L o c a l L e a d e r s
E L E C T I O N G U I D E 2 0 2 4
V o t e f o r y o u r M a y o r a n d C o u n c i l l o r s o n S e p t e m b e r 1 4

L o c a l L e a d e r s
E L E C T I O N G U I D E 2 0 2 4
V o t e f o r y o u r M a y o r a n d C o u n c i l l o r s o n S e p t e m b e r 1 4
Welcome to the first edition of Coffs Coast Local Leaders
We’ve produced this E-Zine digital magazine for all those last minute voters who are looking for information on the candidates running for Mayor and for Councillor in our up coming Local Government Election on Saturday September 14.
The first of a quarterly production where we will keep you up to date on what’s happening at a local government level.
We will have articles covering a large range of issues and value community input. Please send any feedback or story suggestions to localleaders@ woopinews.com.au
Here is our first one that talks to you about Community leadership. We hope you enjoy.
What is community leadership?
Who are our “leaders”? How do you become one? What should we expect from them and how do we support them?
If you find yourself in a leadership position, or you’d like to, each quarter in Coffs Coast Local Leaders we’re going to be discussing different ideas around community leadership. We’ll talk about how each of us can be a leader or #BeTheChangeWeWantToSee. We’ll also be sharing wisdom and insights from the inspiring people who step up in all ways, shapes, and forms to make our community the best place it can possibly be.
Now, you may have noticed there’s a Local Government Election coming up shortly. (14th of September to be precise). This is where we vote for everyday people to be in charge of the most major decisions of our city.
So, let’s have a chat about what being a Councilor really looks like.
First, the official bit… According to the Local Government Act, the role of a Councilor is to be an active and contributing member of the governing body and to represent the collective interests of residents, ratepayers and the local community. They do this by making considered and well-informed decisions as members of the governing body and participating in the development of the integrated planning and reporting framework. Councilors are responsible for facilitating communication between the local community and the governing body, upholding and representing accurately the policies and decisions of the governing body and making all reasonable efforts to acquire and maintain the skills
necessary to perform the role of a Councilor. Still with me after reading all that??? Great! What does it look like in real life?
It looks like LOTS of reading and asking questions to understand all the strategies, policies, rules and regulations that support or constrain what a council can or can’t do.
It’s countless emails, phone calls, meetings, regularly reading business papers (aka meeting agenda items), attending briefings and then more meetings, all while weighing up what the best outcome of each decision is for the wider community. “Best outcome for the wider community” is the trickiest bit because most of the time, everyone wants something different, and those most passionate about the topic can be very effective in making their opinions heard. Being realistic that sometimes the decisions you need to make will disappoint some people is a necessary but uncomfortable lesson to learn.
While we’re talking uncomfortable, I’ll just mention one of the more difficult elements of this area of community leadership, and that’s the criticism (especially the online kind). While it is unpleasant to say the least, I can offer some reassurance, you will come to notice that what people say and way they treat others shows more about them than it does about you.
It is a lot of work, but it is also really rewarding (except maybe financially - Councillors in our LGA are currently paid $24,810 annually before tax, there are no superannuation or leave entitlements).
The ability to positively impact the future direction of our community, to contribute to shaping what that future looks like, is priceless. That’s why we need to ensure we have amazing, community
minded, passionate, inspiring, people from all different demographics to be our next local government community leaders. (and we all need to encourage and support them ongoing so more people are willing to give it a shot).
We’re really looking forward to discussing all the ways each of us can have a positive impact and ‘lead’ the community around us. While it’s easy to see the things that need to change or could be done differently, being a part of that change or even stepping up and leading it can be somewhat daunting! Let’s chat more about that each issue.
You have the power to positively impact the world around you. If even a tiny little piece of your heart knows that #ChangeStartsWithMe then take a big breath and let’s do this.
The Coffs Harbour local council elections are approaching, and it's essential to stay informed to make your vote count. This guide provides key information about the election process, important dates, and how you can participate in shaping the future of our community.
Key Dates
Election Day: The local council elections will be held on Saturday September 14, 2024
Pre-poll Voting: Starts September 7 and ends September 13.
Postal Voting: Applications must be received by 5pm, September 9.
How to Vote
On Election Day:
Polling places will be open from 8am to 6pm. You can find your nearest polling place on the NSW Electoral Commission website.
Pre-poll Voting:
If you can't vote on Election Day, you can vote early at designated pre-poll voting centres. Check the NSW Electoral Commission website for locations and opening hours.
