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Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court
Probate and Family Court Worcester Division NOTICE OF INFORMAL PROBATE G.L. c. 190B, § 3-306
Docket No. 2OP2420EA Estate of: Vincent P Leahy Also known as: Date of Death: July 21, 2020
To all persons who have or may have some interest in the abovecaptionedestateand,ifinterested, totheOfficeoftheAttorneyGeneralandtheDepartmentofVeterans Affairs, notice is hereby given on August18,2020 thatthePetitioner JohnVLeahy of Auburn, MA intends to file with the abovenamed Probate and Family Court, notsoonerthanseven(7)daysafter this notice, a Petition for Informal ProbateofaWillandPetitionforInformal Appointment of Personal Representative, to serve without suretyonthebond JohnVLeahy
of Auburn, MA
The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court,butinterestedpartiesareentitledtonoticeregardingtheadministration from the Personal RepresentativeandcanpetitiontheCourt inanymatterrelatingtotheestate, includingdistributionofassetsand expenses of administration. Interestedpartiesareentitledtopetition the Court to institute formal proceedingsandtoobtainordersterminating or restrictingthe powers of Personal Representatives appointed under informal procedure. AcopyofthePetitionandWill,if any,canbeobtainedfromthePetitioner. 11/05/20 WM
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