Woopi News October 2024 Issue 62

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Woopi Words to Live by

1. By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before. – Edwin Elliot

2. If you can dream it, you can do it. – Walt Disney

3. Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.

4. To ease another’s heartache is to forget one’s own.

5. No one has ever become poor by giving.

6. Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.

7. You are the most valuable investment you will ever make.

8. Trust the timing of Life.

9. Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take this moment and make it perfect.

10. If you see someone without a smile today, give them yours.

11. Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

12. Life is short, smile while you still have teeth.

13. Keep taking time for yourself until you’re you again.

14. The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.

15. Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.

16. Life is like a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving.

17. You didn’t come this far, to only come this far.

18. If you cannot do great things, you can do small things in a great way.

19. How you see yourself is how we see you

20. Make yourself a priority today, do something that makes you smile.

21. Every day is a new beginning, take a big breath and start again.

22. Sometimes you don’t realise your own strength until you come face to face with your greatest weakness.

23. Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow.

24. Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is courage to continue that counts.

25. Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.

26. Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.

27. Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change.

28. Talk to yourself like someone you love.

29. Love yourself first and everything else falls into place.

30. I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

31. Why else are we here if not to live with unreasonable passion for things.

This month’s quotes were put together by Tamily Harling, The Good Beautician. – Thank you Tamily.

If you would like to contribute next month’s quotes please contact lisa@woopinews.com.au

Welcome to Woopi News...

Hi everyone, October is always my favourite month of the year. It’s my birthday, and it’s also Fluro Friday’s birthday, so there’s a lot of celebrating.

The weather starts warming up, the jacarandas start blooming, and the storm bird starts his song.

This photo is of Brett Pilon and me on our first Fluro Friday Woopi back in October 2016. We’ve had many good times since then and met and made friends with a lot of people. So happy Birthday to Fluro Friday!

Speaking of Brett, who by the way is one of the nicest people you will ever meet, Brett’s XS Surf Shop is also celebrating a fabulous milestone – 20 years of providing Woolgoolga with all the best surf gear you can find. Congratulations to Brett and his wife Ronnie and all their staff. You can read more about their journey inside.

September was a pretty hectic month for us at Woopi News, particularly with the election and all the campaigning that went along with it. At the time of print, the votes were still being counted, so we can’t really tell you for sure who has made it onto our new council team. It was so hectic I needed to call in some friends to help me out a bit.

This month’s Woopi Words to Live By was put together by my good friend (who I met at Fluro Friday), the Good Beautician, Tamily Harling. Thanks Tamily, for doing these for me this month. I appreciate it.

One of the things I hope to achieve in this life and in Woolgoolga is to help combat loneliness. Studies show that loneliness is as bad for your health as smoking a packet of cigarettes a day. That’s a pretty scary statistic. Fluro Friday certainly helps with that, and our community pages towards the back of this magazine offer lots of opportunities to join clubs and similar organisations.

Another one of my friends, Robyn Henderson, who I have known for many decades, has just moved to Woolgoolga. Interestingly enough, a mutual friend recommended that we

might enjoy getting to know each other. Having only known me by my maiden name, she was surprised and excited to realise we actually already did – from back in our Sydney Morning Herald days in the 1980s.

She is now a regular member of Fluro Friday and has also helped me out this month with an article on how to meet people when you first move to town. I think I’ve talked her into making this a regular column and hopefully we can encourage lonely people to get out and make new friends.

Thank you to all my friends who helped me make it through September. I’m sure October is going to be a lot easier.

Celebrating 20 years of XS Surf

Woolgoolga’s only Surf Shop

Two decades ago, Brett and Ronnie Pilon, with a deep desire to be part of Woolgoolga’s vibrant community, were exploring various business opportunities.

A surf shop was high on Brett’s list, and he approached Margie and John Foord, the owners of Woopi Bazaar, a fashion boutique that already stocked a few major surf labels.

As synchronicity would have it, Margie and John, walking along the beach that morning, had decided to sell their business after 18 years.

Brett grew up in Terrigal on the Central Coast, and Ronnie grew up in Sydney; she moved to the Central Coast, where she met Brett. They fell in love and married.

Feeling the Central Coast was losing its community feel, Brett and Ronnie were drawn to Woolgoolga, a place they had visited many times and where Brett’s grandmother, Jean Robinson, had taught for 20 years. With Brett’s mother, Laurie Pilon, a born and bred local, and their own growing family, Woolgoolga became more than just a business location – it became home.

Their commitment to the community is evident through their sponsorship of numerous local sports teams, schools, and various community initiatives such as the Disabled Surfers Association, Fluro Friday, the Surfboards and Street Art, the Christmas Flags and the Woolgoolga and Northern Beaches Chamber of Commerce.

Brett and Ronnie, through XS Surf,

were instrumental in reviving the Woolgoolga Boardriders Club, which had been inactive for about 15 years. They put a sign out the front asking for expressions of interest and were approached by a few local surfers –the club has been going strong ever since. Their efforts to reignite this local surfing institution in 2005 have contributed to the vibrant surf culture in our area, providing a platform for local surfers to come together, share their passion, and foster a sense of camaraderie.

They employ six staff and are always taking on young people and training them in retail, sales and merchandising. XS Surf’s window displays are consistently fabulous and are one of Ronnie’s favourite things to do. Their two adult sons, Noah and Xander, have worked in the store on and off but are now out doing their own thing.

At XS Surf, variety is the spice of life. Their diverse range of stock, brands, and genres ensures there’s something for every person, no matter their style, size or skill level. From boards to clothing, sunglasses to flippers, they’ve got you covered.

To celebrate this significant milestone, XS Surf is hosting a not-to-be-missed Big Backyard Sale behind their store on the long weekend from October 5 to 7. This exciting event will feature incredible discounts of at least 25% off on surfboards, clothing, accessories and wetsuits, with some items marked down by up to 60%!

Shoppers can snag short boards from $249, Mini Mals from $349, and Longboards from $599.

Plus, the backyard sale will extend its hours on Saturday and Sunday for a late-night shopping experience, creating the perfect opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate.

Join the XS Surf family in commemorating two decades of surf culture and community spirit.

Don’t miss out on the fantastic deals at their Big Backyard Sale – access the sale via Younger Lane, Woolgoolga, and get ready to score amazing savings on top-quality surf gear!

Ronnie and Brett Pilon celebrating 20 years of XS Surf
Brett’s getting ready for the Big Backyard Sale

76 Beach Street


(next to Beachouse Cafē)

Phone 6654 1049 or find us on facebook

Open till late Saturday and Sunday nights

Celebrating 20 years of XS Surf

Surfboards, Wetsuits, Clothing & Accessories

All up to 60% OFF!

Shortboards from $249

Mini Mals from $349

Longboards from $599

Many over 50% OFF!

Mick Fanning

Softboards & Bodyboards up to 35% OFF!

Everything in the Backyard a minimum of 25% OFF!

Spend $500 & receive a Holiday Voucher valued up to $1200

The Power of One – Bonnie Harris

Nine-year-old Bonnie Harris has demonstrated ‘the power of one’ and the Northern Beaches community’s generosity by raising $3618 for the World’s Greatest Shave, an Australian Cancer Research Foundation fundraising event. She also donated 53 centimetres of her hair to Hair with Heart, a fundraising campaign for Variety, the Children’s Charity that uses donated hair for wigs that kids undergoing cancer treatment need. Managed by her Mum, Alex, Bonnie convened fundraising events and left donation tins at Seaview Tavern ($709 raised), Safety Beach Golf Club ($248.85), Plantations Over 55s Lifestyle Resort ($510), and Mullaway Primary School ($320). She received $1830.15 from online donations.

Motivated by learning how cancer ‘can really affect not just one person but their whole family, and I think that’s really sad,’ she wrote a speech and delivered it to two fundraising events. Julie Sasson, a resident at Plantations and Mullaway School volunteer, organised the Plantations Fundraiser and Awareness Event. Matt Neal, the Acting Principal at Mullaway Primary School, the Student Representative Council and staff organised a Crazy Hair Day featuring The Big Cut event when local Mullaway Beach hairdresser Tracy Hills braided and cut Bonnie’s hair in front of a school assembly.

Bonnie wishes to thank her Mum, Alex, for encouraging her to ‘put herself out there for a good cause’ and designing and supporting her fundraising campaign and her father, Jamie, and grandparents, Wayne and Lex Baily, for their help and encouragement. Special thanks to Julie Sassoon, who organised the Plantations event while still recovering from her cancer treatment.

Thanks to Seaview Tavern and Safety Beach Golf Club for permitting donation tins and encouraging community support. The Plantations community were generous donors. Tracy Hills donated time away from her hairdressing business to braid, prepare, and cut Bonnie’s hair to the required length for donation. Finally, thanks to other family members and their friends, her school friends and teachers and the generous Northern Beaches community.

Bonnie Harris, on behalf of all of us at Woopi News and the Northern Beaches community, congratulations on your accomplishments and being a powerful role model for adults and children alike.

https://fundraise.acrf.com.au/event/brave-shave-2024 https://hairwithheart.variety.org.au/about-hair-with-heart

Bob Breen OAM �� Julie Sasson, Alex Harris and Bob Breen

Bonnie Harris and acting Principal Matthew Neal, compare original hair lengths
At the Big Cut, Alex Harris, Bob Breen, Ronnie Elliott, Lexine Bailey, Bonnie Harris, Jamie Harris, Jackie Schnitzer, Elayna Garratt, Wayne Bailey and Tracy Hills.

Coffs Coast Gymnastics – Woolgoolga

Lani and Kristie are a passionate duo and the directors of Coffs Coast Gymnastics.

They started managing their own club in Toormina in 2015 after many years of coaching and training on the Coffs Coast. Starting with Women's Competitive Gymnastics only, over the past 10 years they have a built a successful club filled with families they adore.

Sharing the love of gymnastics, they have found a strong passion for helping kids gain confidence and build strong foundations for the future.

The most exciting news to date - they have now expanded out to Woolgoolga keeping the So Fun Gym doors open and offering classes for all ages and abilities.

The Woolgoolga centre is delivering a wide range of programs beginning at 18 months old right through to adults and competitive squads. They are honoured to continue the Special Olympics program that caters for children and adults with physical and intellectual disabilities. The Special O team are heading to the National Club Championships on the Gold Coast in October.

Lani and Kristie have both attained a high-level coaching accreditation (FIG 2) that is recognised worldwide. They continue to develop their knowledge and provide mentorship for emerging coaches and judges in the area. They have retained the incredible

coaching team at Woolgoolga and are focused on rebuilding the club and working with the coaches to develop and deliver remarkable programs.

The Woolgoolga team have done an extraordinary job during the first term of the changeover.

Coffs Coast Gymnastics at Woolgoolga will be open during the school holidays and now taking bookings for Term 4 classes.

More information can be found on the website: www.coffscoastgymnastics.com.au

Contact: coffscoastgymnastics@ hotmail.com

Address: 4 Tonnage Place, Woolgoolga.

Spring Holidays Spring Holidays

30th September - 13th October

Bookings are essential via iClass Pro - Login | coffscoastgymnastics e: coffscoastgymnastics@hotmail.com w: coffscoastgymnastics.com.au

Kalani Wood launches Second Novel

Local Teen Author Launches Second Novel: Space Race and the Element Key

Twelve year old Emerald Beach boy, Kalani Wood has done it again! Following the success of his first book, The Sapphire Envelope, Kalani has just released his second novel, Space Race and the Element Key, and it’s already creating quite the buzz.

The story follows Felix, who’s up late one night when he notices something strange: the grandfather clock in his grandparents’ house is glowing red. Soon after, Felix digs up an old key in his backyard, marked with the year 1885. Felix starts to wonder if his grandparents are hiding something, and with the help of his friends Blair, Grace, Sapphire, Zara, and Daniel—who seems to have his own secrets—he sets out on a mystery-filled adventure. The key seems to have its own journey to take, and Felix quickly realises that whatever happens, he won’t be the same by the end of it.

question who they can trust, especially when one of their own begins to seem suspicious.