Postal Voting:
If you are unable to vote in person, you can apply for a postal vote. Make sure to apply early and return your completed ballot by the deadline.
Voter Eligibility
To vote in the Coffs Harbour local council elections, you must:
Be registered on the electoral roll
Be an Australian citizen
Be 18 years of age or older on Election Day
Live in the Coffs Harbour local government area.
Voting Process
Mark Your Ballot:
You will be given a ballot paper listing all the candidates. Follow the instructions to mark your preferences.
Submit Your Ballot:
Place your completed ballot in the provided envelope and submit it at your polling place or return it by post if you are a postal voter.
Important Resources
NSW Office of Local Government: For comprehensive information on local government elections, visit olg.nsw. gov.au.
NSW Electoral Commission:
For details on how to vote, polling places, and voter registration, visit elections.nsw.gov.au.
Stay informed about the candidates running for council. Attend local forums, read candidate statements, and visit their websites to understand their platforms and policies. Get Involved Volunteer: Help out on Election Day or during the campaign period.
Spread the Word: Encourage friends and family to vote and participate in the election.
Stay Informed: Follow local news and social media for updates on the election.
Your vote is your voice in the community. Make sure you are prepared and informed for the upcoming Coffs Harbour local council elections. Every vote counts in shaping the future of our region.
For more information, visit NSW Office of Local Government and NSW Electoral Commission. Where to vote :
Boambee Public School, Lindsays Rd, Boambee
Bonville Memorial Hall, 6 East Bonville Rd, Bonville
Cavanbah Hall, 191B Harbour Dr, Coffs Harbour
Coffs Harbour High School, Harbour Dr, Coffs Harbour. Coffs Harbour Public School, Salamander St, Coffs Harbour.
Coramba Public School, Short St, Coramba
Corindi Beach Community Hall, 121c Pacific St, Corindi Beach.
Eastern Dorrigo Community Hall, 13 Pine Ave Ulong.
Exhibition Halls (Middle and West), Coffs Harbour Showground, Kororo Public School, 3 Korora School Rd, Korora Mullaway Public School,15 Whitton Pl, Mullaway
Nana Glen Memorial Hall and Community Centre, 26 Grafton St, Nana Gle
Narranga Public School, Robin St, Coffs Harbour
Red Rock, Multi-Use Centre, Red Rock Rd, Red Rock
Sandy Beach Public School, 19 Saye Cl, Sandy Beach
Sawtell Public School, 32-36 Eleventh Ave, Sawtell
Toormina High School, Armstrong Dr, Toormina
Tyalla Public School, Joyce St, Coffs Harbour
Upper Orara Public School, 770 Upper Orara Rd, Upper Orara
Wiigulga Multipurpose Centre, Wiigulga Sport Complex, 2033 Solitary Islands Way, Woolgoolga
William Bayldon Public School, Lyons Rd, Sawtell
Woolgoolga Public School, Scarborough St, Woolgoolga
Sat 07 Sep - Fri 13 Sep 2024
Mon - Wed: 8:30am - 5:30pm. Thu: 8:30am - 8pm
Fri: 8:30am - 6pm. Sat: 9am - 6pm
Coffs Harbour Indoor Sports Stadium, 74A Bray Street. Coffs Harbour Returning Officer’s Office, 123 Pacific Highway, Coffs Harbour
Toormina Community Centre, 171 Toormina Road.
Woolgoolga Uniting Church, 5 Trafalgar Street, Woolgoolga
For accessibility information please check https://elections.nsw.gov.au/elections/find-my-electorate/ councils/coffs-harbour
There is no absentee voting available at NSW council elections. You must vote at a venue in your enrolled council area. You cannot vote at a venue in another area.
Who you can vote for:
You can choose from
1. Paul Amos
2. Nikki Williams
3. Jonathan Cassell
4. George Cecato
5. Tegan Swan
6. Anthony Judge
7. Rodney Fox
Group A
Nikki Williams
Cath Fowler
Les Oxford
Gurminder Saro
Matt Gosling
Falak Othman
Clinton Hayes
Barbara Haigh
Neil Manson
Group B
Rodney Fox
Nicole Bourne
Michael Thompson-Blair
Dudley Mitchell-Adams
Group C
John O’Brien
Jasmine Braun
Dorothea Skoludek
Kristel O’Brien
Group D: The Greens
Jonathan Cassell
Tim Nott
Eugenie Gerlach
Elaine Sherwood
Olivier La Mer-Adair
Group E
George Cecato
Jesse Young
Jeffrey (Jack) Dix
Tiga Cross
Matthew Culgan
Katherine Listkow
Group F
Tegan Swan
Marcus Blackwell
Lucas Craig
Lisa Nichols
Mel Browne
Group G
Paul Amos
Julie Sechi
Scott Walgamot
Sally Townley
Group H: Labor
Tony Judge
Htun Htun Oo
Lealah Durow
Glenis Hunter
Danny WIlson
About our City
The City of Coffs Harbour is home to over 78,000 people and is one of the fastest growing and most dynamic areas within regional NSW.
