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I Will Praise Your Name Forever 2017 Prayer Journal The psalms, as well as many other passages in the Bible, are filled with the praises of God. As both the authors of the biblical books and the saints knew, worship and praise lift us up to the throne of God. This year’s Prayer Journal will help you to begin each day with a prayer of praise on your lips! • Quantities are limited, so early ordering is recommended. • Makes a thoughtful gift that will last all year long. ISBN: 978-1-59325-294-6 5¼ x 8¼, hardcover, 224 pages, $13.95 Item# JP2017
Abide in My Word 2017 Mass Readings at Your Fingertips ® Whether used at home or in church, Abide in My Word will help you follow the daily and Sunday Mass Scripture readings. The complete text for each day’s readings—including the responsorial psalm—are included. Abide in My Word covers the entire calendar year of 2017, and because the readings are arranged chronologically by date, they are easy to locate. Over the years, Abide in My Word has become a familiar and treasured tool to thousands of Catholics—and many find it a handy companion to the meditations on the daily Mass readings featured in The Word Among Us magazine. Available in U.S. only ISBN: 978-1-59325-293-9 6 x 9, softcover, 584 pages, $16.50 Item# AB2017
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Jesus Speaks to Me About Confession Angela Burrin Illustrated by Maria Cristina LoCasio “When you go to Confession, you meet me there.” In this book, Jesus speaks lovingly to children about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Each step of the sacrament is explained through beautifully illustrated Bible stories, such as Joseph forgiving his brothers, Jesus encountering Zacchaeus, and the parables of the prodigal son and the lost sheep. This keepsake book makes a wonderful gift for any child preparing for first Penance.
ISBN: 978-1-59325-291-5 8¼ x 9½, hardcover, 48 pages, $13.95 Item# BQBRE6
• Includes an examination of conscience for children as well as the Act of Contrition and other prayers • Appropriate for children ages 7 to 11. Available in U.S. and Canada only. Angela M. Burrin is the author of the best-selling Jesus Speaks to Me on My First Holy Communion and Jesus Speaks to Me About the Mass as well as other books for both children and adults. She currently serves as director of prison ministry for The Word Among Us Partners. Angela resides in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Maria Cristina Lo Cascio was born in Milan, Italy, and has worked in advertising, television, and publishing, all with the aim of bringing words to life through pictures for children. She is married and has three daughters.
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Praying for Those with Addictions A Mission of Love, Mercy, and Hope Anne Costa
We all know people who struggle with addictions. Sometimes they are our dearest loved ones. We often feel helpless in the face of their struggle, and yet our prayers are the best weapons we have to help them break free. Anne Costa shows us that we can cooperate with God’s grace as we wait in hope for healing to come. And as we wait, our prayers will help us as well. As someone who struggled with an addiction for ten years, Anne Costa writes with wisdom, experience, and conviction and helps us to view our prayers of intercession as a mission of love, mercy, and hope. • Features a weekly Scripture verse that readers can pray, claim, and reflect on, as well as two simple prayers to pray that same week. • A powerful message that will resonate with readers.
ISBN: 978-1-59325-295-3 5¼ x 8, softcover, 160 pages, $12.95 Item# BADKE6
Excellent Companion Book
Anne Costa is an author, spiritual coach, and motivational speaker. Her books include the best-selling Refresh Me, Lord! Meditations to Renew a Woman’s Spirit and, most recently, Breaking into Joy: Meditations for Living in the Love of Christ. Anne is active in service with the Sacred Heart Apostolate and the John Paul II Center for Women. She lives in Cicero, New York, with her husband and daughter.
