Moonshiner 11th 歐洲魅影影展手冊

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第十一屆歐洲魅影影展 11th Taiwan European Film Festival

第十一屆歐洲魅影影展 11th Taiwan European Film Festival

月份 Month

11月 Nov.

歐洲 魅 影 影 展 場次 表

日期 Date

時間 Time

11/22 (Sun.)


11/27 (Fri.)



11/28 (Sat.)



11/29 (Sun.)



12/05 (Sat.)

15:00 19:00

12/06 (Sun.)

12/12 (Sat.)


15:00 19:00

12月 Dec.

12/13 (Sun.)

12/19 (Sat.)


15:00 19:00

12/20 (Sun.)

12/26 (Sat.)


15:00 19:00

12/27 (Sun.)


片名 Title

驕傲大聯盟 Pride


Love is All

Whispers of the Greater Region


The Best Day of My Life


Echoes from the Dead


A Kind of America


Hold Back


A Hijacking

反斗大媽 Carmina


High Performance


A Step into the Dark

神之手 Gods




A Patriotic Man

最後一封信 Last Letter

片長 級別 Length Rating


輔 PG13


限 R


輔 PG13


輔 PG13


輔 PG13


輔 PG13


輔 PG13


輔 PG13


限 R


輔 PG13


輔 PG13


輔 PG13


輔 PG13


輔 PG13


輔 PG13


輔 PG13

◆ 本活動免費入場,座位有限,自由入座,請於放映前 20 分鐘排隊入場。 ◆ Free advance tickets, seats based on first come first serve on event day. ◆ Doors open 20min prior to screening. ◆ 普:普遍級/護:保護級/輔:輔導級/限:限制級。 ◆ Rating-G: General Audience / PG: Protected / PG13: Parental Guidance / R: Restricted ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

主辦單位保有影片更動之權力,更新資訊將於Moonshiner粉絲團中公布,如 遇天災或不可抗力因素發生,將依台北市政府發布之命令決定是否取消放映。

Screenings may be cancelled due to emergency circumstances, such as natural disaster. In case of an emergency, Moonshiner will decide whether to cancel a screening in coordination with Taipei City Government.

驕傲大聯盟 Pride

│Matthew Warchus│UK│劇情片 Fiction│Color│119min│輔 PG13│

1984年柴契爾夫人採取鐵腕作風打壓英國工會團體,各地抗爭罷工頻傳。南 威爾斯一座小鎮上,兩股背景天差地遠的反對勢力結盟。當熱愛狂歡的倫敦同 志,遇上民風保守的威爾斯礦工,他們能放下歧見共同對抗柴契爾政府嗎? U.K. gay activists work to help miners during their lengthy strike of the National Union of Mineworkers in the summer of 1984. Featured in The EE British Academy Film Awards(2015).

▲ 11/22 Sun. 14:00

◆ In English with Chinese subtitles only.

柏林之東,圍牆以西 West

│Christian Schwochow│Germany│劇情片 Fiction│Color│102min│限 R│

70末的東柏林,Nelly在男友過世三年後,毅然決然地帶著兒子逃離悲傷的過 往,搬至圍牆的西側,盼能透過一段虛構的婚姻,讓人生重新來過。但當西柏 林的盟軍特工處開始質疑男友的神祕失蹤之際,Nelly到底該選擇面對事實真 相,還是把希望放在期許更好的明天? East Germany. Summer, late 70's. Three years after her boyfriend Wassilij's death, Nelly Senff decides to escape from behind the Berlin wall with her son and her traumatic memories. With a feigned marriage, she plans to start a new life in the West. But soon her past starts to haunt her as the Allied Secret Service begin to question Wassilij's mysterious disappearance. Plagued by her past and fraught with paranoia, Nelly is forced to choose between discovering the truth and her hopes for a better tomorrow.

