3 minute read

Knowing God IN Remote Areas

Reflection from Wilf Bout, Word & Deed board member: A short while ago I had the privilege of traveling to the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua as a Word & Deed board member. Visiting this coastal area was a first for me and, as always, this new place offered so many things to enjoy. The natural beauty is truly amazing—winding rivers, ocean breezes, pine forests, noisy chachalaca birds, and even monkeys in the treetops! This coastal area also enjoys a very rich culture—a diverse yet blended people group with roots of English, Mayan, Hispanic, and African influence, but all speaking the common language of Miskito! There is delicious food and interesting building styles, but for me the most exciting part of the trip was meeting the exceptional team of our partner, Palabra y Hecho Nicaragua. Under the capable leadership of their director, Carlos Coffin, this team has put together a highcaliber educational program that I would love to see taught and implemented across the developing world! Since all these men and ladies have grown up in this part of the country, they have a unique understanding of the nuances of their culture. Combining this understanding with the things God has taught them through life experience, formal education, and most of all the wisdom that God gives through His Word, they have carefully developed a curriculum that clearly teaches our need for Christ and how His presence and authority transform our daily lives in our families, businesses, farms, and churches. It was encouraging to speak with men and women who are eagerly receiving this training and to hear their stories of how God has used this training to restore relationships with Him within their families and their communities. May God continue to bless His servants in Nicaragua!

After having recently traveled to our partner Palabra y Hecho in Nicaragua, along with Word & Deed board member Wilf Bout and his son Bradley, this quote from J. I. Packer was reinforced in my mind: “Once you become aware that the main business that you are here for is to know God, most of life’s problems fall into place of their own accord.” Our partner has realized this fundamental truth and has shaped their three programs accordingly. In each program, there are many stories to share of the change God has caused in the lives of these people.

Agriculture Training

The agriculture program begins by teaching the farmers courses that are focused on the fundamentals of who God is, His plan of salvation, and our sinful rebellion. After that, the agronomist teaches what the Bible says about family, work, stewardship, and finances. Finally, the three agronomists walk beside the farmers, showing techniques for growing coffee, cocoa, rice, and beans.

Walter Dixon is a coffee farmer who showed us his farm. When Walter joined the program, he had recently left his wife and four children to live with a younger woman. Through the counsel of the agronomist, Walter saw his sin before God. He repented and returned to his family. Praise God for revealing Himself to Walter and for allowing this family to experience God’s goodness.

Business Education and Microloans

Like the agriculture program, the business program begins with teaching small business owners a Christian worldview. They then learn the basics of biblical business practices. After three months, the business owners have the opportunity to propose a business plan and receive a loan if needed.

Yacarelis is a businesswoman who has operated a small food stand from the front of her rented house for three years. She shares that the program has taught her how to market her products better and to have long-term goals. Our prayer is that she would come to know God more and learn to trust Him with her future.

Theological Training for Leaders of Remote River Communities

This program is focused on teaching a beginner’s level of understanding the truths of God and His Word. The goal of this training is to strengthen Gospel understanding to five largely unreached and underserved communities of Nicaragua.

We heard from 15 of the attendees how the teaching had impacted their understanding of God. One pastor shared that he is thankful for the program because he is learning things of God and His Word that he never knew before.

He is now teaching these things to his congregation which is more involved and more committed to serving in the church than ever before.

We are encouraged by the faithful labor of Palabra y Hecho to make God known in Nicaragua. The current political situation in this country is threatening the existence of Palabra y Hecho, but we trust that God will continue to seek out worshippers in this place, “for the Father is seeking such to worship Him” (John 4:23). W&D Scott Dekorte works for Word & Deed in Project Management and Public Relations. He and his family live in Welland, Ontario.

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