2 minute read
It is indeed a great privilege to be serving Word & Deed Ministries. I have seen firsthand the impact of the work of W&D this spring in trips to Uganda, Kenya, and India. It was very encouraging to see how programs are improving the lives of the recipients in each country and providing relief from perilous living conditions. However, it was so much more encouraging to see how our focus on sharing the Gospel was impacting the people. Churches are being established and growing in numbers and in the knowledge of the truth. Praise the Lord for His wonderful work among those who hear and heed His Word.
ible blessings on the work and how He has transformed lives.
Laurenne W
As the Canadian Board Chair, I would like to welcome the newest member of our staff. Laurenne Wattel is our new Administrative Assistant and works in the office in Ontario. I also want to express our deep appreciation for two board members who have retired following many years of service on the board.
1 Thessalonians 2:4 says in part, “we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God.” The question comes to each one of us: Are we speaking to our friends and acquaintances about the Gospel? It has been said that life’s two greatest privileges are to speak to God on behalf of others and to speak to others on behalf of God. Remaining silent is the least loving thing one can do. At Word & Deed, this is the main focus of our work—to spread the Gospel message wherever we work in the majority world so that people will come to know the Lord Jesus. We have witnessed God’s incred-
Dr. Arjan de Visser has served us for many years and due to his many other responsibilities is no longer able to serve on the board. Mr. Harold Leyenhorst has also served on the Board for numerous years, including several as the Chairman. Both Dr. de Visser and Mr. Leyenhorst provided wise counsel and insights and they will be sorely missed. It is my prayer that the Lord will bless and provide abun dantly for them. W&D
Corney Les is the Board Chairman of Word & Deed Canada. He lives in Chilliwack, BC.
Board and Staff Retreat
On May 11–13, the Board and staff of Word & Deed gathered in Grand Bend, ON, for a sweet time of fellowship, informative meetings, and Zoom presentations from some of our partners. Altogether, our group represented five
NAPARC church denominations: Canadian Reformed, Free Reformed, Heritage Reformed, Orthodox Presbyterian, and United Reformed. It was a blessing to gather together and was an encouraging reminder to all of us of the blessing that the Lord continues to place over the work of Word & Deed.
Word & Deed recently was involved with two construction projects run by the Orthodox Presbyterian Church Uganda Mission. The first project was staff housing for medical personnel of the Akisyon a Yesu Presbyterian Clinic (AYPC) in Karamoja. There are 12 housing units that are 400 sq. ft. each, along with a well and a latrine. Dave Vander Meer and Corney Les of Word & Deed visited these projects earlier this year. While there, they were able to meet with the North American staff, including the Folkerts. Word & Deed also helped the Knox School of Theology in Mbale with the construction of a ten-room dormitory and dining hall. Word & Deed provided $193,300 CAD / $145,400 USD to these two projects. We were blessed in assisting the OPC in their efforts in Uganda. to

James & Corrie Neven, Scott Dekorte, Kara Luiting, Dave & Julie Vander Meer, Bert & Marietta Mulder, John Jagersma, Jay & Stacia VanVoorst, Paul & Patricia
Beezhold, Clarence Jonker, Laurenne Wattel, Wilf & Sharon Bout, Harry Kooistra, John
VanGameren, John & Connie Otten, Rick & Diane Postma, Pastor Adrian & Ruth
Dieleman, Lyle & Carol Ypma, Pete & Lois
Vanderstel, Dave & Christine Wielinga, Scott Koopman, Paul Wagenaar, Karen
VanderSloot, Heidi Pronk.
Not pictured: Jen Koopman, John & Toni
Board Members Not Present: Eric Brandt, Paul Laman, Corney Les, and Eric Greendyk.