▲ 11/27 Fri. 19:30


Love is All

│Joram Lürsen│Netherland│劇情片 Fiction│Color│110min│輔 PG13│

流浪漢救了落水的年輕女孩;Ted失去工作卻不敢告訴妻子Simone;同性戀情 侶Victor和Kees之間動人而傷感的故事;離婚夫妻Klaasje和Dennis試圖重建生 活的掙扎與猶豫;百貨公司銷售員Kiki發現她愛的男子竟然是荷蘭王子?住在 阿姆斯特丹的男男女女們,顛簸的愛情生活在荷蘭的傳統聖誕節裡相互交錯。 When a wanderer saved a young girl from drowning; A man lost his job and didn’t dare to tell his wife; the touching yet mourning story of gay couple; the hesitations of a divorced couple trying to rebuild their lives; and the story of a department store clerk who discovers that the man she fell for is actually the prince of Holland. These are the bumpy love stories intersecting in Amsterdam, during the days leading up to the Dutch national holiday Sinterklaas.

▲ 11/28 Sat. 19:00


Whispers of the Greater Region

│Rüdiger Mörsdorf│Luxembourg│紀錄片 Documentary│Color│52min│輔 PG13│

什麼是法國、德國、比利時與盧森堡之間共同的歷史記憶?只有那些迫使他們 分離的戰爭嗎?還是有一個能更全面性地涵蓋的共同歷史?這部影片提供了一 個富有詩意的方法來接近這片領土的歷史。從公元600年開始,一路帶著我們 領略明日的歐洲。 What is the common history between France, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg? Only the wars that separated them? Or is there a more global, common history? Will we find the answer in defining a country beyond the existing borders, a country which we would call “The Greater Region”? The film offers a poetic approach to what could be the history of this territory. A journey that begins in 600 AD and takes us all the way to the Europe of tomorrow.

▲ 11/29 Sun. 15:00


The Best Day of My Life

│Cristina Comencini│Italy│劇情片 Fiction│ Color│102min│輔 PG13│

Irene身處在傳統義大利家庭中,並且有著鮮為人知的家族秘密。她的長女 Sara是個長期缺乏安全感的寡婦,總是為自己和兒子感到不安。另一個女兒 Rita,則是因為不愉快的婚姻正計劃著一場外遇。她的同志兒子Claudio雖然 不希望家人知道自己的性向,但卻總是帶著男友回家過節… Irene presides over an Italian family life with tension and secrets. Her daughter Sara, is a widow struggling with abandonment issues who constantly worries about the safety of her son. Her other daughter, Rita, feels trapped in her marriage and is considering an affair with another man. Her son Claudio is gay, but hopes his family has not figured that out yet, even though he often brings his boyfriend to family gatherings.

▲ 12/05 Sat. 15:00


Echoes from the Dead

│Daniel Alfredson│Sweden│劇情片 Fiction│Color│99min│輔 PG13│

Julia在兒子失蹤後內疚生活了21年。當她回到童年家鄉厄蘭島,過去的真實與 謊言又重新翻攪而出。她可以信任誰?失蹤的5歲兒子究竟發生了什麼事? Julia has lived with the guilt of her son’s disappearance for 21 years. As she returns to her childhood home on Öland, old truths and lies are stirred up. Who can she trust, and what happened to her 5-year-old son?

▲ 12/05 Sat. 19:00


A Kind of America

│Herendi Gábor│Hungary│劇情片 Fiction│Color│115min│輔 PG13│

Tamás 是布達佩斯的年輕影像工作者,夢想拍攝第一部電影《罪惡城市》。他 完成劇本卻苦無資金;因此,當他收到美國電影製片人 Alex Brubeck 發來的電 子郵件,表示喜歡劇本並願意跟他見面時,感到相當驚喜。在兩個好兄弟的幫 助下,他試圖在這位美國製片人面前留下好印象,途中驚喜與歡笑總是不斷。 Tamás is a young, Budapest-based director of video clips and commercials who dreams of directing his first feature film ‘The Guilty City’. He had written the script but wasn’t able to finance the project. Thus he was surprised by a personal email from an American film producer Alex Brubeck, whom would like to meet him personally. Tamás sees all his dreams come true, and with the help of his successful manager, the sex maniac brother Ákos, and the poet and complete loser András, he tries to make a good impression and persuade Brubeck to finance the film project. But surprises are on the way…

◆ In Hungarian with Chinese subtitles only.

