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Last Call
Mike MacInnis Kiva Centers program director
Mike MacInnis has managed to keep spirits high at Kiva Center on Shrewsbury Street in Worcester, despite a year of unprecedented challenges due to coronavirus. Kiva Centers are peer-led and trauma-informed communities across Massachusetts. The term “Kiva” has indigenous roots, representing enlightenment through mutual support, self-reflection, reemergence and healing.
Tell me about the groups you run regularly for members of your community.
There’s a wide range of offerings because we have such a large demographic of people who take advantage. We serve people ages 18 and up. We also have Zia, a young adult access center, that focuses on individuals age 16 to 22.
I see recreational classes like Zumba and yoga on your schedule, but there are also serious groups like “Alternatives to Suicide.” How do the people who need you find you?
Several different ways. We have our website. We update our Facebook page every day. We’re on Meetup. Hospitals and group living environments have our calendar available. I go to a provider’s meeting every month here in Worcester with Genesis Club, Community Health Link and Open Sky.
How long have you worked here?
Seven years.
And, what draws you to this place?
One of the other things that makes us unique is our staff. We’ve all gone through some type of traumatic life experience or a mental health diagnosis. Many years ago, my therapist recommended that I should check out the Central Mass Recovery Learning Community — Kiva. They said, “A lot of people there are going through some of the same things you did. I think you might like it.” So, I came and it didn’t really click at first, but then I kept returning to take a class. I’d meet more people. And eventually, I was like, “I think this might be my tribe.” One day, there was an event going on here and it was kind of chaotic and I said, “I think I might be able to help around here a little bit.” I talked my way into an interview with Brenda Vezina, the executive director and CEO of the organization. I started doing a few things here and there and that morphed into a little more responsibility and then a little more. Now, here I am. Seven years later, I run this center.
What sets you apart from other support centers?
We’re very nonclinical. We don’t pretend to be psychiatrists or social workers or anything like that. We are people who have had certain life experiences and we want to share those experiences with other people on their way to healing. You know what we found? A lot of the people that come here to take part in groups say the only validation they get every day is from coming here. You don’t have the hierarchy of a clinical structure. You don’t have someone telling you, “Take your meds now,” or “We know what’s best for you.” We want to help you find what’s best for you. And you’re going to lead the way. We’re never going to work harder than anybody else does on their own wellness, but we’re going to get shoulder to shoulder with them and do whatever we have to do to help them find their way. We actually do a lot of trainings now for clinical organizations and insurance organizations, teaching them the benefits of having a trauma-informed environment and teaching them how important mutuality is to an organization.
Do you mind defining the terms “trauma-informed” and “mutuality”?
Absolutely. Here’s a perfect example. You’ve probably seen a lot, in this day and age, about pronouns. Some people use male pronouns like “he” and “him,” while others prefer to use “they” and “them” because they’re gender fluid or they don’t identify. Being trauma-informed means asking someone, “What are your preferred pronouns?” Whenever we have a community gathering, we form a comfort agreement. We invite participants to introduce themselves and please share their preferred pronouns as a traumainformed practice. An example of mutuality is the fact that I’m sitting here in this office doing administrative work, but that doesn’t make me any different than anybody who’s coming in to sit for a peer support group or “Living the Loss” group. In fact, when we’re running at capacity, I make sure I get in at least one group a day. And I think it’s important that I do that. People realize we’re all in this together. We’re all equals.
How far is Kiva’s reach?
It’s global. We have worked with folks from Israel, the Netherlands and Singapore who are using our trauma-informed peer support model in their respective countries. We recently began a collaboration with CWWPP in Croatia. They are an agency that works with refugees and survivors of the war in the former Yugoslavia. Kiva is responsible for providing our peer support groups in every Central Mass.
NOV. 26
town and city, as well as some select cities and towns in Middlesex and Norfolk counties — 106 in total. Where does the majority of your funding come from? We are always applying for grants and, like pretty much all 501(c) (3)’s, we rely on the donations and generosity of others. We have a “donate” button on our website. (https://kivacenters.org) How are you supporting your community this Thanksgiving? By the time this article comes out, Kiva will have handed out over 100 turkey dinners for community members to come pick up on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. DEC. 2, 2020 WORCESTERMAGAZINE.COM – Sarah Connell Sanders 23