Lord, I Hurt! The Grace of Forgiveness and the Road to Healing ISBN: 978-1-59325-200-7 160 pages, $11.95 Item# BHOHE0
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Signs and Wonders Encountering Jesus of Nazareth The Evangelical Catholic Ministry
If we want to know who Jesus is, then we have to discover what his friends said and wrote about him. We can find detailed accounts of Jesus’ life—including the signs and wonders he performed—in the Gospels. The Evangelical Catholic ministry created this guide to encourage everyone, even if they are not believers, to have a personal encounter with Jesus in the Scriptures. The six sessions include some of the most dramatic Gospels episodes: the wedding at Cana, Jesus walking on water, and the raising of the little girl who had died. The questions that follow spark discussion in small groups or thoughtful consideration for individual readers, allowing each person to come to a deeper understanding of Jesus—and why people choose to follow him. ISBN: 978-1-59325-296-0 5¼ x 8, softcover, 132 pages, $11.95 Item# BEC3E6
Amoris Laetitia The Joy of Love On Love in the Family Pope Francis takes a pastoral approach to the family in this long-awaited exhortation. This is an important document that will guide the Church for years to come in its care and attention to the family in all its dimensions. A study guide is included so it can be used for small-group discussion and reflection. Or read it together as a family! ISBN: 978-1-59325-302-8 5 ¼ x 8, softcover, 272 pages, $13.95 Item# BPFOE6 Available in the U.S. only
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Heaven Starts Now Becoming a Saint Day by Day Fr. John C. Riccardo
Once we have encountered the Lord Jesus, how do we keep growing in Christ? How do we let the Lord mold us and make us into missionary disciples capable of spreading the gospel? Instead of just trying to get into heaven, how do we live the life of heaven so that we can become saints? In this book, Michigan pastor Fr. John Riccardo helps us dive into the Scriptures so that we can apply them to our daily lives. In his inspiring and incisive way, Fr. Riccardo addresses the obstacles we all face in becoming mature disciples. How do we learn to forgive? How do we combat fear and understand suffering? How do we worship the Lord, love others as Christ loves us, and fully surrender our lives to God? If you’ve enjoyed Fr. Riccardo’s gifts of teaching and preaching through his broadcasts and podcasts, this book is for you!
ISBN: 978-1-59325-301-1 5¼ x 8, softcover, 160 pages, $12.95 Item# BNOWE7
Fr. John C. Riccardo is a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit. Ordained in 1996, he has served as pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel parish in Plymouth, Michigan, since 2007. His popular show Christ Is the Answer is broadcast daily over the EWTN radio network.
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Pope Francis Titles The Infinite Tenderness of God ISBN: 978-1-59325-287-8 176 pages, $12.95 Item# BPFME6
The Holy Year of Mercy ISBN: 978-1-59325-282-3 152 pages, $11.95 Item# BHYRE5
Pope Francis Speaks to Our Hearts ISBN: 978-1-59325-247-2 192 pages, $10.95 Item# BPF1E3
The Joy of Love ISBN: 978-1-59325-302-8 280 pages, $13.95 Item# BPFOE6 Available in the U.S. only
Pope Francis Speaks to Families ISBN: 978-1-59325-272-4 176 pages, $12.95 Item #BPFFE5
Lessons from Pope Francis for Children ISBN: 978-1-59325-266-3 Hardcover, 32 pages, $12.95 Item# BCFRE5 Available in the U.S. and Canada only.