Kalani, who enjoys weaving creativity into his storytelling, says he’s always been inspired by the power of imagination and the joy of sharing his ideas with others. This second novel continues to reflect that passion, taking readers on an unexpected adventure with Felix and his friends as they uncover hidden treasures and travel to distant, mystical places like ancient Egypt and Atlantis. Along the way, they

Kalani, who wrote his first novel over the course of a year, advises aspiring young writers to take their time with their projects. He believes that slow and steady progress, balanced with other hobbies, leads to a better creative process. Planning out the story chapter by chapter helps ensure that the plot stays on track from beginning to end. Space Race and the Element Key is now available at local spots like The Happy Frog in Coffs Harbour and Sandy Beachhouse & General Store, as well as other bookstores.

Kalani Wood has already published two novels at the age of 12

Solitary Rise

Stronger - Calmer - Lighter

Balanced - Focused - Grounded. That’s how you will feel after a visit to Solitary Rise.

Solitary Rise has become a welcoming haven for anyone looking to reconnect with their body, mind, and breath through the transformative practices of Pilates and yoga.

Situated in one of Woolgoolga’s most iconic buildings, Solitary Rise is a spacious boutique studio that is more than just a place to work out – it’s a space for relaxation, self-discovery, and a little bit of ‘you’ time.

In a world that’s always on the go, finding time for mindful movement has never been more important, and Solitary Rise is there to help.

Whether you’re after a powerful, strengthening workout or a gentle, calming release, there’s something on the timetable for everyone.

From energising Reformer and Mat Pilates sessions to soothing yoga flows, each class is carefully designed to meet a variety of needs. The friendly team at Solitary Rise brings not only a wealth of knowledge but also a genuine passion for helping you along your wellness journey.

At Solitary Rise, community and connection are at the heart of what they do. Everyone, regardless of their experience level, is welcomed with open arms. Whether you’re a seasoned

pro or completely new to Pilates and yoga, the team is there to guide and support you, encouraging you to listen to your body while trying out new and exciting challenges.

Solitary Rise invites you to come in, breathe deeply, and recharge your spirit in a warm and supportive environment. It’s all about helping you rise to your best self, one class at a time. www.solitaryrise.com

How to Make New Friends in Woopi

Seven Ways to Make New Friends in Woopi When You Move to a Retirement Village or Over 55 Community

People move to Woopi and the Coffs Harbour region for many reasons including retirement, being closer to grandchildren, affordable living, being widowed and downsizing, etc.

Regardless of the reason for your move, unless you have been coming to the region for decades, you may not know many people who live here permanently. And let’s face it, there are only so many Netflix shows you want to watch. At some stage you are going to have to make new friends and for many people that thought is terrifying.

Examples of your self-talk when thinking about approaching strangers might include:

�� What will I say after I say hello?

�� What if they ignore or reject my approach?

�� How will I keep the conversation going?

�� What if I cannot remember their name? I am hopeless with names.

�� What if they ignore me?

�� What if they don’t like me?

�� What if I don’t like them and have to see them all the time?

Don’t sweat the small stuff, it’s all small stuff. Here are the facts:

�� You are not alone; many people are nervous about talking to strangers.

�� Every best friend was once a perfect stranger. You already have best friends living elsewhere, you are not wanting to replace them, just expand your friendship circles.

�� At 30 June 2020, there were an estimated 4.2 million older Australians (aged sixty-five and over) with older people comprising 16% of the total Australian population (ABS 2020).

�� Within 10 years, one third of the Coffs Harbour region’s population will be aged over 65 years of age.

�� Woopi is our own piece of paradise, but a wider friendship circle for you might make your life even better.

�� Social prescribing is something health professionals are recommending – social engagement with others, rather than medication.

Where are you going to go to meet people?

1 Stay informed. Regularly read Woopi News and Coffs Coast News of the Area. Use a highlighter to mark any events that you would like to attend. Don’t think, I can’t go by myself, just identify the events that appeal to you. Remember if it appeals to you, it will also appeal to other like-minded people. And you are bound to have something in common with them. If you write it in your calendar, you will remember it. Check out the Facebook pages – Pay it forward Coffs Harbour, Woolgoolga and the Northern Beaches – What’s Happening. Check out flyers in shop windows, take a photo with your phone and do your research online. Never again use the excuse, “I didn’t know it was on!”

2 Mark your calendar. The tech savvy will use their phone calendar. Others, like old-school me will use an A4 size calendar with lots of space to mark all the things they would like to go to.

3 Internal events held in your location are important and convenient. Many retirement villages and Over 55 communities hold regular complimentary events for their residents. These events are often poorly attended, which is so disappointing for the organisers or subcommittees who put them on. These events might include book clubs, craft clubs, CHiLL – Choices in Later Life sessions, karaoke, art classes, chair yoga, zumba classes, Melbourne Cup events, football finals, new moon meditations, full moon meditations, summer solstice,

trivia afternoons, Christmas in July events, movie groups, lunch club, etc. There is no easier way to meet your retirement village neighbours than to show up at one of these events. And if these events are not yet being held in your community, why not be the person to suggest holding them?

4 Allocate a budget. There are many low-cost external events held locally, e.g. author visits held at Yarrila Place, $5 tickets. If you are interested in the author, there will be a room full of other like-minded people attending. Be proactive. If you meet and build a connection with one stranger a week, your network will have expanded by fifty-two locals by this time next year.

5 U3A (University of the Third Age) combines networking with learning. Once you have joined U3A you are welcome to attend a variety of interesting courses.

6 Creating a daily routine which includes a regular morning or afternoon walk around your village, the local beach or garden will enable you to ‘run into’ the same people most days. Believe or not, even commenting on the weather is a terrific way to start a conversation.

7 Group exercise can be fun. Community walking groups can be fun as well, whether it is a 2km, 5km, or 10km walk. Bowls clubs abound as do golf clubs and swimming clubs. Meeting like-minded people with a common interest is fun, easy and can be life changing.

The key to building friendships is to act like the host, not the guest (even when you don’t have a wide network at first).

What do you say after hello?

The art of conversation is to ask open ended questions, rather than closed questions (which can only be answered by yes or no). And in fact, you can ask the same two or three questions to every stranger you meet. However, closed questions are useful when inviting people to join you at an event.

Open ended questions:

�� How long have you lived in Woolgoolga?

�� Why did you retire to Woolgoolga?

�� How did you spend your free time before you retired?

�� What do you like most about your retirement?

�� What is different about Woolgoolga in your opinion?

Closed questions after you have built rapport with the person or run into them a few times:

�� We have a fortnightly Friday lunch group; would you like to join us next Friday?

�� Our movie group goes to the local cinema on Monday afternoons, would you like to be put on the email list, in case the movie appeals to you?

�� There is a festival this weekend, are you planning to attend?

�� Did you know the markets are on this Saturday?

�� Have you heard about the ………...?

Kindness spreads quickly and invites communication. Look for opportunities to be kind to others and always show respect for Elders and diverse cultures.

Finally, open your mind to possibilities and let the next 12 months exceed your expectations.

✍ Semi-retired author/ghost writer, Robyn Henderson relocated to Woopi in April 2024 and is a regular at Fluro Friday at Woolgoolga Beach @ 6.30am every Friday.


Nikki the Green Sea Turtle recovering well

Woolgoolga Vet Clinic performs successful surgery on Nikki following community support to save the green sea turtle

After a successful fundraising appeal across the Coffs Coast, Nikki the green sea turtle recently underwent successful surgery at Woolgoolga Vet Clinic to bring her one step closer to being released back into the ocean. Nikki was found on Boambee Beach in

January, entangled in fishing line with an injured flipper, requiring immediate rehabilitation from float syndrome and malnourishment, and eventual surgical intervention to facilitate her return to the wild.

Thanks to the incredible generosity of the Coffs Coast community, the Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary were able to raise the necessary funds for Nikki’s surgery which took place with the support of Woolgoolga Vet Clinic.

“We are pleased to report that Nikki is now on the path to recovery and, with continued progress, will be released back into her natural habitat soon,” said Tiga Cross, Managing Director of Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary.

“A huge thank you goes to Dr. James Osman and the team at Woolgoolga Vet Clinic for performing the surgery.”

Tiga went on to express deep gratitude for the community’s support:

“We are so grateful to the members of the public who responded to our recent appeal, and came forward to

make donations to support Nikki’s rehabilitation through surgery.”

Nikki will now undergo further recuperation, and hopefully be released in a few months time, when the weather warms. Nikki will be fitted with an acoustic tracker, which will provide important data and insights into the behavioural patterns of the species.

“It costs $2000 for us to rehabilitate a rescued turtle, and we rescue up to 200 each year. As a not-forprofit organisation without ongoing government support, we rely heavily on community involvement to drive our programs and further marine conservation efforts locally and beyond,” said Tiga.

Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary extends its heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to Nikki’s recovery and the ongoing work at the Sanctuary, with special mention to Woolgoolga Vet Clinic for their indispensable role in Nikki’s journey. Your support is invaluable in ensuring the health and preservation of our marine life.

Cocoa the Green Sea Turtle release in Woolgoolga

Bumper Rescue Season for Sea Turtles at Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary

It’s been an eventful rescue season for sick and injured sea turtles at the Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary. Thanks to the warmer weather, the sanctuary has been able to release 13 fully recovered adult turtles back into the ocean in the past month alone.

The sanctuary’s staff usually try to release the turtles close to where they were found. Notably, Cocoa, a green sea turtle, was recently released in Woolgoolga.

Scott Melton, from the Blue Mountains in Sydney, captured some fantastic photos of Cocoa’s release during his annual Woolgoolga holiday and shared them with Woopi News.

In an exciting development, solar company SunBoost has stepped up to sponsor the rehabilitation and release of Cocoa. This partnership between SunBoost and Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary is aimed at improving the welfare of marine life and enhancing sustainability practices in the region.

The team at Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary and Cocoa are thrilled to have SunBoost on board and look forward to their continued efforts in supporting marine life and sustainability initiatives.

If you would like to support Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary, please contact Tiga Cross, Managing Director on 0411 587 728 or you can donate via their website www. coffscoastwildlifesanctuary.com.au

Discover how you can protect local wildlife and the environment. Be inspired to act and help save our oceans for future generations. Discover local wildlife up close.

A Smorgasbord of Orchids

Annual Spring Orchid Show and Workshops

The Woolgoolga District Orchid Society is excited to announce the highly anticipated Annual Spring Orchid Show, now even bigger with the inclusion of the annual Workshop. In preparation for the upcoming 23rd AOC International Orchid Conference & Show 2025, both events will be combined into a two-day extravaganza.

Starting at 9am on Saturday, October 5 and Sunday, October 6, the wheelchair-friendly Wiigulga Sports Complex basketball court will host the combined Orchid Show and Workshop, wrapping up at 3pm each day.

You won’t want to miss the stunning orchid exhibits on display, with prizes to be awarded as usual. A panel of judges from the Mid North Coast will determine the Grand Champion, Reserve Champion, Best Specimen, President’s Choice, People’s Choice, and Awards for Section Champions.

Featuring seven world-renowned speakers, the event will provide valuable insights and the latest trends to help you grow your orchids. And don’t forget to bring your gold coins for the exciting orchid raffles! For aspiring orchid growers and enthusiasts looking to expand their collection, five nurserymen will be selling premium orchid plants. There will be tea, coffee and freshly made sandwiches available to purchase, and there is also a cafè onsite.

This is a display you won’t want to miss – you’re guaranteed to be delighted. For more information about the Show and Workshop, reach out to President Neville Anderson on 0458 346 467 or email Nev at nevillealanah@gmail.com


Music in the Gardens - a Great Day All Round

The Woolgoolga Community Gardens’ ‘Music Event’ on Sunday, September 8, turned out to be everything it was anticipated to be

A fantastic roll-up of 150 people hailing from various community groups and organisations in the surrounding area to visitors from the Coffs and Dorrigo districts and even a lovely couple from France.

With free tea and coffee all day, freshly made sandwiches and the constant beautiful aroma from the BBQ, very few were able to resist something to eat, at a very reasonable price.

People were treated to the outstanding quality of the three musical groups:

The Tallowood Bush Band with Mick Giles, Mick Parker and Brian ‘Goog’s Goddard with stories of Australia’s Colonial past.

Next on were The Bullfrogs (Slim Pickens & Stewart Peters) with their juke joint revelry picking and bringing us American Blues and Roots at its best.

Finally, we had the duo of Chris Aronsten and Mark Feeney, multi-talented musicians, performing original travelling tales and outstanding Celtic tunes.

The audience was very enthusiastic and demanded more ... rewarding the musicians with a high level of appreciation for their talents and dedication.