The City of Coffs Harbour LGA is made up of many beachside and inland localities, villages, towns and suburbs:
Arrawarra Headland
Boambee East
Coffs Harbour
Corindi Beach
Dirty Creek
Emerald Beach
Halfway Creek
Moonee Beach
Nana Glen
North Boambee Valley
Red Rock
Safety Beach
Sandy Beach
Sapphire Beach
Upper Corindi
Upper Orara Woolgoolga
At the upcoming Local Government elections to be held on Saturday September 14 a Poll is being held asking voters to have a say on the very important issue of the future of the community’s much-loved Coffs Harbour Jetty Foreshores.
All eligible voters will be asked to answer yes or no to the following question:
‘The Coffs Harbour Jetty Foreshore will be redeveloped. Do you agree that some of the foreshore land should be used for multi-level private residential development?’
The NSW State Government’s proposed plan is to rezone and sell 4.2 hectares of public land to allow Government assisted developers to build multi-level buildings with up to 250 private residential dwellings and 200 short stay units.
Coffs Harbour Council is strongly opposed to the State Government’s plan and wants to see the land retained in public ownership to be used for the future enjoyment of all.
Council’s published concept plan for this land if it were retained in public ownership, suggests increased parklands along with some development to provide more recreation, dining, cultural and tourism experiences for the whole community.
Over some past 40 years, residential proposals for the
Adopting the foreshore plan will be a key issue in this election, but without it, Coffs is destined to stagnate.
The jetty precinct should serve the entire Coffs LGA and visitors, not just protect a view for a few. This area has the potential to be a vibrant community hub, offering locals and tourists alike a place to gather, enjoy recreational activities, and support local businesses.
Coffs Harbour desperately needs new hotels—our last one was built in 1990. Even if we started today, a new hotel is unlikely within five years. Without upgraded tourist accommodation, Qantas will continue to dictate terms. When Western Sydney Airport opens, most of our flights will likely be routed there; Coffs has become a business airport with fares out of reach for most residents and tourists. We already have some of the highest regional airfares in the country, while nearby Ballina and Port Macquarie offer much cheaper flights to Sydney.
We’re losing events because we lack the beds to host major sporting or music events. Port Macquarie and Ballina, with their vibrant town centres, new hotels, and thriving tourism sectors, show what’s possible. Their riverside areas are beautifully landscaped with green spaces, lovely walks, and accommodations. This growth creates local jobs beyond just hospitality.
Tourism numbers in neighbouring towns are up about
Jetty precinct by previous State Governments have met with community and Council opposition. The current Jetty Foreshores Plan of Management states that the Department of Lands has intentions to acquire the surplus railway land to provide additional parklands, and not for the purpose of residential development east of the railway line. The State Government has ignored this plan and thus ignored the voices of the people.
Self-funded community group, ‘Foreshore For All’, is strongly opposed to the proposed State Government plan saying that this area can be revitalised without masses of multi-level private residential buildings that will overshadow the existing open space and further impede parking and traffic flow.
Coffs Harbour is so lucky to have a beautiful space like the Jetty which can be enjoyed by the whole community, from all demographics, free of charge; 450 private residential units will destroy the community spirit. Parking will be limited and ‘valuable’ which will undoubtedly lead to timed and/or paid parking. Byron charges $4 per hour. Do we want the chaos that is Byron?
Foreshores For All urges voters to acquaint themselves with the policies of the candidates before voting and not be dictated to by Macquarie Street, big business and selfinterest developers but have your say in what’s best for our land – our future.
Prepared by Foreshore For All
20%, while we’re down about 5%. Look at Port Macquarie, Ballina, and Byron Bay; their waterfronts are enjoyed by thousands of tourists and locals. Even Townsville and Cairns demonstrate what’s achievable. Last Father’s Day in Townsville, we saw hundreds of families enjoying the BBQs, children’s water parks, walkways, and cycle paths— despite not being able to swim in the ocean.