The Light of Faith ISBN: 978-1-59325-248-9 88 pages, $8.95 Item# BPF2E3 Available in the U.S. only
On Care for Our Common Home ISBN: 978-1-59325-283-0 192 pages, $12.95 Item# BPFLE5 Available in the U.S. only
The Joy of the Gospel ISBN: 978-1-59325-262-5 224 pages, $11.95 Item# BPFJE3 Available in the U.S. only
Day by Day with Pope Francis ISBN: 978-1-59325-274-8 softcover, wiro-bound, $14.95 Item# CPFDE5
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Recent Releases
Good Morning, Good God ISBN: 978-1-59325-279-3 208 pages, $12.95 Item# BPTME5
The Gaze of Mercy ISBN: 978-1-59325-285-4 184 pages, $14.95 Item #BGAZE5
Praying the Gospels with Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ: Jesus' Miracles in Galilee ISBN: 978-1-59325-288-5 176 pages, $12.95 Item# BGALE6
The Infinite Tenderness of God ISBN: 978-1-59325-287-8 176 pages, $12.95 Item# BPFME6
With Jesus to the Cross A Lenten Guide on the Sunday Mass Readings: Year C ISBN: 978-1-59325-286-1 168 pages, $11.95 Item# BEC2E6
The Healing Stories of Jesus ISBN: 978-1-59325-290-8 104 pages, $11.95 Item# BTWME3 An Invitation to the Spirit-Filled Life 978-1-59325-289-2 144 pages, $12.95 Item# BFHSE5 Available in the U.S. and Canada only
Girlfriends and Other Saints ISBN: 978-1-59325-292-2 144 pages, $12.95 Item# BGRLE6
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Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-035-5 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BJY5E4
Prayers to the Holy Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-252-6 176 pages, $10.95 Item# BPHSE4
Mary's Life in the Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-192-5 128 pages, $10.95 Item# BMLSE1
More of the Holy Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-229-8 160 pages, $11.95 Item# BMHSE3
Holy Spirit, Make Your Home in Me ISBN: 978-1-59325-128-4 212 pages, $12.95 Item# BHSPE9
Your Life in the Holy Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-105-5 232 pages, $12.95 Item# BHASE7
Moved by the Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-114-7 120 pages, $11.95 Item# BTWDE8
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Children's Books Children's Books are available in the U.S. and Canada only.
42 Bible Stories for Little Ones ISBN: 978-1-59325-138-3 Hardcover, 96 pages, $14.95 Item# BQBAE8 For ages 4 to 8.
Praying the Rosary with Mary ISBN: 978-1-59325-206-9 Hardcover, 48 pages, $12.95 Item# BAPRE1 For ages 7 to 11.
St. Peter’s Story ISBN: 978-1-59325-196-3 Hardcover, 32 pages, $12.95 Item# BQBFE2 For ages 5 to 10.
The Look and Find Book of Bible Stories ISBN: 978-1-59325-230-4 Hardcover, 48 pages, $12.95 Item# BABSE2 For ages 5 to 10.
Saints Tell Their Stories ISBN: 978-1-59325-161-1 Hardcover, 62 pages, $12.95 Item# BQBDE9 For ages 5 to 10.
The Christmas Mouse ISBN: 978-1-59325-194-9 Hardcover, 30 pages, $11.95 Item# BCMTE5 For ages 5 to 10
Jesus Speaks to Me About My Baptism ISBN: 978-1-59325-264-9 Hardcover, 48 pages, $13.95 Item# BAPTE5
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Best Selling Children's Books Children's Books are available in the U.S. and Canada only.
Jesus Speaks to Me on My First Holy Communion ISBN: 978-1-59325-149-9 Hardcover, 48 pages, $12.95 Item# BQBBE9 For ages 5 to 10.
Jesus Speaks to Me About the Mass ISBN: 978-1-59325-182-6 Hardcover, 48 pages, $12.95 Item# BQBEE1 For ages 5 to 10.
Walking with Jesus to Calvary The Stations of the Cross for Children ISBN: 978-1-59325-245-8 Hardcover, 48 pages, $12.95 Item# BASCE4 For ages 5 to 10.
Lessons from Pope Francis for Children ISBN: 978-1-59325-266-3 Hardcover, 32 pages, $12.95 Item# BCFRE5 For ages 7 to 11.
