Mary Magdalene such as crucifixes on the walls. The Bible and other spiritual books found their way onto tables and bookshelves, and soon their spines were bent and the pages well turned. Tom and his wife went on to have four more children, each of whom was baptized. Despite their growing family, Tom and his wife felt called by God to be more involved in their parish. Soon they were helping out at men’s and women’s retreats and serving the homeless. I’ve known Tom for most of his life, and I often look to him for spiritual advice. How he and his wife have raised their family—the kind of people they have become—is the stuff of books detailing the lives of the saints. I often tell people in my parish that I am privileged to have so many photos that capture Tom and me together, because one day he will be a saint, and those pictures will become holy cards! Tom has been a tremendous example of the kind of spiritual transformation that can happen when we let God love us. FOR REFLEC T ION 1. How does Mary Magdalene’s story challenge or inspire you? Do you think you need spiritual transformation? Name one small way you can come closer to God’s will for your life. 2. Are there areas in your life that need healing? Or do you need to be reconciled with someone who has hurt you or whom you have hurt? Consider how the Sacrament of Reconciliation can help you find forgiveness