Foundation, Ann and Doug Christensen Cheryl and Robert Colman Charles Conn and Beverley Robertson The Fremont Group Foundation, Alan M. Dachs Wendy and Jim Daverman Pat and Peter Dinkelspiel Ann Down Mary Bachman and William Downing Sally and Cecil Drinkward Wattis Dumke Foundation, Edmund E. Dumke, President Linda and Bob Edwards Tracy and Tim Flaherty Diana and John Flood Janine Florence Susan and Jerry Flynt Diane Parish and Paul Gelburd Deana and Morley Golden John Gove Betty and Peter Gray Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest Bobby and Fred Haemisegger Carol and Len Harlig Paula and George Hauer, George’s at the Cove Dick Hay Mike Howard Marsha and Kip Ingham Beverly and Don Jefferson Edina and Philip Jennison Kathy and Gerald Kavka Martha and Carlton Keck Kathryn and Mark Kieckbusch The King Family, Wade, Heather, Jacqueline & Hampton Clay and Garrett Kirk Jack Latrobe and Laura Clarke Debby and Bob Law Lewis Family Charitable Gift Fund, Margery and Jeff Lewis John and Elizabeth Lewis Family Foundation Jo and Bill Lowe The Matthias Foundation, Inc. Audrey and Anthony Mattos Janet and John McCann Meyers Charitable Family Fund, David Meyers Candy and Don Miller Jane and Mike Nicolais George Ohrstrom II Stephanie and Nick Osborne Susan Parkinson Diane and Harry Rinker Nancy and Rich Robbins

Judy and Jon Runstad John Schenk Seagraves Foundation Harriet and Frank Shrontz Sharon and Bill Shubin Elizabeth B. Simon Gail and Robert Smelick Ann and Steve Snyder Mimi and Vinton Sommerville Springcreek Foundation, Maud-Alison Long Carol and Bob Stevens Gayle and Al Stevenson Megan Stevenson Frann and Carl Stremmel Cynthia and Charles Tillinghast Marjorie and Barry Traub Valley Paving/Lakeside Industries Mary and Willy Vanbragt Annie and Bill Vanderbilt Clinton-Walker Family Foundation, Kirby Walker Sally and James Will Beth and Paul Willis Wodecroft Foundation, Mrs. Roger Drackett, Martine & Dan Drackett The Works of Grace Foundation, Benjamin Wood & Theresa Castellano-Wood Lark and Gary Young $500 - $999 The George Barrie IV Foundation, Carolina W. Barrie Victor Bernstein and Gail Landis Frances and Edward Blair Jill and Richard Blanchard Ruth and Jacob Bloom Christien Boskin Dr. Elizabeth Breen Judy and Fred Brossy Dr. Christine Brozowski Nancy and Pete Buck Elizabeth and Jack Bunce Stoney Burke Deer Creek Fund in the Idaho Community Foundation Clorox Company Foundation Cynthia Green Colin Julie and Michael Cord Sue and Ted Dalzell Candace and Tom Dee Dana DuGan, Figgleaf Productions Donald W. & Gretchen K .Fraser Fund in the Idaho Community Foundation Robin and Lee Garwood Betsy and Mark Gates

We celebrate 15 years with you! Mary and Jim Goodyear Ed L. Grubb Anke and Bill Hall Jerry Higman Wendy and Greg Hosman Cecile and Trent Jones Christina Kirk Laura Kirk Cynthia and James Knight Marlene and Bill Lehman Ann and George Macomber Molly and Ken McCain Lisa and Wilson McElhinny Pamela McMahon, Trustee of McMahon Family Trust Sharon and Hal McNee Jackie and Andrew McRoberts Dr. Allen Meisel and Dr. Gail Lutz Meisel John Milner and Kim Taylor Harriet and Bruce Newell Jane and Tom Oliver Vicki and Pat Patman Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Duane Reed and Suzanne Strom-Reed Betsy and Robert Reniers Joanne and Bill Reynolds Rocky Mountain Hardware Barbara and David Rognlien Diana and Allen Russell Stacey Rutherford, Sun Valley Brokers & Jack Rutherford, Rutherford Architects Russell Satake and Anita Lusebrink Graham Smith Becky and Peter Smith Caroline and Chris Spain Fred Sprenger Jen Steele and Jon Hoekstra Mike Stevens and Liz Mitchell Louise and Trent Stumph Sun Valley Magazine Terri and Sandor Szombathy Dr. Lucy Tompkins and Dr. Stanley Falkow Thaddeus Walczak Julia and Jeff Ward Liz Warrick Sharon and John Wellsandt Macauley Whiting Lynn Whittelsey Christine and Mayor Wayne Willich Gordon M. Younger Patience and Bob Ziebarth Seeta Zieger $250-$499 Barb and Mark Acker Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Armstrong Hilton and Butler Ball Charitable Fund in The Community Foundation in Jacksonville Gail and Doug Boettger

