Annual Report 2011/2012
Annual Report 2011/2012
About InCrops
InCrops is a spin-out company from the University of East Anglia, established with major grants from the East of England Development Agency (EEDA) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and contributions from 13 partner institutions located in the East of England (figure below).
Spotlight on 2011 2 House of Lords Innovation in EU Agriculture 2 Showcase to European Commission President Barroso 2 Sustainability 2011 and Cereals 2011 2 Hemp 2 Adding new expertise and new partners to InCrops 2
The aim of InCrops is to promote bio-renewables and low carbon technologies in the East of England and to assist businesses with commercialisation, knowledge transfer and product and supply chain development. Government grants enable InCrops to provide free business support to small and medium sized enterprises and entrepreneurs based in the region equivalent to 2 days of consultancy (which has a market value of £1,000). InCrops provides support to businesses and the regional economy by: • Facilitating the creation of new businesses and of jobs • Facilitating the adoption of innovative technologies and materials • Facilitating collaboration between businesses and academic organisations • Supporting businesses in improving their environmental performance • Supporting the development of new products, services, and technologies Examples of support offered to businesses and entrepreneurs: • Confidential discussion of new business ideas • Technical consultancy on bio-renewable technologies and materials • Help in accessing funding • Product development support • Partnership facilitation • Workshops to help develop supply chains
Our work in 2011 Stimulating start-ups
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Bioplastics and biocomposites Context Business support Consultancy Partnerships and strategic activity Events and profile-raising
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Green built environment Context Business support Consultancy Events and profile-raising
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Functional foods Context Business support Consultancy Partnerships and strategic activity Events and profile-raising
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Bioenergy and biofuels Context Business Support Partnerships Strategic activity Events and profile-raising
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Biorefining, bioactives and algal technologies Context Business support Consultancy Partnerships Strategic activity Events and profile-raising
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Sustainable design Context Business support Partnerships and strategic activity Events and profile-raising
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The InCrops events diary
Welcome It has been very satisfying to see InCrops develop during 2011 despite the difficult economic climate for the businesses we work with and in the funding environment in which we operate. Some of our key achievements included being commended by the House of Lords Select Committee on Innovation in EU Agriculture, showcasing sustainable fashion at London Fashion Week with Kingston University and the launch of our Interreg EnAlgae project with Cambridge University. Nevertheless, 2011 saw traumatically fast changes such as the closure of the Regional Development Agencies, restructuring of delivery arrangements for European Structural Funding; a significant decline in available public sector funds to provide economic development stimulus and a flat private sector reeling from the financial crisis. By April 2011 InCrops was the only EEDA funded
Enterprise Hub still operating from among those that were established during the end of the previous decade. Surviving the wave of cuts and closures was a tribute to our staff, to the ongoing support from InCrops partners and to the high standard of support that our Hub provides to SMEs. InCrops and the Low Carbon Innovation Centre (LCIC) became very close operationally during 2011 and by the end of the year had effectively merged. Our newly merged team won funding for the Exemplar Low Carbon Building made from bio-based and crop derived materials as well as an uplift in funding for our Low Carbon Innovation Fund (LCIF). These projects, together with our low carbon consultancy, signify our ongoing determination to be successfully engaged in the business and commercial sectors and to bring new ways of working and thinking into the green economy. Dr H J French
Welcome from Marie Francis OBE, Chair of InCrops The economic background against which InCrops operates remains challenging and uncertain. Businesses that would have obtained funding for developing new products and services in the past now find this more difficult. At the same time, further development of the bio-renewables and low carbon sectors requires continued utilisation and investment in research and development. Yet funding is under pressure and the level of support available for businesses is being squeezed.
However, this hostile environment means businesses require more, not less, support. They need constructive input if they are to be competitive, innovative and sustainable. InCrops has an important role as an ‘enabler’ to businesses and InCrops continues to score well in achieving the outputs required under its original funding from ERDF. As a result InCrops has been invited to request an extension of the funding for another two years. This is a major success in the current climate and if approved will enable InCrops to take a significant step forward by engaging in projects across the UK and internationally. Our commercial, nonfunded work, also continues to grow. These good results have been achieved through the hard work and innovation shown by the InCrops team and the ability to work with our partners. The expertise our partners bring is invaluable and we thank them for their time, effort and support. I am optimistic that InCrops can continue to grow its relevance and value to both businesses and our research partners in the coming year. Marie Francis OBE
Annual Report 2011/2012
Spotlight on 2011
House of Lords Innovation in EU Agriculture In June 2011, following submission of evidence to the House of Lords ‘Innovation in EU Agriculture’ inquiry, InCrops was invited to meet Lord Carter, the Committee Chair, for further discussions on their proposal for an EU innovation network for agriculture. An initial exercise to identify relevant agricultural institutes and organisations throughout the 27 Member States was undertaken by a UEA Environmental Sciences student on work experience placement with InCrops. The final report of the Inquiry was formally published in July and included the InCrops proposal as an Appendix. Showcase to European Commission President Barroso In February InCrops was invited by EEDA to showcase its work to the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, during a visit to Cambridge. The visit was located at InCrops partner institute NIAB, and businesses supported by InCrops were present to show the President samples of their products and to highlight the support they have received from our team.
The annual Cereals show is the leading technical event for the arable industry and associated supply chains. InCrops took an exhibition stand for the two day event, showcasing project activity in the areas of non-food crop commercialisation, bioenergy, anaerobic digestion and functional foods. Hemp To address problems associated with straw harvest, InCrops worked with agricultural engineer Stephen Eyles to design and manufacture an innovative hemp harvester. In 2011 the harvester was leased to Anglia Farmers and harvested over 300 hectares of hemp in the East of England. This work was supported by Stephen, who provided maintenance and training to Anglia Farmers staff. It has been shown that with the appropriate skills, this hemp harvester is able to deliver excellent results. Stephen said: “Working with InCrops on the hemp harvester was a great opportunity which proved a very successful venture to forward the growth of hemp commercially.” In 2011 InCrops also gained significant experience in commercial production of hemp seed, partnering with a local farm to grow 20 hectares of dual crop hemp in Suffolk. The seed crop from this year has been sold to a UK manufacturer of hemp oil and protein products. Adding new expertise and new partners to InCrops In September 2011 InCrops submitted an outline application for the extension of the current ERDF funding. The outline concept for the project extension has been approved and InCrops is working on the full business case for final approval in 2012.
