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Adoption Option
Meet Noodles
Welcome to Adoption Option, a partnership with the Worcester Animal Rescue League highlighting their adoptable pets. Check this space often to meet all of the great pets at WARL in need of homes. WARL is open seven days a week, noon-4 p.m., 139 Holden St. Check them out online at Worcesterarl.org, or call at (508) 853-0030.
Introducing … NOODLES! Noodles is an active and intelligent boy who loves to work for his food but doesn't like to share it. He already knows how to sit and is eager to find a home with someone dedicated to teaching him some new tricks. Noodles loves to play. When that play involves other dogs, Noodles does best with easy going, well socialized dogs with lots of dog play experience. When play involves people, Noodles would love to meet someone to teach him to play fetch! Noodles loves to run and right now his idea of fetch is more like a game of keep away. Noodles likes to stay busy and would love to attend our free dog training classes offered with adoption Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 p.m. An adult home that shares the same interests as this dynamic young boy is Noodles' dream!
WARL COVID-19 Procedures
As of Nov. 9, 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, we want to share with you some changes we have implemented so that we can continue to serve the pets and people of our community while keeping our team protected. • ADOPTIONS: At this time, adoptions are being held BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. If you are interested in adoption, please visit our website worcesterarl.org/ adopt/ to learn more about our available animals then call us at (508) 853-0030 ext.0 or email us at info@worcesterarl. org to schedule an appointment. • CASUAL VISITS TO THE SHELTER are prohibited. We will strictly enforce this in order to keep our animal care team protected while still maintaining the most essential function of our operation ... finding homes for animals in need. • ANIMAL SURRENDERS: Our business practice for surrendering a pet remains the same. All pet owners must contact WARL in advance of surrendering a pet. Please call (508) 853-0030. • SPAY/NEUTER CLINICS: All scheduled appointments will be honored. If you have a scheduled appointment, we will be contacting you to discuss changes to our drop off/pick up procedures. • DONATIONS ACCEPTED except for open bags of food. • Pet food, cat litter, and other shelter supplies will be essential in continuing to provide for our animals and to assist community members in need. To avoid unnecessary travel and exposure, items can be purchased online from our Amazon Wishlist — https:// www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/3AX342JIL73M0. • Weekly training classes are going on for adopters. • The WARL Volunteer Program is temporarily suspended. All regular volunteer shifts are on hold. We look forward to welcoming you back as soon as we can. We have many animals in our care who depend on us to stay healthy and well. The above measures help to protect our staff and community from the spread of COVID - 19 by minimizing face-to-face interactions while continuing to operate only core essential services. Please continue to follow our Facebook page for additional updates. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the shelter at (508) 853-0030 or info@ worcesterarl.org.
Noodles is available for adoption through WARL. PHOTO COURTESY STEVE GEORGON
Continued from Page 20D
stouts. We get that,” Cullen said. “But we also really like lagers and pilsners. And we’ve dedicated a new tank to them. We have a plan that if those take off, we can produce them in a larger quantity.”
A majority of the beer will go out the door, loaded into two new trucks River Styx purchased ahead of launching its most ambitious self-distribution effort to date.
“We’re hitting the road and actively seeking accounts, looking to get into any and every store we can,” Cullen said, noting the brewery hired a sales and distribution manager to lead the charge.
If all goes well, you’ll be able to find River Styx beer in every corner of the state, she said. The brewery will even send some cases overseas, starting with a shipment to Germany.
River Styx’s taproom regulars will benefit from the distribution changes, too: The brewery will have more beer on tap thanks to the brewhouse expansion and still plans to have taproom-only releases.
A year ago, Cullen told me how her brewery was struggling with the taproom closing to the public, juggling multiple business models, trying to keep the lights on and beer flowing.
Last week she could not stop talking about how bright the future looked for River Styx.
“We really haven’t made a large capital investment in the brewery,” she said. “We’re now investing more than we did to open the place. We’re hoping that this expansion will trigger future expansions that will be funded by us.”