▲ 12/06 Sun. 15:00


Hold Back

│Rachid Djaidani│France│劇情片 Fiction│Color│78min│輔 PG13│

生活在巴黎的年輕黑人基督徒Dorcy想和北非女孩Sabrina结婚。然而,Sabrina 的40個兄弟都反對聯姻,家族大哥更是堅決要拆散這對戀人。種族矛盾在今日 的法國仍然是社會熱門議題,而不同種族通婚容易觸犯禁忌,黑人和阿拉伯人 的聯姻更受到強烈的反對。 In present-day Paris, Dorcy, a young black Christian, wants to marry Sabrina, a young North African. But Sabrina has forty brothers who will all oppose this union in every way possible. This high-spirited tale crystallises taboos still rooted in the mentalities of the two communities.

▲ 12/12 Sat. 15:00


A Hijacking

│Tobias Lindholm│Denmark│劇情片 Fiction│Color│103min│限 R│

本片依據真實事件改編。一群有恃無恐的索馬利亞海盜,劫持了航行在印度洋上 的丹麥貨船「羅森號」,他們無視時間的價值,只在乎贖金。而「羅森號」總公 司的CEO是個商場談判高手,決定親上火線與海盜周旋,問題是,世上沒有一家 航運學校曾教過學生如何對付海盜,冷靜在燠熱的船艙是種挑戰與煎熬。 The cargo ship MV Rozen is heading for harbour when it is boarded and captured by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean. Amongst the men on board are the ship’s cook Mikkel and the engineer Jan, who along with the rest of the crew are taken hostage in a cynical game of life and death. With the demand for a ransom of millions of dollars, a psychological drama unfolds between the CEO of the shipping company and the Somali pirates. The film is based on real events.

▲ 12/12 Sat. 19:00

反斗大媽 Carmina

│Paco León│Spain│劇情片 Fiction│Color│70min│輔 PG13│

一名58歲的女人Carmina,在她的店裡發生過好幾起搶劫案後試圖制定一個計 劃,一個獨特的賺錢方法,來解決她的資金問題。 A 58-year-old woman tries to make a plan to solve her financial problems after several robberies at her store. She contemplates her life.

▲ 12/13 Sun. 15:00


High Performance

│Johanna Moder│Austria│劇情片 Fiction│Color│100min│輔 PG13│

Rudi總是西裝筆挺,Daniel則是隨性的單車族。看似迥異的兄弟兩人卻對Nora 產生興趣。Nora很快地發現兩兄弟出於不同原因的關注。是一部關於忠誠、 親情關係與操控,富含深意的劇情喜劇。 Rudi wears a suit and Daniel rides a bike; despite of all the differences between the two brothers, they were both interested in Nora, but, for different reasons. And as soon as Nora discovers the enthusiasm from the boys… A comedy with depth, and about loyalty, family ties and manipulation.

▲ 12/19 Sat. 15:00


A Step into the Dark

│Miloslav Luther│Slovakia│劇情片 Fiction│Color│120min│輔 PG13│

一位年輕醫生,前游擊隊領袖,他是一個英雄,還是一個殺人犯?他的妻子, 是一個受害者,或極權主義政權的走狗?他的情人,是一個政治野心家,還是 一個被命運背棄的單身媽媽?在共產主義崛起的時代,這些反面英雄人物戲劇 性的命運是暴力和反抗,也是軟弱和勇氣的故事。 A young doctor, former partisan leader – is he a hero, or a murderer? His wife – is a victim, or a minion of a totalitarian regime? And his lover – a political careerist, or a naive single mother betrayed by fate? The dramatic fates of these antiheroes from the era of rise of communism are stories of violence and resistance, weakness and courage, much like the ones that take place today.