Sustainability 2011 and Cereals 2011 InCrops were a main sponsor of Sustainability 2011, a Norfolk and Suffolk Chamber of Commerce event for businesses, organised to identify opportunities in the sustainable supply chain. In addition to presentations from John French and Marie Francis, we showcased our work to delegates with a well-attended exhibition stand.
The extension of the current ERDF project is necessary because activities planned for 2013-2015 will take the InCrops project to the inter-regional and international level. The InCrops areas of expertise will increase with this expansion as stronger engineering and product development business support will be involved. Also, several additional national and European partners will be invited to join the InCrops project. InCrops will still focus on supporting regional SMEs but will soon be able to offer knowledge transfer and commercialisation opportunities beyond the East of England.
Annual Report 2011/2012
Our work in 2011
Tackling the challenge with start-ups
Stimulating start-ups
In 2010 the UK saw the smallest number of start-ups for a decade. Data from a 2011 BIS report shows that across all business sectors the number of start-ups fell by 12% over the period 2008-10.
This year InCrops and Judge Business School (JBS) strengthened their working relationship to foster entrepreneurship and stimulate new business activity in the East of England.
Research carried out in 2011 by the Norwich Business School on behalf of Shaping Norfolk’s Future has shown that micro-enterprises and start-ups face the hardest challenge in obtaining funding from banks compared to other business groups. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) commented in 2009 that:
Enterprisers InCrops has been supporting the “Enterprisers” programme run by the JBS Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning and in June 2011 InCrops staff invested six days at this intensive residential course.
“The bioeconomy could fall victim to the global economic crisis as less capital is available to invest in biotechnology R&D and high-risk start-up firms unless governments, through green stimulus packages, use this opportunity to focus on alternative energy and sustainable agriculture in an effort to address long-term growth”. In order to increase the number of regional start-ups in relevant sectors and support entrepreneurs in these particularly difficult circumstances, InCrops has developed a strategic approach that includes the following initiatives: • focused events on topics such as innovation finance or marketing; • funding support (InCrops is assisting young companies in preparation of funding applications to test the market, provide proof of concept and to develop prototypes); channelling entrepreneurs, young companies and start-ups through the programmes at the Judge Business School, Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning, and Norwich Business School to help with development of business plans and market research; • working closely with the Cambridge University Technology and Enterprises Club (CUTEC) which aims to increase the number of spin-outs; • working closely with highly successful entrepreneurs Peter Dawe and Barrie Griffiths (SME representative on InCrops Ltd Board of Directors). InCrops is planning a framework for testing new ideas and attracting motivated entrepreneurs; • acquiring coaching and mentoring skills to support entrepreneurs and start ups. These initiatives were started in 2010 and InCrops has developed a structured approach to tackling this challenge in 2011.
Annual Report 2011/2012
MBA Projects
ETECH Projects
The MBA programme at JBS attracts students of the highest calibre from around the globe. The school offers partners from industry, government and not-for-profit organisations the opportunity to access this exceptional pool of talent through a variety of consultancy-based projects.
The Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning also runs projects for undergraduate and postgraduate students in conjunction with credit bearing courses on Entrepreneurship offered at a number of University departments. These ETECH Projects accelerate entrepreneurship and innovation and lead to commercialisation of disruptive technologies. InCrops have been feeding projects from clients and academic partners into ETECH, which also contributes to training students in entrepreneurial skills.
InCrops submitted a number of project proposals to JBS on behalf of clients and partners. InCrops clients in the bioenergy, algae, functional foods, and bioactive sectors have been selected to work with students. In total nine projects have started. In addition eight projects were run for Rothamsted Research on technology areas in which the institute has world-class capabilities and for which there may be opportunities for spin-out activities. Companies and partners have benefited from the work of the highly motivated MBA students, who addressed issues of their choice, without incurring any significant cost. In addition to supporting the development of proposals, InCrops also helped with the interaction of the MBA groups during the running of the projects.
“We had several examples in which the JBS projects helped companies and entrepreneurs develop a deeper understanding of key issues affecting their businesses, reducing the risk of failure”, said Beatrix SchlarbRidley, InCrops Business Innovation Manager for Algae Technologies and Biorefineries.
For Jennifer Yen, a PhD student in the Cancer Genetics and Genomics group at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, the ETECH project was:
“an exciting and invaluable hands-on crash course in business and an eye-opener of how my training and skills can be applied outside the lab”. Jennifer worked with a chemistry student and two MBA students on the project. Their overall aim was to assess the opportunities for an early-stage nematode control strategy developed by a researcher from InCrops Partner Rothamsted Research. As a biology student, she was interested in the science of the product, but wanted to learn more about the process of bringing a research idea into the market.
A young entrepreneur investigating how to introduce a seaweed-based smoothie into the market, found the students very experienced and professional in challenging the business model and market positions.
“With their diverse training and international experiences, they built a comprehensive assessment of the product, with its advantages and limitations, in the context of a global marketplace, and made very valuable recommendations on how to take the product into the market”, said Dr Rosane Curtis, the inventor.
“It was amazing how quickly they organised the tasting interviews with a very positive turnout and all objectives were met throughout the event. I was very impressed by the enthusiasm and technical know-how of the student team and have found their final presentation very helpful.”, said the client.
The JBS projects give the students an invaluable opportunity to apply their knowledge in the commercial world and allow InCrops to raise awareness about career and business opportunities in the bio-renewables sectors. They encourage the students to step out and become entrepreneurs themselves.
Annual Report 2011/2012
Promoting entrepreneurship in academia
New collaborations
Bianca Forte, the InCrops Business Innovation Manager with responsibility for Bioenergy and Biofuels, has had a busy year supporting spin-out and start-up activities with some of the partners of the InCrops Enterprise Hub. Such activities have gained increasing importance recently after some of the partners announced re-structuring plans. Bianca has been offering support to researchers who may be made redundant by helping them develop a business plan, understand how to conduct a market analysis and identify and engage with potential customers.
In 2011 InCrops worked with Anglia Farmers, the leading agricultural purchasing co-operative based at Honingham Thorpe just outside Norwich. Anglia Farmers hosted and co-organised a number of InCrops meetings and events including “Perennial Energy Crops Event” in November 2011 and “Straw for Energy Event” in December 2011. Anglia Farmers and InCrops are working together to support hemp growers in the East of England.
InCrops event for start ups Finance, Innovation and Marketing Forum March 2011 with HSBC and PwC Over thirty people attended the event which launched the Finance, Innovation and Marketing forum - a new Vision and Leadership Group for start-up businesses in the low carbon, renewables and bio-renewables sectors. This first meeting focused on finance and funding, managing innovation and market drivers.
