Celebrities Who Fought and Won Against Drug Addiction
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Drug addiction is one of the greatest problem celebrities face.
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Wrestlers and musicians use a lot of performance enhancing drugs.
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Drugs help wrestlers absorb the pain of their act.
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In the last decade, a lot of musicians and wrestlers have died from drug addiction.
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It is possible to be drug free if one is encouraged and fights towards it.
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Oprah Winfrey confessed to have used drugs through the eighties.
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Eminem was a drug abuser but was helped by Elton John to fight the situation.
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Iron man fought addiction for a very long time.
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Jon Stewart became a drug abuser from the age of fifteen.
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Slash was encouraged by his wife to stay off drug after he was diagnosed of congestive heart failure.
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Read the full article: https://drugrehab.wordchapter.com/celebriti es-who-fought-and-won-against-drugaddiction/
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