The certainty that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love: this is the heart of Christian hope. In Pope Francis’ proclamation for the Jubilee of 2025, he encourages all of us to be signs of hope to the world. While we may not always feel optimistic about the future, we are called to be renewed in hope and to press forward in our Christian lives. Be encouraged and lifted by this proclamation of hope!
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1. Rescued, Fr. John Riccardo, BGSPE0
2. Jesus Speaks to Me on My First Communion, Angela Burrin, BQBBE9
3. Trusting God in the Present, Fr. Jacques Philippe, BJPSE2
4. Unshakeable Hope, Fr. John Riccardo, BJRHE3
5. Wisdom from Women in Scripture, Kelly Wahlquist, BKWWE3
6. Clothed with Power from On High, Bishop Scott McCaig, BMCCE3
7. Jesus Speaks to Me about My Baptism, Angela Burrin, BAPTE5
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9.Abide in My Word, The Word Among Us Press, AB2025
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11. Jesus Speaks to Me about the Mass, Angela Burrin, BQBEE1
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14. Learning to Trust from Mary, Fr. John Riccardo, BJRRE1
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