2 minute read

Enjoy Fun By The Numbers puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Across 1 “Cinderella Man” antagonist Max 5 Stacks of cash 9 First name in Fighting
Irish history 12 Sansa’s sister on
“Game of Thrones” 13 ’80s-’90s TV legal drama with a license plate in the title screen 14 “Star Trek” captain 16 Show excessive stubble, perhaps 18 High point? 19 As originally located 20 Old-timey hangout with a counter 22 Step unit 23 Repair tears 24 ___ the cows come home 25 Huge success 26 ___ Nublar (“Jurassic
Park” setting) 30 Party invitation blank 32 Dark times? 35 Firing figure 36 Tourists’ warm-weather wear 39 2011 NBA champs, for short 40 Exciting way to take the world 41 “Middlemarch” novelist 43 Tangerine cover 44 Leading 47 ___ Aviv, Israel 48 Peachy keen 51 “File not found,” for example 53 Was still in the running 56 Phony 57 “Moral ___” (Adult Swim show) 58 Lizzo song of 2016 60 Rotary phone part 61 Starts the betting 62 To ___ (precisely) 63 Music collection 64 Marcel Duchamp’s art style 65 Overseer
“Hyphen It Up” — but a bit longer. By Matt Jones
Down 1 Send packing 2 “___ just the cutest?” 3 Made ___ (flirted, in a way) 4 Circle measurements 5 Cartoon baby’s cry 6 “Sad to say” 7 Swiss host city for the
World Economic Forum 8 Any ABBA member 9 Aliases, for short 10 Basic file format that allows for bold and underlining 11 Ornate cupboards 13 “Geaux Tigers” sch. 15 Laws of planetary motion discoverer 17 Chest chamber 21 “That’s sooo cute!” 27 Checkbook record 28 Godiva’s title 29 Audibly in shock 31 Damage 32 “___ I’m told” 33 East, in Spain 34 Louboutin item 36 Islands off Spain 37 Movie that brought on
“Army of Darkness” 38 “25 Words ___” (game show) 39 Way of doing things 42 Prof’s helpers 44 Faithful about 45 Plenty 46 “1984” working class 49 1977 George Burns film 50 Shell source in the Mario
Kart series 52 Clean-up clinic 54 “___ Well That Ends Well” 55 Two-___ sloth 56 ___ de deux (two-person dance) 59 Genetic info carrier

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