The "Wo R-el" user's logo

Wo R-el

Beachmere, Australia

my profile pic shows a lot - English as digital language, and much more can be taken from it geometry, science, maths, it is not mine it is my drawing - it is the nine, the one, the eight, it is all and so much more...Wo slightly eccentric outside of the box thinker. there is power in your thoughts - when mankind is shared in thought, god is born, among man, from man - all ye are god - god is ye all May your every thought be one with your truth when you act....for it is your page your ink and your Quill......R.E.Lee 2011 On Understanding Oneself, as to God. To understand one's self, one. One must, learn to, think and there for speak, As God, would Speak...R.E.Lee 2007. if the multiverse exists then empower your multi-self by one truth and thought -- think as one, be one with your multi-self, you are infinite consciousness empower yourself by holding one truth through your multi-self R.E.Lee 2011. Unum Sanctum Cestui Que