The musicians commented, “I can’t believe they are all just sitting there and listening!”

A big thanks must go to all those who volunteered for the considerable setup, support on the day, and packing up.

And a special thanks must go to Alison Redwood, Darienne Taylor, and Joy Richardson for coordinating this event, resulting in such an outstanding success.

We can’t wait for the next one!

Mark Feeney and Chris Aronsten
All seven musicians who played on the day
Stewart Peters and Slim Pickens with Chris in the background on the mixer .
The crowd enjoying the music

Room 4 Rani

Our Community Comes Together for Rani’s Room

Hey there, folks! The community of Corindi Beach recently showed some serious love and support for Rani Macdonald, a super brave little girl with an incredible story.

Four years back, Rani’s life took a sudden turn when a choking accident left her non-mobile and non-verbal due to a hypoxic brain injury. But let me tell you, this girl is a warrior princess with a heart of gold!

Rani’s family, including her parents, Rogan and Steph Macdonald, and her awesome big sister Millie, have been going above and beyond to give her the best care and opportunities, despite their own challenges.

To help out, the community, along with the generous support of the Corindi Beach Hotel, put together a family fun day to raise funds for a special room just for Rani. This room will give her the privacy she needs and create a safe space for round-the-clock care and therapy.

The family fun day, happening on Saturday, October 26, is going to be a blast!

There’ll be music, entertainment, face painting, a petting zoo, market stalls, show bags, fire truck displays, and a ton of cool auctions and raffles.

The outpouring of love and support from the community is truly amazing and shows the kind-hearted spirit of Corindi Beach and the entire Northern Beaches.

Together, we’re not just changing Rani’s life, but we’re also making our world a more inclusive and supportive place for everyone. If you want to chip in and help out, just scan the QR code. Let’s all come together to make a real difference for Rani!

Everyone’s Favourite Fountain on the Mountain

Seaview Tavern Nominated for Seven Categories at the Australian Hotel Association NSW Awards

The Seaview Tavern has been named a finalist in an impressive seven categories at this year’s Australian Hotel Association NSW Awards.

The categories include: Best Family-Friendly Venue, Best Regional Local, Best Retail Liquor Outlet, Best Steak, Best Chip, Regional Hotel of the Year, and the People’s Choice Award.

Mark Mihai, Managing Director of the Seaview, expressed his gratitude, saying, “It’s thanks to our amazing team, we couldn’t have done this without them! Their hard work, passion, and dedication are what make The Seaview Tavern more than just a pub - it’s a family. We’re beyond proud of each and every one of them.”

Mark also extended his appreciation to the loyal customers, acknowledging their endless support. He thanked them for making The Seaview Tavern the heart of the community, whether by joining for dinner, celebrating special occasions, or participating in community initiatives.

a Fiesta of Flavours

Woopi News encourages everyone to cast their vote for the People’s Choice awards by visiting the following link: www.ahaawardsnsw.com.au/ AHA-NSW-PeoplesChoice

Let’s show our support for this fabulous establishment! It only takes a minute.

Welcome to Barber Shop Afrin

We are open 7 days a week. Come in and have a chat and a great haircut – any hair style you can ever dream of, and the best part is, we offer cheap prices. Have a look at my Instagram and Facebook pages to see all of the great haircuts.

We offer bookings if you’d like, just call me on 0470 565 809 and you’ll be good to go.

2/58 River Street, Woolgoolga

Home Buyers Information Night

Your Guide to Buying, Upgrading, or Downsizing Your Home: Info Night You Won’t Want to Miss!

Thinking about buying your first home, upgrading, or maybe even downsizing? If real estate is on your mind, then this is an event you should definitely check out! We’ve gathered local experts to share their best tips on everything from finance to market trends, to help you make the smartest move.

You’ll hear from Quinto White of Q Financial and Troy Pinder from McGrath, who’ll break down the ins and outs of buying, selling, and financing a home in today’s market. Whether you’re looking to get into your first property, make the leap to something bigger, or simplify with a smaller space, you’ll get all the info you need. Plus, there’s plenty of time for questions, so bring them along!

What You’ll Learn:

Smart Financial Moves: Learn about parental guarantor loans, government schemes for first-time buyers, and how to use your home’s equity to make your next purchase.

Navigating the Property Market: Get the low down on deposits, the costs you might not know about, and how to juggle buying and selling at the same time.

Bridging Loans Explained: Understand how bridging loans can help when you need to sell one place and buy another. Why an Agent is Your Best Friend:

Discover the advantages of having an agent guide you through the process, plus tips for being ready to make the right offer.

Local Market Updates: Get insights on local market trends and what’s happening with property prices right here in our area.

Special Guests:

Quinto White from Q Financial

Troy Pinder from McGrath

A representative from Realestate.com. au or Domain

This event is the perfect opportunity to get the knowledge you need to feel confident about your next property move.

Spots are limited, so be sure to lock yours in ASAP.


Thursday, October 17. Arrive at 5.45pm for a 6pm start - 7.30pm Finish. Success Hub Sawtell, 69 First Avenue, Sawtell.

Nambucca Heads

Thursday, October 24. Arrive at 5.45pm for a 6pm start - 7.30pm Finish. Nambucca Golf Club.


Thursday, October 31. Arrive at 5.45pm for a 6pm start - 7.30pm Finish. Wiigulga Sports Complex. Go to www.q-financial.com.au/events to reserve a ticket.

We’d love you to come and visit us at the Mogul Brewery. Our beers are small batch and hand crafted using premium ingredients to create some great tasting beers. Our founder Dave has been on the beer journey for many years creating and crafting beers for all to enjoy. From his ‘Garage Door’ to the new Mogul Brewery the journey continues, so come along and enjoy a cold one at Mogul.

Open hours

Thursday–Saturday 11am – 7pm Sundays 11am – 3pm

0404 158 364 | info@mogulbeer.com.au

Opposite Mitre 10

20c Featherstone Drive, Woolgoolga NSW 2456

Live Music

Delicious food available via our beer garden food truck – A Taste of Aloha.

When you visit us, you can expect exceptional service and a warm, inviting atmosphere that will make you feel like part of the family.

Darlington Beach Resort Annual Camp Out

Let’s Raise the Bar in 2024 with NRMA’s Camp Out for Kids with Cancer!

Get ready to make an even bigger impact this year! After raising an incredible 92k in 2023, NRMA Parks and Resorts are aiming to go higher in 2024 – and we need your help. For the third year, NRMA Parks and Resorts is teaming up with Camp Quality to support kids facing cancer, and they’re calling on YOU to be part of it.

On Saturday, October 26, 2024, Join the movement at NRMA Darlington Beach Resort (affectionately known as ‘Darlo’ by locals). 50% of all site fees –unpowered, powered, and ensuite sites – will go directly to Camp Quality’s Family Getaway program, providing much-needed holidays for families affected by cancer.

It’s more than just a night of camping, it’s an opportunity to change lives!

Darlo will be alive with energy, featuring:

�� Special guests to make the day unforgettable for all ages

�� Live music from 9am to 6pm

�� Water park and pool access for guests and day visitors

�� Kids’ activities to keep the young ones entertained

�� Fundraising and paid activities throughout the day.

The day will cap off with an exciting live auction, showcasing incredible items donated by our generous partners and supporters.

Book now and let’s Camp Out for a cause! https://www. nrmaparksandresorts.com.au/ darlington-beach/

Scan the QR code to visit the Facebook Event Page and to stay up to date with the full list of activities across the day.

If you are a local business and would like to get involved, please contact darlingtonbeach.events@nrmaparks. com.au. Your help will make a tangible difference in the lives of children battling cancer.

Coffs Coast Death & Dying Expo

The inaugural Coffs Coast Death & Dying Expo, which took place on Sunday, August 4 at the Woopi Gardens, was a resounding success. The event featured 20 exhibitors, including local funeral directors, celebrants, death doulas, aged care, legal and end-of-life service providers, and educators. Over 100 attendees of all ages participated in the event, helping to raise over $150 in donations for Woopi Gardens. The expo fulfilled its vision of being a vibrant community gathering, fostering connections, inspiring discussions, and providing education.

Attendees provided positive feedback, with Beth E. expressing her appreciation for the inclusive and meaningful atmosphere, and Nina B. highlighting the knowledge and grounding she gained from the event.

The organisers extended their gratitude to Woopi Gardens for hosting the event, as well as to the exhibitors, MC Wendy Haynes, the choir, panelists, and volunteers for their valuable contributions. Plans for the 2025 Expo are already underway, with organisers seeking exhibitors and financial sponsors for the event, which will align with the annual Dying To Know Day Campaign and aim for a location in Coffs Harbour. Those interested in participating can direct their enquiries to Rani Foreman at rani. foreman@gmail.com

An Interactive Planning Workshop

Coffs Coast End of Life Care

How to Talk about Death with Your Children

Coffs Coast End of Life Care is honoured to announce a special community workshop tailored for parents and caregivers wanting to increase their confidence in addressing life’s significant questions with young children. Designed to offer practical support for navigating conversations about death with children, especially during challenging times. Discussing death with children can be a delicate and unexpected task, often arising from sad circumstances.

Recognising the importance of helping children understand that life has a beginning, a middle, and an end, we have thoughtfully curated this workshop to equip parents and caregivers with valuable resources, practical skills, and most importantly, the confidence to engage in these sensitive discussions with their young ones.

Attendees can expect to leave the workshop with a deeper understanding

of how to approach conversations about death with children, along with valuable tools to navigate such discussions.

The workshop will take place on November 9 from 10am to 2pm at the serene Wilderness Yoga Studio in Korora.

In order to maintain a comfortable and focused environment for all participants, we kindly request that this event remains adults-only, ensuring that parents and caregivers can

openly and freely explore the topic in preparation for their interactions with their children. Additionally, the ticket price of $70 includes a nourishing lunch, providing attendees with an opportunity to connect with others who share similar concerns and experiences.

For more information and to reserve your spot, please feel free to reach out to Lauren Clarke on 0401 578 412 or Rani Foreman at rani.foreman@gmail. com

The Crosby 7628 Easyswing recliner is available in 5 different sizes with 10 different bases in manual, power and lift chair options. Add a portable rechargeable battery pack for 360° swivel and cord-free living.

Made in Germany for over 70 years

Buskers Festival Ready To Roll

Get ready for a unique experience as the 2024 COFFS HARBOUR BUSKERS FESTIVAL kicks off.

Starting on October 3 and running until October 6, with a program that includes a visit to the Northern Beaches.

“We are very committed to the Northern Beaches, and this year, we will be bringing two shows to the Moonee Beach Hotel on Saturday October 5, one at 12.30pm and one at

6.30pm”, said organiser John Logan this week.

“While there is no cover charge, we ask everyone who attends to bring something to put into the Buskers hat. If you don’t carry cash, that’s OK; most buskers have some arrangement via Square or QR code to accept donations,” John added.

Platters, Picnicware, Entertaining, Insulated Coolers, Lunch Bags – Great Designs – Spring is here, let’s get out and entertain.

Silver Salties

Surf Club Recognises Silver Salties Founder

At the 2024 annual awards night, the Woolgoolga Surf Life Saving Club recognised Colin Morley with the Bob Dean Club Person of the Year Award.

82-year-old Col has been a member of surf lifesaving clubs since the 1960s, beginning as a 16-year-old at Half Moon Bay Surf Life Saving on Port Philip Bay, south of Melbourne.

This inaugural award acknowledges Col’s role in founding, leading and growing the successful Silver Salties volunteer group. Silver Salties is a participation program, usually for older Australians (65+ years), but all ages are welcome. Many surf lifesaving clubs throughout Australia promote physical activity, social connections, fun and involvement in

the surf lifesaving community by sponsoring Silver Salties groups. The Woolgoolga Surf Life Saving Club was among the first to establish a Silver Salties program under Col’s leadership five years ago.

The Woolgoolga Silver Salties do coastal walks beginning at the Club House at 8.30am on Mondays. A chair aerobics class is conducted upstairs at the Club House at 8.30am on Tuesdays. The Salties hit the surf on boogie boards at 8.30am on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Everyone is welcome to join in with the boogie boarders, who provide extra safety in numbers. All activities are free of charge. There is a roster of Salties who put together BBQs for WSLSC Boaties and Nippers activities on weekends during the Summer Surf Season beginning in October. All participants are qualified Food Handlers with Working with Children Certification, and a Food Handling Supervisor supervises BBQs. Salties also conduct BBQs for WSLSC Carnivals and the annual Woolgoolga Carols by Candlelight. Salties volunteers also support WSLSC fundraising events, serving food and operating the bar.