InCrops worked with agricultural engineer Stephen Eyles to design and manufacture an innovative hemp harvester, which was leased to Anglia Farmers in 2011 and harvested over 300 hectares of hemp in the East of England. InCrops developed several collaborations outside the East of England. To support businesses in the marine industry looking to introduce biocomposites into boat building, InCrops began a new collaboration with University of Southampton, Department of Ship Science, and Bangor Biocomposite Centre in Wales. InCrops developed further collaboration with Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials in Halle, Germany in the area of biocomposites and bio-based materials for the built environment.
Annual Report 2011/2012
InCrops project activity overview 2011 During 2011/12, InCrops Business Innovation Managers delivered a full programme of ERDF-funded specialist business support to eligible SMEs in the East of England. Each business support starts with a needs analysis and comprises a minimum of 12 hours of assistance. In addition to reporting the initial business support, we also monitor and report the downstream results of InCrops intervention.
Achievement date
Interim project report was prepared for our funders to analyse project performance. This related to contracted targets and outputs as well as administrative and financial processes and procedures.
January 2011
InCrops in partnership with an Essex-based farmer and the Forestry Commission carried out first pre-commercial trials of sea buckthorn varieties in the region.
March 2011
InCrops gained significant experience in commercial production of hemp seed, partnering with a local farm to grow 20 hectares of dual crop hemp in Suffolk. The seed crop has been sold to a UK manufacturer of hemp oil and protein products.
March 2012
Our third annual report 2011/2012 (that you are reading now) has been produced bringing together information on all InCrops activities.
April 2012
InCrops carried out external midterm evaluation review to assess the progress the InCrops project has achieved, as well as identifying the areas on which it should focus going forward.
April 2012
Annual Report 2011/2012
Bioplastics and biocomposites
Context Bioplastics are being used in an increasing number of markets. The last few years have seen a strong growth in non-biodegradable plant-based polymers, which gradually shifts the focus from biodegradable and compostable polymers towards biopolymers based on renewable and sustainable materials. Commercialisation of bio-derived polyethylene, which will account for a quarter of total bioplastic packaging market demand by 2020, is strong support for this. Market analysis predicts an increase from 360,000 tons in 2007 to about 2.3 million tons by 2013. Industry standards, regulations, certification and labelling schemes encourage the development of the biodegradable polymer market. The rising cost of crude oil is narrowing the price gap between bio-based and petro chemical based plastics making bioplastic production more commercially viable. Given that the price of bioplastic resins has steadily increased over the last few years, bioplastic manufacture would be cost competitive with petrol based plastics at an oil price above approximately $180 a barrel. Government initiatives and legislation, such as rising landfill costs provide a driver for using compostable plastics. Despite many advantages, bioplastics are still more expensive and require further improvement. For local authorities the issues with recycling make the adoption of bioplastics more difficult. Mixing bioplastics into other plastics when recycling can lead to unusable products, further development of recycling options for bioplastics is required.
• delivering market analysis and industry overviews on bioplastics and bio-based materials, to enable companies to refine their business strategy and get insights into recent R&D and commercial developments • supporting funding applications to a range of bodies and programmes, such as the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and the KEEP programme. MBA project on bioplastics InCrops has worked with MBA students from the Norwich Business School on a project that analysed the commercial potential of bioplastics in comparison to petrochemical plastics. Their final report: • considered bioplastics production in different countries • projected bioplastics use in the next 10 years • identified market drivers and main barriers of bioplastics • reviewed the current legislation and IP position of major bioplastics companies • reviewed different feedstock options • showed market development and prices of bioplastics in comparison with petrochemical plastics Their report concluded that the fastest developing countries for bioplastics would be Italy, Germany, the US and China. According to their research the cheapest and most abundant feedstock globally is palm oil.
Business support Twenty companies and institutions received individual business support from InCrops in 2011 which included: • providing information about bio-based materials and sourcing samples for manufacturers of injection moulded plastic parts, packaging and food service products • connecting companies to knowledge bases to facilitate partnership building and exchange of expertise • improving access to research facilities and specifically filling the gap in expertise in the East of England in this sector
Annual Report 2011/2012
Consultancy Soft drinks manufacturer InCrops was commissioned by a multinational soft drinks manufacturer to produce a report on whether to switch some of their production to bio-based packaging materials. This report included an overview of the market, the emerging and current technologies, sustainability benefits, and the financial risks and benefits of switching production. Key findings of the report included: • Switching some production to bio-based materials is likely to offer a diversification of risk, reducing exposure to rising oil prices. • Based on financial modelling, the risk of switching to a material with a 100% bio-based content is the same as switching production to a partially bio-based material. • The switch to the bio-based material is more likely to generate significant reduction in carbon emissions and other environmental impacts if feedstock from waste is used. The report recommended carrying out further research in identifying the risks and benefits associated with crops and waste feedstock. It is recommended that any change in production is accompanied by a detailed ‘cradle to grave’ Life Cycle Assessment. It is advisable to compare the above options with other options, including use of recycled materials, which would also potentially lead to significant reduction of carbon emissions.
Partnerships, working groups and strategic activity InCrops set up a Biopolymers and Biocomposites Working Group. Several academic institutions such as UEA, University of Southampton, Bangor Biocomposite Centre, and companies such as Windboats Marine, EcoTecnilin, ActivTechnologies and Hemp Technology, were brought together to develop projects. The specific theme explored by this working group is marine biocomposites, backed up by the interest from existing InCrops clients and academic contacts. One of the projects being developed is to collate data on available bio-based materials, their properties and technologies, and to test these materials according to specifications, in order to create a rationale for their use in boat design. Two funding opportunities identified for this project are, Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and INTERREG programmes. Working closely with two academic partners, University of Southampton and Bangor Biocomposite Centre, InCrops facilitated the building of an industryled consortium and assisted project partners with preparation and submission of a funding application for TSB Collaborative Research and Development grant. The consortium was led by a luxury boat manufacturing company, Princess Yachts. Bangor Biocomposite Centre specialises in development and testing of biocomposite materials, while the Department of Ship Science at University of Southampton has the capability to build prototype parts and test them in conditions closely mimicking the marine environment.
Annual Report 2011/2012
Events and profile-raising This year, the work of InCrops in the biopolymers sector was featured in Packaging Europe magazine. Liliya Serazetdinova was interviewed by the editor to provide an overview of developments in the bioplastics market. The article discussed recent development of plant-based packaging technology, issues of feedstocks and the importance of using waste materials to ensure continued growth of bioplastics.