The area we’re discussing is west of Jordan Esplanade, not on the foreshore—it’s disused dirt and weeds that has sat idle for 30 years. Imagine this space transformed into a thriving area with shops, cafés, and community spaces, reflecting the vibrancy we see in other coastal towns.
The big issue: we need state government funding for infrastructure to support new hotels and the entire Jetty area. The sewers are nearing capacity, and the pit outside the marina toilets has frequent issues. Power at the jetty is insufficient, with the marina precinct suffering blackouts, especially during the Christmas holidays. This impacts businesses like the yacht club, Fisherman’s Coop, and Latitude 30.
Without state funds, we’ll remain the poor relation among North Coast towns. Meanwhile, the local council is hoarding money for land acquisition, neglecting our services and city upkeep. Coffs was voted the most liveable city in the world in 2002—we’ve fallen far since then.
Prepared by Marcus Blackwell
There is so much information going around about the Jetty Foreshore Precinct revitalisation. We’ve provided you with some links so you can do some research yourself. https://www.coffsharbour. nsw.gov.au/Your-Council/ Projects-and-initiatives/ Initiatives/Jetty-Foreshores
https://www.dpie.nsw.gov. au/housing-and-property/ our-business/precinctdevelopment/coffs-jettyrevitalisation
https://www.dpie.nsw. gov.au/__data/assets/ pdf_file/0016/610036/coffs-
https://www.dpie.nsw.gov. au/__data/assets/pdf_ file/0010/548731/CoffsJetty-Revitalisation-RefinedMasterplan-2022.pdf
https://www.dpie.nsw. gov.au/__data/assets/ pdf_file/0006/508452/coffsjetty-revitalisation-draftmasterplan.pdf
https://www.facebook.com/ groups/jettyforeshores
We encourage you to have a good read of both the City of Coffs Harbour (Council) and State Government plans.
A council can decide to conduct a poll. A poll can be on any issue and is used to guide the council in its decisions. For a council poll to pass a majority of voters must have voted in support of the proposal.
As part of Coffs Harbour Council, you will be asked to vote on: The Coffs Harbour Jetty foreshore will be redeveloped. Do you agree that some of the foreshore land should be used for multilevel private residential development?
I’m a third generation local, mum of triplets, wife and business owner. I’ve been an active community member in council matters for years, living by the ethos that if you want a change, you need to be a part of it. Over the years, I’ve had a seat at the table on committees and as a member of business, community and sporting organisations. So I’m in touch with the needs of the average resident.
I grew up in an era when Coffs was full of promise. We were the leader of the Mid North Coast, the number one choice for tourists to visit, a town full of nightlife and events, where businesses flourished. Over the years, while our neighbours have thrived, we’ve stagnated. I’d work hard to again realise our potential and become the best regional city on the coast. I know there’s a lot of good work that can be done at a local level that directly impacts how we all live and that’s why I’ve stepped up to be your Mayor. My strengths are in building relation -
ships, fostering trust and creating a strong sense of community. I lead by example, accountability, cultivate a positive culture, mentor my team, and encourage ownership.
We need to bring back a focus on Council's core business (roads, rubbish and recreation) with high service delivery levels to enhance community pride. Introduce a community safety plan, increase housing opportunities, attract investment, industry and visitors, and energise our streets with activity.
I’d focus on mending relationships with business, community and gov ernment and ensuring clear com munication, robust and meaningful community engagement and ensuring visible leadership in showing up for our community.
multiple generations, live in different areas, and bring an abundance of energy, determination and expertise to the table.
Cath Fowler
I’m a mum, wife and business owner.
and the decisions made by council on behalf of our community.
A voice who listens
I understand what is required to move our town forward
Educated in the public system I obtained a job with an insurance company. From there I went into broking.
I started a brokerage in 1996.
Business partner running a successful brokerage for 28 years
You have the unique opportunity to bring a new experienced skill set to council, and vote in a team with a proven career record of being effec -
I want what you want. A bright future for Coffs Harbour. Vote for a fresh start. Vote 1 Nikki Williams for Mayor and Group A for Councillor.
• Safe, tidy, vibrant city and villages to live, work, visit and play
• Clear communication and collaboration with residents and ratepayers
• Create efficiencies and consistencies to avoid wasteful spending
• Excellence in the basics - roads, rubbish and recreation
• Strong community-centred leadership to reunite us
Build connections through collaboration via my online local mum community, Chamber of Commerce and the Business Women’s Network.
