Manifesto – Mature Students’ Officer STEVE JONES Hello, my name is Steve Jones, I am a current 2nd Year student in the Health and Society Institute. I would like to ask you to consider voting for me as your Mature Students Officer. As a mature student I am fully aware of the added issues that being a mature student may bring to studies, for example needing to work (full or part time) and child-care issues. I would endevour to continue the good work of the previous Mature Students Officer, making peolpe aware of the help and support that the university offers. 63% of students at University of Worcester are mature students, however it may be that you still feel that you do not fit in, that University ife is for people younger than you. This is not the case, as a current Student academic rep and someone that is actively involved in the imminent University of Worcester Nightline, inclusion is something that I am passionate about.