March 2011 Bioplastics - technology adoption workshop This event was aimed at businesses interested in sustainable alternatives to petrochemical plastics and those involved in the supply chain, conversion and recycling of plastics. The event concluded with a networking session, at which several companies discussed potential joint projects. October 2011 A fresh approach to packaging This event was organised for businesses involved in the fresh produce supply chain interested in waste reduction and packaging innovations. Four speakers addressed different aspects of waste generated in the fresh produce supply chain. “Varied industry speakers resulted in perspectives from different areas, which was very interesting.” Charlotte Woolliams, Anglia Farmers Ltd. External events: InCrops has delivered presentations at the following events: January 2011 Launch of the NRP-IC Advisory panel – Liliya Serazetdinova gave a presentation on supporting innovative companies in the bio-renewables sector. March 2011 Hethel/LTN Advanced Structural and Sustainable Materials for the Marine Sector - Mark Coleman attended and presented at this event October 2011 - NIAB – Fibre Crops Workshop, Mark Coleman attended and presented at this event
Annual Report 2011/2012
Green built environment
2011 proved to be a difficult year in the Built Environment sector with uncertainty in the market and of government policies as businesses face falling demand. Yet, rising energy prices have also sent a signal that sustainability is critical in improving the bottom line. Businesses that are able to innovate and reduce dependency on fossil fuels will gain a competitive advantage. Interest in embodied carbon continues to grow, which will generate interest in renewable materials.
We undertook work for an ESCo company in Norfolk. ESCoNRG Ltd is a private company funded by institutional investors that provide free solar PV on households across Norfolk. With the finance, ESCo NRG contracted InCrops and a local solar PV installer to develop a marketing strategy that detailed the energy savings that could be made by individual householders.
Despite the difficult economic conditions a number of projects that used renewable materials were completed or very close to completion, and demand for houses or projects with renewable materials increases. Marks & Spencer are close to completing their 19,000m2 Hemp and Lime building, and housing projects in Norfolk, Berkshire, Yorkshire, Hertfordshire and Oxfordshire have been completed using the same materials. Business support Business support continues to grow in the Built Environment with support given to a number of SMEs in the region on materials, bioenergy and performance. A number of businesses were supported with extra funding to test their materials at BRE and others were included as part of a large TSB project on building a Local Home using East of England Timber.
Based on UEA research, we provided verification on the energy savings and a behavioural change booklet for households to maximise their energy savings. It also used GIS technology to map out the most suitable properties for solar PV. Partnerships, working groups and strategic activity InCrops has continued to strengthen its relationship with BRE with a number of joint funding applications on developing housing using East of England timber. BRE are one of the funding partners for the Exemplar Low Carbon Building (for more information visit www. We have also collaborated with Kingston University on sustainable interiors and the Fraunhofer Institute on renewable materials.
Annual Report 2011/2012
Centre for the built environment
Renewable House
InCrops has been at the heart of commissioning for UEA’s newest building. With support from ERDF and BRE, InCrops, along with UEA Estates, is developing a £14million 3000m2 building which will target BREEAM Outstanding and Passivhaus certified using renewable materials. The Exemplar Low Carbon Building will host the Centre for the Built Environment which will offer free business support to SMEs in East Anglia. The Centre will offer seminars and support during the design, construction and post-occupancy stages of the building. The government’s Chief Construction Advisor, Paul Morrell, highlighted innovation, embodied carbon, training and leadership in his report on Low Carbon Construction. The Centre for the Built Environment will provide research and support in how it is possible to produce a low carbon building throughout its life cycle.
The Renewable House, part of the BRE Innovation Park in Watford, was built in 2009 to demonstrate that mainstream affordable homes can be constructed from renewable materials - meeting both housing demands and environmental targets.
Renewable materials offer a cost-effective way to achieve low carbon buildings and the exemplar building will be showcasing a number of technologies to demonstrate their effectiveness as well as their requirements. Renewable materials will be tested and monitored to provide a complete picture of performance. Part of the building will be designed to allow the changing of materials each year to showcase the second and third generation of technologies. The Centre for the Built Environment will host BRE’s Xylarium, the world’s largest wood collection and a materials library as well as demonstration of technologies for retrofitting and new build.
InCrops is developing new partnerships and a new marketing plan to showcase the house and renewable materials in general. Partners include Lime Technology, Archial Architects, NNFCC, BRE, Mohawk (a subsidiary of DuPont), and WarmUp, with new partners expected to join in the next few months. There are still opportunities to join the Renewable House project and showcase materials, expertise or developments. Please contact Ben Binns at if you would like more information. The Renewable House has been built using renewable materials such as timber frame, hemp and lime, and wool insulation. It meets Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes with significantly minimised embodied CO2. The Renewable House is designed to deliver an affordable house with a build cost of £75,000, excluding groundworks, while offering easy enhancement to meet Levels 5 and 6 and Passivhaus certification. The house showcases second generation renewable material products looking at off-site, panel based systems that have recently been used by Marks and Spencer for their flagship store in Cheshire. Linked to the Centre for the Built Environment at the University of East Anglia, the Renewable House will host a number of seminars on renewable materials in construction.
Annual Report 2011/2012
Local house working group A partnership including BRE, Wherry Housing Association, Youngs Homes (part of Carter Group), David Smith, English Brothers, Rigeons, Thompson Sawmills and Lucas Hickman Smith collaborated to develop a local home using east of England timber. A TSB application was made in 2011 to build a social home to code 4 using materials from the region, including timber from Thetford Forest. CRed Global LLP Fudan University in Shanghai is launching a Chinese hub for the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research in a significant and long-lasting partnership with UEA. As part of the joint programme, Fudan University’s Urban Planning and Architectural Design Institute (UPADI) and UEA have established a joint venture – CRed Global LLP - to develop low carbon buildings in China. InCrops has been developing the links between Fudan University and UEA. Although the primary focus has been on reducing operational carbon, there is interest in new building technologies and low embodied carbon. Visits to the Adnams Distribution Centre, the Diss Hemcrete project as well as to the BRE Innovation Park has generated interest in renewable materials. InCrops will be assisting UPADI in the development of low carbon offices and housing.