I’m actively engaged in council matters already.
Bachelor of Economics, Cert III in Financial Services and Strategic Leadership qualification.
My career includes senior management and Board roles in communications, marketing, and partnerships.
I’m born and raised in Woolgoolga.
CEO of Gosling Group.
Teamwork, communication and passion are important to me, as well as building strong relationships.
In business, we partner with clients to shape the future in our region. Running for Council aligns with this ethos.
My values are generosity, honesty, community, knowledge sharing and simplicity. All qualities councillors should have.
Les Oxford
I’m third generation local raising 3 young children here.
Passionate about the place we live
Family has a proud history of contributing on behalf of the Sikh Community.
After losing a friend to suicide, I created the community sporting event Harmeet Shetra Memorial Shield.
Director of First Nations Economics.
Charity aiding indigenous communities with financial and economic illiteracy.
Bachelor of Commerce and Economics, Masters Degree in Wealth Advice
Business Owner
Proven relationship builder, innovative problem solver and resourceful team player. All qualities a councillor should have.
Iam born and have always lived in Coffs region. I love Coffs and want the best for it now and into the future.
Keen interest in sport, and in creating opportunities for people to grow in their abilities.
At 19, I’m the youngest candidate for election.
Moved to Coffs with my family in 2017 as refugees and made this city our home
Committed to contributing to our region’s growth and improvement.
Studying a nursing and business degree. Working as an AIN, combining my empathetic nature with my translating skills
Passionate about teamwork and believe it is essential for achieving meaningful change
Coffs Coast Woman of the Year 2024 for my volunteering work Group A continued on next page
Long term resident since 1982.
Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Former Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of the Go Vita Group.
Have spent 30 years as a business owner.
Passionate about Coffs Harbour, its natural beauty and its unrealised potential as one of the most ideal cities on the coast.
Keen to see Coffs Harbour rise to its rightful place as one of Australia’s premier places to live, work and visit.
Coffs local for over 40 years
Raised my daughters here, aged 19 and 21.
Former mentor for Women in Business regional program, member of Next Gen Leaders
Finalist for Citizen of the Year 2020, and Coffs Coast Outstanding Business Leader.
Support White Ribbon, Pink Ribbon, The Starlight Foundation, local women’s sporting clubs and fashions on the fields.
In my professional life, leading and inspiring teams, business operations, training, as well as high standards of excellence are common themes.
Family has been in the area since the 1880’s
Proud volunteer, including coordinating the Rainforest Rattler.
Committee member for the CanDo Cancer Trust, Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce Board, and the Solitary Islands Marine Park Authority Advisory Board.
Director of the Observatory Apartments
– a multiple award winning local accommodation provider.
I want to see the Coffs Coast prosper, with increased opportunities and living standards for all.
A Coffs Harbour resident since 1977, is running for mayor with a focus on reconnecting local government with the community.
With a background in accounting and community service, Rodney is committed to making Coffs Harbour a place where small businesses thrive, and individuals, especially those with disabilities, feel valued. His vision centres on transparent and inclusive governance.
With 19 years in Coffs Harbour, Nicole brings a strong background in sales, marketing, and community service.
the housing crisis, improving the development application process, and reinstating the annual kerbside pickup
Nicole is committed to transparency and ensuring that community voices
Dudley Mitchell-Adams
Dudley is focused on sustainability, mental health, and affordable housing. Since moving to Coffs Harbour in 2017, he has run a boutique organic farm and is deeply involved in the community. Dudley’s diverse background in farming, banking, and building drives his commitment to making Coffs Harbour a caring and thriving community.
“future-proofing” our community, focusing on sustainability and creating a “City of Parks and Gardens” for health and recreation. As Chair of key committees, I am committed to delivering financial and environmental sustainability outcomes for Coffs
Members of Johns team are:
Eugenie Gerlach
Elaine Sherwood
Olivier La Mer-Adair
As a candidate for Mayor, I am committed to closing the gap between our local government and the community. I promise to restore transparency, inclusivity, and effective governance in Coffs Harbour.
My vision is a city where every voice counts, and everyone feels valued, especially those with disabilities.
Why Vote for Me?
Experience & Integrity: I bring professional expertise as an accountant, combined with personal integrity and community spirit. I am independent, making decisions that prioritise Coffs Harbour residents over political agendas.
