Difference Between Liposuction and Slim Lipo Liposuction
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Liposuction is the process of removing excess fats from different parts of the body.
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Slimlipo has minimal recovery time compared to traditional liposuction.
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Slimlipo makes use of two different wavelengths of laser light.
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Turkey is a leading destination for liposuction.
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Laser liposuction is less invasive leading to minimal recovery time.
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The laser is used to melt the fats in specific areas of the body.
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Traditional liposuction often leads to sagging of the skin.
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Liposuction can be used to smooth body parts.
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Liposuction can be carried out on different parts of the body.
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An FDA approved laser is used for slimlipo.
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Read the full article: https://medicaltourism.wordchapter.com/diff erence-between-liposuction-and-slim-lipoliposuction/
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