BP Foundation, Inc. Connie and Vern Buwalda Mark Caywood and Deanna Glad Lawrence Goelman and Virginia Cirica Spencer and Michelle Cutter John Davenport Family Dave Dederer Carey and John Dondero Debra and Lyman Drake Holley and Chris duPont Elizabeth and Steven Durels Scott Featherstone, DDS LLC Kenneth A. Fox Dan Gilmore Linda and Charlie Goodyear Deborah and David Gray Fred Gray and Linda Parker Cynnie and Wayne Griffin Michelle and Harry Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gunton Linda Hackett Ellen Harris Carol and Craig Hartman David Hill Margaret and Harvey Hinman J.K. and D.L. Holman Wendy and Jim Jaquet Maureen and Page Jenner Mary and Jim Jones Diana Kapp and David Singer Trish Klahr Marge Lilley Georgie Lindquist Marta and Ignacio Lozano Robert Lynch Macy’s Foundation Margie and Jon Masterson Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Charles McNamee Rebecca and Robert Mitchell Carmen and Ed Northen Oliphant Family Donor Advised Fund at the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation Barrie and Pete O’Neill Bob Ordal Kaye and Hugh O’Riordan Steve and Marylyn Pauley W. Jeffers Pickard Sharon and Nick Purdy Cathy and John Rano Rees Family Fund, Thomas and Mary Rees Lee D. Rowe, MD Laura and Michael Shannon Nancy and John Shepherd Linda Sisson Matthew Smith Beth and Doug Stagg Jeffrey Steinberg and Sherry Warner-Steinberg Todd and Georgia Stewart

Lynne and Michael Sweeney Penny and Ted Thomas Dookie and Bill Tingue William L. Tooley Mary Lynn and Rusty Turner Nancy and Joe Verska James P. Warmington, Sr. Lynne and Kenneth Weakley Wood River Women’s Charitable Foundation Member’s Fund in the Idaho Community Foundation, Jaci Wilkins Richard J. and Esther E. Wooley Trust $100 - $249 Marc Abraham and Jane Garnett Abraham Patti and Peter Ahrens All Seasons Landscaping, Inc. Barbara and Chip Angle Anonymous Claire and Lynn Bailey Annelle and Dan Ballbach Betty and Billy Barnes Ruby and Peter Becker Shari and John Behnke Bergin Properties, Teresa Bergin Peggy and Jim Berman William E. Beye Gayle and Fred Bieker Thomas D. Bigsby Heather and Gary Black Kathleen and Hugh Blue Lisa and Paul Bodor Gay and Don Boecker Susan and Rudy Boesch Sally and Scott Boettger Guy Bonnivier Mike Bordenkircher Bobbie and Dick Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Greg Brakovich Branching Out Nursery David Bray Alice and Marvin Brown Amy Browning Michelle and Jefferson Bruner Sylvia and Barry Bunshoft Kaye and Bill Burnham Vern Buwalda Susan Cady David Caldwell Teresa and Malcolm Campbell Elaine and Elliott Caplow Page Chapman III Pamela and Kenneth Collins Mr. and Mrs. Drury W. Cooper III Elizabeth Copley Roger Crist Steve Crosser Joe Crosson Eric Cutter