If you want to join Silver Salties and participate in any activities, contact Bob Breen at 0403 495 118. More information is available on the WSLSC website https:// woolgoolgaslsc.com/the-club/silver-salties/ Salties! Salties! Salties! Oi! Oi! Oi!

Bob Breen OAM �� Greg Burgess and Jo Morley

Woolgoolga’s premier Beauty Salon. Long established, locally owned with a great team of experienced Beauty Therapists specialising in:

6 days a week Book your appointment on line woolgoolgabodyworks.com.au or call 6654 7976 2/5 Market Street, Woolgoolga IPL Laser Hair Removal, IPL Skin Correction, Brow Laminations, Lash Lifts, Nails, Waxing, Tinting, Massage, Advanced Facials, Spray Tanning.

Colin and wife, Jo, leading Salties Contingent on Anzac Day
Silver Salties Dinner Night at Seaview Tavern

Woopi News Snippets

PINK IS THE COLOUR for Woolgoolga Mitre 10 during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

On Saturday, October 19, Woolgoolga Mitre 10 will be adorned in pink as they proudly support the McGrath Foundation during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Their efforts aim to ensure that no one faces breast cancer without the care they need.

The event will feature pink cupcakes, raffles, and a BBQ sausage sizzle for sale. Attendees will also have the chance to win a jar full of lollies by guessing the correct amount. Additionally, donations can be made in-store or online to support this important cause.

https://www.pinkisthecolour.com.au/fundraisers/ IndependentHardwareGroup/corporate-partners

NEW MENU Buster’s Brasserie at the C.ex Woolgoolga (The Bowlo) has introduced a new menu that keeps all your old favourites while adding a range of fresh options.

These include seared salmon fillet, Thai beef salad, roasted vegetable salad, crumbed lamb cutlets, curried prawns, lamb curry, and shahi paneer. Additionally, for those preferring smaller portions, there is now a variety of small meals available.

Buster’s Brasserie is open daily for lunch and dinner service.

READYMADE MEALS are now stocked at the Emerald Beach Bottle direct from Lot 40 Kitchen. Cooked and packed in Emerald Beach, snap frozen for optimal freshness! Soup, Bolognese sauce and pasta packs. The menu is always changing! Check out what else Lot 40 Kitchen has available via cookaborough.com/lot40 (pickup or delivery).


A small group of Coffs Coast women in online businesses such as Business Management, Virtual Assistance, Business Development, Social Media, Coaching, Digital Marketing, etc. meet monthly to share the ins and outs of running your own business, supporting each other and offering referrals where relevant.

A friendly, positive and kind group. Meet the fourth Wednesday of the month at Ground Earth Café, 8.30am.


Supply of 4 blade DEKA ceiling fan 48” Replace existing fan from $370. New installation from $500. Add LED light from $70 Woolgoolga Electrical – call Nathan on 0402 130 412.

RICK PRICE LIVE at Woopi Brewery with special guests Mak & Shar. Expect an unforgettable night of music featuring tracks from his brand-new album, ‘Hometown,’ along with his timeless classics like ‘Heaven Knows,’ ‘Not a Day Goes By,’ ‘Walk Away Renee,’ and ‘River of Love.’

Friday October 25, Special Guests from 6.30pm. Tickets: $39 (plus booking fee) or $40 at the door if available: https:// www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1259729

NEW PLAYGROUND at the Corindi Hotel. Just in time for the holidays. Check it out.

CELLARBRATIONS WOOLGOOLGA are offering three bottles from their Yellowtail range for $27 plus you receive a FREE bottle of Prosecco Rose with your purchase.

KIDS ACTIVITIES galore at Feather & Nest. Games, puzzles, colouring in, craft sets magic, educational toys and Poo Bingo!

YARRAWARRA CULTURAL CENTRE is holding a Dream On Arts Music and Culture Festival on Sunday October 5. Plus lots of fun school holiday activities during the month. See their advertisement on Page 8.

8:00am – Communion Service For the early riser who enjoys a traditional service 10:00am - Families' Service

Safety Beach

Storm Season is here!

Corindi-Woolgoolga Unit NSW State Emergency Service

While storms and floods can happen anytime, there is a greater chance between September and April in NSW. The storm season in northern NSW can be intense, with heavy rains and flash flooding causing damage to homes and property, and if we are not prepared, injury or loss of life may occur.

It is important to protect yourself, your family and your property from high winds, hail, and rising waters (flash flooding). Damaging winds can bring down trees, branches, and power lines, remove roofs, and blow about outdoor items. Hail can injure people and animals and damage property. Heavy rains can cause water to damage homes and belongings, rise rapidly, flooding homes, property and roads, and drain rapidly, making flood water, drains and other water courses a safety hazard.

Damaging surf can be unsafe and flood homes and properties in coastal areas. You may also be indirectly affected by storms; access roads may be blocked, or you may have no power or telephone connection.

How can SES help you?

The NSW SES can give safety advice, place tarpaulins on damaged roofs, remove fallen trees and branches from buildings or property and rescue people trapped or injured by storm activity. NSW SES volunteers can clear access and repair damaged property temporarily; however, you will need to engage professional tradespeople to carry out permanent repairs. Most importantly, SES, along with other agencies, can keep you informed so you can be prepared.

Let’s get prepared.

Firstly, be aware of the storm risks in your area. When you know your risks, you can make a plan of action. Work through your plan with your family and help everyone to know what to do. This might include managing your animals, knowing when to leave, and knowing where you will go. Prepare an emergency kit or have a list of items ready for your kit. Some ideas for your emergency kit would be essential medications and scripts, a torch with spare batteries, water, nonperishable

food, a phone charger, appropriate footwear and clothing, a first aid kit, important documents, pet food, and valuables- all in a waterproof container or bags.

Get your home and property ready. Trim overhanging trees and branches, and ensure your gutters and downpipes are clean. Clean away dead vegetation and debris. Is your roof in good repair, and is your insurance up to date? Please do not wait until it is too late. Secure outdoor items that can be blown around in strong winds.

Keep aware of what is happening. There are many ways to do this. The NSW SES will issue Severe Weather information through the Australian Warning System, including Advice, Watch and Act and Emergency Warnings for storms and floods. You will also get up-to-date news from the Bureau of Meteorology and your local radio station, especially the ABC, which is your emergency station.

And, of course, remember your neighbours. Check on them if it is safe to do so. Share information with your family and friends.

Where can you go for more info?

City of Coffs Harbour Disaster Dashboard (nsw.gov.au)

NSW State Emergency Service www. ses.nsw.gov.au/disaster-tabs-header/ storm/

Bureau of Meteorology http://www. bom.gov.au.

Hazard Watch or Hazard Near Me app HazardWatch - Hazard Warnings

Fun Questions:

1/ Name three things you would include in your emergency kit?

2/ What are the three warning levels

that may be issued by the Australian warning system?

3/ What number can you call for temporary repairs after your home has been damaged in a storm or flood?

Answers to last month’s questions:

Q: What safety gear should you wear when using a chainsaw?

A: Protective shoes, eye and ear protection, chaps. Gloves are optional.

Q: What is the safe distance between you and fallen power lines?

A: Treat downed power lines as live and stay 8 metres away. Power travels through the ground.

Q: What is the name of the SES Mascot. A: Paddy the Platypus

Q: What training is provided to SES volunteers? A: A LOT!

Examples are how to apply temporary repairs to storm-damaged residences, vertical rescue, land search, chainsaw operations, radios, first aid, incident management, flood boat operations, flood rescue and much more.

The Corindi-Woolgoolga Unit offers odd hours, no pay, cool vehicles and vessels, and professional training in a friendly environment. If you are interested in volunteering with SES, the Corindi-Woolgoolga Unit meets each Tuesday night at 7pm at 31 Coral Street Corindi Beach. Or just give us a call on 0428 297 769 for more information.  You can also call SES at 1800 201 000 for more information on staying safe and volunteering.

For emergency help in floods, storms, and tsunamis, call NSW SES at any time on 132 500. In a life-threatening emergency call 000 (triple zero)

Woolgoolga High School 2025 Prefect Team

Congratulations to the incoming 2025 Prefect Team officially announced at the school assembly on Monday September 9!

The 2025 School Captains are Charlie Murgatroyd and Eva Witten, and Vice Captains are Connor Kneale and Ava Wilson.

The 2025 Prefect team includes Thissar Aung, Ava Wilson, Connor Kneale, Narah Hayes, Maliha Jaffari, Tyler Love, Eva Witten, Charlie Murgatroyd, Maggie Carr, Nate Hemming & Milly Stockton.

We look forward to you all leading Woolgoolga High School from Term 4 2024!

School Captain Charlie Murgatroyd
School Captain Eva Witten
Vice Captain Connor Kneale
Vice Captain Ava Wilson
Prefect Aung Thissar
Prefect Maliha Jaffari
Prefect Tyler Love
Prefect Maggie Carr
Prefect Nate Hemming
Prefect Milly Stockton
Prefect Narah Hayes

Meet the Owner and Stylist Carole Beros: Carole started out in design overseas, ended up in Australia back in the 80’s. She married, had children, and returned to her passions, which are Fashion Styling and design, writing, photography and enjoying the buzz of working with the general public. She is the owner of Boutique Le Dãin Designs in Sawtell. Le Dãin Designs Jewellery and accessories are also available at Beachfront Opal Cove Resort. Carole and her staff are committed to assisting ladies to look and feel their best at any stage of their lives. The boutique has an old school feel, with the buzz of today. You will be welcomed with a smile and get to enjoy a personalised service.

The Boutique is situated on First Avenue in Sawtell. The store has a luxe look, but don’t be misled, clothing and accessories start at $10.00! They pride themselves in dressing ladies of all sizes (8-20 plus) at any age (18-90+) for any occasion (Casual, Work, Race days to Formal). There are experienced stylists to help you and have after hours and free local delivery services to all areas. Le Dãin Designs Boutique is renowned for their personal one on one ‘old school’ service! Makeovers, photo shoots, and styling adds to the list. Le Dãin Designs is definitely a destination boutique!


of Australian labels


Owners of Le Dāin Design



Boutique Ivan and Carole Beros


Sizes at Any Age for Every Occasion

Woolgoolga Gallery

Celebrating Diwali 2024

What a shame the annual Woolgoolga Curryfest was cancelled this year. You can’t fight those weather gods, but luckily we can still bring you some Indian inspired culture. The Woolgoolga Art Gallery is hosting the Diwali 2024 exhibition.

Diwali (Divali) is the festival of lights celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs and other religions, and is usually held in October/ November.

It symbolises the spiritual victory of light over darkness. Sikhs also celebrate the release of one of their Gurus from a Mughal prison.

There has been an En Plein Air painting session of the Guru Nanak Sikh temple and workshops at the art gallery with local artists using these opportunities to create works for this upcoming exhibition. Look out for more Diwali workshops taking place at the gallery this month.

The Woolgoolga Diwali Art Exhibition opens on Friday October 4 at 6pm with local musicians ‘Rasayana Sacred Sound’ performing.

This exhibition opening will be mesmerising. An exhibition with a real difference. Get in early and purchase your tickets online at Humanitix for $10, or $15 at the door on the night

The Woolgoolga Gallery is open for public viewing every day 10am – 4pm, 73 Turon Pde Woolgoolga. Entry is free and a great opportunity to appreciate and celebrate our local artists. Why not grab a coffee up town and make a day of all things creative?

Whilst at the Gallery make sure you enquire about the range of classes and workshops available. Super fun.

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Jetty Memorial Theatre

Two great shows – Tenori and Julian Gargiulo October at the Jetty Memorial Theatre (JMT) will be a vibrant celebration of music, showcasing two distinct yet equally captivating musical performances: Tenori and Julian Gargiulo.

On Saturday October 19 Tenori, the trio of powerhouse Queensland tenors, take the intimate JMT stage to perform timeless classics. David Kidd, Stewart Morris, and Andrew Pryor share not only decades of musical experience but also a bond forged through years of touring together with The Ten Tenors. With their blend of opera, musical theatre, and jazz, Tenori will captivate the audience with their sophisticated harmonies and charismatic stage presence.