▲ 12/19 Sat. 19:00

神之手 Gods

│Lukasz Palkowski│Poland│劇情片 Fiction│Color│120min│輔 PG13│

80年代波蘭著名的心臟外科醫師兹比格涅夫・萊利加帶領他的醫療團隊克服 重重困難,成功完成波蘭史上第一次心臟移植手術的故事。 The early career of cardiac surgeon Zbigniew Religa. Despite harsh reality of the 1980s Poland, he successfully leads a team of doctors to the country’s first human heart transplantation.

▲ 12/20 Sun. 15:00



│Yvan Le Moine│Belgium│劇情片 Fiction│Color│100min│輔 PG13│

著名的英國作家 Lewis,已屆四十,帶著一點陰沉的優雅。在1909年印度洋的 波旁島遇見年輕而光彩奪目的Rosenn。這段美好邂逅在明亮與歡樂中展開。 然而,睿智健談的他在涉入這段親密關係後卻成了「高尚的卑鄙小人」。一場 愛與憐憫的角力就此展開。 A famous English writer, Lewis Lafoly, forty and languidly elegant, meets Rosenn Auroch’, a young and radiant woman, on Bourbon Island in the Indian Ocean in 1909… A classic story of a bright, clever smooth talker, who shows as a “magnificent scumbag” when it comes to an intimate relationship…

▲ 12/26 Sat. 15:00


A Patriotic Man

│Arto Halonen│Finland│劇情片 Fiction│Color│97min│輔 PG13│

由芬蘭十年來票房紀錄保持的導演所執導,改編自 70-80 年代真實奧運醜聞。 排字工人托沃失業後,老婆鼓勵他做點有用的事,於是他決定去捐血。他的 血液樣本讓醫院護士大為吃驚!接著,芬蘭國家滑雪代表隊僱用托沃為人體 血庫,明星選手艾諾因而一路晉升到世界冠軍。但一樁意外影響到代表團奪 得奧運獎牌的機會,成功與否都掌握在托沃的手中。 A laid-off Finn finds a way to help the national ski team cheat with transfusions of his rocket-fuel blood. A dramatization of sports-doping scandals in which athletes are only secondary characters, a Patriotic Man focuses on a sad-sack Finn who discovers a way to help his nation’s ski team cheat their way to victory.

▲ 12/26 Sat. 19:00

最後一封信 Last Letter

│Özhan Eren│Turkey│劇情片 Fiction│Color│122min│輔 PG13│

埃克雷姆上尉是一名年輕的空軍,也是第一批奧斯曼飛行員之一。他在迎接 小女兒誕生的過程中失去了妻子。1915年2月,英國艦隊的襲擊下,埃克雷姆 離開伊斯坦堡前往加里波利駕駛第一批飛機。有一天,在偵察任務時,埃克 雷姆趕去援助被兩架英國飛機攻擊的土耳其醫護人員,認識了一名年輕的護 士尼哈爾。當尼哈爾因自己的職責必須返回伊斯坦堡時,這段感情亦將發展 成為一段透過信件傳達的偉大愛情。 Captain Salih Ekrem is a young air force and one of the first Ottoman pilots. He lost his wife during the birth of his little daughter. In February 1915 with the first assaults of the British fleet, Salih Ekrem leaves Istanbul for Gallipoli, flying on “one of the first planes”. One day, while engaged in an air reconnaissance mission, two British planes attacked a group of Turkish medical personnel, Salih came to rescue and encountered a young nurse Nihal. But when Nihal had to return to Istanbul, their affection may only be “expressed in letters”.

▲ 12/27 Sun. 15:00

繁鬧的西區、繽紛的塗鴉記號、荒廢已久的冰工廠, 重新排列組合後成為一個寧靜、單純的地方 ─ Moonshiner 美國上世紀初的酒禁時期, 所出現的私釀烈酒稱為 Moonshine。 其特色為原始、純粹、毫無保留, 是最執著忘我的結晶,更是淬煉而成的佳作。 Moonshiner 不僅是觀賞影像的空間, 更是專注凝聚思想的地方。 希望每位到來的人們都能夠靜下心, 打開耳朵,張開眼睛看見更多故事。

+8862 2388 8180


No 2 Ln 120 Sec 2 Wuchang St wow @ Woolloomooloo。Moonshiner

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