Amendment on IIEE Election Process Objectives: (1) Address long time concerns of members on non-receiving of ballots sent thru the public mailing system (2) Give members another chance to participate in the IIEE election in case the member did not received the ballot (3) To increase number of casted votes Current Process: (1) IIEE National sends ballot to each member of the Institute thru the public mailing system. (2) Return to Sender (RTS) are monitored, published in the website and informed to the Regional Governors / Chapters for them to pick up returned ballots. (3) List of RTS are posted in the ANC venue and are given to the concerned members so they can exercise their voting rights. Over the years, some members are still complaining because they do not receive their ballots, no RTS also. New Process: In addition to Items 1,2,3 above, the following will be done: (1) IIEE to prepare replacement ballots with a different colour from the original ballots. (2) IIEE to assign personnel to monitor ballots received at the National Office, with name, chapter, PRC number and date of receipt. A data base of ballots received shall be prepared. (3) Two weeks prior to ANC, IIEE shall announce that members who encountered problems with their ballots / or those who did not received their ballots will be given a chance to vote provided they will sign a prepared document / form (affidavit) stating that the member is swearing that he / she did not received the ballot and he / she is voting only once / one time. (4) Members who did not received their ballots will be given time to vote using the replacement ballot from 1:00 pm of November 27 (Wednesday) until 12:00 pm of November 29 (Friday). IIEE will assign corresponding personnel to perform the task for this purpose, before a replacement ballot is given, the IIEE personnel shall verify on the data base if the member have already voted or not and the member voluntarily signs the “oath form�. (5) Every end of the day, ballots received during the duration of the ANC shall be checked and encoded in the data base.