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Everyday Encounters with God ISBN: 978-1-59325-139-0 152 pages, $12.95 Item# BWLGE8
Behold the Mystery: A Deeper Understanding of the Catholic Mass ISBN: 978-1-59325-228-1 192 pages, $12.95 Item# BMORE3
The Light Is On for You ISBN: 978-1-59325-250-2 168 pages, $12.95 Item# BLITE4
Faith That Transforms Us ISBN: 978-1-59325-244-1 144 pages, $12.95 Item # BAFTE3
Mending Broken Relationships, Building Strong Ones ISBN: 978-1-59325-277-9 152 pages, $12.95 Item# BLLCE4
Why the Eucharist Matters for Your Life ISBN: 978-1-59325-259-5 144 pages, $12.95 Item# BLTEE4
The Joy of Believing ISBN: 978-1-59325-271-7 216 pages, $12.95 Item# BGDYE5
Breaking into Joy ISBN: 978-1-59325-260-1 224 pages, $10.95 Item# BJOYE4
Signposts: How to be a Catholic Man in the World Today ISBN: 978-0-932085-38-2 128 pages, $13.95 ITEM# BSGNE0
When Life Doesn’t Go Your Way ISBN: 978-1-59325-152-9 160 pages, $11.95 Item# BWGCE9
Advent: A Family Celebration ISBN: 978-1-59325-041-6 128 pages, $12.95 Item# BAFCE4
The Marriage God Wants for You ISBN: 978-1-59325-280-9 144 pages, $12.95 Item# BMARE5
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Living in the Father‘s Embrace ISBN: 978-1-59325-253-3 128 pages, $11.95 Item# BEMBE4
Lord, I Hurt! The Grace of Forgiveness and the Road to Healing ISBN: 978-1-59325-200-7 160 pages, $11.95 Item# BHOHE0
Turning to God in Tough Times ISBN: 978-1-59325-189-5 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BPHTE2
Refresh Me, Lord! Meditations to Renew a Woman‘s Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-134-5 224 pages, $10.95 Item# BRFSE8
Surrendering Our Stress ISBN: 978-1-59325-154-3 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BSTRE9
Praying Through Our Losses ISBN: 978-1-59325-098-0 120 pages, $10.95 Item# BCFHE7
The Emotions God Gave You ISBN: 978-1-59325-185-7 160 pages, $11.95 Item# BEMOB1
Finding God’s Peace in Everyday Challenges ISBN: 978-1-59325-278-6 232 pages, $12.95 Item# BGMPE5
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Backlist MARK HART
Embracing God’s Plan for Marriage ISBN: 978-1-59325-204-5 112 pages, $11.95 Item# BGPME2
The “R” Father ISBN: 978-1-59325-174-1 184 pages, $11.95 Item# BTRFE9
Behold the Mystery: A Deeper Understanding of the Catholic Mass ISBN: 978-1-59325-228-1 192 pages, $12.95 Item# BMORE3
The Joy of the Gospel Evangelii Gaudium ISBN: 978-1-59325-262-5 224 pages, $11.95 Item# BPFJE3 Available in the U.S. only
On Evangelization in the Modern World Evangelii Nuntiandi ISBN: 978-1-59325-267-0 88 pages, $9.95 Item# BPPEE4
Sharing the Faith That You Love ISBN: 978-1-59325-251-9 192 pages, $12.95 Item# BSFLE4
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How to Listen When God Is Speaking ISBN: 978-1-59325-183-3 176 pages, $12.95 Item# BLTGE0
Winning the Battle Against Sin ISBN: 978-1-59325-225-0 184 pages, $12.95 Item# BSOBE3
Praying the Gospels with Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ Jesus Launches His Ministry ISBN: 978-1-59325-268-7 176 pages, $12.95 Item# BJBME5
Praying the Gospels with Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ: Jesus' Miracles in Galilee ISBN: 978-1-59325-288-5 176 pages, $12.95 Item# BGALE6
Remember Jesus Christ ISBN: 978-1-59325-109-3 152 pages, $11.95 Item# BRJCE7
Contemplating the Trinity ISBN: 978-1-59325-097-3 128 pages, $10.95 Item# BCTRE7
The Gaze of Mercy ISBN: 978-1-59325-285-4 184 pages, $14.95 Item #BGAZE5
The Fire of Christ’s Love ISBN: 978-1-59325-222-9 120 pages, $11.95 Item# BREFE3