Affordable Housing:
I will streamline the approval process for new housing to meet growing community needs and address homelessness through innovative partnerships.
Community Safety:
My focus is on enhancing public safety by supporting vulnerable populations and addressing crime through proven strategies.
Tourism and Local Business Support:
I aim to make Coffs Harbour a premier tourist destination by improving parking, vehicle access, and supporting local businesses.
Environmental Responsibility:
I am dedicated to preserving our beautiful surroundings, enhancing regional food security, and ensuring our development plans align with environmental sustainability.
Accountability and Community Engagement: Regular updates and community feedback will be central to our approach, especially regarding important projects like the Jetty Foreshore development.
Together, we can create a better future for Coffs Harbour. Let’s move forward, together.
Meet the Committed Team:
Rodney Fox: a Coffs Harbour resident since 1977, is running for mayor with a focus on reconnecting local government with the community. With a background in accounting and community service, Rodney is committed to making Coffs Harbour a place where small businesses thrive, and individuals, especially those with disabilities, feel valued. His vision centers on transparent and inclusive governance.
Nicole Bourne: With 19 years in Coffs Harbour, Nicole brings a strong background in sales, marketing, and community service. She is focused on addressing the housing crisis, improving the development
application process, and reinstating the annual kerbside pickup service. Nicole is committed to transparency and ensuring that community voices are heard.
Mick Thompson-Blair: A dedicated member of the local sporting community, Mick is passionate about revitalizing Coffs Harbour’s sporting facilities and addressing homelessness. His experience in the British Army and NSW Government projects equips him to tackle these challenges with a practical approach. Dudley Mitchell-Adams: Dudley is focused on sustainability, mental health, and affordable housing. Since moving to Coffs Harbour in 2017, he has run a boutique organic farm and is deeply involved in the community. Dudley’s diverse background in farming, banking, and building drives his commitment to making Coffs Harbour a caring and thriving community.
Vote for Rodney Fox and his team for a Transparent, Inclusive Coffs Harbour. Let’s move forward, together.
You can meet the Rodney Fox candidate team at the Jetty Markets on September 8
It’s time for change. To realise our potential as a city, we need fresh leadership and a new approach.
I am unashamedly pro-progress and pro-business. I have been a longstanding member of the Coffs Coast community and a Councillor for eight years.
I have championed positive progress for Coffs Harbour. I stand for transparency and reliability, with a track record of getting it done to project the Coffs Coast forward.
I am determined for Coffs Harbour to realise its potential for a prosperous future.
My wife and I love raising our four boys on the Coffs Coast. For their sake I am determined to see our city realise its potential for a prosperous future. I’ve worked in public policy, residential construction, and the not-for-profit sector.
We’ve got big problems to solve and I am ready to hit the ground running!
I am a physiotherapist who fell in love with the Coffs area at first sight. It is my privilege to live here and help people, on a daily basis. As a father of three young adults, I want to contribute to growing this beautiful place into a premier regional city that provides opportunities for their generation and beyond. I have boundless energy and l am committed to this goal.
I’m a life-long local to Coffs Harbour and Woolgoolga and steward of the Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary. I want my family to call the Coffs Coast home for generations to come, through creating ecotourism prosperity, and conservation of our native animals and their environments.
I have lived in Sawtell for 28 years, and owned and operated several businesses in Sawtell and across the Coffs Coast.
For the last nine years I have owned Lime Mexican, so I understand the challenges of building a successful business and the need for infrastructure renewal and community development on the Coffs Coast.
I am a business-minded local who grew up in Coffs Harbour. I have returned to the Coffs Coast to provide a place for my family to live and grow, and to contribute positively to the city’s potential as a world-class liveable city and visitor destination.
After eight years on Council, George Cecato is running for mayor, driven by a desire to move Coffs Harbour toward a more promising future. During his time on Council, he has advocated for progress, successfully pushing through important projects. However, he feels the current Council majority has consistently opposed growth and critical infrastructure developments. "Our city needs a mayor and councillors who are serious about building a better Coffs Harbour," he stated. “It’s time for change!”
Focus on Key Issues for the City's Future
George Cecato has identified two significant opportunities that the next mayor and council can leverage to shape Coffs Harbour’s future: the completion of the bypass and the redevelopment of the foreshores. He is committed to advocating for a comprehensive redevelopment of the foreshores, including new parks, public spaces, improved beach access, additional cafes and
restaurants, tourist accommodations, playgrounds, enhanced parking, and safety improvements. "Coffs Harbour has waited long enough - it’s time to get it done!" he declared.