Next up on Wednesday October 23 Julian Gargiulo, aka the ‘Pianist with the Hair,’ comes direct from Carnegie Hall to break the traditional mould of classical music with his unique blend of virtuosity and humour. Known for his wild hair and sharp wit, Gargiulo has a gift for making classical music not just accessible but fun. His performances are often described as a blend of stand-up comedy and a classical concert, with the Huffington Post calling his shows ‘Saturday Night Live meets Carnegie Hall.’ Gargiulo’s global reputation for his engaging and unpredictable concerts, combined with his impressive technical skill, will undoubtedly leave the audience both amused and awestruck.

Whether you are a classical music aficionado or a casual listener, these performances promise to be a unique and enjoyable experience of humour and timeless tunes.

Bernadette Morris
Charmaine Granger
Stasha Dunn Avril Wills Kelly Carvill

Garden Time

Transform Your Poolside Paradise!

Your pool is the perfect place to cool off and relax, but what about the space around it? With a few thoughtfully chosen plants, you can turn your poolside into a lush oasis that feels like your own personal resort.

When selecting plants for poolside planting, it’s important to consider both beauty and practicality. The Mid North Coast of NSW is known for its sunny weather, so choosing plants that thrive in full sun and can handle the

occasional splash of water is key. Opt for hardy plants like palms, agaves, or ornamental grasses. These lowmaintenance choices will add texture and greenery without needing constant care.

Be sure to keep your pool area tidy by choosing plants that are non-shedding, as nobody wants to fish leaves out of the water constantly.

Succulents or architectural plants like yuccas are great options that stay neat and require little watering—perfect for the poolside!

Tip of the Month:

Create layers with tall palms for shade and shorter plants around the edges

for ground cover. Not only will this create a more dynamic space, but it also helps protect your pool from wind and debris.

Looking for inspiration?

Drop by Coffs Harbour Nursery at 16 Wakelands Road, Sapphire Beach, and let our team help you create the perfect poolside retreat.

Till next month Happy gardening!

Tim New – Manager Coffs Harbour Nursery

Better Hearing. Better Living.

A simple appointment can make the world of difference for your world. With our years of experience and so many choices in technology, our passion is to achieve the best possible outcome for you each and every time. Call 1800 314 526 to schedule your appointment with Julie Murphy, our Senior Clinical Audiometrist.

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Dr Lerm’s Surgery

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Woolgoolga NSW 2456

Embracing Sustainable Living

A Journey Back to Basics

Hello, I’m Kirsty. With over 12 years of experience in sustainability and environmental education, I’ve seen the growing urgency to protect our planet. Now, I’m excited to bring the focus back to basics, particularly here on the stunning Coffs Coast.

As spring arrives on the East Coast of Australia, it’s the perfect time to transform our gardens into vibrant ecosystems that support local wildlife. By inviting creatures such as frogs, native bees, birds, and even possums, we can enhance biodiversity and create a sanctuary where nature thrives.

A great place to start is by creating a frog pond. Frogs help control insect populations and are indicators of a healthy ecosystem. A shallow pond with sloping edges and native aquatic plants will offer a safe habitat where frogs can breed and flourish.

Native bees are excellent pollinators, and some species, like sting-less bees,

About DFM

With over 30 years of experience, DFM Financial Group Accountants specialise in all business and personal taxation services.

We have a strong team based here in Woolgoolga servicing clients locally as well as Australia wide.

We can assist you with your individual tax return, business tax return and self-managed superannuation fund annual tax compliance.

also produce small amounts of honey. You can support them by installing a native bee hive or a bee hotel made from untreated timber or bamboo, which provides a safe space for these bees to nest and contribute to the health of your garden.

Birds bring life and beauty to any garden, and you can attract many native species by planting native flowering shrubs and installing bird boxes. Ensure the entrance holes of boxes are appropriately sized for local

birds, and place the boxes near trees or dense vegetation for shelter.

Possum boxes can provide a safe refuge for these nocturnal creatures, which play an important role in seed dispersal and maintaining the ecosystem. Installing boxes high in trees offers them a secure place to nest.

Additionally, adding small ramps or ladders around pools can prevent animals from becoming trapped. Wildlife-friendly fencing or dense shrubs along property boundaries can also create safe passage for animals like koalas.

By embracing these simple yet impactful changes, we can create a thriving haven for wildlife and contribute to a more sustainable, biodiverse environment on the Coffs Coast.

Like and follow us on Facebook to view our latest updates and information: https://www.facebook. com/dfmaccounting/

4/5 Market Street Woolgoolga NSW 2456

Phone: 02 6654 1690

Website: https://dfmgroup.com.au/ woolgoolga

Let’s Dive Into Your Brand Story

Hey there! I’m Kirsty, a Brand Photographer based on the stunning Coffs Coast. I love helping businesses bring their stories to life through tailored photography.

This month, I want to share how seasonal photography can take your brand engagement to the next level!

Stay Relevant with Timely Imagery: Seasonal photography ensures your brand stays in sync with the current moment. Whether it’s vibrant spring blooms or cosy winter vibes, updating your visuals with the seasons makes your content feel fresh and relatable, helping you capture your audience’s attention when they’re most engaged.

Tap into Emotion: Each season brings its own moodthink the excitement of summer holidays or the comfort of autumn. By using seasonal imagery that evokes these emotions, you create a deeper connection with your audience. It’s not just about selling a product - it’s about crafting an experience that resonates.

Drive Engagement and Sales: Seasonal content stands out and grabs attention, which naturally leads to more clicks, likes, and shares. On top of that, it creates a sense of urgency for seasonal purchases. Whether you’re promoting a summer sale or a holiday special, timely images can nudge your customers toward hitting ‘buy’.


Tell a Year-Round Story: As the seasons change, so can your visuals. Refreshing your content with seasonal photography keeps things exciting and engaging. It allows your brand to tell a continuous, evolving story, encouraging your audience to stick around for what’s next.

So, why not let the seasons inspire your next photoshoot? It’s an easy way to keep your content fresh, boost engagement, and strengthen your connection with your audience.

W: www.kirstyfikkers.com F: @kirstyfikkersphotography

I: @kirstyfikkers.photography

Featuring: Maree from Maree’s Marriages & Ceremonies https://www.mareesceremonies.com.au Insta: @mareesceremonies

Paw Prints

Does Your Dog Jump Up?

Jumping up is one of the most common problems about which dog owners ask me for advice.

Some considerations:

Voice, hands and eyes are all forms of attention to a dog.

Even if the above are meant as punishment, the dog still considers them to be attention or acknowledgment.

Dogs are by nature, opportunistic – so they will do whatever gives them the most ‘pay’.

If you give your dog nothing at all when it jumps up and attention such as praise or a treat when its four feet are back on the ground, guess what it will do? That’s right – stay down. You can also ask your dog to adopt a position which makes it impossible for it to jump, for example a dog can’t jump while it is sitting.

Do you pat your dog when it jumps on you or puts its little fluffy feet on your lap?

Well, in doing so, you are reinforcing that behaviour.

If you reinforce that behaviour, how is it fair to get angry with your dog when it jumps on someone else? You can’t have one rule for you and another for everyone else. Dogs think in black and white because they just don’t understand ‘grey’.

You are also inadvertently allowing your dog to tell you what to do ie “Listen human, you pat me and you do it right now!”

Do you get your dog all excited when you first come home?

This is teaching your dog that when it sees someone, it needs to be excited which often manifests in a jump up. It is also setting your dog up to fail because it will get into trouble if it does jump.

Don’t be physical with your dog if it jumps up. Kneeing it in the chest can split its sternum.

Pushing it away will most likely cause a rhetorical response which may start

as playful and then could become aggressive.

Does everyone always pat your dog when it jumps up eg. on the beach, in the shopping centre, at your home?

You have every right to request that people don’t pat your dog or you could compromise by asking them not to pat it until it is sitting down. You could even say that your dog is in training.

Consider the above points and be consistent with your ground rules.

– Kyra Ensby Kyra is a certified dog trainer and the owner of Bright Bessy Dog Training – 0402 795 716.

We’re open Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 8am–12pm. Saturday Market Day - when available, fresh seasonal produce can be purchased.

We’re open Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 8am–12pm. Saturday Market Day - when available, fresh seasonal produce can be purchased.

Volunteers are always welcome. Come and join us for morning tea at 10am.

Volunteers are always welcome. Come and join us for morning tea at 10am.

Our aim is to build a sustainable garden accessible to all.

To encourage community involvement, good health, well-being and environmental awareness via a shared garden for people of all ages, abilities and cultures to enjoy.

The NSW Government is helping reduce the cost of living with more than 70 rebates and vouchers.

By answering the tailored questions in the Service NSW Savings Finder tool, you can find rebates and vouchers relevant to you.

You can apply by visiting service.nsw.gov.au or by scanning the QR code.

Building Community

The Foundation of Belonging and Wellbeing

In today’s fast-paced world, creating a sense of community within our school is more crucial than ever. As educators and parents, we understand the importance of fostering an environment where students feel they belong - a place where they are valued, understood, and supported. This sense of belonging not only enhances their learning experience but also plays a significant role in combating anxiety and other mental health challenges.

Schools are more than just places of academic instruction; they are the heart of our community. When students walk through our doors, they should feel like they are stepping into an extended family. This feeling of being part of a supportive community helps alleviate the pressures and anxieties that young people often face. It reminds them that they are not alone in their journey, and that they have a network of teachers, peers, and parents who care about their wellbeing.

Parents, too, are an integral part of this community. We recognise that raising children is a challenging task, and there will be times when parents need support. Schools are uniquely positioned to offer this support, whether it’s through providing resources, offering guidance, or simply being a listening ear. We want every parent to know that they are always welcome to reach out to the school whenever they need assistance. No problem is too small, and we are here to help.

Building a strong community is a shared responsibility. It requires the combined efforts of teachers, parents, and students working together towards a common goal: developing our young people into good citizens. This involves teaching them not just academic skills but also values like empathy, respect, compassion and responsibility. By working together, we can create a nurturing environment where every student feels empowered to grow, learn, and contribute to society.

As we continue to build and strengthen our school community, let us remember that our collective efforts will have a lasting impact on the lives of our students. Together, we can create a place where everyone feels they belong, where challenges are met with support, and where the future generation is prepared to thrive as compassionate and responsible citizens.

Enrol for Years 5 and 6 2025 NOW

For $92 a week (2024 fees) our all inclusive fees can give your child the gift of a quality education. CVAS bus daily from Coffs Harbour and the Northern Beaches

The Cheese Lady

The Legend of Gruyère 1655: A Swiss Cheese with Noble Roots

My love of cheese, its history and the stories it has to tell is unwavering.

Cheese has been a staple for centuries, with its origins traced back to Egyptian times. Among the many varieties, one of my favourites is Gruyère, particularly a Gruyère known simply as 1655. This cheese is steeped in history, and its origin are tied to a remarkable story from the Gruyère region of Switzerland.

In 1655, two brothers, Jean and Pierre Rime, were master cheese makers in Gruyère. One stormy night, their peaceful routine was shattered by cries for help. Penniless robbers were attacking a coach near their farm. Without hesitation, the brothers grabbed large sticks and confronted the attackers. Despite the danger, they managed to fend off the criminals.

The occupant of the coach, a well-dressed man, revealed himself as the bailiff of Gruyère and expressed his gratitude for their brave actions. The brothers invited him into their modest home, offering him a meal and their last bit of Gruyère. Though their cheese production was small, due to traditional techniques, the quality was unparalleled.

After tasting the Gruyère, the bailiff left, but weeks later, the brothers received unexpected news. The bailiff was so impressed by their cheese that he arranged for their Gruyère

to be reserved exclusively for Swiss nobility, offering them a generous payment.

This tradition of Gruyère 1655 has endured through the centuries, with a limited number of wheels still made using the same methods. Once a delicacy for the elite, Gruyère 1655 is now shared with the world, preserving the legacy of fine Swiss cheese making.

Its name? Simply, 1655. If you have the opportunity to try this cheese don’t pass it up – have a small thin slice and let it warm up in your mouth, the depth and complexity of flavour is amazing.

If you share my love of cheese why not join me in a class, learn how it is made and enjoy a delicious lunch. Come on your own and meet new friends or come as a group.

To find our more visit www.artisancheeseschool.com.au or call Lyndall 0477 000 262.

Lyndall, The Cheese Lady

Real Estate

Spring and Other Things.