Melanie Dahl Donald C. Dahlgren Colleen Daly Paul Dalzell Elaine Daniel and Jim Bailey Lauren and Richard L. Davis III Peggy Dean Elisabeth Dick Ross Dinkelspiel Harriett Kazzimir Dixon Jonathan and Susan Dolgen Family Foundation Marlene and John Durbin Pam and Kirk Ebertz Kelly and Kurt Eggers Janet and Gregg Falcone Shirley and Earl Feiwell Pamela Feld Sandra and James Figge Randi and Fred Filoon Daralene and John Finnell Joan B. Firman Janie and Jack Flammer Chrisi Fleming Michael Flinn Terry Friedlander and Robin Leavitt Gay and Bill Fruehling Julie and Brian Gallagher Barbara and Stephan Gerrish Debbie and Bob Gilbert David Giles Kathryn and Brook Gillespie Cherry Gillespie Penny and Ed Glassmeyer Mary Jane and Bill Godejohn Molly! Goodyear and Mike Wolter Michelle and Baird Gourlay Corey Graham and Scott Christensen Susan and Ron Green John K. Greene Maureen Groper Thomas F. Haensly Trail Creek Crossing Condominium Bev and George Harad Dave Hardman Patti and Carl Harris Barbara and David Hart Sylvia and Ronald Hartman Joseph Haviv and Wendy Moss-Haviv Francie and Mike Hawkey Alice and Tom Hennessey Mimi Henreid Alex Higgins John Hill Donna and Craig Hintze Sheri and Jim Hodge Mary Hogan Ben Holmes and Carol Scheifele-Holmes Mark Holmes


Gifts In Honor

Donations are often made to the Land Trust in recognition of individuals who have made a significant impact on the lives of others. The following gifts were made between March 1, 2008, and March 31, 2009, to honor: Jerry Bashaw Gay and Don Boecker Donald Boecker Ed and Susan Cutter Ed Cutter Mike Dederer Denise Jackson Ford Kate Giese Fred Gray and Linda Parker Trevor Harmon Trent Jones Chris and DJ Simms Barbara Thrasher and Rick Koffey Barbara Thrasher Jeff & Julie Ward

Memorial Gifts

Donations were made between March 1, 2008, and March 31, 2009, in memory of: Gertie Barnes Grace E. Byrnes Nadya Conway David R. Copley Troy C. Ewart Nancy Felts William F. Gillespie III LaVon Grotto Marjorie B. Heiss Jack Miller Edith B. Moore Carl Praeger James Stone Arthur A. Strom William G. Tennille III Jason Thirsk Helen Tompkins William John Winter


Thank you Sun Valley Magazine

for helping promote our 15th anniversary in the 2009 summer issue. Spencer Hosie and Diane Rice Janet and Steven Houts Susanne F. Hubbach Bobbi Hunt Idaho Fish & Wildlife Foundation Sydney and Oliver Iversen Ellen and Paul James Martha and Ross Jennings The Kahle Foundation, Elizabeth and Loren Kahle John and Diane Kahm Linda and Robert Kahn Gail Kearns Chris and Don Keirn Bliss Knowles David Knutson Dick Kolbrener Celia and Lex Kunau Diana J. Landis Andie and Jack Laporte Barbara and John Lehman Stephanie and Mike Lempres Ann and John Leonardo Carol and Greg Lindstrom Beatrice Longley Elise G.B. Lufkin Caroline Macomber Jory Magidson Sandra and Peter Maier John Maine and Kim Baltzell William T. McConnell Karen and George McCown Anthony J. McEwan Arthur McIntosh III Willa and Jim McLaughlin Thelma and Doug McTavish C. M. Merz Sarah Michael and Bob Jonas Jeannette and Charles Miller Jane and Steve Mitchell Marion Monsen Sally and John Morbeck Gerry Morrison and Julie Weston Nancy and Marr Mullen Native Landscapes Carol and Dick Nelson William E. Norris Northwest Nature Shop Louise O’Connor Dr. Michael Paul and Lyndell Louise Paul Flat Top Sheep Company, Diane and John Peavey Peller Family Paula and Keith Perry Kristy Pigeon and John Prudden Hope Hughes-Pressman Kent Pressman Connie and Tony Price Louise and Leigh Rabel