Events and profile-raising Passivhaus seminars InCrops launched a series of Low Carbon Construction seminars with the first held in September 2011 on Passivhaus and Performance. Passivhaus has already proven itself on several UK projects to be cost effective while delivering a ‘fabric first’ approach for an energy efficient means of delivering higher levels of the Code and BREEAM. Although only 20 projects in the UK have been certified, many experts expect it to be rapidly adopted and may even be part of Building Regulations from 2013. This oversubscribed seminar included over 60 representatives from the Built Environment including architects, social housing, engineers and developers. “Highly topical subject – well talked about. The questions and general information were most useful.” Simon Woodward, CAM Architects. Insite 2011 (BRE) Hosted at BRE, Insite 2011 saw the relaunch of the Renewable House with its new partners. Insite 2011 was attended by over 2000 people and included seminars and workshops on wellbeing, sustainable retrofit, revitalising communities and performance of buildings.
Annual Report 2011/2012
Functional foods
The global functional food market is expected to grow to $1.75bn by 2012 (~45% growth since 2007). Key target markets include digestive health, beauty products, healthy ageing and weight management. Fruit and juices are expected to be particularly strong with nutraceutical drinks expected to exhibit ~50% growth over a five year period (2008-13).
We provide consultancy in various ways to businesses in this sector including providing information on healthy foods and the introduction of new crops. We are working with an Essex-based farming business providing consultancy related to the introduction of the novel berry crop plant sea buckthorn. This includes analysis and interpretation of scientific and literature and other data sources related to the health benefits of sea buckthorn as both a human food and as an animal feed, providing background information on fruit, vegetables, phytochemicals and health, and analysis of the market for functional food products derived from sea buckthorn and other berry crops.
The personal care product market is expected to reach in excess of $100bn by 2012, with 5-10% of that being natural products. Some markets are expected to show particularly vigorous growth over the next few years. These include anti-ageing products (especially skin care products; targeted at the baby-boomer generation), products for babies and children, and products for the developing world. Botanicals are predicted to exhibit greater than 200% growth (2007-17). Business support As part of a strategic initiative to introduce sea buckthorn to the UK, InCrops is working with regional fruit growers and processors. Sea buckthorn, a recognized ‘superfruit’ with juice, oil and leaf nutraceutical and personal care products, is grown at huge scale internationally (greater than 2m hectares in China alone) but, although it is indigenous, it is not grown commercially in the UK. We have linked major international players in sea buckthorn agronomy, including the Lisavenko Research Institute in Russia, which is foremost in sea buckthorn breeding, to source the best modern varieties. Together with three regional companies we have established agronomic and commercial trials in Essex with plantings in 2010 and 2011. InCrops has also supported a range of other companies, from producers of fruit juices and other fruit products to producers of healthy, high value oils and companies trialling unusual functional ingredients including those based on macro and micro-algae. InCrops also worked with a local farmer who is looking to introduce a Norfolk grown spice into new product lines.
Annual Report 2011/2012
Partnerships, working groups and strategic activity InCrops is working with client companies and academic partners to investigate foods and food compounds that may have benefits to human health. InCrops has set up the Phytochemicals Working Group (PWG), a grouping of academics from partner institutions (JIC, IFR, NIAB and UEA Schools of Biological Sciences, Medicine and Pharmacy) with research interests in plants, food and human disease and InCrops client companies with bioactives products. Client companies are supplying food plants or preparations extracted from food plants to PWG academic members and their activities are being tested in various disease models. Initial studies have provided preliminary evidence of potential activities against infectious bacterial disease, arthritis and cancer. The group has submitted a bid to the Marie Curie Initial Training Networks scheme to provide training to PhD students based at UEA, JIC and IFR in the area of plants, nutrition, health and disease. InCrops has supported clients with hemp-derived food products and in 2011, to gain direct experience of cultivation, harvest and the seed market, we grew 20 ha of dual-crop hemp at a commercial farm in Norfolk.
Events and profile-raising In June 2011 – InCrops “Sea buckthorn - A new crop for the UK” – held in Great Holland, Essex. Hosted by Devereux Farms. This event aimed to strengthen the relationship between InCrops and growers and processors conducting commercial trials with elite varieties of sea buckthorn imported from the Lisavenko Institute in Russia as part of a collaboration set up in 2010. The event provided an opportunity to discuss early results, particularly with regard to plant establishment, and to discuss future challenges, including orchard maintenance, harvesting, processing, and the market for sea buckthorn products.
Annual Report 2011/2012
Bioenergy and biofuels
Business support
The UK faces a considerable challenge in meeting the 15% renewable energy targets for 2020 as laid out by the Renewable Energy Directive.
Business support continued to grow in the bioenergy and biofuels sectors, with a total of 25 assistances provided including:
To accelerate the rate of technology deployment, the government announced in March 2011 details of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). The RHI will stand alongside the Feed-in Tariffs, to encourage small-scale low carbon electricity generation, and the Renewables Obligation Scheme, which supports large-scale low carbon electricity generation.
• delivery of market analyses, industry overviews and business strategies Collaboration with Judge Business School in Cambridge saw world-class MBA students working on a range of technologies for our clients and academic partners.
Our region is a hot-spot for biogas production through anaerobic digestion (AD). The quantities of animal wastes and food wastes available within the East of England could support a number of 1MW plants in the region. The availability of land and water will continue to be a limiting factor to the expansion of perennial energy crops. InCrops partner, Rothamsted Research hosts the National Willow Collection and has developed eight new varieties of willows particularly suitable for the UK and EU markets. Finally, the increasing competition for agricultural resources as feedstocks for bioenergy could have an impact on the quality of regional soils. The InCrops partnership has world-class expertise in soils science and has worked with clients to promote knowledge transfer and innovation in this field.
• facilitating knowledge exchange between InCrops partners and regional clients Following an event on perennial energy crops, an expert from Rothamsted Research visited a farmer, based in King’s Lynn, to advise on opportunities with willow. • supply chain development InCrops facilitated a number of introductions to potential feedstocks, fuels and technology suppliers, based in the East of England and beyond. • overview of funding opportunities Demand for help in finding potential sources of funding for applied research and development continued to increase, with particular focus on accessing academic expertise.
“The InCrops Team have been extremely supportive in helping me promote and introduce the PYREG technology into the UK market. Much of the progress made is due to their skills, professionalism, extensive knowledge and complete dedication. I highly recommend InCrops to anyone wanting to undertake a comparable project.” Mike Weaver, a shareholder in PYREG GmbH, a German company that manufactures modular slow pyrolysis systems.