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Backlist PRAYER
Praying for Our Adult Sons and Daughters ISBN: 978-1-59325-207-6 184 pages, $11.95 Item# BPACE2
The Rosary Handbook ISBN: 978-1-59325-099-7 144 pages, $11.95 Item# BRSAE7
The Inward Path to God ISBN: 978-1-59325-270-0 184 pages, $12.95 Item# BAVLE5
Praying Our Experiences ISBN: 978-1-59325-116-1 120 pages, $10.95 Item# BSM4E8
The Practice of Healing Prayer ISBN: 978-1-59325-140-6 144 pages, $10.95 Item# BGHTE8
The “R” Father ISBN: 978-1-59325-174-1 184 pages, $11.95 Item# BTRFE9
Good Morning, Good God ISBN: 978-1-59325-279-3 208 pages, $12.95 Item# BPTME5
Prayers to the Holy Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-252-6 176 pages, $10.95 Item# BPHSE4
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The Power of Daily Prayer ISBN: 978-1-59325-246-5 160 pages, $11.95 Item# BBDPE4
Walking on Water with St. Peter ISBN: 978-1-59325-223-6 144 pages, $12.95 Item# BWOWE2
Praying Through Our Losses ISBN: 978-1-59325-098-0 120 pages, $10.95 Item# BCFHE7
Celebrating Mary ISBN: 978-1-59325-159-8 144 pages, $11.95 Item# BHMYE9
The Compact Catholic Prayer Book ISBN: 978-1-59325-127-7 208 pages, $12.95 Item# BCPBE8
An Invitation to the Contemplative Life: Thomas Merton ISBN: 978-1-59325-085-0 144 pages, $11.95 Item# BTM1E6 Available in the US and Canada only.
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Walking the Little Way of Thérèse of Lisieux ISBN: 978-1-59325-205-2 264 pages, $14.95 Item# BSTSE2
Following Mary to Jesus ISBN: 978-1-59325-118-5 120 pages, $10.95 Item# BMRYE8
Looking to St. Francis ISBN: 978-1-59325-254-0 184 pages, $12.95 Item# BSTFE4
Everything Is Grace Thérèse of Lisieux ISBN: 978-1-59325-095-9 352 pages, $16.95 Item# BSTLE7
Praying with Thérèse of Lisiuex ISBN: 978-1-59325-263-2 120 pages, $12.95 Item# BSMUE4
Conversations with Mother Teresa ISBN: 978-1-59325-190-1 200 pages, $11.95 Item# BCMTE1
The Patron Saints Handbook ISBN: 978-1-59325-169-7 212 pages, $12.95 Item# BPSHE0
Facing Adversity with Grace ISBN: 978-1-59325-160-4 176 pages, $11.95 Item# BSUFE9
The Gospel Way of Mary ISBN: 978-1-59325-184-0 120 pages, $10.95 Item# BGOME1
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The Quick Reference Guide to the Catholic Bible ISBN: 978-1-59325-258-8 320 pages, $16.95 Item# BPGBE9
Dictionary of Biblical Theology ISBN: 978-0-932085-09-2 712 pages, $21.95 Item# BDUFR5 Available in the US and Canada only.
My Soul Magnifies the Lord ISBN: 978-1-59325-023-2 184 pages, $13.95 Item# BIGVE3
Living as a Beloved Daughter of God ISBN: 978-1-59325-052-2 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BGSTE4 All calendars are wirobound • 370 pages
Wisdom from Women Saints ISBN: 978-1-59325-132-1 $13.95, Item# CGWFE9
Conversing with God in Scripture ISBN: 978-1-59325-126-0 152 pages, $12.95 Item# BLDVE8
Journey with the Saints ISBN: 978-1-59325-009-6 $13.95, Item# CSTSE3
St. John Paul II: Words to Live By ISBN: 978-1-59325-059-1 $13.95, Item# CDSKE0
Day by Day with Mary, the Mother of God ISBN: 978-1-59325-079-9 $13.95, Item# CMARE7
Day by Day with Pope Francis ISBN: 978-1-59325-274-8 $14.95, Item# CPFDE5
Fr. Larry Richards’ Scripture Desk Calendar ISBN: 978-1-59325-257-1 $13.95, Item# CNBNE4
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Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-035-5 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BJY5E4
The Seven Last Words of Christ ISBN: 978-0-932085-98-6 96 pages, $10.95 Item# BJY3E3
The Words of the Risen Christ ISBN: 978-1-59325-100-0 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BJY6E5
