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that can guide us to follow Jesus with confidence on the path of love and peace. Thérèse’s conviction ‘that God’s love, justice, and mercy are utterly and always without violence,’ forms the basis of her lessons and shows how we too, like Thérèse and Br. Joe, might break through our own personal struggles toward universal love, infinite compassion, and deeper peace, becoming Christ’s instruments of peace and nonviolent love for our broken world.”
—Fr. John Dear is the director of BeatitudesCenter.org and author of forty books, including The Beatitudes of Peace and The God of Peace. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Archbishop Tutu.
“The life of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, the beloved ‘Little Flower,’ can seem so far removed from ours. Many of us think, ‘Who could be as holy as she was?’ But this beautiful new book draws practical and accessible lessons from her life and her writings, and is sure to be enormous help to anyone who wants to live a more meaningful, loving and peaceful life. It’s like having St. Thérèse as your spiritual director.”
—Fr. James Martin, SJ, author of My Life with the Saints and Learning to Pray
“Those familiar with the life of St Thérèse of Lisieux might wonder: could anything new possibly be discovered about her Little Way spirituality? Our two authors have decisively confirmed that delving deep into the Theresian seam still delivers unimaginable gems of wisdom. Life Lessons is a masterpiece by two aficionados: one, a De La Salle Brother who has devoted his ministry to making the Little Flower known and loved; the other, an educator and expert leadership consultant. For