Peggy Richards Kathy and David Richmond Mr. and Mrs. William Rieser Katherine and Buffalo Rixon Patricia and Donn Roberts Bev and Brent Robinson Karen and Jonathan Roth Dianne Sammons Jodi and Sandy Sanders Sawtooth Botanical Garden Phyllis and Leonard Schlessinger Dr. and Mrs. James Schultz Timothy Semones and Susan Desko Natalie and James Service George H. Shapiro Vicki and Glen Shapiro Sandy Shaw Larry Shipley and Nancy Williams Alison and John Shoemaker Gary Slette Jill Smiekel-George Annette and Bill Smith Barbara and Charles Smith Don Smith Jennifer Smith Judy and Richard Smooke Barbara and Allen Spafford Barbara and David Speer Michelle and Clint Stennett Nancy A. Streeter Sun Valley Long Term Holdings Betsy and Paul Sunich Tricia Swartling Marybeth and William Targett Dave Theobald Martial Thirsk Phebe Thorne Gloria Thrasher Joanne and William Travers Pamela and Richard Tucker Lois Ukropina Helen and Bruce Ullmann Linda and Peter Van Der Meulen Mary and Robert Van Fossan The Vanoff Family Foundation Sharon and Max Walker Liza and Parker Weekes Myron A. Weiss Cathy and Michael Welch Nathan Welch and Lara Rozzell Holly and Doug Werth Cheryl and Jared Williams Wood River Insurance Rebecca and Richard Worst James K. Worthy Bud Yorkin Cheryl and Peter Ziegler $99 and Under Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Ackerman Jane and Thomas Acomb Milt Adam Kim Anderson Lise and Rob Applebaum Ann and Joe Armstrong Karin and Jeff Armstrong Marty Arvey

Larry Barnes Janet and John Barton Regan Berkley and Ed Papenberg Catherine and Robert Beyer Gloria and Carl Bianchi Susan Eiden Bick Carol Blackburn Alice and Bill Boden JoAnn Boswell Bobbie Boyer Leisa and Kenneth Brait Carol and Doug Brown Martha Burke Steve Butler Calista and Tim Carter John Charney Lyn and David Christensen Nancy J. Clark Marty and Don Coats Lindy Cogan Linda and Leonard Cohen Lila and Jack Corrock Jerry Costacos Jeff Coupe Kristine and Jim Curran Bobbie and Art Dahl Claire and Robert Dana Jill and Tanner Davis Diane and Rocco DeVito Pat Duggan Barbara and A. Scott Earle Kurt E. Eichstaedt Siouxze Essence Jeanne and Dale Ewersen James Feldbaum Richard Fenton, Jr. Suzie and Jack Finney Nanette Ford Ann Francis Charles Franklin The Creative Edge, Carole Freund Margery and Woody Friedlander Ann Fuller Gail and Dennis Galanter Louise and D.K. Gallagher James Geier Ann and Mike Giese Kate Giese Wofford and Jeb Wofford Anne Gifford Jini and John Griffith Kathy Grotto Martha M. Hale Pam Hammond John Hardin Elaine and Gordon Harfst Harold Harmon Wayne Herman Tim Hoffman and Lisa Olson Sally and Russ Horn Jacqueline M. and J. Robert Howard Laura Hubbard Sonja Huntsman Klaus O. Huschke Mary Ann Jenkins Virginia and Thaddeus Johnson Michele and Bernie Johnson Harriet and Stan Joseph Jean and John Kearney

Donna Kelsey River Run Realty, Cindy and Bob Kesting Elissa Kline Robert Latimer Thomas Lea Karen Little Kathryn Lopez Elise B. Lufkin Mila and Marty Lyon Jan and Paul MacGregor Jack MacPherson Amelia and Michael Madsen, Asher & Isaac Loomis Jan and Bob Main Kay and Jim Marron Carol and John Matkins Andrew Mayo and Christina Gearin Cindy and Brian McCoy Joan and Ron Mendelsohn Joe Miczulski and Angie Raybom Cornerstone Advisors, Edith Middleton Helen Miller Melinda and Bob Mobley Nancy and John Mohr Janet Kellam and Andy Munter Sharron and David Murray Anita Northwood Ruthe and Francis Norton American Legion, John O’Connor Nancy and James Osborn Tess O’Sullivan and Jeremy Fryberger Wendy Pabich Nick Parish and Sandra Bowman Jackson Parker Roxanna and Mark Parker Dorothy and Vern Peay Karen R. Pederson James Perkins Sue Petersen Maria Pollan Peter Pressley Phyllis Quinn Dr. and Mrs. Don Rau Carol Rees Theresa Richards Karla and Alain Rinckwald Mary Ann and Lyle Rivera Kelly and Scott Robbins Virginia Robbins-Bugg Cheryl and Vern Rollin Robert Romano Chapman J. Root II Kate and Bob Rosso Cathie Royston Tom Rule Gloriana and Lyle Saylor Geraldine and Michael Shane Nancy and David J. Sheffner Debby and Mark Slonim Leslie and Charles Snorf Craig Spiller St. Francis Pet Clinic, Dr. Karsten Fostvedt Bob Stadshaug Sharon and Gene Steiner Evan Lister Stelma Margaret Macdonald Stewart and Mark Stewart Sun Valley Garden Club Sun Valley Real Estate, Cindy Ward and Clients