The completion of the bypass presents a unique opportunity to transform the city’s layout. Cecato plans to reconnect the two halves of the CBD into a unified zone, improve key intersections, and enhance local travel routes to make it easier for residents to commute to school, work, and shops. He is also eager to reopen discussions with the community on establishing an Entertainment Venue and a Regional Athletics Centre.
Ensuring Transparency and Accountability
Cecato is committed to ensuring transparency and accountability in local government. He believes that council should serve the ratepayers, not the other way around. "We’ll lead from the front," he promised, "building a culture of consultation and respect." He emphasised that his team has a proven track record of working effectively, with integrity and a commitment to community service. "With fresh leadership and a positive approach, we can unlock the potential of our city and make Coffs Harbour a thriving place to live and visit,"
The Northern Beaches of Coffs Harbour is not just a picturesque destination; it’s a vibrant community with immense potential for growth and prosperity. As the local government election approaches, we are focused on creating a thriving, connected community that truly reflects the passion and investment of its residents and businesses.
Our vision for the Northern Beaches is clear: a place where unique local businesses are well-supported and successful, driven by their passion for what we are collectively building. We want businesses that are deeply invested in our local economy because they believe in the future we are shaping together.
Our open spaces, playgrounds, footpaths, roads, and infrastructure should be a testament to the pride we take in our community. They should reflect the value we place on the Northern Beaches, an area that significantly contributes to the council’s revenue through rates. It’s time for our infrastructure to match the level of commitment we show as a community.
But what does this vision look like in reality? It’s about making the right choices and focusing on what truly matters to our community.
but it’s a challenge we’re ready to take on. After almost eight years on the council, I’ve seen first-hand the obstacles we face. In my first term, I often heard, “Coffs Harbour is bigger than just Woolgoolga, Tegan!” But we’ve already accomplished amazing things for Woolgoolga and the Northern Beaches.
This isn’t just about me; it’s about us. Real progress happens when the community comes together to make our vision a reality. That’s why it’s crucial to focus on what’s important to the Northern Beaches: finishing kerbs and gutters, building the pool, completing the Whale Trail, maintaining footpaths and roads, and providing youth facilities like skate parks from Red Rock to Moonee. We also need to address housing affordability and ensure developer
the Coffs Coast but in all of NSW. As our village grows, we must ensure that its future reflects the nature and character we love. Growth is inevitable, but by being proactive, we can shape the future of our town in a way that benefits everyone. We want to hear from you. Does this list resonate with your needs? Or is there something else that’s more important to you? We’re running a poll on our website - scan the QR code to have your say.
This election is a critical moment for the Northern Beaches. It’s our chance to build a thriving, connected community that doesn’t just survive but truly thrives. Let’s work together to shape the future of our beloved home. For more information, visit our campaign page, follow us on social media, and get involved in shaping the future of Coffs Harbour.
I’ve been on council for a while nowserving as a councillor, deputy mayor, and acting mayor. I feel like I’ve seen it all ... from mind-blowing to frustrating and everything in between. My purpose? To bring some fresh air into local government and shake things up!
I’m passionate about making Coffs Harbour a thriving, vibrant place where everyone feels they belong. I’ve faced criticism and challenges for speaking out and engaging directly with you, but I’m here to make sure we get things done differently. Sound good?
Together, we can take on the tough stuff and turn it into something awesome.
I’d love you to meet my team.
Marcus is our local business guru with a heart of gold. Originally from the UK, he’s fallen in love with Coffs and is all about giving back. With a background in hospitality and tourism, he’s focused on making our city a buzzing hub that’s great for locals and visitors alike. Marcus wants our next generation to have opportunities here, and he is dedicated to enhancing our city’s charm and boosting our economy. He’s passionate about keeping our standards high and our city thriving.
Lucas is a proud Gumbaynggirr local who’s made waves in social justice. His work on changing laws and advocating for our community shows his dedication to making a real impact. Lucas is all about integrating Gumbaynggirr culture into our city’s fabric, supporting mental health, and inspiring young people to find their voices. With his community engagement and advocacy background, he’s a true change-maker and a legend in our midst.
As you well know, Lisa is a community powerhouse and the heartbeat of our local network! She’s celebrated for her tireless work with mental health initiatives and her dedication to our online community. From running the Woolgoolga and Northern Beaches Facebook group to editing Woopi News, Lisa is always on the go, championing causes and making a difference. Her energy and love for our community are contagious, and she’s committed to making our town a better place for everyone. We are so lucky to have her!
