President manifestos 2015

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Manifestos - President MARIUS ADAM My name is Marius ADAM and in my 3 years of being here, I’ve learnt that the student population faces too many barriers while at Worcester! From lack of communication to financial issues, all lowering student experience. These barriers need to be broken and our student voices need to be heard! I am running to make sure that you get the best support, services and value for your money! Up and at ‘em, vote for ADAM!

Key Manifesto Points: 1. Refining the relationship between the SU and the University by improving the communication between these two bodies. 2. Improving the image of the SU through better promotional events in Freshers’ week as well as throughout the year by: a.

Having volunteers explaining to students what the SU does and represents.


Improving and bringing up to date the SU website


Having societies make promotional videos in order to attract more students


Aiming to refurbish the SU toilets as well as keeping a better hygiene standard.

3. Engagement for everyone: No matter what race, religion, or nationality a student has, everyone will be strongly encouraged to get involved within the SU. Adopting a more flexible approach, anyone can be engaged as little or as much as they want, without the commitment! 4. Keeping an open door policy in order to encourage students to talk with the sabbatical officers who represent them. 5.

Focus on creating new commercial relationships.

Your vote matters! Be the change you want to see!

ZARINA AZAM Zarina Azam, studying BA Sociology in my final year. I am currently a Supervisor for Lush cosmetics and feel my skills in management make me an ideal candidate for the role of President. If elected I will be your 2015/2016 President and will: Focus on the 'Student experience' by putting on more events that allow students a well needed break from their studies. For example end of semester, Christmas, graduation events/parties. Improving Worcester's nightlife by forming partnerships and creating deals with independent bars as I am a firm believer in variety. Improving the SU and making the most of the facilities and space we have. Approximately a quarter of the population experience depression/anxiety within their lifetime. I’ll be encouraging services and schemes around the university, not only to raise awareness but to also support students. Focusing on welfare and safety of students, ensuring students are treated well and following the university code of conduct. I want to be a basis of support and ensure students are happy. Improved variety of places to eat around university, having food companies focusing on multicultural food and putting on food fayres. Giving students a platform for entrepreneurial schemes. Allowing them to set up stalls in the SU. Create a buzzing university community by providing relaxed and improved ‘chill out’ areas. University is not just for lectures but a life experience. My focus is on what the student wants and your voice will be heard. I won’t be pledging anything unrealistic that can’t be provided.

WESLEY HUDSON Hello, I am your current WORCSU President WESLEY HUDSON. With your Votes I can be RE-ELECTED to continue to represent you, support you and help you to have an excellent student experience. If RE-ELECTED I will try my hardest to:      

Continue with a transparent and open relationship between students and the Union by introducing open forums and officer blogs. Continue with the hard work I’ve already done around improving student housing and accommodation both on and off campus. Continue to work with campaigns and issues that matter to you as students . Continue to support disability provision, including access and DSA cuts. Create more accessible and inclusive events held in the Pear Tree. Work with the University to help increase your employability skills, through opportunities such as a student radio.

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Make the student hardship fund more accessible for students who may need it. Ensure there is communication between partner colleges and the University. Campaign to the University about improvements in parking. Campaign for better and healthier food on Campus, including better vegetarian and vegan food. Build better links with local businesses to explore the possibility of funded scholarships.

There are many changes that will be going on in the next academic year and the student body needs stability and consistency throughout and I feel like I am the person to do the job. Please vote for me as your 1st choice for President on the 2nd – 6th of March. #ReelectWes4pres


About me A mature but young at heart 3rd year Forensic Psychology student, a wife and mum to 3 beautiful children. Communication & Engagement Communication and engagement with students has been on the manifesto of many past presidents, yet we still have a long way to go!!

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Top priority student engagement with the entire university experience, be that through the Union, Clubs or Societies. Full and fair representation of ENTIRE student body. Visible, approachable and known!!

Leadership of the Team Worcester Student’s Union in made up of 14 individual officers, each with their own manifestos, goals and mandates. We are also part of the National Union of Students (NUS) and engage with national issues too. From my experience many other matters will crop up throughout the year that will need the SU’s attention, therefore it will be my job to bring the team together and ensure WE deliver the highest standard on all fronts. o

Introduce a Campaign Officer and Team to help with additional events and to grow support for our current officers.

The Experience so Far: 2 years BPS Student Representative (2013 - 2015) 1 year IHS Student Ambassador (2014 – 2015) 1 year Institute Rep for IHS (2014 - 2015) 1 year StAR (2014 - 2015) 1 year Student Councillor (2014 - 2015) 1 year as Vice Chair Psychology Society (2014 - 2015) Stood in by-election for Welfare Officer (2014 - 2015)

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