This month should see our local market come alive with the advent of some beautiful Spring weather and plenty of new stock to choose from as potential sellers start planning to list now with a view to a sale towards the end of the year or into the New Year.

Keep in mind that the team at Superior Property are available seven days and can easily fit a quick visit and appraisal into your busy schedule, at a time to suit you.

The team has been bolstered recently with experienced licensed agent Rex Patterson joining the team. Rex has over 30 years real estate experience under his belt and resides in wonderful Woopi with his lovely wife Helen. If you need to speak to someone about downsizing, then call Rex as he has recently been through the process of moving from a large home into something much more manageable.

Rex has a mature, friendly and no pressure approach with plenty of experience in selling residential and

lifestyle small acreages and is happy to come out for a chat any time.

Just give Rex a call anytime (7 days) on 0414 825 744.

This month also sees some changes in our office location. Our old premises on Solitary Islands Way opposite Woolies are now up for lease and we have relocated to 20C Featherstone Drive in Woolgoolga. (Next door to Mogul Brewing.)

If anyone is seeking to lease modern commercial premises with excellent exposure to a main road then give our property manager Alicia Andrews or myself a call for all the details.

While we’re on the subject of property management, if you’re looking for a more personal approach to the letting of your rental property then Alicia could be just the person you’re looking for where you’ll be treated as a person not just a number on a huge rental portfolio.

Alicia can be contacted on 0473 576 765 Monday to Friday.

For all your Wedding & Event Hire needs!

Servicing the Mid North Coast, Hastings and beyond

7 Hawke Drive Woolgoolga Mon–Fri 8am–2pm (02) 6654 2033

E: events@handi-hire.com.au

W: handi-hire.com.au @handihire

As Woopi and the Coffs Coast grows, there are now many properties which have development and subdivision potential. If you feel your property may be eligible and want an expert opinion, then our resident development expert Shaun Darcy is the person who has his finger well and truly on what’s happening. Shaun can be contacted on 0427 742 863.

If you haven’t visited Woopi’s newest brewery as yet then be sure to pop in and taste some of the interesting craft beers on tap. Mogul Brewing is open in the afternoons from Thursday to Sunday and is located opposite

Mitre 10. As well as plenty of refreshing beers and wines to choose from, there is a food van onsite in the beer garden for tasty burgers and tacos.

Remember, if you require any real estate advice any time, be sure to call myself or any of the team and we will be happy to assist you seven days.

Regards Dave Tompkins Mobile 0404 158 364



• Handrails • Balustrades

• Handrails • Balustrades

• Fencing • Gates

• Fencing • Gates

• Screens

• Screens

Stress and You

I’m writing this on ‘R U OK?’ Day, reflecting on the amazing caring community that come together on this and Suicide Prevention Day in September each year. All are connected by the sadness and grief of losing someone to mental health conditions, that may have escalated to suicide.

October 10 is World Mental Health Day with the theme in Oz of ‘Let’s Talk About It’. This theme emphasises the significance of open dialogue and communication regarding mental health.

October 13-19 is National Carers Week, its theme: ‘Millions of Reasons to Care’, aiming to broaden the awareness of the

3 million Australians caring for their family and friends. Many unpaid and many who don’t even realise they are a carer.

Being a care receiver or a care giver are tough gigs, in different, individually customised ways, which adds to the challenge of finding suitable support. What is universal though, is, if you are struggling, don’t suffer in silence.

All of the above initiatives promote talking to someone who listens, as a first step towards support. It’s confronting, and it’s worth it.

You have to summons the courage, to trust just one person and say “I’m not OK!” or “Can you help me?”. Support starts with a conversation.

Be mindful that not everyone is up for helping. Family and friends may have good intentions, but not the skills required to really help. So, keep looking and asking, until you get the right support for you.

As a carer myself having experienced burnout, it’s an experience I don’t want to repeat. I found talking invaluable. Carers often burnout because they prioritise others over their own self-care.

If you are a carer, you have to put on your own oxygen mask first, to be able to fully care for others.

If you know a carer, take a few minutes to imagine a day in their shoes. And acknowledge all that they do. Ask “R U OK?”

Neurodegenerative conditions are growing at an exponential rate, especially with our aging population and increased anxiety and trauma, post Covid. Resources to deal with this surge are inadequate, so family and friends have to help.

This could be in your future. Are you prepared?

Joy Cassells, Max Cambell, Gary Addison, Robyn Whalen, Kerry Richardson,

Stay Sharp with your local Accountant

Workers Compensation

Insurance, is your business complying with their obligations?

‘From the 1st October 2024 the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) will be conducting a review of all businesses in NSW who may need a workers compensation policy. Any business identified as not having a current workers compensation policy could be liable to pay double the amount of policy premium for the last five years.’

If your business is paying wages to employees, you are required to have a workers compensation policy in place. The only exception is where all employees are directors, and the annual wages are less than $7500. In some circumstances, the policy should also cover subcontractors who are deemed employees, although most subcontractors who are deemed employees should have by now been re-engaged as an employee on payroll under the new contractor rules that commenced December 2023.

If you don’t have a workers compensation policy covering your employees, you need to act now. Some industries have specialist insurers but most commonly workers compensation insurance is through iCare. If you do have a worker’s compensation policy, you need to ensure that you are lodging your annual declaration of wages and updating your estimated wages for the following financial year. Where business owners commonly make mistakes with the declaration is not understanding all the payments that are included in total wages ie declaring the total gross wages amount and forgetting that the reportable amount also includes superannuation accrued for that period regardless of if its paid to the fund or not. Often business owners just declare the wages paid to employees and forget to also declare separately the amounts paid to apprentices. There is a premium discount when employing apprentices so its worth taking the extra steps to complete this information.

For more information and a full list of what should be included in the wages declaration see the iCare website.


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Local legal firm providing advice and assistance in relation to Wills & Estate Planning, Probate Applications, Workers Compensation, Personal Injury and Insurance Claims, and General Legal Matters.

Contact KC Hilton on 0419 464 946 or khilton@wnblegal.com.au for further information.

Law Learnings

Halloween – make it scary, but not dangerous!

Whether you choose to celebrate Halloween or not, it is becoming quite popular for kids to get dressed up and knock on doors around Woolgoolga saying “Trick or Treat” hoping for some candy in return. As one who grew up celebrating Halloween, I enjoy seeing all the neighbourhood kids in costume having fun. But as this is a relatively new phenomenon in Australia, it’s a good time to consider some of the legal issues that could arise.

For safety reasons, children should not be trick or treating unsupervised. Kids get excited and it’s hard for them to remember stranger danger while also door knocking for treats at unfamiliar homes. Likewise, you should be checking the ‘treat’ they receive - commercially wrapped and sealed items are preferable.

Although the law doesn’t specify a minimum age when a child could be left home alone, this is not the day to test whether your child is responsible enough to leave unsupervised. Strangers might be knocking on the door in costume and things happening outside a locked home that could entice a child to go out. Remember that the law says parental responsibility lies with the parent, not with the eldest sibling you left in charge. If anything goes wrong, a question of negligence or liability could arise.

Driving on Halloween can also be a hazard. You need to be on the look out for children wearing dark costumes who could run across the road without warning. Make sure you don’t create a hazard by parking in the wrong spot to watch your child, be considerate of other drivers, and don’t forget to use your indicators. All the usual road rules still apply for your children as well so if they are riding a bike, helmets should be worn - even if it means ruining the costume!

Speaking of cars, don’t leave your vehicle unlocked, even if you are just walking a short distance or leaving it at home. Unfortunately, there have been reports of vehicle thefts around this area and you don’t want to become a victim. Also remember that if you leave the keys in the car and it is stolen, it could potentially invalidate your insurance policy. Costumes should be chosen carefully so as to not infringe on copyright, although admittedly, it seems unlikely that Disney is likely to sue in this context. Do be aware that carrying a realistic-looking weapon in a threatening manner can carry the same charge as being armed with a real one, so the Scream fans are better off leaving the fake knife at home.

You may also need to be that parent and have a conversation with your child before they go trick or treating highlighting that a ‘sugar high’ is not a valid legal defence for bad choices like littering, vandalism, theft or trespassing.

Remember that not everyone is into Halloween, so try not to disturb the homeowners that are not participating. For those that do celebrate, have a safe and happy Halloween!

KC. Hilton, WNB Legal

Heart To Heart

Rehan’s (name changed) life transformed. Through the process of ‘seeing is believing’. Not the ‘seeing is believing’ shown by Jesus’ friend, Thomas. Refusing to believe Jesus was alive despite his friend’s eye witness testimony. Insisting he needed to see Jesus in the flesh, crucifixion scars and all. That ‘seeing is believing’ impossible for us. We were born at the wrong time of human history to see the risen Lord Jesus in the flesh.

Rehan, an Australian, Buddhist Sri Lankan law student, became a follower of Jesus Christ at the age of 21. Given a copy of the Gospel of John by a friend while at University. Finding the person and words of Jesus compelling. His ‘seeing is believing’ process a ‘now I understand’ moment. Not self induced. Coming from outside himself. Insight lifting the spiritual fog. Enabling him, for the first time, to see and respond to the truth about faith in Jesus. Moment of revelation from the God-inspired words of the Bible. The words of Jesus, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.”

Way back in 1738, John Wesley describes his ‘now I understand’ moment as feeling his heart strangely warmed. Knowing with assurance and conviction that he did trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation and the taking away of his sins.

Geoff’s (name changed) life transformed. Through the same process. A young policeman using his uniform to advantage. Free alcohol on tap while serving with the Licensing Branch. Moonlighting as a bouncer at local night clubs. One night sitting in a hired vehicle outside a club. Bored, restless. Opening the glove box. Discovering a New Testament. He began to read. Keeping the New Testament, he continues to read about Jesus. His ‘now I understand’ moment stretching into days. Understanding for the first time the compelling person of Jesus and the true nature of his own heart. Geoff became a Christian.

What are the compelling, nagging questions weighing on your heart? Where are you seeking after ‘now I understand’ moments? The testimony of John Wesley, Rehan, Geoff, countless others, is that the most wonderful clarity, life changing understanding comes through hearing the words of Jesus. Seeing the life, death, resurrection of Jesus through the pages of the Bible. Why not take the plunge and expose yourself to a ‘now I understand’ moment. Not from within but from the revelation of Jesus Christ. Begin with the Gospel of Mark (it’s the shortest). Hard copy or from www. biblegateway.com

Stay tuned!

David Hanger (hangeron56@gmail.com) Northern Beaches Anglicans

Woolgoolga Swim Club

Woolgoolga Swimming Club meets at the Woolgoolga swimming pool on Monday nights during summer.

The 2024/25 season commences on Monday October 14, at 6pm. Each week four competitive events are held and, if time permits, a fun event such as a relay.

For new people who might be interested, they offer two free trial nights on October 14 and 21. Then, swimmers must join the Club to continue participating.

To join the Club, go to https://swimcentral.swimming.org. au and follow the directions to purchase the appropriate membership. One adult from each family will be required to join as a Dry Member, which gives them the right to have a say in how the Club is run.

For further information contact Joan Anderson on 0416 949 653 or Jayne Burke on 0411 792 339.

Fresh FM

At Fresh FM, we receive a lot of new releases from artists up and down the coast that are definitely worth a listen. If you’re into ambience, check out Fiona Joy Hawkins from Kendall. Another great artist is Angus Gill from Port Macquarie, whose album ‘The Scrapbook’ features wellwritten and catchy songs. Gill has collaborated with Steve Earle and now with Eric McCusker, the guitarist and writer of many Mondo Rock hits. The track ‘Canned Laughter’ is definitely worth checking out.

We’ve also got new tunes from locals Nathan Beretta, whose album has been at the top of the Blues Chart for several weeks, and from Unison and Temperate.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve featured new songs from Paul Kelly and Cold Chisel. For Guns N’ Roses fans, Slash has released an album called ‘Orgy of the Damned’ in collaboration with great singers like Beth Hart, Demi Lovato, and Chris Stapleton, covering classics including Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Oh Well’ and the Barrett/Whitfield classic ‘Papa was a Rolling Stone’.

You can catch the New Releases Program on Mondays from 1pm to 4pm, with a repeat on Fridays at the same time. Our weekend Oz music program from 1pm to 4pm has been gaining popularity, featuring a mix of classic Australian (and Kiwi) tracks along with contemporary and independent artists. Additionally, on Saturday nights, we have 6 hours of classic rock from 7pm to 1am.