Volunteers Make a Difference On July 15th, volunteers, including 30 kids from the Process of Change Program, pulled burdock at the Croy Creek Wetlands in Lions Park. Volunteers: Noah Rodriguez and Carter Penn show off their big burdock leaves. Boxcar Bend Preserve’s annual workday on June 13th was co-sponsored by the Hemingway Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Trails to the Big Wood River were maintained. Volunteers: Ed Northen, Dave Spaulding, John Finnell, Carmen Northen, Dan Gilmore Volunteers accomplished a lot in June & July on Land Trust preserves and projects. Thanks for your hard work! The June 17th workday at Shoshone’s Neher Preserve included volunteers from Wood River Resource Conservation and Development and Fish and Game. Control of Scotch thistle was the focus. Volunteers: Polly Huggins, Melanie Shadwick, Alisa Reed, Maleah Huggins, Darrell Havens, Emily Andrews, Glen Andrews, Lorene Andrews On June 20th, Friends of Howard Preserve, City of Bellevue, and Land Trust staff began restoration of the old Elm Street access road. Volunteers: Land Trust intern Kyung Koh, Don Boecker, Fran MacDonald, Dan Gilmore, Eric Allen, Joy Allen, Tom Blanchard. Florence Blanchard, front

Denise and Sergio Tavares Pete Taylor Ann and Doug Taylor Nancy and John Thomas Gwen and Steve Thompson Rosalie and Frank Tornello Marcia and David Trook Marcia Nichols Trook Robert E. Vestal Linda and Gary Vinagre George Wade Diana and Karl Wadsack Anne and Michael Weber Ellyn and Brett Weisel Shirley and Scott Wilson Jeremy Wintersteen Nancy Winton Charles Wood Renny Wood

WOOD RIVER LAND TRUST Protecting the Heart of the Valley Board of Directors Ed Cutter, President Jack Kueneman, Vice President Joan Swift, Treasurer Robin Garwood, Secretary David Anderson John Flattery John French Clark Gerhardt Trent Jones Heather King Liz Mitchell Wolf Riehle John Fell Stevenson Megan Stevenson Steve Strandberg Barbara Thrasher Doris Tunney

WRLT Staff Scott Boettger Executive Director

Melanie Dahl Executive Assistant

Kathryn Goldman Senior Project Coordinator

Diane Kahm

Now and for the Future Advisory Committee, continued Rebekah Helzel Dave Parrish Larry Schoen John Seiller Tom Swift Bruce Tidwell Liz Warrick

Development Assistant

Robyn Watson Director of Development

Nathan Welch Planning Coordinator

Keri York

Stewardship Coordinator

Advisory Committee Peter Becker Ranney Draper

This newsletter is published by:

Wood River Land Trust 119 East Bullion Street Hailey, Idaho 83333 208.788.3947 (telephone) 208.788.5991 (fax) Tax ID# 82-0474191


Acres permanently protected with your support: 10,319 Photo: Finnell yard Bullock’s orioles

Check out our

new website Celebrating 15 years!

wood river land trust


September 4, Friday, from 5 - 6:30 p.m. Chairman’s Welcome for New Members

September 19, Saturday, 3:00 - 6:00p.m. Community Picnic at Howard Preserve, Bellevue

For more information, visit

WOOD RIVER LAND TRUST Protecting the Heart of the Valley

Now and for the Future

119 East Bullion Street Hailey, Idaho 83333 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

Printed locally on 50% recycled paper using soy-based inks

September 26, Saturday, 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. Rendezvous at the Riverway, picnic at Hulen Meadows


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