Mel is a successful businesswoman deeply rooted in economic development and community connection. She passionately advocates supporting local businesses and empowering women to follow their dreams. With her background in human potential and community-building, Mel brings a wealth of knowledge and a can-do attitude to our team. She’s all about creating a future where everyone is valued and supported for exactly who they are.
Paul, known as “Moose,” is the Mayor of Coffs Harbour and a former Councillor.
He has been involved in the community through local clubs, events like the Coffs Running Festival, and the Tourism and Jetty Foreshores Committees.
A graduate of Jetty High School, Moose is married to Rose, a long-time teacher, with two children and three grandchildren.
He enjoys woodworking, painting, and music and has a background in business and mediation.
Scott has been actively volunteering in Coffs for 41 years, including roles with the Coffs Harbour High School P&C, Coffs Aquatic Swimming Club, and local soccer and volleyball clubs.
With qualifications in History and Engineering and a background in Agriculture, he understands how Council decisions can balance business needs with environmental protection.
Originally from Minnesota, Scott has lived in Coffs for 41 years.
He is married with three sons and enjoys hiking and mountain biking.
Sally has lived on the Coffs Coast for over 20 years, initially working for the National Parks and Wildlife Service and later as a biodiversity officer for the Council.
She has two daughters who completed their schooling in Coffs.
Sally chaired the Casuarina School Board, taught gymnastics, and ran the Coffs Coast Community Circus for 18 years.
She holds a PhD in environmental science and a Law degree and coowns Hearthfire Bakery with her husband, Dave.
Julie, a 30-year resident, has held various communication-focused roles, including connecting with local businesses through LocalSearch, teaching at TAFE, and helping establish the Plantations lifestyle village. She’s been actively involved in local sports through her three sons, Joshua (25), Ethan (24), and Flynn (19). Her parents, John and Maree Hood, also live in the area and own a local IT business.
Make your vote count
Tony Judge is running for Mayor to create a more connected and responsive Council. He aims to listen, collaborate with neighbouring councils, and engage with the State Government to enhance the Coffs Coast.
As a Councillor, Tony has been a community advocate, standing up for Woolgoolga and working to keep local amenities accessible. He values the environment, diversity, and community harmony.
Coffs needs a Council that listens to you. It should be your partner in delivering the services you need and the local events you love. It needs to look after our precious environment, plan for the future and deal with the big problems. Council must communicate with you and engage on the issues you care about. It needs to be accountable, consultative and transparent. Most of all, Council must remember that it works for you and your family.
partner in delivering the services you need and the local events you love. It needs to look after our precious environment, plan for the future and deal with the big problems. Council must communicate with you and engage on the issues you care about. It needs to be accountable, consultative and transparent. Most of all, Council must remember that it works for you and your family.
strumental in starting the very popular and long-running yearly Womens Day Coast, Glenis is living in a multi-generational household, with all the joys and challenges that brings. As a Councillor, she will bring a strong analytical mind,
That’s the sort of Council I want to lead. I’m hoping that’s the Council you want too.
That’s the sort of Council I want to lead. I’m hoping that’s the Council you want too.
Tony Judge
With his team, Your Community Voice, Tony is committed to tackling local issues and improving essential services in partnership with the community.
A former soldier and medic, an intensive care nurse and a business owner. He is an acknowledged leader among the Coffs multicultural communities, with a real talent for bringing people together.
He is also a very active and committed dad to a young family. Htun really understands the challenges, hopes and
A graphic designer who lives in the South of our region. As an independ ent business person, she understands both the benefits and challenges of working in a regional city, particularly with a young family. She has a really strong understanding of the impact of policies on people and their lives.
Everyone who knows Lealah is aware of her sense of compassion and fairness.
Tony Judge Authorised by Bob Nanva,
As a Councillor, she will be a strong advocate for social justice and a voice for people who are vulnerable.
Former Public Servant, fluent Span ish speaker and former manager of Centrelink in Coffs Harbour. She is also a pioneer of the Womens
Danny Wilson is a disability carer who lives at Nana Glen. He wants to be a voice on Council for people in the West of our Local Government Area. Danny’s story is the story of so many young people raising a family in our region.
He knows first-hand about housing costs, managing the household budget and balancing family time with work time.
As a Councillor, Danny will give so many people in our community an authentic voice in Council.