Discovering the God We Call Father ISBN: 978-1-59325-136-9 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BJY7E8
Believe! Meeting Jesus in the Scriptures ISBN: 978-1-59325-281-6 136 pages, $11.95 Item# BEC1E5
With Jesus to the Cross A Lenten Guide on the Sunday Mass Readings: Year C ISBN: 978-1-59325-286-1 168 pages, $11.95 Item# BEC2E6
Signs and Wonders Encountering Jesus of Nazareth ISBN: 978-1-59325-296-0 132 pages, $11.95 Item# BEC3E6
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Backlist KEYS TO THE BIBLE SERIES The Psalms: Gateway to Prayer ISBN: 978-1-59325-221-2 112 pages, $11.95 Item# BPSAE3
Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving ISBN: 978-1-59325-197-0 136 pages, $11.95 Item# BTWJE0
Moved by the Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-114-7 120 pages, $11.95 Item# BTWDE8
The Women of the Gospels ISBN: 978-1-59325-170-3 120 pages, $11.95 Item# BTWFE9
Heart to Heart with God ISBN: 978-1-59325-125-3 112 pages, $11.95 Item# BTWEE8
Embracing God's Plan for Marriage ISBN: 978-1-59325-204-5 112 pages, $11.95 Item# BGPME2
Food from Heaven The Eucharist in Scripture ISBN: 978-1-59325-096-6 112 pages, $11.95 Item# BTWCE7
Mighty in Power The Miracles of Jesus ISBN: 978-1-59325-083-6 112 pages, $11.95 Item# BTWBE6
Treasures Uncovered The Parables of Jesus ISBN: 978-1-59325-056-0 112 pages, $11.95 Item# BTWAE5
Jesus’ Journey to the Cross ISBN: 978-1-59325-150-5 120 pages, $11.95 Item# BTWGE9
The Gift of Repentance ISBN: 978-1-59325-269-4 128 pages, $11.95 Item# BTWLE5
The Healing Stories of Jesus ISBN: 978-1-59325-290-8 104 pages, $11.95 Item# BTWME3
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C omplete L isting Title 42 Bible Stories for Little Ones Abide in My Word 2017 Advent: A Family Celebration Behold the Mystery Believe! Meeting Jesus in the Scriptures Breaking into Joy Celebrating Mary Christians at the Cross Christmas Mouse, The Compact Catholic Prayer Book Conversations with Mother Teresa Conversing with God in Lent Conversing with God in Scripture Conversing with God in the Easter Season Day by Day with Mary, the Mother of God Day by Day with Pope Francis Dictionary of Biblical Theology Discovering the God We Call Father Embracing God’s Plan for Marriage Emotions God Gave You, The Everyday Encounters with God Everything Is Grace Facing Adversity with Grace Faith That Transforms Us, A Family Journey with Jesus through Lent, A Finding God’s Peace in Everyday Challenges Fire of Christ’s Love, The Following Mary to Jesus Food from Heaven Fr. Larry Richard’s Scripture Calendar Gaze of Mercy, The Gift of Repentance, The Girlfriends and Other Saints Good Morning, Good God! Prayers to Start Your Day Gospel Way of Mary, The Healing Stories of Jesus, The Heart to Heart with God Holy Spirit, Make Your Home in Me Holy Year of Mercy, The Hope from the Cross How To Listen When God Is Speaking Infinite Tenderness of God, The Invitation to the Contemplative Life, An Invitation to the Spirit-Filled Life, An Inward Path to God, The Jesus’ Journey to the Cross Jesus Speaks to Me about Confession Jesus Speaks to Me about Easter Jesus Speaks to Me about My Baptism Jesus Speaks to Me About the Mass Jesus Speaks to Me on My First Holy Communion Journey with the Saints Joy of Believing, The Joy of Knowing Christ, The Joy of the Gospel Lent with Pope Benedict XVI Lessons From Pope Francis for Children Let Us Become Friends of Jesus Light Is On for You, The Light of Faith, The
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