Annual Report 2011/2012
Partnerships, working groups and strategic activity At Rothamsted Research, InCrops supported initiatives to develop spin-out activities, technology licensing and partnerships. Collaborations with Judge Business School were established and applications for funding for market research and proof of concept work were submitted, leading to funding in excess of £280,000. Three students on the UEA Strategic Carbon Management MBA course produced a report for InCrops on the case for biomethane as fuel. Biomethane is increasing due to incentives from feed-in-tariffs and the renewables obligation. However, the case for using biomethane as a fuel is complex and difficult to quantify. The report considered the available technologies, the carbon savings and the most cost-effective way to use biomethane as fuel. Towards the end of last year, InCrops set up a Steering Group to support the development of a Bioenergy Strategy. Membership comprised of: Rothamsted Research; John Innes Centre; Institute of Food Research; Renewables East; EEEGR and British Sugar. The exercise highlighted a number of quick-win opportunities for bioenergy deployment in the East of England, with anaerobic digestion and the use of straw for bioenergy production at the top of the list. The report also showed a variety of feedstocks, biomass conversion technologies and products might be taken forward by the industry worldwide.
Events and profile-raising In 2011 InCrops developed and supported a series of events aimed at promoting business opportunities and encouraging supply chain development. Presentations are available on our website. March 2011 - NISP ‘Quick Wins’ workshop - Rothamsted Research NISP organised this workshop at Rothamsted Research to bring together companies from all business sectors with the aim of improving cross-industry resource productivity. “Quick Wins” enabled delegates to ‘offer’ their waste streams as ‘resources’ to other organisations that could have a use for them. November 2011 - A look at perennial energy crops – Rothamsted Research In light of the increasing demand for sustainable biomass for bioenergy production in the UK, InCrops, Rothamsted Research and Anglia Farmers hosted a seminar on perennial energy crops to highlight supply chain opportunities and promote knowledge transfer in willows. Delegates visited the National Willow Collection and networked with leading experts on perennial energy crops. December 2011 - Straw for energy - Honingham Thorpe Recognising the increasing need for straw for bioenergy production and that the demand for agricultural residues for energy and materials could have an impact on soil quality and structure, InCrops and Anglia Farmers co-hosted an event at Honingham Thorpe to transfer knowledge on carbon and nutrient management in soil. The event also highlighted opportunities in the supply chain, and provided an opportunity for developers to engage with farmers.
Annual Report 2011/2012
Biorefining, bioactives and algal technologies
Context To gain more independence from fossil resources, the UK aims at developing a thriving bioeconomy. Industrial biotechnology and integrated biorefining are integral parts to deliver this vision. The spectrum of applications ranges from high volume, low value products such as bioenergy and bulk feed to the low volume, high value speciality products such as bioactives. InCrops is particularly active in facilitating the development of algal technologies in the context of integrated biorefining. Business support Thirty different companies and institutions in these sectors received business support from InCrops in 2011. This included: • connecting companies to the knowledge base of InCrops partners • connection to the international knowledge bases through the INTERREG ‘Energetic Algae’ partnership • delivery of market analyses, industry overviews and R&D scoping • support with applications for funding and for MBA student projects at the Judge Business School in Cambridge
Partnerships, working groups and strategic activity 2011 saw an intensification of collaboration with UEA in the Algal Technologies sector, through a joint application to the NERC-TSB Algal Bioenergy Special Interest Group for delivering a road map for algae in the UK. Furthermore, a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between a UEA academic and an InCrops client was set up as a consequence of an introduction at an InCrops Algae Networking Event. Introductions were also made between companies interested in algae, and academics in Cambridge, leading to a spectrum of outcomes. Links with NIAB-TAG and Rothamsted Research were strengthened through active collaboration in the Cambridge Partnership for Plant Sciences, which is coordinated by Beatrix Schlarb-Ridley. InCrops clients have also been referred to the NIAB Innovation Farm; an ERDF funded project that started in October 2011. Collaboration with Low Carbon Innovation Centre has been intensified through joint applications for Life Cycle Analysis of algal processes, and links with the IFR Biorefinery Centre are being pursued. All partner organisations have been invited to participate in the InCrops Biorefining and Algal Technologies Working Group. This group was set up in 2011 with the aim of encouraging and facilitating interactions between InCrops partners, our clients and other academic and industrial players.
Consultancy InCrops was commissioned by BBSRC to conduct a review of the current status of algal research in the UK. The study was published in September and is available online. The report reviews past and current activities regarding algae in academia and industry and makes recommendations as to how the community might be structured to ensure a continuing strength in an international context. The report recommends the development of a Virtual Centre of Excellence on Algae in the UK. This academic Centre of Excellence should be complemented by an Algae Technology Innovation Centre, which will be able to pull the outputs of algal research through to commercial application.
Annual Report 2011/2012
September 2011 - Nuffield ‘Rush for Resources’
This year has seen the launch of the INTERREG programme ‘Energetic Algae’ (‘EnAlgae’), of which InCrops is a partner. EnAlgae is a four year, €14.6m Strategic Initiative of the INTERREG IVB North West Europe (NWE) Programme, combining the expertise and resources of all 19 partners and seven EU member states. InCrops is one of six UK partners in the project. Funding for InCrops and its subpartners comes to €1.2m.
To achieve sustainable economic growth, global society needs to wean itself off fossil resources. In April 2011 the Nuffield Council on Bioethics published its report on the ethical issues surrounding biofuels (Biofuels: ethical issues). The report, which includes recommendations for policy and practice, contains conclusions which are also applicable to other sectors which build on biomass as a key resource.
They will develop sustainable pathways for production of algae in NW Europe. All companies with an interest in algal technologies who have received support from InCrops are invited to become stakeholders in EnAlgae. The InCrops Biorefining and Algal Technologies Working Group met for the first time in July 2011. Twelve representatives from InCrops partner institutions and client companies shared their involvement in biorefining and/or algal technologies.
At this event Prof Christine Raines of the Council’s Working Party on biofuels presented the findings of the report, followed by a discussion on the recommendations in the report, and potential implications for the wider bioeconomy in the UK. The discussion highlighted the importance of information flow between industry, researchers and policy makers, and the need for more data and reliable life cycle analysis. External events
Events and profile-raising
Presentations were given at the following events:
March 2011 - Algal Stakeholder meeting
March 2011 Low Carbon Knowledge East of England Partnership (KEEP) programme event in Cambridge - Presentation on InCrops business support and LCIF offerings
This event introduced algal stakeholders to each other, facilitating networking and collaboration. They were informed about upcoming algal opportunities, such as the plans for an Algal Innovation Centre, the new INTERREG EnAlgae Strategic Initiative and the NERC-TSB Algal Bioenergy Special Interest Group. Discussions were also held on setting up a Trade Association for Algal Industries. March 2011 - Printing for Sustainability Event This event explored how new printing technologies, materials and strategies can be used both within the sector and in other industries to widen the range of applications, increase efficiency and decrease use of resources, minimising environmental impact and cost.