For the latest updates on music-related events, visit our website at www.fm876.com.au. It’s your one-stop destination for all the exciting music-related happenings. Don’t miss out on any of the action. – Happy listening, Rob

Australian Red Cross - Emergency Services

Volunteer for the Emergency Services. You’ll help people to be better prepared, better connected to each other and more resilient when emergencies happen. Red Cross will ensure you have training, ongoing support and access to other opportunities within the world’s largest humanitarian network. Interested? Email eswoopiredcross@gmail.com

Book Reading Group

A mixed membership local book club, based in Woolgoolga, and covering the Coffs Harbour region. Our group has been active for 40 years, and the books are supplied by CAE in Melbourne. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month. Enquiries are welcome via coffsharbourbookclub@ yahoo.com or David 0428 766 815.

Fluro Friday

Meet every Friday, Woolgoolga Beach at 6.30am. Supporting and bringing awareness to mental health and suicide prevention. Great social inclusion. All welcome.

Freemasons: Lodge Urara-Woolgoolga No.469

We are a small lodge and meetings are held at 6.30pm at the Woolgoolga Masonic Centre (next door to Woolies) on the first Wednesday of each month. All active and inactive Masons are welcome if they want to turn up for a night of friendship – we are a ‘Lounge Suit’ lodge so there is no need to worry about a dinner suit, and regalia can be provided. Enquiries from non-Masons are always welcome – email urarawoolgoolga469@gmail.com or David 0428 766 815.

Men’s Support Group

Woopi Men’s Support Group meets every Thursday 6.30 till 8.30pm at the Woolgoolga Neighbourhood Centre, 35 Beach Street (head for the back room). All ages are welcome. Enjoy a coffee and meet some great guys. For more information call Paul on 0432 407 786.

NSW SES Corindi-Woolgoolga Unit

Meetings and Training: Tuesdays 7pm to 9pm. Venue: 31 Coral Street. Corindi enquiries: Dona Powell 0428 297 769. For emergency help in floods, storms and tsunamis call 132 500. In a life threatening emergency call 000 (tripe zero).

Rotary Club of Woolgoolga

Meet 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, Woolgoolga C.ex Club (Bowling Club), 6 for 6.15pm.

Sandy Seinager

Monthly coffee club get together, 4th Thursday of the month, 10.30am, at Woopi C.ex. Bring your friends, jokes, stories, a few brain quizzes and enjoy a free coffee and slice. For more info phone Annie 0438 627 551.

Silver Salties

Fun, fitness, and friendship for older Australians delivered by Surf Life Saving Australia. 0419 715 730 silversaltieswoopi@ gmail.com

The Woolgoolga Shed Inc

Woodworking, metalworking including repairs, restoration and upcycling. They will also make items to order. 1972 Solitary Island Way Woolgoolga. Phillip Sayles 0422 879 197.

U3A - Australian History and Poetry

Led by the indefatigable John Imrie of Red Rock. Woopi Library 10am - 1st and 3rd Friday each month.

Waratah Seagulls

Social Support Group for over 65yr olds. Meet twice a week Wednesdays and Fridays 9am to 3pm at the Woolgoolga Community Hall, 8 Boundary Street Woolgoolga. Call Waratah Respite Service on 6648 3610.

Woolgoolga CWA

The Country Women’s Association is a 100-year-old organisation that advocates for the welfare of women and children. It is the largest women’s organisation in Australia, and the Woolgoolga branch welcomes like-minded women to join us. Coffee and craft on the 1st Monday each month from 10 till noon - non-members are most welcome! Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday, 9.45 for 10am start. 21 Beach Street. Enquiries: Trish Stabback 0417 409 627.

Woolgoolga Day VIEW

(Voice, Interests & Education of Women)

Meet 3rd Thursday of the month at the Seaview Tavern. Enquiries: Maisie Richardson 0400 098 230.

Woolgoolga District Garden Club

Gardeners of all levels welcome, novel, skilled, quirky or just plain passionate. Meet 2nd Saturday of the month at 1.30pm - Woolgoolga Seniors Centre, Boundary St

Competition Table - proudly displaying your gardening efforts - hotly contested (categories galore)

Members Plant Trading Table - a delight for choice and ridiculously cheap. Regular guest speakers - name your topic (always enlightening). Garden outings and luncheons (very social) last Thursday of the Month. ‘Friendship through Gardens’, enquiries: woopidistrictgardenclub@gmail.com

Woolgoolga & District Retirement Village Auxiliary Meets the second Monday of each month at Seaview Tavern at 2pm. Those interested in joining can become members for a nominal fee of $1. The members keep everyone informed of upcoming events each month. Keep an eye out for the date for next Street Stall. To become a member or for any enquiries, please contact Lynda Johnston at 0402 274 098 or lyndalu2009@hotmail.com

Woolgoolga Labor Branch

Monthly meetings are held at 7pm on the third Wednesday of each month. Contact Frank Dean 6654 7687 We look forward to welcoming you!

Woolgoolga Lions Club

Meet the first Thursday of the month 6pm at Woolgoolga C.ex. New members welcome. Enquiries to President Lion, John Moon Phone 0494 123 300.

Woolgoolga Seniors


6 Boundary Street,

Woolgoolga. 6654 7311

Weekly Classes in House


9.30–12pm Scrapbooking $5


10.30–11.15am Fitbits

$5 Gentle muscle tone, stretching, balance and well being

11.30–12.15pm Seat Beats $5 Dance moves while sitting


9.30–12pm Craft $5

Members morning tea $2


9–12pm Wrap with love

Blankets $5

Woolgoolga Probus Club

10– 11am Chair Fitness $10

12–4pm Quilting $5

1–3pm Table Tennis $5

4–6pm Line Dancing $10


9.30–12pm Indoor bowls


1–4pm Rummikub Games

Red Cross last Friday of the Month 2pm


9.30–12pm Line Dancing $10

Second Saturday of the Month

1–3pm Garden Club

Weekly bus trip to various places. All activities require membership $10. Please come along and join us, or enjoy a cup of tea and a chat, you are most welcome.

Meets at 10.15 am at the Uniting Church Hall in Trafalgar St. on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Interesting and informative guest speakers. Morning tea plus lots of social activities add to the enjoyment.

Enquiries: woolgoolga.probus.club@gmail.com or phone 0432 288 708.

Woolgoolga Red Cross

Meetings second Tuesday of the month.

Venue: CWA Rooms 21 Beach Street – starts 2pm.

Enquires: Judy Boyle 0408 354 422.

Woolgoolga Red Cross Friendship Afternoon Tea

Last Friday of each month at 2pm.

Venue: Woolgoolga Seniors Centre.

6 Boundary Street. Entry: $2.

Enquires: Kerry Chaffey on 0475 774 663.

Woolgoolga RSL sub-Branch

Meetings second Saturday of the month. Venue: Woolgoolga Diggers Club. Time: Starting at 10.30am.

Enquiries: WoolgoolgaSB@rslnsw.org.au

Bonville-Boambee VIEW Club

Hold their lunch meetings at Sawtell RSL Club on the second Thursday of each month. A social outing is held on the fourth Thursday. The next lunch meeting will be held on Thursday October 10, commencing at 11am for an 11.30am start. For further information please contact Gail, the VIEW Club President, on 0428 551 311.


Woolgoolga Beach Markets (Marine Rescue Fundraiser)

Second Saturday of each month.


Woolgoolga Taxi Service 131008

Woopi Connect On Demand public transport. Get the app or call 6654 0581.

LifeHouse Pantry

LifeHouse Care Food Pantries provide essential food and personal care items at a low cost, so that you can shop with dignity and select goods according to your own needs. This service is available to healthcare and pension card holders as well as those experiencing financial stress.

If you’re struggling to make ends meet, the Woolgoolga pantry is at the back of the LifeHouse Op Shop at 8 Nightingale Street and is open 10am to 12pm Tuesday and Friday. Phone 6654 7377.

The Defib Hero app

Download the app that could save a life.

Simply search the app store and register your Automated Defibrillater Device (AED).

If there is an emergency: Open the app to find where the nearest device is. For more information: www.defibhero.com.au

If you have a Community Event you would like listed in Woopi News, let us know before the 15th of each month. community@woopinews.com.au

Wesley LifeForce Suicide Prevention FREE Full Day Workshop

A full-day workshop on suicide prevention is set to be held at the Wiigulga Sports Complex in Woolgoolga.

The workshop, organised by Wesley LifeForce, aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to increase awareness of suicide in Australia and to identify signs that someone may be at risk of suicide.

The workshop will cover topics such as understanding risk and protective factors, identifying warning signs of suicide, and how to inquire directly about suicide intent. Additionally, participants will be informed about the local and national support and resources available to support individuals at risk of suicide.

Wesley LifeForce has developed a comprehensive suite of suicide prevention training programs with the goal of making effective interventions that can save lives. The workshop is open to individuals from all walks of life as well as organisational groups, and will be conducted by accredited trainers who have completed suicide intervention training. The workshop is expected to run from 9am to 4pm AEDT and promises to be a valuable opportunity for those interested in equipping themselves with the necessary skills to prevent suicide in their communities.

THIS IS A FREE EVENT - however bookings are required. Monday, October 14, 9am – 4pm Wiigulga Sports Complex Solitary Islands Way, Woolgoolga.

Book via https://www.eventbrite.com.au or email life force@ wesleymission.org.au or call 1800 100 024 .

These community pages are proudly brought to you by the Woolgoolga Swim School

School holidays are upon us again and the City of Coffs Harbour’s Wiigulga Sports Complex is excited to offer a family friendly screening of Migration on October 3 followed by a 7pm screening of the critically acclaimed surf documentary The Blind Sea.

Holidays also mean the courts are quieter so make the most of the increased availability and pop in for a casual visit! $5 per person per hour, come and shoot some hoops or grab some friends for some 3 on 3.

Casual table tennis sessions are kicking off in October, 10am every Thursday & Sunday. All welcome; beginners come along and hone your skills in a friendly environment or challenge yourself against a more experienced player. All equipment is provided for only $5 per person! If table tennis isn’t your thing, why not try one of our Pickleball sessions! New sessions now open Monday from 9.30am – 11.30am.

Here’s the day to day ‘what’s happening’ for October: Monday

6am Mat Pilates with Mary-Ann 8.45am

9.30am 10am

4.30pm Mat Pilates with Mary-Ann

6pm Mat Pilates with Mary-Ann

7pm Casual entry pickleball - social


8.30am Bishop Druitt CollegePlaygroup

9am Zumba with Debbie Leaney

9.30am Casual entry pickleball – EXPERIENCED PLAYERS

11am Casual entry pickleball – BEGINNERS/SOCIAL PLAYERS

4pm Coffs Coast Physie & Dance

5.45pm Zumba with Debbie Leaney


6am Mat Pilates with Mary-Ann

6.30am North Coast Basketball training

8.45am Vinyasa yoga with Mary-Ann

10am Mat Pilates with Mary-Ann

1.30pm Woolgoolga High School sports

3.30pm Australian Futsal – Little Feet Program (3 – 5 years)

4pm Coffs City Physie

4.30pm Australian Futsal – Futsal School (5 – 12 years)

6pm Coffs Harbour Basketball – social comp

6pm Casual entry futsal - social

6pm Yin yoga with Mary-Ann


10am Casual entry table tennis

10.30am Ukulele group

5pm Jade Yoga & Pilates – Barre

6pm Jade Yoga & Pilates - Yogalates


6am Mat Pilates with Mary-Ann

10am Mat Pilates with Mary-Ann

5.30pm Casual entry pickleball – BEGINNERS/SOCIAL PLAYERS

6.30pm Casual entry pickleball – EXPERIENCED PLAYERS


10am Casual entry pickleball

10am Casual entry table tennis

Also coming up in October:

2 Oct Woolgoolga District Orchid Society meat tasting fundraiser

3 Oct Movie Screenings: Family Movie @ 3pm - Migration

Adult Surfing Flick @ 7pm - The Blind Sea

5 & 6 Oct Woolgoolga District Orchid Society – Orchid Conference/Show

7 Oct Centre closed for Public Holiday

10 Oct Basketball Holiday Camp

17-20 Oct Lions Club Conference

24 Oct Futsal gala day

26 Oct Candid Health Collective Workshop

27 Oct Line Dancing

31 Oct 1st Home Buyers info night

Please note: Wiigulga Sports Complex will be closed Monday 7 October due to the Labour Day public holiday. For more information on any of the bookings or events above, or to book in your own event, get in touch with the team at Wiigulga Sports Complex on 6648 4950 or wiigulga@chcc.nsw.gov.au

Amazing performances from the Northern Beaches Community of Schools Showcase

Termite Management – Termite Inspections

Cockroaches Spiders Wasps

Silverfish Fleas Rodents

Free Quotes Thermal Imaging


Local Trades and Services Guide


Local Trades and Services Guide

Transform Your Home with WCM Services!