Lecture on bioenergy, biorefining and algal technologies to Japanese visiting students Advances in Printing: Leaner and cleaner manufacturing Cambridge. Joint event with London Technology Network and EEDA April 2011 Presentation on InCrops and Tech Transfer Models to German MBA student delegation July 2011 Introductory presentation at CPPS/NIAB Innovation Farm Workshop Day September 2011 Nuffield Event Rush for Resources: Ethics of building a bio-based economy – The Hauser Forum, Seminar Centre, Cambridge – Introductory presentation on InCrops, business support options and the rationale behind organising the event.
Annual Report 2011/2012
Sustainable design
Context The UK’s creative industries account for over 1 million jobs and brought in £112.5bn to the UK economy. The UK fashion industry alone is valued at £1.6bn. InCrops is supporting businesses within the creative sector which develop and manufacture household goods, eco-paints, furnishings, fashion, clothing and artwork. InCrops has long been interested in collaborating with the creative industries in order to develop concepts and prototypes using natural materials in mainstream products. Designers and product developers aim to reduce the impact on the environment through material selection, development of energy-efficient processes and improved end-of-life options. InCrops is working with a range of businesses developing and processing natural fibres, biopolymers and natural dyes. These businesses are looking at new concepts for integration of these materials in textiles, furnishings, accessories and decorations. Artists and designers are keen to explore new materials and find the work with innovative bio-based materials very stimulating and rewarding. Business support InCrops provided business support to artist Jacqui Jones, who is interested in working with biopolymers. Jacqui participated in the joint InCrops-Sainsbury Centre Visual Arts project on “Art and Innovation”. After this project she received business support to help her to develop her own practice based on use of water soluble and biodegradable plastics.
Partnerships, working groups and strategic activity Art and innovation project InCrops has developed a strong collaboration with the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts at the University of East Anglia. Both organisations were interested in integrating sustainable materials into artistic practices. The project brief was for a range of local artists to engage with a select number of businesses, and supported by InCrops, design and create an innovative piece of artwork using the bio-based materials produced by that business. In total, five artists took part and were teamed up with InCrops clients. The outcome of this first phase of the project was extremely successful with the artists producing a variety of unexpected outcomes and innovative solutions to the materials they were given. The businesses saw it as an opportunity to promote biobased materials and products into a market they may not have explored before. It also created new applications and ideas for their materials with the findings being potentially commercially viable for both business and the artist. Jacqui Jones said: “InCrops gave me a lot of support and the companies involved generously supplied me a range of materials. Although the project has finished I continue to produce work that relates to environmental issues.”
Jacqui wrote an article about her work and her interest in collaborating with bioplastic companies, and InCrops facilitated publication of this article in the European Bioplastics magazine. This initiative provided the artist with a platform to show how science and the environment can work in harmony and Jacqui has subsequently produced a range of creative workshops for community groups highlighting the benefits of biodegradable packaging.
Annual Report 2011/2012
Kingston University ‘Sustainable Luxury’ InCrops has established relationships with various textile and fashion researchers, including researchers of the Textiles Futures Research Group at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, and Professor Jane Harris of Kingston University. InCrops has run a focussed student project to use sustainable materials in fashion design, after signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Kingston University to provide the basis for a collaborative relationship. As part of this collaboration InCrops has sponsored a module on ‘Sustainable Luxury’ for MA Fashion students. Students researched bio-based materials and waste products, created concepts and samples using these materials in fashion and design, and incorporated bio-derived materials and waste products into their individual fashion practices. Natural fibres, pigments, biopolymers, wood, bamboo, fruit peels and microorganisms have been used in the design concepts. This project has been a very enriching experience for InCrops and resulted in the creation of unexpected concepts of how bio-based materials could be used in creative practices.
Events and profile-raising London Fashion Week Stunning designs created for an InCrops sponsored fashion project featured on the catwalk at the opening day of this year’s London Fashion Week. The ‘woodchip’ garments by designer Stefanie Nieuwenhuyse were just one of the creative outcomes of a collaborative project between InCrops and Kingston University MA Fashion students. The Dutch designer investigated whether plywood waste could be used to recreate the look of snakeskin, scaly surface. Her luxuriouslooking collection in woody brown and beige includes a corset, a full-length dress, trousers, necklaces and a pair of shoes, all created without depleting any natural resources. December 2011 - Designing Green Interiors This event was organised by InCrops for businesses and individuals, such as interior designers, architects, developers, building contractors and manufacturers of interior materials who are interested in the use of innovative bio-based and sustainable materials. It was held at the Building Research Enterprise (BRE), Watford. The three speakers highlighted different aspects of designing green interiors. In conclusion to the event, many issues were raised including the re-establishment of manufacturing in the UK and support for small businesses to process materials locally. The need for technical information about energy, testing and transparency was also an issue. InCrops is planning a series of follow-on events on sustainable design.