At WCM Services (Woolgoolga Cleaning & Maintenance), we specialise in all aspects of home maintenance, from minor renovations and domestic cleaning to yard care. As a family-run business based in Woolgoolga, we employ 15 dedicated local staff who share our commitment to quality and community.

Meet Josh and Robyn

Founded by local residents Josh and Robyn James, WCM Services combines years of expertise with a personal touch. With over 20 years as a licensed carpenter and a decade of experience in residential insurance repairs, Josh brings invaluable skills to every project. Robyn established Woolgoolga Cleaning in 2018 after also working for a decade in the insurance home repair industry, and together they’ve successfully merged their businesses to provide a comprehensive range of services under WCM Services.

Our Services

We’re not just about cleaning! Our offerings include:

• NDIS & Aged Care Support: As a proud registered NDIS provider, we deliver essential services for clients needing additional support. Our home modifications help improve accessibility and safety. These modifications can range from simple installations such as grab rails and hand-held showers, to more complex changes including bathroom renovations and access ramps.

• Home Renovations: From concept to completion, we can transform your living space.

• Domestic Cleaning: Enjoy a spotless home with our thorough cleaning services, including assistance with laundry if required.

• Yard Maintenance: Keep your outdoor areas looking pristine all year round.

Why Choose WCM Services?

• Local Expertise: Our team services the entire Coffs Coast,

covering Sawtell to Corindi Beach.

• Attention to Detail: We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional service with a focus on quality.

• Complete Solutions: Whether you need grab rails, access ramps, or a new deck, we’re equipped to handle it all.

Get Ready for the Festive Season!

With warmer months on the horizon, now is the perfect time to consider a spring clean or tackle those home maintenance projects before family visits.

Community Commitment

We’re grateful for the support of the local community, particularly through Woopi News, which has played a crucial role in promoting our services since our early days.

Contact Us Today!

Ready to enhance your home? Reach out to us at www. wcmservices.com.au or contact Josh and Robyn directly 02 5655 2100. Let’s make your home a safer, more beautiful place to live!

WCM Services: Your Trusted Partner in Home Maintenance!

Grand Final Fever

There’s no doubt about it: Woolgoolga certainly is a strong sporting town. We’ve dedicated these next two pages to some of the great sporting moments of the past month with The Woopi Wolves, both premier league and reserves, making it through to the North Coast Football (Soccer) Grand Finals.

As did the women’s team the Woopi Wildcats.

Also the Woolgoolga Seahorses, both men and women, put in a great effort at the Rugby League grand finals.

Maybe not as many wins as we would have liked this year but some great athletes in action.

If you have a team you would like to share with our readers please send photos and information to lisa@ woopinews.com.au

Grand Final Fever

Woolgoolga Surf Life Saving Club – Boaties

Woolgoolga Boaties Make Waves at Surf Life Saving World Titles

Last month, our local heroes, the Woolgoolga Boaties’ crews, rocked the Surf Lifesaving World Championship at Kurrawa Beach. All four crews totally smashed it, making it to the finals and showing the world what they’re made of.

The Masters Men 160 crew snagged an awesome third place, proving they’re absolute legends in the making. And guess what? The Open Women’s crew also nailed it with a solid third place finish. These guys and gals are seriously killing it on the world stage!

Let’s not forget the Masters Men 240 crew, who grabbed the fifth spot, and the Reserve Men crew, who landed in a solid fourth place.

These results show that our local boaties are a force to be reckoned with, and we couldn’t be prouder of them.

Massive congratulations to all the crews for their epic performance. Keep shining, Woolgoolga Boaties!

Come and try

Interested in becoming a boatie but not quite sure about it?

Well, here’s your chance! The Woolgoolga Surf Life Saving Club invites you to come and try surf boat rowing every Sunday at 8am.

It’s an amazing opportunity to experience the thrill of surf boat rowing and be part of something extraordinary. For more information, feel free to reach out to Trevor Clark at 0413 650 054.

They don’t just row boats you know, these crews also play the occasional golf game. Especially if it’s a fundraiser. Monday (long weekend) October 7 7am till 12 - Four person Ambrose. Registration $30 per person includes BBQ lunch and prizes including a $1200 MBT Voucher Lucky Draw Prize.

Safety Beach Golf Club 6654 2111.

Local Brothers Unite

Local Brothers Unite for Masters Over 35s Rugby League

The Jeffery brothers - Matt, Mick, Chris, and Andrew - have decided to finally make a long-awaited dream come true. After years of conversations about never having the chance to play together on the same rugby league team, they’ve decided to ‘bite the bullet’ and form their own side for the upcoming Mullumbimby Masters Over 35s competition. While Andrew is still shy of 35, the brothers jumped at the opportunity and locked in their team.

After a flurry of phone calls and messages to old teammates, the brothers quickly assembled a solid squad of lifelong friends and former teammates, many of whom played alongside them for the Seahorses, from juniors through to first grade.

Though not everyone was eager to dive back into the bumps and bruises of the game, once the team list was read out, old memories and camaraderie won them over.

Securing sponsorship was the next big step, and Mick’s first call was to the Woolgoolga Diggers. After a meeting with Ryan Hopkins, it was clear they were on board as the team’s major sponsor. Local support continued to roll in, with Jason Vidler of Leonino Homes not only locking in to play but also contributing a sponsorship, and Woolgoolga’s Finest Butchery and Aussie Fresh Seafood providing meat and seafood trays for raffles.

The brothers also extend their thanks to Mullaway Bait, Trimlyon Constructions, and Coffs Coast Civil for their generous support. With the Old Boys Weekend fast approaching, the excitement is building for this reunion on the field.

The Jeffery brothers will be training every Thursday in the lead-up to the tournament. Locals are welcome to catch up with the team and show support.

For more information, or to get involved, contact Mick Jeffery at 0434 265 367.

Good luck to Matt, Mick, Chris, and Andrew—proudly born and raised in Woopi, now uniting for one last run on the field!

Dan Keating, Ben McCreery, Lee Borland, Mick Jeffery, Blake Seymour, Sukhpal Mahli, Andrew Mahli Front row - Daniel McVey, Matt Jeffery, Andrew Hundal

C.ex Woolgoolga Bowling Club

Woolgoolga Bowls Club had a great month with a lot of social days bowls. This is great practise for the competition that will be coming up shortly over the next few months. Anyone who is interested in learning to play and becoming a member, the club plays social on Tue am, pm. Wed am. Thur am. Fri pm. There are qualified coaches that help all new players. Contact Lyn Kaufmann on 0478 034 256. 10/8/24 Fair Play Tournament, this is a great concept where a newer player is randomly matched with a major player. The day consisted of four games of nine ends of three bowl triples. 1st J Hinchley, M Hines, 2nd T Wylie, I Cork,

3rd J Lynn, Stuart Bailey. 2/9/24 A great in visit from Foster/Tuncurry and a player from Guyra. A great day was had by all that played on the day.

Tuesday 27/8/24 (Played ) Rod, Brenton (D) Donna, Hodgie. R Westonbrook, T Marrottie (D) R Baguley, G Lane.

J Taylor, Helmut (D) R Ryan, G Cunningham. D Mason, B Parker (D) K Stirling, G McInerney. Wally, John, (D) N Wood, R Bennell.

J Weston, T McKenzie (D) T Wylie, J Brooks. Dee, Corley (D) Elise, Nugget.

Ainsley, Rae (D) Keith, Judith. Fred C, S Dodd (D) L&L Walsh.

Jacky, Les (D) M Hopes, J

Wilcox. D Wesley, G Pallister (D) S Wall, K Costelloe. Woolgoolga Club will be starting the Thursday Night ‘TWILIGHT BOWLS’ on Thursday October 3, this is open to anyone who is interested. It’s a great night playing two nine end game of three bowl pairs, playing to some great music. If you

have never played before come and try and meet other people from the area. All equipment can be supplied, all we ask is that you wear flat shoes. Turn up 5.30 to 5.50 for a 6pm start, game finishes around 8.30.

Any other information can be obtained from Lyn Kaufmann on 0478 034 256.

Some of the ladies dressed in yellow for R U OK? Day
A great in visit from Foster/Tuncurry and a player from Guyra.
Winners from Fair Play Tournament J Hinchley, M Hines, with Vice President K Costello.

Where to find a Defibrillator on the Northern Beaches


Reflections Holiday Park

1 Lawson St, Red Rock. Outside Reception 24/7 access

Red Rock Bowling Club

1 Rudder St, Red Rock

Adjacent to the bar, above sign in table. Available club hours

Red Rock Surf Club

Inside Surf Club. Available when Surf Club open


Corindi Primary School

Coral St, Corindi Beach. Office access during school hours

Corindi Beach Hotel

7 Tasman St, Corindi Beach

To the right of front door in smoking area 24/7 access

Reflections Caravan Park Corindi Beach

93 Pacific St, Corindi Beach. Outside Reception 24/7 access


Darlington Beach Holiday Park

134 Eggins Cl, Arrawarra

1 x Outside Reception 24/7, 1 x pool and 1 x Starters Hut on Golf Course 24/7 access


Private Residence

6 Second Ave, Arrawarra Headland

Next to the mailbox or in wet weather on the verandah 24/7

Private Residence

12 Second Ave, Arrawarra Headland. Under the front deck 24/7


Mullaway Primary School

15 Whitton Pl, Mullaway. In Office access during school hours

Mullaway General Store

60 Mullaway Dr, Mullaway. Outside store, right side of front door


Safety Beach Golf Club

Safety Beach Dr, Safety Beach. On the right side of main bar. Access when club is open


Woolgoolga Swim School

207-209 Newmans Rd, Woolgoolga. Inside access during opening hours

Woolgoolga Fire Station

Cnr Solitary Islands Way and Dalgety St, Woolgoolga Inside station access when station is manned


C.ex Woolgoolga

18 Boundary St, Woolgoolga. Storage Room behind Main Bar access when club open

Diggers RSL

17 Beach St, Woolgoolga

Staff Room behind Main Bar access when club open

Art Gallery

Turon Pde, Woolgoolga. Lobby off main gallery near Ambulant Toilet access when Gallery open

Beach St Family Practice

51 Beach St, Woolgoolga. Upstairs in Treatment Room access during surgery hours

Lakeside Caravan Park

Lake Rd, Woolgoolga. Outside Reception on wall access 24/7

Woolgoolga Beach Caravan Park

12 Wharf St, Woolgoolga. Outside Reception on wall access 24/7

Woolgoolga Surf Club

1 Ocean St, Woolgoolga. On the wall to the left of The Hub Café access 24/7

Uniting Church

Trafalgar St, Woolgoolga. Back corner of Community Hall access when open

Netball Courts

Cnr Nightingale St, and Scarborough St, Woolgoolga. Access when Netball is being played

Private Residence

119 Bark Hut Rd Woolgoolga

Mitre 10

3 Featherstone Dr, Woolgoolga. Inside Store during opening hours

Woolgoolga Pool

Beach St, Woolgoolga. Inside premises when pool reopens


Sandy Beachouse Café Outside premises 24/7 access


Emerald Beach General Store

109 Fiddaman Rd, Emerald Beach. Inside store during opening hours

Emerald Beach Discovery Park

73 Fishermans Dr, Emerald Beach

Located at Reception access during opening hours

Rattle Restaurant and Bar 104 Fiddaman Rd, Emerald Beach

Eastern outside wall - enter through small gate 24/7


Moonee Market Place

Entrance door closest to BWS ( first door on the left)

Access when store staffed (3am – 12 midnight)

6 Boundary St, Woolgoolga In centre’s office access Monday -Friday until 12 noon

Moonee Beach Rd, Moonee. Beside ATM in Food Court access 24/7

Coles Supermarket

Moonee Market Place, Moonee Beach Road Moonee

Access during opening hours

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