Annual Report 2011/2012
The InCrops events diary
Joint events March 2011 - Finance, innovation and marketing event at Norwich. Joint event with HSBC, PwC and LCIF - Low Carbon KEEP event Cambridge. Joint event with Low Carbon KEEP Programme and LCIF
February 2011 Hemp Growers group in Thetford March - “Bioplastics: Opportunities, challenges and advances in processing and recycling of biopolymers”, Thetford - Algae Stakeholder meeting Cambridge, hosted by InCrops June InCrops “Sea Buckthorn – A New Crop for the UK” in Great Holland, Essex September - Rush for Resources: “Ethics of building a bio-based economy’” The Hauser Forum, Seminar Centre, Cambridge - “Low carbon construction: PassivHaus and Performance” Sportspark UEA, Norwich October “Fresh Approach to Packaging and Food Waste”, Chatteris November “Feedstocks for bioenergy: a look at perennial energy crops”, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden December - “Designing Green Interiors” - industry networking event at BRE in Watford - Feedstocks for bioenergy: Straw for energy, Honingham Thorpe, Norfolk. Co-hosted by Anglian Farmers February 2012 - Low Carbon Construction Event: Passivhaus and embodied carbon SmartLife Low Carbon Centre, Cambridge - Algae for food and feed Hughes Hall, Cambridge - “Hemp seed – healthy food and healthy profit?” Priory Hotel, Bury St Edmunds
- “Advances in Printing: Leaner and cleaner manufacturing” Cambridge. Joint event with LTN and EEDA December Constructing the Future Conference at the Norwich Research Park. Joint event with Build Norfolk February 2012 Optimising surface fibres University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield. InCrops presentation. Joint event with Materials KTN In addition to the events we have held ourselves and run with others, our specialist team have given presentations and talks at a range of other events, nationally and internationally and continue to extend their knowledge and expertise though attendance at relevant conferences, seminars and workshops throughout the year. February 2011 EU President visit to NIAB, Cambridge. InCrops presentation, exhibition and representatives from InCrops client businesses May Sustainability 2011 run by the Norfolk and Suffolk Chamber of Commerce Conference. Event sponsor, InCrops presentation and exhibition June Cereals 2011 - InCrops exhibition stand September London Fashion Week show. InCrops sponsor of Kingston University fashion project featured at event October Insite 2011 BRE, Watford. InCrops exhibition in Renewables House November Bioenergy Meeting on Biorefinery in Cambridge. InCrops chair of the event February and March
- EU Regional funding for business events in following locations: Cranfield University, Anglia Ruskin University
Sustainable Luxury IOM, London. Co-hosted with Kingston University and Materials KTN
Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin University Chelmsford. InCrops gave presentations and had an exhibition stand
Annual Report 2011/2012
InCrops Ltd
InCrops Ltd is a not for profit company wholly owned by UEA. Established in August 2008, the company now has seven directors from a range of different backgrounds who govern and manage the strategic direction of the InCrops Enterprise Hub.
UEA Directors:
The work of the Board of Directors is supported by the InCrops Strategy Group which has representatives from our 13 partners.
Prior to being appointed Pro-Vice Chancellor, Prof. Davies had a six year term as Dean of the School of Environmental Studies and was Director of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU). The Headquarters of the Tyndall Centre, the UK’s research centre for the identification of sustainable options for climate change, was set up in the School of Environmental Sciences during his Deanship and he also founded CRed, the carbon reduction programme based at UEA.
Board of Directors: Non-Executive Chair: Marie Francis, OBE Previously Board Member for EEDA, agricultural journalist and arable farmer, Marie has had key roles in the agricultural and food industry from trade organisations to Defra and levy boards. In 2004, she was awarded an OBE for services to agriculture and the rural economy. Marie provides a strong link between the InCrops Enterprise Hub and both the research and business communities. Managing Director: Dr John French John initially created the original concept for the InCrops Project and, in 2008 after gaining funding from EEDA and ERDF, the project became live. With a BSc in Applied Biology from London University and a PhD from Cambridge, John has enjoyed a diverse career in both academia and business. In the past decade he has specialised in fundraising for major infrastructure projects with a particular interest in the bioeconomy.
Professor Trevor Davies, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Fudan/Tyndall
Professor David Richardson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, Enterprise and Engagement David Richardson is Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, Enterprise and Engagement and Professor of Microbial Biochemistry in the School of Biological Sciences at UEA. He first came to UEA as a lecturer in 1991, he was promoted to Reader in 1998, then Chair in 2001 and Dean in 2007. He took on the role of ProVice-Chancellor in 2011. Prior to this David began his research career as a PhD student in the University of Birmingham (1985-88) and moved on to undertake postdoctoral research in the University of Oxford (1988-91). Helen Lewis, Director of Research and Enterprise Services Helen Lewis is Director of Research and Enterprise Services and also has responsibility for Careers and Employability. She was previously Director of Administration in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. She joined UEA in 1998 after working for the American Institute for Foreign Study in London and the Training and Development Division of the National YMCA. Helen has previously held positions on the Board of Governors of the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Trust and the Board of Cinema City.
Annual Report 2011/2012
Stephen Donaldson, Company Secretary As Director of Finance, Stephen leads the Finance Division at UEA. Industry Representatives: John Casey, Platform Leader Bioscience, Nutrition & Health, Unilever After completing a PhD in biochemistry, John Casey went into industrial research for the Distillers Company in Scotland. In 1984 he joined Unilever where, after a few years, he became the lead for the Speciality Chemicals Research Group. Beyond Unilever he was a team member of the last government Science and Technology Foresight Survey. Additionally John was a founder member of the East of England Science and Industry Council.
Lydia Smith, Novel and Non Food Crops lead, NIAB – InCrops Partner Representative Dr Lydia Smith has led the Novel and Non Food Crops area at NIAB for the past seven years. A plant ecologist by training, with a particular interest in reclamation of damaged or contaminated land to agricultural or amenity use, Dr Smith has extensive experience in plant microbial interactions and in the application of ecological principles to the farming environment. Lydia has a particular interest in diversification of farm species and has sought to foster interaction with both academics and business within the East of England, particularly through the Cambridge Partnership of Plant Scientists. Barrie Griffiths, Chairman, Kore Technology Ltd After obtaining a PhD in low temperature physics Dr Barrie Griffiths subsequently joined Cambridge Consultants to establish a Vacuum Physics Group. He spun out a company from Cambridge Consultants to manufacture mass spectrometers that became Kore Technology Ltd. He is currently Executive Chairman of Kore. He is also Chairman of Yuno Ltd, a Japanesefunded UK-based venture analysis company and has acted as Chairman of East Cambridgeshire District Council’s e-space Business Centres and Non-executive Director of several SMEs. The InCrops Strategy Group is advisory to the Board and is made up of representatives from the InCrops Partners. Comprised of representatives from the 13 InCrops partner institutions and chaired by InCrops Managing Director, John French, the group’s emphasis is placed on discussing InCrops activities, strategic initiatives and how the project can be moved forward.
Annual Report 2011/2012
The members of the strategy group are: Partner Organisation
Lydia Smith
University of Cambridge, Dept of Plant Sciences
Alison Smith
Forestry Commission England
Steve Scott
Rothamsted Research
Stephen James
Niall Trafford
Easton College
Clive Bound
UEA School of Biological Sciences
John Turner
Chris Blincoe
Keith Waldron
Renewables East
Richard Parker
Norwich Research Park
Matt Hills
John Innes Centre
Jon Clarke
University of Essex
Position vacant
Annual Report 2011/2012
InCrops Enterprise Hub University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ T: +44 (0)1603 591765 F: +44 (0)1603 597186 E:
University Company registered in England: InCrops Enterprise Hub (Company Registration No. 06677095). Operated by InCrops Ltd, a subsidiary of the University of East Anglia. Registered Office: The Registry, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